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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Sep 1921, p. 3

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by a &omSon Many peoaple worry a lot abffit s- sueh 'as i31hbuIged -in fin iouffi. "- - called bodily infirmitie.§ wii t teu leiein .on f ~jtO scoUSia realily la liVýae cause for woiry, 1W'lt evei n iii ties pxeople 1i,'*l qàe en-. t4%>m United States@- they, needt teknow ilta ta s the yeusX8 eOm>aged to doumore wàlkit - to andi go by the changed inclinations ai dfrom thir p, l iteBrtoftR-buitefeatdirigibl requiîrnents are natural, sad needs increasing ppulIiny of golf and the »oros We Atlantic atarted from Eù of the body adjust the-iselves to new opening up oframei&l gof 1u-1a in- ortune, Scotland, ,1IiI 1, 1919, ami conditions. For înstance' ône has some 6fqu large cities i» frei the landed at RooSevelt FPeld, Mineolà, et ten henni people compiain about health vli.wPombt ad«kiedi mev in gIad ubtmorl fT1y, thir lnability toesleep as -asny hours the rgh d.ëtéi amn ftecvin h ,0,mlài 0 or t h-ey used to do, and t-hink lu con- dieeioidI mny<, mosiugtes,2<S Iles luN108Yokun éentres, toc, inodified exer - ~rt-n~ Sl etNwYr secquence tb.at theY m iust be on the cise!; for -usnes-smen baes beeu ar-th eunri to Scoobl4nd July 9 and ve o f a nervo-uý, br-eakdown. An- runlged, w, ich Éhoul1d he de-velWoped reached hen ho-me Pori a few da". dd-rxvi lexerttefatth~tleth uieia4te m , latet. OniJannary 29, 1921, lte hîs-- an-otplay itasebali or tennis, Al- a1,i t"he cli.-izcns W10 pe>eWrbVab wtii bsctmoetia tiîough he was fommerly an enîhusiast ra eau te time$1,000,000 te bulld, was cut almeat In at these ganes. People approaeiing -th ed g two by a violent wlnd and left a wreck IIcwte lveat -arius ges -s o- 111 frquetily tii a~outalde lier alrdro-me near Edlnburoitt HCW t lie t -oaieu aesis o Ri f7ýqen1yçonillin eo not h-o- Il le -reclled that despibe.elaborate inatter of very gre-at importance. Tiie ing able I eaIeep wel au nietx but arfi4ngement- bwo yeans ago the môn y-oung person hansmreuresere focd. >it shqu'isi le _re mebered tha~t tisC1 of thQ R44 .usedtitrugitharro-wiig n-iore a-tivity, a4rqîesntr o dition jýe dIo nt 1na-mnia *as itt 1 ou w-hen the beviatitan of "h cloude Ol-d er peopie -show les-s activiby, sieep t-he custoný genemnfly for ol! penple' te rau intô, a shallow almospiierie depres- less an-d'do n-t require se mu-ch f ood. take . naps'th-romgh the day. Wit4i ad- e-ion o-ff lie cest ut Newf-oundland. Beicth-ey have te g-o mer-e caYe- van-ci-g 3,carscare ohou-Id ever be Tiey were titen withiu a.te-w itund f ully an-d --einclinéîdte !ave-id even tak-en tlu Lvoîd,_infect-ion, tiere beh miles- o!,t * goal. -necess-ary exercase. a -gteeat tende-ncy for olsi eople, te de-- ,Titewetther was terrible,>' satd ewvnp'hye-Zi-Ca-lly - fit the best velcrp brenCu.tis- an-d pnieumo'f-w.ia TeMajrGH.Çkebieaigtno- athhetes rm-ny appear, they seldoîn guard iagans.t the-se il is a*disable for fier M thâe fÉ-34. '11b, eemed.- as- show theirbest f orm after bhirty. aged foîke te avoid. crowddplaee3 thtui ieamsieews tuts Very few of the p1aYiers i-n the major and n-oic et v-erheated or chili-t!. h-y ,000 - devils Wewrsaknt -igue-s if basebali ,are over thirty Snhin sen-a ln.tn ie tflst hecoe.Têtatigh uht èey yccrs of age, lb-e mncst noktable excep- tune -of' iiýc as it ie at any stage Of 'tuLing-ixevy ain, titilk tog and 10w tien h'oeve,pbig Ty Cob;., the fa- t xisten-ce. - Wten the hea.rt>s actimnvlibillty. Tite six>seenda btu -OU ninsRIAit oatfi Inr. u pgilistie 1shiows signa o f failing, resI 15 fi-fax bet- sitewae gôPing tb break lutebits, rlslng circles J,-lJn.3oin r etained tIs er thtan inedicines-. Moderate exer- an-d faliîg ike a cork on a iteavy M«c.. wor]ld's campîonship when over l cisc, greaded te suit differenit ag" ,-1 s At lime-n e,e eemed le stand ux> thirly Ihirîy, 1--i- such men as these, are lhe'oinseof thq- best adjunets of hëalth -tO degrees tnto, the air. Alli itad been ex-eeption rather than the raIe. ill classes c f the commuîîity, *an-d for fine saillng up lu thât tim-e. Tite meut One es sSan whiy stre-nliý1eus Qe-cise 1cM people; espeeia.l-ly tkiose wmho have anusual bhing about te enlire trip 1-~~~a inôi-be ter youtlk bas pas-sed, 1 ived .-an active life, it is es-s-cn-litiiat was lte extreme violence of the N ci n ceunt cf the biobod pressure in- they continue te ta-ke an itibereat i-a 'buin-ps' in rekieus- where titey were cr-sîga~ s eyen-ns go bhy. That tbe affaira cof the worîd an-d Borne te-baily unexpected. I'cu-sidened it ai-, tholf mi cf exerci&e ere-akes in mid- interesting, hobby ot,piasti-mne that wiIl most a miracle ltat we completed tiie 'éle 31 el cf importance fronein health keep îheir mîndc serene and c-na-hie trip successfliy, allter what we weit ztandpoint lis shown by in-suranze, th-m Vo get a-bout', and kee-p their bic-ad through. Thie weathier situation on thie, eonvpa,-nie-% inquiring imb thsniratten in -circulation. Ilew often vve lhar Atlantie must be ianveatig-ated lter-, - on r-~iu plicer -a-ni sce instances of moen whebiave - ughly bef ore air bravel belween Eng- A evahi ir-siien-IrN.,yeu-th is h-ad a busy life. retiring te ssek alI land and Amenica can bis made sale enly oe-ge defetýr-ro , -i m the strenu- well-carned reosI in thoir ol-d ngo, an-cl and practicabie.' With lteliitled ln- ous life, the Ibubi.ingý vivacity and a-psa4away a few weeks3 or eh.I niez 3t e.,ese1cýs ecrgy cf yeoith eaui- later when eut off from th2 intoe,-eds r ne heln but sâ>ve their purpýGse in land -aztivitïe, whichlkept their rninds brin,ýi-n-, t>e physical part ef our active and thei.r bed'ly heailth sua3- nLkc-.'Jp tc mtriîty, andi as a tiatural tained. 2 ceýn--equencc, provide tirne in after The old saying "Remain in harness," yo2rvs foi, the dcveccpmcnt of the mini ýla pplk,,d lu moderation, is very oftet 11- ýe aoet for study .and applii-1 crie of the guideposts to -a longeli. n fi:ulu tI;c mukin.g cf a living. Aýt the îît g f lie, too, thzo WiI-1 the lady signing he-rseif 11Mrs.1 eeQur. f bencsand precssioiial! G. D., Bothwvell,, Ont.,,' kindly send -1edty zesttsacnk.r.l tî;da.rse enve1ere to Dr. tifi ~ « xO'rciso which takes l!ite Middîrleton at th.p Parliainent Iluildi I r{_.2ni-ed, exercise and paý:y ings, and ho- will repiy p-rsentally.-f f wl'ip creanl the bottie in which it flons. ý is -rCld. .r3nig*tall1 aniounts of food 1 Experini-3nts wîth moter snow plows sj ,<ý1 lv has beer' inveiit?d tho-t have licen sa suecessful in Norwa-;j jt1 e nough to ctand iaholO that severalililjncipaities expect to cfa cgln sov.use thean to keep the roads open next1 p{wtia .antâ i'shv6 fcund that Wîutýr. * sgrcariz t <ps, frmerly regarfled as Its inventetr has patente >d a coin- in-ta mteriai, make good stock fcod hi ration engagement and weddlng whcn-tiprt-icriy dried. riugg-, the la tter part belug added at the l~'1rovmcusin the Unaited States proper ýtime tetorm a aingle piece ef rnivy's radio statien at Cavite -enable 'jeweiry. 1iW, cfmsuône messaèes te San1 The Brazilian Governimeat is ereot- Fr-ianise witlieut relay. Ing an experirnent station for ceai- QI Eropan nvetion aregla ~biustiblCus and mine produets and will beas s t'rme tht tey it ioely 1extensively test ceai producel in that tegChier to lusulate wire ne matter in ceuntry. wha..t forni it iay be bent. * FQr household use colored glass 1 coveis hrave been invented that can Raiding thie Icebergs. be , piaced over electrIc lamps te h a e omieeg nth chanige the Ilgliting erectet-oms. Thdaerfincbrg n ie An électrie itreet car la Halifax,> North Atiauic is becomnirig so great ringland, bas been fitted up as a tra- that a destroeèr hb'asb ben senit îut by veli iig kitchen, selllng meals to per- Britain te .aee if it Is possible to dis- senls io 1ilve along its route. perse some of the.-,e fleatlng masses Arter yea,'ý of experimeating ai by means of torpedees. Frenihman lias lnvented a carding ina- Although titis is a new developinent. chine withwihilh kapok fibres eau be iceberg-hunting is, a regular part ef * prepared for Nwca.Iving Into textiles.. the wcrk cf American -Navy vesseis. rlie blad-e etf a new safety raz2or is Eaeh vear vigereus raids on the ice- aI circular dl.%k which is reveircd by a lields are carriled eut. sp lu isidetMe handie, controiled The International Ice Patrol. u h by j thuiliu fece on oeue sie. 1 licoL N caile& caminute existence a. Poi.cP1ajn nuoney îs being miade in the rcsult of 'the slnking ef the Titanic ;*nexiy rr iCuteinala, -hIch plans by, striki ng -an iceberg ia Ap', il, 1912. t xliex-1rl10,1Lt witli It -in place of the Since then it bas dom, mach geed, riibL înH.r cuirency now ln use ;vork. - On nicre than cae ccutý:ien siips lave l>ce-a saved front da.-ger hi reli-at dr-awii frein a llght by the patieF's wirele-,- warnings.. sm-;lct- r'rPs,ýe. trour;cî's fter thiey are1 The ccclt the wcî'k 1.3birne by al tl~:cli- Lia non device. Imaritime nations usz*ng tie 'Atlantic, li A \ uew healer of 1th11 cerastk-ceratcd proportion to the ntînhber of ships sal- Ly> -a<i beat a 'lilkglo egg in a -cup or"in- uîuier their re3;pective flags. TeFoUy of Cheating Nature h aI-ny pesýPlCgeï the iîdea itaIt they rcin- keeP their nervet or> eige and their digetion upsel yean afler year, and "gel a-way with il,» They sleep orily haif as ruuch as îhty shc:uId -- arnd naver gel pToperiy and thoroughly ý;youtireouz eàsi1y, if 'ou are get>iîî ale and anemnir, if 'your food do0ft àdigest -as il shoutd, wçU-ç> ,1 tn*t h-e weHi le stop and consider whether lea oz- coffe is having i ts effect un you? 'r he tlmen âdcfef - found lxx i tea and coffee are 4vv t*- ~aW ydoctor Cas ellyçli. Igsi#, my causes aerious damagé? If yg opIr 1ywont to r-be fair with yoVrIfsud gîve youirsélf the cîppor- tuînity you deserve in order to do your best work, rmake .up'youn mmnd to quit lea and coffee for awhile-anxd drink deii- clous, appetizing Postum instead. Posî-um permits sound, refregs-hl tt- 4ei whlch buiI4ý dtrt*lugth, energy and ýM&à Ondtn Postum f n your Grocer toda$r. Drink ttf hot, refreshing béver- age in place of lea or coffée for 10 days and se whaî a woridenful .4ifferenîdé il wiIl rh'ake inilte vMy ybu Pouai cornes I10,w formeaInstant PcWtuýn (inti*$ ttM MdIcO à cf bell gwateî. Ppstûu - Çewa ,(i acýag. of Wgrèr btilk, for those w-ho pis- lai -ro éiake the drink iwhilc the miàla e 1îg pr piraed) made. b-y >boilii, for 20 minutes. -I -t - N formatlon w-e have new, lransatlantie transi le highîy daugerous. Atiantic Grossed in Air Three limes Thrise successful -air fligitta over te wlie exCpanse cf lte Atlantic wene aclilevec1; ceue in a hydropiane, an- oU,-i cin a biplâne and, flnaîly, lte third la the R-34. Tite iydrophane, knowai as the NC-4, one o! four United States naval machines>, ia charge o! Lieutenant Commander Albert C. lIsa, left Trepàss-ey, N.F., Ma-y 16, 1919, andi reacitetd Herba, lunlte Azeres in fifteen heurs and e1ihleen minutes> having travers cd tis 1,Z00 miles at an average spèeeioet78.4 kuobe. Later lb Iiew te Portugal. Prier toe tits re-e succe-sattl flilgitt aiiaded te previous attemùptlc: tas boisa madie te negotiate "te bIg Pond" titroagi te air. The eaniesl tftese waz .1eby Walon Wiehlran, Amaes-- eau journalist andi explorer, andi Mcl- vin Vaiman, au Ocbober 15, 1S10> In a dinigible bioon calieilte "Ai-i-i-j- da." T.hbey started eut from Atlantic City, NJ., *itit a crew o! four misa, in- ciudi-.ng an Unglisfiiaan, an Ausîralian and Two Americaýns. Thein objective *as nny peint on i teeàoasl o! Englanti, leador France te whioi thle wind riigitl carry, lhern. Affer bein-g Ilir-S days ai- idlgitîs In the air, saiing 1140O miles andt frs- eti about by.adverse winde, r, i atY, w-as pieketi uD b y testélapsiip Tret, 276 milhes east. o! Cape Hableras, hait way belweea New York anti Bermuda. Titi drigible w-as abantioneti aI sea. Most Daiing Ftiûht Enda in Gricf. Har ry G. ÉBîtw-rer, a Bilisi tâtôr, andi Lieutenant Commander Macken- zie Grieve, o!flte Britisht Navy, lu P, heavter-titîn-air nmachine, elarteai froni St. Jet--is, N.F.> 'May 18>.119, ou a non-stop fligbbt t Irehanti. Titisatteaipt was generaily regar-ded a$ tiie ni-st dmrincg Met teni- alup tota tI ime. Hawker anti Grieve, allter.-màny boums et îi-ril luthie air an-d stragglng agicinst .4tonmly cenditieuns, were res- c ued in mid-oceaîî bY the Danish stecmship Mai-y, May 19..Hawkzer ,- -killed ou Jaly 12, 1921. when the gare1- flicie tank o-a bis machine exploedt V-a:cle lie W-as imA-kine, a landuîîg atHu dobg. fiyig fiha. 't ~- - - .404 ugil Ibis coi> 1 il j -I i vabuable lealuires taI itat net been Emir Takes 0cM dAssortment antieipated. Most !ere.sb fines areofL gae causec by the carelessness of humanofLgaé beîngsr. If pre-specter-, hantera, camp- Prebabiy ne party tat tas ceT erll ers, fisitermen, anti otters W-to go mb ILond-on carried a strangen assortmeiit, the W-code for buGiness or pesro luggage titan tidtihie Emir o! Kat- cou-Id Je educatedti tebi always cane-f sina te native Nigérian ruien, Who lai_-lI Itm cap fnes Ite mach-lëft reeentiy for hie Isome-ant witit hie os andtir cigarette clubs ev-en hall se-venal w-mes- aller itavlng itad lte lte lcad wouid bis lifleti frein te- lme e! hise in-uEngiand. sitoulders o!fte tire figitters. Titis leIWixl te trance-nes batino-trunink-s te reas-on why lte fine warning poster te &peak e! ttey teck enougit thi-gs is propably lte mç,sb important s-mugleie mb her sDieclalý train ceniPanîment facter la loreet protecetion.' Anti ites to, cause a Canadian. ponter te bunu cames in a1111e pphlg uwblt -ie.Thies*è-re dozena o! ackaes_ lte airpiane figures. - When -a man adbuiedueplucttispt, camps at a place-- hence a warnlng paile ai-d celeir-et nasëis, but te pize againet lte carelesa iuse'c!fine Is con- bit of 1iuggage w-as- a gi-gantie copper sipicueilsly pàsted h e ls caro ful le pub babhlub whici w-as caried mblite h ont ii fine, but w-ilieh camps aI a car wit grisaI c6nemufly. Ib w-as net spo w-er- tessc-nsle is ulsclecIstatut te w-bal us e LtFnir intWàded lte range'c! humai-i toucit or observa- uptlelbhuitlltewarw-I lion, te l.aupt te gnow careless anti- w-itctailt ul nitsos -m fines'are Iikely- tle tollcw ln %lp ~traîl. fill-ed t lb 'iexllùnd-, wouô ld be used One of lte Dominion Foresltry Brancit byi te Party bel-ors lte rayors-wticb insectns>in epotin onblefimthttey wouid be compeiied te make lu w-eek>s sxpoiêin 6 l bservationIre-m bte Irai-i. an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h aixlnrcri bstc htmn TtsEmi's wlve s semeti partîcu- cn itirllbe oocl'hs oraut îî-t lite ianly dehiglitetianti -interthem hiodti clty- for à lew- dayà 4br a Week-eùd a2re -titey -giggleti 1k. scitoolgîrla andi aIe sudtifliy and -éffâeiley rcmi-ffeci o bans whIst tati been punctaseti fon *taltteY ôdgtt te du by teeaér- tem aI litsstation. Ttey w-ens a bit ance cf an afitlane higit abeve t'èn' annoyetiw-heulte crowd peeret ln at atténiding- sblctby te l,$biafrs tem titroug thlie wlIndows, but lhoy prolling thé leneâI. This impreýil6nw-.seteglttwtliebs-ta i - i - 1lnve you ever socu a spider con- j,--ructing tis weh? Il is oeeotfltef ni-osî irlere-sîi-g Lanti me- saîifult sigils in Natre. 1-avng fount a suitable place, te beg* as fîn-Itea make lte "epekes.' Tiiel spekes are matie, cf a tilferent kinti ef inateriai freiÃŽnlte weh proper-îtey are neît sbîcky. Ncew ogina lte real busine3s eof m-a-iag lte trap ilsel!. Sbarîing at ci-e tf the spâges, titis spider gume daôwn ri trëati, aulti In- mmeS in ai spiral direction, 'payià eut thýe treati as hegeoes. ft 1 ~re dI llrM >y tiwn bo ca-ch, poke, andt i ter ~oi-iý,Iéd wi lteousantis. - e! lny dtrof'c!gam ilu- be- 1w-sun lte spoes. Thtis gilin, éffl ttdby a special fi>, ltatlouches cite e file sPIralI sIraad-s. oeui1nd at onigeeýsthéitpiter w ~ti- Ibstsbick y nét a ,in d Spàarug ils i-iestes se Ihat neo l-v aunpais be'-1I As seon ns lte trap is perf ect, lte- spider tkaup bis polition atI Ils: centre, iaying -sach 04oIl-zieîegitlegs- i5n (ne of'tt eth u iatis *ky te is abusle f elaI eetse a mi-fraiof a flyi>,luadly tkit o!ft-me fM. if bu cappu-e- an iki-cecI tee large te bis de-ai lIt ihsufl-anriy7, he wsanes a fine w-eb round il, anti cees net cme ho clOsôe !ýu>rtet% - un-tl i i sso eurs- 1>, boundti ltIIl culntel mee a 1mb. She O'Idn't -Knew Beans - Grocer-#W)e b-xve some very fine Imnu. N«ý*ttde-"How muet ane 4a whste of *ime and money tô f-Iwetrely the M'k'e of 4se: in thé long mi. you W8e Piq*abiy wo<'se « thhii wben 7011 .atax*,d. 'WiaM la ,rÉr Mat)pe lpcjrtaxlt la that ye« ie-hotil4 îymto~îms andi trace teu e. -'Wiin y-ai rmMe the caUae, hea!th W111 be yours. -For examiileanaêiiic e<>pe otten. endure m iontha <6! SUÉeriËg IwËtle treating t sîitoms, sticht as mdi- zest1c-n, miortnesS bea. t plpta -tion o!t the beart -and eXhatxston' alter âny, Émail effort. T1%e apparent stâmach and heart troubles are generafly nothiing more. than. the reselt O!fa iSufficient. ux>- piy of pu .re hlood. This aOflaemic state May have fo-lowed some preyious îî1.. neà#., or an atthck b! influenza; or it may hMavinen f rômoverwork, wor- t'y or. too, littie fresit air. To Mtain -ood&hee.fh the gl#iple and Droper Tîrse l to build up the W1ood, but to 'do titis yWi must 6e1ét a rellabie i'emedy'wIth a reèputation sncb as Dr. Willlams> àýPink iPilis., The IE p en- ri .ch1 the blood whie~ carrnes nourlali- mient to ail lte organfo!lte body and enabie them te' do the work natur, expete o! titem. Thousands of men and women have proved this for them- selàves. en. of these là. Mrs. T.- Flynn, R.R. No. 1, ErlnsviI!P, Ont., sito gaY'a: "I aét--pink I got Ilit a badly mun down condition. .I1had no energy; work left me exhausted, and te least exexiti*n would make my h-sarI palpi- tateBYlQl.Sfltly. 1 h84 otten read otDr. Willams' Pink Pille, and decided te give them a trial and got a hall dozen boxe. 1 had lot been taking thte pillé leng when I feit -a-decided Improve- ment In my condition and bY thte tume I had used the six boxe& I could do my housework with ease. I can s.trong ly recommend-D)r. Williams,' Pink Pill te ail wbak people." Yon can get these pis titrougit any denIer in medicine. or by mail posî- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockvilie, Ont. The Eagle Eye, of the Forest Airpiane..'. The use of airpianes.-lu forest pro- -I Waraing! Take ne- ch an substitut-es tor genaino "Bayer Tait- lets e! Asplrin." Unies-- yensse lte nie"Bayer» en package or ou tait- 'lets yen are pot gcttini!g A4piin aIahi.1 Iu evpr>, Bayer package arc directions fer Colde, Heâdtehe> NWarulgia, Rh-su- matis-rn, Es-rachis, Teeltache4 Luin- bàgoà â-id fdîr Pâii. HfMtndin- boie-1 eft 1w-siie ttbletï4cea,2t t e- nIe. Jomg-, glats aise sehil -largen packages. Ms-de la Canada. Asprn i l te traite mark (regts-tered ln Canada)> o!Bay,>r lWâhigfacitîîl--e of Meues-ceteattidester ot Shlyhial Why the Prairies Treetessa.o Are ie deepenet w-tisa' lte men réalize - et beforelte train puileci eut an-1 ti n l usoacssîl-h ta' Say ahtat titse ( taI they -andti ti-lr camp have been ctrlneqa--îywsbuiî exact eauses are whicit cperatîng for'4f s-cen Inon lte atrpiane. of titis tey Tii mni un akt ted>cenarLes, have predxuced this resait are certain, w-ben they se-e message te Metammedan festival -aI Mecca. 1 ac of trocs ou the prairie), but it tutterng dow-n le Item tiirougithlie air. "Bat I ai-p ceming bnck,>' te salai, "andi~gu-al lagitb ia--ewh Tty atraiywatt -treliepapereeo!Iittng uiceng ae have glisan sorne attcablt t te sub- fails anti f possible, gel il Titey fntfor'le t ecnjoy a tiay>s iuntiag lanEag- et iL a message re'ndn limlia -e îdan -j 't hat a large part cf i-vitlL o cîtîens-cf anad> ley seuli asielpi-air2e wuascfl originahiy se;i,~ Let citiens ofCanaa, heyshoudasistthere -1,;direct evidencis te show- taI lte Fcrestry n-ranit andtihie Air ajfhIjjtDIL'T'leas~t soi-ne district.; which are n ow Fr fleurai in protectlngtheir0w-n proper- USJILUII8I ALA trreeles vre oniginilixweib thmberedl.f- ty---tbe torcst--by being cars-fui wiit nna u Uudoubtcdiy tiie chief agency whielC1a or fire. As Preentin g fir-es is muet mocre HARjONBABj4 lttl by littie, has- causedth ie praliies tu tc fics hsfiaueo irln arlleaA Nthe fefluentaCh curigprii i nt cf gre-at inipc-rtance. Ne scasen cf titisyear is se danýger- lbI is wcui known te thc>se f-irtniliar witit catel: oue le lite life oe itttle cnes as, is tiie 1!tiie oount-ry tit;t, V' fines are kapt D'ut jculi - Hcalth frcm Sand. suimr TiiexsivitaIh o fe a d-stric-t'L'or a numbrer of yeers-,j gi-" lte littie stoinacit eut cf order >- nalbaff's et poffar sj-rig Up ail h0 suicoheli twasofrcuêat uth1ytatules- m Quecfbbchet wyse!-reupnat qmciy iiat niseprompt aid i.c aI -aroundthie sleaighq siiffl10w places, W Ilng jàdeai nervi-s 1-, te walk barefooliti itani titisbaby ni-y ho bey6nd ahi whict if net dîcturbM ui-aduai>, ex- L ovýen a long strebcit cf santi. Titisi iunian itelp befonslte- motion reahizs Itend tiil eventually a formuerhy breeles aèrVýes e!ftteet-sel arc sihlbY iri- I-I e is ill. Summer is lte se-ason wheu - district becemnes welii limberei. Froin battiby it cni grins,1 nt'tits iai-nhoea, c!-,?iera lnfenturn. dysentery ithis Ilb wouid seent thaI bad Rires noL> lj b1o.,bln its1-hi-ited, cini-sates anti- colle aie mosl prenaient. Any 1been se prenaient lUte paat, itetIbm- ti-lene tiresly. f one o!ftese troubles ni-sy prove deai-! bereti arisas weuld ho mach niore ex-j Bedns a>,tba# aantIroi lte Iy if net prcperly Ircateti. During the tsasive ltai' ît-ey aire at pres-et. Tihe, physical effeets. Iis nuental pow-ers suaimer ltse mter's best Inient is fI act ;ctli saai-.however, tii-at i. er-e are gieatiy lavigenateai by lte exer- Baby's 0w-a Table-bs. Theyregulats are immuense tracts ef ]andi abselutel>, cise. Titeir expiaailn is tat t-be te bowe.l-s, sweeten tte stomacit anti! Ineeless wl-jet ïaun eny be utilizedti ta long sîretcices cf sanai, bogethen w-tIi ke-cp baby tcalty. Titi Tablets. are t-hein tule-taaîaettnaeba- - tt asne cf noirý,-e ai-id 6ter ds- by me-aida-e deni ers or by mail ut maîr tpoeto turbane>, haive a Èoothing effe,ý,t on 25cents a box from Thte Dr. Wilim ttspeec t el- rpefain !ILy ttc ~ t m(,~he duCskiy re3poadca te Mredjine Ce.>'Bnockviiiis, Ont. Inee.-Ncmnîan M. Ross- Doi»ua j lte trteatiliûil. ýFoiesI-Nursery Station, IncdiaBad - - --o----- an&~ianForsta ubIcIy Saak. Saya&ni-: i'éÉSon>.feliows eaiu think ~"- - Wa n o utwcmt'y tir-tý!: ?Èr---ainent ouMht leT hei-itheiOne 'â n trctof thp- èM inow do tor Iheni, before ti- y can think of TrvUt nCr-as a inlethn tcem u~h l d frlanâs la Canada diffen nadIcailly trom -Taeie'i Cn Sy. bhese-ves. - ltoso - castbemary ln semise tier, sean- >1Now I ni goîng te give you an un-- trieS ta C--utaa golcîteci! testimonial as they sp.y t-nlte- trie3 In C-Iid h.i different go-Ten- ltent medlile advertlsing. I*eretotore 1.t~Ž--,-. ments scidai, s liisoul, lte limber te I hi-iae bad a proinund contenupt frrpa- Witnrd4tlimet f>.,rmansFr,,nd lent medicines, parIlculanly. so-,sailed - -th lt iniberm nin nilessetem lte tlinients., ýerbaps Ibis la dûe to the,, landi on wtichthbit imber grew-s. Iu reuson fht l' have beer, blesseil w1th a Gode chiîdren. wçre n-oic mate t3 somis counînies a large pereceubage cf stcui-dy constitullpn. anti have nee beies- gntWl -'utte ci- eri liite lani l ewîi-d ennigtî Y a day la my lIte. ,One day- Itai toicikup n lihete e a4i wndotih Yatter a tarddays Irai-p ln-lte sush of d~*, h~yWt5ibo -id t-pmhprvIsiteeîs n aad 3 pen Mo0ntrisal. I developecL-a seere pat inin -fli but for lurgnàÎeiý ieh r, cetet lteslter ICauda 9 re b, iiy legs Sand et course 11ke a ma-n vite-- lpoog«É >e'êty, -u frlier et f h ibrln * wld b as never bull anything wnong with isi -*éi~ t l i Nthlhg la tee goôod lte provinces or lb-e Deo o -The Physicahir. 1I cemplaineti- va-ter osir - ~ ~ ~ ~ ý f-- t, htrnd li- rnec provincial anti feceral -ý0verMnÃŽents rub thei wth soesinnient1 have.> - Peace; notleîngIo beatiieùl"forr"ha- coliecî in, stumpage -dues anti grount 'Gô aha . sd I said, Just la humi hei'.< ~y Well; lW asecamnes with hWlottle c! of maa, be4ý ROtn&iui-ig -cgrafndÊ, 100 rents a revenue o! between niae is l-M «- T Lnient an-d gels bun. lb.- ~ ms-gn~fiecnt ferus te lien andti eu million dollars Ver year. ieem b ané-apae e enjoyt _No'-nialler wtetiter lte tercts are 1 a4 e" fc't ewned b>, lte eate or by pnival,ýe con- , gFRN EJON.Mi-lîi. I ~ tti~AL Ã" 1&poraliens every citizen i3 inbeeStl f-PrSn ereute n atti I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~lu Ilîin rconservation becu-se of lte testifgeogphcjk oitcI-.n i - q i' moue>, them utibizatien cinculabes, but w-hi- vWt it l. Thédirectbion of thé e' n ~~"~%-'1NCMGN Canadans 'ha-ve titis a4dtiional incen- î<a à~ê ~sa, a.îîeit ~'u'e~~cc, ine1i cne on lte oness ~ canal from bbé Atiunlie ta tii-oPElcifice5 ~ !ew.~ii+<a i-"~k-'tr tes ul t eei-y len-irei cl slafmm nomhhwesî te seutheast, and if - w wieSlt.0.brlng soeisrevenue dlnectiy 1intou4 pro-,~ A:-tced1--cuhyfr1~ -~'j< ~-~$~~ ~~- -incsi Ieasr>, r L-e U-mht e-w-est. thjan h-lie Pcifit en-d. Anotli.n [î~ ~ k -uîy.gfcgrap-ncpuzieî la-ttfrop Ppont- w-ore Mî~1c~t Wd, î7- à - i.ui4, Mx4ne, you,-nust uall- -south: o- tt rtV't Kesi Min2rii's Liniment in the house. eat te gEt bythie tip o Novà S(ot4t.j - been ii I ceui nïmmy Bata mbieu êr -asilE tu>, -d utI cgi>t so tifn pWë*»I6 to* I lookèd 111w JIAraà ÉUdlib,-lI. I f vsmy weak and my nerres werebi>-iI atrung ltaII coi-i-d gel but v-ery lW.l 81,60P Itnigitt.- -"Titat w-asnmy coÃ"îlitoui wiubu 1 çu huolt et Taulac, but ire botlles o! & mifedinie have simply frarsfor1idU *L Wiiy, I have actuàily !âiuè ýàa iu weght and am feeling slmpIy fiâtb. "I have aa sleflidti appetile slnd c.a eut witatever 1 w-unI aunov-er sI a parbîcle lnom lndlgfeaIioq. MY ni-us are steàdyý'I seeex>w-ell t »lgb't -am se mucit strpngertêLtI1 eau do imy itensework wiit euàe. - -I "lalenotig -lesa il.ýtas mamveib.a itow TanMe c as buit me ux> andi I tàke pheasure- lu ma>hlng Ibis satement f(W lte ben-efit o! otiter.>' - Tan-lac le solti by Ieadin& druggiub everywitere. Mv Beggars> Hotel 1i China. Iii ail large cîies 14 bWna are ba- tels pabrontzeti exclus-iv0ly by begganw. Mina,-d's Liniment u*sedý-by PhyslIciaiu. A swarm ôf bocusta- - hure 1éeea knuwn tbu landIfona ship lu IâL IAtlatic, 1,200 miles from- lan&I -lu ie i&ne acla we T-à1, but In te momnclng ft w-as Juas l Iiýàd behu b-ave triefi lu dia-cvir lnluwaîer. W'ýe tnied com-binatons. o! dîfereul acIds, but sliblt-e goI remaitefl uruaffected. Fnaiby -se told t-e pmoteEsor lta w-e titougi go-bd eould not be dlesel-ted. H-e'smiled. "I Ikn-6w you eould nôct dissolve te golsi,'> ie said. "Noue of thte' acide ltaI yen-hâVe lflere- -*Al at- tack il; but try tis,,and ho itauded us a bottle rah-èied, »Niti-o-murialic J Âcld (Aquâ laReglà)." - Wé peured some et lite coIintn to biebti-Uto lte tube ltat hebd te> plece o! gold. And tégolsilitat -h.adI resisted s- eeily al liteýo-ter acide- Tfii -Ëold u-t hast bhail f hn-d Ilsa afrr. The nexl dày ln t*- lasarÃ"bnt itel pr~é~e~m ~Trl,'dDô yiÀx kUOw *hli l la daàiled royal water?> dites,» We Ïrephied;--"Il iW beýcause Il lÉe i tbr o!fgotd, -wltlcfh caà ne -,làt almoat everything else that can be poured ou it.» "B3oya,» said. he the%, "lb *fil net hurt lte lescon tu-day if 1 take tlime to tell Yüaontt t itae a-one Ã"them gUb-, stance ltatI la jhlt ès lm, ,vous a 4oId; t camnàât bei touoitedor clit-ged touü-ia - iundmi attlênlPts ,are macle upon il. Tii-hI Êuutahe 19 'tie sýilful horI.> Titai ed ai-~ftlltiÃ"n w i À - break- lb dowt; riches- an-d bei-ion i net soften lb; lmprisonmenb and pun- laliment wll-l not master IL. Even edu-' cation and. culture wi1.1flot dissolve lte inful heart anc purlty It o! ils dross. There is but en-e elemnetit tli7at tas puwer ever Il--thc bfood et Jésus Christ lte Baveur, lte agi-ia regia of 11e seul. Your soulà are preclous, ln-. fiulbely more precieus- titan te go-bd yon have been working wit h. ]Do net trust you r seuls te lte action- cof t!iseý otUter influences. They cannot boeh or change tem. But brin-g Iem un- der the'blood cf Jesus Christ and lte sin et your seul will bis d-Lsslved away lnthe bieprecieus biood cf te Son et parture trom lte' ot-or edeant thlîe ar- riva~l on tiia ide,,-aI-w5aI lit te -same« hetur; s-o IhàtI 13 tÉavelier pMay -abso- lùitly irety iv~on kèetlig hie dutesaia.- tetite heiàufËaý-*tnul Incd w-saber makciÙ9 ýû - bdltièi toê -eras ite bas aule! pb4m 'and saxeed always lu reserve renderlng -ber as'dependable tbe l 1h -rot-dues express î transo landi. 'rite ôiympic, as eveï rne -kInows, dld -sncb wonder!nb service-lIn'te Worbd Wam, luntetransport o! broope, carrying ovar 90,00 wlitoôullithébosa of a single ile, onrte sligitéteat !eba titrougit derangemeut tfmahinry-, a record o! whidi - Commander Sir [Berlram F.ý Hayes, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., R.D., R.N.R., and Citief. Engineer A. Ferguson, O.B.E., have every reasàn 10 be proud.- Prevnons le ber belng baken over bylte Admlrally lu April,' 1917, site itat carried many ltousande o! passengeresafely trough ,lite -euh> marine infsetw-abers, andi per!ormed some gallanb - Iouaso! rescue- work, nolabhy ltat, o!flte enlire crew o! H.M.S. "Audaclous,>' andite altempl- ed salvage o!flte six> ersel! off te' ceast of Ireland. It was--bardiy possible lu imagine you were ut sou, w-hon spated lunltaI greal dinlng saloon,, capable o! acconi- modallng 500 persons, and-dining- as luxunlous.ly as il le only possible be dol ite very fluest andi meel lamons restaurants lu London, »Paris or Xew' York. The citeerlul, - wiihing service leaves positiveîy nobblng 10 be - de- sired by lte most exacbing - Iravellers. Thte Witite Star Line, evýidenbiy ln- tends le leeep aiiead tbu, for net oniy le te Olymplo, of 46,439 tons,-lte largesb steansitip afloal s inte werid, bat lhey are nowv bullding au eren langer vezsel, lte "Majestic,> uf 56,090 bons. whi-cb- wiii shorlly take t em plade' ou te cicean ferry.-TÈoronto Truàti. AS-PIRI'N i nIy "Bayer?' is Genuinie tCuticiara-Be Your' -tThoughtAlway9 m thec first signa of pmieredncis. iu'ghns aper mer ty wiIth :ura nt:'Mn t sote8aand béai. tbathe with Cuncura Soap and bot er to cleanse aM i uify. Fenabl dust fe icI reshing rýul acawa 'Faicum. a de&i lymnedicated qsistely wentel Isaw- .Ituseclforf v7y-êytoiiet pOsxR z. obtm.4 SaAB.TEamzs. sou ighouttheD)onintn. %CdieurDt n, Lbduedd344êtVad S4 -Omw IrcntcunS3mpa"V» widbfotn 'INTERESI is, a ShottItLt B4* a rdiaE. PiuikhàW&'Veg-. table Compound. kurohl bn "i f. -w M&nid q - MO-'JEYORE& Senti -a Domnfalou .Express 1 Mfoue7 Qed-en. -Fin-o Dollars oass ttre ceute. Fraàneee ~at& hsdees, 2,500.;000 since 11911, witheut r~o ing Alsace Lorraine 2n4 A-%Igeria. Ask for Minarcl's anid talcs no oth--r. Aniong th--toesini a gte-e-:t AtIse- tic liner for Ohé voyagoe-will be 170,00 pounis of nmeat, &0 to= lfCrptatoes, and 5,000 pomfd.s o bLer. Man1d Fr'eWto ap Âê I. Clay Glovier Co., ImL New york-.'U.S.A. OARSEOSATOO s Y -t- - ~1 -i - $»~ Hâtff A - 'à, A

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