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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 1

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TAI Whitby Brick. Ço 'Ask Counc#il Waalts Stali Big Meetlg mg euBrik Coupiy's Prqqslteu MIL Beore a gathering of citizens that N&vl,*ÉuEVEScapacity iast Thursday evening, two propositions were made by the Wbitby todSm Thfmtt Brick and Clay Pvoducts Company, upon either of wluch ýthey- asked the #ali tud ÇI'OUP. town to -subiit a b4y-Iaw: and take 1a' vote as soon as possible_ They were: 1. That the town boan $25;000, of wIfich $10,000- should be spent to put ~ BSOI,, the, bic yardo thé old Gilmore * piiertyinmoimmediate operation, 119dp$15,000 be spent ii ectnand ~jp~n new plaiuin il. Se- Iagg-~ruiWtouId be iVen -fOý' tbis loin, NEU~afid - payment wo id be made in nine a*#lintlents the 0-ompany te ch urrent rate of i nterest on ty an ieanwliile. PISS~42., That -a lan- of $15O>0 be made ~ to ereet a planing miii, on the saine ternb as ini proposition as No>. 1. Beyond this.lian,, the company ask- ed no concessions, except free power -.and light for one yean and a fixed as- 'î seasment for ten yeans.' -Wl rirFull and frank, discussion took place othe matten, aüd before themeet- ing, whieh iasted until nearby raid-, night, had broken up, it was taken to 9t». T"ronto be the general feeling of those pres- ~p~TBtL Toruto eut that before any definite proposi- mqandwoe tion couid be submitted by by-law te, nt as acecuntants,, sten-,hv s h oni ultt ,pista, private secretar- aeas statement of the affairs of the commrcia touher. WitW Brick - and Clay Produets tosar 1L lufý, ,, 1eýeor hem, upon ,ec saryt $lSsdWrte tbe abq tp base' an opinion 8.-~o D^Bfrgff aa-t',iýer itt» be wise to ELLI(YI1, Principaî. make a loan. Adjournment was made on that understanding. _________________ Revilews Organization. Si bl* The meeting, in wbich. was mani- ýFING-N1D - fested more interest. than et any sim- ilar public meeting for years, waf, METAL~ WORK opened by Mayor Eharper, who rfr roofing 4onet audi red to the recent destruction by fine of the Whitby Planing Mili, and ex- and Vle. Choapest poB pressed his regret at the , disaster - . S.J.GASCOIGNE, Port'Whltby Loon oier Standard 17 o e oah meath. -RaiIway ýYour- Tickets a.PR Alil -Poit:. wbhich mean~t a -gneat loss to the busi- ness activities 'of the town. lie un- denstood the Whitby Brick Co. had a proposition to make to the town in connectýon with febuilding, and lie 1 asked Mr. -W. D. Dykès, President, to miake a ýstate&nent.' Mn. Dykes reviewed the onganiza- tion and work of the Greater Canada Improvement 4àid Land Co., and told of, the acquining of te ý 91 Gilmone brick yard, and the turning over ef the propenty toi the Whitby Brick and Clay Products Co,- Later the Whitby Planing Miii was ..cquirèd. -* Mr. Dykes believed the brick yard te bave fine possibilities fler future "Indeed/" hé aid 'lif offeswve bave liad for the pnopen"y were, atcepted, it would put us on easy atreee" $13,000 had alneady ben spent on mnachinery and buildings, and another $10,000 wouid be nequired to put the, plant Intooperation.* The planing mil bad deveboped a' big business since being taken over by his company last spning, and empioy- ed 14 hands at the turne of the fine.- If the mil liad flot been burned?, the business to be doue -the foibowing week woul d havé totaiied $5,000. (Contluued on page 2.) W, Agent, WHITDYIM s .J el i. ~Mrs H.i L.IeWIu i m Hom Phne 41 IJeii Lasi Saturday AYoung woman whe lias been a d ON -L liSN. e-long nesident of Wiitby received a Dominion Land Survliyer the suïdden summens of death iast d Civil Engineen. Saturday morning, wlien Mrs. Her- - bert J. Geale, formerlyN Miss Mary to bte W. E. Yarnold -Winnifred Thompson, passed away at 1. Survoyon of Pont Penny, the Victonian Order Home.: The call c a day or niglit-281 was s0 sudden that -the peOple of the 1t: tewn were greatly shocked to hear ef Whitby i t,. ______________ IEarly Satunday morning a baby b girl was bornute, Mrs. Geale at te'e ~" " ND8 Home., Later, the patienta condition b fflY BO D became quite grave, and thougli two ' fflff AMI> 010 - physicians did ail that was liumanly o EIT MjNULAI possiblete save lier 1f e, she passed 0 kway about nine e'clock..1 01 loti FOI SUIL The shock te tite immediate famiy i was very severe. Mr. Geale, wlio islî lAIE L AISfiiR ihl a civil engineer, lias. been in Nortiteriu Sai îffîu. ffl Ontario, and was at Sudbury wlien i D. OlMes, WItb*~ notified by phone. It was Sunday.b'e-' fore lie was able te reach Whitby. c< * tMn. and Mrs. Geale have made their ] home with Mrs. Geale's mother, Mrs. IW. J. Thonipson, and upon the latter 1 the -sliock was also very great. WOODTlie laVe Mrs. Geaie was in lier 29Vh yeàr, and Was born in WÉitby. She des of mixed Wood, lias lived itere al lihen life and s*o was 1 soft; slab s. Any- very weii known by the.townspeople. quire d. Good quai- For a time site was- a member of the mediato ivory i staffat te Ontario Hiospital, andwa - Geeîey n stf-aeuobineuufo o es M1it 08. married about Vwo years ago te !Mr. -~ Site was a -member cqf the Methodiat *a R Tabernacle, and liad taken an active part among the Young people of the churcit in their work. She was ave noom -for a large niuch beieved by those whe knew lier, of~ storage, iu good, and great -regret and sympatliylias ,ding. been universally expressed in ite. - t~onot-le sudden and sad circuin- saces oflier death. 'Viligr TruelkBesides lier liusband, Mrs. Gaei survived.by lier mother, one sister, Vo ai barge- Fulton Mrs. Wmn. Correli, of Whitby; and ind are prepaxýéd to two brothers, Harry T. Titonpson, of tiyýing-titis town, and Sid Tliompson, of N4ew îythung.York. The firneral was hled on'-Tuesday -CLSSAUT LIERY afternoon, wlien'a serviae in tlie Tab- UUIIG ernacle was very, largeiy attended. Rev. F. H. Howard, paster, was as- Ié~Md L~lflQ sisted by Rev. T. G. A. Wxiglit, nector IIUUIUof Ail Saints'. Mr. Howard spoke very feelingly of te Young life cut off in rnoq 8B, '14 or' 74 its prime, and offered words of coin- fort and lielp te te bereaved eues. Thte piatform near-tlie casket wasý I I Whtb~ On* - llteraily covered with wreaths 'and other floral'tributes sent by friends, and varieus organizations of'-te Iciturcli. oumanon Courses ITlie pal-bearers wene Messrs. H. T. Titonpson, -Sid, Tlompsen, John À baw'a Business Schois, Thonipson, Wm. Thonipson, Baiiey Ail wonk la .high grade, in I Titonpson and Wmn. Correill. Iter- a. StudenVa maay enter any, ,îhent wa made in Union Cemetery. Kt Home Study -Courses.I Fon thle bereaved hlusband and otit- r ue. -Write W. H. Shaw,- er'members of the famuly mucli symz yong St. pathj is feit in their boss. me t 1S4dIug ol Cô. Cunell ID Net Deg 1er a, -~ ~ F ai Stateut. By avote of to'Sthe-Town Coun- cil on Monday e nigdecidçd to Iake no further action in rard to the ap-, plication oUte ty Brick. and Clay Produets Co. or a loan of $15,- 000 to erect a'nwlaning miii. The mtter now resta entirely iththe comply If a proper statenient of their lacial position is forthcoming, voluntarily, the town will doubtless consider making a, lban in the light of -what the statementt bringa forth. Oth- erwise, tJýe issue wouid appear to be diad.. Tlie meeting on -Monday evçning- wasa special sessioncalled by the ',Mayor, to consider -the niatters anis- Ing. out of the publie meeting last Thursday evening. In, the absence of Cierk White,- Mn. G. W. P.- Every act- ed in bis place. Mayor Harper stated the reasons for' calling the special meetinig. He, referred to- the meeting of citizens last Thursday evening 1 and of the statenient mnade by Mn.. W. D. Dy*es, president ôf the company, ini regard to what assets the conipany would put up as a security for the boan- of $15,000 for the mili. It had been Pro- posed to appoint a committeèe, repre- sentative of theCouncil and the cit- izens- in general, to investigate thé financial' standing of the coinpany. The comnittee was then to report to another, meeting as to whethen it found the Becuity a- sufficient safe- guard to the ratepayers. Mr. Dykes, however, had refused to agree to anyone going . into the intimate business affairs of the company,- and would oniy agree' to members of the Council, .preferably thnee, investIgat- ing -the company's standing i a gen- eral way. That seemed to .be the sit- uation when the meeting bhad adjourn- ed on TÉhursday evening. Councillor Conlin did flot think fivell members of the Council should be ex- pected to support a by-law on in- I- (Contintned on page 2.) Mothers' Allowance Board Organizes WHITBY MAN IS CHAIRMAN. The organizatiu , meeting of the Mothers' Allowanoes Local Board for the County o! Ontanlo wasj held at:the residence of Mn. BRobert 'Thompson., ,mut, .tu BXî oai-dM?c'ÀÏ!ted of Mn. Robert Tiiompeon, Wliltby; Mrs. Mal- colm Iroraythe, Claremout; Mr. John Weatberall, _Çannington; - Mn. James Lucas, - Port Perry, aud Mrs. G. D. Go- nant, Oshawa. Mn. Thompson was elected Chair. man; Mrs. Fersythe, Vie-Chairman, and Mrs. G. D. Conant, Secretary. Mr. -A. J. Reynolds, of the Provin- cial Commission, was present, and as- sisted in the organization of the local board, eutlining Its procedure and duties. For the Information ef intendlng ap-, plicants it mlght be stated that appli- cations for allowances must be made n witing on forn4ýs supplied by theî iard- and such aDplicatious wiil be! 5onsidered by telocal board before" eing forwarded te the Provincial Coni. aission with sucit recoîmendatien as 'he local board rnay decide Vo make. I Y iii -the death of wbich ocoure&.At" day morning, the,, bost one of it's nm useful citizens, one be Iieard wlth, Pidi Wairen bas beeft 00 for several weelr4 trouble, andwil been serious, ho leavebis bed and i ng the day. Tue&' he arosefrom bhis bw mediateiy passed 'i the heart having îiness he lias -boeeu ed by Dr. McLaren Dr. Caven,' of, Tom, Dr. Warrn was, of the lg-te Wihlia)a the ploucer settleri whi',eventualy nadi WitbP, as custims seventy-one yearsa Was bopi, in a house on DUfferiný Street. eanby 'education ini and Iater'entered i Montreai, in whiclj career, and from * as a gold mnedallist Immediately foiho ation, Dr. Warrn - ticing in Broukli, - 1870, and in 1871 cc practice. Rie cpxtin there ' until aboujt t ago-, when lie Cam continued bis practj until a f ew monthi, obliged by bis illnea duties, àf iter about profession. When ie' came te ren acquined theé--pr cupied ever since, a residence,wih grounds, lias bee spots of the tWi - Whitby, eo1ngeat' son years ai chen, OÙ6of Mr. l tis county, morniuj homte at Port not youl ,ctn- Thère, in God, nmùk Wwrren the thnî, 1h stihistands "Troti received bis worbd' COnuun!jty, net of Jh1Viveraity, Allitnei ad a brillant harmoný ~grduatedGod's 'w tage of 19 burdenei - ety or bis gradii may ha nencd pac.of-what la brother -l wheb*ùinh As- a, me , , ) -titioner it 'is doubtfuiifrafy pb n ià-the cou-n-1 ty, and very few ?rèViJIchadi as large a pretick the laVe Dr. Warren. liew.1jn'and . d .4A aIl over the %istni d of late-years hie lias attended~S in O"liwa, Bnooklin, Coium D the intêrven- ing and adjacent cc a<iiies, as 'wal as a large practice fjWhitby. - li-t deed, his reputatioxÎ 4,s a I>,b&lcis'n and surgeon was sq..Jdespread, and people liad so- muc W fdence-fù i i that lie was aiways w orkýý tVis no doubt due to tbh uo u Ife lhe led, that, despite lus i-'it % Ysi1e the work eventually, d upon bis strength, and bis l. .was literall gîven for bis ptofesMT II. Warzîen NIÏespeId, U§ là, 4 well. All bis Pationý were his itti- mate friends. lie lad a geniality andI a confidence that imparted itself to those' unto wliom lie mi-aistered. lie was generous and large-hearted, and the benefactions which lie dispensed quietiy and without pretence, were given to se inany that probably he abone knew the number. By everyone who knew hfià le was loved and ad- xnired, ad in bhis death the towu, and the county as webl, lias lest a true friend and worthy citizen. Despite bis busy life, Dr. Warren found opportunlitY to serve his feiiows lu other ways than merely by admin- isterng to their physical ills, lHe was a m ember of the Town Ceuncil here on a number of occasions, and for.î three years, during- 1915, 1916 and 1917, served as Mayor-in an able man- ner. d mim as a yoti which ke left ris teck for bis Get ,re mna3 sd, I Wou prepane I am 5Tè inpnigemm, ndone that- i-mpre"s- ied everyone in the lange congrega- At hs service, too, there was ex- cellent speciai music. In addition te, the choir music, thene was a solo by Mr. F. -L. Beecroft, and a. double quartette. The entire pnoceedings of the day constituted one of te most successful anniversaries the congregation> bas even enjeyed. The suni of $700 had been asked for te enable the churcli officiais te, fulil obligations abready incurred, and some contemplated. The people of the churcli 'Placed nearly $500 on the plates on Sunday, and the balance is already insiglit from many who were unabLý to be present and who have promised con-1 tributions. iist *ay to save- mone>' ln Footwea I he best.. Every day we hear-'I *ed rnfeet through tryIôg to save me èeëapsh*es." Foot Comfort worth a- great deal? BUY- DEPENUABILE- SiOES The MèSýô;t 10Comforf and Value. b elGooci Sioosf Brock -st.-South be. F7~ :Our ;e i W sr Lia aa nce io aae it wn e o'I During tite war lie was active uA szs nSesoN Lîretl t tie mthr. ithugt Vteeveny caflpaigli connected witi tÈ ,vmrenth a oincial oVmissin otic activities: Red Cross, Y.M.C.A., lenitely fixed, it will, iu ail cases, Saivation Am, PtiteFn, where grantel, be calculated Vo enablo eacli and all feund in Dr. Warren an NoC-mn lC ss ,motiter Vo properîy 'n untain lher ardent and entliusxastic supporter, o rnu a ae hi dren se that hey =sy becomne geed and Vo bis enegy mucli of te success %tzens eofte Province. IThe spirit of of titese campaigns wajs due. Upon Net a single cirinal'case came be- lhý Act creating a Cominiissiou, front Vite formation of -the Whitby Brandi i fore te Couirt wlien te Faîl Assizes er which the local board derives its of te Patriotic Fund, lie was elected, opeued itere on Tuesday afternoon be- owers, aud permiting sueit grants Vo citairman, whicit office lie filied witË! fore Mn. Justice Kelly. His Lordship be made, is Vo enable a widowed motit- a capabiiity that was admirable. Vook occasion Vo congratuiste Col. Br wiVh children, or a mother, whose -IV was always lus pleasure Vo give Farewell, County Crown Attorney,. lusband is lneapacitated, Vo propenly bis support te every worthy aetivity,, on the conditions in the County which naintain sucit children without being and noV ouiy by his personai presence would lead to te absence cof, any bllged to undertake other -duties so aud efforts did lie pusi-t tiese matters criminal cases.t unerous as te result in te neglect o! Vo succesî,, but lie could always be de- Before thte civil cases were deait ier childreu. IV shouid be cane! ullY pended uïýcn for a liberai measune of with, eiglit foreigne'rs wvere given ex- ioted, however, that only te feliow- financiai, assistance. It is net .tee îamnation' by the Judge, as Vo their ng may apply: muci tVo say titat the town lias neyer1 qualifications for naturalization,- for (1) A mother having two or more liad a more worthy or useful citizen,! whrc t Viey liad appiied. Titey were chiidren under 14 years o! age and and bis memory will always be lield 1 panticulariy questioned as te witetlier able Vo show titat site cannot~ properly, a inte igitest esteeni by tose who they wene sympatlietic witit Social- ýare for sucit children wlthout an ai. have liad te pniviiege of knewing Istie 'Dr Boishevik societies. owance. hm.- Tio WMitby men are among te (2) A mother who is a wldew or IIu politica the iate Dr. Warren wasi number wlio applied for naturaliza- srhose husband is an lumnate o!ftea ozraieH aa Msnadtn LuseveadSlkich Hoespital for te Insane lu Ontario or sr an tiVde . - ovi- s Nasu in ouisovs. nd Soloi. permanently disabled. anWd.feJ.W.Robsonvs.flPeell.o se (3) A mether must alse be a Britisht Dr. 'Warren's wife' died some years W .Rboc eebrse subject or he wife or widow of a agoý Band lie is 15urvived by bis two Mr. Fieweil, of Uxbridge,1 for dam-' Britisht subject, and must show that daugitters, Miss Louisee at home, and ages arising eut of te non-fulfilment she iV a fit and proper person Vo have Mrs. Artitur E. Citristian, of Whitby. of a contra-ct in respect cf te sale of tite cane o! her children. Mrs. G.ý M. Wallace, of Green Street, a farn. Mn. Robsen, wito formerly Resdets f hlty ndvicniy i bs oîysuvivng sister. lived at Callebogie, Ont., sold bis1 may make application te Mr. Robent The funeral service wili be lièld on farm there and purchas ie n i ew Thomipson, Whitby, eue of the miem- Fniday afternoon Vo Groveside Ceme- cli a fanm in Uxbrdge. wlOit is bers of the board. -tery way te Uxbridge lasV Apnil, ills tery -'live stock, itouseitold effects, etc., Mn. Robson was advised by Fleweli's agent that te present tenant on te _____________________________ farmcould net be made te geV. off titis -year. Accordingly,. Rebson claim ed, lie lad Vo unboad lus goods at Peter- bore, and cast about for another-loca- tien. Meantime lie had Vo rent stable rooni,,go Vo te expeuse of hotel.bis, ov cartage, extra freiglit, railway fane, ____________________________etc., as well as a gneaV deai cf lost tume. For al of thicse things Mn. Withut dobtwe re ehibti e adisla-Robson sued,, adding teneto te dif- Witouta dub, w ar ehibti1~0Ine ands~ ference in nent lie was obliged te psy of STOVES as will be found in an tCIn Can 'fer te new place near Peterbero. Mn. We cn stisy th facie of he ostf iidU5 Robson itad aio made two paymentse W and atsprîces anacii v f eany asidi ý7- \totalling $500, on te farni at Ux- buyer, ada pÎe11a il et n omparison. bridge, vihicit jeehad purcliased for Unlike the mail order house, we $et tlw.stove àp in. $2,000. your home and connect it free. What would Mother Judgment in te case vias reserved. apprciae mre or ~~r~tma umn an COn.Whitby Woman Sues Trust Ce. apreiaemoè o Cr>ma ha a'ew co Miss A. E., Bond, of Whitby, bad aun stove? A stove that would be a pleasure tober 365 action etered against te Tonontol I das ayea. Seectonenow nd urpise othr - Gexierai Trusts Corporation, execu- Cristna.S evect We nwil elan he toei tmtors of te estate ofVte laVe Estiter for ber to roast the Xmas turkey.* See them today. upoe iesn c 14,si o nu Vo miss Bond. for attendanceuo thie deeeased. Tite case was settled- m cint r--es -f - rd areeut. cf court- by Miss Bond accepting-. store catering to the wantso!9epie o! S. ontef'j $0, it e ay'ie w css t8 1 eoSues-Etae On Wednesday mning, Chas.-e ___________________________________ --.' Luke, of -My;tle,. was,? iteardii~s - - __ ' (Continued on page 4) -- Pe1t0ctio~ National tigt ies~ fartlior to-gw BrItish Aà'ruer lie fiIh Grade EAalrç W#dtt. Rose 'adoiti -.- cold weathéîk- Per gat. - I Othr a>irI Reg, $] bsene-That inteed, at Oh. - WhfeelbarroWS-Foun sty-lés-Asejib $9.00, one week ouly, at - Regular S88Oour Stook of Ovei'alls, Smocks, Shirts, Mitts, lovos, Robes, Blankots and Iarness The Disney Hardware and lmple-mot, Store WITIlBV, ONTARIO F YOîU HAVE- ANY VICTORY BO8NDS8 WE WOULD &DVISE HAVING THEM EXCHANGED FOR 1934,- MATURkTY. A You will have an IMMEDIATE CASH REALIZATION of the differ- ýnce between present market price of your Bonds and that of th 94 3ond, which can now be bought at 93.- We wi'll handie this business for you and supply information required. WILLIAM - bYKES, Bond Broker The Oreater Canada Comp any Ornce WHITBY, ONT.r MUn diell1s 0Hardware ,Otten tlhe Cheapèst r lae lihe Bew. WeTO START GUR SECOND VEAR INH WHITSY' Weare going to offer some real bargains on seasonable- goods. We are not trying to lead. you to believe that weý are selling these goods -bel 'ow cost, as we could not stay in. business if we did -that,ý but we bought these goods before the advanêe in price and we are offering them for less thjan they can be bought at wholesale to-day. I - * ~1: Majestic Electric lleater-s, niçkIe base, reg., $11.25, for 0' Cedar Mlops and i:ý Bottie of PoIIsh', CoUd Blast Lanterns, OnePa"lOr Cook Heater, reg* $8.5, One Range, reg. 125.00, One Rangeg.rg'135.OO, One Range,r reg. 90.00, One Range, reg.-140.00,- -Coal OUI Heaterso Smai 9-ze Two-In-One Heaters, reg* 40.00,t Washling Mac'hines, reg. 23.00, Dalsy Churls, No. 3,,reg. 15.50, 't $9.95 1-75 1.35 69.75 100,600 100.00 75.00 110.00. 37.00 ý20.00 We have a fiee stock of Alumi num,. Granite and Nickel Ware-Bread and Flour Boxes. Quebec Heater 'S, ail sizes. Charcoal, 2 baga for 35c. We also have a nie assortm ent of Pyrex Oven Wàre. .,.Fred:D. -MaundreII' phonme -2. (SUCCessor to W. SI. prIigJe> P. 0. Box 4»" Goods dellvered to ail parts or tue town. - -< .- r: If 'I viol imd1 and issor Land. Phone ki-nc qua: ba haN k, a- e au e. y- '> - ê

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