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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Aug 1921, p. 5

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'Nova Sectis's weaIth o!f-wOodz andi [w*ier-wayi" lende tself 'mcat agi-e.- -l ably to suer cottage lite and drawas mrater numbers cf sojourners eacis susimer. Tise nîny-muiles-loug bays iIo-,ded and tisen laid bai-e by tis eift- Ing, tides,' -have a- unique cirim and ~-Mate Idoal bating beucho3-hoaches tisai are a iruge deligisi te kld-dies. -Su-miuer accommodations of Evange. Iltue \and doa nôt i-un to vasi hotIls, a1itiugh tisere are a aumber o! fine- large eues, thre greater numnber et visi- toi-e ~lve ha onfortable country-elde lioteh; and bonardhug- houses and cot- tage Coeleq. 1f Eir.ii aaîoug tise ilier standstise R~e-aka110oge lied & 'ua Club, Io-! .cuted outlise shore et Lake Kedgema- kcoge, ut tise end o! tilrty mîtes o!f gcad mater read wiich'begins aI bIs- ,-toric Anuapulis Royal. Kedgema- kog-e e lu tise heurt o! a wiId,riloi spcr-tiug couatry. Her. tise fisiserman -May etijoy excellent feÎhing, and bore tise huinter niay bag tise bhggest o! incose, Tise-cabinu are rusîlo in de- sign, -but modern la equipmeut, fitted witli f1replaces sud ruuniag water.j Thre genieral club isauae esalVtisat a ocuuiry crub sisould ho.J Otiser well kaewîî and pepular cablin colonies are !ouad at Nortis West Armi RURAL SUýIMER HoTÊL OVEP'LOOKING LAKEI AT HEBRON near Halifax, -Aýnap olis Royal, Evau- golf, squm.h and croquet grounds are geline Beach, Milford, Port borne and provided at most resorts. Then there Smith's Cove. ýCottages are i-un lu je always the lovely historie country connectIon w1thý The Pines-IHotel at to be explored. One catinot ti-avel Digby, the Bay View 1-1otel at Yar- mauy miles ln any direction without moutli and The- Gainsborough at Hub- p assing spots of historie interest. Here bards, while Camp Acadia for girls, the painter finds ins5pirationl-for 118W located at Hebrén, a short five milês canvases; the writer f or s.ofgs and from Yarmouth, ýand Aidercliffe Camp s tories; the tlred busfnes& man and for boys ut Wey moutbL, are olId estab-~ weary teacher find bam and strength- lished lns~titutions. for mind and body, and the busy These resorts are elther ln or è ,lose imcther- peace and i-est while her live- te farmhng centres aud *gue-cs are tel on fine fresis dai-y and garden pro- ducts: Batiiug, ibeting und fishinig are- tise principal pastimes. Tennis, ly youngslers, faut fotrm oty perils, disport thiemelves ha dahsy fields or on tise i-d mud fiaIs lirai t iigh, lido are glorious batbing bouches. poaft of mica lu the, dlstlt dacn tô Point, du Bois, Man., 4stalee4-a flfty-two, acre clalzn. Mic~a trcril or ftfteeu hu -d, feet iu length sandi aeveral large I4pks have aIready been taikef out. 4- Sfmll trcie-w l4 aêw. w"srjd oni tiséd psit. A large-defpit et s4,43e mulphate hsbeaus discovered ont îerLake, egat 9t.,W&Intrnkht' , , , 1Fio aaisIt fil egfii tiat,- 4kO if- glf, toul 4pegit$ th tht. ehemical, WhU a #test mu&4 t Mtuse l'ake'#- edge gave thlrty-two, perï4 ,cent, sodium éarbonate aud thlrty percent. esacis of ,odlum-cbisrd-e and sodium, suiphate. -A company ha been de- ve>oped to exploit thse find. 'l'h Saakatchewau Grain Growers' Assccluioxs reports a hWevy demaud for blier twlnsoua localbrauc wbich ordeoed.4 4,000 poundà iast year, h*,«-t g-queated 70,000 POUnids thia year. Canada lmported !rom t». United -States lasi- year 34,A41,00 pouada o! itwiue. A total o! 7,110 persons- entered Wes tern Canada from thse United Sàtate« duriug tise six monthse eudîug June. 30, 1921. They brought whh thni personal wealth te the value o! $2,445,804, and effects worth $702,453. -Oui o!f thé total numbeêr o! immigreants 2,600 gave their occupatloa as- agi-i. cultüihts and wiil enigage la farMing ou thse prairies. (if the total, 4,892 were Uuited States cithzens, while the balance cf 2,218 were co(mposed o! Brhthehers, Frencismen, Canadiaus and Seandinavi.a,us. Developmeêni work la- being caried ou ut-tise Sincelair asbestes pi-opei-ty la Ba4iockburu township, Mat-achewgjl dhgtrict. Samples o! fi-s-i dc achases- tes have beea brougisi oui froni the propei-ty aad arrangements have been m-ade to bring9 oui a carload o! "4crude."f Owiag te t-anspor-tation dîfficu-i-ies only the beitter grade o! fibre la beiug consldered ai pi-ent. As No. 1 crude hilge over $1,500 ýer ton, transporta- thon on- ibis elasa- o! materlal le net. prohibitive. Thse new light railway -T tdeaths of chibdiren resulting from im- struction iu Northeru Ontario wilî aid proper feeding in childhood an.d some development to a great xet HI~IU;uK~flh~ATJlp4idea- is given of the tremendous 'but a41AM a -TON pre-v,-.-table inf ant mortaiiity amiongst ~ ID LEONus OvCry yar A Tootbless Race, ini India. BY DR. J .* MD LT NTostiensbabies are familiar. We Provincial Board of Health, Ontario!ne ep leSis make allowance for their eden.tate-ap- IX'; i'<L1,dleton wvll be glad to answer oueStiens on Public Health miat- The sky at great elevations is of ,a peafaneo beausewehkulo t a hy tFrsthcuh bs olmn Adrs hinatth Priaen BdE, rîcher, deeper blue color than auy- tI ppo sse eehtlos.ed Trrci tcug bsclra.Ad shma the alaetBds ling w.e e-xperience dowu ai sea-level. If a chlld were neyer to develop any Teroto.When the philosophical De Saussure teeth ut ail, and to rernaîn through life -ymade hie fumons accent of Mont Blancwaîcinitwolcl!n"a- The't, i- re rcass- Dnble unI scintific cd by conhnncal eae r hr owards the end of the leighte-enth. cen- wa cenltwudCl n'ao grond fr hereie tatduh~i-- reeci-e nd u ra ie ea ruhre tury, lhe experimented in a singularly dont, haw unpleasant ih would be! protctiv an (jurantne easlresThat is exactiy what happeus ln the cL-nt, years the average spen Cf lile are cnforced for the prevention or inere' ing way on thL3henomenon.d case of. a type of men native to a towu 'spcdof a.ny outbreaks. Child nior- Btr eif eeah rprdca,1ed Hyderabad Slnd, in India. They ier~henn~-haîic, that re:)Ple on1 tality, however, resuite fi-om miany' some sheets o! paper of sixteen gradu- a- nuawy aermral the ~hoo aa :iii-g ln~e tha ~,m- the cau6e utcdethat~ue~ i~ashades.of blue, from the deepest ery.ToPtl1;c flceaith nctivity, ilfl c0-gal hnesc h eatde cooir to the palest tint, and these'he bI.o i.r otiu hog cI'uing ho cntro cf oninuniQbl2 n -ion. OnchanoC tebeur dtnumbered from one to sixteen.ife ret Three snts o!. papere were made. These men are knowu as: Bhudag, diseuse and ge-ier:illy improved sani-! Tcg-zetabîc of týe.;e caus_2s isà the;Qeh eia eea h eoda which meaus "toothiese." Their wo- ttitiou and c. ervance cf public eat motorcar. In Toronto alone, there- n elf tGnvth eoda Coodyenuh las aeanr prncpi~,ths n~eain lngviylhae re furor iveftliiswihu hamounl, and the third ho took to themnodyeogaayhveaor prncplithsincrasnglogvit-y]Èae -enf r ummfit.tis it n1mal equipment of teeth. Toothiess- - l ciefly' due. Becuusc,,, cdunteracting 1 the past f ew days due to childi-en'be- -si eluvlyametrtaon these, ref orm-3 are the stress and strain m -n~wn;y~-ooie.l oe The res-uit was as foiiows: On the nn eecuieyami ri mu of modern conditions with* resulting instances, cf cou7se,'the dr'iver le not top 0f Mtw lan c the s ky ut nse on tin he. a Bhuda man marriezs a girl wear e~nd tear oni the human system to blame, but generuîî'y spea.king, a Lîa , ~ ~ "lud hose parents are both free from the wMich have during the -part quart2r careful man or wemnan ai the whl îa eoahws~~svahttdefeoh, ail of the eilidren resultlug -centpry reduced the, average lifetime seldom meets with an accident. If irroihem t are properly provlded to 55 years or thereýabouts, instead of so, h le the exception and p - a adutCamun etea heith teh itwe h ag ro rcayand sixth. Thus frarm the summit of ihteh u he h agtro the al1qled thrce scoré and tici- e trl nc. Nwpae raels1a'Bhuda marries, o normai man their An ldsain, it agrl~i f ruh1 ul ocus nc. ewpaerred 1,sMont Blanc the sky was o! a' deeper fml hlruaenra,-while the I t sthat a.ma le as d us, he pwce ntrcs.tEn-d statiegk lu a ls-bie tsonws blw. m~are toothless. le o ra.on"whyhepath ror Eu~ad ~tatngtha a One eau hardiy Imagine what It t l through such mariages thiat feels, and thereinoTsn e motor-car drive *kas given one year's. must'be ilke in htrsetotetpte shouldnot at60 or 0, prvided ithatplrespect onor tueintg oethetoothleels characteriatlç la' per- - , a h u l 4 n e t a t 0 o 7 0 p r v i d d h e j i m p i s o m e u f q r u n i n o v r a o f M o u n t E v e r e s t . p e a e d r m g n r a i n t g u r - generil, health le good, bc engaged ant child wiih fatal rescuite. There are The ex'planatîion of tjhis intense blue- to. i eeîeîya neiac us-lai .work without beng a burden many caare-silu Canada'that could be ne 3t t h mle tepr1 tsionaItai remaidntlyanl lutefe te any-one.~ thussma-l eI iht dvn nue atmospheore the lesseý stx-ong the maile offapring o!e a Bhuda. Thère 'are maTly causes leading Up 1luge, anà Îh would have the recuit cf liglit, but thée greatem- propor.tgon o to eariy or premature death that couid maing our strets safer for pedes-thtlbue be Iareiy elminte if h aithhbits triaus; FataUîtieî te childi-en 'as the 1Nar the horizon ut lower altitudes Ho ThyAvrsente were formed in early life and more recuit of autom bile acidents Muet the sky lacks tbat ilo blue tint, be- O~it -observance made of the quai-antine be stop ped, and to this and the recent caue h à,ril-i' and -control of communicable diseases. i-eom mendations: of 'a Toronto cor-' auès ter hiices luhthae lrgatu d p ere Oietalcui-ehvu wk whih sattr te ightai e r.,nudedwhin very, receat years 10 the To ilustrate this latter point, tRke. oner te have echoo l playgrc.-nds kepi ihere are more o! them proportionate- Worthwhileness of advertising, have the case of heu-rt disease, which causes open ail day, je' very comurendable. îy. adopted meihods e! their tewu which an~ enormous number. of deaihe lu this Popular sympathy le' neai-ly aiwaYs' Mount Everest's Peak rises ie oan are rather odd and picturesque. Country évery yenr., Whatmakes the with the injui-ed chîld, but wheu atuiosphere which mnuet be as pure as Ian r,.rtieular they go la for street heurt s ad u unble to -properly yeungsters are alilowed to pl-y indis- il la rich lu, color. proces-sitons. Enterprlsiug advertisers carry ou its function? There are, criminateiy on the- etreets ii is-prac- --- ln- aChiniese and Japan-ese cîtles argan. mazîy cause.9, but a very importanît1 ticaiiy iÏmPcssl;ble te, lay the blame, z aaewt anr fdsrtg onie la pciofing -of the heari tissuei eatireiy te the motor'driver. It should - Ne w World and 0- MAme pardes, witu h anerasad cIi-ug by germe 10f cammunicable di2euse.ltbe 'n'ade a cnimial offencef te aliewi Map makers are having a busy time monsiers, caried by mea or on wag- Scarlct fever, mneasses, emalipox, childrénuuder' efx cn a -ciiy street' ia these' days of leverchaagiug houa- cas. whicoping cougli, acute .pueumonia, without a parentý or guard Ian. Chi- daries. Europe has re-groupedItseif, TIda is reai, Jazz as appiied te -pub- rheuniatism, are ameng the diseuses3 dren, however, mnust play, aud the; audteOdmpo u colaâilçt ok ehv ohn qa thiat agetthe lheurt and prepure the. achool pI-aygrounjl seems the -Mo-st, 4 ihe foimp to! oui- m. chooday, InaIts way. In the Philippinesi ±ový9_ sudden or premiature deaih1 suitable recreatio o r hm u Bgt whai tremeudous ch~anges have s.lmi&r metholdo are purs-ued. No in yeurs to come. Then th.er eiai- large citiez., Arr4angements might be1 taken place- ln the Chr hn R1=, a long ugo, lu Manila, to, advertise a new' nutrition, and aenrla,- where the made to have vaýant lots or* institu-! oemi>arativei[y short timle lunt4 e is-. er, there wats a very striking pro-i heartï thro-ugh its efforts te pump tional grounds set apart frcid-ntiYo h ol.T0Rmns mai eson lu which ggni akn eno~.ghof he eaknedblod trouh t pîy l. T prven daageto i-~ oftheworld was the Middle Sea-thb I4 le to pr. , enop let dmag-topro': f te ýarâtoo pat..accompanled by men the aysteni to ke-ep the body streugth perty extra caretakcers wouid of course! eie-nauail.lud ahdcny!ng h"g ~aad lettered iu Eug- tonomlt strained or overexerted. be necessary, b>ut r[eforms and pre'a.u-by iswv. Toaleuo!till- and Spanlsh, e]ýt9lhIug the pro. <lu. au readily se-e how an lucreas- thons of this nature are of such vital-S-al o!GbaartePlas!duisdnvl#tepuicotyh. oci vigilanze both on the paiofP - pracetaÎheqetono x Hercules-was as gréai an adveiture lie HUalth offliis and, the generaij pense Ehouid neotkbe ailowed to enter' 88 belug shot in 'a ro-cket tô, Mars piýb1io, caricurtail the sprea-d of comn- -especiafly wheri human life lsa t RUi b>o-ay mpunlvcg;be disecase and -thereby pi-e-' stake. For 'another> tholusand years, a! te r jJj' my vit weaken-ing or îu'jury bo the heart,f Then, of courîe1 thei-e àre avoidable thse declineo! fiome, 'ery ultile pro- -~--i- es,ýeci4l lu i, Young people who are accidents ln indu try due te.îai, < -grçs8 4 was ade. In ia was a sort 'o! more susceptible to lufectlous diseuse protection for the worker ai his tradeI !aiiri 4 n-rt~t~-ng Every mte nsh~ aa h tiInn'fs.l fict, there lela fot- adoften- to cane essness onthe 1 h4e.b 1,u el mS e ur mam th andn art 'e ia-e -woly - ýibot rep mme., m-onth& are t'> emal child- iceabie e w.rate of deatha from heurt of the worker hit f bilawWriholLoiO! reil. , CholVï 'iu!antum, di-arrh6ea,f diiueM>e rTertea iin lcàtliies net visit- Add to this-teaplig-iio America was not dre4n3ed o!, AVrtralial snrycî n sofaistobe ------___ -had: neyer been 4hard. o.!,ne European aert iii îeadoinape -ship had lever saied on the Pacifie Clouae utile lite'le iQet aller oaly a f e w oca.heurs' lulnes-the mothèr wh à keE>pe 111 -~~Then, quite suddealy, came-the ageBIYSOnTbtlaie bouse' f eel - s oo b it s tr nq liof eîpioràUo. h&iSpanish'and f.Th c alaiuse of dthe Tub- AÀ~~~~~~~~~ ~~greai Engllsh ad*euiurers, doubledtruloritetoblcrnsud ~'-Ws, IL Pay. Mise <e Lt >-~sr Proponîlsu to the' work it dos. - The -Muscles of tise back are under a lsesvy Strainand have but'litto est.Wiseu tise blood W1s ilutbey lack no-urlsi- ment, and thse resultIs'aa sesation of inli l those muscles, Sanie people -ilk pain in -tise bisclimeans kldney tr.cuble, but thse be3i medIesi autisorl- îles agiE* that bacirache seldom or neyer bas auytilg to do wltb thse kld. neya. Qi-gaule kiduey disqei0,Ma~y h%ve 1ogrezaeti te a ciical point Wlthout developing a Dain lni theeak. This b tte case, pain lu tise baeje sould always l-ad tise sufferer bo loeki to tise condition o! <ibablood. hitwilI ho fouird.'in'mosi ease tisaitishe use of- DÉ. MWllliamas'Pik Pille to bulld up thse blood *111 stop thse saeneation o!, pain lu tise hl-uourhh.,lmucieo tise bacir. Ho-w mach -batter ht la te t- Dr. Williams' Pinkr Pilla foi-tise blood thau tb give wa.y te unre"' n_- able alurm about youi- kldneys. If you suspect your kidneys-, any doctor eau muake: teste. lunten minutes tisai whll set your fears, ai i-est, or tell you tise worEt. But lu uuy eveut to ho lier- fectly healtisy yoUueti keep thée blood lu 900,d condition, and for ibis purpose -no other medicine eau, equal Dr.1 Wil. huame' Pink Pille. -yOa eau get tisese pis thi-ougb uny dealer iu Medicine, or by mail ai 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 fi-ouiTise Dr. Wiliams' Medicine Ce., Breckville, Ont. If a alan can write a. better book, preacis a be-lier sermon, or nuke. a bet- ter mouse-îrap thun bis -neighbo>r, thougis be buiidhs bouse la the Woods, the world wili1 make a beateu, path te bis door. Literai-y men have. been hhavhug aJ squubble over the auihor o! this mouse-îrap quotathon. Seme credît i te, Elbert Hubbard. 'But ho hue been elýnhn«ted as, he dhd not bagia to write until after the quetatlion had bo- come fumous. The-n Emerson's works were looked halo. But ne canifort ha been found~ there. But who cures whe wrote i'? fls tise Boy Scouts. Tisai is tise oaly reaison it appears- in oui- tioughts to- Business meni are pecullur ducks. Te say tirey are egotisthcal Is puting il so mihdiy as te ho complimenta-y. TiseY have sucis confidence i ha ir io wa powers tirai one cunuot luterest tisem lu a prepoaiien wbicb does not eniail miraculoui, accosnpl1himent. Tisey reuihly believe tisai isey oaa work miracles. So whea a gang o! felhows! goeg purading by hearlng thirer miracles wiib tbem, the Kiwanls. Club bllnks lis. eye-,s, dres, wonders, and tisen, as If eeized hy one common lmpulsýè, talla la hehmnd te do what Il oaa, as tickled as a boy cari-ying waier for tise, ele- pliant aitishe cii-due. Ii's bard to fool men. But you cau't fool boys. at ahi.- And wiseu mea i-cal- ize tise work ofthtie Boy Scouts, lbey ai-e net haîng fooled. Noisher aretise _beys wiso compose the Boy Scouts. The'y get training, m-enially andi physicalhy, andtiIf tisere ai-e aay otiser' ways they get tbem io-r.eul do(wn.- nigisi valuable stuif, tisai makes mon eut o! theni. Andi th-ey hike il, jus-t as. our boys w Nho outeret tise army hhked tise'intensive t-aining tiat was isandeèti eut te tbem hy their supeio- officers. Tire Scouts bave, made good in spite o! tise ridicule wbich was heupeti up- on them, only a few yeurs ugo, wbea tirireldere firet heard o! tlïem. Tise police sud tisei-est o! uis laug-hed ai tise Idea cf huviag Bey Sco-uts help hautile big orowds. 'But aow!-wby, they ai-e tise first ones, we. tura te wheu sometig big and i dffienît bas: te be doue. Tisai letise reacon wby tise Klwanlc Club le for tise Boy Scouts. --Tieir lives are open boks by vu-tue cf tise honesty wisicistisey are laugist. They preadis belter sermons than tisei-est o! us usualhy isere-rigtInilatise lives which tbey iead. Tisey make better meuse-trups tisan tisei-est o! us-andi Ia tise woods-aad our bapplesi heurs arespent lu our i- lgrimuges te them. They have doue mach. Tisey have dared mueS. Tbey bave doue tisaI wisicir -waa aselguedth iem. Wortby ot oui- confidence! Net worthy o! oui- confidence? Who, tison, le wortry cf' oui- confidence? A Swift Poy From the Country. "Ilow t- ast 'éan you i-un?" tise humer- oasly l ~Ined bell bey o! a Toi-ente hotel askerd tise country lad wlno-wus ou bts fi-i vîsht te tise ciiy.' "Weiî," repllod'-tise lad hasbfuiiy, 'Net vei-y fast, h guess." "hiow faa-t le tisai'?" asked tise bell boy, wiuiing ai s-mornet is friends Who, had gathered to soe tise fun. Tise country lad trowaed tirougisi- fuI1ý, tiren replied: - Well, now, seelng -as yoa've asked aie, tiese tcet'I ever i-an was o time laxt Summe-. You cee feliows, ,tes like ibhis.hIotok my gun.ane morni nS anti stai-teti ouitet get somne game. ~bd' any more tran siepped mut o! tise bouse beotee1 saw a wood-' cisack cittîng by bis isole o-n a iliside. Se h fired ai mim. "But I'd hourd tehltirai a woodchuck nigiit drop' back into hie isole wirea You -bit hlm. So, having tisatinlummnd, Istrew down mg *gun as' soon as h'd soi antistai-teti for tise woodoirnck. WVe11, fehlow.s, I'd. have got hlm, but usi as h stapetiover te gi-abhbitaby ire Slnd legs, tire chot I'd fired bit me, In thse bbock." 4e opened n jAlaerWl -week-end fire preventjen o BeorIhatae.blabotp! utp ais be'In-iu5îîuted by tise Br!4-1 Taulac h bega ta straigiiteii rtghýt ap COIUMWis4 goveramnent te pi-ci-etandi n-ow 1 feel Inumfine,'>Ua&ê x vaualetImer on u Vîeou-ver îîpI-1 l Srafth, 169 Tai-monsRs, r . andi aloug thse coasiTise pau-el wtll t'>, On t- cvra], areg, on tise malniand fer tbe oi twes tW-d ihet 1h iad isigh s ll province ami Vancouver Isiautibçý- preseure, but wbeitever my troubles tw-een thi- ee hnfred sudI four huudred were tisey bean to. dlappear 'wheg Miles lOng.h got Tan.gc kn-d u-w I 4&heuPt a tilcp 011 clafinsbahe been ataked along of any o! thiem. Fo-r 0" MLbg, I1s"f. <tise Mackenzie, River -lgbt ni> te thse fered froni mIndigestiion oim.tbfug aw- Arche Cii-cie., The ataking ertende f al. Atter eating, tise gas frein Myn. frOM a Dpoint several- miles aalouofdigestedt ood would presup mie my Port Normàn, ,wb:icisla 1,506 miles cheet anbl My éai-t fluttereti frlght-» noso dtm enootisOltr int fu}-ly and aet imeo I aial huh wltilu omefl!Y Miles of- God Hope, lb would @lop> beatiug. a posttJuei sixteen7 miles Sonths o!. tie My> beaid acised' te'rnibiy ai times and Ai-elle Ci-dee. Tishe total d lstant'» of' I-ot do dizzy Iceuldn'lt stand ,up). MY , the oil stalng along thse Macireuzie khduieys also botherell me* -Ud My' River la Ibis terintory le no -w appi-oxi- I ak ek nd leg-3. thurt eons-tanilyi'MI, - mutely 150 lleg, tiou.gh not cu esbr o-ewielîgdvra tinued over tiisentîre iength. ug0 I oldnt 'epay ar-a Sas.katchewan. CO-0perutîve market- of, bth t 1t al*ayàý f&,t tie u -r jIng socielies bhad an increase o! $1,_ out 125,103 luntise amount o! busns" Btail my troubles are, gone no-w. h-audl-e'd luet yeur, comparel 'with thse My dlgest!on ho Juet perfect and 1 lur-nover-in 1919. The membership neyer have a headauche or dizzy s-pc-l wsnreased by 646, making the total aiiy more. Bren tiseePain.:; bave dis ZI tis end efthtie year o! 18,894. Tise uppeared froniMy baek ami1 legs and pa'!Iid-ul) capitalhnive-ted - lucreased l'in ce i hankfuh lor my Cgooelrth from $362.251 to. $466,'009. Fifty-four tisat I just w-.at t-o ralae Tanine ail secielies rmarketing livestc-ck .shil)ped 1tise lime."1 912 carloals on-zi receivod iheretor $1,- Tunlac is sod by !,i>Lý- drutgr-sts 529,309. -- Tise value of s-upplies sold everywhere. Lv *as $5,885,3s5. Tihe 6tal bueiness bandied nmûunlèýd te $7,314,695. Payhng fer an irrigation sys tem i iThen arestpI-antting ciparivey one yeur l is e unique experieneo! lian arg es w -Itin og -as fi-ad s-,u:ca tire Taber projeet, comprihg 17,000 large rieaswTh eDousf ie plnd ' acres, ha Albierta, mt at ofo!thinr ue.-Te edIc hI ln.2 nrigated area o-Perated by tise Canadian was gathered by ýtie officer of tise Pucifie Raiwuy. icc ixendl Forestry Bran-h of- the De~rmu lui-s an acre te build tire ditches- and of -the Inte-rior, Canade. laterals and Couservative ethiIdi es o!f O1.L,~ fl A [tire average yiehd on tise 13,000 acre TO 1-O A under crop are tweuty bushele- to tise acre, as againsi eighit bushels- on tise dry l'uad a-dJOýiulag. Tisis etise firet year tiraitirhe Tabeèr projeet basý been lun operatiou. -Eu Il Tise Financlal Times, Winatpeg, la O its laiesi survey o!- Weste rn Cànmdiau erop conditionsStates tisaitishe wheai yield Ibis year ehoulcf b. h. ws mc valuable tise West has cirer produced, JUl1ie-irsLt flflng10odo whii. lyou ],axt an injury le te apply Minai-es fameii-e heuHing, and Sives (quiek reliaS. OOARSE SALT LAN D-SALT-. Ame-7 m PIOm.u Dog ROmmI - BOek oit DUC, DISEASE$ and Heu- to Pbo MalIedl Free te aaiy A->- dreus by the Author. IL -May lover Co., le*. Ils Weat Zisi Street Nfew voik. U.S.A. In' Praise id London. hIlise son o! bondon mca, Give thanirs-te London once agala. Here wus h bora; and I.wil die Uader ibis friendiy leaden sky- Like grandfer's grader, se wil I. City cf beauty, fiower c-f cities al-- Wbere "Tisemmes" i-uns cwhfiiy, sud tire b uses r-oui- (Byve-n down tise stately i-eaches ! Wiritehall) Wisile chocolute trams luvade tise Surrey shsore- Yours Is a glamour which tise years enhance And la your giiy s-treets, lires ail ro- imance. ASPIRIN ""Bayerl" only is Genuine WarI-ang! Take no chances wlth substitutes for genuine ',Bayer Tub- lets c! A-spirin." Unless you cee'tise name "Baye?' ou package or ou tub- lets yo; are net geting Aspi-in' at ail. Ia every Bayer package ai-e directions- for Coltis, Hleadache, Neuraîgla, Réieu- matism, Earache,- Tootisache, Lumba- go anti for Pain. Handy tin boxes o!_ twelve tahi* ets coagt few cents. Drug- g-le-te aise seil larger packages. Madie lu Canada. Aspirin is tireti-ade mark (regisiereti ln Canada), ot Bayer Manu- facture o! Meaoaceticacd-esiei- o! Salicyiicacid.1 Au American poultry fui-mer went - over te Englandti t have a look round tise peuh-ry fui-ms tisene and ace where tise fui-mens were makn-g mýIstakes.I He dîidnet besitate te tell bow far- adivancedti wea tise uti o! pouli-y keep- iag lu the States, sud epun several vei-y tali yarns ou tisai subjeet. Twenty, chikens fi-on twelve eggs appeared. te ho au everyduy o'ccur- rende in tise United States. if tise atoieshoetolti coula hbe llevei. But a 'bl>u ff old EnglsiIsIr fui-mer was game for i- n.- "Huppen, maister," saith ie olti man, "ye have nover ceeu , ps mnany as a isun-' dred chiokens batoised by one heu ai: a settng?" "Waal," -auswered tire Amerloan, "I! can'i say tisai I have, hut-.7-" "Well, tison, lîsten bore, maisier; happea I bave," retumnel thretai-mer.ý "I)ewntdpswici way we ni-lue f11l a bar-. iel wihi eggs and set ISe heu on tie bungisole!" Mînard's Liniment for Burns, etc.> The Oxf-ord- Uni-veroity Pr-ess wh-1 mublis-h sliortly a collection of vern*ese wrltten by women fi-ouitise sixteenth century te the pi-cieut &ay. - - MONEY ORDERS. om saeinio xI-ee MousnQidor r Mt!nard's Liniment Rlue'vez Neuraigla o ael ietsosa jThe peuple of the Uni-tei States-e.t, su*fficient caudy a-Aire ise n every jyieaaý tc - build hait a dozei , supser- I @ u~ ht -4 a w o yea rs. enougis to b4-4,an-otber Pana" Cau~, Minai-d'a Linime nt for-aloe veryvh"r OIct Qreek Coins. Coin coîllectera regard tise colleciing- f old Gi-soircolas ta tieir, mpsi for- mldable tasir, net bica4ýse oe! their rarltý, but because fuliy 1,000 Indepen.l siu cilles badÏ.a utscl*so-é t toi".- Cudcurh Juti~J oan iso r e tmrh aotwthCuticuaO « ott HOISEWORK9 Before 1 tôok Lydia E. Pù*n_-- Iia~sWztalecompound 1 pl har*dly get about. have been lign eriu down cC4- dition for soieme nie.ilcould Det do ei wrk haf of thé time becaumse of lb.e trouble wih my nonthlv sikese.1 was told of Lydia &. Pinkhamps Vge- table Compeound by ned and advled to try it.,t ha&s-dcoèemegod, and 1 strongly, recommcnd iL. incýe 1 hAve takenî 1t Ibave been able' to do ait my andn 1o-, u ase know'frieuda w ho -hvee found -tgood.YU can use ties. f a d es a 'a te sti m o n i yi y"- M m . E u FLATTBRa, Box 761t Cobourg,'Ont.. Why will women continue t'> sufer se> long la mnore than'we au understand. whn thdy au bid healthin l Lydia I. PinkhýAms Vgetable Compound? For -forty years this ged old fasi- loned an ro t d beib remedy which co itgm s 0 l i 4 » i0 o r h a r i nfu l d ru k a bs been -the sta>napridj qpý*rfe- nufe *lus, and hua retored 1. e e"bof th~~is~o!women who have-.e :ewenh1sth uch ailientsa -a 1 Scouting and the Kiwanis How It Was 1 . offte« ! 1

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