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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 6

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e 9724 Lliotis xow use it to thefrutmost satîsfacýtioii Dly ETHIEL CHAPMÂN HARING. V.- "Sillyl" Ruth flouted the. Idea, but it e away-impossib]y fai- away,[ ve lier a deep inward satisfaction. I though i t w4ïs-Vie, liglits cf Atter an interval the man resurned: i glittered. It'added thi lai Ahd -it struck me that he'd be just 'mlisery Vo know that-i-urni feolhardy enough te Vuke rou inte Vthe iethers were enjoying thatf glacier. AV the- hvery office they toi andi luxur>' 1». ignorance cf ,me that the watchman was sick. Sa 'emit>', Andi she -weuld have te I ieft Word that I hati an eri-and that tbe hotel-if ever she livedt oI might make me late te dinner, routed -betore #Il the guests, in this the old fchlow out, îgot these things te- gether, and started up here." one arin-uround her wuist, h "How- exactly 1ke you,' dear, M~ under lier elbow, IHastings a thouglittul boy!" a h. murmureti. Thon best Vo support lier, but h*r hler voice grew trugic, but she kept iV epeatedly turned under-her as I ow thut the mien' on the front seat It their wyeerteloslniglt net overheur. "'And whule you were coming Vo the reacue, X was sit-- t ing on bis lap te keep warm. IV was horrible. -If anything ceuld'have been worse, it would have been Belle." 'For a moment there was si-lon-ce lu which Ruthi hal$ regrette! mentioning, thisi episede. Tien "Who la Belle?"- inqlred Hiramn constrainedly. ,-i "Tii. girl he's engaged te. She lives~ in Toi-ente. She's a gooti- sport-be says l'm.net. He was se surprlsed wheu I got tireti sud couldnV heave gi-eut rocks around!" Ili-ani -Seemed te, breathe' again. "No accounting toi- astes. Person- aIly, 1 do't waut au Amazon for my wite." This wus comtorting. YeV she coulti net accept bis satisfaction wiVh lier bdiore her confession was complet.. "But the worttcf 1V was,'Hiram," -ah. said slowly, -"that I wanted Vo go witlihi. IV seemed so-,vso r- mantilc." Hiram's reati> acqiiiesecence gv lier in urin a twinge et jealous>'. "Pi-obably everybody feels se -'ut tinies," lie rejained in ubis naturai, mat- teoi-f-act voie. "I shouldu'V want Vo mari-y liet, but I'v. had moments wheu his Amazon would have appealed Vo Ruth coulti hardiy credit thit 1V was Hlirami, the. cauticus andi moderato, whoq epoke. "But I don't believe sheÎs Vthe lat bit suite! ýte you," eh. said wonder- ingly. "Certaiuly she isn'V," Hi-arn ugreeti cordiali>', "any moi-e than lier ian lis suitedti t you. If ever l'm iu danger et forgetting it, l'Ilthink. et your ad- ventui-e to-day.- But Viiose two are pi-obably vriy well matched. Se are A gi-eut ruth seemeti borne lu upon Ruth. "Why, et course we ai-e!" she ex- claimed. With a quick glance.ut the mon in the, front seat oh. tui-ned, and -bruseei firani's cheek with lier lips. 'Oh, l'm se glati thut I'm going te mari-y Just you!" (The End.)ý - Toc Realistio. Two men were standing ontaide a jewol-y store. Tho>' wero critleizing thé gorgeons dispiay cf giitterlug geins. Presenti>' eue of them, peint- iug te an ebjeet ou a aed plusi tra>', sald: *'Just loek ut that ecaipin, rpe senting a fly. An>'oee au tell t1at'a net roui." "O! course," answered - hie finci. "Who ever saw 'a fi>' wiVh sucit brîgit wings? I suppose the man wlio prodnced tat fond>' liopeti that sorne one would bu>' it te take a risceout ot bils triends."! SAt that moment tice bject et fhil scora Iflew away. Constancy. 1 wýIl be truc. Ligit barques niay be belateci, Or turaed aside by ever>' breeze ut play', Wiii.'e sturdy tsh ipa, well-Manneci andi richi>' treigbtt,- With fair sals lying, anchot- Qate iii ba'>. - Floral Bird. Hungary~ grows a wild flower which! la te exact floral image of a hum- ming bird. The breat Js green, Vie titroat -yoilow, lie hoaci andi beak ai-1 aîost hluîck. How te Save Money. aianvlngman ee>'tVe rosi secret le nufl lu loée iVttrougi Vie itole ut te i-Oul of ycur peeket. lI Japan books are beunti witi Vie edges iu; te readei-a bogin ut the. iback anti go.furwai-d, anti the>' read verti-l Caall>'insteat i ethorizoutul>'. Al Unhe abore, aud other precieus atones, couiti b. made by te ton-if we had Nature's =rcible. Wutea-, Clu>',ut, sodium, ai-e as cheap us du-t! IV la the cru-cible we lack. A ittIe éuri-ent or rasibori-> jel>' Inixeti with ci-oui eheese anti sprat between cruatiesasuBlces ef white bread maires doh-iciotas "rose sand- wichies." Ceylon, boastu etoa a -ussel that singe. Wien te ide bas ebboti those sliell-flsh produce sweet» flute-like soundas. Au the.mussais have -ne thtii-t Ve>' Inuitmusic iu Soie way or ather witla their a hecls. ftones of the glacier 'b.d l inihedrec- ti" a etti path. Once ou tuis, tihe tu , ng -was legs difficuit, but RuVi's - eosciouàiies, cf lier own eïchaustion Ibecamne mori sente. She iaad never been me achingly cold, se draggiugly tired :i nobody- bad. lier -linbs almoot i-e- lused Vo move againbt the clogging ireiglit ef lier wet gai-monts. Thon faintly, more cleurly, decided- )y, the. bout ot herses' b4 srece S"Comiug up, tee, b>' the gait," said II&tngs excitedl>'. leleasing lier, hie jput bis haýs trumpet-wise Vo his wnoith and gave a gi-eut shout. -At onlce an anawering ble iii the practiced veice of a miountaineer. Ruthi had hoped iV would lieIli-ar, but this wax no -time to chocs. umong rescuera. With- reuewed strength she started te- ,ward the aeund. At haever>' end cf Vthe road, iildeed, as thie fapprvached--they s.aw the eut- finos et the herses byVthe iglit et a hkntéirn held between the driver'. -knees. Goenng towald Vhem up the path another lantéru uwung lunVthe band of a man. Hi. stop *as hastier than nusi,- but iV wais tamuliar. - IV ,-waa more than familiar. - With a ciy and au aceas cf euergy Wivhch wouid have -seemeti impossiblel A fw minutes before, Ruth broke fi-ou IIMïtings andi flung herself upe-n the /ktnrying figure. -ý "Hiram!" aie cried. The naine atQoo tfer ail thut was dear and aheltered and, Uiruni's rjght airn Went protectingly- roudlier. The other held Vue lauteru esreiu]lY clear et tiie drippiug figure. "thonght you miglit b. lu trouble,": Lsai. etrgeV starteti for homoý betfre-yen talk.u At the, buckboard's vuide lie handed the lautoru t& Vthe iriver. "Cover bath liglts fer a min- se.!"- li ordered. As the man obeyed, bo whisperedt oRutli. iTake off that wet shirt. I've et a steamner rug here." lu -a moment she wu"s wrapped with a iict-water bottle in the i-ug, and Luckei up on the back seat. «Ligiits again!" lHe halte! the ti'ri ver as ho gatiiered-np-the reins, sud, -unscreWting a thermos boUtle, ho youreti a wyhîte cuplul sud held iVte - le gfrl¶s lips. IV was hiot milk. Thon he stepped4 up te HRastin-g, who hati waited at a deceut distance, aud Vthe two helti a lowmVeued conference. -"I thonght et that possibilit>' wheu i gkot back te the hotel, .and iearned ttuat Vie 'guai-d was off duty," Hi-arn sai as hoe turneti again Vo the voe- licle. "But jurnp in. You'll find rooni in the. icitle eout if you cure te share it wvith some picéÇuxes adtefrt mid kitL"-aniiifrt "Tbank you," replied Ilastirgs stiff- ly. "I prefer te- walk. Good aight, Mdi--ss oodnuw! Geeci night, Bab'bitt!" At'fiuist Ituth was toe exhaustedti o do anytiiing but enje>' the, etealîng j w;ý rnth - ethot milk inside, andtheVii bol-water ha-bnd au llns ai-m eut- idbut as the gentfe stimuan t ýk tffefit. andi thee cdfort sprcad Die founti voice Vo tell et the ad-vcnture.- "Isuppose our nioVi-iVrs are lread-! fIyworried," she f-nished. *'Worried Z- Oh, no-tiiey ni-n'tx -Pt 4 11ig yen yet. 1 was the_ wor-ied ci.Ail through the drive I toi et un-, toay. Jiastig's is"a handscie fellow ed unnatturalily.- COOK$ YO-U will ixnmensely impro-ve the tastinese3 of d"uhen id sdd trou. rndowely to tif tnourkhbe *2g ue iu f you use pkny of IL w menwu1.WU me. me w« a i£ 'w *f. course, or' 811 wout bave ftn e it Put-yèm u ever deýte firit #me, Yeu1 jiiat tlitheIy léap in. "lie'.always cheerfùl, and b. says ii. littho pieasantno-tliing-a'y'- i-ke toh ave-folks syÀ>oyou. You May know. pereetty well tiy dont meai ai word of it, but 1h smnooths thiffg out and keeps you feeling pleaod itl yourself. And that's hall thie batle, -To 'marry a'man because lie sald "soft nothings,"wlien youLad afread' been maarrie4 ,onceaud knew thit life is rial and lite jei -earnest In .doubol harnessa, seenied Uo-me -the height ci folly. There Wémr.,otha ern - wh6 would have liked Vo 'console tht par- tâcular widow. They, had bank &ac counts ind steady jobs. a)ýi4 ncume property andpileasure cars, whlle thih w ight was a hte spender than Ji was an earner, and his. oniy piece- of piroperty was mortgaged. - But thei *widow .passed'over the. substantial qualities of her other admirers, a nd married the nman w ho was always eheerful. That was fiv e years ago, and I'Ie been watching the outeome of the mariage. Reluctantly I've had tio ad- ýmit that sh. made tfie better cho'iee, for the man stiil keeps chek4 aVsil, supplies her with the compliments 'ber soul craves,,.and still keeps her happy. T1hey are J-tie better off financially than tliey were lve years ugo, lie la one of tthe many -who didu't profiteer by -the war. They hav e managed to keep up, but ntte get ahead, but as they look at iV, getting aheed does' count. The main thing Js that the home* ut- mosphere is always sanny. And after ail, isn't that the supreme proof oif a suecesaful Ide-. What good ia money if it can't buy you happinesa and laughter? Why have houa.. and good furniture aud automohiles if they, just bring lines between your eyes, andi add te yeur cares and anxietiesT Mter ail, it isn't the thfiîià whlch w. vos- esu tlat _maie *us' happy 'or unhappy. tV is the spirit in whlch- we appxeech Hie. And the woman wlie married for good cheer instead et for money show- ed ber geod judgment. 1 believe iV was Johuson who said, "'It is worth a thoueand pounds a year Vo b. able te look on the. brlgt aide ot things." No matter who said iJt, lie could have multipiied that thousand by, a thousand, and not made àt ltoo mucli. The power of being cheerful, not bezause we :foelishly ignore con- ditions,. but because- we refuse te b. conquer ed -by .conditions, ilaçworth more than tll the weaith ilu the wiorMd. -And 1V is a power that ail too f ew peo- 13Oe pOSSOiS., .TIi.re are two sorts of cneerfulness, andl w. otten fail to differentijate oe from anothor. Thero la the. cheerful- neha et young children, who knowing 'no troubles, are filled with laughter. This, sort is sharod by some aduItsý who either lack the pcwer te se. condi- tions which de noV affect them directWi or sooing theni, take lii. attitude that it 18 none of their affa;ir,,' or tliat 1V is the wili cf God, and therefore should noV affect bheir- huppineas. And there lça t10hebotterfoil-m ! à n funes Autumn Recipes, Sauci-kiaut eau be matie of surplus cabbage, -anti £rem amaîl or burst licada. Strip ticenter gi-ean leaves from caeii heati anti s-lice tui>laVe jo a dlean aVonue crock or weeden keg that bas been scuided eut. There arc i ieap hanti slicex-s available for this, for the- cabbage may be sha-vedti thin suices. with a halte. lTe fluer VieJ s ices the bettert-hVe quality. The1 container ainat be absolutel>' water- ' Èght, for kraut will be spoiletib>' the I brn ekn away., As Vie finley f sliced cabbage is placeti in Vieo- auer, it should be penndedidowa wvitlî be used eau lie 12 1, I r' I i p i r E I Il Round theXomýer. When Vhe cool wluds -of autumni chfll the air, the herrlng, thý'rêl 'British ftfh, 3o«rueyo south Vo warmei' waters, and layalfts egg8 near the oust, says a London newspaper. The, herrlng torms the chie!f fsheries oetVhe United Klngdom, - and It Isa esétlmuàted thut 2,200,000,000 heirings, are. landed lu BrItain durlng eue seaisou, Hundreds et llshlng ci-att salLputý from n ~ortb<rn andl southî6rn#ports te, rhep a rveal-ô* the>nst h sou-ast theP'trdael do*ngl'th eht cast=let Screofnduc d gat ron tgha a i- the aoci-antther ottre Is toiong the sof culs othe i crny, dtrnges, mocf t tg aVot. differeutdIsticts the sea. Foliowing on behlnd the. smacks corne the steum-Viawlers,.and anly by yieldlng up their catches eau the fleet keep up with the shoals. lu rough seas the trunshlpping o! the flsh la no easy task, -and net a few nasty acci- dents happen.. The work la ver>' often caried out at niglit wiVh the aid -o! artificial iglits, se It cau be imagined hoir precarieus the Vask o! ti-anshlp- ping becomes. WiVh the swaying trawlers, fuie shadcws are thrown b>' rlgglng and huik, baulking the fishers when, throwlng Phe cases aboard. In Little Rowlng-Boats. In the amail rowlug-boat, low lu the water owing te the cargo piled umld- shlps, the mou leuve the smack's side. At ever>' pull o! the ours, the, bouti ises, thon sinks Iu the trough of the1 sea with a rqsouuding crack, llke thati of a pîstol-AhoV. Thon stroug arma are needed -te provout the open boat1 fi-cm being -battered Vo plocos against the steel platesetfthe ruwier's a'ide.9 V!11h wouderfui balance, *ne o! theo Miàrmen stands In the rocklng ci-att,1 waiting hie chance te, throw the cases, aboard autVhe preper Instant. It 'takea a keon oye sud a qulck hand te' thi-ow the; heavy cases, *hen both bouta are rlsing aud falIiig ulteruatel>', rocking- herse fashlon. At Yarmouth and- Gimsby u t this season o! the year, muny visiterai corne fi-om the North. To liston to the moi-iy laugliter and chatter -as they weud their way fi-cm the. station,'a- stranger weuId imagine , that , they vWere pleasui-e-trlppers. Ere long the ati-sêger wouid discover h-la mistVke. The sound cf J3ogs ring ueon rcad- way'And pavement; ne morç pleasurs- ti-ippers these, but Scottiali fisher-las- oies, who have foliowed thei- mqnfolk Why b. afrald elhat ls.roù-nd the W m'y el bradcotuc&& elther case it is a dead eue, and au cerner that >ou ne'2 turned? There colored shawi wraps, the>' ai-er.- abacoas la quit. likel>', sooner or later, mu>' b. a bsautlful¶dventure hidden sonaliles te be remarked upon. Ve foi-ii t its i-cet. there. IV léa a'p . 1llseul iudeed aots ase.TeXrysosu uha bs that Io netstia-red 6y'.elui-e of what Scttah asios Te,-ay hw u uit b Wheu th fish e eceasallclouugi>'. It appears on te "shad. might bs wultiug,,foi*-Us did oui-lWr -We h lishlteltui>'bouh owgraph" film us a dark s Dot. - Then pitiful fours not hait kud iioid us back. 1nePit h eo u> husle the tooth shouid boe puUled without de- Roade that fly straiglit us a bee's ut the cleaning treuglis. holng dressed lu>'. wa fa-cm, a Vown Vo a town are noV the fo thoi- task lu ollekin aprens aud, Ever>' sucli abscess ta a g-erm fac- rmost tun Vo Vavel. O-Ive us ever the dloge. These ludusti-lous womonl are toi-y. It produces a centinlueus croj winding route se that w. mu>' noV se neyer 1de, as,- stroiiing Vo theîr worj, etpsforigbceia hc eina 'wfui- wo have corne, how i-r f bus>' hauds are employeci with kniV- still have Voge. Lot us have curlcsîty' tng needies sud wool, maklng "wool--_ _ piqued and pleasant surprises prole"fo h a-n hm. When Stormy Wincls Do misot b>' -the changes et direction.' Otc hehro1ron u- osa-Blow. - Who would have the hlghwuy, et his the creak et the block la hourd, and Autuin iisad itrgl lite a perfectlY. straight course, with, as the sai moes up the mast, Viilse - onbonu-Whtdyi kw nover a'deviafilon. IV wouid net be t ing sun atrîkes upon, the brown can-jwlisnbenus htdoe uc lnteresting. W. shouid pino fer 1 as turn.lng tlicm into sheets et gl9w- aboeut the wind? varlet>' and pictureq1nea. iii reci. The amaclis move eut ofthVIe Wliùd la but air in rmot ion. But do Idea ot beauty la a cuirvo";- and Na-; hai-bor under the f reshening evenlng yen know wh'at*sets air in motion and Vui-e hait a reasen when, ln obédience breeze. As the norning mists begin pr-oduces the gentie 7ephyr, the mod. te the Master Mind, -ohe designed lr te lift, te>' aouti>' gilde- into port,f erato wind, and tih- violeut gale? The trees in green casciades o! circulait>' the water practlcaiiy washing the gun- - prlincipal cause is the variation in and -set her rivera winding round thei- waie, the gieamlngfish coverIng the heat and coid. If tic air couid b.- hept bends sud gave us thé sickie et the ildeck planklng. at on 'e temperature_ Uteî-p cuid lDe nu new moon or .of the océan bouches or Once aiongslde the qua>', the der- w lad. o! the gracetul fernis ot fruit and rîcks are soon at work hoisting the Agid ukoww thetti flower und the human trame. resuit et a nîght's catch. The shining air? You iglt liazard tint thc arn Eve s îfes oure>; e ou- xgow th every acidittoual bas- dc,-s, but yen would be wrong. I-t 1: that it is raroly Possible Vo go exacti>' ket, andi soon, ln the brightenlng mcm- - the carth, aild tie things on it. straight from Peint te point. IV is hke -i-ng liglit, silver>' -rays flash eut frontIi Pfeated air-thus >'ou lnow---ex-panths dancing lu a crowded bal-rn: oee Ucmass cf herrings. an(!Ci ists- ilitO, the vacuum -*V14us muet constantly doter te the fact there Huatie and Sale. cthedîcol irAd!hr are others préesent. Their ruovemeuts What a change et scene! Ti~ as Cold condenses tie, air and squeezes luevitabi>' affect id direct.oui- own. theugh a magic wand has beeu waved IVI descends, and 1into the liuge up' If each man ruade hîs eaathly pli- over the Inuer lai-bot'5 causing those per vacunu thinuadt ottier alir rush. f grimage in Solitude prefeund and who were asieep te corne te ite- A lesA ndc here's a gale! Theïse air wide, ne migutiniake bis puthway as short moment betere you could have 'movements, it mnst'-be renernbereà, direct as ho chose. But-thank Godi heard thue lup et water agalnst the are ou a vast andi widespread n;caie, fef lt-oui- membership ls iu a muli- waii-s oethVe harboa-s: now the air is *although it needsa but a suxaîl first tude, who have a right et way tint is fihioci with clamoring Volces, banging movement of afr te. uas It- îverc, set oquai te our own; w43 nay net assure eto cashs, andi the -rattie et chains. th bail rellintg. Violent wi.nds inay ourselves a tbooting or a paàsage b>' The exciteenrt grews a.s the buyera f bldw for days withcut cessto-e csi gteninfimr. We can-i and their assjstaants get busy. Where-: until, in popularplihrasecologé-, "te> 1net go where we woula andi we canno-t ever eu e loch's tiere is te -be seen fisi l'have bloewn themselves- eut," . but utîtil tura the corners. ike heedIlrss multer- being ýcounteci. weighed, andi packed 'a more stable tenmpe'rature ha.s bueen ists, v4thout thling et the rest. into hbarrels te de despateicti. aboutpio'îe the counîtry. As Vie at wagonload 1 - ,ratiesawy t Vie -taion ne sias1IContributory causes of windl-produc-; - Precious Parts. - <or watelr fi-uni the hose is !le-srd, ac-'te r cas onas IIIS i Precous arts ! 1otation oetttecearth, etc. Ail these Most ef us knoNw that the diantoiîd ICrpfit ylt WSîu îîac affect tie tenîllerature ot the ,er~, andi ia i-eally no"liing but a piece et supe- bui-,a tcqayd 1 ii-e roic wn ceai, lt-3 Costii-ness is(tiue tOte s~cend l ~ ns ilcm ,dagltarutaise- scrîy njtefr htwe in c:-aily Èsuppcored, -i ndg an lu-; -I 44T DIrD help make".it,$4dn't I1P NOW ther er jtwo cooks in Our faoeiIy, arcn't th=r, Mother?ý And sec howlÏght the cake îl 1-ItoM flarol 1 creamed the batter and -augar, and lie sad I wasn't big eiougU. fHe didn't knowItza.dL, ft Tel hiMk I dfd help mnake it, Mother. LAN2TCSAVES 271.1 *ate preNaraMdoea et clae., puddl« ATLAMC Momsz1am XmRays and the Teell No dentists office nowadays -is con- swallo wed, flnd their way throtlgi the elidered weii equipped çwithout an X- stoxnach. luto the -blood. ray machine. These germa are lhable to iodge in The X-ray, as everybody .knows, is the jointe, where they.-proceed to of enormous usefuines fo(r many pur r. beed, feedlng on'the tisoiies and Poses that have to do wlth medicine thereby- engenderîng inflammationus. and particuÏarlysurgery. But *beyond As a resuit, , there la rheum'atlsm, 'WiUi adoubt Its value in connectionwith ils atten dant pains' and.perbaps even- SU]rgerY of the mouth la mosti mpor- tuai déformation of the; boes, If the tant of ail. bfr elnn trouble is prolonged and severe. Many dentistis, bfr egn gto Until wthin the la st few yeairs. den- op r t n a n w p te t a e a tists m ade n o lInqu ry lu regard to aminati on aof tien thae. ne-abscesses, Int he gums, save in cases Only lu ths way la t eposibe to ko where they caused sa mucli local is- w it d' rta nty the ex ct o n d tio s d - o nfor t'as to ren d er th e pu lln g of a - mandin treament.tooth necessarY; It was certainiy not. mandng teatmnt.,suspected that they had anything ta Above ail, it la necessary to know do with causing rheumatlsm or other whether or not any* abseess;es lie con,- alimuents of the bbdy. But to-day when cealed Iu the» gums. For'; these, aeanay mysterlous malady turns Up the science lias enly of late discovered, up-to-date -Physlan sends the pattent are a fruittul source of inany mis terles. Vo the dentiat to have ie' wsX There la an oid saying tp the effect rayed. that 'whiat one does noV kn Ow will noV. Abscesses lu the gums ar f 'ather She tellows me about my Huoe (This halipy lîttie giaoet o! my dead She hag no>part In 'ime'igreleutleaa Sihe keesa her eld simpilcit>' and trth- 1e This deatifleas Chlld- that stays wlth This hllppy ittie ghost o!fni> dead youth!) Mr House of- Life la weather-Otained With year- ('à Child 'lu Me, I wonder why Y-DU' Its windows are bodimmed wltb rain and teurs, - ? The walis have lost their rose, -its .thatch la .gray. ' On.- afterone its guests depurt, Bo dUil a hoat la my Oid heurt. (0 CIm lnl Me, 1 wonder why you stay!> F'or Jealons Age, whose face 1 would foi-geV,- PallsVthe bright flewers you briug me fa-cm My hait Aud powders iV wlth snow; 'aud yet- and, yet I love your dancing foot and jocund I have ne 'tas-te for caps of lace To ie about zuy faded face- 1 -love te wear your flowers lu my liai-.. O Child lu Me, leave not my House of' UDtlw. p asa ogether thi-ougli the Door, .Wlen liglits are eut, ênd Life ha gone uway . É And we dopai-t tcorne aguin ne more. Weé cemiades, who hbïe travelled far- Will hall the Twililglt and the Star, Anci smillng, pas. together thi-ough the; Deor! - has-cnt. u n .I De[It tgitei a cean,,stiek, te secure a compacti n,_Lîractively.~'i-ct L i ut e imass aad te f orce-eout Vie juice of the 1 put do ye,10îW tihat t'lic epai. tie fcabbage whi«ch is te foi-nia protectîvei diainond's rival, la literali>' netiing cecriag against deca>'. Fine sait! I but riica <flMit) arudwater? Truc iV 'must be atideti' ut the rate cf eue peuud 1ta tiat thcse 1-w-o eleinents, have beent te fort>' of sliceti cabb-age. This w-lj "coéi1 ng' Iorecn thousaucis et years aIse iiep to draw the water eut ef Vie in Nature's erucible, and tintthle eut- cabbuge. Wheu tiie container ila îîear-! put la amahI. Ilence tic price. But 1>' full, the kraUt'ý4îould be covre d ite bea utffuîi iidescent coloriatglis with a clean piece cf bozird, antid merci>' water and 1 net ,fil-e.", Bu> a: weigiited down soe .at Vie juice ceoi- $15000 orial, tid- bu>' ilint ad ipletel>' cuvera tic cabbage. Ki-aut watei-. shoulti le sýored ia a cool place andi, The exquisite turquoise, titi it-s if made in Vie summer tinte, it i-S Wise seft bine celeor, is but pliospiate c te scai tice top et the container wi alumina (chu>'), but the cepper lu tic fI puuraf fin. earth la the -color maicer. But clap To keep sweet appie-juice sweet, aud cepei crucibied inl Nature'a i-un 1V thi-ough a creani aéparatoi as chemicai iaboratory rdu' soon us the Juice là extraetei. This quelse. poueVett- remeivesth partiebes of soliti mtter The îsapphîre, Oriental' ruby, sud anti gives a. cbcur cola-. Put thé juice topas, ai-e but crystais>of filut>' eai-th.- anumecia±oly ihto containeors tint have The aapphire'a bine celer- la merel>' been steriiized by scàldiug. lieut-th.ei-O-one grain et IV acting on 100 filleti containers la a water bath for et alumaina. The rei-ofuthViei-nb>' eue'heur, ut a temperatua'e et 150 deg.' cornes frorn Vie cday belig ucteci on b>' F. This sterilizes the juice 'anti pi-e- chuiomie acâdt. ventsa acooke t aste. Seal the con- IThe gam-et and -i i nra nnl..ni.. uuiers wnle flot. Vinegar fi-ont apple Parings.-save appbe-peelinga anti coi-es; put iute ai wee-5en or Stone vessel, kepiu a coolt place until fihieti. When the »Veasel is 1. about full, put a plate on the. paringsa, thon put so1me heur>' welg-iV on th e poundsOfo' flint and alumina, with- for Vhe-nlakiug Oethte beryl-some oui-t c4llod glucina, a.,eweet suit se- -ci-otetib>' Natur-e. - The> lapis -iuz»li Is nothing -but cern- mon ouitii suturuted i wth suiphuret ot sodlim. Remembrance' L'a: t utiglît. u.a 1'vas -Si-amding JJIIa crewdc, I saW a fa-e iliai n o Pseeri for years; A face i'd tticughit fturgut,- agago. And bi;'ieC! t: n yîtlfu ioe anid eurs. , i muelthi ns-dcdeni:. a iinl ; i a 'c y -ichg 10.e. n Mqy very Voûg,epfaltertiIoi the path That ycars iîad made so s iple and su striEgt. i The heur>' walia I'tl built t4 hife myi pain, lu but a single instant fout laway, Ana left me iteipless ln an 1Iukaewai baud,1 Grolng thi-ougi endiessalynightsi for day. f> lair. greateat ýe world,- iseme- lo useti' ,ica tfor h ti I Blankets From Human China la saidti o.be Vie hair-suppl>'iug couuttY lu Vi thoughzluce qupues, have of fuahiowYher aupp>' hasbe wnhat reduceci. -Theo ir chiefi>' lu Europe anti-Am-% lahitg taise-hai' uudblanliei ~1~~~ El i p l)raughts onlyv exi.st whicie tiere 1, j warni air wh'iich ha-, rareeti an'a jas- t-cnded.inta thie vacuuni cunes i le Information Wanteci. A w--!kîwicirgyxîtan is n rtie iiabit cf 1ee 1-i 1 iS Sentences sever- i tanes ever- t, cîaide the couigrega- A".n Ihr- uch'v 4,9 grasp tîteir rmen iîîg.0,i o.nerie -i-ii, while preact-i ing li ave-y i; r-district, 11-c:urc - to tle ftolov;îxlg wcrds: "\V'tho xvas Jolýn tic BaptAst?" j H-le brugit theiàeut siow y a nd dis- tinctl>'. and tien repeated tient. A"'-. toi- giancing round the chut-ch, hoe once - more, repeateci tic words, "Who was John the flaptiat?" To hia surprise, a ver>' seedy-Qok- ing Individuai ut, -he back- of t.he church shuffled Vo his, foot and i-e- mruikeci, wltli a amile; "Leoit hei', gus'ner, I kuow there'a a catch soane-,- Whei're; but cerne on, who was ho?'" - Baptlsm'in Cyprus. A baptiom lu CyprUs lea acuricuis ceremeny. The Infant la rubbed lu cil by hisgogdfuthe-, blown upon lu tie: face b>'tuepiest, sud wûoved lu, oe _air, thon dipped sevei-al Vîmes lu hoe fout anti agaln an-aetnted wlVh cil un varIons parts..o! the body.'- 'e c t t t c frequent occurrence, and, as a rule. thei-, presence doas not excite the at- tention o! the oufferer. -A person may have hait -a dozena or more'o e thern without suspectiug iV. The>' are ai- Most certain Vo occur l> neiglected mouthsa, but nlobody le'suie. 1 Sometimes tho>' cause inflammatiôn o! the eyes; occusionall>' the>' impair -thne hearing. There is ne- end te the miichiets' tho>' engender. One easiiy understands why, 'lu former days,- when thore were no 'de-utists and peeple's teeth reeei-veti ne preper at- tention, rheumatili aà an affliction se mnucli more prevalent than nowa- days.* The "aches'- and *Vains of od age," se bitteri>' comp'ained of by our foebe'ars, -were- attributablo mo abs- cosses' in their guma. - 'a-- ~~ Overails & Shirts 13ob Lonig Says:- twoveralls and shirt-, are rromy nacomfortable, and ruade èet- -cujy for fara-r». 1 designed them with the iden that you migh-t want to .stretch y r rims nd legs Ovcaslonaliy.' BOB LO0îN G GLO-VES- wiUl outweag any other anake dt GlOV'e on- the Uftaket,- beçanso they are mado .by skill.d work. =eu fru tIho ,strougest glovo. Insista ogttng Bob Long Branda froua your doalr- tbywM lsaveyou uon.y IL G. LONG & Co., Lbûite Yhbb»R TOIRONTO ob.4 -BOB LONG BRANDS Lu"frv ouaCosita Gai hurt hlm." But thîs' Idea cortaîni>' dees net appI>' . te absces-se at the recta o! the teoth, which -ma>' long -exist unsuspecteci. Abscessos rarel>' foin at the rmets et liv. teeth; but otten ÏV happons that a Vcoth dies, and ne notice le given o! Vhs fumerai. Or, porhaps, te nerve- a '4 's I i s r a I t i I il obs wn Kee Pa -the.skin S-heahhly and sweet. 'i 1les B&«a for Ba5Y and Bet for Yor» «L -1

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