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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Nov 1917, p. 3

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Mud in Flanders: Britaines worst fos. An exasperation for thsse Tommnies durlng lie present Battis o! Flanders. The borse, alfter a brave struggie, has dropped dowa on its- haunches ia tise mud, vile thc mon dis- euse the best way out of the predicament. SE YEN CANADIANS B$ERSIIEA CMY ESCAPE FROM HUNS i -TAOE BY BRITISHi - sud 1,500 '~uus. A despatcis !rom London says: The greater portion o! General Cadornas tisird arry apparent)> bas erossint tise Tagliamnento River te tise western bank, anti vili b. ia position on a new lineof tdefence te give battis ote. Teuten.lc allies. The advance of the ensmy, aitheugh il bas been rsuiarkably fast, vas noti quick enougis te carry eout the pur- 1 pose of thse mîlitary commandera of envcboping the Italians and putting tuons eut of battie from the Carats Alp hto 8h. baoef the Adniatie Smni The Italians lest heavlly in men andi guns captured-tse lIsI Gemmnan of-' ficiai communication asserting that more than 180,000 men anti 1,500 gens vers taken b> the. Teutonic na lies-anti aise sufereti terrubiy trom liardships due te bati veather andi lack o! foodi as tisey matie their way acrose the country te Tagliamento, vith tiseir reargeards everywberst harassing the. enezny. But General Cadorna declares tisaI vith the morale of bis -men stilll splendid the succesa o! the. invatiers soon wil be matieiL. On the eaetema aide of the Taglia- mente ths Teutenie allies have cap- tureti along the waterway fromn Piz- I ano ho Latisana bnidgeheai, -positions fm vwIsch...to ope»Urateaainst ,tâ*. Italians on tise ether aide -od the stream. A despatch frein Washington says: Anglo-Frencis reinforcementa bave rencis.d the Venetian front, - viiere General Catiomna' second andti tird urmies are declare t tehave retiret.inl gooti order tovard thesnev Iine--prob- ably that of the Togtimento-vwhere the prejecteti stad la ho b. made. Official information reaching Wash- ington frein Roes on Thursday as- serteti that the. Italians mad weicomed 8h. British andi Federal veterans eni- thusiasticall>, anti that the Angle- Frencis Commandera found tue per- sonnel and- malerial of - the. Italian army ho be stronger than 1h vas thougist tue> voulti b. atter having sustaineti se severe a shock as that viicithe Teutons 'deiveredti trough the back-door o! thse Julian front. Sec- retary Lansing receiveti a cablegram on Thuretiay from tise American Aza- bassador ah Rome cenflrming inform- atien received at tise Italikn Embassy that the Italian army le retiring in geod erder, tisatishe pressure froSn tise direction o! theseoncin hati les- seneti, aad that tho Governinent md the unIiéti support etftth. Italian peo- pie anti ail pelitical parties. TroopsOper~~dh~gm ~* Mark~k at *.~ ~vToronto.Nov. 6-Extra cholce beavy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j do n ilRtr atrdTrihBs.BeT,$1160 to $12; ,do., good heavy. ______________________________ WW VI UAAV$10.76 to $11.2S; bttche'catile. cholce. to Dominion. A despatch- fromn London says: The do.. medium, 58.50 te $8.ô6; do., common. A erac rmLondon says: British force operating in the Holy Ewemdataffe 7.50 te SR: butchers' bulls. cholce. $8.30 This Italian cartoon, which bas just reached this cuU' otiswa Aee moe ah f rom fo Ln bscatre heCtyo Be- Toronto. Nov. 6-Mlanitobft whea- to $8.75,; do.. good buils. 87.40 te $7.85; was a pardonable boast; Generai fCadorna's brilliantofesvhdnt Seve moe Caadins scapd fom and as aptued he ity f Ber-No 1 Northern. 12,23à. No. 2 do..$2.20L: do., medium bui,$6 85 to 87.10; do.,e8 Germany have reached England. They sheba, on the Southern Palestine No. 3 do.. 82 17-di No. 4 wheat. $2.091i. in1 rough bulle. si to 86.: butchers' cows, been temporarily eciipsed be the Teutonic invasion. are: No. 5147 M. R. Stowe, an origin- bounidtrv Ma toa oileso 2 W 61c 8 do. meium86.6n$61' *ock -tmle ro ers i M anietoba FortWllam.o 2 c.udî lic;tN. 1ch, o..edu.26 1 .5; d.. god. 7.65 0_________stock- _________________ al member of the P.P.C.L.I., captured'The Turks put Up a desperate resiet- à C.Nv.. Ç4ic: extra No. 1 feed, 631e; No. !ers. $7 te 88.25; feeders. $8.50 te $9.25. ini May, 1915, and imrioed at Sten- lance, but the British tosses ere i feed. 621c. in store Fort William. ýcanners and cutters. 86 to $15; m.lkers. American corn-No. à yellow. nominal. good t elirdce. $96 to $130; do., rom. B M N R S dal, Munster and ('astroph; 1310 j. i slight in comparison with the resuitsl ontarlo nats-No. 2 white- 65 li 66c. and med.. $76 te $85: sprIngers. $95 to Watan original member of the Win- oblained. Over 1,800 Ottomans were, nominal. No. 3. do:, 64 te 6Sc. nominal. $130: Itght ewes. $1 1 $13; bue"e and juIuay accordlnir'te freightà outzide. iculle. $9 te $10.50: sheep, heavy. $575I.UUMAI- nipeg "Blac-k evils,' whose home is taken pri.soner, and they tost aine: Ontario whpat-New. No. 2 Wlnter. t0 87.50; yearlingrs. $12 te 813; calves, 925l in Port Arthur, anti who was captuil' guns. The official report read: 8222. ba5s in store, '.Nlontreal. igood te choies, 14.50 t0 $15; Sprlng ed in April, 1915,. at Ypres; 400896 R. 'Gent'ral Allenby (commander of to rreightm nutside. watered. 116.76 to $16.85; do.. 'Wei h-d- Howitt. MoLunted Rifles, wounded and; the British forces in Egypt) reports, Bflrey-M1aIlng. si120 10 51.21. Re- off cars. $17 to $17.10; do.. f.o.b.. 5il <'G'< Rerd of Capture During Chlèf of AdhrlyGvsIs cordlng to freights outsîde.: Montreal. Nov. 6-Canners' bulle. capturcd at Sanctuary Wood, June, that after a night march our troops Rye- No. 2. $1.75, accrrding te freighte '$6.50 te J6.75; e.anners' cown, $5.25 te October on the We8t Front. terestngFurs 1916; 563454 A. Blackbock, tunneler, attacked Beersheba Wednesday morn- outelde. 8$6.50; good t0eboice eteers. 89.50 te enlstd t .agaycatuedatSac-irg.Whleou ifatr atake te aiftoba flour-Fîrspatens n 8ue:10.26; lower grades,.75 t0 $9; 1 dm Lndn 'aa: A despatch from London S.* A es-1c enlstd t alar, apurd t an. ng Wit or nfnty ttckd hebags. $11 i rd do., 111, strong bak- 86ý25 te $8: bulle; 86.50 te 88.26; On- esthfr tuary Wood; il11047 F. lloyd, Mount-! defences covering the town from the 'rd. 1'6,Toot 1roIme 155 o56 uboTh oiwn fiiicomuication In defending theBi]hnayi h ed~~~~~~~ Rls eog 0Feercocp etadsuî-et one roe Ontario flour-Wlnter arcording t0 Iambe, $14-60 Io $15. sheeep, 89.10 te was issued here Thursday evening: Housof Gommns nTusa ih tured at Sanctuary Wood (these three. mlade a wide turning mfovement eml.8 u ~.96.81 hleml-~cis.1 Toronto: 89.55. bulk. seaboard. prompt grass-f ed. 8 t0 $11- hogs. $16.76 te1. Te hostile art.illery has shown Sir Eric Geddeira odo h ahipmenL-9cnieal ciiyduigtedYAmrly e escaped logether); 113295 J. Hockins,lthrough the desert and approached iti Mlllteed--Car lots. delivered Mlontreal-coidrbectiydrinthdyAdrayeveditacopi- Mounted Rifles, captured in June, from the east. frelghts. ba". lncluded-ltran. per ton. east and north of Ypres. Our own ments in this wad9rn ht n "Besea$6sotsNo.$2Vdlng.d. M D w eEI artillery has carried outanubro ietenxyfrcitriswsn 1916, 8rdwsipioe na l a cu di h 45' te $46. igood feed foeur. Per bac. r1nme fIieteeen and teîlt imprisoned o n e- eerg sewoccupried i te$35 hrts o.32 mdllm.do.*concentrated bombardments of enemy offensive one. lan<l n h ale hr owre vnn nsieo eemndrae-8Hay-No. 1. new. per ton, $14.50 ta positio'Ans in t.he batl area. Ter Durino moatr on a fatra, but later was îransferred ance by the cnemy.- $16.60; mlxed. do.. $11 10 é13,trc I,,fpsioatîTeearent *h te a car-p in Gerany, whece he es An adsiinothingicialtheremeft pecTorintontereoth g nuedhr ofh.pmialeageeesteameddbythe to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sta--,a a api omn.wec oe- nadt~a fiiisaeetj-lots. per ton. $7 to 37SÎ.0.té report- battleships, cuersan dstor c-aped ln: 101,58 A. J. MIcMulien, sued Thursday evening soys: "In th,? lrack Toronto, 'one Zfecpue nSntay Beersheba operations we captured - ight Inches of Rainfall Wifhhs "The nUMber of German prisoners alone amountedteoemlonais Woodnted itiifle ev, alcprsonredpsin1,80anctuarysandaptured byOu coutry Briti*sh armie wentinoumiles1 inapuhome watersitsh In addnition in omto and, saed von erb rsocos ,0 sers and atine gupars.O ur Cthounrs42tey 4r3c.c-hisl wnt-orHFrance during October is 9,126, :n- this, the naval u.iayfosatj- Anilcc tli avoe rabossglnd es wrs e gt omaison to the egg-42n4Cremr solide, "41 to 42c; A despatch from London says": ciuding 242 officers. We also have led more than ix ilo ie a< Thyai]hs ae reached Egbandthesut o4indC.emr rnt,42L 4c ar39 t0 four months of .bnormai main in Na- taken during the same period fifteen saine periontsrioy .s They Il aopte prety mch t e -Live poultry-Spring chickene. 17 to tal, South Africa, culminated Satur- guns, 431 machine jruns and 42 trench plaement of thenv 571prcpt saine methods 10 escape, traveling by 18c; hena. under 4 Ibo.. 13 te14c' e;h night and sleeping by dîîy. They look BIG, TURE LOSSES over 4 Ibo.. 16 te 17c;* roosters, 16c day and Sunday in a storm in which mortars." ponater thai n 191,we tia fit.desilether hrdsips Thy e- CUSE BYBRIISHdueklog. 16c; tirkeys. 20 to 26c; More than eight inches of ramn fel lfn 2,400,000 tons. A h ube e petto return to Canada almost im- Dresaed poultry-Sprlng ebhickena. 23 1wnyfu ora euto O RU HNE OO iewr'ehdegte iewp Peet 10~~~t 26c, hens. under 4 Ibs.. 18c: hens, i which widespmead destruction is re- -moa anad auxiliaryptos t-a i mcdîately. A despatch f rom London says: An,. over 4 Ibo.. 20 ta 2c; boîtera, 18c; t' ~ a _____________official statement on the operations in1 ducklings. 20 te 23ec. turkteys, 27e;. porWteanys a Reuter despatcn frm»ActiOo of te Light Rays on the Siu'M 8 M 4~pjoi~ !ti ie Egyt aystht wthrefrece o Wholealer are scîling te the rebal fTe ni River, deepty swolsn 4. Eypt aye hFt iBRITferSce traite::: M theflog res gc;Drbn Ntl Aglraarf.Iit,<wt LOSES F RITSHTurkish communication on Sunday ýN oloig y hesorn,,ep udenydonui *fact 'N OCTOBER 82,377. claiming te have inflicted -a severe storaga. 4«c; naw-lai& carton.-»j té 62 upon Durban, aabiner g the thickly ta mu hnecler,; elsa.îen*1~~.~0 ~fia check on the British troops, the real tueem C em r old, 4 6c;e po uae itrc n ti S rn fed liii., in conform ity w ith the characta. "~ as e Intsyfreuh-rnade, 5 46e8; hie G.eusadistrict onuthe. s*rsaq lu. A do.,patch f rom London says:1 facts are reported by Gen. Allenby a!eo e dalry prînta. 41 te 42e; ordtnary Faa ayproswr wp of the bottom over which thcy exist. 8e. tii I t. aypesnawr setthe North Atlautt Britit3h casualties reported during . wsidalry priaIs, 38 te 39e; bakera'. 31 te o Hro ethete' crr-fish frequènts a partcOcan hofen I ws o the ont ofOctber otaled82,77. "On Saturday aur lune of cavairy Ces-Nw argre. 23 te 23bc; twIna pondent addis tbat the mortabity la,, etr mwhrethe water 'nowa' Ih ut neetngov« usoii The tosses were divided as foliows: posts thrown eut in advance of our z3 1te23te; sprini; made, barge, 25 (.0 befieved te bis grëat amonir thé Indi i' white uand, it becomes nearIy wile; themete, ntheem sa aiatoio Offees iledordid mawonin ,- positions was attacice<J by a26Be ari-ns21a 8prie. bat 7.50 population, wblle much -damage vas 18he reverse la truc lirit frequenta ma5;mnn,14,85.a8; frCanian pie buâhe th, Sed Oficers wounded or missing, 4,133; tareive gIns. Though outnumbercd Honey--40-1b. tins. 17è te lSc; 1O-113 According te a Central News de-! Or mess. I-eonptol r algo menCf, 61,841. and envelo ped on both flanks, detacs- tUns. 1 18e ; 5-lb tUne. 1M t e e pte rmJoansur h uin- 1A fervent follower o! Izasit Walton sbmarinInlabs atm ttitd The Octber asescompre fvor-ment of h. LndenYeeanry CoMnb boney--Cholce. le-on.,3.25 Per ber o! -ish ins mnatives drowued , visehad lo*g been eurious 1to learabow' 1"r thse mtqatrti abby for the British with those re- ifeught with great gallantry, holding i aafril12rcmb.. t2. .56.11erellved e bae racheuda00. pidly this -t*itikiat@u Milest as maay , 1 aIaa portd driagSepembe, wichto- their positions for six heurs until as.I __________plce eptre a 131Ilt 5 teia IiIj . talled 104,698. During Octeber Fild- sistance artived,, and thereby rentier-f mer and pbaeed it la a wihte porcelain 1 Marshal Haig uadetook sevemal me- îng great Service tO their ifnty Smokedrsineaats-Hams;, medbum, 30 Io UE O O~EC1SNt'S tray Ibrugh whbho caaae &$*reM" r' newas ofthebit riv in lanersconrade. RPeatd4carge byt-e,31 Af eleay. r tva27ercote f41le ofcler waeltew iow.la {Iiy maewabeothbe pbigdriv aFadrcmae eateichargesrby 8h. 42c; irons. 37tzc; breaitfast bacon. Invectigators Bave Fouad Varions ~fibgnt o litrl o-~' ~ ~ F~ mnigntbepors atepo Turkish cavalmy resulted la only a 38 Io 42e; backs. plain. 40 to 44le; bones- te is , .t ro ghe l - Wtb Jde cees stibi under way of drîing aeiîght gain o! ground at the. expens eisu. 423bt'O t Ways ot UtubIzlagTiiem. oi adbefore làe week e*d.ed'vs wedge iato the Gemman ines, which of he9vy bosses. Our casuabties vere 28c lb.; ciear heRbas, 26à to 27c. Ti ako odtf aPuoe1ey1gtyUw ii tpsal.1î Iiudk . ia threnteniag a wide sector la Bel under Lroo." 2 lard. iîee. 2jo27 tsbou 37 c;ihrt egete pos!o 11117 are.i rse tcnumtàotBC gium and Norîhera France. j ~cornound. tlerce.. 2 bZ2 te; Ctubs. 2e21 materials listo use. Tbus, boths 111 Mis nit eXPeriment vws te PLUAca:letouCsdtbqatt> ---o----- t 225e pail 2251 23e.Englaaid and in Gemmany vays have tunasief o lird, blacks rubier on the . ft Me -, i engama 10,36 HVE RPOITEDFLOWERS 0F NO MAN'S LAND. . ausk -been feund te, use borse-ehestnuta, bottoM of tihe tray. las lmestiai atheaIout inoa ea 191nsê 105,266 ASK EXEMPTION. Blls odir- ontr4 ,Nov. 65- Oî-.anda hicbhobinis bitter and, unpalatable, iweek Cthe trout isad b«eemo a i:farlte>o wlgialopttv BrtihSodirRetalua L1ove of thse Western 20. a.7ô~te Ti c; do.. Nilu cn a large anMount efnutritive aIenMarly blaci, wu th* rdqp5W tiLtSwientv A despaîch from Ottawa saye: Of. euiu A aag. ~1 a 4M;w,î., eNo. i oocal 74 tuii.tidoxeieu .csap t..aj dctonlv BeauiulAI Crng. otàc. a hey-7:. feed. 1 l2a1; d. l Eglndti. issnuWoreod*gs .'i a ficial figtdresa0howiag reports for ser- ha trlo-o!tiebeuifl is allas. 1.31. Feelou-oa. .SIn j n.k<j th e a orsoim ein 14a la tis sthW a darim lv en omuaed enerh nb'tsB vice and cdaims for exemption up te net kllled b ang be boya arb Dat ~'ent». BraIs 8160 eclolltedtidbt ey vior l e plac» e b 1ver, a tie botoive < tii. 15718,'en arised, oiteuCaaa y2canshowasthatehow 11.10. strong b&kers,51.0;W 10,316 men of Clase Oas under th. penbapu nowhere more atroijgly thans 7te $1; do, bans.t IP.c ,pace$ a t, 18su1t5i Military Service Act have reported, inthe case of Lance-Corporal Ver30on lsfi, ,?44,.. 84.10 te 4*5. aes.s -$35. 'equiv0 and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~aa 10,69aeapidfo6xm-Rwifeo!Acata niu~ Short - $ 16(o $L2. -$U 1* cnW t to haln a ton et cgrn m a li, dOOl'tei, to the tact tisat thse iaisb 1eee o $s tion, The percentisgc which the. ttal smh. adn~ ~ 80 oublltto -S$1 .tm <. 2 ,wrp<f uatt ya rslst VI afrndy 4err-e bears te the ,estimated maie popula-t i.mlnof t.bb~~,8 ;~ er>'Cae. 18 la hep1ed shrmtht sês-eral the jour.mm$lleo!fi tion betweea the Rates o! 20 and 84, theunitOaa OrrY on vhilIi ie affiea "' VuIr-;:ie tersmry4>^tOiiiidtoa ! ut ado.,aub. 1.'.lOw Our.aw a .uiia, hu Raucliffe bulit a44row boxes abOut ki S utoeka *5<mm*e- b4 t <la«iua en or.5 lù -.bsUM" otsimeauln uamai-ried or widowers without chil u- iiosup 80 the firing ine, te 44c; soeonda. 4Ue. ILb.si3taOkeoefrbL A single ,large, te. wat!1 ttedte trout t. a 0 a 8a m 1 - îW Matathu uso.~ Vota. bise1o.9an avouas fr.. tisn.. thou-1 yuIIov. 1156ft;ssu atlak4i4.aila-eW> 94*ê ynr sud et 4a lai«Iet t drea,~~~~~t e 99.h.adsntbcio!teruka tir. Noo.i e as.ncen oc 18. Uote 8d t n tou r iosadmIt4 tii eo oYr'n the aies andback f the-tmcà te*--Pr boit Mr boe. 4#4ê to s-ZL to oi tioç. bo uu* sbeagjee.î bWidillut*vertte $looêaf ad the - .. la thein pianted a vaniety o!f o rs -»#MtiWlJS <i vsii a toi axt A succession o! panda, forget-asme- vsassr eus..5. ttboiL -gf ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL RAIL neta, Pri4rosea, dafeodila aati W1Mpiv8 s oi~ 1e. C-<asl 401ati~e Ïiddol - -lý W CARRIED OUT INTQ GERMIANY biv> dadU im and i'is . Nofelara. 0 X v aest b<or brs.the*1u1r __W____ A despatch freonLondon isys:- Madie a rite^ o!h& l ~ evrtandb& ug I .Frm b îW4 f¶S«s*ie Anether auccesaîful air raid crrrieti worklt g mter -heurevismu h.W., eau; 580,8Us. e.;WV- --I eut by tvelve British machinesha hat deadti vls atigue, sudhi. ber té- 1 been made on Garman munitiosmac-u brouglit more hMn à"i te tii tet tories in Bavaria, accodiag tgVof- o n ula the tresehu»Cemu, j1 1i n 4 f cmal communlcKtibn lsued Tisursdayt It Wouglg fraummanMW eelr vamê * nigbt, Tbec cOmrnanlcatton emys: "on Ibiautitlm uatb..tt omo «W Mtji** IS u Tiiursday amollir succeaful raid vsw u t Ir, oMaaLui hees~~.<--- - I - - s N roatia anti meadova ceontini vils tiie cheertul yodîls o1 mon, but that ll nso, tom places lthe natives ar e t f jarrlng-tise air andti tss(c avalanchse tuat liii> do -pot, to pets aon-tii e rges [teins frein preieé 'M a k Kentishs Fair-,hel4 l'in-Winnipeg. recsntiy, realizeti .82,756.18 .for pl r.lcpurposos -, Winnipeg crtamerie report iosing 338,000 bottieslut year at ansli mated cost oe! 522,20. - lt-las stimated tatnôt- one-thîrtiof exemptions- desiret i 'lnMoese -Jaw, Sask., vill be ailoveti. CapI. Archie Brown, o! Winnipcg- has- been promototi to-ý.the rank oi major, according to.rïcent-despatches, Winnipeg business mon-âre proteat-. ing strongly against tise proposed ad' vance ina ai rail rates between sasterx anti vestern Canada. Policing W4nnipeg this year re- quires an outiay of $2.23 for everl man, Woman and cisild, or a total o1 $422,e62.70 for a population of 188,- 84&. Three hundreti and fitty working longues of the Manitoba Red Cross Society vili congregate is WinnipeU for their annuai meeting at 8h. end of tis, mentis. Receat reports state that there.art 2,500 sheep for sale in Manitoba. Ti Minister o! Agriculture vill endeavoi to see that people anxions ho raist sheep secume these animais. Manitôba's total potato crop foi 1917 viii not exceed 6,600,009, bush. els, which is 27.31 per cent. less thix year than la 1916, althougis tie acre- age vas - grenter by more than Byve per cent.,The. total yield is 1916 vas 9,080,602 bushels on 62,581 acres,, an average o! 145.1 bushels an acre. Frank Irwin, formerly secretary of Saskatchewan Boy Scouts, Éas ieft for India. The 1917 grain> crop of. Western Canada viii net the fainera -mors tbna $600,000,000. .Moose Jaw bas the largeat number o! cadets lu tise R.F.C. than any other city in Saskatchewan. Thse Province of Manitoba viil be divided ite ten districts foir the second Vlctory War Loan. Lieut. Guy F. Shackie, of Calgary, isas been promoteti to captain and received the Military Cross. A convention o! all Army. and Navy Veterans'- branches in Canada will bo helti ah-Winnipeg' in the, neai, future. Western farinera are axious about next yeam's help and an effort is ho. ing matie in Winnipeg te, secure fàrm labor nov for'neit season. Two thousaad fBye hundredianti ser- enty more, students are enroillog et tise Manitoba AgriculturaiCollege ltua,.. yesr thon la prevlous- years.. Reepta fer tlse-month o! ,Sptem. ber ah the Wlnnlpeg- Stock Yrd broke, all p4ivîous records, total- -i'.- ceipta of cattie auiuberlng 45,676- or 20,895 more tuai sSeptemwe, 191&., w Li 1 lut Idis- ythe sea se (,ces- f Uily, 1 hem w in- mis- i be t, but the ence cel- lding grees next ected true Id be and ùxes, ghted a be with ,anI- make Ualty ii the Or~ -b-. I. (f lýo . 111) r har- s anid or thoe 1raguîs îq uash ýps for il h theo, hosts.i bugs,l stalk, %vintèer wece-il les o! karden' refuse ts aad artersé, ia in- epecies u May ,elis e n, un- lkah- d 'i A %UêCUi te fi 'n' po-, hrac-, of toj ýt anti leenI

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