Tewrbas o inéreaied the cost c ivbg M4* ut~ tîm tb dy' odvalue. sha ve 'russia n h-I\,e tc 'getl ri hoirit Jr the 1tou (lati ~rrt a he, Evt-' il ýk t ley ge Fires Ivla and 7 of the i n '95, rit, le foi. Ior pre- r! Iii or t*r-r rWu, IOf ir, ru' tii - L o o- I' rt i ity 'tir'- h 1 .in r- i" ce in Eui-, mix tre cil- bu e f orie t- tate- tinte weve fa'in oct- sin' syne, bla W 1ber guidance an'] nirain« abiliI7 lthe1 ira e afflulxreewîi* tise bl»M m" tre if Jean -haine sYe feenisee' up byj reel dictalar of lb. univeras. For bcr bot-il t tic point cf 45trY ah' *XI.L aus w b tbrowin' t-bat extra eîcht-een pence i bieo! f*W']dctermiae.sber feMîulysas" ea eiaite ua'i* eb * ler Ibtý > tbe* l Inathec-kitehen of thse bousebOl4 men " ~l ts prtugro See p U ~ ani wmeea*arcmade or- tiemee tel w- r«»..,"& lis d t-.uIe shom~9]c Prt4k. reealtY, wwr]um lu'5u aIOt ti oeminaky en ite b.te tbsPtet stbla b aethebis WarC $ave khud o!f ôod purtaUW Il qr.ftyla bo'e.oee '. b o upî~ t@4 bs b iwm omty Id ïip-to-cint.boasewl! t* 1ear,»I foc']> - *0 thé n.. Iaam I~,4 ~ ~ r1,1*osL1Iterm ' te »ma*n l "d O WL t ita rq imu& mIn»tasbimi i tiiey mi. t4. erv'] ' P » M " ec b au am e be k w e w e']hWiltis ale.atm$'] velu. are' bdvudrapc& a » mNutbeme» tunnel upo n** m.mldn g «l V" éyd uéob am "h* Pypystilatomliment toeJritish b zwi. -~ f .dgla8 varef4:- wb shbould ths 'ptae spot Ibe di er'e u 1buro lu î1iW nrîti n's rticipation ln froM ailke rest of'hiînh ThTic*C O O L ~ou*o~eatv wa at ofa neéf-doz's not s -due to tact_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ciirater l l1~liicahe o' i t mmtoep*rÀit-all hBtime able vn the Somme. In 1917 it la mow- in1 order to' »harpent.,hlossnse of! imeil. uo Ii"s~ lut down the Teuton legions unremit- And, of course, as, the moist re la OR. Iitmdhéà tingly.' Britain 'au say to the- epemy, evaporatîngtal the time, it, kee B huaTO :ffQ oners, you have only 53,000 British. on-his powers of asmo!, espedially in OPlAN Silo van aiso ousyad Ithé wild state, and it s eèa AOTfJQN «You have not talcen oeyr of my keennesa of acent that he -lav-nahie +_______________ Continental or Colonial territory. Y .ou to man for hunting purposes. Iù ad- meant to invade Egýptbut aur aol-dition to tii olfactiory or s elling diers are now advancing towards 1 nerves inaide a- dags n astrils Plestine. You threatenèd india, bthe whole black .mer oa rund t ~ . I O we are inivading Mesopotamia. the nose la veryseiit la isi r o u ad opened your mnouth wide' sensiieesca ny r to iWailow up the Belgiani, French and moisture. Thus it is that wb- n ai Mrcady Portugnese colonies and a good part, dog's nose is dry and warm Who1 l i Oo. Wright 4 of Our awn, but the Frenchl, Belgian-s, d needs doctoring. Co.". AcqumtAd Portuguese and British occupy nearly ail your African lands. Yen have been lot meutr Uoduce you to the Valker banished front Asia. Your caretully Minard's C.LUie. os ( .9os o 1î ýt) secreted stratégie islands are ou- Lnmetwhein home comfort 1ls-m=&de the iGentleme. -ý1 have usod 'MIN- pied by our soldiers and those of the tR' LNMNT01myvse!sd Iaraniannt factor. It in the. oae Dominions. Spite of your submiarines, In my ianily fer years, and fo the oo hoetomnaeetlu our Fleet ig blockading you and fin-every day 111es ad accidents ot Ute eve *iefort ta make Its patrons mobilizing .your dreadnoughts. 1 co al e t bas no equal. i 18 Ujti tat liii.home-" "Vanquished on the. battlefield, ojiftsaranavyewt- swept from the seas, drîven ont of o u ld .t ot.t a dooar age ttie H W L ER lO S the. colonies, what havs ypu taken in otI I tCotdlaPT .r a oDteSTHJAR4NH U excilauge ? Your greatest exploits Scbr. **Sturke," St Andro, Z.mou- i.Ht. fPaI against England have been the. cow- raka TORONTO, CANADÂ ardly murder of womeu and cildren with the. aid of Zeppelins and avions, the. drowning of crews and innocent pasnesby your pirates. We, Smali Edgar---"Girls are asi'fuIly FE O IL bowever, bave wrested from you youir stuck Up; aren't they, mana 7"*FR E T G R I share of the. univers. Mamma--"ýOh, 1 don't know. What mnakes you .thlnk they are?' Amall hswfemust make ber mney ofý h~~wogfôo4s .thefodsht B:r using Red RS Tea, whiChch didlY e6cWt"i~f City bof ore thejy set fire t a a >rtdfi t. costrmost sndgive-the least UtrOflg, rkhAaam teuashc van kecp lierte& bileThe vandalisis alaid to the door of 1 utim nt Shr cddedi down. The rich li f officors and soldiers o! the il6h ad w fli icit-et i atrength requires leu. tes in ll7th Regimenta of tihe Twenty-fifth -buildSsc itcoting thepo--an there'às ý Germait Division, and, more or less more real, body-bidn pot-end £ ~~~~~directly to the commandera of theset urmnpudfrpud one tea with the ricli Red nurmn, on orPud Rose flavor!1 units respectively.- Colonel Gxjing, ~ ~.1 L ,, ~Colonbl Kletz and General vont &haer- than meat eggs or potatoes Kept ood suth fenstein, who are chsrged withi having Mdncicots Imuch lys. ,TWO odr asXtematic pillage of St. of these Biscuits Wfir mil SeAIed Package M ueti s aven as they entered the ad alti ri nk City.an a itefutmk a 1 Officers, wlth soldiers to do the1 n miSiigrea at a cost Of _____________________heavy wark, went about the. City, it a 1flt. ae ht-dd was asserted, and <arrie<I ofafew cets. ie Shredde Il "ho efl fi re ture, silverwSre, pianos and valuable Wheat youR " et»Asl tue picturas sud shipp.d, tham ta Gar- fyin~g breakfast on wbich to Il mite rauy. They even tôok safes filled tr]te y'wr. ti with valuables and did it openly, pil- satted i ok ti Days DITS OF iNEWS PROM TRI ing their loot on la vans luntmidday. ready-caoked and ready-to- ____________ MARITIME PROVINCE&. Oue officer and a number of soldiers et ak nC = a ware obaerved, it in said, as thy at- ca. M d iCnda -texnnted ta eteal etronoe hayese %PwwN AD NDTE-.LY I tenta of Intere'st Prom plates Lap- the bank. 8UPPLV 0F WHEA1 -o. The pilaging troops, worked under ped By Wavea of thé ordera la eatablish a depot for ot on It wus with considerable aatsfac- At""the route te Cambrai, where "finds" tion that readers In alÂiIied coun- AtlaUe.frein varieus lawns were concetrat- tries recelved the statentent matie a Scab has affected sente of the New ed. The saldiers receiveti instructions shortculinme ago by the Institut. af Ag- - riculture at Rome, that 1917 had seen Brunswick applas. ta taka anything they pleased Or that'an lncreinl the wheat crop of the Georgetown, P.E.L., streets are nom looketi valuable, and in ceusequence'piincipal ccuntrlas af thbe murii, eut- lighted by electricity. have "cleare'] out" the City of St. aide of thbe Central Powers. af 3.8 par K. Unit, Military liospitale Gant- Quentin as weil as countiese entaller cent. aver 1916.. These figures were * -mission, will have headquartere in places- Numberless men on furlough baseti Oun returus frein SDain. France Scetland, Irelaad, Switzerland, Cana-, Fredericton. aesi ehv oebc ot are aid e hve gne bck e"a theto United States, India, Japan Sir Wallace Grahamn, Nova Scotia's homes laden with loot. !and Algeria, whi countries are this Cefa Justice, died suddenly #t the Nor has money been overlooked in y esin to show a total wbeat faxll6th Regintant je suppose'] la have'At thbe santo tinte thase 58H16 coun- Sergt.-Major Hurley. of Halifax, lias uncovered 30,000 francs and te have 1 tries show an lncr'ese An their barley been awarded t-h. D.C. M. sud the. appropriated it, wmule amaller sunts cIop of 2.4 per cent; an increase lu Croix de Guerre for conduct at Vimiy are missingz front a number of hontes.;I ir eeI hict crop of190.7 per n;a IRidge,.*Ta-day there remains in St. Quentin cent. andi an increase lu their cern A steamer of the Royal Mail Stearn hontes only old, broken and worthless crop af 25.2 per. cent. That such In- Packet Line caught fire while in Hali- furniture. Evex-ything o! value hasnceases should be possible amnu na- f ax harbor. The fire was confine'] been carried away. tions, most et wham are engaged lip principally t-o t-h. lower hold, where wdur.Sla Inltself a tribut-e te t-ha pro- oate nd frtilzer as ~oThe enormous total ef 1.666, 448,0001 Te scarcity of cars is one ai t-he NERVOUS AILMENTS bue-hels of wheat In se great that At- chief causes for lhe discouraging eut- - refuses t-o le grapeti by t-be human look for pulp operations for t-be wln- Pew people realize that nervous mmnd without sente units af compart- ter in New Brunswick. lalimenis oflen arise from digestive son. If tixie crep of wheat wers loati- 0 CCLLHigh Sherif John O'Brien, of troubles. Thi.e t-macb faits. for some the ca radeigh car .00 usle taK Norlhumbýerland, died last Saturday reason, t digest foodi properly. Then feet ai the railway track, It would me. from injuries received aI t-he railway the systein langulse an sd the nerves px4esent one solid Ioaded train 12,6'171 A eunnngexapl oft-h sraihtcro't-ing above Chiathanm. become ex-hau»ted In strivlng te con- miles in length-ntore than enoui te Ahe exhiit-ion omt-be prduthe rae- tinuetheir work Impure blood aialsoréach balf way round t-h. world at thbe silhouett-e, t-his dreshas a pleaîed ee xhibtobyft-.GeBy hpool chlrcaruses ar rubebtrqetyequaler. These leadeti cars, wit-oul ekirt in inst-ep length wi.th t-h. simple d rb heGlcBay mp.t- nt j de aus esAnertrisoubl esbt reqnlyemi englues would oocup>y seveii-eighths waist aulhorized by Fashion. iNot e scie ycmeetjde sI sI h imc br h i-ifteedetakg fteCnd t-belon, tigh sîcvessndt-h hhan exceptionally good one. j chdef starts. As the nourlshment là ieetietakaoa -eCnda collr. cCal Pa-ter No The re vas a big round-up of rum carried te the narves by t-le blooti, it et ~tmaportatIon contpauy. Lades'Dres. n 5sizs; 4 t 42men in Sydney, Cape Breton, det-ec- wlil be seen whal an important con- erin o vr.ath pntf Lad.ies Dess.0 cnts.ie;34to4;tives' investigations resulting in nection exista etween t-be stontaci, Tere led hoevyapr. soteopent o charges againsl Il allegad lawbraak-1t-he nervee and t-be blood, andi haw Ibis particula.r perlod, whan the agri- ers. such troubles as nervous headiches, tCultural ceuntrias are callad upon t-o Several Cape Breton skippers will nervous dy.epepsla and Isomnia ma producee t-ho utmoet poute! ai food, ehorly eav Canda or vereas -o ogi. jWbjlet.e cauntriee meationed have undt ergo Cnaa or* .ea t . i-done weill their accamplishinent un erg pecial training preparatory In sucb cases relief la easîly obt-aln. ehIk into Inagulfivance wb-en cent- -t-o t-nking up pat-rol work in t-be North able by meane ai Dr. Williamts' Pink pared with lhiu-poslbilitlee. For -. Ses. Aaeyi n a i.fn l. Tee ilerpen tb bloiInstanoe, thbe tbree Canadian provinces J '* Syrney Aaeyi neo h i-wltb the foodi eiement-s on whlclË theofa Manitoba, Saskatchewan andi Alber'- est educational institutions in Nova nerves tbrIve; at t-besanme time t-bey ta coulti produce tliree Urnes thle total * - Scella,' declared Dr. A. H. McKay,'exeircise a tonie Influence on t-ho dl- wrheat- crop above roferrod te !« This1 a getJv orans enblig te &ste tostatenteut may neeni extravagant un- - ~~superinlendent of educathon fer Nova etv rae naln -asse t il submitted t-o t.e test of cold figures. Sella. deriva nourlahinent froni t.e foodti tk- Thon we g«t data liko Ibdis: IMm. A. J. Tingley, o! Moncton. bas, en. I t-ls pe&fectty iitural pi'oces Aoeordlng -~t-he Goverament or been appoint-ad chiai oyer thue I.C.R.: nervous 111e are'steadily dls.peiled by Canada ther aýre lu th. provinces o I ~police on the eastern division. Each Dr. WRlItame' Pli Pille. if >'ou are ntentioned tb.followln area suit. division o! t-he easteru hunes will have1 suffering frein nervea. or require a able for agrit-ral purpas: inspectors. blood-makîng tontc, give these pille a Mntb....7,1,0 ce The iacult-y and students e! t-he fair trial, anti m bow speedily tbe bea. ...0,100 University of Nisw Brunswick have h.st ef healti ailli ho yoursleta.....1.,1# 'I ~cerne t-o an amicable settlemetit of You can gel't-hom plila through ay27,200 " their recent differences over tic in- dealer in med1cIne. or by mai ut 60 'fTe average wheat crop In these f litiatien of freshmen. cents a box or dix boxes'for $2.60 fr-om provinces forth lust ton yemrslu Thee l a agtaiongii~t~ u l IThe Dr. WAIlims Medivlne Co.. Brock- l1ean: Manitoba, 18.20 buelisl per Halifax in regard to Sunday afilieg.î ville, Ont,-sr aktc'a 1.4 uaus perarea Alberta, 20.19 buahelsper It-is clalmei that a large number of ----acr e icarage for tie t-lie pro- shape ke.p open and do business A EAKBERCV . v1inces la therefers practically 1* rezularly on Sunday.- busheis per 4Mr. If you multiply-titi The. joint -c0maitt-ee of t-he city c YalIable, Cegfl as given aberc% by ceuncil and Fredericton Boarid of!Cansdien sureo«S& a ena 4 >t19. you will lid liat tiseseprorinc. Trad wll tke à ncete'aa.i. -o . - - - theBrae (fte Recver îî atiely cltlvated, w aremcapable e MONCV *Rogne lustaalwayi Mate -o en'] e Dotiiiilo Express10116Y Order. Five dotlur cos". tirftce eet. Love blinde tmorn , an']la makue leo aothera ee n errsgted for ailitary service., 8ais1tJoluinY vu wrlggllsg sud twlstlng la s valun éndevor te put bis arma hhroebiee leeves 01au under- gari*n .t n'] Cet ItIlover bisù * MIA' er al V"futie attmpt ue"-» id ouIt t bistnotb.r.i$y, niamluma wbwm 1 "<t ta b. m niWuet n']bave, Wi84 on% tu bow etm E.ngar-*-W ny, tutey tink »hmare just as important as boys." ~'LIFT OUT ANVGCOijN w EApply a few dropsa'thonti~ft corne or callua.a off wlth 0, fingere-no pain. au 'we'1I u off. There lt vendu. ,1I treme, tel 81e for yen Just thhukl -ui un lift off . ny cern or cal- lus wlthout pain or dore. nesa. A Cincinnati <sau dis. covero' tus oetier 0 .m-i licund and '] ie4 tI freosoxie. Any r- Clet wm fl cia ti-y b tre n , liki ere abovu, for very Jle euat. Yen appby 1t es drops direetly ua na tender cr r lus. dispper, orc ot ly ye lUu th or cel*-# ' boa the t FOU c"iu4lt it righx off.i fu. It dria lststly test Awai th- ofail chargue -ite any girl or -yeuni 1ady' who wll sali 40 packatel et;-our.-,el, embonneti Xmaa potearda -ut 10centsl Package. The Extension Bracelet la of* reliai golti plat@ and fils any art. Send us your naine and we *111 sendS. you the carde. Whcn soiS send u's t-be'- money andi se wfIl menti you the Brace'i lot.Addresa~ ]m"T. 86 S ?oxTo. CAM. On relring ,cte m ih Cutiura Intm"ent.' five minutes w-it Cutici-à Rins. wth t'epid wateTI ucatlung infiena* of illat the pores extenids tbrouj, LEMON JUICE 16 FRECKLE REMOVER GlsIMake thIs cheap beaUty lotion te cicar and whiten yeur skin. Squeeze lhe Juice ai twa lamons inte a bottle centaining îbree eouces of orchard white, shako well, sud you bava g quarter plut oit-be beat fra-ckle sud t-an lotIon, and ecmplexion beau- t-hier, at rery, vary sinsil cost. Your grocer has tlemnons andi any c-mg store or tollet counter wifl sup- ply t-bre ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage Ibis eweetly tlragrant lotion mb t-bte face, neck, armesud bande each day andi see bew freckles sud blentishea disappear sud bow clear,_soit anti white t-be sI-n be- cornes. Yes! lt-ls arerncss. Patoai make gea' fo'] for poul~ try. The smalb pelatees, paringsand f roste'] or bruised.']'petatees can be use'] for thi purpose. Pelatees boil- e'] snd e'] -warm are relishe'] by the tombe in col'] meat-her. Equal parte of petaloas abd bran ara somothnes use']. Large ameunts a! potatoeg wilI fatten chiciiens, ducka, geese sud IW'keys.- Front indications, lb. Stock Show to be beld aI the Union Stock Yards ef Toronto, December 7tanti St acat, wIil bo blgger lien ovor. The 1918 show ha'] 376 anties. oonpriaIag lu ail 2,309 sht>w anmIs, W hich solo] for the Clsrinas trade, surai.o!fich bM~ght reorid pricca. Premium Bast bas been enlargeq anti eacb clebs car- rien aià adme prlite. P¶er further particulars write C. F. Topplug, car. et Union Stock Yards af Taronto. Il was lin1827 tilat Great Britmn and] France froc'] Greeee rousTurlsh ruie an'] gave luer constItutibnel gev- cramet. Niaety years later thc mme wo Powmhave ha'] onc. mor te remette Grece, tilelii.fron ose et Tunkeya aile. tIc dr &Uarno! lut ers *are mmr tilnklug parte tâmbau irre seatora *. Ah uh*ný A Dyspepia Curý M.D. advis.s: Uprsons Wh suffer *'tram evere Indite~ tion ani constipation Caw cure themseives by t»kiný fitteen to thirty dropa af ExL tract of Rootsalater-4 eaci4 meai and nt bedtime. Thié remedy la knewn un Mth.! SeigcI's Curative Syrup iv the drug trade.» Get thu genuine. 50t. anld $1.0ý Batti.