- ?*UR~DA'~ BROOKLIN. Aut elemfentary conference for S. S. werkors waui hold at the home of Mrs. Nornitn Whlte on Saturday afterneon last trom 2 to 6 oclock. Representa- tive8 were present froni Whitb "v. Kin- sale. Port Pe-rry andi Brooklin. Mia Lainp, of Toronto, had charge of the ifleptlfg and delItglitted everyone with ber excellent nddress. At the close et un.fl~$- .~ -b .e Automobi'les etOur puices onÀTrsu We have a nice Issortmient of Carniages at old prkces. We Fe DISNEY, Whltby,Ont. DELIeI-O(S!. -ZPPETIZING 1 Serve CoId - Possesses all the WieeUn-lg Iufth *igsery.a om, the lava, s , a soial iioiWepSi Mr.mise, wbo bas been 3«1"7I with preumioua and 'whooplag collet. Miss Fletcher, of Whitby,Î vtited ln tho village en monday., Miss Marlory Alletis hais taken a p>. attion ln the Standard ]Bank here. Mnr. and Mns. Wm. Blight have been visittng their daughter, Mrs. Bach- elon, et Toronto. Mnr. Bachelor, who was sd sentousiy InJured nmre ime age. la slewly tImprovlng. The Misses Ellilot.etf Whttby. opent Sunday withx Mr. and Mrm. à A. C. El- Ilitt. Str. and Mns. Will White. andi Mr. and iNIrs. C. W. Eliitt, metored te To. MachAery lNVIGORATING:1 Serve Cold the body and fine flavor, the- sparkle and the creamy head,the appetizing anid tonic properties of the parent product, relished throughout Canada for fifty y'ears. An tdeal occasioný. beverage for all Malkes Good Frlends Everywheu'e Made te meet the reqire- nitentA of lté Ontarlo Ttetnlenane Act Obtai nable at Dealers, Miotels and Cales Tho Desicles Brs'wêryC. W. Phont Main 333 Toresto, Omt. tNEU-OE An 0&iP alut ý For Fiat Interlor D ortr simp1.o harmeonieuws céoer nhM&Os upanzsM tinte, giveu add.d charm te tii. homo,* 8aTN> is themodem w.llfinish.. It isés hpru>Md urg wall .pap.r-and doubilcu(ng b o .1lt uw, It cannot =s4osie, L-or tub o#'-a .y . su with so.p sud water. . -Wh=n yout g euw "lur~sd Vatg~ bsuge ,#ONBUTONE" dworato. «Wmy ooms. hapWrpI oqËI ood for pIas~.rqdwatt oslIsdgor x1sW =* foAr.pI hà a Misa Anînie Dewan bas réturùcd home [rom ien viatîtvîtb friends lu Lucin. Mir. andi Mm. R. Bradley, er O.,bwaa. Mitd n short vlaIt te MIr. E. Stery's on Ssturday. Mir. and Mrs. A. E. Stnry. et Mon- tnt-ai. spent the, week-end with the for- mers parents. Mr. F'rank Gaston lost some fingers wl ebrushing eff serne shavîngs on a jointer at the- plantng mili at the HQspItal. MIr. Wm. Fi is tebuilding a fine ne%% boat 4ouse on the take front. NIr, andi Mrs. Fred Reynolds anid Xr. anîd Mrs. G;ordoui Reynolds metor- <'ci f r-ni Toronto and spent Sunday with ibieln parenîs . The laie shewers have grcbatly lm- proved the bay andi grain crops. Mn. anid Mr@. James S. Hegx witi occupy t'he new cottage built for Dr.ý ePster at the Hespital buildings. Mn. Roy Greenaway, of Toronto, le spendlng a% few days wlîh ies parents here. Poles have been cnt-cted fon the elec- tric llght te the Smith and iWllils bouses. ALON D& Mn, anit--ins. W. Kemp and '1n. and Mrs. 'r. Mercembe vislted over the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. J. L Par- tions at Darlington, andt attended Ebenezer Annlvensary services. Miss Elva Corbtn etfAgncouri., vis. lted over Surday wtth MIse Lelta Eta- DozVî forget AJmmnd'e grdon party. Parttculars later. Mime Pearl Parions visited 4t hon boenl Darftingon over the w.ek- Moat peopile thlak the Cost etlivag la prettY bigli at presexât, but evident- ly oeeman on the Base lin. tees rot think se, wheu- ho shoote hi eaousfor eating hlm grain. Mm Crawford, ef Chicago, lit sperd- lut a fev days vtth ?4m. TMor. combe. Miss EdytÙe Kemrpborrof etTron- ta. vitited over tIi week-end vlth ber parents bore. Mm-s George Soott and daugbte,.oe Toroto, visitet over $unday wIL Mm. J. Scott- Ovli ;te <smlsunderatadng about th. date ef th. rotite, Songt. 1dwards di1Mo ont erne leun a tew weoks mgo as tanuuoed. rragemenîs have b"enmad.bowever, fer h4m te bo present ai the League meeting on Tuesday evening. Jure IOth. Itlai hoed that ail thoe.wbo rore disap- poinUln Irnet boasta hlm befono, vil! corne on Tueadiky nlghat. ]KUsSALE. la Ibo eacenç t Rei. M. Totton lt Sabbatta. who la in attemîdauceat Co~ore at Piston,, a yougMma tePr#Mnttlag lte Tetierance aud Mora Retnu t our Chus-eh, took Charge.«lb.heurvice. ne $ave a splendid Ëtal#, ttervards alu *sbmirptto ter the tirai 1fr B.LRIL t.vb=a> atended the ?ýowushp Cne!at EreugiRbm lms Uà laiCasrt. Lawteneretus-ed te ber. bue» tM »111Y siAE ber tern au the NoMal, W. lioe ,. ah as*tue- oMWWlry paume bWr «&Mua )U l1ute ta ry basv the$>~ dais. À Ufflwekma lp .lS"Y& la Id "î«A&O tt. ronte-pu Sunday In Mr. whltes uew. C*lutmbua en Wednesday 1a. where plie ffle a MiOUt nteresttag addresto thé members oethéb.W.M.B., et Colum- buis and »rookIin. Mr. Gerrow spenti Thunsday la the village viiting wt1th Rev. Cyrîl Drummn, 7 B..oe Toronto, has been appotnted te the pazisb ef Breoklil and Columbus. Hia sermons tast Sunday mn St. Thomnas' Church were heîpful, oloquent and lnspintng. The Anglican chunch ta te be congrat- ulated in havtng one se, able and tal. ented te ministen te them. Mnr. Dtck Hunten, oet he Northwest in on a vieil with Mms. John Ormiston. Mrs. Pred Mernison and son are vIs ltlng at the home ef Mn. andi Mr. Wm. Powile. NMrs. Masen and daughters, ef To- rente, spent the week-end wtth ber mether. Mr&. Jas. Smith. .MIss Walnan spent the week-end In Teron te. Rev. Wm. Haig, pastor ef the Pres- byterlan Church here, has sent tn bis resgnatton. ewtng te bts talllng eye- sight. tnucb tote regret et bis con- gregation. The cengregatien here and at Coluimbus. as well as bis many ethen frtende. wIti ho gladtot know lie wlIl stili remain ln thîs vlcini-ty. Mrs. E. Scott and daugbter, ef Kin-i sley. Sask.. andi Mr. F. Scott, Oshawa, visîteci ai bie home et Mr. A. Ketchen, over Sunday.*1 Mrs. N. Butson vîsiteci ln Whltbyi lazt week. M rs.. U. Jones andci eilcrer. are vis- tîtîîg witîb reltives near Harnliltoni. MrCGONV.IN-HORTOP. A îîretiy lit quiet %%eedding tecki paeon Ttiur-day, June 7th, in the Mecthodti (hurch, lirooktin,when I..ara Edna. datighîcr ef Mr. and Mns. J. N. I-ortoipwae iînited in marriage1 to Mr. W. L. McGowan, et Teronto. Theb bride, ivto %va.s given away by, STAGE. Leaves fer Broughamn Edwards, proprietor. rorve..- à For Rait-7.3o1 i.oo. o Nrti-5~ .. . .BTH .E n.W ty O . STANDARD BANK 0W CANADA mIafflof"=il s TOROt4T at 10 a&Mi.Mr.1 MA La CLOSE as.1. FoirlPorstW 5 &.m. Foi Oshai Forror- Whitbv- 7 30 à m 6.30 pm ma-.oo pi. 1 4or -,father. tooked amlk u traaéillà suit et -blti atlk wlt. bat te maà tçh, bd white fog turm Bey. P. Mitapéiormd lhe -eremony. l'Th. wedding march vW« pbsyod by Mmi et the. contractlrg parties were pros-' ent. Mr. sud"Mns. McGowan wtll ne- side tln Torerto. 5s. ef Ohie, City of Toledo, LuoesLliumty. Prsk . o besay makwamth tht.t e soe = c the f5r of P. 1. Obea.y& C0. doiug so ate CltYo! Toledo,. couty d nute Ioes4 t bSi. Mid sestin 1l athesMm of an» nOIJ.aufor « n ouni er cale o!Cnarvh bbat cesebcedh5ouso mute10 O'trnls Cu"e. FUNK j. C0ZNEY. Bwvm obefre meand beert4ed la my pies. A. W. OLIIasoN, NoiY.Ua PusLIc. Ha'ls&Cata-nb Cuis là takms iaternalliy.anuct Ibrougb tbe blood on tbe mucou Muiaes et tb. 87e.1.e. nd for tewtoialt free 1P. 1. 0CBNXY & Co., Toledo, 0. âold b;çaldnuéf 7sa. c MYRTLE STATION. Miss Myrtle Good, et Port Pe rry. spent the week-end with Mlise %Fera Williams. Mrs. L. Rose, et Toronto, la vlslting ai Mr. D. Roiss'. Arrangement* are being made [0 held the annual Sunday Scheol plcnic the last week ln June. Next Sunday mernnng Rev. Mn. NickIe %wlIl gîve a sermon for the childnen. h t 18cspecliy asked that menibers efthî'e Cradie Roll be pres- ent. aise thte mothens. IIAGGOrSVI LIL£.4 Mr. James Cotele svialttng ln Toron- lo thiri week. INr. E. Edwvarda, ef-Trorento, has solti his 25 acre tarm to a Trorento mnan. 3Nlrs. Jacob Browneli bas returned bhome after visiting friends et Cee Hill. Fanniers tn this vicinity are busy doina thk-ir rend werk. Miss JMoon, of Hatibunten, le visit- lng at the home et Warner Lynde. BASE LINE WEST. TRUST FUNDS Our Saviags Dopartinent givou you a guarantee of absolute security and CIn 1 Iol interest at current rat. WI1T BY B R ANC'H C. A. Moasus.. y ou!-1 2,39 aInt, tlum premerving the weod, and, beautifyitgthe- Propèrty. Whou drivinlg .eut or comtng ýwost frein South Myrtle, do not tati to look at. the change that has taken place under the magie touch et thie Doble Bro&., to the home of Mr. Robt. Heroni. For arttitic design and beauty etfln- lah this house 18 a gem. WhQn Rebt. comipletes the barns, whicb he le en- 'larging, ho will have one 6f the Meost up-to-date and valuabie properties ln this section. Remlnd youir friends when visiting ln tht. community.ot one of the beau-' ty spots la, our village. For original- tty ef destgn, for varlety ef bloom. Il Is questionablo if ln a sîmilar space hyou can find Its equai. The owner. Mr. James Lawrence.ý 15 courtesy itself. who carnies hîs yearswlth the enthu- slasm of mueh younger men. It will do you good to get Int conversation with one of earth's real noblemen. -Burns' Churcli people are looking forward to a geed anntversary. It has been said that their caterlng la grand. [iheir courtesy unexcelled, ttheir pro- gram aiways goed,, Ibis year botter Trais Time Tablea 0. T. IL WHITI3Y JUNCTION. a.O4 pn. .... 3tqu.M 7.30 . ln... .O.3 p. Bunday trains leave fer Teronto at 4.62 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. From Toronto --trains stoP at Whltby Junction at 8.20 and 10.10 a-m., a.nd 9.30 P.m. UP.TOWN STATION. Golnt Nortb .jo 0a . coing south-7 Il a m ..1.1 p f a. P. I. Ooles Wet -.2 a. Going aa-o.o @.«I 4-SS Pý- 1 8M3 a. m A. H. .ALUIN. issuer of Marriage Licenses Corner drugstore, Whltby. Ne vitnesmesrequired. 6, YOUNG SMITH§ LL.B. Ât dvelisa ouse opWo siKthoil ÂUOTIONEURS WMe MAW. LI*HENSRO AUStIOrlnBRRï IH kindaet m 'ia p=rornpV tlyadeStoi the Qesote 0ORbe. Tentueiesl. DO l ad Irdepueut PIeuse WH iITDY. ONT. - - t b -. - b- V J-t .1 't than ever, If possible. Doi net -tatilte b. prement at theme servites on thi I.7th Mnd 1M., Mr. George West, our çxpert and puiai blaomlth, bas purchaaed a Ford car~. George wili b. able te get around more swiftly thari formnerly. Deofnot lÎe surébrised If yeu discover that West la South, or Eust, some et those days. We are sonry to report only a slight Improvement ln the condition of Mrs. (Rev.) Jehaten. June showers are helpiing te make what was thoughit onty a fair trop et hay. to be more than an average one. Everything la looking beauttul con- siderig the cool. backward spring. May our land b4 crewned wtth a bouintitul barvest, and oun peeple fil!- cd with tlîankiglvtng. A CHANCE FOR THOSE GOING WEST. Homeseekera' Excursions te West- ern Canada at 10w tares via Canadian Pacifie Rallway each-Tuesday untii October 3Oîh. Inclusive. Particulare fret» any Cunadian Pactle Agent. or W. B. lipward, District Pnseiger Agent, Toronto, Ont. -52 1 HOMESEEKE RSO EXCURSIONS I mymAT thTOoGToieR th TEvery TUESDAY AL AL'- aise by THURSAYPS STEAMER Orstat LakeS Routes Your Futurs iî ln the Wost lIO!utlooprarieshae u eter Cwan et hé mm, e. Thon ae Mst tusmubdeof aim iuliloor the man wte s~bt a homo sd prwpsrlty. T"k wmmm 0s1 Les obih.amtrésI vit Canadien Paclflc W. B. HIOWARD, Dtstrlce Paseengen Agent. 'Toron te, Ont. "f.- f e t, Ji Vol. White- Label Aie eeO Es FAMEWLL IGL Daartl8tÈ o , y OrowaAttomo Ceuaty Mobtter. Ontem south VIn" court nom# Wbtbr A* Es. CHRISTAN- aDerbtr. S.Iicjer. Netm ati Pub. e% 011014 Brook st.. OPP. Standari Esak. Meaeý7 toBa A. A* ROBINSON Undertaker and,, furniture deale.. Bell and Independent phones& D&T or night B1IOOKLIN, ONT-. DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S.;I.D.S. Suocumer te W. Adaus Offce, Dundas Street, opposite Post Offie.Bell phono 122; Imd, 4. WIIITBV, ONT. BLAKE EL BEATON. L.D.&.. D.O.S.. Graduate ci thé Royal Colleta cf DentaL Surgeons and Unlverslty of Toronto. Dr. McDowell, of Toronto, Io taklnr. Dr. Beaton's practie during the ah- sence of the latter on military service. Offie over W. M. Pringle'a hardware. Offie Heu re-4tu 12 ',I1te 8.30. Ind. Phone, le; D.11 Phone, 220. O. Arthur Let, L.0.8.0 0.0.8. Graduate efthte Royal Collage of!. Dental Surgeons and ef the Univermltyr of Toronto, desires te announce that. ho ha.s taken Dr. Slssonlm Dratte ane i. Drepared te continue the smre asi ectabltshed. Offce over Allin's drug store,, Heurs ~9 to 12 a.m; 1 te p.m. Bell phonoe1V. md. il o coal pres SUPI quo pres Reret if you fail to get a copy Of the low-Price 't G for whch C.A G k m r