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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 5

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lPy""PLA' Ofyou- have a Lcaky Ruof We -have Threc (Grades lbl -Palit and J - BEAVER. N~Ç4~ hI Costs No Mor te Have Vour <,Sîlver in ood-Taste fm LET US -SHOW YOU ALL THE COMMUNITY DESIGNS of -KNIVES, FORKS and SPOONS AND 0F CAKE, DISHES, TEA SETS,, Etc. Which Match Beautifully. We also can suggest a suitable set of' CHINA, so that your table may be a perfect piQture. UT COSIS NO MORE AT Or' !cai BASSETT'S New Store- BASSETT'S hltby SLOCAL HAPPENINGS- Mr. andl Mrs. R. M. Tipper moved this week te Uxbridge.. 'Read W. G. Watera'-advertiseinent* this week. WIItl Hyde has entered the employ of Geo.- M. Rice and will learn the hard- ware buslpess. Grocery Speclals: 2 pkgs. corn- etarch, 25c; 3 bars white laundry *soap, 25c; cocoa, 30c tin; choice,-sardines, 18ctin; 2 lbs. currants, 35c. A. P. Wright. Tli8 ountye!0Otario Old Girls wisli te thank ail thùeo who se klndly' helped *te make their entertaIineut laat week the success that it was. P. J. Sullivanx, llened piumb.r and Utnanth, BroclcSt. N.. WhltbY. -t!. E. R. Blow was in Toronto te see the Fuel Centrollèr Borne days ago. As a resuit Mr.! Blow expeets seven cars of ceai very àhortly,, five of whlcli have a.ready heu shipped. Mr.i Neil Yeilowlees, piano tuner, isd iakilig troquent calis te, Whitby this - znth. Orders may ho le!t at AUlI's drug store. Mi-. J.1. E. Watorhouse Is able. te ho about towu again atter beçing confined te the bouse for séveral'weeks witb sciatica. Specialý 10 dozen men'a cord-end - brace-s,-,regular $1 pair, sale price 59c. W..G. Waiterer. -Mr. Henry Yeigb, o! the National Council Y.M.C.A., was'- l Whithy lastt Friday 6liçitng finauciai assistance1 fer-the werk et the organization. He1 muet with a gene rous, respouse ifrom these on wbelm-ho caled. Please roserve- 'Tuesday, November 30, fer the Scotch~ social to be held ln the basement, "of the -Preshyterian - Chureh. Fi;ther particulars later. Mr. DoWid Mowat bas been appoiuted *- caretaker o! the Armories bore, aud will occupy the residence abeve it, -wbich bas receutly heen renovated sud remodelled. - W. H. Kennedy, bariilter, etc. Of- ffiee-eue door west of PotOffice, Dun- da. Street, Whitby. -t!. Mi-. Arthur Lyndo bas been obllged te j;ive up the conducting of W.A.A.A. minsti-els, -owing te pressure of other bgslnèess lscwhere. Mr..- G. P. Lyud, nýsage9r u Dominion Bank, bas been applnedtecaryon the werk. Men's bard or -sott collai-s, regulai- -86e te 60c, ail ene pri-e during sale, 25o each, at W. G. Waltems'. Judge'T. A. MoGillivray and Messrs. Jus. Wbite, W. H. Wilkinson, R., A.1 Hutchison sud John Pool are ameng the Whltby mou who -are enJoylng the deer huutiug seasulunthe -northei-n districts. AU sorts of wash dresses, lu ail sizes sud styles, at a sacrifice Suuny Dresa -. *Comupany, Whitby. Tho regular meeting efthVie Womau's. -* -Instititte willl hoheld lu the Council y Chaniber Friday, November 19, at 3 * ocloc)r. Ail the ladies are vemy cori-m ally Invited. Miss Anuls. Presideut; Miss I. V. McCellsu,6Seci-otary. Poi-k and beau supper in Ail Saints', * sièbol rom under auspices et .Girls' Auxiiary, Weduesday, Ne.vember 17,, at 5.30 p.m, -for 3e Mrs. W. J. Thompsou aud famlly sud Mr. ]EL J. Qeaie wiah te- grstefully ac- kuowledge their stucere appreciatIon of the r=ny thougittful expressons of sYmUpat1y tendered them et te time of their recent sad bereaemeut. The Whltîby Fire Brig.de wili hold ther 1nnaie~l ou Friday evenlug, December 31 eep this date open. tf. Useful and fancy articles for sale at Ail Saints' sehool -room Wednesday afternoon, Nuvember 17, comn»eucing at 3 e'ciock. The famiiy of Mr. N. J. Ireland bave- moved into the heuse owned by G. S. Johinson on Athol Sjreet. Mr. Ireiand is stili on duty in Beaverton, and xiii be unable te join the Higit School staff here for a -few weeks. 20 dezen knîtted wash cloths, regu- lar 15e each, sale price 3 for 25e, at W. G. Wàiters'. Arthur W. Lynde, teacher ef ingiug, teohe. lu Whltby .ach Mondsar. Phone 118. -tU. Th e regular meeting of the Board of Education was net held last even- ing. Oniy six members turned eut, and as seven are necessary for a quorum, the meeting had te be post- poned. Ail-wool serge dresses, ready-made EVERYTRINS ý-INý HARDWARE, Av LOWIEST PRICIES 0E In the Police- Court; on Mna eveninî, Mr. Hi A. Pewers amtte being ýthie owner of a vicieus deg A better educat" is1 a ]PoBSbllVî e whicthud attacked and bitten a amalevey yungfoia boy. 'Dr. McLaren had to be calied MQnday eventIg - Electricity: - to attendte boy's wounds.- Mr. PoW- practical course tor ail Who are inter- ers was penalized $5 and costa, includ- ested in lte sub *eet. D)remuùaàing. ing the phygician's fee. The dog was Bring your mat lail and Pattern and ordered to be destroyed. recelve the assistance e! an eXpert. Tuesday eveiiing - Dresamaking, Big reductions lu mens and boys', shorthaaid, beokkeeplng, typewritlng, suits sud'overcoats at W. G.. Walters'. comtnercl araithmetlc and Engllsh. Thursday eveninxg-U)ournestjeScIence FIJNRAL0F TE LTE W F.clasa,; beginuing Thursday. Novemnbem HATCH.18. Shothand, typewriting, book- HATCH. keeping, cominerçiai, arithxnetic and The remains' e! the late William Englisb. Francis Hatch, -%w-ho died lu Radisson, iAil classes begin at 7.30. -Other Sask., on Thursday, October 28, were classes wî11 ha fOflflAd If the nuinber' breught.to Whitby from Toi-ente la.st! o!applicants i* eut.-W. L.Car- Thursda.y morning, and upen the ar-; os, etngPrdp i rivai of the 1.14u t rain, the runeral cortege proceeded te, Union Cemetery, where interment was made. SPEAKS TO COLLEGE STUDENTS While iu Whitby at the Methodist .-,,nnivemsary, Rev. J. T. Cosby Mor- ris, of London, addressed the students of the Ontario Ladies' Coilege on Sun- day aftemnoon. His subject was "The Adornment of Christian Character."- New stock Monarch yarn at W. G. Wàlters'. COMING. Dr. F. E. Luke, 167 Yonge St., To- rento's able optometrist and optician, eau be consulted for glasses at A. H. Aliin's drug store, Wlhitby, Tuesday, November 23rd. Corne early. Satis- faction guaranteed. -21 PLASKETT-SMITH. -- A quiet wedding was celebrated at Oshawa on Wednesday last, Novem- ber 3'rd, when Winhifred May Smith, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. S. Castie Smith, was united lu marriage te, Charles, Frederick Plaskett, son of _Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Plaskett. The ceemony was peformed by Rtev. C. R. de Pencier. Both young people are well knowu lu Whiitby and wl make t;heir home here. A SOCIAL AFTERNOON. On e$aturday, Noveinher 13, fremi 3 te 5 eo'eluck, the W.M.S. et St. Audrew'n Cburcb is having a social atternoon and a short interesting programa. Ail the ladies ot the chureb are very cordllyinvited te corne. FIREMEN RECEIVE DONATION At te monthiy meeting of the Pire Brigade held last Wednesday evening, a cheque of $25 was handed te the brigade by Mayor Harper on bebait of Mr. F.L. Beecroft, who made the donation lu recognitien ed the services of the brigade iu saviug his property from catching, fire during the recent conflagration at the planing miii. The Brigade, at this meeting, de- cided te hold its anuual bail ou New IYear's Eve, Friday, December 3lst. To deal with arrangements, a coutnit- tain D. Mpowafte, R cMilVanD fE.P teen Das Moaoft, RcMpedet Cap- E Heard, H. 'Watson-and A. Hopper. or made te order; geod fit guaranteed. -'Ob Sunny Dress Company,,Wbitby. MASONS VISIT OSHAWA. The annuai meeting' of the Chil- The members et LoebanonLiodge, dre's id ocetyof ntrioCoutyOshawa, were hosts te the Masons et irons Ad Sciey o Onarl ContyDomposite Ledge, Wbitby, ou TuesdaY wiii be held next Wednesday evening, evening, when the rooms et Lebanon SNovember 17, in Simcoe St. Methodist Ludge wore crowded with members Churcit, Oshawa,. The-chief speaker trom both Whltby and Oshawa lodges, willl be Miss Lucy Brooking, Supt. of gathered togothor fer a fraterual visit. the Alexandra Industrial Sehool for The officers o! Composite Lodge exem- Girls, whe will give an iilustrated plified the third degree. The visitors talk. were then eutertained at a splendid Red check tea teweliig,> 24 inches banquet. Toasts were proposed and wide, regular 50c, sale prico 43c. W. replied te by a& number ot elequent G. Waitors. speakers. Those wbo represented Composite Lodge on the list et speak- Mr. Reuben Augustus, formerly of ers were A. T. Lawler, F. G. Erskiue, the Gazette-Chrdnicie staff, and late- S. A. Baker, Dr. C. F. McGililvray, W. iy of the Pass Herald, Manitoba, has M. Vanvalkeuburg. Lebanun Lodge purchased the Verwood Gazette,'Ver- was rep:resented by the Master, J. C woo, Ssk. ard ubishe hi fistMeGili and others, aud Cedar Lodge, issue ias k. idpbihdh frto! Oshawa, by H. G. IHutchesen. A issuelast eek.pregram o! music enllvened the oven- Best al.wooi serge, lu black a.nd ing aise, and- a very onjoyable time navy, eut from tull boit. Price, $2.25, Was spent. t2AS A nd t275 nyi a ord A amoll qu.antity le!t at $1.50 per yard. Sunuy IDrosa Company, Wbltby. TEA!1 TEA!1 Liston! A fine Ceylon Black Tea,1 excellent draw, fine fiavor-- 45e per lb. 3 Ibo@lor $1925 5 Ibo. for 12,00 Extra Spsc li Cooking Onlons Your Buainens Friend Wm Meeoker Ph.one 90& WhlthyoaS PAST MASTERS' NIGHT. The members o! Composite, Lodge, A.F. & A.M., oelehrated their annual Past Masters' ulgbt at the regular meeting last Friday evýeulng. The chairs wero ail oceupied by Past Mas- tors e! the lodge, and the third degi-e was confei-red hy the fellowing, acting as officers: - W.M.-AM T. Lawler. S.W.-J. H. Nicholson. J.W.-W. M. Pringle. S.D.-E. M. DevereUl. J.D.-F. JZ Gale. S.S.-F. J. Yourex. J.S.-J. W. Bateman. L..-Jehn Argl. Oiganist--G. W. P. Every. A spocial quartette rendered the musical itual durlug the ceremony. Later, lu the banquet hall, refresb- monts were eujoyed sud a progra.m of speeches carried eut. CONFIDENCE AND CO-OPER- ATION. Thoere Iis enly eue paper in Canada owned by te farmers sud circulatrng among the farmers, namnely, "tThe Farmer's Sun" It figitts tefarmers' battles politically, gives more aceur- ate mnarke quo atiens titan any otiter paper mubie Dilniui, features otiter ogricultural news, as well as te act- vities of te U.F.O., -such as titeir eP- [operative work and Indred problema. No paper iu Canada furnisites more accurate news reports of * matters wiicit interest te farmer, uer in any paper more fearlessansd outspoken editorially tban The Ferinera' SUR. Tite paper ia publisited twice a *eek, se titat a subscriber getieu e iundved aud four !issues for $1.50. Farmers1,, subseribe for a paper witicit yen o1M aud have confidence in. Send $L50 to-day te lthe Farmer's Sunt, Toronto. NAVY LEAGUE GOES OVER THE TOP.- The final meeting<oe- the Whitby braneh of the Navy LÀeague,'te wind up the recent campaigU, was held on MQn- day afternoon, with a large attendançe of wurkers. The Treasurer, G. P. Lynd, reperted that $0V6.95 had been subscribed, s0 that the objectiveo! $500. had' been passed. The lilt of subseribers was coniposed of 257 najes, of whom 34 were juniors who had, subscribed at least 25 cents. Thé corniittee are grateful to the citizens for their gpnerous response in. this appeal. Last year Whltýy raised $320, and- the $500: objective this year was thouglit to npW.e beên impossible ef attainment. The United efforts of the comrntee and the., work of the eaÎi- vassers,'however, 'vas responsible for the success this year. Ail1 the canvasserj did splendid work. A large part o! tlîeorganizing work feUl on the Chair1l Mr. Wm. Downie, who spenta greadeal o! tiiue and effort, -and te wbo endeavorsrmust ha cfedited much klo! the enthusiasm manlfested. The ladies of the commit- tee also worked hai<d te push the cam- paign to a successfil outeome. DEATES. WARREN-At his',residence, Whitby, on Tuesday; Nov ~er 9, 1920, Frank Warren, M.D., 0.5 youngest son of' the late WilU Wa.,rren, o!f ort Wfltbyin his 7!year. F'uueral on F'ridy November 12, at 3 P.xn. te Groveside Oemetery (Motors). 17 of thne.. ii 10, YIoLIftsl VilS accaeogt, sold ai jea d tinaawy b an :FOR SALE. -- A Ford toD for touring cor. b -J. Forr*pter, Whltby. An 1i FOR SALE. Threo hanglng lamps, pra.ctlcally, new. ~ B Mr.A .Edwardis. SWAN'rED. H-and-CUttjig box. Apply WnuPel-. low, Whitby. t WANTED. -Lady in ýmodernbouse would board i two gentlemen. Apply Gazette oMfie, * OR RENT. Wamm .flat, five meema; conveniences. Apply te R. N. Basset!. FOR S ALE.- Organ, sofa, chairs and ether bouse- f beid articles; also a beautiful Engllsh' lvy. Apply Gazette. APPLES WANTED. Pifteen* te twenty barrels of nice Snow apples; a1se any other varieties o! faJI apeles; also ail kinds of good' winter apples and pears. 'I take every- thing, tree run; good fat hens and chickens. H. A. Pewers, P. O. Box 97 . LOST. Red heffer, white star on forehead, anM1,i * erna, well eurved in, liglit col- ered swltch;, age over 2 years; infor-; mation rewarded; lost !rom pasturel field- since Wednesday nlght, October 27; Ind. phone, Plckering,2309. G. K, Pratt. TO RENT. Part of large brick house, near C.P.R. station; possession Nuvexnt*r 26; $1.) per xnonth; family. Vithoùt childreW' preterred. Apply H. A. Power.9, Whitby. WANTED NOW. A good gardien digger, for 4 or5 dlays. Apply te "Stephenson," Tel. Express and general ticket^ office, Whitby. HOUSE FOR SALE. The house inthe late Dr. Adams terrace on Byron St. north, iately oc- cupitd by Dr. Hudson,. two blocks from Dundas. Street. Solid brick. Parlç>r, dining roomn, larÉe- pantry and' kitchen on ground fluor; aise built-in cupboard- in kitchen; four bedrooms, den and three-p>ieée bath. on second floor. Frarne garage 12x16 ft, ýplank floored. Fine garden lot extending through te Centre Street; furnace.- This -house is cool in sunmeër and -easyî te heat in the *inter. PIrie $3500.00, - 4$600.00 cash. This price includes a good brusseis carpet on parler and ha.il, biinds, electric fixtures, aise three tons of steve ceai and twu, tons of nut cealinii the .cellari n un tiîty of wood. Apply te Dr. H. J. Hud-- son, Dentist. Pbrk and Bean Supper ad Sale of Wovk ALL SAINTS SCHOUL ROON Wednsesdays Novombor I lth The Annual Supper and Sale of Work, under the auspices' of the Girls',Âuxiliary, will be held--on the above date, commencing at 3 o',clock. There will b. uneful and fane; art ,icles for Christmas Gifts, Aprons, Hlandkerchiefs, Home-made Candy, and a Fish Pond. Supper Servsd at 5.80 p. m. Admission Fros;- Suppor 85c. lOD 1ay Sale o! H oney November llth to November 22nd Îat Reduced Pirce This iî a gyoodqlity of almixed honey-Clover, Goîdenrod -ald luckwheat-firom the apiaries of A. A. Walker. Ask your grocer for 10 lbs. of Walker's Mixed Honey and &ample it. If satisfactory buy your winter's supply. This will be your last chance to buy houey at this pric'e this year. -This is the cheapest this qiiality of honey has been offered since 1918. Can be purchased at ail Whitby's principal grodery stores, also My homÉe. A. A.- W LKEIIR lli!Crest Apiaries A.AMWLR CO0 M-1INU!G The Famouts Jackes Traqve1ettes AUDITORIUM, ONTARIO'L.ýDIES- COLLEGE, FRIDAY EVENINO, 1NOV. l2tht at 8 p.m. Canada, The Emplre!s Granary." FRIDAY EVENINO,ý NOV.- 2thl at 8j.m 'MespOtflda, theEmpie'. çw Treasure Ln. The moist beautiful plotures ever displ&yed in Whitby. - lIiýtby Rei denta Invitecl. Children, -160; Adult, 27e. Mdl for quai matched by a-ny ther- id.I yArmand was the firet Fa« Powi t~Ithe wants of *,particular purchas r, It is ion this continent alone by tmore , than 1, ly; Are Vos Oneoef ThemSf We carry - ti nesin stock and solicit vôur trial. 'Ar.and's "Bouquct-NturqJ, Whlte, Brunette, Pinky 50C. Armand!s Alde-Natural, White, Brunette, Pin, 4$1.00. Armand't Rouge-Llght, Medlum, Dark. Armand's Ainabelle Talcbm -Whlte, FIleshi, 3k,. "'ANNIE LAUIUE "0 the Home Mla de Chocolaé." Fresh every, week. On. size, one price, 8QC. Ou t 1et own* Shoppers iake Whitfield's your headquarters, and -have your parcels sent lier. W8 have every convenieince for your accommodation. WII TEIE L D'S DRIM and ST*1SET TR WR ITBY.- ~NTARI~ WANTED., DES1< FOR SA~ Cempetent Cook; dutiqa te begi De- Roll top: desk, euined cember 1; aise laundrés and diulng- , for b ouse use, smalier rôom girl. Apply Mati-on, Ontario office size; good as new. Ladies' College.- zette office. oaksitable thaa. regular Âpply at Ga- FOR. FRESH GROCERJES anid Prompt- Delivery LEAVE YOUR ORDER- WITI . s Our,. Prices Are Rlght Full Stock of, Ail Grocery tUnes. E. M. DEVERELL Phone 190 WNfl'EY, ONT.- -- i -, An itfou ncenien-Ht We wl-sh té adivlse our many frleinds and patrons tha t we have secured the Chevrolet Sales and Service for1921 for West WhItby, and wlI be, pleased to demon- strate our 'NEW UNE to you* CALL AND SEE Us. Sales& Service at Central Garage. central Noter Sales Ageny, Good. Setvice. Pr«Ompt Dellvr The Be-st Line of AIwayS- On Iiande- Te T. Lawler The Home of Good Groceries. Bell Phono 47. *Ind.pendont I - __ I * -1- -I 'r wý ea -=Eeýým Min à ý 1 . 1 WEITBY 1

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