zgradUates who were :back te vlsttheirl Aliin aMat-r. Ab-uit, slxty of theè stu- deniq wcre- ilaceqt-umé, and Part-iel- (%tdhI thb masqilhraUe marci, durlng- whie4. t-be lt-udienc&Ihaýda geed. epper- lunlty to view t-lie vrions charaterâs, sind the Judgcs were able te form eopin-' ions,1s1to-t-be Vwtlers of theDrims. At-r t-leniarcl. Principal .F'arewell Inti'oduced Rev, Normnan Megilivray as chairman fer t-be short- programi whlcli followed. Mr. Mclivray de- lilited these present- by'his refreahtng wit nnd his biroad eut-o on lite as In- dicated In hie chairman's remarks and In short- anecdotes int-ersporaed throughieut tlie program. Solos. were sung by Misses Vivian Alcock and Helen Miilay; élght young ladies performed a vor; lkcc.;ing Folk Dance, and Misses Vida Luno and Wlinnlfred Symington lîr-(:;rnted a scene f rom Dickens' "01t- voi - rNîst. Th ý-juadgor-a au ard'd 1t aie pi I ss as foi- le %t ": M.osl ,#à îîtifuq otulMisPart- rùlige, w, .a Spaanisli NMtidii. A wardA- b. Dr. W.tughi. Mcs Origitial.-.Mi."s hÂla Nvihliisky, kis Lttle Bo-Pet p. Awarded -by Dr. Mosta Original Pair.--Misses Luno an:d Sytiffngton, as characti rs froni -OliverTit. Awardedi by Mr. NV. J. U reenwood. (onlc Costune-Miss Emily Simp- atan. as a ('ucumber. H-onoI)e me-- tion- Miss Miargairfi Maxwell, as Mlot-- cv Goosv. Awarded by.Dr. Hare. No priis were given, the young lad- ica foregoitag that pleastire volutîtarlly as a %a r rconioniy Ilite awardlng of ilii' îîrlza'ahy tllie varloîts gentlemen matnmcd ias deniied sufficient- rewvard foi.- muri. A pIt usant social lour followed, dutr- Ing wbhilhrî-fre-aiîmpnt! wer-e served. T1OWN LINE SCH OOL BUliNVD. The secool bouse of Sriîool Section No. 1. Whllby T'ownsbýip, (stter known- as the "l'owthlnçc School," ut Almonds, n'as desttroy-rd by tire carly Siondai tata ing. Ahi thai remaltus of t-lic uild t - p i îart aif thle h-rik as.The lire w:as discov-î-ud aliotit 7 o'rlon,- a nm.. ba i had tuade m sti rlog rt ns t la :t n otli ing coailti hi-dontît-tapis t-iali tae lianit- and thiaiairi tu t t-idilits wî-ri- fii r to :stunad idly ~bv anduiit(b ilthli iid( 'Plietiri- is totuglhi 10 have h<î ima"XIUU14alaultaetyreU to mano la Qmlm. That- Prugula id luot 11e, btten la a but CMu they .be Prov=? W. e $a set-tled con&victIon, -pot- alone o:et. ga- thée orùmulaofViol *toprove ttie This *as well "eleed by a-Vlirglnlaa s îfmBr tqn e wvith whern Capt-Gfbour talked. HRe 7ama.U~ss,,.mAs sald tht maiafrit-t-bat- Prassia UUdIS4Og*C. it-st be braten i t took every manJ acery dollar l -e ,Rfpnblilcte de'.Any doctor wili*2aUY«-that tii. Cept. Gllot'pald a bigb. compli- Iov.a muent t-o LUoyd'Çqerge. lie la a -pon.- lea enaesrnt? derfuj -pian. Relias thbe powert '~e~ AU wuk, run..dewn, vumworkeii rtlit ~aosmnand wmcnMM Y pro"e iaid -o sey the riglit- t-bng gt t-be rg h -ls at Our eXPense. trne, and lie keepa the cour age and de-'n termination et t-be people up te thb e = thbng Uike m01 t-ore- rîglil pit-ch. store srnthadViI to tefeibîe Canadians rire given- mucb pralse la Cid people, delicate cîl M sd ail England. The Landoan Tintie8 couteas penmswho-need more stregth trequeut- refereno.- L6thet-e lads t rom- Try it If yen are net entirely sat-- 7anada-. " must- support our brave îsfied, we wMl ret-um your money felomsov(r-ti(re, sad te lct witbout- question; t-bat preves our fchlwa0v<' tiee, sid(le utrur* fatrnes and -yu rtcih Capi. G-îtnlour was aI every camp ln ~poiei En2lauid and Scotlar.d mwwre Y. M. C. 1AR. ALLUN, Druggisî, Vhitby: aise et- %~. wvork iaý carrîr rc-. snd. w-as mnoat thebehst- drugg-ist-s In aIl Ont-aie towt-s. pronouncA-diii lis lîraise cf the îvork lotar h)y tie Y.M.C.A.. en'd of thec spi'en- - lid way in w hli ilrovid-d comforts The by-law preî-ldcs for tbe Issue et cr th( tîîî nz-.nd of Iheir usa of t-hesQ debentures fer $25.000 ln etîma ef net- om-forts. - bas t-ban $100.00 each, beitring lu- !iîýf-eri;:g 1to tr tempt.ations of thc'îorest et thbe rate o! six per cent. per tua:. tho lectîtrîr raid ltaI tht--e were tannum. -aa:y r-npl .tinn.s ti:.t our mn.n or The debent-ures t-o bear t-le sanie ofal u ltha. arP 11hi i, t;aolasonie. date, and shall be lssued. 'ithln two at-i-nt- h;<-s ars att-or t-ho date on whicb the by- C(7nauitan lads are a' alling thcm- law Is finally passed, and shail be of tv-.!hie o;îpu)ýrfunhtî-s afforded ot payable lu equai 4unnual consc-'cutive - asitr ing îtorleica's. nd of lmnprov-.payments. :îg ti -mai.ds m ith sitidy cf hist-ori The by-Iaw prov ides t-bat troni and 'ht--arti-slatter (ho loi day ef January. 1918. for ('art <iioarbld ! bo Colegethe term of heu yeara, t-ho lands. prom- Tut-n la: tht ('-anadian Armv Ibai organ- 1ises, buildings. maclainery, plant. equip- zci lP; -nidy variouis probleinisocs-et apparat-us and preperty behong- -ion-ýd b.y ile itar. *- ir to ta he s~a d(n-'.-.-.-.-nLiI h- ý- A FALSE REPORT. About a montlb ago a rumor n-as cur- ttî inu WhitbY thal Sergi. Sidney Wal.1 t-ir, of! Whitby, lied licoukilîrd ln ac- ion. Owlng te bis haviiîg ne relativep acre therca 'tas gi-et difficuht-y ta gel- ing Information on t-le point. The atmor lias been pioveti false. liowcver,l )y thc- rec&elpt of a leti,'r hi' Mr. John ýIcCîtlloîtsb rota Sid .- writtcn 0o1 Oc- t-brr 15th. SIti said b-ha ad bertu Irans- urred from t-heoNouiatt-d Rifles Io t-le a at;sj)ùr1 serttot, atd t-liai lie n as ini aliarge of a compant-. Hie tatany triends em~pt f rom alil Municipal rates, . andi asseasnat--its, incuidng 4busiusa tag, ept taxai Ion for schéol pur- Poses and local Improvement taxes, or on dwelling bouses whlcli are or înay hoe rected upon t-be Company's premîses, aise for ha fîxed asseassment eon thpir salnt Plant. oee, for a pe.rlod or 'test 3oars at 10,00. Aîd that for 5 Ycams froni the day salti Company shahl use elect-ri l ht and -water, te Cor-Poration will sup- Ply waîer for domestlc and i menufac- îurlng purpusue. andi electrie light free et charge. aatnd aiLextvnd.their sewer catît- d by a lranip t.ebo was oeccîîîyîî:t- wîîîrît' pi-ascut-oluarn t-bat so far lie "7nt.Forfal&icr p11 actuar ec- t la- builingt -over uit-lit. A litîsia:was a scpt -otd.Scbedule '*«B- uîtacbed bei-et-o. svnin ititlit- bascu-t a hI-Sat trda: S-*C4*E ------- tighit, but- ilt as îaoî riati-deti as eus NOTICE TO ('REDITORS. Ttiaicennmailudîiae t-ihlwortb lnvcstigatlng. as mnin hsarenn ael ir)iA but-s cf the Iboard and îthe carotaker f n r litle malter Of hIe est-et-eOf Emina D. tWetit-sccoutd day of Oct-e-r in t-be îîtciitly visit the- building for -aiotu Warren, late ofthie Townnf e t by, Year ef Our Lord. One Thousanti Nine tiattiers, lun1(li asemetît was a quat u ithe t-binty of Ontario, wldow, de, Hundred anîd Seventeen, bet-ween the l ily of charcoal, as wcîî as four tons o et-caseti. Unied Rubbcr AManufacurlng antiRx-- roati. Prom the appearance of t-le col- Notice le berebi' given, ptîrsîtnt t-o clalmlng Cempan>', Lîmiteti, lereiat- lar-, il lm bcllev-d ihuat the intrtîEer RS.O, 1914. Chap. 121, t-bat- ail per- tomer alied t-be CemPany' et the FIrat- staried ii ire for tvarntth with char. sons listing chaime agalîtat t-le estate Pari, anti the Corporation efthne 'Town ceaI,-and t-lai tht-- blaze spreati stîtden- of the sali Emma lP. Warren. Who ef Whit-by, berein etter calledth -le Cor- ]y heyoîud ils Coulroi. cateltlrtg onto Jiletion or P.bout t-be 24tb day ef Sep- iPoratlot o! t-be Second Part. Ilite lairge pilie of charcoal. One oftht-t- embi.î A.D. 1917. are requlrtdi te Bnd 1 Whei-eas t-he parly oet heîFurst Part hast-mont wiridon s %-as tourad 10 uati by pest. Pri-palti, or delîver te t-le un- lm clesîrcustofetaabllshlag a manufac. lîcen reinot id and was îernling at-auns dei-sigtî'd. on or before thie 30t-h day of1 turing lndust-ry in (ho Tonnoe Whîtby- a trîetîcar lith liooi. Nou'embei-, A.D. 19,17, thIcr names, ad. for tbe purpmos f nmautecuring rub- 'The loss le si-ri-ots, Ls a good deal 'i-i'es anaad descriptionis. and tull par-I ber tires, for wbe,-ls. tubes, belting and of lîatpiovemn:t htadu bei-r -made btoii- (Iculars of Iher li-tnus ant-d s-cuiriîv lotlier gootis lun-blieu rublier la ued, sctoral durittat tîte ru'reti ttnni'r vaca- if ;in>, eld ti - l . dul), verifIed, and anudi las ajipliedin te- Corporathoît for ti oti. 'l'lie lilbrar>,. whîlcb %vas dt-sti-oy- (bat aftu'r the' aald date tht'e t-trtore'-a bonuis ln aid cf t-be eld indîtetri'. -oit, t'it a valitabt- oui-. Tîere %a n-as lu- Proceed tb dîstribîte the -'at-et-s ofandti ib-ri- laneomanufnctury es;tallla- sîtîattce onu tit i- ldlig lu lii- aniunu 1h- saîlt di-ceaseti amiegîthe Parties'e d tin the' raid ton-n for t-le lîke pur- of e1500. î-utltled abereto. liting retgard onhy p1.osetuteadth e sali Ton-n propotes- tot> Tvnorr arrangemnents are beîig 10 thi- cuais ef wilciîhey shaîl (lien igi-ata a botis ais leretinatter mentioiiod nil ohl cho ntevageai shop hîvnt ntice, !te 4écnf e hu'iecat-ion anti operat-lon et t-AlIÂis uy Yh rbbyb Thse Troa irtiio ral Truste Corpor- 1the sal i lidastry ln tic Teu iof week 7'be'fie building can bie htted It-ioti, Toronto.. jbî> uîp te propî'rly accommodait, echolare. )atcd at Wb*hltbY t1hs 7(h day et NO- 1 _Non-, tîterefore, Ihis agreement n-lt-- The t-cier, Miss Wilsotn, lufl for lier Vnte' 97 net-b andi h lat mutualiy agi-oit-ibi liome on Mlontday, anti V'11 returut when -------- -aati betw-c-i-ru thte parties bortt-e as tol- t-le temporcary quart-crs are ready.,Mit-s -Iowa: Wiclon ailiifrtieeke iig pi-uc- 1.The saidi Comipany' will acquire e t£al llle ocsmYLAnW l mne su lu Ib te Town ofe!Whltby and eruct- Il lias not yet beeti decideti by the' ft-bei-ou a building of (lie telhowlng di- t-uet-e whr-thi-r work willho a proceeti-.i mensiene. viz: -eto about sIy foot In ePd witb at oitce oui a tîow building, or u Synopsis of a by-hale toatthorize w1-ti-h by oee lundred-ansi lt-y teet la tht' îebullding oitiou-or ont-il aprîîag. anti sancUion t-ho oxecut-lon et an agree- 1lent-tb, cenaîrlcteti ef brick,.concret-c but- a conisult'atiotu titlat-be insppecter ment- bet-ween the United Rubber Maxi.'-or et-ber ituitable tuat-erial for contusu-he. plhtrobabli' enable th-o[ard tei-catch afactarrig tanti Reclaimlng Cempailoatiwi j-i l -endfc a declelon. It- le est Imatedt (at a neWt Lii- :îed. anti the. Corporation oft he1 tory ail preper manutact-uring Matachlu scboei building ett-h-c proper klîîd wîîî Town of! ihy, dated .22usd Oetober, t-i-y lanti equipasent for t-he manufan.- ontI ut- lat$4,000. 1917, andtitO eut-borize t-be ralslng eftutre et -t-le herelnbetore mentianeti e,26,000 bi t-be Issue et debentures t-o anîcles and sucb et-ber kînti of gonds -- ho loaneti1te nid ComPani' under salt i'tn xwicb rutbr le useti. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT 'fiE agreemuent.j 2. The nild site, tacto>ry building. BAPTIST CHURCH. N'bereaa t-he Ceuncîl et tbe Camper-imachInery anti equipment wben Smn at-ien Of the Town ot Wbltby bas on- l'Pieteti wlll be et the value. approxi- Stinday, , Nevember 4tb, wes t-be oc- teret i nte an agreemi-ni lt-h t-he abovetmatx4îy et S5O,000.00 andi upwau-da caston ot t-ie anaiverari' services or namei opn'<bjc-te(oa. .Tesçi fatey bidn t-be Wbltby DaptIat Chai-ch. The chuarcli preî'al etQt-beneheet-eraquliat-e t etc .11be T peu-ti at buildia- wauorgnietiip 1(6; liu l-a lît tti-on 8.5 idOnt ln Sebedule 'B- cbitry snd -equipmenî therefo .-anliversary waa beliîg celebrat-eti The annexard te nsit! by-îaou. taaîdU~rî no îfîctb ts petor, 1ev., Harvey Mei-ilIt, was jiP-n1le bylaw pete e -b su ia a d i, 1918,enor tetbe sa= ':mstd t- otbâervices oetht-e day by* .t debentiure for tbe at-tm eof 400an ueîeefr stb oni tth Re~ rof, J. 4 ltGihuur, oft hloMauler a 1oan 10te $M d, Compani',rutP&able nid Cohrorans.y e runt, prote ilnveiity. ount-. 'hoprachtitwe~ wcnt-y years bi equal anrugal pi"- ubt -ift-bhe wott of buIlding thbe saX y" ty 'atrogrion. lHe 10k #M bimtatac rnîd n4ur« that- faory Ms ustallng Md qplg a , u, je i at é a c h ts e rv ic e p r e t'0 7 t-4 , h a P r in c ip a l a n d S lt- u t - s - p a y a b l e in 1th e n i4 f aU b u u ar y l a d sl a 1y 4 b y _r e a ý Prob thaa e c hurclies, "d a pplis sy ýone juer ul gr 1 h gaîe ta 8th 10 t-b e c cIenfts. valiss, daisyslad- te t- oint-t-l practiel avico fomai a sin Me &as :1 principal andte mrest-l ivrdqg saeiaOoUb b fuiO li teXt-s, Thchoir oethtle churol payablei^ n i t-be i1te ea'.l.sl erea. or by aIliercU e rendict spclamaulc uri; tbe ay. Tîaby-îa* provtd« for t-le rala,40S boyM bd tosatng oret be mu *m.u o>n Monday evening A t-ca"d Ifie' anuaîîy e.61lM79.41 uring thse perwot pany t-b. tlaie» » s sa&ouiti ture-was boIld ltbe churcb. Pro= six e t-went-y y«sUg. for pyin- rol.u.t he e- .rlbt.Uza e * o'ctock t-e. *was -tervet ln <chool ,voff, aitet r-demt-gares. o-«à býw *d o and att-or t-le Peuple bai bec» satledoT ho'u-, nd auc , go buiezted A ».uptt niapeeeor* e at- t-betable$, wblCh Waa abbut 8483>, et anuafty hy socaira, mSlceale1 ttln 1*1 .aýc4t atIteture was gvab r.Glsu.on tbertor over .sdaeral U.. usssl'ettha bmauy. t-)OPrse li Tisa of Warl" Por, 'G11on AU lb. e -ai rpst atb .<h.sl apa ..wt à oulr, wholias -thbe rank-ot Captabin 'rown etWblt-by. lhablet .rt4 e 1oCust. -atI-ylrp#l 'bh-th ilt-a, baz been serving 0 lt ata - uutle ou ls tb.tbe w-uIb.ati u i -oC Mat lâli w1th thebe Canatta stidiers et MM rmnorW t-bc j< bonthé &0«7, Mw * Jm h Iftio Camp, ?oronuio, arnataiesi ua pvuutsar w*ew u t i.ç tv I-bo- lacePlot a9 t-bat- cop. - urIn; t à »t i W * YuU tire __ ao pad ontb~ dIlvey ai. themacha. cahnhf Cpmany. in1te- the seat-lie oft W eaivýd a t thhe ra1d0Cempany Praalffzýt. 'oe WUYYS8 1 0 9 qa, a ive e vuy"f r.4W ik ,T her ain unt Thé United -W. ~e t e . abe o~ ~ ~ a~I e~-î eehadvsncd fo r mci n ery oas-the m ahi-nertr. l tfo~ et trOedb-ljýa w h suhe f r a sucb paymentg cti ctrPOh adCroato a em ~ Crirtln ftb o n e t I eta,è n~cnleain b Di md stIntêec et t beomdu an d eter a'euf. . at a meètIneamoùt W 4 -,tiiereff to b paid ~~er [ofthesecon dayd Jariaryan.. th e -saiter ueompanytf Cot exi km.t lod o. ot e t i e t thbîd'leqaliàs Crepes.s mi oteeecrset-eJ twlW oe - tin t-eateo h lrtpulaio ertoee ea rmtledte! iaidCoal ê uctui , as for amns nil.-Cer. o i otic, ndtb t h1e tersub Debeturs te be ssud byt-b s dvb-acedfur t-e a rposeratelflgN TC.lciioia aee téfrtdy aban et zir o al - t ebntre t rnt m ne fr arylg kntiewat - e f reon ary t,-'ainedotturt-h er t- b y a wnn lirat ~ ~ ~ II motggci -estd opr tio 1 ere altod n unrdDl Corpoainmyde oro0ftbeTn of h bte "-o byjmstdivrt-e--tbe -erk lot col ng lÉtte Cemhpany's land, buuci- forla ebe made t he eopoa thtio esby.tdt tlevte ttli 11-ta r >-Munt- enhpal efoeth dayor -nÊ and mci ner>'& feoibe dur seo to oertee eseo r arn a d'tr onthe 6t dyo oemerandA P a on t a meor t-ak ng te roft adecar securln tethe aaiddaCopoetioanu, -abligThe rpraion lw*in atIse u 11.bewe tleher e ie-theki~î ce t-lie aaai dene c 191-9mOrnt o p t i -e said C or . st- et eanv hali flt o the nlec es a-linthe olmonadfl eclc i ie tb te la tenanýth-ioe, leaseublectn lsatr (i oporation, one vte hi- teate heon atorpratoh, sfolloswing pe. les: i ot, uic tm e 14,'.r îv . lich i stb - clause frest e Isrhe aued of th e ing t-l o rthe ag reem ent. witin îo Brtn' ansao p. F 'lJo e ione u- horaie-by'tl ie rps d y-o Town o rase th amqnt ofthe ag thearemenrcand ferlsthe bulng o bereb t-Of clall agred beteen t e benurs oaw. For Po crrin! ak otln -iiceta s:fgio n gjo. à 2 et- o je ontjý-bat ier li -as ten ast parTe saertomthanyt w~in eryin- a 2.uthis raleeet s -odiionl es' sho aopo, % ndas Stee t, Jhn e natdt a i .iiia a listlle Intae te sad f Ct or or atini aon 11-h e passit ofOn nd rtifica ion f oblpRO , lu irspeft fht-li pre ry 0f ich li leur tm e h h e l ie d -C orprand taion as e- s aid i gh e aw b the Coin case. th For17,be llingth S ui siofn eo. 3, et is teant orter il the o tal im r -- Pfixtues not- e r i n nabl ithe t UiC ompanyThi aretn she ai l ptcn nth C ou no aî n d G e o obb, DR .în e atio 'Ines. h a a a Evd n e A t I cton n t e the Corp-oration nd t jl - g ho bin ln pron îad ure 0the bd ng- F r o t h e Su -di iin plce. 4, eI teat wJo. ePII WH TF ('e rk.n For ver Dolaryoutpenefo FU L yu a er asctnget r To bulin ndmConine n t i onWs te pIn theofPerfection of0 orb apli to knobelwingy hro T is pSystlem rfra es wn stlldInthyol cury mo e ntthehe efadraiiatoff ol, W.inirecofte Ranes fwihh fxueanne evalie, antoand1Heaters f 1depriveyour home f mn hahasndt CticlCame.Ceog ob *0.en raiesedo Bosn ftet-oter Çomfortsrone hundrd per cent 'STOPOTHATHAWFULWASTE, TeCothe .Range Alone C n tDoPefItioo LPRJo NGLE'S IARDWAE, WlThI3YONTste Why does Canada Raise Motiey by Selling -Bonds? BONDS are issued payable in ten or twenty ers s the case r=a It means that repayrnent of the moncy, wiIl bc sprèad 0ver.,ten,, >'cas-s instead of ,being raised by taxation to, meet current epediu To raise by taxation A the- onyas- fast as i t is* ede t Cana&". share winning the, war, would be an uùbeara-bI' buvr the people.- It would mean that more than a illion 'dollars) day»woAdh raiscd rgnow. ýr 1be. )r twenty carry ou Ie uon I * j'; -te' t-'- d e- 't-r 44 1. 4g~ raz st-r mi] Ra. in whi Xm thed Ordi In 1 A a ,shie liabies for ci la thle anîd ii T'hr Whaliîi Pr ida it-ili h hindi r MIis f rieiîc t riot i proce becca f or t' nuai made t-be 1 later. ThE seclat hi' me 14tli, Libre, Rein t-e ltae The Wom( -tii (t Nover Ietlt tarie; 'Nover A. Re Lad Prduca 10, ai Mnu Scerb lier p Pt-e bis lxi oxpec -a-t lia la Fr edth Tuu -- War' Ceuni Nove GTh