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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Nov 1920, p. 7

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*living Tleim Over. NVWhat guod cones of living them Over, AUl the w'earyiiet. wearlng things? 'Thio5 phantom %hap entr cm the past, j -that liover s 0o!t e-bout us on night-black v.inge-, -Witlxttbetr horruy thrusts and their W ~ho is stronger forbearlng a burden Twiee as heavy, or twice as far Ah need requIres? Ljay it down. A guerdon ( Ila becllunitig you from Hope'e be-an- iug Star.- But, oh!, the joy of living thern over- The trieiidiy wordý-, and the kindly Th"-aL, like bloomlng roses or wlnd- (2beer wilh their fragrance thol mile, ivi-wrinanid ýtveugthen our t leartsi the wlile. Fo iý Iiearts grow -stronger' wbea vaiii.îher.i,-pleasure Leind to the presënt their afterglow Or boftmied l iglit and we catch the (t [ho oid-tiie unelodies, sweet and low. ¶hnliv- thern over-the joy and No. 9665-Ladies' Ovrress. Priee, 35 mants. Toe- be êlpped eo vèr Vle- hoed; ,clSing at side front; two-pec tunie-, pleated- or plain, attadb.sd1» waist.- Cut in 7 se-a,,34, 36,j8,940v 42,,44 andi 46 ina. bust measaure-. Size 36 te-quires, with ple-ated iie, 5ys 36 ina. wide, or 3%A yds. 54 irn*. wide; with plain tunie-, 314 yd.s. as Ihm. vide, or 214 yds. E4 ins. vide-. Ne. 9725-Ladies' Drus. Price, 35 cents. Two styles of sie-eve-; with or [ vitbout buse- aie parels; 37 or 85-. inmch length - from waiotl&ne. Cnt la-? sizes, 34, 36, 38, 4Y, 42, 44 andI 46 ina. bue-t niesure. S. 36 rtquire-s, with siie- panels, long ileeves, 3% yds. 40 ins. wide-, or 2% yds. 64 iris; vde-; upper front, % yd. 18 iris. vide-; wit- out. panelsa, vitihort cape collgr, 2% yds. 54 ins. wide. Wk.th arounti bot- tom. 1 % yds. ThÈese 'patte-rnsnay - hée ebtainetI f rom your local McCall denier, or froi the McCall Co.,- 70 Bond St., Teranto, Dept'. W. No Need te be Toid. ~ladnus - .A lad et fitteen was.drIving aloitg a 0f all thalias Ul Im~aete W N ifecountUry road,- taklng a load et calves briglit. te nmarket, when lie cbance- te meet Lt[heiin iXîcmorîeý baniali tii *are Jaconipany of young tolks- wlo were- aniîdîîs evidently on a pleasure- jaunt. Titat signal anrd siglt t roi o a 1). lne The yeung rien et the ple-asure- ni~gitparty thouglit.-hat they would have Aiid se-ar the sout .with ihcel . e- sreefuùi at the expense efthte- tarm- blgl t fer .s boy, and, cornmenced te moo like Mid as lle îechanlie fA 1 imi : hall icalves. rerich u -ti- îiBt their merrinient was of shoÃ"rt ljoy and lai: its piuatdi dur.àtoui, for, witliout hesitation, as fret-- jthe veliicles were pasAing, the coun- 1 Orcse. ILoed, n [hY loi e te try lad called eut te lbis would-be ter- t1Qi' lius, . nr1-me tor's: Iw to ruabranîd how th fç)v' -ts ail riglit, 1 ue-w wlîat you -- geL ere before!" The"Deed's Creature. j CHILDHOOD AfLMENTS. Ticgret <rallai of in Te ailm-tent.s of childliood--consti- veL'o'-da, though tIl cf thenhi nferior- te on u -arirt~pecs. aitailruire! pation, indigestion, colic, coldsa, etc.- ui bs ef hie- jI'tofotifld ad as itt can be qulckly banished through the lu uma'lie, nd hpalitr use of Baby's Own Tablets. Tliey are Vie tilo(,ttei scneswih'iagia-a mIld but tiiorougli laxative which The tileil l-er eciesvtth ma Ins-mta» t]y regulate (lie bowels and t!*ve 'hoau-ty. Tlîoy ,,aise illed theni ~1thhum» tuth Eve wh-n heysweete-n the stornacli. The-y are guar- ith tmim, trth. ven hen hyanteed te contai»neo harmful dmuge- use hu m-atvili~ut îrideit an iand can be giron to the younge-St baby - csrrfed thelir pers-onages througlhoewt efc aey ocrig-hi mob re ledelia #la contes, t eyMrs. AlcIde-, Lepage, Ste. Beatrix, Que-., - "-'"-"- sel and neat [ie er ws tà writes--Baby's Own Tablete-were et livig sul ad nt te mee mlo-great help te rny baby. They re-gu- di-riîantie clinax. Tire-y were liasty - lateit- lier bowels and stomacli and an nutcris-md luciis181stent, as ruade lier îlump and wel." Thrs Tab- Shakoý,qpeare lîluuiself was.' But tlboy iets*are seld by ne-dîcine dealers or cvouli throw a"flash of blinding light by mai at 25- cents. a box t rom The on. the deepestiiioîtives of the -ýPirit Dr. Williamns' Medicine Ce., Brock- and itrake tliemxî stand out si, thttt " vile Ot ie-ver forget t ir. v1 ,Ot 111 a inr Eizbtaniplay a vo- nia» ls le-it by vauity and selfiali folly Power of Jaws. into lnistigating iurder. Winthe terrible act has becît perferme-d and The US. Bureau et Standards has .4ie for the firsttLime realizes wliat it ascertairîed that, wlien yen eat, the ie-aiis, slie cries out ihi agemry, 111 atn pressure exerted by your jaws-"is muore tho ee creature!" The de-ed'a tian eleven tons te the- square Inc-h. erétuire flas the sequence of hunra» No wonder. thon, tlîat your teeth wickei-due,.s% hnd .huiuuîa suifering evér are nmade et a material almeat Indes- be-oi ep'e dWith more penetratinig tructible except by itecay. A SOUfli 'ritThe deed's cre 'ature! Ne tootli contes pretty near te heing the loîriger (fee t ieni rv-adharde-st thing iu nature, and th[linies br'au L appiiy 1w (the comfortable- enduring. Ulihr-)f brave», but che-minci d beund ILteolews Lîrat artifle-lai tee-tii uust eterîîally 1rnthe[l inging tetters of that ho rmade et an extrenîely tougli quaiity lti-SCdpi>e.reniorseless ft. ThiB, of porelai». The naterial dentists deei's reatre!use foi' fllings nowadays is usuali; Mos tt cf teî doe net labltîially coi- eîtiier a cernent ef great hardness ora m. o iîotigirte, îîurdeî', andIt i uiglit irietal composition that lanostlysil. ,c -ii tha t the heavy weight of sucli a ver ntwi- a 'nanzne trairPita~eccald liot -descend upc»i per and titi. mu. L ccJust'[the sainie. It is not The fillings are hiable te break dewi - e l Lie inurders. [fic great tragi- 1urtder [the trenueudous r;chewing pre,& a'ceî, (lia ensiave, and tyra nilize.1 sure. Varicus niateriais used tor thc 'h1w itItc wýords'aird ge;-ures ofti to! Varions materials utýed feurthre pur <I'îy andt yesterdkty,., s easliy fox-got- pose- have uecently been testeit by tir -ict to ui-a onie strikimig chaliricf U. S. Bureau of Stanidar'ds, andithti c'uraequueîîmŽe ttaches ote mn uify coliclusion it tlirws la Unit a standari haetrilgulficance aise anit their: zatioru of dental cetieits anrd anai v;mt ettiraiiîfotrce. Everý heur I garîsis rîceded hii ortie- t tlt their ne CvCî'i4 nite t, w-e are the deed's cnea- lative resistauce te wear namy he de turs. ene dcit- reaur- periuaps ftiiteiy krîowmî. It says thiat tee nîne- tliiici attires of sorne ugly de-oi, liard- <opper lu illings discelors [lie tee-Lit. iy îeizdat the momnert, -but east. -- iirÏg its close gnip about us until- we Si o uh fuel titat we- would give ail we have te adTe uh -shiako it off, anid'canriot. -Oh. Auntie-. I heard unele [cili \rs Sacwe are to ho (lie de-e-d'e-cea. Jones [bat tiiere wasiit arrotimer wc inesayway, let us se-e te it that Our 1 iruan like yen in the worid- iveits are such that slave-ny te [hem f -Ah, the de-ar mnai! Did hie, Bobby? iiî-iv iot et o ntolerable.. j Xes'm, unit le- e-id it was a nîlght, îl3erinuda ceeiebrated recently the 3»00th anniveérsary of the founding of Its Mfuse of Asscnibly. It has the distinction oi'beirug the oldest ,elf-- governing British posseàaion.j goot thing, toc." The uctual proce-s of rnnr'ing bw kets Ihas alte-re-itveryIiittie aineeth enrlie-st ime, erlv very simîple- toc: being used. iomOur Natîve Gra Ablend of wheat and mal bar ley that cos-ts but Jitt1eyt r videsa fooldof most afttrWctive f lavor, rendy toi serve directfronui the package. OzàpeaNuts heeds MYVo5 Sugail si it ry bê brtht red ? Wbat htL»color te 4 gen lt th air in the great suppo r et all omietlite. ()De fuüettOul. Of the blood Io te take the oxygeK (r'Ou the. air-hidehIt meets In the lunE' sud deHvri~tte -th.ethssuea eOfthO body. When tseblood, 11. ledwth lite- sustanng oxygen, in sent out by the le-rt, (>te y rtght red. -When it -re- titras, Impue andI deprlvfed Of oxyeli, it la dark. You wili se-e, ,thretore, that there are tw0 prime retLuisites Of! htb pure air;and brIght, red 'blOod-the pure air to trtthe exIgeR, the rich red blood te carry it *here, it 10 needed.. Dr. William' Pink PillS makft your blood rie-h and red, because theY> increase its power te carry exYgel,- actually making it se mue-h more able te ca.rry Increased, life -aud strength, te every organ iu the body. Pale, ane-mie- people- whose - nerves are on edge, whosê e e-le-i are Pale, and who tire oût e-a-hy, se-lnd try Dr. Wîllarns' Pink Pilla., and, note the steady improvement that tellows their uiee. A ce uI pointle- that of- Mrs J. P. Roîston, South River, Ont., Whe says:-"--ýAbout two years ago MY 5Y.S- tem was iu a badly mun dowva condi- tion; andi 1 kept growing- worse au- the time until I could hardly do mir housework. I -had severe headache5, and painsý across my back andI under my le-t ahoulder. I diçi net sle-ep well and* would tee juàt, as tired-when 1 got, Up in the morning as when 1 went to bed. Lite seemed a-burdén. I had taken- doctor's medicine fèr a long turne, but il did net me-et my case, at leat it ditI me no good. Then as a resuit et reading about Dr. Williams" Pink Pill- I de-qided, to try thein. When I had taken a couple of boxes 1 te-lt niuch better, and when I lad taken five boxes more- Ite-lt that I was again a well' woman. I have not since feit any return o! the trouble and 1 advise aIl women who are broken la health to give Dr. WillianiaPink Pilla a trial."- These pilla are sold b y ail medicine dealers or will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by The Dr. Williams' Nife-d- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. A Grateful Tribute. -Great Bitain has doue a fine- thing in deciding te Inter (lie body ot anr un- iitentified soutier lu Westminster Ab- be-y alengrite- of these o!fire-r kinge-, statesmen, peets andI distinguislied warriers wlie have tireetuni thtirl last earfhiy resting place, says tire Editor efthtie Philade-Iphla Le-tge-n. In 1no more- effective unit ImpressIve man- ne-r couid the de-bt et the nation be -ae-knowIedgegd, for the- grave- wili stand fore-ver as a memorial that the empire realized and appree-lated the sacrifice et those wlio diedt nerly lu there-o te-use ot its liberties but tirose o! tire world as well. Westminster Abbey' is tlie resting place of those who have coutributed iu (lie greate-st imeasune te i-well-be- r ng'o et teir countny. Nevertirelese-, il corîtais te-w memorils whie-i mark the existence et those whe died to be-t te-r î>urpe-.se tiran tire- grave efttins un kuowyt soutier, whe- reste- unknewu but ele-et of tire ear.ti.1 1000 Eggs m iiEvery lien New System of Poultry Keepng-Get Dollar A Dozen Eggs-Famous Poul- t ryma n TELLS HOW a 'Thre gi-cartriouble with the jîeulti'y business has, alîvuys hei'n tiat the- lay- j I ng hfe (if .a h-li nas toc 'short,", saysr p- Hor'Traffot'd. International Pcuitry E'iutrl andi [reeder, for neariy.'litr-efl n -nrs Eit<'r «PCiihtry Succe-sg5 fluore. 'ihem rie ge's te market. ici. I eSt lias bhtrsc- miticall.v cstauiisltutclthat e-very t uiil is bnËn or hatoirt'ui witli crer ot, hou-irnul minute eg,» <'a ,iris in het le sv- ste-anS w-iill r y t1iem n a r - ghl y e - rdi IN1e hais ci-ou- a uo'i loi cf Sfo'r' l . six yeails' trme if givn n rcpr 'rare. }-lw le îserk te gel i,004) "ggs freini j oery lhon; - h<w t> g-or llets , avino» eariy; lucw te ialzothe iii lieuis 1-i vlikel e- ullt-ts- 1mw te olo uplut- vv reg îp'c- ~-ductttonail through cid-m witel- r-ucitiis hwhemu eggs are iigest; tri'pie e» iro- ýhduction; unakoelî'ce-hen' hî're 55.00; prýofit froim overy heu n in-lx wituilTr j m-onths. Tht-se suN îratuy otiuevmun vo maItun»I)o uitï-a so iels oare ctuitauuuod uin 11r. i'ia.ffoi'd's "1.000 EU(' II'"-' s -steur cf pouitry ri sing. ne eopy cf whichi will ho sent qhsolutel'- tree o te 'nv readei' s. cfthis palier who i1ý'ipssix lutns or muore. Eggs suîuiud go' leadodllar eu- noro q euiz-tî tîuis w irThtis, m-ans ig profit te ti ,' tedîru i k1ýeet-r-whiregets the eoggs- 'Mr-. "'rfroid tellshlin. If yffl i ,kep cîn ukons ande tnt tht ni toi ruy akr- uncnien lfoiri u ut cui tius ai anîd senti St nS tSror naine anid addi oas te He-nir- Traffo d .Sutite'631i-N Ti 'i'B]dfe-. BS tugiampton N . iad a ftt e oenv cf '-THE 100)EI (oGH"wil l 1-'ont h S-ý rturit mail. le tas Use for Clinkers. W\hou the[lielouselroldet"s fuî'nace getls out e-f whrrel, [lue-ne la rsrraily reason te susapect-tair ace-înniation e! cîjikers ini thec ire-pot, It la raLlier'a job te cie-ar [le-ni oumt. Ncw, howevec, a pr'actie-aitise- lias be-cri ount foi [lie-se- e-xasl>cratingtmLhirugs, epu'eseiut- iuîg Incomîburstible uîrate-rî9in tluheue oml, They are Lured te accourut for' buît' iug blocks-. For tAis purpose [lie-y are- crushe-d and mixeit witir sand, lime anuitce- ment, tire mate-niai tirus preparet be- lng nuolded jute- ble-e-ks. Sue-h clinker bloc-ks are- use-t for vails, cellar floors, waehiruses, gar- ages antI pavements. Tire-y are cheap- em tiran brick, antI.being matIe ln l1arge-r tizes, tacilitate qulick coriue- tion, T-ie-y take- plauter on thein-lu temli - antI etue-eo ou the exterior of ,buildings-. Ina a iumid climate elinket' île-e-li are- opeclally te-sirable be-cause the-y withstanad ioisture and deo.not drlp, as brick e-e sornettuies, ou the- insite et 'buildings. -I ISSUE No. 6.'O theï io ~LA5m- durlng the summer te tahe tiare - et thIa crOPbut auoatof them bave un4er-estlmat.4 their m quirenftian m ihave îmore-e-me-p than tbey cai1 put lni tholr silos. Sunfower snUage le due fer a more extensive trial thi inter thaix it bas~~~Th hdb-o. h.reaults lu pre.- viouLS yealis have bea en yM atistac- tory but oniy coiparatlvely 1ev farmers have- grwfl tii. crop (ore-il-. age&>previb>ute thus year. If -lu ite more extensive u» e i.rop provez te, be as satifactory as It has aleady proved lu a.. fW ces w5vere It bas be-en tried, It l19 sate te say- that In- a te-w yeare- the tarin iwlitUea 6ilo vili be- an exéeptloa lu Western Canada. Silice last year's results have be- coure knewn, considerable Intere-at lias .,be-eu showu lu ýsilos . andI ensilage 19 Weitern Canada andI severai hun- dred sloe& have- be-eu erecte-d .during the past summer.- Typical ot this moveme-ut Ilathè'-eardiion district ln Southeru Alberta, where- elght - silos have be-enerected thia ye-ar and wviere about lftty acre-aofet unllowers were plauted. 'The- crôp bas prove-t se e-uc- cesatul- that It iew PredietetIthat one hunilre-d silos will be- bulît ln the ýdis- -triet next year and more than a thons- and acres ot sunflowers plauteil. Srn.ilar plans, are- be-ug 'madIe in other parts o! Western Canada, antI the already rapldly growlngtIalry lu- -lustry promise-s to grow rmuch t aster with the gene-mal* acceptance ot the- sunfiower ae a silage- crep. iothe-r evidence ýo! the value- et sunfloweirs as a forage crop wil be the big gain lu finishe-tIStee-ms. Many ofthe- large-r IlMtock ,raisers are gmewing e-u>- flow ersandi erectlug silos- for this pur- pose. Thua 'wI41be- considerably lu- creased the finihing areas o! Canada, -which, hitherto, have been somewhat restr-cted, compare-d wlth the- large tee-ding a4re-as thrýughout the- country, and the Ilve-tock industry Inu-the West will be placed érÀa Sound basia. CASCARETS "They Work whiiIeyou Sleep" Yen toni't- know wliether ye-u are- "e-oming -or geing." You are billons, constîpatet! Yen feel ieadachy, ful o! colt, tizzy, uue-rung. Yeur mue-ae don't fit-breatl isl bad, skin sallow.. TaIre Case-arete- to-niglit for younIliver anit bewýels and wake up cie-an, e-ne-r- gétic and cie-ertul1. No griplng-no lu- cou-vele-ne-e. Chidren love Case-are-ta tee. 10, 25, 50 cents. Novel Way to Fumigate Fowls. Henîry Windahl, o! Indtiana, ha& lu- vente-t wlat liee-ails a "sanltary chie-ken rocs-t." whichir l guarantocit Le, dispose efthtie-insee-t parasite-s that affliet poultry, whie inciitentally kili- iug hacterial, getms. Hie- ite-a is te attacir be-neatir the roost-percli an oriiany proservlng an, witli a sèrew top, tirneceptacle belng filleit witli a-stnong dis infectant, antI frou itILte cenduct a [hie-k wie-k ahl alerg (lie top oe!'(lepre-b aid aloug Ltme- bottom' et the latter. Tire-flid isinfectant tollows tire- wick, keeping ilt saturatet. Along tire top o! tire perc tire- wick î'uns iun ade-e-p g'ove, 5 a (o kee-p ît oit o!f(lie way o..th .le chie-kens' te-e-t, jbut -along tire botter-n it las srt cheed wlthout a greeve. Evaporatie-n efthtie fluit, whiie- the- fowls are rocatîng. gives a se-use-ofet x- (certie- iis-omfei't tu the iisects lidien 1 rnong (udir feathers, causiug tire-m it trop eèut anit se-e-k safet.v on tire- under s ide efttie- pe-re-h. There, aiways se-e-k- ing a hiding place. they crawl 11etwe-en jt(le wie-k andt the prch. anmithtie disiu- teetant -k!lP. tire-rn 1Tire id te jicr (whi-h lias a bol fer' (ho enuergerce- o!f(the- ick) la per- rrrarent1y faste-net boneatir Lie percir. 1 When the jar' re-e-de-reflhing, it e-an, b-e t uuse-re-wd at a nicme-tt's notice-. Tire - rve-lter prefers -a se-rie-s of short roost-pecles. with a jar- bcneath thre mmiditie, fetcd. Parap-iLic irvecia ne-t oul iyuake ciickens une-onîtortable, burt impair t[heïr vitality unit redue-e e-g produc- tien. Hence Lime ecouiio'.#ic impoftance __ e-tNMr. Wiudalrl's ite-a. IMnard'sLinlimnt Rtevez Omtempet down frein early times is forty yards long. Ezïthus.iasm can very well be liken- ed to eýectricity. There mnay be I a plant in electrie- machine of wouder- f ui potenialities, but if the. eleetrlc current -ts witbheld frmin it, it will stand idie an~d use-le-si So with the human machine. It needs thé electric current of enthuiasm. idi shoî t'es brel ta Muolem hoIld ouly-be uad In athxe m air, sud eiothes, a! te-r belng aued wlth it, sheuld bbJum out- to aihow It te evapera&e. it aild alvays b. kept in > h7 'ud mital cuns, ne-ver lnx g 8bot- sor jars, Tiie latter are lhable te- ekage an&. the couxsaquefit freeting thle dangerous turnes when opan ». may Imite tliern d cauffe,-a "DA-NDERI E" 4 e Stops Hair Doubles, Coming Out; Its -Beauty. A te-w ce-uts buys "Danderine." Ai- te-r au application o! "Dande-nine» yen e-an net intI a talle-n lir or any dand-, muf, be-eides- e-very hai shows ne-w lite, vigor,-briglitue-se, mure colon andI thieknese. The Ibelief tiiet most.typewriter nib- -bons are- discarded wheu only e-ne-- ex'ghth of the ink and. eue-filth e-f the- fabrie- have- be-e-n consumhed je- given. as the tesson. for the te-cent appear- iànc on the mar'ket of a tiny attacii- mient which gives longer lIde te the- ribben. It la attached ne-art he re-el e-f alrnost any standard machine-, sud consiste- of a contm-irer i n which are a wick off<e-lt'anti a br.ass roiler. Be- twee-n the-se tue rib.on ia thrýeaded. The wick ia satu.rated at itervals with a dre-p of oil intro>duceti throu.gh a hole in the- top. - Minamd's Liniment Ce-. Lirnitïad. Gentlemen,-I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT e-n my vesse-i and lu M'Y tamiiy for ye-are-, ant tor tire e-very day îlls andI accidents et lite I con- e-lite-r Itiras noe equai. I would net etant a voyage-, vthout It If It ceat a dollar a bottle. CAPT. F. R. DEBJARDIN. Se-li. "Storke," St. Antre, Kamouras- ka. The Land of Fire and Ice. Ge-logical nuap etfle-eland by Dr. Thorodde-en, vhe lias spent mauy years on tire work, glve.s mue-h Inter- mation about e-ne efthtie- world'& most wond*,ntul Islands- whlcirte-w visitons e-ver se-e-. «A Auexample et tire-strangenese- e- eelard is turnisired by tire vole-nue Katia. Thi.s is burlet under immense s-ne-w fielids, but tnom turne to Urne- its fires'bure-t tirrougli (le- glitterlng buan- ket, and tire-n sue-h fie-ode- are pouret trem tire meltlng le-e- thaýt a great strete-lio! country betwe-en (lie vol- cano and tire se-a is Inunitateit and huge- masses oetle-e are cannie-it ut'in- to (lie ceean. It la unsate tee-liesa tire temitory lying between Katia ani the- se-a, *se suddeuly corne thre- foots. MOTHER! "California Syrup of.Figs',, Cliild's. Best Laxative' I * Accept ,Caiorflia" L-,yrul, of Fîgs only-I4oo]k for the naiue California au the package. then you are zure your child Is lxaving th%~ best ànd most Larmilesa physie -for the littie stom- ach, liver-and boweis. Children love its trutty taste.. 'uU direetIons on each bottle. You milst say «"Call. A wfreleft gramophone has been couetructeKd f<r the transmission of music to veësse-le at sea.> Minarç'a Liniment For Dandruifr. Licens.es tc, beg may be granted by the locali authorWities in Italy. xv T a world oppressed by th e con- Sstàntly'.rising .prie-e of cocres tan- Stalizing news front Stockholm that a it 2 n~ew ve-i Qi of -og neariy two, mettes thik b« been dicovered i tU eoai ».fields near Brfganza Bay in Spitz- D% fo bexigen.- But Spltzbergeu .is a long -WAY £rom Our coal bins. T il reut for "ain wh. tNo i Ie the-zuiometer' scale was reaUy Igentr ented'bySir le-ac Ne-wtop. Fali lie-t,l- litdlng ttiat a, more intense a c-e-nd be create. by -rlxing fe. sue-ýw, took that ", hi&ze ,and -cbhwenience divideti Sir, laae-s. tormese Je by four. ah JY U'DMM,ýND DYEFS"' DONPT RISK MATERIALIf "*afl of !aPlt ~Damonii Dire-"cou- i.~~g dietossiusîm16 -that av man e=, etye aay màterul iwith- eaklng, fuiling ormunnîng. Drugiat In Norway -a girl. mue-t pose-e-ass a tifleato shawing her abi4ity toceok fore alie inallowed Vo mrry. UI lai'd' Liniment For Surns, Et&~ e!n A. natural couriosity <difJapan je-e POi nse-ct .bela.» It is a black bettle ich e-mite harmon ious -sounids 11ke Dse o-f a litte cUlver 'bell.-4 àibt-mm eows &DOO wsthaba. Saldea., M. .rbert Qsborn Telis RowCuticura Healed is Wife ftcbisg and burnlng of-the. palms of de ber hand t he ohs o! 971%bu fct -A= tle kia cracked snd bec*=e lu- Sfwsmed, uaing ialklng or -Je-yen standig very ean-_ fi ud pr.ventlng slsep at aiglt. Later tbecÏamee- ea5s5t7 10 bandage bouli bmaud udfect "8h.wss toated bt t btied no- rellL 8h. sw-an advftIseinéntfà- cutioemsBoapandOitetnsa - f=orna;c two ç,LhpofC4r 8o.»p and two, boxes of Couàicu Onmntshe wual .eiL#olf~~ Herberi Omboïm, 135 8ebok Ave-, Oftawa, Ont, Sept. 2, 1919 SCntkum ls idel for cvoey-day toi- let uos Uap IoclSnand 4puyo Olnment b o athe snd bcd. Pioneer 1 -- LAND 1I < Bw cmb OOrO"AT MiSLF rnr.n fw- OM m&amfaturoe t o n. 5 - watt. for- fre iiàýufated litaratlu. E urêka Rfigerater Co, LArnited (DL) SANDYFOR ACIIFS Ml) PAINS AnY mmn or -voman wvh>keeDs Sloan's handy viii te-Ilyeu that aUme thîlng ESPF-ÇIALL-' those ^ trequntiy' attac*ed by rheumnatîc- twingea. A counte-krintaut, Sloan's Lini4 men ecafe-a ccongestion aud Pm:e trirtlsou t rrbbi gte- tue afflicte-d part, soon ne-ieving tue- ache'oantipain. Kej>t kandy anti useti eve-rywhere- for reduciag andi fimuxy el.mi.-=tmrg fhe pains3 and aches of lur. bago, ne-uraIlaà, mus e à train, joit st'rffness, Sprauis, bruie-es, andthe resulta of :ere You justknow frorn its sti-'rl ting lreaithy odor ilat l it I de-o u od Sloan's Liniment lasoiti by aIl drLZ-: gI sts-3 5 c 7 c,$ 1.40. I .gave-,Your' loa-nlng' Done By'Experts. Cloth.lng, householti drape-ries, Luen andI delie-ste fsbIca" e-an lie'eleanet andi madie te o oi « as free-h ud bright as when firat bought. Cloaning anid yolng -- Is Prope-rly Doue &t Psrker's. It mal-eua nOdiff eeecewhere yen liv.; -axcais ean ho asent in by mail e-r express. Thee-arne'cars and ti attnu is given tue work as though ye-u lived àu tovu. We will b. ple-ase- tt advise ifou on auy quaestion,. re- gr-d:ng Cleaning or Dyeirmg. WRITE M56 Parker'sDyeWoku I Cleaners eDyrs 1. - ONLY TABLETS MARKED- "BAYER" ,Not Aspirin ARE ASPIRIN. at Al .without thc "Baver Cross" The nné -<Bayer" Identifies tii. nWn Preper "'yl eine Aspirmn,-tb.O Aspirin eadmcef- Tot pre'Cl>eby physicians for over nine- ralgis, Lumbsg teen years and nbw made ln Cana. tis, Joint Pain Alwayi buy an unbrokeu packager Tin boxes of ~f"Bay!er Tablets o-f Aspirlu' wbch a few cents. La- Thm ei. ..Iy 0» =7' '~~ ÂApirif l lthe trade mark (refflgtered ln Canada) of Bayf acetlcaCldester of saIlcyllcacid. While It la m'el kaown th mnanufacture, toaast the publie againat ImltattoiiB. tbe T Wl1i ho tamped with thelr general trade imark. te'Bua hftU -~ 4 1 1 1 1, - 1 M 1- 1 1 1

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