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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 3

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li ýe nraHelu rtichard- *on, zrK ar'bara Powers, »Va Gurny, Murl Xà reBaker, Madeitte Mie HrdsHazel Seldon, RlhJoues, Charlotte WIee llia'ns,- Jrw. IL-.Houors - Charles Robert-. .*on,. Ddbert )Crkpatrick, Roy,-Hill, Gamaet Roberts, George Scott, »ora BurL .Pae-,Grace Dowson'sud.Ver- eon. Harris, equai, Leona Spencer, aien&. al, Margaxet I1glis$ Ahi. Qautaluey, Jack - Wileo, Gordon Hawes. Sr. I.-Honors--Lilliazn Underwood. Pasi---Joahua Clarke,, -Boy Gurney, HIça~t Long, Teacher. Sr. I.-Kathryn Thoinpson, Douglas * Vrgin, Sbela Lawier,,Charlotte Wor- folk, Frak Akgnew. Jr, IL-Edith Wrighlt, -*Kathleen Woodze Dorothy Hadley, Betty Od- Inu, Dorothy Clarke. Sr., Primer.- Pearlill11,- Ansel Sheplierd, Edith Wilson, Harold AuÈtetus, Elmo Disney. Jr.tPrlsner.--.osjie Gantsweg, Bd- ward' Lee Wonb, Leslie Wilson, Mar- Lawlers WilliMn Ruddy, Défl r But- Îie;gS Cen Paro,iXAAMV4i 1er. VttihT~eo-se e so ,qêu Dmmdas Street SeooL 2 - i ewton-- V. F- Men«tilTeScher, Jr. 1ve-Honors-Ivy Loniax, Ciara S.L-Doris -, Vernion pprMargaret Bullvaut,. Grant zeBuUa L;,, 1 e,Geýrald Wigston,,Oscar Moore, s .Iaao ige XselBrat ?a&s-Enm.ett OkC J. -NsrDmes, Dorothy Rob- Mfatitret Correil.* - . neAnderson. Miased one eaiaie. Sr. Prùner--QiaYs Harlow- Isobel Tucker, Peter levmie,, Wa1teriBrWn Sr. IIL-Honor&--Abbott Frice, Mc, Wallac e rLcee Clure'Jones, Clarence Colley. page-.- Jr; Pià-E nia Anderson pro- Cordon Smith, Morley Hall, Lorraine moted t~o Sr. Primer; Enice Sieigh- Smith, Wlî Ward,, George Loinax, thoha, Tom Anderson, Edna Saddler. Ross BanÏister, Gordon Rodd, Harold *BCls-oos-Khee gg Rice, Ross Mowbray, Lillie Treing Kennmeth Lomax, F'rank Bfia.Pasa. and GeoZrge Barron (equal>. -Walter LubuckeMary Neakel, Henu- EG.L<mg, 'Teacher. ry Stîne.' Jr. II.-Honorsa--George Powers, C. Class-Allau 'Hopper, ,Freddieý Alice Wilson, Gordon Wilson, Pama- Gammàoni, Neil Wilkinson, Mike Mel- Marjorie> -Ilueson, Mugrray Neskel, injchuck, John Watts, John ý Bûura- Dorothy Johnson.- tynsk, Rodney Miller,. Ernie Ganunon. Sr. II.-Honors-Jack Neskel. Pasa 1 Miss J. Wright, Teacher. -Clareuce Sadier, Ehmest . egb- 13iock Street report- will appear thohu, Gordon Collins. next week. Jr., IIL-Honors.-. Evelyn Hlawley, Brock Street Séhool. Fred Watts, Rowlanid trace, Pari Senior IV.-r- 1Melvin Arnott (Honora), SlIeÎghtholm. Pasî&- Muriel Smith, Robert Blow '(Hongre), Normtan Gold- Bruce Sturgess, -Clarence Maraton, ring, Charles Perry, Edgar Roulston, Harold Tucker, Lloyd Johnstou. Ena Gronch. e B. J. Anderson, Teacher. Junior IV.--Eric Lundgren, (Hou. and- th, e led aîrtight carton keps it "Good". Red pIose Tea cornes to. you with ail its original ui h treàgeh and rare f lavas fully retained. T HF seamrou's work is draw»i g Lo aolos8e, the o ro.bs are aIl harvested and you are able to iBOe the resuits of your labor. This is the titue when *you bottin;' to take stock of your w-orldly goods- and t - ua.kjý plans for next year.- Yoà B hould not delay the purchase of a Ford Car another year. -f you look back over this year' s work you w'ill he able to see hoW rnany houirs and *days a- Ford Car would have saved ,you, how rnany long and tedious journeys-would haâve been short- ened and how rnany costly delays would have been avoided. And when next Thanksgiving, Day cornes arorînd you will -be tràly thankful tbat"you invested ini a Ford. THE IJNIVERSAIL GARAGE T -Hos. L. ROWEC, PROPRIETOR Local Ford Dealers WHITBV, ONT. F AKE EXTRA MONEY thîs Fail and Winter WANTED In Vour County For Freeman's Fertilizors We will tell you how you cani increase your in- corne -and lay, the foundation for a 'permanent business which will pay you well during the off season. FREEMAN'S FERTILIZER is the farmner's favorite. It has forty years succeis back of it. ý A *ell btilanc'ed analysis, a dry mixture and an analysis for every crop and soil conditions. od frAGENTS Write tdyfr selling rights for your country. Be first in the fiei1d. :ii TH E W. A. FREEMAN 00.' HAMILTON, CANADA- Pearl L.uudgren, Iva Howa.tt. Senior III-Erio. Todd, D. Gunyan, H. Aiiaway. Junior III.-Effie Watson (Honora), Maimie Gray (Honora), Mary Blow. M. W. KENNEDY, Teaclier. Junior and s>enior III.-Jack Spa.ll (Honora), Helén Aila.way (Hionora), Beatrice McMahon (Honora), Marguer- ite Thorndyke, John Gray, Thelma KenneW, Wiilie Uhyronenich, Dorothy Southweii, 'Doris Bird, Herbert Neal. ,Senior I.-Isabella Brawiey (Hon- ors), Hazel Arnott (Honors), Billy Thorndyke (Honors), Lawrence Sheri- dan, Alex. Uhyronevich, Peter Saîko-; witeh, Gordon Thompson. Junior. .-Helen Scott (Honora), Norgrove Clemence (Honora>, Jimnie Grant, Edith Neal, Helen Lavine, Nor- mian Spail, Phyllis Lafette, Madeline- Sheridan. Primer-Horace -Martin, Fred Wil- son, Reita MeMahon, Elva Souathwell, Mary Uhyronevich,ý. Evelyn Sheridan, Cecil Allaway, Pat Neal, Harold Ingles, Elizabeth Lundgren, June Inles, Mal- colm Lafette, Johnnie Hartness, Emuly Salkowitch, Bobb3r Youxig, Martha Sheridan, John Lundgren. M. E. WALES, Teacher. SUCCESSFUL BAPTIST CONVtEN- TION. Tlse convention of Baptist Churches ef Ontario and Quebec, which closed last week-end in Brantford, was, for attendance, encouraging reports, hope. fui outleok and enthusiasm, the best lu the history oft tiis deneminat4en. President Dr. John MeNeil, ot Walmer Road Churct,- Toronto, delivered an opening address on "The Pilgrim Spirit," appealing te his bearers te fol- 10w the fine exa.mple ef the Pilgrim Fathers who, for conscience sake and truth's sake, freely 4.nade supreme,"sac- rifices, no longer on the defensive, but on the aggresslve li new and unknown fields of conquest fer the Kingdom of God. There were still vast continents et opportunity for higit service in the redemiption of human society, et suifer- ing humaxiity bot at home aud abroad, the speaker declared. It ls the lite with the passion of - (d that 'ventures and ever agaîn ventures on uew enter- prises for werld coxiquest in the name ot Christ. S. J. Meore, a prominent Toronto business man and Sunday Sehool leader, is the new president for the ensuing year. On the excutîve also Is Rev. E. S. McAlile, ef Hespçier, honored with a second terin as vice- president, owing to bis splendid ser- vice with the everseas forces i the late war. There was a season of in- tense enthusiasm, iu the convention when the great audience ot a thousand leaders rose te their feet lût greeting Vo five returned missienaries ot the Canaý dian Baptist overseas forees-Rev. and Dr. J. E. Chute, Miss Pratt, and Revs.: Dixon, Smith and Turubuil, the last named from Bolivia, and Mr. Smith lu industrial mission work iu India, Dr. Chute representlng the medical work et -the Telugu mission, which the board la pushin& with considerable viger beth lu India and Bolivia as the right arm et its evangelistie work. Vice-Presiilent Albert Matthews was appointed te' continue at the head of the Ferward Mevement, which lu the. now year is te project a more dlrectly spiritual campaigu of evangelism. and censecrated effort. The reports oaf the financial end of this movement. were most enoouraging, more than double -the amount of the original objective being realized in the drive besides a distinct spiritual uplitt among the par- tlcipating.churches and a considerable increased effectiveness both on the home and toreig-n fields through added equlpment and workers. As evidenced lu the reborts of the Sunday Scitool, educatienal and Young People's, as well as Missionary depart- nients of activity, the keynote of the convention was "Evangellsm."' Dr. Carter Helmer Joues, of Philadelphia, the visiting speaker for the evening sessions, Inu his inspirational ad- dresses, made the Evangel his dom&in- aut note. The various speakers, botit lun their set addresses and in the dis- cussions on the floor et the convention, I made it empliatie that the cross ef Jesus Christ and the uew lite ef Qed lu the crucified and risen Redeemer must dorninate every- departihent of the denominatlen's activities. This, they held, was fundamieutai. Iu order that the Baptists ot Canada mnay speak with eue voiceon niatterti of national moment, as weli as cooper-t ate nmore effectlvely lu missionary eni- deavor, steps were taken by the con- v'ention towards the union of the For-t elgu, Grande Ligne, Religious Educa- tion, Young People's, Ministerial Su- peraunuatien, Publication and Social IServiçe Boards. S EFACTS RE BEES AND SOE HONEY. Each hive or eelouy is headed wlth a queeu bee, which is the mother et the coiony during the honey season. Site lays at the rate et three thousaud eggs daily, and some prolifie queeus. as high as five thousandý- 1 have knowx queens .te live five years, but the work- ing bee's lite is short, on an average ef about four weeks during the6 honey season. Their wings wear eut from constant use. As a rule, bees die lQad- ed, as they carry a drop et honey about eue-quarter their owu welght, and semietinies more, their wings- be- ing good eneugh tot carry thein light, but net strong eneugh tot returu with their, lead. On an average twenty theusaud bees carry eue pôund ot houey, accerding to careful' expert- ments. As a rule, each bee ls absent frein the hive one te two heure tte mon. li 8p.M.-Bil "g ey. J,. E. allowing usem l honey te vlnter colnes I have page ef thie la Hilorest A.parii aia.er, Iwo PEOMINENT VISITORS -TY W#htby will be f&vored in the next few daYq with visits (rOm two infiuen- tial cler&ymen who baYe been leaders in nussionary worlc for China. Rev. F. A. stvn Mr. Steven is head-o! the "'Chinaý Inland Mission" for Canada. Thiis great miission was founded in 1865 by Dr. J. Hudsoni Toylor. Re ineyer ..sk- ed for a dollar, in bis life, but received millions,î and this milssion was insr.; jmental ini sending out inany mission- aries of elI dexioninatýonjs to China. I hi uýI io, to receive missi(onaxieÏ of auy clirch and place them in their oýwn pa tculgr fields-. Mr«. Steven wilI speak tviie lu-the -Whitby ]Baptiet Chrch on Friday, Nýovemb)er 12tî, at 8.30 p.m., sund at 8 pan. Rev. Dr. W. E. Taylor. Yt ayo ws National Secretary for the Student Volunteer Movement in, China for some. 12 years, and trav- elled exte>nsively over China, Mancli- uria, Corça and Jap ,flgê - was asso- ciated with Dr. Johni R. Mott and Mr. Geo. Sherwood, Eddy in their wonder- ful meetings in connection with the Giovernmèéit Schools and Colleges through Asia. Re is no'W Educational FREsH flsa FRESH SALMON Headless ami Dressed, Haif or Whole FIshp, SLICED 20cjer IL Leave Yô ur Oelîr Early. w. B.' PRINGï£&cou' 1PHONE He ad q mrt c r 1hio r I NICH. 0N48N &8ELOONI U14 ERTAKERS I -tm Harvost IIoIp Etoursions $1 5.00 To wiNNsiPEc Plus hail cent par mile beyoudl. Auguat9th, llth, l6th snd lti stations Toronto to Scotia Jet,, nu siv.; aloo al Stations on Depot Hlar- bor; Midland; Peuotaug and Memford branches. Aug"s 9th sud 101h, from ail uts- tious& iu the poineof Ontario and Québec; P bk Goden Lake, Up- tergrove, Toronto, sud eat Auguat ilth snd lSth, from il st. tions lu Outario, Toronto and wu&. Fuli Information from, any G.T.R.L tick- et agent or c. E,, Horning, District Pas songer Agent, Union Station. Toront. Ont. E. Stephenson, Agent WMhy. 1'raiti Tints T&ble. CL T. IL Going West-4.52 a.mi., 10.83 a.=., 2.24 p.m., 7.39 p.m. (O.N.R.), 8.45 p-. Going East-8.10 s-m., 10.14 a.m.' 12.53 p.m. (C.N.R.>, 2.42 p.m.,6.4 pp.M, 9.30 p.m. Sunday traing will 10ave for Toron-. to at 4.52 a.m. and 8.45 p-.. rom Toronto-trains stop- at Whitby Junc- tien at 10.20 a.m sud 9.30 p.m. . UP-TOWN -STATION. . Going uortli-8.3 a-me, 8.4o pin., 6.55 p.m. Goiug Southý-7.56a.. 1.50pm., 5.15pa. c P. R. Going Wést-.17 a.m., *8.52am. 5.02 pan., '8.17 p.=. Going lEam"-.58a*m., '2.09pm, *9.24 pa., 11.85, .M. e -5o7no run Suudas. Othera ami-edal. MAILS CLOSE For West,--At 7 am*# 12.80 a- 7.45 p.m., 8.25 -pa. For North-7 a.ns. For East-7.80 Li., 8.25 pm For Port Whitby-7.80amn, 7.15 p-m. For Oabawa-1.45 pm MAILS DISTRIBWUD Prom East-73O am Prom Westi-.8j9Li., 9&,o p.m, 8&15 pn Prom port Whtby-7.80 .19 aLL' North-1.5O pan. Oabawa-8.00 p.m. .00 ISee. aur Xmas Il to tA. Gvoodieliow &i Miater i. NW.UU 1q,,T. A. W îisn, ti> ront1o, visfted Mr aies wmteon Aunotien Meeting. of the. women'e Gufid wUh1I)e held on Wednesday even- Ing, Noyemnber 24, in the baseuet Of the church,-Whleu a good pr gram wlU e gven. EVerybody welcomne. ALL SAINTyS'HURCU (Anglican) il a.-MMong Prayer and Ser- 8 pxn.BjjleClasa u hurch. Oth-ý er classes luýS. S. rOOM. '7 pm.-)Svenin*PFryer and 'Ser- Mnon. WednesdaY eveni.ng-Bible. Study, at 7.30-p.mnil S. S. room. Wednesday, November 1-7th, the Girls'* Auxiliary hl their sale of worlc la S. S., roomi. BAPTIST CHURCH. Bible Sehool at 10.00 a. Chureii-services at 11.W0 a.m. and 7.00 pin. Mri E. W.,Armstrong, HBA., of Mc- Master University, will preacli ioru- ing and evening. ýWeek-night meetin1gs on, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. Dont' fail. to hear Rev. Mr. Stçyen,, SEe NE AIbout Vour Eyos AT 4. I. AL I RO STORE' TUE3OAY, Nov. -2Spd H3ours-9 a ni.,te 6p.. F. MUM 1U\ Yomge Ka,(uâpmf) TORONTO (pposite Smpmnl JUST ARRIVED' A Cargo of -Scranton Coal, by Steamer '«Sioken." Also a Car of ;Aqu.Jos.i Phone 70 PORT WNITBV POULTR.YWANTED Highest Market Price Paid for PoulLry of Ail Kinds. I . aSTEIN Telephone 81, Whitby, Ont.1 18 BASED UPON THESE TWO PÉINCIPLES 1. Sub-Luxation (partial dispiacemeut) of Bones causes Pr. ssure on Nerves. 2. Pressureoun Nerves- causes- distase.- Thcecausleo disease has. been, aud- isý yet mFyste6r- iQU's tu the ýgreat mass of humanity, but the my- sery' has-/been solved by the Ohiropractor (sin adjuter') His business i' to adj ust -thé ocause, to rlaetg Pressure oti the nerves and te restore normal action ý-therefore, ntormal fncetions and perfect health., We do not rmb,ý massage, knead,-Manipq1ate, or treat diséases, We adjust cause. Our ýhilosiiphY'of taking off the presstîre bas the mùost rational chti M upon ail sufferers. Weý give Lai'ogical reason for the èause of disease. What About leur Aliment Othýer:peopile in OhawaÎ, Whitby, rohiPr Perry, Seagrave, Orono, BowmanVillée a.nd -many other villages, come: and take Chiropractic adjust- mets for such troubles as are -below rnentioued: Headaches, Dizziness, Pains in the eyes, Throat T; Troubles, Heart, Liver, ýtomach, Kidney andBÈowel Trouble-4, such as Constfipation, -Ap pen;dicitis, etc., also Rheumatism,'Lumbagco, Lame IBack, Asthma. Shortness of Breath. .f yQur ailmentis not mentioned do. not fail to consult me. A free examination will, be gîven you, and if you are beyond ail hope-of. relief, fE will plainly teli yen Chiropractie Es Rlght Let m e prove it to You DR.v S.ý Chir'opractor WILL VISIT WHITBV ON-THE FOLLOWING DAVS: Mornlays, Wednesdays'iand Fridaysi * Beginaig MONDÀY, NOV. I5th I CI OVIER P. W. TALLING'8 MENS WEAR STORE HOURS 9 A. W. T0 12.30 IF SICK1,1HERE 18 THE PLACE TO GET VEL. IThe WhltbyGrist MII.1 PkJCES AREDO«WN' Scratch Feed, $4.00 cwt. iRolied Oats, 2.75 cwt. Mixed Chop, 3.00. cwt. 20 Pound J3ag of 1Rolled Oats, $1.30. ,Bran -and Shorts., SMITH BROS., .Mixed Grain, $3.25 cwt. Oat Chop, 2,?5 cwt.' Oyster Shol, 2.50 cwt.' Bread aud Paitry Floulr. Telephone No. 8 SUCCESSOR TO J. H. Dowr4EY, !HITBY. ONT. The Work of Six Men A 'Toronte Litter Carrier wvill astonish yo u with -t he aMount of work it does. Enables one mnax to clean the stables as fast is six men. in the old way. Cuts out-the dirty part of the job. Týakes away t he danger of the old wheel- barrow aud the slippery plank. Encourages- cleanliness ini the stable--and that means healthier cattie.,, AU 'roronto Stable B8quipment la designed te, save work. sud make cattle bigger profit. producers.' Youll find with tlids equipmcsit that stable chores become easy. 'rimne Is savéd Cattie aréoeutented. . -A, wide knowledge of proper stable equlpment can 'be g'- e from a study of our big stable equipm2ent-book. This- will be eut fret if ySe a* for t. Write now. - oNrARIo wID ENGiNE & PUPuàSco., Limlita - Atlantic Ave', Toronto. URIAUI BROOKLIN, ONT* - r i.- k. 7 -- - - i i-ON Or« N. E, MeEwan, BeV. Ses VETERINARY SUGEON PICKERING Graduait. of the University of Toronto. Former Veterinary to Macdonald Agricuitural Collkge. Que. Promppt attention and killed attendanse to ail cases. Bell and Independent Phones. WM. MAW LICEN8ED AIICTIONEER AND VALUATOR Ail klids of sales promçltly att.iided to. Arrangements for sales can be made at the (lâzette Office. Ternis reasonàble. Bell And Imd. Phonos.' WHITBY, ONT. WOM O PHOSPHODINE: 7'eGetEnglâsh Preparati#II. -ones and rnvigorates the whole nrvous systemn. makes new Blood iold Veins. Used for Nervous Dépo d ebilhty, Mental and Brai: WàrryP eLss of EnérgvPlpttinn théuý H;Z? Filing memorv. Pdce$2per box,3. for $5. Sibld by ,al 1 druggists, or mailed ini plaln pkg. on receipt of priçç.. New pamphlol mailed fr..yllWoooMEDICINE c O,1RONTOONT, Mo.d..s... sold n 5 d. 01400 f t aenath'-No. 1 810, 10. 2, 83; 19. 8, $à per ox. E ldb yail drujite, or snt leon geepiolrie TH< 0COOK MEDICUnS CO' nomT, en. (Fumai, wu.) ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 W. fllddletong fHarnmesMaier Io open for Repairs of al] kinds in Jame.9 Long's Store, Dundas Street, Whlttby, Ont. ~fCOUIGH V 1 1 .0il Cake Ideal. Il 1 'M-e jONESý WHITBY, ONT@

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