RR mV m amr AnexceptIoiiaiopportenltY g l irat- -eUmaamachine at a batI911IL UQUIptpzi witb A.1 Mator. T'nveraI Mono ArM that Piayu m DIMofetroords uUi, Ton* Qontro for funilor tpiuad voiib&IL§& t. a fOt a&U tb-eI fé&tursS fouii4 on thé htghsU prie" iig.clueu -Che taiella 13 ahogar Ptxxiuh. 41 in. blgb.' one Ysear gurit*O wth ianh McIne Ino areprsu.nted retUuawlthln 10 d&and at et Your mariey bacbL prie whlls they la.at 828 cash *1tI - order or C.0-1).- 77 BAY ST", f TORONT( Between Cousins; OR, A PIEGLARATION OF WAR.' CHAPER X.-Con'd. riht and the precipitous bank to tl etkept lier Lied tothannrr sucking out tbe eatth's bieod-Feneiia r le aog hlh the oqearrymn fervýhtiy hoped flot to) meet »Urican- bound te rega'n bis l-ome. in t The 4eesoive- ta leave the. hut beose dusk gatbering fast within the hollc there wat .ny,.danger of liâ i ur the heights lied metedtao ne fe 5tood frm wthinher. tureleas rarnpart,7wr1e thecaske ai It.., was Adam whoi, uriconsctousif., ashes upen Lhe river-bank werei put ý,several ïp6kes to e her wbul, I more than black silhouettes againui thba ub5l>Q Of wants'and wlsbes whicli streak of pale yeliow skY. Tiiere we tCt-,ing bolder to formiu1ate, pale patebes upon thie uhadow, smre ari c tatgarulty wich hus' mis-which were Émovabie, andsmre si fo tu rbs nreqwed. At tbe end, tionary; the still greedily feedi as Itik waud bave, thers came up sheep or et.. urne unueualiy blosao a subject Which, Wth Àdam, was i- laden hawtborri bus-while ssci' exhaustib'le. the busy hurna swellng ti hem ear "Elsie Robson, you know her, don't shie approacbed It anddYing awaY youV" he blurted out, just as Feneila she left it behind, -bomrowed- tram t was drawing on ber gloves. sbadows a tnystery whiéb daylight h "'That dark girl? Yes; 1 think I de.,ied them. it was. their voi' kriow whom you mean." which drownc d the Sound Of the fa0 -"And wouid you say there was any- steps approaching, just as thp, thickg thin arxis wili br? n~tinging dusk 80 effectiveiy veiled1 to sareoff sutor forex 919~ figure of ths returning quarrylfi . "Amiesswith-uer? No; if I reniem- Ftha no util itheas mmeinnt ber right, aseis rather good-looking. h¶ F ee dnohat hemeetfle But Adam," and she rose resolutely,hadrdehdbcoeîvt'1E "dyou ýwill tell me about ber another Evidently lier nerves had sufiere( ime; it in getting late to-day." 1 littie fromn the suspense, for, with1 "One moment, Miss Fenella!" and! BUrgiflg up of the tall figure in SI he groped blindly for ber sleeve. close vicinity, a slight shiver pasi "O0nly this one more question: Wliat over ber. SimultaneousiY siseNlUl would you thirrk now of a man who ened'ber step, go as ta discaurage i rnight bave lier for the asking-her attempt at conversation, whicli was and ber croft and ber cow-a man the esuer to do as they were walk' who'll require a wife rame day. and on different rider of thé road. 1 who yet iaoku on the other side when apparently he was flot thinking ofà lie meets ber ai the road." e "I1 uhould uay lie was very foolish,1" sucli attempt, for baving look e c pronounced Fenella, witb ail the au- and hesitated, for jusL one moment, tharity cf eighteen. thtfo isslfted bis bat, and witb a i "dWell' Duncan'u "t olMssIGood evening," would bave Pas Fenella.'t on. If he did hot do sa Fenella1 "Dunican? Oh? le he going to marry herself tg thank for it; for it was lier?" 'lwba in tbis very moment stood g "No, lie i6n't, womse iucl-tliougb peri'aps beausc it lad rusbed 0 l'y. urged bim, tirnes out of number. eth:afrais odhm 'What do w. need a bousewife for T'e ht fe al h wdbr bell say, so c joking ia reply. ý'wrnl apology, or perhape because the si] any housewle !reepi the but cleAiner condemnatian wbicb ah. tbougbt tb*n 1 del -Or ýwill any oft hem stir read in bis attitude Proved MOre mu t1S. P"frdg fimrtr'-for hein as. fYing than could b. any spoken wi g'oud a'hid at Lb. ecoln as et the It wau tbe mixture eft tii.. feeli sweepirig, put in Adamn par par- which mde ber voice a littie uni eilthe8ê.PUaId ail tbe whie knowlng tain amibhe satd:' that 1 would die sasier ta ses thern .odevnn$Du=l"T Corne 't.ogether. It's no the. act of 4 "*>dC5lli UCfI diâtitul son, la my judgrnent, though with an aLLsrnpL at liqhtness:: l'i îbound te say, it's tbe onIY Lhnt a burry, I sco, asu uuai. lie' ever crossed me ini," came the , "lu t n a ay greater hurry t glooai admision.any aLlier da?' 'sid Dunczan, stî 4,1e:bap- ha doesn't cars for ber," lng til face bi ai tutredo ve tur aenilla, fear mort uncertaîn- wt.l.fc tl aLLme e 1y Lhà n ah. bad upelcen a minutea a0o bI ld home.e.Vu re for thls was a igreuiidupon which aie e"Ilamie d I bpavigert oueilme felt strar an&duntaMllar. uite siceëydepe ber mu Adn rew uphl& malmed baride. aread de bis vermeeting. "I V "$Carse for ber, Miss Fenella! Uni- ed tp-to gay sornetbing ta Yeu, ai logs bls"geL a 'piece oft ovod ipî l b.t dyonteuik cf a beart lisean't *hslp crng -rr ah te lise as bouleteend -as well doered -a s h@ pau oxp.clUantlYs but b4 thati Arind<at as sbe is ripe aà ni- tée- m hlm teol If hlie'.geL soi mll. ia nthin , tand&rin tbers * ilnm &- ai lzic you a srry sab Pe~ifladr ~1iOME~tlik~thllno bi v e. CUBI~[N MQ SEIOD CINC-outET I Before all f gan'efWENTY-FIVELESONS. "Ws lato for yen ta .wa p Loe in bavde no plFeo in aln.Pallier bas kePt yen -b.yend Tihe baby wbo must depend uprbesavnelcemh r11cid' yorOe 1 baig"tebette to supply-autriment t lit ____ gOt 'nntmrt;t' only a short "inlftain Ide needa good car. and at- Good home-made brýead and pur-eiabr n LI7i hybv village-" teniden.if mii contata te neeasylémuent-s o rpae bit th themallLb."ivetiLb.tbat anof vtaaiprtace for Vhs ess thaninother places. galacnbitbs fo r yn ob T'h1at t sbaby my -sucnfu vtîm ee, héD ýe n larnbur and ePas t hv dviitehot:. 1suc d l r wtdurin z - ih RImetc tr yofand in s0me 0ussia wakn long t a y1«bit tfor holdhaer.thouysc g raw otigt he chuba iWt. ý 1 precMibe a formula titat wtll agreéemayterefarne av a skeouing yo as it ai sl hebridge.? ih .echild. Cleaalinen * is~bg b. aem ts of the wheat, it should nalvlgethydnoe factotr. IL lu imposas far 'a t cal" ouuued fco.I mosbe te kep lit fourdef rom whole wlieat Meat or r~ad cilager hydord.ve iv b. no le ad i bdcltiari li terlor. This gives the child the valua-Thpoies taeerYDP-Ãfs the the wheat. The outer covering ai seclot thaanevthryuanagets moreîî4eywhiS focoed. .-ble vitamines that are contained inR R ~ hsshr ffod f a nar lolds I . l ii nnm aae t c e t h s t r u c u r gft hý i r l c a r f f o . f A W 1 "B ut 1ou'e wtfred; y e n g nh e be ic ofdirt, im pure m c h o bd -V grKn o ti relaport iLt t the police, and the getn oe"sanit.ary conditions-are the enemies of:Ply and also he condGtion under womaf wZicl itit jrcarcd for before it reaches WormnStl oa als ec he ln the pttes yarwe pasedr oucn - Duncan bad made ane stop tn,,tbe cbiidhaèd. tetw rtis pttes, or orie big 4irctoflaile ilag, bt ow tod T~~ abyapro~igan yer <1you. Upon receiving milk, if it s WhaFuît Dr PailBut the iandladyteis ota tliryuco oftevlae utnwsfd0Te ayapocigooeds. r ot not alrsady CbildreizAre Sufferiuig. ýpotato and one smmll ans. Tbe ftood must bgiù t eat olid oods. It urizo iL at once, theri cool and store Cide r ufrn.fotbe i(o e onined)conditions are not alwiys cornotbe o ecnine. t this period tlat tbe mother muet in a place where, it will be free tram'sv nGraydcomsin-eivsi _____________usecar an foe-tougt. liede- li contamination. Remember that Leather is s0 expensiei 'rraYbut the foodc misobeeeri ~JVVU7 flflIK'V icate digestive organs are easily dis«- miilk wiii spoil ver>' quickiy if it is thatý only the upper las bugerw- 1 as the thing diddofse hy HART iuwi turbed. It must be reaiized that tho epti aeeso it anr rb bet avere lether shoes thiS wili at for year.- child should be furnishe,' witb îodaif iLt iperrnttted ta stand ti a heu-t- winter and starcb is twsnymak 1M1% ffl - that will provide grewtb ot bone, 'mue-' ed kitelen. Physicaris wtll tell youeofalti noMLIN T LBU IGUP dles and tissues and aira fumniali. it that thoumands of babies die scea Po n. But i spitefah hi o MLIN STLBU IGUP witli suficient energy ta exorcise its because of te carsers manner in German wili go to work witb n emptY Ttl -e rm rvnal ie body. moteta edtothri iar pcu ' dnnr i .Ciniso i nAplm F o0 Fw h p ot i n n c s ar . l a s ,w asb, i o s b e u d r T e G ernian F ood C o m i si n S a pp ll ng :he WOR OF MIM RY HOSITALS Tis à fuad in ilk, mcstand crnriY1 ofhihgiinlkail MtseunEveriththein aietlasenses fforlothesforrst runni g wa er, t e tLiket-mmgni i produces a sub- siglit nonth s of 1917 in Canada and folnertceta t cre the United States teIl tryo th the aboe mentoned foda foroImariglwarowrince ththtp tataelbai-$180,500,000, Ow childrn. Baby "v« Ãus eergy'fletary coveing saysan American newspaper w-ona rsceteoalf [au- O ME ncsar. * his forma : s hinu wh eture ths rslmnthmrepres th $lasses 00,000ln 1ua5 rid Organtzsd ta Keep the. CrtPPled TOMa- fiom cemeals, bread -and butter and - tliat cari quickly be renzovcd. 1ecmisobsi scmae mie Wokin atLit "cre- Miik.The fats ti the xaill, butteri Do net give small childrea candy. months aga. The omssoraea pare d ns th $111.500.000it and1915, Do m« Mriat he "ur-" I 50of Lion at s nrg-.Lageworksso sg berset igre s hande orihtatshl thewok, eUnadinthtUidd be aUm ivn od.Th uc fanoag h blood stream and upset the diges- b. dividèid proportionatelY ea bweStates, o ecsrî ia cl maybegven inrinudi8l amouats to Lhs tien. IL is pas veiycimaito andi iL msa bar figured Out just w-bat dental character. At the same time, ta- A Voluatar>' Workers Corps, muascild under ans yec'i- oai age, witb give -pennies ta ths c ildrea and allow eacb person shall receive, for every-' the total figures are nppalltng and ing up et yeung Toronto w-amen wlo wisli, beneficiai reruts. The value of tliem Vo buy cbeap candies af unknown bd osntrcietesm MUtteaon nrudfgrsrpe tod hibiinadnth eveY1Oag ucintecidadeino origin. If caady jr necsssary, ai f food For instance, a mtan or -o_ sentsa property %vaste beyond ali of ethtle boys w-ho have been dtsabled'a laxative nature. Th fmli child it at home and be asrd is man that does manuml labar geLs nm ia riia o u as in service overseas, bas lissa formsd fomone ta tIres yeams may baveLIeý purity. nta esn ti lotciia o u asi byD. .A.Btt ea i h trc a balced appîs and prunes in PnL of cool' dr*nking wterl bread than n man or wama i gust, 97 osowîse:o $21,- tad~~~~~~~~~ tinlr-dctoiwrcbig additia1 to, te oang jucehould le givea La Lhe chldren, even works in an office. Persans more thon 5 0.a aprdwt 1,5,0 by toalreuts ita r osi als omis- hildren irom three to six years ai, the smallest baby mmy be given a ten-'1 .ixty yemrs geL more cereala, and thec for'the same month 1916, since, as ') 01 age may have cer"airmilk, cggs, fias- apoanful ai water three or futie lgLmoebtrmneig aThseml knaw, even allowing for wvmr plats. et- stan at lart Hous, Tarnte. 1>' -lidpped meats, fis boiled and' bak- during he day. Do not give smal chu- persans geL wht thy cmli "Zu rats ýmst ai these lasses arc due ta pre- té These yaung w-amen wili Is taught, od, tresh vegetables and fruits. Cern dren ice water; for safety's sake the carda, besides their regular cards. iventable causes. We pay this enora'- th s fspca orctv ahnebas omte, cîage and cuui-, water soud e boihd and cooed. Every ana ini Germany is fettin ous amount every year as a tributs ta did and whea thsy bave been tmained, w-Il _______' thin, but stili the ('errnan dietiiig sYs-, the national slouchiness in building she b. gtvea ths charge cf patients w- CO14ERFEITS IN NATURE. GAVE LIFE FOR TEN OTIIERS. tem'proves that rntch wornout state-' a. must le encouraged to keep at te lnlmn ht"eettomc, o i construction and ta a grass careless- d a apparatus wcrk as part ai their treat- - itraCosAaddt ode ýsi h adigo rpris themet Queer imitations Fouaid in Plants amdVcoi rs wre aSlit out ai every ten Cermans have nover whidî is one.of aur hesetting sins. in cc me aenteos ~~ml.Wbo Nursed Explodn4 Bomb. been so well in their lives as they hv uc hr r ueosmachines at Aias A thrilling story et self -sacrifice ir been since the cards have been intro: which we cr.n Lake no pride. Now Med Hart Houes, sctentific warider-workers The. seed pode ai the common saap- recorded ta Lhe London Gazette an- ducd You icel sprv, active and, thnt national slouchiness is being uni- le tai performance, but se, simple in ap- dragon, accordtag La Doctor Rashiord nauncemneat ai the award ai the AI- eersrei n h naac smnrta l forces oned t sogthertre- ilYpearace as te deceive Lhe mari wla Dean, bear a mont cuiaus resem ber oa fteFrtCaat Irte lnpyia.froe1 at .ieti~ iLItnh!a eta aneCal ofChearstHea ns d osanth ini athanpy iga taor ne .,%move Lhe stigma ai this crimirnal cars- ngassaciates s ntfcapparatus wthlance -- mummied hmnheads iLne rp hresHnyAnder-; lessness. wbuch bu-ros up iLs millions But finely poltsbed steel aad delicMte miniature. As they arrange VbcmseivcssarhL a1Ie14t atlof eseswihbrsupismlin Btsprings. on the stalks ai Vhs plant they Ilo LsLon an Rof gtet, w-attis I wing ('bildren Are Suffering. every year, rmises insurance risks and any Slow ut Sure.like the "pl fsulîs" w-bld in lie ta France tan-Navember hast. The The anes that are remlly hurt by th p rates and faorces on ait sorts ai sec- ho e n bh ave been dischargçd by countries w-Iere head-Iunting tasa official narrative ir >a ietlows: hlockade are the growtag chtîdren- and onaylse ihu hm rra iplhe us urgeons are sent here to libber op ouslafeîsa rt a r st rot On Nov. 28, 16, Lance-Ccrp. An- 1LIe Lhing that LIey teck and long fo, . ure p stifferimi joits, ta, restere musclesaioueastoymmri derson w-as ia a but ta France w-lt jr w-sets. Bei are, tIe w-ar ans neveu&aoe~sMaae and ut heirlime bik tta wrk- Not anl>'is ths calor ai Vhes eed i .hdad u hae rlmabc nowr-pads likig tIat af murnmnied leada, but1 eleven ether Mea, w-bsn, accideatatly,1rcattzed w-bat an important raie cand*'v aoenwsa atro lmn sho ing hp wheri surger>' bas dans ail the faces are imitated, even (Lo LIe LIesafety pinwa withdrjwn froat a pîmyed ta Lhe garne af if eî. The Foo0 etne swl a fLesinea tithat t can te restere themuti. I h em-akes evot Cmisonrcgieg hsad e e tcs as etimenofthtemdscitnceLo îvi Logpatiea Issmcins i maginative ee) includirng sud de- bon. L Vh rThisaknssenetsaumeComisson ecanize' tns nSte., an n reu rai e atitensainetisalssdrdrtosetsVlascap, a w-arning Va Lhe men, rushed ta Vths oftea chocolats and puddings aepro-ielnmd ute byJmsM l, a reuird an th paien's iterst ls yelis ad lps.doar, and eadeavared Vo open iL se as vided for on LIe cardr ai children. un- Ient &pt ta i ndli cugfit beoere 1yld adl ta titow- hs bamb ita a field.- der sixteen ysars ai age. Beck la an article on Lhe w-ar, might rsee andy is cooeuage faoeo Anether odd timitationt in nature 5 Fiin ad sins lejded Wtete odpicshv eguleempîatically echoed by Lhe allies t-w-rks witli lim. ILta Le odotis seoyrt' ulnoidbonsahe fiveseods durng b hscaring ait ever the w-arld the prcqs a er. wok itn b viotaywokesbase ai rmbbit's ikull t i.Ljrsliaped -ta v eos rn hteI did 1 actreothe Halaort- have bef ork enlnthed. liây qkesexactly L h é »L. iad -etfa fox-the the_ fuse was timed -to barri had in Gsrniany are alrnost down te nor- ta i o env h oezl ings havbiesbori aehenmy. x lant-eiapsed, le bsld tebomb as clase te mal hevel, for everytbtng that yau btty cer- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ abi' CherfhtaaAirIciaut.ei ebimbdya pFoxlewittbolihadsonthe carda i3 cxtremeiy cheap au d tris fron thLe trons o'f Prusuta. As" value ~ ,.ra cornrnonty have Lin iorder ta seres-fithee aLer men in everytbiag tînt ir any -ood ir uohd <~ng sLt oa egradutlte The thorapeuticluet cheerful ,.j lit on. mopunted ou a scarfpti L.bu ie ad.Evrainsht ss~ red cap of -libermty las, rected in Gem-! e ispirit la ecognized in ever>' hospital, an embîsua of tueirf pr t . O thAiesnh fadoe aLl e carKar."erythintht a card mari>, there w-ilb. no peace ti Eu-J Uln but newbere la it Made ho cont moe. Squah seeda, wheà drled (says Dec- mari vers mortaily weunded by th~elther rio good cm 80 expensive thtroe." thon titse curative workahop atEKart Wor Bean), contract ia ruch a -yas loioanid ive men vers injared.. the ordinar>' perron cannot affardta en akg a trtmite tanles -essmni0- nevr t rsrtedheigmaemr- The rernaitdnlri e escaped unburt buy. Ijat with a littie lot ýwater before1 b m aevitalIy important tW his r.cverY- ,aags that resemble Oriental characters. Adrs acmlficed bis tif. toe -e The food situation lu net Lb. saqie -pun ti i. aty ttre urs There are at preseit e-er aixtY Aitsurd thougbi' ILMay seeMi, mariY lscmae.ait ever Germany. la Berlin, Dmps-i jusL as w-tII, sad tIcina¶ cw's men yecolvtng trett, t tte tisti- teim ed omentlits bave umasde 5aresL __________________________ a=- ttio.The Prsonn l b. te roU- endeaveru te read the n lthe .hopea sment is conitantiy ChII9gg t cus,0hLLe miglit revead some liddea Cent as cumed cases are dismissed and iew sec.ret af nature. men crne' or Leat__ef_7 'r~"1r')h~i(..iI7tNTT~/~----- - u~Y - ~ -- -~ --~ -54LI~ ~ le