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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 2

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cçepsny Ma*tei'U, se O I s0tqwza. isa.gili ample secuityfr* o At this point, some deubt was- ex- liel pt.ssed whether the tewn couldban st@ mofley on the btick yard planlt, as it i was outaide-ef the town.. This discus- a1 sien, therefere, from thlis point, hbad to oùly to do with tlie proposition. re- garding the planing miii Frank Threadgold did net think the, big boom in the lumber businessl idc would co4i' But lie advsed, if eil meey b ondte any parties f te 8i»jt ugit -tobe coi bav proved p Iofti+ j~I~.e1àg~ to b e,"sid the Mayor, 'tatytvo fuilcontrolet ht'h a the compa~fty, an.d that the dimetoff ïoud inven te thecsJ canut eect ane* prtsident if they len4nt se =Os," wloe ~r1sand if the Cqmp LnY1 Ià "That is incorrect,said Mfr. Dyke4, was able a, ôf rgood security, a by- a "I coud- net use my power te ever- l aw liud be subnitted.. th, ride the. other directora, for I have A. W. Jackson thiouglit the impent- fo: _-quly- one voeo like the others."Y - ant thing was for the Presideut of _pz Mayr Harper.-"The Greater Can- the Whitby Brick Gui. te present te fD ada. Co., having control of tlie sliare the Meeting a statoment- of ita finan- 'ha votes ef tho Whitby Brick Ceo, las', cial standing. The tewn ahouid kno ij thereforý control of the eleto o pnwhaât the securitY wa1 te be directers, and 80 cani be ini absolute gve.What would fhe assets at the I control, regardlessaef tlie directors' millb? ht oidte twnge votes, since it cam eièct'them .to suit, for the first mortgage offerd itif purpoies. t is said tlu.dserne of, Mr. Dykes said lie ceuld net give d thdirectors feil that they huave ne a siatement eff-liand, but lie consider- pc volee in the conduct of the company."y ed the security ample.fi . Asic them," said 1fMr. Dykes, and Upen this matter the meeting B: the Mayor did se.- seemed likely te fail m~aking an a- ce Irving Biens said'lie had ne reason. greement., ,Some of the citizens sug- -a te beliWY'e this was true. Re liad oniy gested the appointment of a .cern- ti bera menber ef the directerate.for mittee to go inte the cempany's books, 41 two montha. but Mr. Dykes wouid net agree te :û 'Robt. Cousine said everirthing was1 this. He claimed that ne man wauted si SatisfactoTy 80 far as ho was condomn- tlie public te be intimate with lis pri- :& ed. vate business affaira, and that a T. G. Devereil said that ne state-; committee of1 investigation weuld ment of the dompany's affairsaliad have te divulge ita findings te a pub- been mnade. There were a number of lic meeting. 0a1wiigfo h thlngs he was net satiafled with, as' Ceuncil te have a genleral .statement, zuany tblnqFs were done ef whicli the but, net te go into detaiied exanun- . directors 4idi net know until later. ation of tlie flrm's books. thje attempt te arrive at a- mutuaL un-. ' Wmi. Baines, superintendent of thée derstanding. -The majority of the brick yard, said $13,000 1usad aiready speakers insisted upen the citizens been. spent onu-the plant, et whicli ïnoeig the finaciai standing ef the îc $4,f>00 was for ,wageè. It is now firm with which tliey were dealing, 0 ready te operate as-a summer plant a.nd Mr. Dykes wouid agree te uoth- eret for tlie power transformera igfnhrta eea ttmn whicX wili est $900. To get the in connectiez' with assets te be offered0 plant unden way wouhd require about as security for the boa».. i seven or eight weeks' tîme, and- a- Reeve Blow madeo an appeal te the t] bout $10,000 i cash. The plant wouid nieting te stand belmjid the propo- emaploy, 15 hancha, and the capacity asitien and get the mil geing. woubd b. 20 tons et brick or tule Mucai ros-flning in the-way o daiywih ahat nitplnt - questioning foillowedp and, the final re--V John Noble, forenian ofthOe piaîung suit of the discussion was that the- miii-, said that a miii 60x75 feet in 1 Ceuncil, slould get a statement ef its aize would b. needed F rom iast sltanding freni Oie cempsily, and ne- spring 25 buildings -in, course cf con. portat another meetiug cet citizens. î struction had bëea supplied with lum- The meeting adjourned with, this ber, nd the flrm had had inquiries udrtnii.Teitna iOe from al.o0ver the county for ýprLces matter was se intense, howevei', thate o~ imbe. Th prspecs ae aioatdiscussion in amal groupe - continued limitbesa. aloetehl ni aehu. ' ,,iu 1878 wo had two planing num il eeh al ni lt er i Whitby, and beth were running te cacl"Supply Demand. WIU Not BDeg for Statement J. M. Ken.ny, manager of the plan-- ligmiii, said its possibiitieshad been (Ceontinued from. page 1L) idlted oniy by the amount et output nation bupplied by threý .ethers. Rie1 "W. want te b.in a position," lie wanted teow esnlYtesad maith t fili ail orders- and bave ma- in- f b omaybetore lie was teriai en land -te supply al whe prepaoedXte supoan beau te thoîn. corne te us, netpiy f rom Whutby, pReeved Blow sappdrt aseusIeop but from Oshawa- and surrounin eita oommittee et three te, go into. country. Many Osluwa bildensbave tpeintter, beause, -fthywee'e depened on us 'for their lumber aup- te divuige 'hat they heartepol p sand we ceuld have taken more wouil naopst Oebyl order than we could supi Th" e Ieyor fremnided the Council1 Messns. Alex. Btt and John Scott, that the cempany, thneugli Mr. Dykes, spoke on behalf ofthOe, local buildei-s. had refused te submit their financiai They agreed tluat a geed miii couid standing te the generai public. 1.upply net onby local trade, but -mucli."If the cempany wiil find seme geed outside business as well. Mr. Bett man te backit i tlink itwoul.d be went so~ fan as -te say that a miii couid better," said Reýeve Blow.1 be deveioped here te- employ - 200 ýThe Mayor --I1 would suggest that hancha, in tiheway et general.wenk and w, a ' te opayte make eut a -, Mr. ion f l e ui encenga. financiai statement. We muet have1 M r. iensetorel to udeehat fnéd-some definite information in regard te the~ di ne rehizewha a luede-assets in the way of buildings and as pout et potter's dlay they hadi at their te their finançial affaire, or we can- vony doors. There is nothing lice it net inteîîigentîy go teo e citizens and iu -ail Canada. It wili make fine brick, asic tlem te make a boan. I think we pettery, -batlurorn equipmènt, bewis, sliouid ask the cempany for ýa state- <rockezy, tiler etcé., moat et whicl i ment, and if they refuse that, the now imponted from Engiand. Ho flt matter wil be ended." sucli confidence in the future -Of .Oi35$ Mn. -Whitney.-"I' have every ne- cedure- should, be faken. order lumber or ceai. The company F. L. Beecrot.-"I de net see that must show us that they have mïade rthe pr esent financial standing et the the business a profit,.-raking one." Ifrom page l: bad several quel? d been reqnested, by r. Dykes. tiea wau as te howl barehobders were e»- S, Mfr. Dykes replied meeting of tba doi one voteý for. eacl betera' meeting, eacli vote,:,and ail are of Hon. F. Ç. Biggs, Minister o! High-l ways, accempamied by his deputy, Mr.' W. A. MeLean, Mr. George Hogarth,! Chie! Engineer o! the HlghWays De- partment, and J. B. Hartt, Dundas, motored !rom the Parliamnent Build-1 ings te the new structure. After thle Party crossed the whole length of the bridge in their automobile the Minister then declared it open te traffie. Stand- ing at the east end ef the bridge, Hon. Mr. Blggs observed an automobile ap- piroaching, the driver o! whlch was about te turn te his left te felow the road ever the old bridge. He bevkoned te him te, proceed over the new struc- ture. Âccordingly, the distinction o! being the firat car te cross the new bridge after the officiai .epening gees te Mr. W. B. Groceck, 1177 King street west, Toronto. Within half an heur more than a Wil Place Thi$ Beaut fui Grafonola .Oh10Selectio risîinYour Home atOne -with the privilege *1 f paying us b alûnce of price--$130.O--in anmBi smrn weekly.'af er *you get it. An offér, we believe, more liberai than you'll get anywhere or at any lime again, thtD~U sob ur nt-morrow and take advantage of because it not only makes it easy to obtain onè of these world's best home, entertainers, but gives you an early and longer time te enjoy it. You will recognize Iu the illustration oeeoe the largest and finest types o! Grafonolas, being a 'floor" model that la complote with compartments for seventy-fi e rcrs ThUs han dsome Instrumnt Is made in both mahogany and'!umed oak finish -d ou can have yeur chelce e! either. It la over 40 luches high, 18% luches wide, 20% luches deep (front te back). Ail the mechanicai detalis are o! best construction. t haa.three- sPeed idrive metor, piays four records ' with ene wiuding, toue control leaves. graduated -dial speed regulator,. new bayonet-jolut tone arm, Columbia reproducer, plano>-hlnged ld. wth sel!-adjusting support. Mll exposedpau-ts heavily nickel-plated, No other.phonograph could give yeu more pleasure at any price. 'A One-Dlay O-ffer Only Ahi we'askas that you pay us $10 down to-nuorrow and agrea te pay umi balane of pur.- chase price lu samall surno wepkiy êfterwards. We send the complote 'outtt-GratoneîIa and recordsj4-to your home at once. Yen pay for it whfle you are gettlng youp rijoy- ment tfrom IL Wh%# yj, Ont Mr. *0 L th ating iteti* ' wa atter'aka MPy ie. -Eý did IXMý bé- eve 1fr. -Dykes wuld divulge te, anding of the coâipanY. Uowv r he would,, let the conipny pmeva statement voluntarily, and bting it, the Coiineii "1,Why net asic for -an audit of their *k4inqedMr. Maw. Mr, Buriâ.-' Iibelieve 1Mr. IàW's ea is tbat an auditqr give a. thor- agl istatement Qi the c0mpanys.a a- airs. I think Mr. Dykes shiould ha*,e eme te the meeting last week withi a repared, statement te place. hofore he peeple., There are some" gcodillef Cthe companSy.. but _tley -aze handi- pped by the fact that the President m, control -ofthte stock. Personally am» -nt prepared te suggest formiag, commit±ee te anveatigate or te asic hé publie te vote the mèney askéd- 'r. The -public have no faith in theý Seseut Iaan4gemellt.If Mr. T. G. )evereU or M 1to <bt. Cousins weuld, undie their affaira, it would, be a Ufeérent Imatter." Aftteormrnefurther diecuin, eetve Blow, seeondéd by Mir.»- Maw, iîovéd the foilowlng tesoution: "That this Counib uëw assembled. eem it inadvisable further te, ap- Oint a cexnnittee teinvestigate tâe nancial- standing of the WhIitby Brick and Clay Products Ce., in ac- côrdanee witl tlie resolution passed at à'public meeting of citizens held i tie Council Clianber on November ith. But the Council would respect- ftly ask the Wbitby Brick, Ce. to submnit a. sworn statement of their fiancial position te the..Ceuncil with aproposition as to an application for a lan of $15,000 te, $25,000, and tlie amount of security tliey wiil provide on -said boa»." On a vote being takexi, the resuit For--Blow, Maw. .,gainst.-Bumis, Conlin, Vickery, Vlitney. Mr. Kenny did net vote. Mayor Harper declared the motion losttby 5 to> 2, apparently adding lus own",vte te the four in opposition. '1r. Dykes refuaed to .give the Jouncil or a commttee a statement of the eoipanys. affaira. I don't tbink the Council are going down on their kPuees te ask for it," said Mr. Vickery. Mayor Harper thought -tlie cern- eany sliould be given a chance ater hleir 'lieavy loas. «Uf tley take this chlance and make a statement we wil be wiiling te do all we' can te lielp lliem. The security se far suggest,,d- Le net, I think, oufficient te asic the people te vote on a by-law. 1 myseif would net vote fer it under present conditions-" Mr. 13low ren-ànded the Ceunéil tbat 'the citizenas last Tliursday evemng liad asked the Council te get, a- state- meYit from the company.- New the Council liad refused te, get that state- ment. The meeting adjourned at 9.30, and as far as the Council is concerned the proposition, is dead, uniess it is fur- tlier puslied by the eômpany. IN MEMORIAM. ELLIS-In sad but boving meinory of our mother, Abigal Eitri uRs who departed this life Nov 14, 19, in lier 67tli year. tt is lonesome liere witlieut y<iu, motlier, AdA Ad te4 eaU-ay (A Photograph Diret fm the War-Stncken Area) prMo nth Preserves the, Lifle. of $1 Mil1ions of war orphans in Central Europe are gnowmng up undernourished and stunted. Thousands of thein are dying of typhus, tuberculosis and small-pox. -t * 'I. £ 4:. score e! metors arnd- trucka had cross- cd, t.he occupants ef each cheening or smillng as the>r cars travelbed over Oie long-looked-!er improvenuent at Ouas point.. The old bri4ge ever Oie Rouge River at~ Ouah peint has attached te its rail- ing on an ire» plate the fehbowing in- scription: "Hamnilten Bridge & Teel Company, Builders, 1878." Lt was one of thé first steel structures built on the highways ln Oie Province, and after serving the public fer Oie last forty-twe years -now gives place te its more modemn adversary. The neW' bridge, Oie superstructure o! which la of steel with a cexicrete floor, is 650 feet long and has a maxi- mum height of 60 feet. Lt has a road- WaY 24 f eet wide and a pedestrian walk 6 feet wlde. Its total ceat la approxi- mately $130,000, e! which Oie Province Pays 80 Per cent. and the County e! York 20 per cent. Mr. C. H. Nelsoni was Oie engineer lu charge o! the con- struction. AUCTION SALE. Auction sale et valuable property and cliattels at thi' prernises hereinater mentioned,. on .$%turday, November l3tli, at eue olock sharp, lot 37, on' On*e Chi-Id There isa almot a comnplete lack of the nourishing fooda rwngcidremd of clothing, of doctors, nurses and eialsplies. The condition of the. children la pitiable in the extremne. jirW ji1t. Upon this coming ýgeneration depends largely wI eüth i§SëIIn MU w iL b? healthy and right-minded or a hot-bed of anarchy and&-- y - the world. lj3." Y~ Iq!nrii-i'ITTOI It ha& b..n, foun4- by experience that the cost of caring for a waif child ia approximately three dollars per month; that of the supplies that are r.qùfrîie-L by importa, about one dollar is needecl; and'thereforeý tho dollar that-w. provide, together with the local support of local governments, local murnc*'i- palities, local charities and bocal services practically preserves the. 1f. of one -child. The British Empire War Relief Fund will be adminis-. tered in Europe by the British Red Cross 'in co-operat.iont with the League of Red- Cross Societies. tributio*n care of: Send your con-, The Canadian Red Crýoss ~cheque EoeloSed find 1 neorder for $, .................. ........... as my contribution to the Canadian Red Cross Society for European Relief. Name....................................... Address ............. ........................ Please send your contribution to the local Red Cross Branch or ýta The Cahadian Red Cross, 410 Sherbourne Street. Toronto. the west aide of Perry- Street. Two storey. brick house with cernent cellar, water and liglits, barn and lien house combined; aise a quantity 'of liouse- hold furniture. Wm. Maw, auctieneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of -the Estateo f John Neale, late of the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, Deceaaed.- Notice is hereby given that ail per-i sons having any claims or demnands against the late John Neale, who dieo on the fourteenth day of January,l 1914, at Pickcering aforesaid, are rt- quired to send by post prepaid or de1-1 liver tq the undersigned, solicitorsi heenfor Annie Lucretia Neale, ad- ministratrix ot the estatè of thd said John Neale, their namés and addsseh and full particulars in writing et 'their claims and statements of their ac- counts and nature of securities, if any, heid by themn And take notice that after- the . tif.. teenth day of Noqvember, 1920, the saie administratrix will preceed te distri- bute the assets ef the said deceasea among the persona entitled thereto, having regard eniy te the dlaimse o which she shail then have had notice, and that the said administratrix will net be nable for the said assets or any part -thereof te any person o! ,whose dlaim she siiel not then have, Wlien your brain works like a dog with three legs -walks- you need. An active- brain must have pure blood, flot poisoned with produets Of indigestion-or* liver and kidney lzin*ess. wam ssk of cA"y modicina la eh.eld.u W cou, lm*iCmdm. -la bexus, 25r., Sur, received notice. S'rMONs, ~K[G~KGTON & SuÂVER. Dated at Toronto this. 2th day ef Ocoer, 1920. Solicitors fer the * sid admlnlstrtrlx. LADIES' WEAR SHOP Bassett's Block, Whltby *SPECIAL-SALE' of Affermoon ad Evenieg rsses ol' 81k ad Satin ombined with Goo*rettoQ . Ail are beautifully madeand inost of them are embroidered I'n silk, gold thead and beads. Assortedi, colors axud sizes. REGULAR PRICES GREATLY* REDUCED. We Have AIL WOOL JERSEY DRESSES very smart andcornfortable SPRICE $25.Oo. COATS FOR CHILDREr4 AND MISSES from 3 to 14 years. Yery reasonable. ILADIES' WEAR SHOP- Bassett Block, Brock Street wII tJ3try e .........................................................................................................................................-- j j. -. -. i j Just Recel ved 1 Car Ilardwood Slabs. 1 Car Pine Slabs. - 1Car MIII Wood Ib stove Iength. MILL OFFâCE OPEN GIN TODÂY Att KUNDS 0F ROIJGH LUMI3ER IN STOCK P HION ES. M ill 12 -' -Uptown 193 For Sale by RN. BASSE3TT. and Optician, 1 .ý

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