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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Aug 1921, p. 6

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Q.ninued froit pue ) XIItyre said Se helieved -the business men were in fa- paving Brocir Street, but they vau o lwow what thecocet itg to ie. He thougît a ina-. f thernenhad come Vo-. the , in order Vo get information, a information could net ver ly lic given unlessa it was whether a* governmeut grant ,ly Vo lie obtained.- -Collins said ho wanted te eeo treet paved, if the town could ',That depeuds wletlier, Vhe thiuk se. Personally, lie the pavement on Dundas St. n Laid tee tar east and west, ýt it would- have been botter Y possibly a block or two,ýach 1 ave laid four blocks' on treet. However, le would ho sigu Vhe petition askiu7g for meut, because le thougltit I Ied, Jackson suggÉested--Vo VIe that. anything authoritativo donc only under instruction Town Council, sud-i that the met o tp4 qa çd ommi#e lig, ada resolutln wasrfhd queting tl4e C Ouncfil of aMpe session on Tuesday evening, so tl the conmilltee, if approved, couldd chrg ls kties ou Weduesday w~ the MW str et Highways. 'Mr. Bas tt asked the Coundil]g present Vo 'xpress their opinionw regard Vo e 'ou under dlsc Sion. Mr. F. . Beecrott said le favei paviug, as îe,ladfound in bis exp. lence fIat ~property always- sold- mudli better advautage witl a pav street adja4ent.- Mr. Maw likewise favored VIe pz ing, and wlýile speaking took occas te roter Vo imatters et interest lu cc noction witýi VIe piving et Dund Vr e e V . - G. M. Gedelow thougît Brocki would. havy te be paved eventuai but that iV inigit lie wiser Vo defer for a year i f by se doing a grant frc the govemnient could lie obtained. F. D. Maundreli said le believed would ho wllse te go -aliead wtl t work new, jýs a saving could lie ma CanadianNational ExIîiihtion5, Toronto- i AUG. 27 Inclusive - SEPT. 10 To be- opened by Lord Byng cf Vimny, Canada's new' Governor-Ge-nu'ral Color of tix Orient Gaiety o.f a Mardi Gras Complete exposition efCaTuîada's rmn ourccs, 'O0VER HERE"--Super Pageant ofIRégal Magnificernce drarnatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth an4 AcYcivemcnts. Clr- Sy .-ol ý -,Lory -Hundreds of Pcrformuer&., -1:: z Ic-Fine Arts-\Vor!d's Larr..t ColF: éo~cfW Fhàtographs- larger s-7aIe c~ ver L c--cr3of Ftues or.!y )h , ýC-n at Tcronto. Canada's Crealesf Lic Stock and Farm Di.!o--~ ~héer and Equipment of l"nincý 'liCsi. rn for iincreising the E Jciency md - rf n he Comfort of the Home. - ---r-Fares on Ail Lines of Travel JOHN - G. T, ROBT. FLEMING. 1va. ng Director Pretideni W~~mQIx [IjIi-~ -i-lé; I. 't- ',- FORD DEALERS, Thos. ýL. Rowe, Pro- Ye Ass#oa#t,, Let.puZe~u bave amdy boys in »koeij, Maidb ebad flk«wftli ,eýe, tp. ~~o's uteciê*'ii ee4e 0est~ to and 81a- had hoitie. This JE y.ur 0pziw*, TO- PTO8ed b.niWesas being in fa- grsýp it. de' vor of the, propoultion. If yoU çann4>t coee orfi]l tiiu.1 lat MI*. Jackson1sigge8ted tbat there coite for palt of it, dis- hia been a reduction inu the price of gitajrwlleetiddntI - vit oement since the contract was gnd O ternei, ll2tIi. -e uti ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s r e et , a d e ne r n e r 1 t h e u e t m e obtaineddOubt be 16th te 19th, ànd send yonr name to V taled lower thaxi that at preseut Gerald Cowan, Rosebank. Spaid, based ou this reduction and un. the tact that the equlprnent ilA-11 on CLRMN DE AT BW- - )er the rsjob. ofth 1MANVILLE. li - Ware PaveViC.$ Md sjca-f jj The largest crowd of the season wt vd would maire a nîew estirnate, and ta nessed- a league ganie in the Osh awa their quOtatÎoi W ould lie reduced by >and District FotballAssciation ser- an amount sufficient to allow for the' jeu at Bowmanville last Saturday eve n-J îo 'lower price of. cernent ai for the4 lng, when -C1arernont defeated -- Bow-f insaving .in freight, charges by reason of mnil y O1 osored lie1 0fl tepatbngarayhere. lne irat'Ègalfor Bownanville after 35 11111 ascould not say o0=han what that Ute8' Play. The v1sitors evened the would:,b_, but a quotation would be score before hall tiine. With the aid of Sgot readý, for ameeting of the Coun-god'0bnfin Caerot cres--om Lly, cil on Tuesday evening. 'w gaglutefia eîontA. Bes r u ;o u it Bfr adormnta sanding' ton, of Toron'to, was refereé. The lune- omvote of those in favor of Paving J3rock',Ur - Bowmanvile-Goal,1 E.-.Snowden; Street was taken, "and indicated 'that: ba.cks, Beliman, G. McCoy; half-backs,.. i t about eighty per cent. >of thnsce pres-~ Sewell, Harding (captain), 'R. Snow-- $770MOOf. o. b. Wlîitby, On0. the ont favored- the seheine. don; forwaýrds,.Avery, Kiiing, MoorO, L. %de - ~-McCOY,'Burgess. Claremont--Goal, Si- - - BO LINGver; backs, Birlrett, R. Cowl; bhalf- - ~~~~~~~~bacirs, ]Benson, P.- Co-V1e, Joues; for-Sh r rho r ontefr . Fail to Get WhattamCup. wards, Morgan, DeRualia, Pilkey, Scott hotr ou 'ntefa m A. H. Greenwood's Wliitby rink in-' and Rennie.-T eFr on aesf mthry offypr vaded Port Hope last Friday night in ---------- h Frsnsvsfo hf s. rchRof theWhattamnCup, held bk TAP THE STREAM 0F WEALTH cent. Of the farmer's time., H. B Roever'srink. When the tiue' came for play, two of Whitby's bowl- To -tle Editor- Gazette & Chronicle:-1 Fw rh reso h am ers Wero iii, an.d were unable to do Dear Sir,-Witli the paving of themselves justice.* The Port Hope Br-ock Street ad4;ed to the cost of sizu- f w rh reo h ' men were in fine condition, and the, ilar work on Dundas, more than $100,- - The Fordson does the worko rm fu rosuit vas, that they retained the cup 000 expenditure on the permanent ûm- Atofsix horses. by a score of 28 to 8. The rinks wvere: provement of the two main thorough- > - i hjss dWhithY-Harold -Collins, 'Geo. An- fares of the town will have, been in- drson, Roy Pirie, A. H. Greenwood, curred this year." Is there any way' Skip. in which Whitby quickly can recoup e fr hep Port Hope.-R. B. Thomipso, W.D. *herseif by new revenues from, this Stevens, P. L. Brown, IH. B. .osevear, commfunity investment ? Will the-O e mn wt aFodo ca do or skip. - 'Stream of wealth pouring through the wSoenir n wthl ae ns0e thre Cup Bck à Oshawa' town on the Provincial Highway lend to mnwt oss C. W. Detenbeck's rink from Osh. itself to profitable service to a cointomem-h oss -awatooka tr £onunity that so liberally has contrib- *aw, tok tr fr the Whattami Cup ut-ed to its cost? These are questions~ .- on Monday evoning, and' succeeded in arising in the minds of citizens whoe defeating the- Rosevear rink of Port ra ob h idmo uha n More money forth farmeir., Hope by 21'te 14 after a close game. Verprîouas Whitbisdvenofuri nep- Peterboro %vere the next challengers, on.Ther eas wer bis tat hvery nat- -A Farmer'with a Fordson can raisemore nd wet o ya saw atueo the motor traffie passing crop easier with rets expense. Het r- nih. Numerous other challenges trHghth owtihee icrasn have been received, and the defence voleumhe fos inam ea n freouing- fore makes more Profit. of he upproise t hoa Jvey oe.the business commiunity.. By adopt- D htyClbHsViio's ,ng proven methods of service te the D. A. J. Swanson's rink from Osh- thousands of people who thus travel . Sawa, and E. H. Purdy's rink' frein graat, distances over the country, fl Port -Perry, came te Whiitby for aroe a omd ti lar T h.e v IIvtiSam ' LE-ê A.g riendly gaine with two local -rinks 1 gain. The touring automobilist re-' la-st Saturday eveuiug. The Oshawa quires accommodation of a kind that riuk were opposÉed by W. E. --Van- many places in the neigliboriug re- H S » R W 9P preo stone's rink, composed of Wm. Roar, Public, with complote satisfaction te k Goo. llobb, J. F. Paxton and W. E. theinselves have providod in camping Ford D ealers W (hitby, O nt. Vanstone, skip. -The score xvas close grounds, centrally locatod te the Ubs- all along until fiually the. Oshawva men ness parts of those coinnunities.. Se geV a five-shot end, whieh placed themn far as known only One Canadian èom inl the lead and gave thei the game muuity yet lias done this. Owen by 22 te 17. -Iu four gaines that thèse 'Sound lias ostablishýed a free capig areloteloowgbssTan-AGO SHOLSecalouesfr amessn. two iuk hae paye, e.ch iaswongrond or te turig ato pari ng, 60 per cent.; grooming or pro- The Canada Business College, Osh- _Write for particulars te aod twhicn h i ece off hord ,finlî hothe ptrovnce. bte or athe ars f arution, 20 per cent,; type and ùli- va, re-openis on Monday, August 29.Bsns olgOhw rTrn two,*and th e offhoud final gaiethatravnestefor athepatows o nmlof e cn.A sokNneoto eeyt stenographersBuiesClg. Ohw-: a hummr, fortyhof animalriva20 pedrcicentalme eut aofoneveryhwyt'en Thurer oh r hthe ris keen rivalryo sdvcieong te Tnoa onalhihwymust bc . exhlbited - by pupil and from nd bookkeepers look te -Toronto for , t. TheoterWhtbyrik erposd f evloingbewen orotoan Mu-the home farm. positions, therefore, yfou should get!- -Harold 'Collins, Geo. Anderson, John treal, it romains for sore ne -ete h pnu arlt erw eyortann tteCBCOhwa Stanlick-and A. H. Greenwoed, skip, start in the garne. hoaprenwood ouiSth emrwber l4th nd aeng t e Canada BusinssCw-a won by 5 shots over Mr. Purdy's Port What is doue is te secure a pro p- wh thGewother oaiseipotel loi- logd he, ootoae and Bsiessyoin Perry mon. .erty well situated to the business cou- lwig.T h he corimpo e istoates fl- a p, ositon oto lc nd ollege ar tin tre,«wliere tourists may safely camipioig h éml it fdtsIa-pes tinerspot l CanadaFrtyheO CAPFL-0 PP, OSBAN. nd got'simpfle services of wtrsdas follews: ags ranr nCaaa ot- Sto CAMP ULL....PEP ROSEANK. ther couveniences a life lu the open 1 Greenlwood...... ....Sept. 14 two years experience. Mail coures _____________ Fellow men' aud boys, dgp you get 1 requires. Whitby happons to have1 Sauf ord........ .... Sept. 16 W aeo ad the siguificauce of these facts regard-1 availablo at the preseut tinie a prop- Sunderland. ...,- . Sept. 19 in d r 'he l -D -- -Li - makig1posible the eve.o ien of1Fawkh m... ..... ..S e t. 2 6* Je ail the course efthte groatest-artery of inotor travel between the two . AFFIRM RELIEF IN HYDRO F in l evc * 1 largest cities in the Dominion. It ESTIMATES. hppens- htnal an acre of this The Central Executive of- the Hy- AN atmosphere of friendjineus chaacterizes the - unique area of land caunot be 'excel &1oEetcRda -soitono ficient servce rendered at every branich of. iebilifortshi upsedof pnet u autoa- Ontario, meeting last Friday in the tisBar&. Prompt willing aud courteous attention moniugts hirsdoesne o m a lf City Hjall, Toronto, passed a strong t>t err q fe e t a e l a u e t iterfere with the saving of the pak resolutien reaffirming their faitl inlu o te urr ns.szaesbniga la acr frutig o Mry-Stret,-w-ththe 'Hydre-RadiaI estimates sud eall- - i . j threToroution asenradialSortly ting upon Hon. Mr. Drury, Premier, te tadard &Seric meaSupersonal servce ho com pleted, is part of the pro er y dfr m akin a y de si n u o t eTU that eau ho used for camping wheu Sutherlaud Commission report until, U 1'the greund te the west of the lie aft,e-r a deputation frein the munici-BA K Jpalities have an epportuuity th ee 800e eL D life . Th a k i f o t a n ad IlCabinet.42 bu h iadefre te I ulche isfle.T ear lufrotaeuse, Arrangements were made te have a TOTAL ASSIETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS whih i- 0 b 6 fot ud iv str'general meeting of the Radial Assoc- Whitby Banch: C.AMCIlaaagr brick costruction, ceah ned l t oiation lu Toronto on Vhe moruing of C. A. khn Branch:a ybikcnsrcin -f H.rndit epebr7hadi heatron ro nH. Loosemore, Mangr a omuntyhouse. One romi i nlu a Sep ter 7ldeuth aftemnce ou iS erviceable aV once for meetings of te amont Beuiatdongteaproceet the iauy societies and social organ-tePaimutBldnsud et izations of the tewu that are cryingth Cabinet. aloud for just sudh accommodation. AV the meeting lu Septenîber, Sir ' It is possible that "Y" work for AdainB-eek will make a report ou You àneed ivhat Witby miglit witli advautage Vo the the fiuings eft-Vhe Sutherland Coin- S Youtli of the Vowu most eoeomically mission. we Cana provide 22 - ~be'nTe ieuseadapaiohoesfe s uf- fMreetigs te'al o bdluWby, Osli- he d oue u an daptation osud- Metings arbe eloi hte h O sargd- Yo at eimprove your stock, and increase your herds, bu ~ ficieut Vo make the whole investinent awa, St. Catharines, Gaît, Oakvile perhaps, you lack the necessary cptl ,YProfitable.. ansd places situated on the route of ft 1 our business to inake advances tf responsible progressive s'The provision ef a lastiug sud par- the proposed Toronto Eastern line. fanuers, Consuit the Maniager. . foctly splendid memorlal te, our sol- [ The members 0f Vhe Exeécutive bo-'TD beautlful park front which miglit bea great deal ef thinking before ho m N'A W called ,Victory Park."p The wrlter al- adopts the adverse 'report of the coin- r ~- ready las receiivevluntary offers te mission. The Executive believes that WITDY BANOL e e P Yt q~ - -contribute a part of the uecessary a- Itliealternative prograzn.suggestee by OSHAWA DRA a PL- . * EN. Inunt te secure this property, VrIte Sutherland Commission lu lu it- BRO<>OijM BRANCi. e e E.C mC08'1... -~-tlesO Prposes. Is the projeet net self sufficieut te kil auy good points 4$) te a successful conclusion? - The meeting was atteuded by prac- ~t.F. Howard Aimes. tically the whole Executive. FIPTEEN SCHOOL FAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Allan Colwill, sud :1ARRANGED FOR. daugliter, of Toronto, spent Sunday -. The dates for the school fairs te hoe at the home ef th-eformer's; parents,A&eY uT i dn of ra li g- held lu Outarlo County this Psu have Mr. sud Mrs. T. G. Colwill. Miss uT i fig fTr eM g -hchaie ouar le;romans wl thein, wliere she will speud a few been harrauged sud the prize-ra ss, lam owl euudhm wt JH rvles heques lssued by ti"isBank ame - o. distribuîod shortly. There 'aredas payable kwtotdlyfrIdm cdn ta elven different classes for exhibits- and te Drzes onsit,ýodie y, ad 1rCiPal points in Caad, he nited rJI) f5 ast year ail competitions « nhsSo& M " the O pe:tt:on keen sud the exhib- -r i e M x c ; e t n I s s u h m Iswere exellent, being far beyod th e!tainso the Directors. The Beechamn's 7.111s after a fair et h er~n struhu h q - differeut classes are as lellows- 1, trial. Those praise loudest You w lIid Pm». cheque. a voyeSr .asem al d Ï&Mr < petatoes, six sections; class~ 2, grain, rn&& egtscin;casconsise- est. The great nierit of- , te;class 4, roots aud vegetables, ton Beecha~:Phs be L I lII x se 5ctions; clsss 6, fruit, -&lx sectins;ha ..,-,. ,,,~~~~ - class 6i flowers, tlîree sections; cîss poehlvrtewnd 7,0irs'classes, eighteen sectiôons,;-cou- ihr enlin u ~'~ PRO_ Sisting o!fihome -made cooking; fancy paieevrwhrefr MJiN..JIRCJEXLJ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - P CP A ID -U P C A P iTA L e * $ 1i5, Q 0 O O - tiens,ý six collections; css 9, -rlbcel.IMRV F ________________ Wokand ri;cau8 oîc ~eous; class 10, i»ltry, neveu sec- Scid cveryw hcre qRE LN WHIBY.ONT& nons; clamui, 'ive -stock,, two sec- in Canada. JTB BRN -,C..PasnMu w Sthe prizes for *hich will be a- lubox«a, 4c., soc. WHpY RNC1C.C LOLp aaaS INCEAE MUODIJCTION CET BETTER.CROPS WITH LESS LABOR INOCULATE THE SOIL WJTH NItro2- Dacter Soli Vaccine' A Liquid Culture of ail Essential Soil Bacteria. These bacteria. make available large quantities of plant food from waste mnatterin the 8011 and from the air, producing rapid healthy growth in, ail field and garden crops, lawns, flowers, hrubs and fruit trees.. TRY IT ON -YOUR FAIL WlIEAT. Next yèar you will want it for aIl crops. -ol-d'by- He A. LeBar -Farm Implement Store Dundas St., Box 889 Whltby, Ont. GAAE, 9 e,

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