~~U~~~ Ew PCKED -ROSMW - . DO WIINAS4JTS ON FRENCH, 41-à NOrthern Belgium the British Engage in Artillery Duels With EniemY.. A d9spatch from London says: Ap- of 4bout- a haif-mile. Here they sue- parently the Gerinans are intent on éeeded in penetrating French flrst-line breaking the French line betweeni posiitions, only to be expelled from Soi-CtLA" them in a counter-attack. a.001suus and xRheims, flavîng 2elivereci another trempondous assault from north-east of Craonne ta east of Hur- tebige. Into the fray were thrown picked troops, wiso were mown down everYvisere, and the attack, like others that had precedeti il, failed. .Near St. Quentin, where for sorne tise situation lias been i>alm, tise Ger- mnans also dclivered attacks on a front BIG DEYELOPMENT IN JIJNE TRADE Rteturns For Month Show In- crease in Experts and There has been no'diminution in tise artillery duels betweea tise Brillis andi Gerrnans in Northern Beliuni, nor in tise ceaselesa amall attacks tise Britishs have been making against Germa trencises for many clays. Ax-ounti Monchy-le-Preux these infant- t'y attacks have resultet inlatis Brit- ishs regaining ail the grounti they 1o8t ta, tise Germans east of Arra July 11. GERMAN LOSSES TOTAL 4,500,00 Figures Represent Casualties nnndcA li fR. m à ThportLondon, tUUKlVU U 03,0; tres 6103e uked soldier, tu assist hinltse work oli Livýe POUtry-Spring chiekens. lsb.. tendinfglghts on KotenayLa. dehpexh-fo m Ot a w a. s a y s-T h22c; an h ene . 1l6m tO 18c; ducks. S pring, be T o as D . P atterson , of V a nc e r Tie figres orue omnt inet hw LnoJiy 1.Ts eia oe-ob--Extra fine and heavy acue a emrabedeelpen n ol x-csulies for J-ut;e. savs Ihe Timnes, welgrht. Der doz. 32.75: select. $2.50 ta bhas been appointedefisbhery overseer ports and mports. ?32.76. No. 2., *2 te *2.25.radDý port andimpota. For June the were 166,547; killeti, 29j000- missingl Beans-îmrîed.- hanfi-plcked. $9. or uyo ieFae ieadD total rade aniounted to $213,900,908, 37,000; severely wounded, 2 1,000. Thei to $9.50 per bush; Limas. per lb., 18 to Ha.rry W. Weith, of Enderby, coroner'. compared with $162,035,400 la June, total casualties are now four and al îPotatoes-Red Star. new. bbl.. $7.50 1 r ssritIatteererayt 1916. Exporta for the past mot haîf millions. The killed çi-e over ai e8-00; North Carolinas, new. bbl. $7.50 meet ail demands of-tise home mar, totlle $16,85,41,andimort $9,-milion prsoers 31,00; i.qing 1to 38.00; seconds. bbl., 36.50 10 36.75. ket, is matie by representatives of the~ 615,067. During June there was ex-! 275,000; severely wounded, 591,000. I in-ho»l acuerIln olprducing ci portcd foreign merelsandise to the value These figures represent the casuaities Smoked meats-Hams. medium. 30 10 cerns. île; do.. heavy. 26 10 27e;..cooketi. 41 1 rtsi oubi amn anr of $3,725,324, as compared with $54,- announced in tise German off iciaI hus. 4 r4 s.2 o25:bekfs o.>c itisagaCnueiaseir req ca tsatth 847>37 in thoe orrespondirsg montis 33 te ---- ~ 1036c; backs, plain. 36 te 37c; bone- ilagi rethi eustta h hast year. Thse total trade for tise DRIED FRUIT SUPPLIED leas. 39 10 40c. Government probibit tise export otf Cured meats-Long clear baron. 26 t asrRvralofr nig first three montha of tise fiscal year TO TEUTONS BY SWEDEIN 261c per lb; elear bellies. 25 te 26c- 012 ivrslmnfo anîgo - Lard-Pure lard, tierces. 261tot 27c; Puget Sounti. vas $622,407,781, and for tise same tubs, 27 10 271e; pails, 27J 10 271c; pe.riod last year $431.626.215. A' despateis froni London says:-In compound. tierces. 21c: tubs. 211c; Pte. F. R. Mander, a former resideuit tise Prize Court the Attorney-General palis. 211c. of Clayburn, senior stretcher-bearer asked for tise condemnalion of some Igontrel arket for bis ballahion, a Western unit, bas VON TIRPITZ RALLYING 1,800 tans of dried fruits from New Montreai, Juiy- 24-oatig-Canadian hati conferreti upon hlm tise militarly OPPO11NENTS 0F PEACE. York anti San Francisco, seizeti on western. No. 2. 92tc; do.. No. 3. 811e; modal for conspieous bravery on tise --'te stansr Sn rncso1n extra No if eed. 8ile. Barley-Man. battleficld. thestermes Sn ranisc an Ieei. 8.2.Flour-Muan. Spring wheat A despalch from Copenhagen says:,Pacifie, consigned to the Swedisis patenti%. tirsî. 8 13." seconds. 3$12.60. At tise meeting of lise B. C. Mania- AdmiraI von Tirpitz has telegraphed! VictualIling Commission, a Govern- chobre. 13.2 12.10, ht rnîerspatent. fcues0soitini a eie an-appeai to Ernst Bassermann, tiselment tiepartinent, but allsged bo be 10 *12-80: do.. bags. *6.00 te s6.15. to ask tise Provincial Govermnet ta H olied oas-liarreis, $9.00 to 89.35; do, national Liberal leader, who ia now an> intendeti for export bo Germany. baga. 90 Iba.. $4.40 te $4.60. liran-*35 appropriate a suas of money ta plae Invaliti, to leave tbe sanitarium wiere, Before the war, saidth ie Attorney- to $36. Shortta-$40 te $41. blddlngs- three representativea of BrillisCjU- ho la under treatment anti assisl ifl, General, the annual requiremenîs of .4 032 Mull.341 4.Hy umbia in Ottawa ta look after bbc No. 2. per ttn. car lots. $11 te $11.60. the fight against the bloc resolution Swedcn in these commodities was Cheese1'-Finest westerns. 21ÃŽc; do.. secuiring of munitions-.and shipbuilding in the Reichstag, which wiil corne- 6,5W t ons, but in 1915 thse importasac easterns, 218e. liutter--Chtoice cream- conîract.s. ery. 36c; seconds. 35c. Eggsc.-Freaht up I"riday. Tise von Tirpitz message' tetalet 1 1.1656 Ions, webile f or tise first14 2C; aeieeted. 89c: No. 1 stock. 35 t0 Wisen tbe main dyke on Nicemon haîf of 1916, 6,500 tons isat been im- 16c; No. 2 atock. 30 to 32e. Potatos- Island gave way for a quarter of a per bag. car lots, $2 10 36. "No passing footi difficulties or- porleti. Besides Ihis, ise addteti, Swe- mile of ils hengtis and flooded 2150 war wearines must be allowed to' dcn had on isanti bef ore the war 11,-J Winisipg Grain acres, tise only thing that saved 4se sotnteGerman people's determin-, 000 tons of lisese fruits, yel in lise i nnipseg. Jtily 24--Cash prices whole ishanti froin being suismerged ation and rentIer possible a peà ce Summer of 1916 no dried fruits re- do. $2 39; No. 3. do.. 82.36; No. 4. was Use olti Gourlay dyke. wiih would threalen the future of maineti in Sweden. Tise infereae 82.2ý4: N.. 6, $2.01j: No. 6. $1.82; fçted. TiseI wa tht gamanee ot t reexpoj $1.46. Itasis' contraet. Jul i. 82.42; Gerrnany anti its working classes. Tewsta urne o or-xotAugugt. 32.37. Oata -No- 2 C.W.. 76 je; HELLO, ROVER! bulk of lise national Liberais wiii frilts hati been kvabematicalv broken. ,Ne. 3. C.W.. 7SRc: extra No. 1 ferd. 739ce: Up17 "Contests THSE PATHEPHONE PI'. cof îhoe eLargse ainet pisesegraib,«tCh with tw.elve rowrds. gb-es us first prizffl in District Contesta. Value, 9150. Sime, 20 ia. x 203J in. x 44 in-. higis. Mdarkets of t World FRO SNST COAST1 Toronto, Jiy 24-Mran1tobawbat- W A U ETR.FUL = , Nrtens 25 No. 2 Northema R DIG 1.0,nmnal, track Bay ports. Manitoba oatà -lSo. 2 C.W.. 821e. track- Bay ports. .Anerlcan, corn-No. .8 yellow, 12.08, prer et tf h. Great WmtTold nominal. track Toronto. Ontario oats-NôoroSiciai quotations. la a Few ,Pointed Ontario wheat-No. 2 Wlnter, per car lot. 82.461 b 82.50, No. 3. 82.433 to $2.48. Paragrapha. accordlng o frelghts outside. PesN. 2. nominal. according to Mdiitsnecrin r o o freights outslde. ingtsnecrosae wb- Bariey-Malting, nominal, accordlng ing plannesi te thse Yukon froin Britishs 10 frelgzhts outside. Rye No. 2. nominal. according to Columbia ports. frelgts ouside The Fraser River is now gradually] Manitloba flour-First patents. In. Jute I bags. $12.90; second patente., i Jute d ropping and apparentiy ail danger bags, $ 12.40; strong bakera', In Jute Ifrom ig aeispt bags. $12.00 hgswtri at Ontarlo. flour-Winter. acs-rdinir tb At Victoria, Mà yor Todd has intro- 4amnp]e, $10.55 to $10.65, In bags, track, duced a Motion to stop meat trading on Toronto. prompt shiriment. -Stra enos NfilfeedCar ots delivered MontrealS! tra fenos freights. baga lrcuded-Bran. per ton. At Victoria, it isas been decided by S35: shorts, per ton. 840 to 341: mld- llings, per ton. $44 10 $45; good feed tise executive council ta rernove tise flour, per bag, $3.25. Gvrmn ulig rmHzla lfay-Extra No. 2. per ton $ 12.00 10 ovenetbidnsfoiHzo $12.60; mlxed. per ttýn. 39 tb $11. track to Smithers. Toronto. Hon. William Sloan bas invited thse tra -rots. re o.385 8.coal operators to attend a conference trackTerono. --at Victoria to discuss the coal situa-J Oountry Produce-Wholeaae lion la the province. ilutter-Creanîery solids, frer Wb..34 Government tug Point Hope crashedi 10 341c; prints. per lb.. 34b 10 35c; ciry. m ieEqiatad Naio per lb. 21 b 29c. noteEqia ndN ami £ggs-Per doz.. 32 to 33c. bigprl etoig theise e Cheese-New. largze. 22à 10 23c: .twins.brdpatydsolg bide 221 to 23tc; triplets. 23 10 23ic: oid. and ti î own smokestack. largre. 30c; twins, Snic; triplets, 301c.ý A inotor boat bas been presented toi ..Iressed poultry-Sprtng chtckens. 30c: fowi. 20 tb 22c; souaha s. er doz..<A on ,ere. ef r Ou in- Harron.a eun. -the flour that you will want ta uise alwsys, once you have given it a good trial. We want you to know for yourself that it mnakes splendid big boaves of the lightest, maost wholesomne bread that gpood flour can bake. That is why we oeake it weli worth your while ta try it, by offering these attractive and costly prises. ý ý For Ibis contest we have dividedth ie Province into five distriots, eacb wilh severai counlima. In eacis district we will give a large cabinet phonograph, a set of Dickens' Works and three bread mixers. Tise are called the District *prizes and lbey are ta be given in addition ta the prises offeret aItishe local rural sehool faim. (Sec ul of districts helow.) Be sure to compote at your local rural scisool fair. If you win first prize there, you wlh thon autorntically becomne a competitor for tise phonogmîspi anti other distriot prisea. Thse Prizes, remembq, are off ered for tise best loai ai bread baked vus,. Creani of tise Weslt Flour. No otiser fiot'r will do. For liscal prisca w. aller a nuseber of valuais!. books. XBy local prises wo Inean those given at thse fair. q la. Laca PrIa.-"CGirtu 0w.,Ansual.** a great bis beaut5,slIy bound. illustratsd book witb a00 pages oai cae and eariles about people. art. asinais, pgaale~ewing. crucheîusg.-veryuulag tisat particsslrty ueress yteal girls, older girls andti heir niothere. This sa a wondertul prise (tst ou csa tresser for yenra. Wnet~ êvl ltsbedvl udtls nsy pcltsliclt.et 2&d [»M lPdta.-'kttoeofs uto s Monea ndWmMeshei suct bud h d tbsantt--y isal ctslcoreen trancista lai: atonies uf Florence Niaisîissgae, Grm sDayu>ag Flors MaDonald. Jenny Lit. t he liste Queesil iria and ti lera. Srd Lacal Pts.-"itain Overssa," bs h Nmey lxuad book vitS many oolored pleturs. ltereetlng stoan.. and descriptions ofth tiacounines and Lise opeaof Bin1ain'aýfdu d mpo 4a 1 ecal prie.Thee4e it B11ook." a boul of «tories. plictreand speclal articles by Britains hast v the is proceeda Immitise sale ai iis bouk arn for the benefit utfdià =leti i-era fDEII-U. .II. Noi.-Vlm thse etries nuinber six or maore astly irstan s econd prise vii b. swarded. Unionees, tise assumber teon or more no lourtis prise vil bc awarded. Thse District Pr1zesý-The winner of tise fraI ptis. aI eaoli local fair' automnaticaily beiýoznes a competitor for the Ioilowing District» prizes.- One-haîf of tise firet prize lbat will be irat tiste Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, to compete ln the District Contesta. <Sec conditions below.) bd Distric Prla.-The "Patisephoas" l ien he i e Sté the fine bie asga woeér*as fima pria.. It vW give youeneme plemuuru sand en atanest- CIipme. It bau speclal reprodecer attachrnents sud nde.ebi«ynt lya- kind ofUt dse eco is aunomatter visatomaire. TisePatisqpion. reproduces band music. orchestra muia. ouaid funay p ia... nsnfecîlyv vaqS a acossisn ofthes famu Iprobably vote against the non-an- -- - - ey-No. 3.$1.26: No. 4. $1.22: rejected. 1 Novel and Effective Manner of Uaýng Ptomrs oa au,35.0 3eains eouir."QEE RDESA 1 11; feed. $1.11. Flax-No. I N.W.C.. 0 « thlalpon.2d Difli Pbet tof DiekoeaaWorka. 1S.pI.udid1,,vbcedoIi neainstrsltin"QEBCBIGESA$2.92; No. 2 C. W.. $2.88. No. 3 C.W.. ilthetins Telephone.oata"OlvTwa'a READY IN SEPTEMIBERI82.73. - A nls o ace n re roeaetoo h otet"i trmvrwitn I An Enlish do fancir and bee~er,3rd. 4*1 sud 5â1 Prbu.-'Caauok" Bread mixers. This umlo e BRITISH BL7 UAES HLLnDAteedtc foi Mnteis sys- Mar'ketssays Answers, uses the teephone' in machine txikea<hthard work oui ci bruSd maklns. Inatead of 1a>roaa Theannveraryof Isedisstrus t- Minneapolil. July 24-Wheat-July. connection with his kenneis in a ncâvel adolehod.ryuututtegrdutatanteadtadb.oa Th--ivray ftediat 3u t 2.67 ; September. $207; No. 1 bard, . uaeeI id tt f lst ear Seterlerilma$2.75; No. 1 Northern, 3 J? o 2.0 and very effective manner. -Clos0t A esath ro TeHauesas' epNo. 2. do.. $2.50 ta $2-60. eomt-No. à the kennels is the kennel m.an's house, CN IIN The que',tion of the new British dan-, be the tirne chosen for tr-ying anew ta *o 75$1.94 to $1.96. Oats-No. 9 î O DIIN FT ger zone has assumed a Serious aspect hoist into position th, ugBcn ra3mn-S31.00 ta $32.00. usctang. n po rneme n cs enheEvry girl may eompetautthe rumal Shool flr linhbu dlatWc s0 far as Duteh shipping is concemn-, span of the big Que>ec bridge. Duluth. July 24-Wheat-No.-1 bard, e pf vr ene. I aetewhotr or not @bcatteds ohSlprov4*ne that ber 12t11 birth'a O. ed s o biosta ulslTh e pa swl$u2rwe t3.69; No. i Northerri, 32.58; NO0. 2. do.. doge are noisy at night, thse keinneI cus eoe oebr o,1Lana e fh iUIa le ed. It s nw ovios tat nleâý he ew panis ellundr wy a 2.3. Linseed-$3.07: JuiY. $3.07; man speaks toithedog by mean4 of i. haureforaNox1517. 0» ad of bru dmatauivi~9pob the Germnan Government is willing to Sillery, being now aboit one-third kptember. $3.01à ; October, 83.061é. teeintuiet1n vr oo ietWistloavea ao that 5I5.Y ..r be sarâted et UO hie. £kiOi change the so-called safety channel completed-and it la expected that it muea t ."i Crea of tAe RuS Flour. Ona4sa will b. n farther we,ýt, that is nearer the Ger- will'be finiahed in September. te Toronto. 'ul 24-stro a oi t ee dia subsieadthe og gofa toiyin sle.a h ur iiohe alo b ra DfWIl oMI moln coast, Duteh overseas shipping Nochn b as been made inth 311-26 ta $12; choieiieavy stcers. 310.60 1 u> ie~~PrySt the Daparwam will be at a complete standstill, as is ni.ethod of putting it in place. Every to $11.10. butchera' cattle, cholce. $10.60 obey. Someturnes a dog.cries for l4fe- o rJ~1gadFurTaig ielclcatot t tie( do.. good. $0.25 b. $1040;sdo.,ediesd, andtthesame meanasring ail:t.he otisor ruéda the case at present. The Dutch Gov- 1care is being taken to assure tisat to 311; d. od 1.2 co0n;do.lnaad h ai ensbighmmteat yurfalt a ther beno cfet i te nateiamediumi, $9 to $9.60; do.. common. $8 comfort. $rn26;tdha. approbuhle.G$8mtny$8.25:38.50;tbuteher theuila. chse in w8.75 to this question, and is expecting an 'which could cause ainother disaster. 892e;diuou. .25 uia .70;t 8.2do.. h atl1note.nl cs ii hi a î"' of od .......... ...........imraDa ansver shor-tly. Government engineers visit the scenoelum b$5 ta;Mbutchera' cows. choice. * br)a Tex btepon fr'f tuadr ywiesof q b....g ii . su ob $85 3t 9; do.. good. $7.60 ta $8. do.., iiificating wth"'- Mn o a of kd ..........s. are of he orkevry eektasupervise 'medium- $7 ta $7.60; stockers. $6.36 ta Our readers probably know of in- 2. Teture al Crumb .................... 40 arks AUTON01MY BILL PASSED the construction of the span. $8; feeders, $8 ta $9.10; canners andi stances uimiar to the .ol..n..a)..e.u...........l nl rs e cmcutrs S. 6 ;ta $6, miliers. tood ta t StIId ....s .........20 imas BY DIET 0F FINLAND cisolce. $S0 10 $100; do.. coin. and med., A lady who ett e rd........... ak -- ~~BERLIN HOTEL GUESTS $40 10 $50; apringers. 380 ta o 1; ît ha li veiagwn t e hed >Clr.......Sa ews.si t6o $9.66; sheep. heavv. *6 t 10 lidamile frein heishome 4k oIL8.Flavoro eos.........r....... A despatch frorn Helsingfors, Fln- RISK LOSS 0F SHOES. ew e ar»g.so1 1:cira ihbralti boî oie pni -~<'Riuia'u land. says:-The Finnish Diet having - ood 10 cholce. 114 to $15: apring lamba. d ........... Dnk ny avote of 1115 to 27 votes deciared A despatch from Berlinsasys: Thse, 1L.50 og660 a me; ed n arld. 316$9 to h o a eeae ateathn ala e&omue 3 at 6: o.6, hwe hed of ans 8tere 8 1.6t mba5:aq h u whiUI she utayed, and when seaboisarb. oxaasgt sgf e <.04 Miller, sud *suy tr'foi thse necessity of innr ~diate1y voting on time-honored custonm among hotel do..,lo.. w316 1ff0 *16 1te$1.26:is AAtb.edbyt.e rad parelecr id s ls dss etW1W tue autonomy i, pted.it forthwith guests of depositing ones foowear îi bMontreal. Ju1l Z4-SprliW lambs. $18; hi. i5SOf sne ft no. .adrWaa.sobm aeo .tetmwse ra ~A infl by a vote of 36 to 55>. the corridor outside the or ta have .sheexs. 87S0te 1W. milk-fed cAlve.SIS . 8Threofud u hthd~~ 'oa a oehmtTaon lostacoIM s lr j!igrauilf'j $7;dCdoh qullt> , hapkfed ed a tsid ta Persuad the dog eoTo.lthe gapetllahe Wamssla b. t The Diet rejected by a vote of 104 it polished, ila hkely t.o corne unto dis- gavs-. 137, ood qalet y Mtilfe49he, t iit noperud ie eug& 90 dt1.uaOl<hsr. ho&deosooih m lSa. te 86 n amend ent by Deputy use for -the time being. Thescgrowing calves.$161or o lce . nS IS-et oa.$16-60 b- n, bu it o u@ea 1,eNi- -M i.. m .,b u:- t"o evencastif s bas r short rmn; sows. $13.25 10 $14; dently thoUght bis bd.tresewae býding 111l",he uuie cBu .svTbi. lin sow, yen visieto"qth Cuallas proposing t t the bill should dciiind for shoes, en atfshaaza. $ 12 2.25Itt. sorewherc,,for he went whimprîng >~eeptslslrs .oeo lottie)a*st#e;~ bts Oubmîtted for the approbation of encouraged tlsefts of foetwear lne&outtheplae-__d_______ go the Russian Proviwn.--al Govcrnmeiît. hotels. DECLARES TRAT LENINE Ater a vile thse lady telephoss*d té 19 GERMAN AGENT. thse dog'a mi3treas to let her know bis&h a p e lF < u NEW GERMN CHJANCELLOR SAYS A despatcb f rom Petrograd maya: A "Bring him te thse telephone," vaW" (W est) T rn WARWA FOCE UON cttsrron en.Brasloirs chiet of thse reply. Oitieeboytb1 ~holm the__ HEM edrOCaIIBîIed f. Tha ae ev 1 Ten hi&istresf wh1aUed, and luis! dence w rcdt uhthe o t-"Cornhe at ocRvr" Dr. Michaelis in His Inaugurai Addrtss te the-Reichstag Declared &ien of Lieut. Ermelenke that heovwu ately the. dog wriggledout of theil.y That Submarine Campaign is a Lawful Measure. sent to tise front of thse slxth Ruassan arme and, thse momaent ho vas tre., g 4e anr __________army ta make a propagada in favor msade a be. lins. for homea.w- et an oarly pence viti Gemny. Leý-Bç r roo-makng Oompett4on W Adespatch from Copenisagen gays: and that the subusarine war was lune.'a tasis vas te compromise thse- RNE Ls" I &O w o stei also fPrceC upoMARY'many: by 4' r«tnP paies of boul wektt in thé eýe o Dr. Mîcisaelis, tise new Imperial Ger- as ocduoiGrayb ra1Poiln)Gvrmn i i.ee fj" a i- inhi adrsatath Bitln ilealblckd-starvatiozs tise p!op1e by every Possible mmena. w8 a gAi? sian Chancellor, i i drs ateBiansilga lcIeDvduM " mVctm h o p th t A eri a, t U e1 F u n d ss ve re sm a t t iir o u gh th e. in te r- D v d a ' l e D t e a V p a l a a t e o r I n e i . o b r u Reichstag Thursday aftcrnoon, de- ttemedîary tsf au employeseut tise Ger IIa ~ 1 élared hlm adhesion te Germany's sub- bead e1 the neutrals, would checks main legation Bt Stocholma. Tho. ie- puinee.» May, o* -du et t.e eea'ra' efn i.P~- A " 1.1 oaric ama graaerin i t b reat Britain's illetality vas vain, lgs cio era:0gtl Bsuti1Kig l ladngbr recmes sanillg bulde ara mtif., Ca4Deac$bîuop«jktin. Slawfui measure, justifiabiy adopted 'GermaYsafiqal attempt to avold Use la Maa.ata Koslpv$kY, te vose a0- ber Yega"ie garden Bt -W l largeu bine ose 4 rsi $UrIy to band 1J5, 8fr O«%91iew~SotsI for shortenlng tise war. ext«rem1ty by a peï..offer failed, andi count, 13 15 stgt$d, 2,00,000roublesCaà Ieani tstt&Mfw3tl n tsoit food kthm Ivery gldlu,- Dr. Mîcisaglis opened his Reichstag tesubisarine canspaiga vas adopted, are iOw standing. woe.#&0 uualy p1liqm,*v "e gft ppeech with a bearty tribute to Dr. 'iaid the Chanceller. . ccIteus. VT b " MM 118*to Umm* ntirnW tte i.couu« a . « 0Y5S8t W pon Bethmann-Hollweg, tbc retiring ,,The subumsrinea tthe speaker con- I Yu a nt etiewzube B Ia»SiWtOm ue nre Su ad sinS puo,-ie 8.t ofe oOuesg,~ d.,t KU9 Bt 1ufperlal Chsancellor, visose worlç, bhotinued, hmd don, al and mnore tsufrti ri-a,4pteos n utO o ster U80 i bfIçtl7 1 lai$001for tlb ofais. t w m i e Mi1d, iistery ureuld appreciate. had been e cpected, a n 8.fispro-. nWtesiprfl. ~~sl8adp immg uit tto tl fe msa th. e eseis. .'1.I Chancellor declared that the phets vise bad predictesi the endi of aal.a4glgvs >~ 1 nda a. eu i. asforced upon unwýiIling Ger.-ttise war at a deflaltt tisse 1usd dom. a coo tiey viii de duty uswml a u w Sti »u ti à b& e , >a by thse Russian mebilllzatlon,{1d1,îsarvlm te eFatWber*a& i gwUîUOy buMud loo *h* < V* bmint t là euemwyopwà l g N 47.1: ~1 'f w *1 s, s withBmust lsuy ohp.' aul1 ut tse VRST PRIZE AT LOCAL RURA& thamsjsiySCIOOL VAMR RIE CONTEST Dbfiu elN. l.-Conniaof Oiuagrry, Stenisunt, Dstisdaa, Rvile LedFroutao.msuLaosud AddLngtos,-Carltan, N113-Cual.o cd tag.PrisasEdvard, Peter. tao VictoriaD4 bm DistilciNo. 5--"-f"ieor Tork.touo b.fsta m th <iord, Bra4tWaterio. Wn DluklolNe. 4.-Coua ttl 'Wo.lad ldnad sKast, Raes, Lambtoa.Millom. Dli h o~S-ouîe f friesGry. nfra loe TEMLSof tbo *daattsat8the fah it ii b.madè kauvu rIçmIW& <suils iiibaufait.theu ou uu pmassbelr e o-h or tis.ari-chool Fais, la lb. Provi=-e 1)0 IlÃ"T MMSTRIS OAT'OPPORtTNIT vr aesaesd u cl la =Iud~~~GaupWra ut lue aIyoe daisa a,~Jutiasm i s aOfimia NO OUPIE IIONS TN -COU fT ffl8ME>DLO~ T yh M eu a o l w l tQe l t r l e lisemot ii b. homad.d. oflwremo NM wuNnI WI iiAT Et>Y lsuýW meILNb>t two ~TrTI4o M 67 4Ae I O'IAY ;' r 18~ ,P;h the lsum- tîy h;îs bt few e' paiti a poor ium on ba f or ke came 8a fall. eo feot ply of tIer i c.. .11 At Rural Sehool Fairs in Ontarlto PRIZES: Five Large Phonographs Five Sets of Dickens' Worke Girl's" Own Annuals Attractive List of Books Canuck Bread Mixera More than $2,000 worth of prizes for bread makIng wiii bc offered at the rural school fairs this fali. Among the prizes are five large cabinet phonographs, fifleen Canuok bread mixers and ma.ny attractive books. These splendid prizes will make the coutest the most stirring ever held at rural school fairs. Every girl between thse ages of 12 and 18 should read ahl about this fine oppor- tunity, and should begin now to ýrepare for it. The prises5under the conditions explamned below, wili be awarded for the best loaves baked with Crmu tb West Flowr rie bard wbeat peur tout lagueranteed per hrrod 1 1 ý - Ille-