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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 7

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À AWell Komi Residoit of Port ugswkes1bry lW lFetored t Uçaltb snd Strengthi. J0», c tise beut kno6wn.men I the e tCvu of Port Hawkeabury, N.B., la 1Mr. ',WItlia DuC. lie lha. bess a member cf hemuicialconél 1for 14 years, cliairman of the »Chool boardy and held erti esonaible Dposiios.Mr. Duff's wordo, therefore, can be taken. as coin- tÙg frou a ~men wbo ha,% the eeteoin and respect of bis feliow to-wnemon. He maltes no secret efthtie fa.ct t.hat ho blles., Dr. Williams' Pink Pille eaved bis ite, and that they restored hîm tO -good healtis, siter several medical mes ha.d tailed te cure hlm. Mr. Duff tella of bis Ilinessu d cure as toilows: "M'out four pears &go 1 was attacked taok-ed wth general wea.kness, and a constant duli pain in the stomach. 1 becamo ge wgak tIsa 1I oauld flot walk a hundred yeaTdi wlthout sittin.g down te reet. Thse food I ate continually soured on my stomach. My serves wcre ail gone, and palpitation of tle heart and a fluttering sensation al througb my chest, especlall1y at sight. was almost unbearable. 1 w-as flnally comipelled te go te bed, and called ln a doctor, who saisi my heart was affect- cd, andi treatesi me for that trouble. After Ltree imenthr, attendance. a.nd feeling no botter, 1 called ln another doctor. Hi8 îreatment also failed ta belp me and 1 trled a thIrd doctorý F wuff.'- j GERMANY RIAS FORFEITD HEU "PLACE IN THE SUN." Outesat of the Nations Because She Has Proved Unworthy ef Trust Why should sot Germany have ber "4place is the sun"? Why sbCuld s set realize -ler dream cf 'a sast Teutonie empire stretching frem the North Ses a tiste Persian Guf?7 writes the Editor et the Philadeiphia Ledger. Other nations pesess domaine wrest- ed by force f rom their original pesses- Ser. The United States seized tor- ritory f rom Spais snd f rom Mexico. The rise cf te British Empire is a long story of conquest. Af rîca was divided amcng the European Powers with ne regard for thse wishes of it.s inhabitante. Japan has escroached upon China. The peoples unable ta hold their owrn in thse progrese cf clvi- lization or unfit ta rule theinselves have been ruled by athers better quai- fied. 19 sot- colonizatian a large part of "thse white man's burdes" ? le iGermnasy ta, be denied ber share in bearing it? Is she alose among thse nations ta be told, "Thus far shait thou go and ne farther" ? These -are questions which many ask, and they deserve an answer. i1 6y cud eut thoeay i ezpemvefoLIs of Wlnteri that clog the liver mad bur- den the kidneys. Here is'a dish tlat willclearthesk"n and givo you the bounding buoyancy of yoUthl-Smreduý' d.d Wheat and Strawber- rin. AUl the bodyi-building materinl the whole wheati grain, combîned with berrnes or other -fruits. Made in Canada. 1Work-a-Day Clothcs This one sald there wais notlîing wrong- with My heÀart, that the trouble was Worid Muet Grow Better. duIe te My tomacli. After treatlng me [t shoulsi be pointed eut, in tis' firet for a lime ho advis-edItisai 1 go ta the place, that thse hietorical argument hospital at Halifax. On a previaus oc- may easiiy be pressed tao far. We are canton when 1 had as attack of riscu- sot living Ln the slxteenth century. matiem 1 had beNea cured by Dr. wîî- The ravaging ai Belgium and south- IlamB' Pisk Pille, anti I decIdedth lat crs France cannet b. justified by thse rather than go te a hespital I woulsi atrocities cf Tilly'a troope at Magde- again trY thie medicîne. I got a eupply burg. The destruction ai noble of the pills and began talng them. monuments of architecture cannot be In a tew weelLa 1 coulti olMy justified by thse obliteratian ai Roan Otrenigth returalng, My stomacis waas civilization by the Gothsa und VaudaIs. gving me Iffl trouble thse palpitation! There le no nation but bas seme blet ofthtie heart disappeared, and alter a as the 'scutcheon - But if the world further usae oftthe pille1 I tias weîî a s set been grewing better aIl these ,-lver 1 dd In My lite. 1 cas îruly say pears. if we are ta honor aur as-cestorta tIsai I feel more the.nkfuli tho words by imitating their crimes, then we are con express for what Dr. williams, woi-5 tIsas the beaste ai the field Pink Pille bave dose for me." that perlaIs. No Engiiahman would You cas get tIse. pilla tram any YlOyw repeat the deede of Cromnwel lfn dealer inu me&idne, or by Mail ut 50 ýIrela.nd; no Frenchrnan would devast- . . cents a box, or six boxes for $260. at8 the Palatinatg as Louis XIV 'tram The Dr. wiuî1ams' Medcine Co., did - Thus the whole purpase MlO Brockville, Ont- cf modern celenization le to develeu> 9_______ mes and resources, to build up, DRIED VEGETABLES. sot te caet down. It hasnont always --been consistently carried eut. Human There ie s growing demand fer Great Saving WiII be Eff ected by motives are mixcd, and nations arc women's overalis sot enly for work Wi New Procees. 1sot mare altruietic than their inhsba field andi factery but for work Iu tise 1 itants. But it msy fsirly be said that home as well. Overalîs cf kbaki, with Ruasian laborera who are building England has dose a great service ta r comfortable, roomy bloomers, worn tIse ràiiroad frein Petrogradi te Kalo, Egypt, the United States te the Phil- r ver a plain waist aud accompanied tIse arctlc port on the White Sea, are ipines, France ta Tunis and ltaly te by a becoming sun-bat, as liv ing largely on drieti vegetables. Thse Tripoli. -Ne one woul4 hase the Dark abose, completely equip a wonmaffer evaparatiug plants, which are usuallyr Continent a19kun what it was in Liv- out.doar work. McfCaIl Patterd No. runonfly te dry apples, are equaîîy ser- îugstonc's ay 7860, Laeies' sud Misses'Ovoral Suit viceable in tise preservation of onions, Y (Patent applied foi); in a six..; 92 ta carots cbbaesandsmal ruis.Misuse of Power. 42 bust. No. 7073, Ladies, Waint; ia Tise principle ai removlng- water Germas>' alose 'ef ail thse Powers 7 sizes; 84 to 46 bust. Prie.. 15 troua vegetables without coeking thein ha. becs utteri>' unable te combine cMiseardesNor Sun-H adi;elian2 and wit.hout chsnging their foeod con- her awun advantage with that of t isases laden s r ues'. FrIn 1 tent cr physical structure bas recentiy people the ha. essayed to rule. This cents. been succosefull>' werked eut. The w I lhas becs provesi in every colon>'asei ter in graduailly withdrawn frain thse has had. It la impossible te think etf po.Iod, sliccd or shredded segotablesr ber governlsg India as England bas by passing over thein expanded air at doe.. h. has nover shown thse comparativel>' icw temperatures. Thseasiîghtest capacity for uaderstanding water leaves the celi structure wltis- tIse people»s erwbuDS tIe bas raised eut displaclng or breaklng it, and thse 1'er fiag. Rer conduit during tblu w»T temperaturo at whlch tIse practice tam se but -a more startllng illustration carild on la se lew that thse volatile 1 than oser befere of,- ber conception et fiavors are leit bchind.1 kultur. In Belgium, for siample, as It in ssid that vegetables se drieti bas br 'oken esery obligation thse con- are fresher and bettcr in oser>' re- queror owes te the conquered. How spect, aiter the>' have becs rcstorsd can tIse world-longer permii author- by watsr, thaIss "h'I vegetables Ity te tIse -Power that uses it. onl>' te bought at retail after being s long destroy ? flow cas It do 1.,. tisait turne off tIse tarin, lu transit, in ster- seur. Itsecî frein a ropetition cf tIse age or In the windew of tise gracer>'. spectacle whiceh the retrsat o! the store. fGormmn ainsi..la preaentingT Ger- If the practice af drying fruits and mnay cannet have a place in the sun vegetables làa s feasible a roceut In- if thse rest of mankissi le ta ait in thse vestigations Male appear, tIse ox_ hadow et darkness. She wculd ne pensa.o! shipping water, which makes Idcubt revitalize the feeble trame aiofc up 80 per cent. eithtIe bulk of these Austria, bring oeonomie prosperity to etapie foedstuffs, will b. elîrninateti,r the Balkans, restare Turkey. But and If te this great savlng tlamdcccl whst does it profit a nation if the gain Ever>' amalI grl wiI lli you that tise sasiug -due te the îessened cost cf tIse whoie warld and los ber evu 'tisre in nothiag .be adorei moi-e than presentilg spollage, thse ultimnte sav- seul? And visat can ah. give lu ex- a middy dresa, cspeialy in insume- Ing te tIse consumer willI be great. change for hem tout? Urne. Whetber i t la et dcba y, Morl isue caot e inord, nd i ln o wLtb iMt. he modul If her evr ws nytlugtist hPise are the issuço that Germas>' bas st » P= r i tout tie If her eer asanyhig tatwG-raseghboser lan tut her Ber us trekatinbs ma t'or vthd kt e mon couid sot do, tIse>'are new doiugnihsn ogerrlstroustbr ?us opli, lind »o r dlllu, il vib It or about te do ItL se Issu proveti unwortby cf trust. -te su uadérbody. Mc a1Pattera Saude'trael hrogh ry ir t tseTha le, pnaly tse apucutetNo. 7732, Girl'. Mddy Dreso; la 6 Souns tavelthrughdry ir t te Tht i à pnaly te pame s of es; 6 to Ï4 years. Priee, 16ilue. rate o 60 feet s second; through whieh she cannet escape. Tbae pattenrs May ho obtmed water at 240 teet a second, sud in steel6 front your lo0al McCaldealer or froua wllfO atAMAY LOS ODL »-'w 17,130 feet a second. AI VLLU 40IL The NMoCo C., 70 Bond St., Toronto, S Ai- A-Wise Nove istochngifrom Bay& C.n P.raien weklub i get tellow-workeý-the mon Theý object ini iuing these bulletins Toronto" e rn wartlnies wo0rk I the with the Plow. "There- was one ifigure in flot te start a eontrovergy with -the largest ests.blishsd restaurant In Cana.u in landscape of war iho made "pulic. ad nt t iù reflui-bUit dR God wtem pad, ée orlntsome officers about me laugh," Baya public~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r ndfotositrpnsbltde Qodwee'aibotwrn 1rGibbs, in the London' Chronicle. te the: Publi, but te "Cu" th 1 co conditions and fair treatmant Write,' 'Te wae a French plowman Who up- operution of the public. eehn oraM Chds o.15 Bulletin No. 'r contains the -foflow- tleyoorngl CidsCt, 68hel the tradition of war. Zoa saw ing intermatIo% n.m 1907 to 1916: YneS. Uo . hlm in 1870, and 1 have sean hlm on The- freight _urried on Camdian thse edge of other battieflelda, and rpilways increased 61 Peu cent; num FIVE EGGS A WEEK. hero ho was again, drivlng, a pair Qt bèr df cars incruased 91 per cent-;., loe Waty eia Family By sturdy herses sud bis plow serosthie ta-l c&e capacity lncreased 181 per wd eath BlZ5Bsoping field not a furlong away from cent; average cspacity cf cars in- "Klndly" Runs. a village where German shelas were creased 5.8 tons; averago weight < A Belgian family, wealtby before raising rosy clouds af bricit-dust. Sa contenta increased 8.0 tons. the wax, recenUty arrived lu Landou. he gave praise to the Lord on Easter The present heavy volume cf traf- Thoîr estate was tu a suburb cf Bru- mors and preparcd the harveste which fic will ne deubt continue se long as ges, and after the German occupation shall be, gathered aiter the war." the war last8. they were not allowed to lease the Additional cars sud locomotives are estate without a, passport, and wheu n 1 ueeded but tbey cannot be secured in discovered without oe they were fined large numbere for many menthe. 100 marks. Thi Germans took con- W U M AN COU'D labor ad ln some places of yard but alowect-the owner te kesp fIe trackage. eggs a week. On one occasion, wben ilARDI T ANDl The only way to hnprove thse con-. they kept nine. a fine of 100 marks ditiens therefore lu t6 secure greater vm nôe efficiency in the present equipment, The stables were cmptied, the cst.tle terminal trackage, and mas power. were taken, and when they trieci te4 Retored to HeaIth by Lydia The 'railwas aalone cannet develaP bd h araearpeettv f LPfka &V gtN the maximum. efflcicncy; the railwaYe hlu ide t c arn , re et toif EPi hm'Ve tbe aud t>'e public co-operatisg can. kive th, etin hnduerpi .m eCompound.L Coiêsignees can help by erderlng full _______ car loada instead of minima authorlzed r in thse tarifes and classifications, and BETTER THAN USUAL" wnitn, N. Y. - ,Why will women consignees cas help by loadlng cars te le the slogan of the Tarante FUa Stock pay.cut their money for tretnent and their full autborized cubical or carry-, Show, who anneunce their Eighth An- recelve ne besefit Ing capacity. nua.l Ixhibltlon Ia this Issue, te be held when so mny have For thse average train in 1915 thse a the, Union Stock Yards, os Decem- Lydia ber 7th andi Sdi neat. Our readers wl cvrg wih f contents cf cars' remember thse record prices pald at thePta l Cmpouend was 18.4 tons; total weigbt of cars,! Aution sale at at year*s show, thse wiîi muke themn 503 tans; total *eight cf contents, 344 Groad ChampWion betng beught by the WeillFaPos:er ai tons; total welght of train, 847 tons. T. Baton Company at 50c. per lb., Usve >ear For thse average traiproposed fer a ew <l Pami s will b outIn tm ai. wesk- 1917, the average weight af contents col d sr et cars will b. 28.4 tons; total weght M andBey" 0w MOS stand, and ws cf cars, 448 tous; total weight af cou- afralt dtgon ee tenta, 399 tons; total weight et train, The Model Flgbter. t eire 847 tons. Now emulats thse buey bee; wer-eusolut md au operation Hdthse aeaeldprcar I h laan atl prn: would help met cLe.Pinkiamns 19ad verag.4 oas ta op 1ter o sdbttssrn: V.etabl. Compourd bbu proved lt saine trffe w8. onl aete a f 18.1thRe athers hcney ail thse day otlseiwiss.JE am nonw peecty -w sam taffe auil aseben hnded And aise bas s sting. and c--do an kiiid <t o ek"-Mis with: 6,947,588 lIsutrains bsulsd OcOs NUw.PREM ma' of _& e RA. Rider. mlse; 1,568,765 Iess car tripe; 29»86,- R P.D. N& . Fulolln, N. Y.1t 635 Ions tons cf dead car tare haule sltd - IU IUIiEyeIIi, *W.wish esery waman Whoe surers ose mile. B>' iucressiug now the -average ioad b>' 5 tous per car thse public woulil improve tise efficiene>' cf tise equlp- mont, facilitisand rman power of tho ~always .to an cotent equal te: ,800 additional freigsu cars, 482 ad- 8ltlonal freight aad yard engines, 415 additional miles cf yard trackage, sud 18.5 per cent. Inerease lnans powrer empleyed iu train and yard service. IPAIN ? NOT A BIT 1 J LIFT VOUR CORNB OR CALLUSES OFF ~Nohumbue 1 Apply few drops thon jumu lift them sway -mhis now druçislesunsuber cmpound dlaeovered by &a Cinati chemist. Itlcalled freebsoe adeau sow b. ob- tainod 1 p tlny bottio as hoee'shown at ver>' lttie st :from an, dzug- store.: Juat amk forereemonS. Âplýa drop or two direct>' up- 9bortly yce villiAnd lb, corn or oe.fUs se loes tilat yeu u l fllit off, rot Md aai, wgth*S -Mt a twlnge etfpiar s.a" sor lritatlos;, 9M he eii llgtitest r a~snt1ng. sther vWhes i~UVte comorcilbu, but sitilvol. tho suso t IMMAM'a«Décn rlgt eut. la xbo hbamg! It verka liS. a cisaum -Fer a few conte a ou Sec vi rd o« ever-Y ardcom, sot ororors mb.. twe.n thi. tees,avWOU as paatl cal. [luses on hoUssor*f yeur f.qt. It n»ver ditappoits and, over baras, bitos or j Inlamea. If ylrmduult hapt an> tressn yet, teU hlma to St a lAit!. boutle for Y«eu tr= ua iswbolesal boue.- Guis TqhosfSr'Canads. A spo!W i Ofice couaraittasb - a iPpola-,tad demi wlth teMit. l.ection.an"idlsb*tlo i" t moet IEyesryoneào$ um- To repaWf an umbrella sligbtly torn, cut out a piece of black sticking plazt- sr athsr, larger than the hol. and lot it flout in celd water until SOft Thffn place it very neatly over the bols On the, insido. The umbrslla w#ill lat like this for some time wlthout nsed- ing re-côverlng. At the Yarmouth YŽ1Ç C. A. Boyse camp, held &t Tuaket I14hAuguot 1 found MINARDS LINIMENT Moot bensftcial for sun burn, an Ûbmediat* remfs for colle and toothache. ALFRED STOKECS, from toma. troubles, mrvomuans, backache or tise bilùe couldse. the let- tmr written by womon mMdeweflby Ly- dia E Plnkbam's Vegetable Compouad. If you hav e d syapormuand do not understand the.Ccflé. write te tii. Lydk L Ptnkbam MecIfciieC&, Lynn, Masfor h.ipful .dVIoo giveafre. EIGJIHANNUAL TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW Union Stook YVard s DELES 7îh & 08h, '1917 WmTEg FOR PREMJ.UM mmis Umms Mn wUIPAPEEB 10X BALE P RPITMAKN NWB AND 309 Ofcsfor sala ingood -Ontario towns. T4s mont useful and interestins cft all bua1nsss. Full Information on application ta Wilson Publlshing Com- ps.nY, 73 Adelaido Street Toronto. C ANCE174 TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC-. internai and externai, oured wlth- mujt Pain by our homne treatmnent. Write un before too late. Dr. Beliman Medical Co.. Llmited, Collligwood. Ont AUWTOMI S 03 A LEa Ij[OCADILLAC IN GOOD RUN- 10 10nin condition. Han spart tire. PrIce $250.________ HUDSON. 19k6 MODEL 6 CYLIN-- Hder, 7 Passerîger Touringr Car. EIs<i- trie lights and starter. Recently OvOfr liauled and newly pa.inted. Ttrea.ln grood shape. PrIce $ 1.800. ___ HUDSON. 1915 MODEL. 6 CYLIN- Sder. 7 Pamsenger Tourlng Car. with electric lig lits and starter. Thoroughly overhauled ln aur shop and nswl y PaInt- ed. Seat covers on a il seats anad daai'5 Oversite tires._ PricS $1.200. fl(DSON. MODEL 37. 6 PASSENGERa" Hi 4 ta anderTouring Car. -.ctrlq lihsadstarter. in woad running orde s.nd newiy pal nted. Lýooca like a n0* car. Price $Î60. e 'O EDAN. A VERY ]FINE 5. iokig cosed car seating flve. ledtre lighte and starter. aia insidf orneil it eary 0.1lthe WlndOW» openwh iefmpevniation for suLmmner dirlv .Iug. Price $700.nt RUDSON. MODEL 18. ô PA88Elp Hcor. 4 cyllnder Tourins Car. in 9oo04 runing order. sta: a peclal prce. 80.. H'RUDSL"8913MDEL '5W.o BG Torn&g lu 1uo0"runniflg order and coku Uel neW.Priçce 8$750. k 4 cyUnder Tourug Car. ln £00' Tht. car was paintid dehia slanld 16010 vésry nie. Prie&S $30. JACKSON. 6 PASaENGBER. 4 CYLIN- der Touring Wa. HNU ulsotrialigliti am suetarter. aood tire&. and la a bara.1 Mt theprice. 0 0. flSJSELL. 8 PABNOUR CABEIO. S ltAvsry handmome clos" Mcr. multabi. for a dootor. Frice $1.000. Ws only $$Ii ull.d cms if tsir the pur?. cluaser bas had8a demnonstration. an& satiaedhirmmelf or thunning quali- liii of the. cWrho ls buylng, , ii at Our showroom next t1me you are ti TarantO and let aur saiesm p show You &DY 09 our unsd cars and gise POU & d$MOnitràm 1411-1» Mae USw.st.Wooute. ou. 1.ora pUuo btR'e Atios. u.It sthe PIANO, AOTION avauthe rein cof'f4bmuts the deatb ce papyru 80vabmiaarng »a0lb Rtoman Goseumea t 10k «ve tadia tribution oethtie ailaba up SUY ymouet et tevu sPPIes viti Dominion pos oo'Ois Fise dollar cSU tbro. cets. Grsst Britain noir ha.276 eobsetl- City COuipa"tes wltw à a us$ 1u thea uit. pro tbe u «m i tisa tissirparentsbut ,lb.>mo* lnt bv,"AIfhi aetsbd~ ih Cou&trArond Vimy' Ridge. CROSS, SICKLY BABIES &"Wra«-e 1. bome dstue.-i sta cm> masure responsiblo for the capture: k7bbe-toewoa nmUl od e e» W,1 o yde-nl vis.; woscapge-atrfttMd It lu a sale reproduction of the,1o Dlsaion. l etsCCrùvia.ier landacape cf vbicis the Vimay Ridge la 1 COm mmtpuisS 1bà&*gletion. * aur$ou »-Oak*% t he. centra l ature, nd t he.ba d tat'>'007 "ot C (o hi mr In» o r nu"ià - falonsti it letisat of a consummate ene-esa b.prmmpt>' endb>' tTo 'b.!! od, pot It Iuatobo!lin ah. ujtîst. Tiiematertal oet vbIde)> s mBby's Oru Tablats.Coeuis i oerhmd Meond tl tM to is ,.*hvu tIse trench systeuns, the netverk e QofM ab a vr't»v"btfhe~~ot, â ineo roatis andti i-cks, tise mslivays, andiat ois Ub ed ovsaait h ae ~e oI~ thse stuesns, %nd, 1moat important d lu "d exCied Slt sid i Nd fiais VIà* W P g» 0bU& *AdwW ail, tise contour o! tIse itiges. prs. sol*#bslpud hlm UiNq »~assM fIle . à*aI14sS ut.fn Eser>'mine <rater la rpro Ulmo 4m4" Who a tâ. £ ty- andi every boit ef vire shown as lb ex- boy."TIN*TgibIts amsoId 1W7004$ Isteti prier té tise teriMe iosnbsid- ca air rb'mi t5 eA «'êap~'.ke l ment whîis pr.edo«W tise lnfanti->' ut. bSoxuammTbe Dr. WOUUase'MdWi ouise _ib Un tc.tc., Bnxle.stsOnt..... Thbis vomIs e menthe vas oxecutot trois sorlal piotogrpho, froamips Sr eete andi direct obseirvation. Ldrsealk»uvi- *dp go vaqmaly roqllhoned g»aid A dOkeboe >'Wb"Os biw.i tIse autisor oethtie mode! glsa)>' f mm« bdwwsw e» .. knovled e t). auataceo b.roesI.' b m" bêIIOI erMthe Lutd" .4froa is tawet Vi', iwssoïif am " **,**y b»&é P t kimovetige or tiid cOut4. - «Pmý b Durt tw M94, îImaab* UU4edpa Otaff OScliat l nais kpon'd j hours 0tt end, *BSorad (-'p. -0

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