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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 7

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hl W eat anad PIERTILIZERS AT SMALL COST. ~Ul ENCOURAGE CULTIVATION Ay1W1t@u 11-ý-te to 2speect Cmot11pOf Great Vlete eh Campslgn by Cana&îan Paec Ry.teir. l@1 idsgiven tQumafl. Iietetîc Ghedens.à,," TeVDi< Meet Food shotg.USN ~perts mayt Fertility of the oi is of prime ira-II e der.su7 Piu aboterrane, nMaytus±ey ilsosIn order to encourage the settie- tîc a ment 'and cultivâtion of vacant landsba.uled andje nei IverUW*% ese, Ùtýheyare may be made fertile. Where It 151Poo- Why Mr. and Mire. West Reeom- ini the Western Provtrices, the Cana- Ishape. rice1 agreed on this.- The ible, a green cover crop of clover, al- da Pacific Raalway Cmpany, H. der. 4"Pa raIfs, peas or beauis may le ploughed mniDd' inyPle through Its Colaniz.±jon and Develop- electrie iighti co bntin i hrde nder wlth benefictal resulta. This in ment Departmnent, o which Mr. 3. ' es. a c Wheat Biscuit with miflc '-vecially valuable for heavy cdaY- Dennis is the head,'has undertaken Oversaize tires, -the greatest am u.tof:ils that nee<t the addition o! humus.! They Cured Mr. Wemt's Lumbago and an active campaign to try and indue (DO. proei (te leenttht ever humn your leavea, or anything; Madle Mr*. West Feel Liko a New absentee owners to cuitivate ther.114ht. nd buoids (muculrntîssue forfor that matter. if you have a garden. Pranhe reàe et o I.iodng.benisud osoe and star p Ailiofstmunes;lirl tiosse)hforUI1yA circular has be mdcar. Price $69 thelestmony. Tw ori a urned. ,nay ha utillzed more Of- j t-J&mes Man. May 28th S9peclal) 8,o0o absentee owners, pointing out EI fectively as a compot than as ashes, -Thbat Dedd'a Kidney Pill8 are lng the profitS which can b. mai: by j> î<e k three of these Biscuits9 with . which are difficuit to handie and a up to their great reputation In the cultivatingthi lnaad hwigdosiight mil m k nuihigflarge portion of which la likely to West 18 twice proyed tyy Mr. and Mra. how manY farinera soid their Iastet .wih milk on whieh ori escape.01 course, if you have wood G. West, well known and 'hIghly re- Yeara' crop for more than the original BUrn dSON b eafs ashes fromn the fireplace, save them 8perted resàdente uf this place, bet ceat of their farmis. I ter. 4 cyli 'the day'S Work and they -rarefuîly and use themn ehere they MrS. West telI tle sîory of wtiat the The Company offers the. advice and running order. coetonl a ew cnts A ill do the Most good. treat Canadlan kldney rernady he@ assistance of its Colonization and 19XDONi COstOnI a fw cnts. A H powored, In Ptome part of your ground start a dune for ber husband and heritl. IDeveiepment Department fr40 Of Tourlng clar.1 boon to the housewife be- roornpr)st heap, or, better, a pit. Into "My huirbamd suffered trom attacks charge, in supplying reliable iporma-1 looks ikienw cause they are reacly-Cooked it put everythilig that will decay andi of lumbago,~ she state,-andi the clov tion as to how tu go about gett1floe QTLDE ---] andredytoea. elcl sf ora vegetat-le food. AIl the trlxn- tor d1d hlm no -good, but 1 can trutt- the land under cultivation and WMIYi r.4 cyli and eadyto-c-t. ellcOus ings and clippinga from garden and I'ullY say Iliat since using Dodds Kid- send, on request, the. fullest details as Tht. caor . with bernies or other frUits. ý'awn, leaves, even garbage, may be ney Pilla hielie entIrely free tri>n lum-l to routes of travel, euatomas regula- very nice. Pr-g Made -in Canada- broutzht together, and by use of lime ba»o. I tions, pasaenger and freight rates and j &<Cv[EoN. a kept fron being an off ence while it la 1 -1 mysel? took sIx boxes of Dodd'asaimilar data. do grn _____________________ undergoing the change that will make, Kldnev Pille mand am jiEt Ilike a nov In undertaking this csaugn the ai the pftce. rj it available for the garden. person. 1 have galned 10 Ibo. sànce un. Coipany is following-ita usual broad sk1ý3 On. of the very best of aIl mater- 1155 thein and niy friende compliment policy of Dominion-wide development, Pt, lot. A VI Ilme oJl lais for use In the garden ja sod. C 08on hourveil I louk. i realizing that every new set.tler means sial o Whenever you have a littIe Urne, dig " have recommended Dodd'a Kid- greater production to meet the foodWe ouiy seil up a few soda in out of the way cor- IAI Pilla toe oins of my lady friendas hortage whch et present threatenasaîîseded himas Jners and put them away. They have e who were complataing of nut feeling the world, and which Canada, with t!.. 0f thexa stored up in them the food of other well- and they, 1ke mysoif. speak high- its extensive and fertile unploWed and let our sa years and as they tmellow and mixl y of tbom.", areas. can provide. Our used cars.a - v ith the soil they will ha of the ut- Dodd's Kdney Pllas cure the kld- tio. »m~ mnost value. They are pîaced In alter- neYs. ('ured kidneys malte pure blood. 01- i 1 -10ta - e naeslayers with barnysrd manure, theaet h o dde ine P. ae WORLD'S GREATE8T MIGHWAY -- F ,, ~~and will, when turned from time to h eiIue tirne and thoroughly rmlxed so as toiW.aGo odCnuisBfr Matte forni one substance, be idea] for use' in the flower or vegetablbý bordera. 1 IAN HAY'S MILITARY CROSS. The Blrth of Christ Two men wi In well ordered oId gardens there is Search vtbere yuu wu], Yeu ul flnd hisef a ai alwayus a compost henp, hidden avmyi Gallant Deed Whlch Earncd For Ri no bigtiwa.y In the whole wogird no ro- hUNO Johna l>ehind everzreens or In some out of! the Deserved Deerata. mnucsteGan TrkRadf You neyer wn the way place, yet convenient of ac- Nearly every one has either heard Indie-A tel ene of bard ietadte "No," mrta ces& f ouare bgnigyu a-CpanlnHyRih uhro'l D--ecnlmo u ed h laid an egg, bi denth Yer egi yur omostheP,"The Fn-st Hundreti Tbousand" and very ut-fjnged by double rwsofan egg than as Énd k.'ep'it going as long as you have' "Getting Together," or lias heard Of trees, It runs for 1,400 miles througb a gaden Yo yu be urpiae tehian; a great many people know that the vant northern pWan w-ih d krta A"k fox Uaum id how mnany things can go into it h. vas decoratad with the Military;'he11. yafromn Caiutta te a with a Y-ant eginngyu rossaptai Ian Hay Beth ator ofirPesar, n eh deea ntdinàsth r mny rieds nowtheoccsio ofhorizon It stretdies tilt a brvad whIte vatar. By fl rIE[C HE THthe honor. ribbon, as soeftmngly atriglt a. If cl h cr PERFECT HEALTHIt vas at the battle o! Loa, li Sep- trs.cad by a gtguatiC ruler. And Ã"oted perd TO tmber 195, tat Cptan B a' ISg eg Lentira lengtis arehundrede ____ DUE THE BLOOD regirnent,9the' Tenth Argyl and Suth- or vsygide ree-bouSeas, *It t eorland orighlanders, Co- theholding un-ia&h a&v aretdgaewy No (irl r W mainNee Be on-position on the third line of German looketi down on t1le rosi and have PA treche. Al ut ourofthe officers seen itsas they s"s it to-de.y. it a stanty Ailinghad been killed or wounded, and fin-'tihe wclds greeteet htgtiway befora ue \.. V nlappy. alIy, when the enemy had surrounded; Rome vas cradîed. Alexa.nder the girl ev e gailant little company on three!Great led hie Graesa alonc it to the vm~s. > l, Nature intendeti every gr andti ay ides the order was given t fali back. 0onQuest 0 Northiera mua. & wotnan to 1e happy. attractive, active! Captain Beith, wlth four o! bis mec., Beddha lilmself took bis dally walka______ and heatuhy. Yet to<i nany of tbem 'Was left te man a machine gun tolabong It centuories butea hristvas fl nd, thl er IOves saddened by suff enng-, cover the retirernent o! the reginient. cradied. It bas sean 100 generationa nearly alwava because their blcod le te One b3' ofe the mnen vith Captain o!mnReadg;ys odyi a ~ OO blarnie AIl tho>se unhappy girls and Beith f eu under tire, and finally the; to the eye, exactly tha em sais n thel for the f wonen with colorlesa heeks, dulI Captain vas le!taloe. ilotic<-goiie yeare vhen NlI-eas.b as a Frf4 te. Vol Flowered voile trinimed with plain ski ns and suriken. lusterless eyes. are It is almost absolutely necessary for! prend clty andi our own ancasters t7 organdy la a chaa-ming combination'iu tbis condition because thay have not two or more men to operate a machine'gnawed boues lu Ibsir caves. zn fOr a summer froek, eîpecially if made'enough blood, red blood In tboîr veinae u.btCpanRihsoc ti _______ in mnne smilr o te ccopay-to keep theni well and in the chaini of alone. Then, before his ammunition i ine illuistration, The pleated skirt 1lîealth. They s-nffer f roul deprmiangvaehasd.teunam dad HALTY CILRNWe h flnisNhed wîth a frilaround the wit eaieeand periodi-cal heada wes. e auses. thng rmeanti T CHL RE helli andi big, fluff y pockets, is unusual In Dark lines fern iunder their eyes, their terefore, for hlm te do but retire, and t W na10ktp r its style %~nd daintiness. McCali Pot- heart paîpitaies violently atter the utrh ev 1r a aole is I.tg cattlra for littie-oms to-be U tei N.8,Ldes Waist, in 6.i tellghtesu exertlon, and they ara otten troopa. Se few veeka later, te hia weki, andi vitb cars avery baby mn be 3iea 4 to 44 buét; anti No, 7750 attacked wltli falnting spelIa. These getBihrcie getsurprise, Captain Bi PI AN<ke'wll t mi tiit&ad Ladies' T,ý.vo-Piece Skirt, in 39 or 37-:are o<fly a ewfthe ml> iÃŽserles of blodbis deceration. kf d bol ________ o o eepth, IA inch iengt,ýi, in 5 sizes, 22 to 30 waist, llessneas. NothIng can secure girls and i alestomachseet and thir belvs _____- Price, 20 c ents <'ach. - vonien trOthte Inevitable dec.linaf -----rerulIa.r. ah', Onwa 7&)Tabets v 4- d DenM II M L ID 1I bd te give D U à aMuY cM man4agea a dss.th. M Ngan 9y MY wo,-k aud retuirn home.. t v&& ai t'Me awKnt utrlChe tasvajiati Cacrt. senti a NEY *UOl EreSs thssaetiaWIlInd bi rt ows s.adfl xc bol of 1te)r. y tjpkpinn.B s andmo rflin thea caaeo! a puluonbunisi!Order. TmneY are Payable everyvh.r,,, are il l. rae fr tnebcnvam e tyt houg Bythe"«Ioulsde pl t te district la viniCi, telI'4 J rueSweallsbpulp Mliii -are oV Blome focriareal te ag fr te ol W u>d toubtthyvere 'the àamat payable by bis alecutorS~~te ~ lit]tle ts. The cunning modal A l- J elptng me, and !decdleati tecotinue w» ,nanuacturixn lustratet 10 Made witb dres a nd usîng the pille, I bob ahait dosas Bt theélacet curfous tas ut al vs heW«ila 'bloomers attachad,Inxaking one gar- boxsmonre. when my sîransis h" unsi&mposai!la 16;4 en bts aniad -mnent to handie and te make, but giv- Icompletely euuouy peî,vsah..l "ir epeett. I', rdidu'amii~ -~ iug lb.effect O! tva when the iîttu-e freutrd. my g clr retum-ed. lsaadacb.s frouab eg vatt9d.a h " j'.. i olv~ryul hs s dreas fa on. MeCal Pattern No. 7788, bai!disappearetiandi I vag 10611111bet- tICIs 90 5850(181 (o huimaiCteroit , ng.put s~e orse sit tua ali u Child'a Bloomer Déesii; je S aises, ?, to ter than 1i!b ae fer lst. î1voidi bai tome aomeçicnouaiy mou*od iou tise pei 'ju-egq~utit u 6 years. Priceq 15 cents, urge every veaxitanti aiing glte t pl SaiOfwIh 11îS.8pouris ashehn l u eagle vt lsa$,1.Mo These patterais MAY b. obtained Dr. WillIaz.' Pinke Pille a fair triai."1 malter.sd an ti dla mt « te lai- 1sait. Tase iSt as _"aa~j fr'om your local McCall dealer, or frein liase pisearam oitiby ail Medicine 1in# PIorI. Tins VOIR ta b. plivs yVWaJ lt t iseua - te MÇai C,,'~0 Bond St., TerPite deajert or May b. had by mail et SetregulkWdbir tise Sdue «thse boot « 'tltU de.,' uter agud'mb is w DepI. W. cents a box or six bois. for *2.50 fr e e. ins. *p.an*itfýrx then questicao 4- TinsDr. Wliam.' Medicne («.Bare*.bea-uty, la IJiose damsIl vwua 'l m A STATE'S BUTCHER SHOM . villeOnt. 1vastage taW 1ars a uii oot. It saVaiS UIIIdSVYSu New Zenîand Oie»s lwo uinekau _____ AsAnEsel1 uToO0F OUR M07141R EVt ______]:____ The New Zesaad goveraoeent asjh«- 4 recently opened Ivo buttihar siiopa Mahammedausa Claim l<vs las urls vUi t MT A coq% 'in Aucknd la urder lu keep the re. Noir yegajh, Port « mu& OFF Wif'HUT PAIN tail price. Ofmeat down te the -loest l utvthoe 7tsu memnoreng =,t thetomb e atsa-t whlcb markts theto- uts au*. ausan8 1âmaeuuv i~au ouwu1N i W @ hi IWniuI aseil16 la ti, pres e me boan- m '> estide <pue0( £va *4UoIbT______ h _ fOIin 0» I4m; za =eue-s supplie*. s ce t-wemam LTuetragaujun baes V* vas biried COMPSUO nio 00 tseAuickland i s ort SM Mer 9tis o emttind, iA tisa 8 4WM & upplY useot to liseindurîng ..5boleti edbyr »to m~a aisMe oua - - teat.mentis at bore cou re,-PMoitla Ceyme. but sIstaà,delUtel isy 4WIP" the trsnssctloa - Tha e vsrnmapî ., 5iUe.ii - ~ ~ ~ o d n a «a, b masa udi - I Nât sub- m& me ter e*nt4 Iuo r V.ar$ts Iik MebbQtý ter M tme1.« fwQ "i à".1 làsd .lwâ__m ____ - 1Sm -" êtL laf i4a" a&juz .VV 7x - IwIM RMýýIIA gi aiis4 rx bfflaY* isIs #amI. Isy ude ple diigyo 1193zs3 rois artu uU'VIPPEEUNox -SALE M iL L A C IN C O O D ItU N - I P R o F I-p I L G il..N O ~ coditon. ea uer. Offces,- for sale Ile 5004-Ontario; r~o. ~ lOvas. Tns mosî umafulanI nterestlng ~~~~~O &OECCT N a Il buriases. luil Information on 1916 er OurLnG C-. NîecappllcaUon 10 Wilson PubliuhIng Corn- nd starter. Rece11îy 0,r- i PanY 74 Adelaido Street. Toronto. ewly pain led. Tires In good 1 _ iaser.ger Touring Car. wlth IIC1CLiWT-.ïEw ANI) SECN m anti starter. ThoroughlY n'I.id. $12.90 up. Senai for aspecial 0cor sho p ant i ewly ptLint- prie. laI Varsty Cyle Works. 413 ,ra on au seats and-doora Pvuedn[ Av*-. Toronto. Prîc 11.00. 1IANCE&~ TUmoRs, Lumps. ETC. iSODEL 37. 5 PASSENGER. % Internai anti external. cured uwîîh- oer Tqturnwr Car. ElectrIe mut pain by olp' home treatment. Write arter. in goot--.unngnj order j un befai-.too ate- Dr. Ielmi ati dcal ainted. Loo s lice a new -Co.. LimIîe4. C oin wooa... Ont. - DN. A VE-RT FINE cle tid car seatng lre. te anti starter. also Insite Nea.rly ail the windoWrs isves ample ventilation for nx p Prce $700. MODEL 33. r) PA4SSEN- linder Touricg Car, lit good s- aet a apeclial price, $850. 91a 3fOzEL 64 A HSGIR six cylinder, ô passengar In oro*d rucnicg order and Ainat-amod 0M iamauas. odt, eLa rrice$760-lft mrameath inIacrc.lamwith the ender Touring CaLr. ile good r. T ires iln goo ti h pe. A tb r ze d te P b îira M entber . m i a rin Psnted this year andi look& NWaee r;i*l aaa 'Ico 8350.i uermau.me cnwA* r 5PASSENGER, 4 CYIN- If th.oeelune i lo of Cho..,.,'en 19 Car. Has electrlc llg 1fu rwdistoict, appkly eate ma of the de '0i! tires, andin a bargain t IoLvla e&oieau, A J. W. Eiw.d, .P" W. F. Mmai, fo 3 PASSENGER CABiRI( - " cail«li mry hantisome closeti car. h doctor. Prie* 81.000. .t spél. J .Bl.M.. I uneti cars arter the ur- Gran d o eussh ckadiaedicul ba a demnstraton and HAMILTON - ONARI du leI! of the runnînq quai rhe. la buyinig. Cali- at oui' t Urme you are En Toronto ul«esin show you any o! muid tive yu a demenstra- Loi AUTolHOmtLEGO., z4mnuldF e BUIsee Toroate. OaS- ter of Judgment. were beîdly dlaeuassng the C ook. Finally crie o! them, lthor, a&t te , her:T Y'OU can't appreelate it. rote a bock yoUrself."sy rted John, «Iýnd 1 nover but l'in a betier judge of .ny hen." t w avay biarat milk; pour Lis jug and atand ln cold tna lime the mulk isn qusta ýced taateayul have dis- Se -lf elr e Homo Canninig of noetables and Maeu myhsg your- Piano I t mhavlag am ro, HIGEL" 0 ACTION )OG D)ISRASïsg And How to Feed lècTheMiInow7Ey-. S octor JudkinTIoe kedicii ~sbiaAaonsMgRIeprt on Remedy To Strwngthien Eyesý Lt regten Ie.*It Oin Om.Week. Tns ONTARO MIEDICINE EDUCATIO N APPLIED SCIENCE Mlning G<11 lCivil, Mechanical anti 91=1 ricalEngineering. HOME STUDY Art@ Coursu hy correspondence. Dekre Sommer School Naviation S4oa J-ly -ad A-gust DucejaLse ta A$,i 15 R. Y. CHOWN. R.s-ura crm a Boe Spavin, Ring Dons, Splnt Curs, Sida, Bon., or sdmilar trouble gud gets horse going aound. I t acts mildly butî jickly and ' d re- su ite are lasing. D« motutllter or remova the hair and hors. cau beworked. Page 17 lin pamnpilét with eacli bottle tells how. $2.00 abottie elivered. Herse Book 9 M fre.: %LBSORBIN., JR., the antisepic liniment oe insnklnd, reduces Painful Swellinge, En- argcd Glands,%V~ens, Bruiscî,VaricoseVeinuj ials Sores. Aiiays Pain. W11îtell y-ou eore if you mite. $1 and $2 s bbttle ai sie, or delved. Liimi tr«a bocle foi 10c aspa& LF. YOUNS, ?. 0. F., 516 Lynians Oldg., Montui, Cms êserbsg. sd Absorbhit e. n. jr' metinlaCuad& SUMMER SHOES - are the most complete fine of summer footwear ever made. The Fleet Foot trademark goe on shoes for every summer need -for work and play-for men, women and ildren. Ath youp dealer bmsA*hm.rn, A. eét Fioot in- you'il fid dact(y wha#you want'-rd the pré=a S-e la haif, -a thW- d Ivn hum, tha,. quaLy attrcti#.thm".u otwou code - ý .d -- ~O4 - t f 1'j 'I t - I t t - i rd% ma t"e no other.

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