THURSDÂY. JULY 21, 1921, q tSt.J* 's ~i'b ue uniicit alay id emana unil hefallo 0É mrnn eriehere. :Hé also held 1898-Mr. H.L L oy19- Beadu dà 4bir-Peda"ývhn A SaMt8vMt3rýW& afteinooi service at a pointii@irth 189-1900--Mr. ,W.-Simpson. 1915- - yptietic rsti po hslttra nebecainethe stroug- Io icem, ruha n Gei- 1901-2-Mr.. W. H. Vance. 1916- mm vs on t gasgeoouuly -te er congregtinad 4s.anded two i ood. 1Mr.*WestaeY tels of an am.- Contlnued trom pa e .) <i vu ý M g -p l b, h Mr. CqIyf gaveexpérience t Brogham one 1903-bir. EZA. McIntyre. 1917- ~ ksl eeiotUpon bu s alary-for aliv- St. hnwaîgjý A - roo, dy'- lhdnvited a Salvationiât 1906-ML E.C. Burch. 1919-. describe him as a i mYnelt0i ng, ai he had other icorne ,tbrougb vice which did not'prove any too ac- te attend bis Services, and te hi Sr 190-5-Mr.E.CEap19- à .auovê of splen rpe, i n die bnà tt yieded a substan- ceptable to the peo ple. hIntte sprint. pris he carne, 'mad discomfort as it B97M . . Snowden. Amom mt,< rndrs.soe <~ s a~~tial , mm . entiaud W"a&8als f167 thcy engaged,1Mr. C. Garnetti turne<d itto 4%but to h ri 99M.G .Sydl rmn mt of teyade Svme ofbLaadvlted, i bdhe vlconJones as the resuit of a, 1resolution! amusement cfthe cong ato. 190-Mr.1>.G. PoSwell. Tee nu pe d h. ini srvce ii. ee uch a fainily vould bave bad a Paascd MOI 16th, and he was ordlai. Bin r r ' f, il set d 1911-biMr. W. A. Earp. splendi que Iad. the bvta o.df u servce gg lo emi ohmimet d that year and officiated until iDe- came rigli Mrot eau, adT.'h.e. et ~ ~*~%, aid a riait v~s Only tiares 0f effl ceor. 1868, whei b. -resigned te carried i~ribc .bl e 1î7r .J ,.dnsj à forw&rd t. by the.pau tiettnow survive: ýW paun fvuntrig1aad. AlLer that the miii-nd~ nfote i. _____ ___ h. va moo iihd. A isitfiom F'.tts Briina~ ~~, ~ try waa for short, periods -for a time.' Precethathe. migit hear -the ser- -___ __ ____ L ha u mntid. ArbM m at t, B werued, Comn.,mdSkiss 1869-70, Bey. James Mockridge. i mn.It-ivawis éqbiË tbat- Mr. 'bte g oit vms prepared te meett ILIS inae Pentland. of Tôonto. 1871, 1fr. Johna Woodhouse (lay couil crel7the cougregation. r. O Suday Ocobe llii,180, ti. Our modeà éP.. ould 'look 1yý Hfe »ta happy on», as congrogatlon -asumbl es ua f0? 187U-, Boy.. James Bevan, D.D.. ii eid u en e ~~~~~~~à by bsdn Kr.Jmsvm! u vert mont irpe to 1873-6, Bo. C. L'Be. icaesona as -te mO" -Parents got ûu Wi, W bigtlidam eut is ruig 176.9 OR Joâb- e sdincident- wr,;h rcal huOone à e r. dm imdoqDuriug the. incumbency -of Mr- Belli ~a-Thsew.. ousont d bn. oeau- -Im du ta lit.Mtieuebs>~~5 is augtorwii prsid~ 'by,a u.nugservice S0* boathdd sua te lnt t d r a i Aterman ipros f f*Ità tst. éwon'.r. Beawsa ew I nei«Y uaie iey0 P .Whu- ~pUad uny ev9e81L. old ia. aid infirm. Often lae : , our preset genuration'boat0f bot t p aibat8 .n.viee . .jWMyr et u rviceawould, b. e lat bise lasu o M eut yeam, but x d~u~ afai et halvl.Rsbatiflu oime -O- BrociSttOt. AuiotbST mthespepe.put on a concert sItar fdernt vtispeddtara"i 8. Wbitbwy a«.id Imilè vii. véd vekipra "*-e that -uetted $0 tiiof tW u uister. hatii... until bis dsath on2lMa '~181r, at "Pcem adbl ieat.Teyvont te Pfebering aia-met vu*hà AF N obsevoi bytic 0f e! yaru y thsessMduin lu Prt .Whitby. secma succesuthat th. re calleil up- I~Uye harnly. i~utofeBr. ~wvaaan gud resigution on -April .1M. 1879, vas on te rapeat n., Thir obJect as te o * a lmllnba verty -blp- vital! v as worg by years of 7 u &i >', ýa- - tris »mIey. l h plaut ti. mnis- J wu~ ays tisa o&.. Thaiu streauOius sevice flor -the Master and U81VWtb.ormar.hti -lypeste g h Rq ihrfl l ti-l ni ofth ti wrb . usry ovil Aa&tci f St. 'Joins voulil not tepeeu.rOm~e mt f » eutbnseenén h" b. cosnlete vgitt ef«rm«cet. 'lWbithe',vasthe "Star aetrus& Mri. 50 I~ liaiOUuite CbUOB 8.he.uetM1u1it~5. saints', as it in th&t ilaugit6r c1kre Bili Sov»dUD»*ia, id vete -u it It voi quise Uev. l.D'AE Caylyswaid th of .St& ln-s Iiay 0 ' or i lyva u6hs 8ulsefa vereqyt wa pui ree t. . Yn'. on.11eV. S,1863, mbers carne from .the tvuamieaiIrisbiai. Ir.LM. l » as aida qarer-e ie o1.. te- oba leadiug.-rteThe uociéty came ceit 0 ti dstaesthey-akud that t. grief later onZli.M tie vestry vent oie sôrve. b. hbi ne..them for ou tecord as favorin dptn h their couveience Tins vas accord- bprnciploo a0a~igbscic 1lydon., vith the morninýtgserviebyfevlo ujg. at St. Johns, aid- the. vening at lies- e i ss-u9îs. caHall underti.chre fBey. John Pentlad.- As esrly as April, AlLer Mr. WbstueY's esgato l8m, a movo vas made boyward erect- tu fe nArl7h 89 i * Ing a ."chapl-at-oas". as am off-shoot congliegation feit -Unable te support a0- St. îéhâls, t cooaet he saiordaiied. mimaste aid >so applied tova. Â Acommitteo vas -namdwi one vas available frsxves Boy. John Pontlaîd as chaîrman, th *re vasý no Kstier services that varens Jîge uruamI. .]EL v yeur. The.. follo*ing. students then lui S uif au u Rsy MousIl 1,94 Fm"sud G. ]H. DartueiL.A yar lator. B. mnso. ua E. Ferry sd, H. W..Woodward vere. 1899-lit. P. A. Sirma. _____________________________ aded.,. Wbebher or net this comamit- 1890-lir.- N. L Perr. WU NVTE NSEOTON M e . ODU TS tee-didsabisfactory vorkla not re- -1891-MX.. l Barvan. wu NVIE ISPETIO ýO eu P, Ducre., crde Atanyrat a newcomît- 1892-lit. S. . Goûld. ____________________________________ teevas leced t aspeial meetitg 1893-4-Mr. H. B. A. alley ln lune, 1862, consistingi of Boy.- J. 195-lit. W. j. Soubham Pentland, Wardens Ni. G. Reynolds, 1896-7-lit. C. W. CM 13AI IESG. H. -Dartnell, Judge . rn -_ _________ 0. . Boit96B i. H. Woodward, Xi. e. Ferry, J. V. IPNOSTON ROADt- WNITBaVp -ONT. Han, snd W. Mcabo. -Mr. Tr- myereer>ted that they bnc secured a -pxoperty Of lit. Heniry MacDonald N _______________________________________at-the N.W. corner of Dundas aid S Centre Streets, -fer $70000 te b. paid ' for lai cash before September lSth, 1862. Tis -action was approved, aid adopted-. A subseription liat was fim- %. r mediately put in circulation for, aPe building 1und. th. Just what ranspired afterthat'ha net reoorded, but the Comnittee âdoca. Nath net seem te have acted on tus as an- other resolution* introduéed by J._H. The F Perr-y at the Eastet- Vcstry ef-18"3 beari tint the cemmitbee with new wardena be appoiuted for the purpose.ofse f reofeig ilei e *Jdar ~ mt g et t ow e eta Urt lae curiug a ne* site, apparcutly om c e doeit oa il ef eut a - Wit objection bcuug taken te the care W cnt iSiona fOu w- i i.-Nsw Tires aad action. The, building commitee cliarg- homeelctic- ti inis u doe..Fer stbtt u-Ne TP ad ed .with that taak were -appointed in imo dg lte o fyo at tOWCanvÀ ai Uas e Trs epUFIU~ iVuUEU UI April, 1865, and were Boy. J. D. Cay.- th ame oeyby inteyou ent shop *'Ea'e~t R Fasobfa' ONT. ley, N. G-. Reynolds, Z. Buruhaun !J.* ; syiignIma- F 11~~~~~DaPSre, s as e JnVimbe it lt. moret ùs accessible fer the people etem the Elo-ut andhln Rwl ae ben abèaded But the selectoncfially astinguponOasitei lErnest -ftélJohn By's insiste hatheir buildinge Saintd e'. m ai n hopédntat teeforlgMah - - ý1 Mý Dum asn trew-ork as ltto mDeverchmore Spccebe ýthe pepe w r wa thoe Ail ants' as pn aed utealaU - - ' so he buidig acepabout $10,000, hich ahat ost mad'ne up t.wJhn a-b.opl aene nlyabnout $700 Buemtei 550 ootto lb, te ein lay esing mdeupndur.nsithe workthe'ocurch asr epe of dSt. sohing ho $3,00.'térbidn _____________________________________ heCaasrohef182.7 Nil'- mnd.onut lite north wall severalmm jplaces and along bhe grass fr1 fe.__________________ t wasat this tiie that the eà st'wall __________ wus gty weakeued. -Tis wal swu ___________ irepaired lu 1913 - at a cost of about Ane-un oO"enivece Tourin pcThse were the mys o. wamr .dCRICÂGO0Ii& Ott o e'er '00 yn03 to ly 'ota drlthuir controveysy. S onoyaptul car uwIfà Oût of @VM100 MOU.0 nable %hemconceived tue brillat idea of couflp- tfla"wh productiie yeiare, 1suffelent Moue . ecath#Hj~ iteil«horriSd ae éaid t]rugm on Turng i te retire t*0 e.fortable, ludepehdneit Ã"od ae ngl eneuthe ceie fte es- edy~is Il holi ~t b s wia oi cusdos hv n~l1 wail. .'flicsuddcn ad mystctlous du-r chmafluamqGunil Runabout a thu $mvet ed a0n*1l orafe1 ~mappearance of tis article 'wa'tie « el . s Dm Enow e* ii aur aompb1i~fo a'w3n 0 onversatio n lutue-u D-hé ng un bo t p1>01107 bu l omotnefr o neke-w when, orhow,iabu i En'doimugyer. etw ontICSi7I rwhete, but ail was cetdupt manha a oi fi1 la * orame 9 oivng li weof ilb, viilen bcbeen wal 31D IW. A'« an- .r efeulhus onlks ,a.iu yo fll io " l h]oe lerticle. Again it dis-ý ul ted js as Chsss ît h ebudrtjoW su#por. unc benherde y~0toi~t*fl *0comto hâ, d yo? leod box Éove coudte eiest o_ T~ ~Il - D. -ame Boauwasti. cggy Uai 'Ton, Truck C manin izar t lie time. He wu sai tl " u au]peà ramuated professer ;Pt lgsTo rc Cobge,-Torouto. being ovèet seveityTo:rukC 011 SITI ~s T~Wli118 N. Y.rstoSthr o e Provincial SY- Kr .Rei ie'>Cuewth 5 mod, aiê,atbeinded tbe meeting 6:f liat -op b0odyin lu 12. The Dr., deapite bis araod asset te on, once Sedan with S tecollant moW-yfor thepi r O -hrb b mcb i apeai -te r% t" GALI. 5?ONES in WUbh, Tométe Haniilton Mmr w1h. above priet abinlin 0ftii. ro0fand iupaiu t. BmroVUSe ~W. :stomgly ad M Mbor __ & u i. là - Ii e» teI W. nBAMM06'fS-UV .oe~ -, oe, ur. IMV A 811 ~ ~ a.. ~ -, dur-iPsk BARASE, 14-it. .F. Glover. -Mr. T. W. Scott. -Mrt. A. C. licCelluni. -Mr. V. G. Lewis. -Mrt. C.e W. Les. -lit. A. F. traverse.,- ag bhc above will be -in ýood mci whp now h it positions in bbeC'c uch cannot b. said foi A worb doue by Wycliffî i thisý parish. Their i rfUcOntifientd. ~ LMsTORONTO 10-- ,h~, dwgum, Wi -f ro uring Cý imountain: regions, alo shores of our countless through, the quiet reacheç rie or d-eep into the pine,% Ford'Touring Car ma ire's piayground accessil Ford Touring Car has quit. as in îg on t 1hé practical duties of businei mal Mie. Its serviceability suits Oi !quirement. 790 Ford Dealers and 3, 000 Service da, you are ssured of prompt efi ivailable Ford Service. 1Moto« Comspany of- Canauda, Ford, Ontauib 12' EDUCED IC:ED -JUNE thl- 19,î Starter. h Starter ~ Starter - - ,hassis jasais with Starter Starter tarte -- mare sýet' tothe Taai*2Taare ir d17.aas Tour TFORu L - 2 j 2 - made -I 7- Pw -1-