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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Aug 1921, p. 3

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*uoers rrom our t;orrcSjonants, in ua y- qm tu vmils l 7 àg. 1t --Mr. Chas. ackey hadthe mistontuneê t. break one of his nib. asI week and s assapuffios l*" lad up for a tev Mmre A. IL Thonipsouand tbreeso, -accopanled-by WMss ul.Robinuon, lett Pa Monday for Saskatciewan. Mm re&s mitliluaspemnna tI& vuba witii Mrn.sd lins.Jas. Mauo sud amily et oagen Mn. Golbutt took the sevice ku he Meshodlsl church lest Sund"y. Mn. J. ÀX Pur, ef Tornto,-vlsted vih bis tsmlly ber. over. Sunday. À re.>r.smLttie,of the Doinion Olautauqu as uboeuen rstrYlag te ___________________________________________________________ a A nuak ar ug al te o td a &eies otRemember- Kinsa.Garden 1 wlifw sr oneets lu Ubis place.Although Augu3J15Ù. the citisuns 0etIbiscommuuity w.nld r.P.W. Bowk-wý aud cbdre likoe -obave Ibis, uetiiing 4.flit.ibasRosetouwn, BssL, are vlsitng witb Mr. and M.Abe t Chian, et Ton-.'l iasGlanvMle sud -frieudo ente, are lidaylng with lins. Man,,; York, are vIslting wlth lins.Ta Mr. andi Mn. iUr4h .IuSm.are é«ml>' ReeTo.Halbscle l-ng ton lie moulu ef August st Heydn- uhoro Park, Whitby. Mrnsd l. mm ihola h ave beeu vlstlng vif h lhe fonýmoeupaents. Mn. D. Holliday. ,Wh"t migit have aoen a vey solous fine ocunred luit Woeday vien a car beiouglug 1 lin. Jerry Balley took firé aboutjxIdnlghto wbll standing lu4 'We 'keep the BEST BIREAD FLOUR on ha REINDEER FLOIJR PIJRITY FLOUJR FOR PASTRY AND CAKES* isl.ARVIEL PASTRY FLOUR isteýbeat, manufaotured at the. Brooklij Mi] W. alio have OntarloBran and Middlîngo, Ch and Corsais of ail kinde. Chas. Wil.on, B3rookil Dôt àfSei Sa% e meet g o ethIe usons ô! Hydre ElectriO pow- er e t Wbitby TowMnsbip te ho Y feld- lu the Township Hall ou Weftesday evlo onl.u nxt, Auguat lmth at 7.30 0% dock. A representatlve o! 1h. Hydre Electnie ComIsion iibe premeut tg explalu the ueeeusty of change lu the rates, etc. As tbis in anuizuportaul malter, a largo attendanceofe those tu teresfted la urgeiL ALMONDS mrs. Wmliam Moncombe. o! Omeniee,,' nd- la vWistng with lir. T. Moncombe. - Missea mPascoe, ef Oshawa, Is vis- itiug her cousin, Miss Peari PaScOe Miss Sadie Pninge, of Suttou, l is- Itiug Misa Gertrude Kemp. Mn.. Wing Browu sud son, Werner, 10*1 on Mouday for the West. Miss EAlliolIo! Toronto, sud lins. Amnan- of Pickerng, vlsited ou Mon- day at 'Mr. R. Howland's. Mr linsd MmPa. R oar viulted oni Sun- day aI Mr. Cephas Osbornues. Mn. andlin. Wm., Gaston, MisseS Margaret sud Mary, sud Mn. R. Gaston. iOp> ef ToroÙto, spent lhe week-end viti Mn.-and Mmra. F.Draper. Miss Winllned Kime, speut Igat weekt - vil relativesat Pont Hope., Mn. 1sud lins. Richarà Shieldsansd lni famiiy, of Toronto, aise lins, E. sal- ter, o! RIolland Landing, visited vith Mrli. and lins. R. M. Brown on Sun- -day. - Remember KLnsaie Garden Party, on x= Â% ugust 151h. C LAR1EMONT. EB. Chamberlain, o! .&incOunt, vas iu Cianemont vlslting old lime friends. Silveater Middletou made a week-end home visil, retunning lu Port leiclo Sunday evenlug, where he la engaged as vatchmali on lie big tessel bridge. Threshiug openations are already under vay here. * A veil ettended and delighlful social gathening vas beld on the grounds ef James C-oats, Tuesday,- lhe 2nd, under the auspices eftIhe Baptist Ladies' Mis- sion Cincle. A programme vas renden- ed by lhe orchestra and maie quartette wili brie! addresses by tbe president, lins. Morgan Pugh, and lire. (Rev.) C. W. King. Rev. and lira. I. Wood,.now, ut Port Hope, were alsu present, look part on the -pregram and neceived a wa.rm welcome trom Ihein oid fellov vorkers and triends. They loft on Saturday atternoon, via Stouftville, at- ter vislitng tniends, lu sud arouud Claremont. They are spendlng t.hree BroolinFarmrs'Club REMEMBER THE HYDRO MEETING. WEDNESDAY, -AUGUST 17th in the Township Hall Parties wisling oats or cern gel l toucli with the Secrelary at oncebe fore pnices advance any further. rir T E welfare of new agricultural communities ln this Province requires that land clearing be done wMt the cheapest agent at hand-Fire. Therefore, rstrictions must hamper setliers as little as la consistent with safety to -ives and property. Dis- astrous expenience proves liatinl hot, dry weathen ûnnegulated use of fi-e lu thickly woeded Nonîhern Ontario means a mnenace te the lives sud pnopenty of setlIers aud destruction of tie provincial forcit reseunce upon which a large parte! Ontanio's revenue sud tie livelihoed oi theusands o! ber'citl- zens depend. That is why Ontario sdopted a "Close Seasen" sud thiermtSystem" fer selhing out fire. But, rernember, viether yen have a permit or net, yen are reaponsible for damages ca'used by any fine you light B.ecreful- SaveOntario'9s For"t The'e for The "Close Season" for -setting out fire in Northern, Ontario us from Aprfil151h te September 301h. Duning that lime vithin the Per- mit Ares ne on. may sel ouI fire foir clearing land, disposiug of-de- bris on other inflammable vaste, on for any industrial purpese, without final obtainiug a writlen fine permit fnom a Fine Ranger. Tis applies net only ho setlers but te railvay section creva, camp sud miii creva, read builders, inciuding Gove-' ment employees, sud al uther per- ï1aons. When startlug fine for cooldug aud camping, -the law requines that a place be slected free fnom in- flammable matenial, that every rea- sonable, precaulien be taken to pre- vent such' fire spneading sud Ihat fore quitting the pae The «Close ossas applies tenau Ontario north of Bobcayteon sud Srith's FalisuMd Wvo thetiUlne from tiee.té Reurv. Tih. Permit Areslaudesths * in jsslng hdbuy, ernis-f thie C.P.R. bveuMattawa sMd Nort Bayand north citheOC.N. IL wealvard Wte-a point morn 8 miles beyoud Honnepsyne. Thie nernainden or tRhe proviàe. formethie Empt Ares. Wfthin thie apsrsely peojsdxMpt Ares ne permila are gsuerlly lssued, but Ihose settlng eut &"ires lu .Close Besson"a»reésqlrd te exere eveny reaousble precan- lion sud a Chie! irs eAiganlif Rie deema it vise, mmy lem ea 1o hibltory Notics#d requtm a pan. sou ho take outa rit Thie Fine Ranger domI& bite te, f olowtRie hap mdhmbe. tween the dosireu tb.s meUtoirt "get a geod br M sd lb. eqit. ments o! Public 1Saf e kHulbi all youcean. - P Ontario FretyBad -T rontoaiOtsdo r j P. 0. BOX lU Simr % N.8 yemwbavmug to bdyat lUmem 1 v useblo t. gel up ih taja~ 1 d diflmret ume.d 1 adv.rU»sd and wutreatedby &nt=, là Âmherst, also la rny hSme tOW2i but the R.amibam caéme baek. la 1914# 1 MW ikan Bdvertiaeméat t atFrutau..0 ..'idsiipI isp h. mbdm,6 ud tkok on. box ud -got relie; thon1Itook them rnght sloii for about Mx moulls snd lt.eElbeu.. matimu an ail genud I hmâ~u bd du t Anyee v btoudsrsMd Go m Uvu dh* r m t . weeks wlth Mrs. Wood's miother at Belle Evart on. Lake Slmoe. GREENWOOD The regular church service w111 be at 7.00 o'clock next Sunday, Auguet 14. The Sundayý School hiave decided to hold their anual piCniI to Musselman's Lake next Tuesday. The Foot Bail Club are holding their annual Fied Day -on Saturday, August 20th. Miss Phyllis Prootor, of Moose Jaw, la speiidiiig a couple ofwNeeks witb? Miss Edua Middleton. .Remember the Kinsale Garden Party, August l5th., Masters Bruce and Allan Bouslow, of Toronto, are visiting W. W. Gee and famnily. .Misses Ethel and Kathleen White, ot Bfooklin, spent a few days with Missi Doris Gee4 last week. The Library Shower held for the Sunday Sehool la.st Weduesday night vas quite a succss. A short program vwas given sud a social time spent. P. and Mrs. Nutt spent a few days calllug 'on friendos ad visitlng with the latter's father au0*1MoUier, H. sud Mrs. Tindail.'-'-"e The farmers reportO the oata very liiht, some flot worth threshing.,1 THORNTON'S CORNER liany et our residents attended lie memonial services lu the Cemeteny last Sunday. Miss Lena Làotlhuuse la visiling vith triends in Toronto for a few weeks., Miss Luella Morris, of Toronto, Is vlsiting wltb lin. and Mns. I. Huggins. Born-On Sunday, Auguat 7th, te Mn. and lins. G. H. Robinson, a son. 1 Threshing bas started 1h15 week. A 1 good eanly atarI vith Ibis worlt makesfl1 an early finish.' I lis. J. F. Mould, of Orillia, la, visit- iv iti ber alater, lins. F. E. French. .M.W. Piers06n visited in Lundon reently. Dont' fonget the date, August l5th, Kinsale Garden Party. - Mr. and Mis. J. SollIitt visited in Oillia a few days Ibis week. A real estate deal of considerable in- teresî was consummated aI Tbornton'a Corners on Satunday last, wben Dr. W. D. Forsythe, veterinary surgeon, wbo liasbeen a resident here for the past four years, sold bis property te Mr. Charles Huber, of New York City, for lie sum of $6,500.00. Mn. Huber in-; tendi making bis home hene atter Oct- oben let. Dr. Fonsythe lias purchased a tarm conslsting etflfty-flve acres at Muliken, Markham Township, close to lhe New Kennedy Highway and nine miiles frum T*onto. He bas declded lu import sud bneed Scotch Shonthorn. Hais niany friend inu ha vlcinity vish him every succesiln bis nov enter- prise. COLUMUS Mr. sud Mis. B. DooliVîle sund Mr. and Mn. Dr. Penny Doolittie, et Ton. ente, spent Sunday vith fnienda bere. Mn. Fred Stabback, ofet *iltou, lis vlsitlug bie brother, Mr. Chas. Stab- bacI. The whviehave thresbed thein al- o1ke report a veny pour lui-n out. Mr. Levi Ellesus asmeved Ir-,- hie new home luthie village. FMis. E. W. Wiicoxson has retnued home atVer s leugtiy vieil vith her daugiten lu Ham.iltoni. - Qut. a nuznber from hene atended thi0 memjonlal service at the Union Cern- etery Ùn Sunday last. BAGGOTfSYILL Dou't torget A.ugusî 19, the. date et the &udiey Garden Party aI Ciarie pucknlus, wti Joe Wiiams aud olive Russel, of Toonto, as ententain- ens ton lie eveulug. mise Hazel Ward, of Oshawa la visit- iug miss Merle Bryant. Miss Edîlli Gulinie, ut NiaaaUs, ont., la vistlug aI 'W. H. Gutbnie's. .Mma Chas. lionnison sud lle son, rof Toonuto, are vliitig hen aiter, Mns. Frank PUckrnu Mrnsd Mns. Elton Baya, et Toiroutop speut Sunday.ah W. P. Baya'. Mmr. Brown, oet Toronto, hem1 been vlsitiug hen aiter, Mw. A. B. FlUer, sud othen fnieuda ier4 Den?'h fonget the a, Auguit 151h, Klnsalo GardeI The new addl e bakmt shop- le now ad.fie vl is agalu lun Bn~udord, ith Mm . b.Tomlin; Mms, Bw Beacock ansudon, ef Toreuý te. ]EL. Beaceck's; linr. Russell Grib am, 6 Toronito, at hdi fat1iers-, here; Mr. sud Min Id o! liusklc, at R. Bnit- toii's; Miss Aima lDwell, of Gien IIajon, sud Mlinstausien, of Oshawa~ W#th liMsD. nous; lin. sd lira. ïMr- fat, of OabawÎ&, aI J. Dicks&ou's. The wbiitle c f lin. F. Bnown's, Mias labsi 1TordfriàvistÎug with ftiendalu tBlaclcstock. Congratlatios ti> Mr. sud lins. Roy Bnito)n- (noe Miss Ilà Woodiley), onL thelr recent mannlage. KINSAI Don'I; (ergot 1h. Kinsale Gardon Fibty ne beausprices of the.jL>- wot egue on * ouday eveutig, August 156h, at Mn. H. W. McBnien's. Splendid program of dialogues,,soles, neadinga,- etc., b y lieIonîc Quartette, of Brampton. Briggs' Onéhetra, of VWtby, viii furnish sab ýundaUeof 9ood. music. Mn. W. G. Bansc Green River,,chairman.Rfraunu boti on gmen aCo nsd enoy a good laugh. Ad 0ssIo, auis 95 ehidrnu2(k,. -7 WHITBY HALF A CENTURY AGO. (D'rom the Chroncile, *ugust 10, 1871) The ilut $10,000 ot the Tovn ef Whltby's $60,000 bonus debeutures for the Whitby sud Port Penny RaUl'y vere handed oven on Tùesday. The station at Whltby han been built. The Iron has annlved sud vorkmen have com- menced iaying lhe rack. The flrst lo- comotive, "The Bcugog" and sevenal plalform carsare nov on the Une,,sud lie track iaylug and baiasting viii go on vlth nedoubled efforts until the road is lu ruuniug onder. The lelegrapi brings -the announce- ment thaI Prince Arthur viii shortiy be created Duke of Connaugit. The last Issue of!-lie' Port Penny Standard informa us that a change has taken place in the proprletany suad management, and liatIin lie future il will be pubiished by liessrs. Mundy & Noît, as éditons and proprietons. New' paragraplLs alter the Style of thLe Whitby Gazette.-Our respected feiiow tovnsman,' Thomas Traveler, Esquire, has returned safeiy home and 18 im- proved in healli, after a tvo houns and' 20 minutes trip 10 !Oshava. We may necur to tlis subJect ..i... . Michael Squelch, Esquire, is empioyed on lhe dredge In the harber, and, we are glad to say, shoveis the mud in beautiful style .... There is a ganden lu rear of Mn. Cochrane's bouse, and things grov in 1V. We shahl have more lu say on the subject.... .At the picujo on Fnlday a youug lady sud gentleman vere seen waiking anm in arm togeien . li.. r Card's. dog, "Joe,", took a big swim on Saturdey. _ (Evldentiy the . Chronicle wab e&p- able of belng bitteriy sarCaStic aâ tu the local neportonIai ability et its contemp- Iorary, lie -Gazette.> Whitby Township Couneil. The Council efthle Tovnship of Whitby met on Mvpnday, Augustlist, al members present, the Reeve in lie chair. Communicationi was read trem Clark Township, nte meeting at Onono ne C. N.R. trains neot atopping at Oshawa. An account tnom Slck Children's Hospital for maintenance et Annie Mi- kitell, te June 3tb, 1920, and a numben et other acceunts, were presented and submitted Vo Council. A by-law was passed te provide tie Township estimates for 1921, authoniz- ing lie levy and collection of a rate of 9.2 mills on the dollar for Township purposes. Mn. Grant, seconded by Mr. Downey, moved- ton leave te introduce a by-lav te authonize lie levy and collection ot meules, required for Count'y (ondin- ary), County and Provincial Higbways trom Township et Whitby for lie year 1921. Tic by-law was passed. Mr. Jones, seconded by Mn. Grant, jmevedA-'or leave te introduce a by-law te 1ql and colleet tnom lie Village o! .Broklifl, moules requined 10 be colleet- îed rom said village ton maintenance ut -street ligits. By-law was passed. 0 A by-law was passed appointi'ig a collecter o! taxes ton Township et Whlt- 1by - tle year 1921. Mr. Charles Mac- .key recelved thc appointaient. LiMr. Joues, seconded by Mr. Grant, .moved tial. lie bonds' required fnom the collecte" et Taxes for 1921 be $5000 1Sth ANNUAL COBOURG Horso Show. AUG. 16th to 2letg 1921 FIVE B816 DAYS, 100 CLASSES Value of Cup and Cash Prizeu The Duke of Conuaught Cup Duke of. ýDevonuhire Cup. Rodeniok Pringle Momù. Cup The Alleu Theatre Cup' . The Langislow Ltd. Cup. The Cobourg Foît Co. Cup. -Arlington Columbian Cup. The Hotel Cedarmere Cup. The above are a- very beautiful and eontIy net, o! cups, and yul b. upplemeuted by thirty valuable Si var Cups,distributed throflghout the prise liaI. Thé largely increar.. ed cash prize liât viii uiake thie years' show 'the moat attractive event lu the lBue of nomaeShows la Casada. 8 PECIAL FEA41ttUES À Plat Race sud Steeple Chas. Daily.> Axip1e Parkîug Space for Autos. Show starfte1030 pelm. dally G.rant, tuait te wreasurr ean l her.by authorivis te pazLt bis cheques to the Daûi" as auithorized by sheet NO. 8» Roadean.d brisae, $901.64; aise pay sheet No. 9 Roas anad Bridges $118.60. carrted. .CouaUCl adIouxaed to meet Seot 6tb at_ 1 q0'CLok On- TuBBGSy enlnga Aguat 2n&,a opecta meting 0* tihe TgwshCoua- cnwl v hld, with ail thgniemberspr- TeClek reported that a meeting et the usera et im1eo rPover er Whit- by, Tovnhhlp had beom arUmU.d for Weduesday, Âuguet l7th, lu the Town- ship >Hall at 7.30 p.m. *r. Grant, aeconded, by Mr. Jones, mored Vo introduco a bylaw te provide estimates -of reeeipt and expendlturea et the Corporation of Township of Whitby foi the year 1921, and to auth- ornze the levy aud collection et a rate sailent*W rais.th. requfred amounti for the year 1921. Bylaw vas Pasaed. Council then adJeurned. 80,00 FARM LABORERS. i It la estimated that te harveist this years croDs lu Manitoba, 'Sasatche- van aud Alberta, it vill requfre, ap- proxlmately 30,000 menL. The Canadian Pacifie han arranged and la advertialng uaual special tare et $15.00 to, Winnipeg sud viii run speclati trains front Toronto Âugust 812i, ilOth, 17eh 'sad 22nd., Speclal accommoda, tion for vomen aud chlldreu See any CaAadian Pacifie Agent foi full detaila. - - When Lord Byug opens the Camadian National Exhibition, Âug., 27, he wMi b. follovlng the. precedent set by every Goveruor-General since Dufferin. DONT NEGLECT YOIJRzEYESI1 If you have the allghtest trouble with your-- yez, don't, run any risk by neglecting to have them examined by Otomotrlst Fe E. La-ka, and Optilam lu1 Toga Oto (IUpuÉbS) TORONTO (Oppos% Ie lmpaos> Battery Foresigh 1% pays to look ahead when you buy à batteny. It only takes a minuute or two to be sure you are gettlng a Villard Tb.veaded 1Aubber Bat- teny with inàulation-iistead of seaaoa-bctweenthe plates. % Threaded ]RubberIn ltion will savo you don= arsnd heurs later, because It keepa oS dolng its work s long as the plates st. No billa for rcplading ins ula tien-as thero always arc for replacing woodseatos DnJ)ivo in. Lt s lonyou tho whole storye ONTARIO BATTI3RY SERVICE STATION- Phoes925 Whltby Reppose.ta*Ives: CENTRAL GARAGE Willardc Battre Sunimer in hér'.. Doz't 4 g.: when you are througéh with boiis.oI.saing 1to o*Il u st the 'Bld Ia4s, Rhbs lp, ap- Sud.tiaud Foultun aitdSMhiag you May wish to gel nid -of. H. NESKEL,9 phorue 2, WhaItby wuoaimm"O. maies amwD10" l a oMVeM&U..1ud ffaftwuo MW MS~~ 2 ebox43. NIGNOL1SION a SEI I I NDEtRTAKERS I phone 35 WETrBY u Wkon yod Are. DrIvi.g WATSH YOR CAR FOR'WEAýK POINTS.' SERVICE Consuit-u9 about knocks sud gnind@, th. st.eeing and brakes, the electnie system sud power plant in genal. Have Skllled Mechaulcus nepain youn car. Our accessonies and parts are the beat and are cane- fully inspeoted befone beirig asmbled -ilur -ncar. W. liave themý Cal suad see. Guarauteed Tires of th. best makos, Rose Tire PuÎmp , Johuston Cl'bar Ray Refiec- tons, Gamoline, sud Oil. Tny oun Vanocity Tru, Grease forTransmissiou aud G eans. -F, wu. DAVUDION, P ..........Im 'rap. PROFESIONÂL, CAMD la&.le. FarewdLC. BarrIntea, Couuty, Creva Attorauw and County Bouciter. Office, South Wmg CL . Hoa.,WbIB Banriter, eolcltor, N.tary Pubihsh Office, Brock St., Opp. Standard Rak Rlouer togomm Barriater Solicitor lu the. Suprom Court kotaryConv.ymasr, a. WHITY" OINT. Ofice-Dundas Street one duer vAs o0f Pont Offie. DR. R., T. MacLAREff Phrase&" anseSS Ruldance sud Offce Cou. Brock and MaryStmots wburh a. . BMtsto L DUS, OD Graduate of the Royal Collège --Of Dental Surgeons and University of Toronto. Office over. Murdoch's Cou- fectioneny Store. Officellourg, -9..te 12; 1 te 5.30. BonPhou.30Zn d.lem 5f (Mie%, Dunde sbgt#P Oak&,e.BUame1,ad 4 îdý1 Pbàs ý294 lui. Pu U «LS eillas %Drig 8t.mu Houes- t. 12 m.; 1 t» 5»30Pu. QOM rner Desg % Whb. y* vim essprquhrsd,, A. Unârtaku ~ui I ens'-. i .-the gam -aard" tic Savo monsyun Dry Ooods WASH VOILES 40inch, faust colore, reg..75c, apeclal to dlear, per yard, 49c Plain check and stripe GinghaMS, this week, yard, 1ge' FancyW Ordandios, upecial to dcean, per yard, 19C Grocery Specilals Good quality SaUmon, large tin, regular 35 for 25e Salad Dr.S&ingi per jan, - -10 Strawberrpy iat, 4 lb. jar, speciali - 90 Ohn'istie's Fancy Biscuits, special- ass3ortmenýt, sale prios, per lb., 25e Blaek Tea, good quality, spècial,35c uor 3 ibe, for $100 W.M. Lawrence & Son' (IRNERAL MERC11INTS BROOKLUN, ONT.e 1 1 , rIrt (. ý 1 I'Charch Street L]kL% Wl, osbawa 1

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