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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Jul 1920, p. 3

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He.i eha I&J À big t Johastoulb. and Iiad te, IOaa H. wesk. 0 r"d bsrnomyahnd. ¶9 wky we say tbat p,...-sitl a L S - ha eutovw yen prift cornes nuli ruma»ble. Yu e doe'oIop the habil b.Img "on tIï."w U yeur watch la r.lif Camrya W.itham FOUT 1always have reg truth abuS hil WaliAam Watches in a mrm* Of .f*$es for Wkr 1s.tt 'a New Stofte Whltby ,member that Monda>o, August 2, Vhitby's Clvlc Holiday. There wîl a big day of sports. Fuether par- ara later. hnston'a have a good asso*ment e! où and pure wool. bathlag suits. riday, Saturday and Monday, Juiy 17th, sud lth-6 dozen trlmmed i ad straw shape ladies suad Ben and childrm's. te clear' st hait- east Miss J. Ciark's Millinery Par- Brock St. North, Wbitby. ILH Kennedy, Barrlat.r, e. -f one door west of Pott Office, Dun- lâtréaS Wbuty. lantine*t<Ires hlm an Ihersase! 0 in etlpuud "caines wlh th on- twe ýpreaduinq services seuh Sun- Show. beng no outaide appoint- P. J . Suflira n w s limier ad isUa, Brock St. N., W tii. -Sf. Eaia Beach suite, whit e duekt ech cioth sud striped serge sport usera st Johnston'g., 11ev. F. IH. Ho Ward, o! stirt, tire iwly appointed paster of the Meho- it Tabernacle, lias zmored bis hou#Ç- )d off ectuS. oWhiSby- Mr. Uoward id £ami ly, hevft, wilh enJOY >tiri tmrer vacationi bel ors 1Mr. eard t*iea dowia to bis uew dut4es. The. W. C. T. V. yl l e glad te re- âv. contributiduaetffruit, vegtables. A., for the Fromit Air Home. Sanie ýay b. leftt t Tedd's sitore t>ont torget sur Ile er Bricks re alwuyla in eSllonS ondtloa. 80 . 0t. -U Vhtby Amateur Atiriotle Jas Lwlsir te tbauk Mr. John Bel- iie asatance at tiror celebra-; Domntion Day. Mr. Bolton a use!ftire pavillon for the in ths and Pa etc., i. Minlg*at E.yd &,Il expenses à i» -rsPortion Dg the W"J ontributuin11 i4l sarmî givin, Sheir serveuwiu la .xpected that ithe f and th.e Bydmahore1 joi in a bg Ciie Ud [o iere on Auguit Sud culara in usat wesks ion, itte aid Chruinlek i.hu W1. L& mo E d. Pardon, ef Eatwot *améd from Mr. 1%04. - -' ".owned -Mms L .FairbankE4 bow mbeen PU- *Dfof Hickoiry 1 cc u le1 ne "he The. Fus Btigaçie ad Lqdashore Paz- ý4rk Co. amrexepetea to >ofiilnhold-' wm541 mng a big celebration and sporte- 4&Y e or i laùltbjr on Augia4 4d. Watçh fer un Mlle idpaper amonollen=at me«t ghty eAKpt ~ or i.pvlea1~at'msut IU souditiosare euoelný ter hdaao, nIew MA&.The osheelfa ight -to-datel. a"j and Frlda eveinga, 8&80 te 1180 p. ils m. Admiasiai 50 c,-war tun saci rsa# gptWENTAYMW -TE . For Whitbya d Onario,Çounty, te Srepresut "The. 014 IaiuabIe Jothml Nurs«eu." 1salsiesar,-to le Made lu aellins Nursery stock 4It1ug la# constructon p.riod. A gpImadid opo tunlity fo« t lie sulesaun. Hibt SomiaulonspaId, buc, I oqipsasutlarge lUne e@uft &aê èTU mnental Setoteoffer. -Setone A Welint ton, Toronto, Ont,.- A RIICOgD. On Mouday o!' thia week Vider- wood, Bros. broke the-record for poux'- ing cernent for a bassinent.fou a-rsgi dente. Wit1T six in workipg on an- <tlr new house fer Thre.dgold Brou.,, they_ poured the cernent for thé. bass- inent ini four heurs.The, dimensionsi are 22.t. lOin. by'26 ft..t0 lu., 7 L. deep and 1Ã" luches thick. TENDERS WAN'ÉID. Tenders will b. uccepted by the. un- dersigned op te Sgturday, Juiy 17th, for the old Henry Street Scheol build- ing, Whitby. .Higheatý or aiy tender net necessariiy accepted. Dr. i F.MeGiUâvXay, RAPTISI CHURCH. Sunday SciiooI-aud Bible Clamsa t 10 aw. .R.guiar services At Il am- ni.d-7 pmwheî the pastor, Rev. Harvey. A ., B.T]1., wili preaeh.- PRESBYTERIAN CEURGE. Sunday School iud W*nie's Bibl CI&as at 10 a.m Sanday- services at il11a&...sud 7 Union prayer servie on Thursay evening at eîght o'clock. ALL -SAINTS' CRURCE <Anglcan) Sunday, Jul>' 18. il an-oyCommunion sud ser- mon. 3 pi,-Bïble Glass in:chureIi, other S.S. classes mesS at 10 a.m. 7 pini.-Erenngprayer aid ser- mon- Fride>' evening, 7.30 p._m.-Bible study lInSire churà . u& t Life ST. JOHNI'SMUC% -,PORT Sunda>', ,uly 18. "Lord, I have"lors the. habitation of Thy heobs..-?aý. 2M& 1hi am ideu'ssrvice:sud ser mon, "Abide 'with Chist»." 7 p.m.-"The Lader te Heaien." Sunday.Scbael meets at 10 a.nz. SUNDAY SCRIOOL PICNICS.- Wedneday vau the o.eauoea !ci * annualSuuday 1 icuic..!t" Of tire ehuréhees wus " G.T.I5.- trgis, r= ,t 1a*M i r i I IN HARDWARE ALOWEST PORICES7 odWIUbe, me,welcome te Ibuis meeti Alter -tire. business meeting tirere wà& a, quarter mierace for boys, under 14, the. wihmrs being: lst Barle Sllghtholme, 2nd.Noeman Cor- mackt,,Srd Einie 1Slcightholm - Â mile mae, for -boys over 14 was wén by ChArlie Maw, with Gr&oii Noble &ec- ond and Jas.e b'tifrd. Autos painted. VIurnitwre, and pianos refinlshed and, pelised. R. Chappele, Paint Shop Wý rear of. J. -OCoîpor's blacksniith ahop. TENDERS WANTED. .Tenders wanted for pahitiiig exter- ior o! t-ointy.HEouse of Refuge, Wbit- by.- Tenders inust be ln byvJuly 24th.' Partculars: mgy .be had frow & B11 Blow, Whitby, .Chairumnof CdowtY' Property Cemmdittee. -4 FRLESUAMR HOME -OPEN.' The MethedjîtDeaebâess Fres h Air <Hei or lalu peraien once more. Six successive parties of-78 ehldren each front conese quiartera -of the citYý Wîili be.. plying "Methodjat" Fresh Air and l ots oDMeispaee i -theî Witby yard" during .the two monthas aef s nel..Plentyôt1 goéd ood ta our consciontIo'usly so Thi# la maiy Of these 14#,ephsee time te reçeive an impetua -toward next-winter'a phy- SicaîI welbing until sWitby turne" coules again. _Any coutributions to tids end wiil b. veryelcome. For your:convenlence tbese may b., left ym calEoi wUrotrs, *ith a $ 40 prize- for sec- 1ond plac - A, teasa repreaenting -the. Whitby Amateur Athietie Associaton went eut -t. tak ,,pârt, but nt tinîe e! going te pres tIi.remuts had het been- learae& M isEva B*e. Tord ate, spent the week-end at th i ome, cf Mn. J. T. m.tP. -. r t n 04o! Toronto, are atayug i towu with MIr. and Mrs. Jas. emith for a turne. Miss Jordan has been lfisiting, with Mrs. Wm.ý Clatworthy for the past twe weeks. 1Mrs. Melunis of Toronto, has been vlsiting her daughter, Mrs. FP. T. Math-. Isen. .e Misa Gertrude B. Way.. Sauît Ste. Marie, Ont,, ad Mr, Sydney F.*Way, Vancouver, B.C, epext. te -w"eek-end with Mr. sudMre,. WBeIl Miss Muriel LUmottée Je -tire guest oet Miss Goldie Jeuningi. Misa Maie 'Thosapson and four friends motored frein Toronto on Sun- day and spent'tii. daywith Mr. and Mi. W. E. Thosapsen. Mr. Sidney Fincli, e! Buxton, Lon- don, England, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrn. Perry Johnston. Mr.. and Mrs. M ontgomry, o! New-. castle, spent the week-ed with Mr. and Mrs.. A. P. Wriglit. Mr. and Mis. C. C. Parsons sud daughter Margaret are leaving on, Saturday - for a -two wee'ka' vacation at Gorels Landing, and in ilreturn to Whitby on August 2nd wil bsdeivered flom there. M&ary A.. Lake, Supt. SIDEWALKS TO BE LAID BY TUE - ITOWN.e DEBffNTURES 0P TOWN 0P The fellowing is a liat o! the. ce- WHÃŽTBY FRSALE. ment sidewallcs te be laid-by the, towu 1 Debentuceste tir.e -rnount o! $7700- as approved by the, Council at the. forwaer nd lihtextensions,ý bear- meetig on Mouday evening: fo retaesi wat er sudt.,'gpayabe Hickory. St., west side, Dndste ugr font ere t t s i n er e t.u a an a ry,4 t. wde, estinaâted cot 460, yeary fr 3 yers i eualaunai f wluch th, town pays.40 per cent.j Debeuturea -v;il hob ready about,- lut sud the-propez-ties 60 pur cent. - Setme,1920. Green St., eagt aide, Centre bctwecn Septezuherprigao-apyt Gilbert sud Mary te netii aide of- For fithe Pariculns aply ohn ~St., 4 ft. mide, $360.- Joseh Wite Tras. Green St., est side, Trent te Pitt, -4 ft. wide,-$235. ST. JOHN'S S.S. PICNIC. Dundas St., netii aide, Asii to Hick- The annual piec o! St. Johns Sun- or>', 4 ft., $235. 'day Sehool, Port Whit1îy vshedt eil tsouthsidè, B k eCen- Corbett'a Point ~Fia afternoen tre, 4 t., $420. la$,b." hepotponed frosa the ,-Centre St., Keitii te Third, .4 t., arves.dieldY owÃŽmé to -the 'in- $260. ciement weâtirrthat -ldan, Prlday , Mm- St., south aide, Centr. te King, waa nôt Ïa very aiuapicleus oson U4 ft, sud Au SL,, soutb toe IMer~ etier, but later in the a!teraoon the f430. skies brighteued, sud theugh delayed. Second St., north aide, Cené*re to semewhat, a large crowd flually gsth-, Brc>ck, 4 ft.,- $420. e! at Corbett's, where a dellgbiul -Byron St., eat aide, First te Second time -was spent. A prograin o! tweu- St., 4 fL., $540. ty-fivs races waa run off urnmediately Breck St, east aide, G.T.R. bridge after. tea. Tme meu indulged in a te Base Line, 4 ft., *$455.'. 1 gé ie !indoor" basebali, wbich was Base Lin., south aside, Brock-to Duf- s mixtre.!f fast play and brillant ferin, 4 fi., $185.W&uust blunders.- Te battery' fer the win- Byron St., caut -ie .Bnst ners were "ý«Sctty"I McDonald sud Second St, 4 ft., $216. "Jeu" I'indar, ,whuls "Tiuy" Martin King St., Gilbert St. 73 ft. south, 4. sud Jack Blow, worked for the louera. Lt. wide, $480. There wua - tii. usual 4undauce e! Brock St., - s&side, Base Line te "este"aid ie ~reni. -Maitland, 4 ft.,J4, - ~ js-.Byron St., esidè Base Line to NOTICE.G. T. Ry., 4 Lt., $576. .exSt., wes id 'b)uniep toi- HORt)SPoR IR NGINB AND ~ >ft I. ROEWAGON. K ing St., west ai ,-Dunlep te Gil- A a51 larii f fe-bas been ,beit, 4 -ft., $575. ruiig, tire tean od herses, p eiy Dunlop St, Bose eHenry te, J au àd t~5arrig#te lre King., 4 t., $200.' hall ai hce! te. ti'.beWagon ]Rag0 St., siddf Dundas te or alite,-a" .PWéWUng wit hlhe fford,4ft . as id,6.m»n ou'- emg 1ne te the fire and N elington S sd ro*m sil'-of fAe dollansd thé -wner -e! Uhe second Seam se -arxiUéiug hopa thSie sumo! of 14r'dollars - Charlea, 4 fIL,$45 STwo: mssbgs lfl b. laid d6*n ffla. Gilbert Stneo ona tha west aidé d Kfng St .and oue on thre nortir aide 0f GMibet St. acros Kimg-St,-, uftrd croisngs, foç thre aChool cbi.1l1uiW1ao wiIl attend the uew:publi c sàkooaw iii course of Construction. A. cro*ibig wil."ls b. put down on, Brock St44p- posite the-residence of Mr., Rebt.CQ. mence. IN OSHÂA. Leslie Howard, an --Oshawa inan, wblle- engsged linpsiting the steeple of, SimmosStreet -Me=ditChurchmi that-town ýon Tuesday, eustaied a fil frini the topiiiost pointef the. steeple. H. landed on a, part o4 the roof 1 igd- fresa tiere boiinded off onte the lawn. Falling fromn such a height it ils thing shott o! a. miracle, that lwfd was -not killjed. -H. did ,,nt- sustain aùy broken -boues b ~Ws,- ef !ourse, seriously bruised-uj£ Heie-reported. te be doizig welL BOY THROWN THROUGH WIND- SHIELD. A Acar driven by a Mr. Gray, of Osh- awa,- was- proceeding-along .Simcoe Stetsouth i that town on Tuesday eveung when, the driver saw another car, driven, by.Mr. F.:L Masen, ap- proaching along a side. atreet. There W"s plenty o! time for hfim te'pas%, bât Mr.' Gray became excited sud ini -some way drove bis"car inte a, troc. His sniall son, who was seated beside- hum, was throw-n violentiy through the. glass ef the winhield. 'Ho Was picked. up. and r-uslied te the Oshawa Hpspital where. hie -inffuries were. at- tended te, but. at. tue o! writing--it mis net lea rned' how serions- they, were. FrWsh Fruits: aid Vogotablêsý La SIEE OUR. DISPLAY. AVO your stauding order for li7c- e I bo dellviei WB RNE O luOJI34' Ohoici rre WHITUOYI-ONTARIO 'OIL b Mns. (Lt-CoL) "G. B., MeLeodbof Eê* menton, -ÂJLt. -J es wlNtbh«erfsher, -Mr. E~. Steplénon,-!or a three or tour; SÀLE REGISTERI Saturday, July 24,. 1920-Auction sale of eews, hoeeand furnlturé. the property. c-f I. PeuIgtein, -Brook Streett,, North, - Whitby. Sale at onoe -oeloek. ,Ternis cas. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. T#ei4ay, JW y 27th ] 1926.-lAucti; 0 salee! Sý prng -Pield tarineoitlng et 160 acres, lot-S, breken front, Pick- ering9 Tj>. SaÃŽUle b i>held onltii.Prera- ièss at, 4 e'cleek,'p.m. Easy ,ternme. For. fu ilpar.ticulars apply'te R. lcb- ardeen, boe 4-3, Whitby, OnLor Wm. Ifw, &UCtioneer.. To Rent< For Sa1e Etc. Aman teo il on farmers lathe neighborheod with a fie propositIon that às well w'orth the mme. Géod returns fer the. right manL. Easy and .Pleasant w.otk. Apply at Gazette.and- _£rncle ofceWhty FOR SALE.' AfLrat claiea ýrefrigerator. Pice, $20.00. App!y te G. M-off, R. R. No. 2, Whitby, 0or Bell phone 146r21. FOR SALE. Seven roemed frame heuse, al con- venie ncez ,-quarter acre ef land., Ap-, .ply te F. SteffleriPortWhitby. -4 IFOR SALÈ., Oue auto, new, Gray-Dort Speciaàl,' willtake, small car iu part payent Aisoe ariibber tired buggy, new. POULTRYWANTED HI-ighest market, Prýice Paid f or Poultry of, Â11 Kinds. SPECIAL MEETING OP COUNTY 'COIJNCIL AT BEAVERTON. On Frida>'July*30th,--a specia ses-: sion o! the, Ontario -County Coundil will b. held st Beaverton, fer thepri-' Mary pposee!consideriug -the by- law te uiirze tii. raising of $25,000 for building bridges sud. cuiverts., It looksat stheipréent juncture *as, if etiier mattera would be. brought* up befor4 the Council -te tthe extent'oe! taxing their ti rne te. tiie utrnest te finish up the ame day. Tli.meeting us beiug held at Bea'vertou as being: semewhat more central for ail tire members. REGISTERED LETTERS TO COST MORE.- According te an. arndment te the PostOffice Act passe!. during tire re- ,cent session of 'Parliniieënt the' Regis"- tration ,Fee oÃ"n letters -aud other nmat- ter )ekiIed -in Canada la ftxed at' ten. (lOc$) cents per eacb letter , article. -Tht abeve. !ee shalh appi>' te al reg- s er d. mail matter pested in- Canada d 1 acIaterthe 2'th-julyi 1920. matter ls Xully p'repaild'as ig-ià both postage and registration-fe. BIRTUS. IIOAR.-At Victerian Order Home, on Sunday, July fi, 1920, te %tr-andi Mrs. David Hoar, a daughter. DEATHS. BELL.-SuddenlyI in Street8vile, ou Tliursday, July 8, 1920, John, J. Bell, formerly principal -o! Whitby HÈh -Schoûl, lu his- 62ud -year. MARC! M@NEY AT UOMR I.Voua SPARE TIMER1 dInreda of womenz are etaing. goed meykaitting and crocheting ahidr.n' 1 botes id jackets with woQei supplied byn.W. ne-ed. moe workoru a&nd pay, weil. Seai ssamples of your wOrk, ad .4mk forparticulara. Henry D&ýiz&Ço., Dept. 75,' 259 Spadins A.,Tarent,. iustii. 99Z H0iiqr' 4udte - R1U&>.l~ ~ 559S8fiùefor 1920. A ~ ~ i EBVILT, stance ilu onectiôn i!thé eur szieneed on ils wasa that lieue wsn4 ê,lngle ap- Kinatn.lIe!peal a#afiuut t ise nýby 'giUl faim. 1Mr. hAsao!rb T nl cantieS fo , *pp5iai5 were in connectôoIiue e ~< -~ ~ properties.oomitted f rom ithretV or- I ~1 «,,.and these were ordered te b. as- wm te Pro-MM"1'an m15i ý45!d cxi the -rol for the v«-J the -_ T.', on l u£ifoit t4. 8v ment. Our charges are modera$e sapls f uiwok. W. erme CAMRS u Splis LSVS a [W-il seoU éhea.pk ions 88aJ. sBin ýWhitby. FOR SALE Viellas frorn $8 t.$100.St aid a&l noc.ssrY tfltt salwaYa hand& John-PeeL WHITBYMAKZ Whsat, fail -..$2.10 to 82 B" .... ..... .. .. P.60 w Bye. ... ... .......20t Buckwhoit .. .... ....1.60 to RedOclover......M0oo têm AMI. everses u&.. .18.60la Hay, per -ton.... .. ..20.00 50.24 Vix" A»Umm- Fleur, per c-wt..... ..0to1 OChopp.d tee!, cwt... 850 te Ooulýp«...... .... 4.0060 -Shorts, per cwt. ,8.50. UT, POULTIT AND PEO<M CAM*iedruso......»28t.» Maen, drem........ te 1 Yiu .... ........... *eI m Lamb&, drossed..... .. 0.20 te AppiQ, peu r al .. .8.010 Lird, per lb ..... .... 0.89 t. Potatees, per bag .... 6.50, to ' ]Butter, per lb..... .... 0.55 te Eggs.... .... . 0. .50 te Gree Hids.......0.20 to/ Cafkis pl1b. 0o.46 te Lain Skis.......2o00te ....4A------------..11 te Heu Me......8~te1 TaUew, per lb.....0.1.2 to Ii lb M Ifyour home -ls withoui- an instrument, what about THE WILLIA11S PNO kas brought happines to . houeands o! homes. - Il wIil.! Ào the sanie te yours.- Let us «sl sud give yo. - Jsh.s Plans T.L WUiTFIEL, es" D~a -- s s 11111 - "lu aterior la xrt during Ixtend à-. Hearty Invitabon to Eve ryone to Viait the. Plant. Tho upernndent is îResident e the Works and Milh bPleaaed to-Desoribé ii WIiITF'IELIY ~s aa~ STATU STU ONTARIO B<p Shets. T.uAmg wtth us. ne Ail' roux

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