by a &omSon Many peoaple worry a lot abffit s- sueh 'as i31hbuIged -in fin iouffi. "- - called bodily infirmitie.§ wii t teu leiein .on f ~jtO scoUSia realily la liVýae cause for woiry, 1W'lt evei n iii ties pxeople 1i,'*l qà e en-. t4%>m United States@- they, needt teknow ilta ta s the yeusX8 eOm>aged to doumore wà lkit - to andi go by the changed inclinations ai dfrom thir p, l iteBrtoftR-buitefeatdirigibl requiîrnents are natural, sad needs increasing ppulIiny of golf and the »oros We Atlantic atarted from Eù of the body adjust the-iselves to new opening up oframei&l gof 1u-1a in- ortune, Scotland, ,1IiI 1, 1919, ami conditions. For înstance' ône has some 6fqu large cities i» frei the landed at RooSevelt FPeld, Mineolà , et ten henni people compiain about health vli.wPombt ad«kiedi mev in gIad ubtmorl fT1y, thir lnability toesleep as -asny hours the rgh d.ëtéi amn ftecvin h ,0,mlà i 0 or t h-ey used to do, and t-hink lu con- dieeioidI mny<, mosiugtes,2<S Iles luN108Yokun éentres, toc, inodified exer - ~rt-n~ Sl etNwYr secquence theY m iust be on the cise!; for -usnes-smen baes beeu ar-th eunri to Scoobl4nd July 9 and ve o f a nervo-uý, br-eakdown. An- runlged, w, ich Éhoul1d he de-velWoped reached hen ho-me Pori a few da". dd-rxvi lexerttefatth~tleth uieia4te m , latet. OniJannary 29, 1921, lte hîs-- an-otplay itasebali or tennis, Al- a1,i t"he cli.-izcns W10 pe>eWrbVab wtii bsctmoetia tiîough he was fommerly an enîhusiast ra eau te time$1,000,000 te bulld, was cut almeat In at these ganes. People approaeiing -th ed g two by a violent wlnd and left a wreck IIcwte lveat -arius ges -s o- 111 frquetily tii a~outalde lier alrdro-me near Edlnburoitt HCW t lie t -oaieu aesis o Ri f7ýqen1yçonillin eo not h-o- Il le -reclled that despibe.elaborate inatter of very gre-at importance. Tiie ing able I eaIeep wel au nietx but arfi4ngement- bwo yeans ago the môn y-oung person hansmreuresere focd. >it shqu'isi le _re mebered tha~t tisC1 of thQ R44 .usedtitrugitharro-wiig n-iore a-tivity, a4rqîesntr o dition jýe dIo nt 1na-mnia *as itt 1 ou w-hen the beviatitan of "h cloude Ol-d er peopie -show les-s activiby, sieep t-he custoný genemnfly for ol! penple' te rau intô, a shallow almospiierie depres- less an-d'do n-t require se mu-ch f ood. take . naps'th-romgh the day. Wit4i ad- e-ion o-ff lie cest ut Newf-oundland. Beicth-ey have te g-o mer-e caYe- van-ci-g 3,carscare ohou-Id ever be Tiey were titen withiu a.te-w itund f ully an-d --einclinéîdte !ave-id even tak-en tlu Lvoîd,_infect-ion, tiere beh miles- o!,t * goal. -necess-ary exercase. a -gteeat tende-ncy for olsi eople, te de-- ,Titewetther was terrible,>' satd ewvnp'hye-Zi-Ca-lly - fit the best velcrp brenCu.tis- an-d pnieumo'f-w.ia TeMajrGH.Çkebieaigtno- athhetes rm-ny appear, they seldoîn guard iagans.t the-se il is a*disable for fier M thâe fÉ-34. '11b, eemed.- as- show theirbest f orm after bhirty. aged foîke te avoid. crowddplaee3 thtui ieamsieews tuts Very few of the p1aYiers i-n the major and n-oic et v-erheated or chili-t!. h-y ,000 - devils Wewrsaknt -igue-s if basebali ,are over thirty Snhin sen-a ie tflst hecoe.Têtatigh uht èey yccrs of age, lb-e mncst noktable excep- tune -of' iiýc as it ie at any stage Of 'tuLing-ixevy ain, titilk tog and 10w tien h'oeve,pbig Ty Cob;., the fa- t xisten-ce. - Wten the hea.rt>s actimnvlibillty. Tite six>seenda btu -OU ninsRIAit oatfi Inr. u pgilistie 1shiows signa o f failing, resI 15 fi-fax bet- sitewae gôPing tb break lutebits, rlslng circles J,-lJn.3oin r etained tIs er thtan inedicines-. Moderate exer- an-d faliîg ike a cork on a iteavy M«c.. wor]ld's campîonship when over l cisc, greaded te suit differenit ag" ,-1 s At lime-n e,e eemed le stand ux> thirly Ihirîy, 1--i- such men as these, are lhe'oinseof thq- best adjunets of hëalth -tO degrees tnto, the air. Alli itad been ex-eeption rather than the raIe. ill classes c f the commuîîity, *an-d for fine saillng up lu thât tim-e. Tite meut One es sSan whiy stre-nliý1eus Qe-cise 1cM people; espeeia.l-ly tkiose wmho have anusual bhing about te enlire trip 1-~~~a inôi-be ter youtlk bas pas-sed, 1 ived .-an active life, it is es-s-cn-litiiat was lte extreme violence of the N ci n ceunt cf the biobod pressure in- they continue te ta-ke an itibereat i-a 'buin-ps' in rekieus- where titey were cr-sîga~ s eyen-ns go bhy. That tbe affaira cof the worîd an-d Borne te-baily unexpected. I'cu-sidened it ai-, tholf mi cf exerci&e ere-akes in mid- interesting, hobby ot,piasti-mne that wiIl most a miracle ltat we completed tiie 'éle 31 el cf importance fronein health keep îheir mîndc serene and c-na-hie trip successfliy, allter what we weit ztandpoint lis shown by in-suranze, th-m Vo get a-bout', and kee-p their bic-ad through. Thie weathier situation on thie, eonvpa,-nie-% inquiring imb thsniratten in -circulation. Ilew often vve lhar Atlantie must be ianveatig-ated lter-, - on r-~iu plicer -a-ni sce instances of moen whebiave - ughly bef ore air bravel belween Eng- A evahi ir-siien-IrN.,yeu-th is h-ad a busy life. retiring te ssek alI land and Amenica can bis made sale enly oe-ge defetýr-ro , -i m the strenu- well-carned reosI in thoir ol-d ngo, an-cl and practicabie.' With lteliitled ln- ous life, the Ibubi.ingý vivacity and a-psa4away a few weeks3 or eh.I niez 3t e.,ese1cýs ecrgy cf yeoith eaui- later when eut off from th2 intoe,-eds r ne heln but sâ>ve their purpýGse in land -aztivitïe, whichlkept their rninds brin,ýi-n-, t>e physical part ef our active and thei.r bed'ly heailth sua3- nLkc-.'Jp tc mtriîty, andi as a tiatural tained. 2 ceýn--equencc, provide tirne in after The old saying "Remain in harness," yo2rvs foi, the dcveccpmcnt of the mini ýla pplk,,d lu moderation, is very oftet 11- ýe aoet for study .and applii-1 crie of the guideposts to -a longeli. n fi:ulu tI;c mukin.g cf a living. Aýt the îît g f lie, too, thzo WiI-1 the lady signing he-rseif 11Mrs.1 eeQur. f bencsand precssioiial! G. D., Bothwvell,, Ont.,,' kindly send -1edty zesttsacnk.r.l tî;da.rse enve1ere to Dr. tifi ~ « xO'rciso which takes l!ite Middîrleton at th.p Parliainent Iluildi I r{_.2ni-ed, exercise and paý:y ings, and ho- will repiy p-rsentally.-f f wl'ip creanl the bottie in which it flons. ý is -rCld. .r3nig*tall1 aniounts of food 1 Experini-3nts wîth moter snow plows sj ,<ý1 lv has beer' inveiit?d tho-t have licen sa suecessful in Norwa-;j jt1 e nough to ctand iaholO that severalililjncipaities expect to cfa cgln sov.use thean to keep the roads open next1 p{wtia .antâ i'shv6 fcund that Wîutýr. * sgrcariz t <ps, frmerly regarfled as Its inventetr has patente >d a coin- in-ta mteriai, make good stock fcod hi ration engagement and weddlng whcn-tiprt-icriy dried. riugg-, the la tter part belug added at the l~'1rovmcusin the Unaited States proper ýtime tetorm a aingle piece ef rnivy's radio statien at Cavite -enable 'jeweiry. 1iW, cfmsuône messaèes te San1 The Brazilian Governimeat is ereot- Fr-ianise witlieut relay. Ing an experirnent station for ceai- QI Eropan nvetion aregla ~biustiblCus and mine produets and will beas s t'rme tht tey it ioely 1extensively test ceai producel in that tegChier to lusulate wire ne matter in ceuntry. wha..t forni it iay be bent. * FQr household use colored glass 1 coveis hrave been invented that can Raiding thie Icebergs. be , piaced over electrIc lamps te h a e omieeg nth chanige the Ilgliting erectet-oms. Thdaerfincbrg n ie An électrie itreet car la Halifax,> North Atiauic is becomnirig so great ringland, bas been fitted up as a tra- that a destroeèr hb'asb ben senit îut by veli iig kitchen, selllng meals to per- Britain te .aee if it Is possible to dis- senls io 1ilve along its route. perse some of the.-,e fleatlng masses Arter yea,'ý of experimeating ai by means of torpedees. Frenihman lias lnvented a carding ina- Although titis is a new developinent. chine withwihilh kapok fibres eau be iceberg-hunting is, a regular part ef * prepared for Nwca.Iving Into textiles.. the wcrk cf American -Navy vesseis. rlie blad-e etf a new safety raz2or is Eaeh vear vigereus raids on the ice- aI circular dl.%k which is reveircd by a lields are carriled eut. sp lu isidetMe handie, controiled The International Ice Patrol. u h by j thuiliu fece on oeue sie. 1 licoL N caile& caminute existence a. Poi.cP1ajn nuoney îs being miade in the rcsult of 'the slnking ef the Titanic ;*nexiy rr iCuteinala, -hIch plans by, striki ng -an iceberg ia Ap', il, 1912. t xliex-1rl10,1Lt witli It -in place of the Since then it bas dom, mach geed, riibL înH.r cuirency now ln use ;vork. - On nicre than cae ccutý:ien siips lave l>ce-a saved front da.-ger hi reli-at dr-awii frein a llght by the patieF's wirele-,- warnings.. sm-;lct- r'rPs,ýe. trour;cî's fter thiey are1 The ccclt the wcî'k 1.3birne by al tl~:cli- Lia non device. Imaritime nations usz*ng tie 'Atlantic, li A \ uew healer of 1th11 cerastk-ceratcd proportion to the ntînhber of ships sal- Ly> -a<i beat a 'lilkglo egg in a -cup or"in- uîuier their re3;pective flags. TeFoUy of Cheating Nature h aI-ny pesýPlCgeï the iîdea itaIt they rcin- keeP their nervet or> eige and their digetion upsel yean afler year, and "gel a-way with il,» They sleep orily haif as ruuch as îhty shc:uId -- arnd naver gel pToperiy and thoroughly ý;youtireouz eà si1y, if 'ou are get>iîî ale and anemnir, if 'your food do0ft à digest -as il shoutd, wçU-ç> ,1 tn*t h-e weHi le stop and consider whether lea oz- coffe is having i ts effect un you? 'r he tlmen âdcfef - found lxx i tea and coffee are 4vv t*- ~aW ydoctor Cas ellyçli. Igsi#, my causes aerious damagé? If yg opIr 1ywont to r-be fair with yoVrIfsud gîve youirsélf the cîppor- tuînity you deserve in order to do your best work, rmake .up'youn mmnd to quit lea and coffee for awhile-anxd drink deii- clous, appetizing Postum instead. Posî-um permits sound, refregs-hl tt- 4ei whlch buiI4ý dtrt*lugth, energy and ýM&à Ondtn Postum f n your Grocer toda$r. Drink ttf hot, refreshing béver- age in place of lea or coffée for 10 days and se whaî a woridenful .4ifferenîdé il wiIl rh'ake inilte vMy ybu Pouai cornes I10,w formeaInstant PcWtuýn (inti*$ ttM MdIcO à cf bell gwateî. Ppstûu - Çewa ,(i acýag. of Wgrèr btilk, for those w-ho pis- lai -ro éiake the drink iwhilc the mià la e 1îg pr piraed) made. b-y >boilii, for 20 minutes. -I -t - N formatlon w-e have new, lransatlantie transi le highîy daugerous. Atiantic Grossed in Air Three limes Thrise successful -air fligitta over te wlie exCpanse cf lte Atlantic wene aclilevec1; ceue in a hydropiane, an- oU,-i cin a biplâne and, flnaîly, lte third la the R-34. Tite iydrophane, knowai as the NC-4, one o! four United States naval machines>, ia charge o! Lieutenant Commander Albert C. lIsa, left Trepà ss-ey, N.F., Ma-y 16, 1919, andi reacitetd Herba, lunlte Azeres in fifteen heurs and e1ihleen minutes> having travers cd tis 1,Z00 miles at an average spèeeioet78.4 kuobe. Later lb Iiew te Portugal. Prier toe tits re-e succe-sattl flilgitt aiiaded te previous attemùptlc: tas boisa madie te negotiate "te bIg Pond" titroagi te air. The eaniesl tftese waz .1eby Walon Wiehlran, Amaes-- eau journalist andi explorer, andi Mcl- vin Vaiman, au Ocbober 15, 1S10> In a dinigible bioon calieilte "Ai-i-i-j- da." T.hbey started eut from Atlantic City, NJ., *itit a crew o! four misa, in- an Unglisfiiaan, an Ausîralian and Two Americaýns. Thein objective *as nny peint on i teeà oasl o! Englanti, leador France te whioi thle wind riigitl carry, lhern. Affer bein-g Ilir-S days ai- idlgitîs In the air, saiing 1140O miles andt frs- eti about by.adverse winde, r, i atY, w-as pieketi uD b y testélapsiip Tret, 276 milhes east. o! Cape Hableras, hait way belweea New York anti Bermuda. Titi drigible w-as abantioneti aI sea. Most Daiing Ftiûht Enda in Gricf. Har ry G. ÉBîtw-rer, a Bilisi tâtôr, andi Lieutenant Commander Macken- zie Grieve, o!flte Britisht Navy, lu P, heavter-titîn-air nmachine, elarteai froni St. Jet--is, N.F.> 'May 18>.119, ou a non-stop fligbbt t Irehanti. Titisatteaipt was generaily regar-ded a$ tiie ni-st dmrincg Met teni- alup tota tI ime. Hawker anti Grieve, allter.-mà ny boums et îi-ril luthie air an-d stragglng agicinst .4tonmly cenditieuns, were res- c ued in mid-oceaîî bY the Danish stecmship Mai-y, May 19..Hawkzer ,- -killed ou Jaly 12, 1921. when the gare1- flicie tank o-a bis machine exploedt V-a:cle lie W-as imA-kine, a landuîîg atHu dobg. fiyig fiha. 't ~- - - .404 ugil Ibis coi> 1 il j -I i vabuable lealuires taI itat net been Emir Takes 0cM dAssortment antieipated. Most ! fines areofL gae causec by the carelessness of humanofLgaé beîngsr. If pre-specter-, hantera, camp- Prebabiy ne party tat tas ceT erll ers, fisitermen, anti otters W-to go mb ILond-on carried a strangen assortmeiit, the W-code for buGiness or pesro luggage titan tidtihie Emir o! Kat- cou-Id Je educatedti tebi always cane-f sina te native Nigérian ruien, Who lai_-lI Itm cap fnes Ite mach-lëft reeentiy for hie Isome-ant witit hie os andtir cigarette clubs ev-en hall se-venal w-mes- aller itavlng itad lte lte lcad wouid bis lifleti frein te- lme e! hise in-uEngiand. sitoulders o!fte tire figitters. Titis leIWixl te trance-nes batino-trunink-s te reas-on why lte fine warning poster te &peak e! ttey teck enougit thi-gs is propably lte mç,sb important s-mugleie mb her sDieclalý train ceniPanîment facter la loreet protecetion.' Anti ites to, cause a Canadian. ponter te bunu cames in a1111e pphlg uwblt -ie.Thies*è-re dozena o! ackaes_ lte airpiane figures. - When -a man adbuiedueplucttispt, camps at a place-- hence a warnlng paile ai-d celeir-et nasëis, but te pize againet lte carelesa iuse'c!fine Is con- bit of 1iuggage w-as- a gi-gantie copper sipicueilsly pà sted h e ls caro ful le pub babhlub whici w-as caried mblite h ont ii fine, but w-ilieh camps aI a car wit grisaI c6nemufly. Ib w-as net spo w-er- tessc-nsle is ulsclecIstatut te w-bal us e LtFnir intWà ded lte range'c! humai-i toucit or observa- uptlelbhuitlltewarw-I lion, te l.aupt te gnow careless anti- w-itctailt ul nitsos -m fines'are Iikely- tle tollcw ln %lp ~traîl. fill-ed t lb 'iexllùnd-, wouô ld be used One of lte Dominion Foresltry Brancit byi te Party bel-ors lte rayors-wticb insectns>in epotin onblefimthttey wouid be compeiied te make lu w-eek>s sxpoiêin 6 l bservationIre-m bte Irai-i. an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h aixlnrcri bstc htmn TtsEmi's wlve s semeti partîcu- cn itirllbe oocl'hs oraut îî-t lite ianly dehiglitetianti -interthem hiodti clty- for à lew- dayà 4br a Week-eùd a2re -titey -giggleti 1k. scitoolgîrla andi aIe sudtifliy and -éffâeiley rcmi-ffeci o bans whIst tati been punctaseti fon *taltteY ôdgtt te du by teeaér- tem aI litsstation. Ttey w-ens a bit ance cf an afitlane higit abeve t'èn' annoyetiw-heulte crowd peeret ln at atténiding- sblctby te l,$biafrs tem titroug thlie wlIndows, but lhoy prolling thé leneâI. This impreýil6nw-.seteglttwtliebs-ta i - i - 1lnve you ever socu a spider con- j,--ructing tis weh? Il is oeeotfltef ni-osî irlere-sîi-g Lanti me- saîifult sigils in Natre. 1-avng fount a suitable place, te beg* as fîn-Itea make lte "epekes.' Tiiel spekes are matie, cf a tilferent kinti ef inateriai freiÃŽnlte weh proper-îtey are neît sbîcky. Ncew ogina lte real busine3s eof m-a-iag lte trap ilsel!. Sbarîing at ci-e tf the spâges, titis spider gume daôwn ri trëati, aulti In- mmeS in ai spiral direction, 'payià eut thýe treati as hegeoes. ft 1 ~re dI llrM >y tiwn bo ca-ch, poke, andt i ter ~oi-iý,Iéd wi lteousantis. - e! lny dtrof'c!gam ilu- be- 1w-sun lte spoes. Thtis gilin, éffl ttdby a special fi>, ltatlouches cite e file sPIralI sIraad-s. oeui1nd at onigeeýsthéitpiter w ~ti- Ibstsbick y nét a ,in d Spà arug ils i-iestes se Ihat neo l-v aunpais be'-1I As seon ns lte trap is perf ect, lte- spider tkaup bis polition atI Ils: centre, iaying -sach 04oIl-zieîegitlegs- i5n (ne of'tt eth u iatis *ky te is abusle f elaI eetse a mi-fraiof a flyi>,luadly tkit o!ft-me fM. if bu cappu-e- an iki-cecI tee large te bis de-ai lIt ihsufl-anriy7, he wsanes a fine w-eb round il, anti cees net cme ho clOsôe !ýu>rtet% - un-tl i i sso eurs- 1>, boundti ltIIl culntel mee a 1mb. She O'Idn't -Knew Beans - Grocer-#W)e b-xve some very fine Imnu. N«ý*ttde-"How muet ane 4a whste of *ime and money tô f-Iwetrely the M'k'e of 4se: in thé long mi. you W8e Piq*abiy wo<'se « thhii wben 7011 .atax*,d. 'WiaM la ,rÉr Mat)pe lpcjrtaxlt la that ye« ie-hotil4 îymto~îms andi trace teu e. -'Wiin y-ai rmMe the caUae, hea!th W111 be yours. -For examiileanaêiiic e<>pe otten. endure m iontha <6! SUÉeriËg IwËtle treating t sîitoms, sticht as mdi- zest1c-n, miortnesS bea. t plpta -tion o!t the beart -and eXhatxston' alter âny, Émail effort. T1%e apparent stâmach and heart troubles are generafly nothiing more. than. the reselt O!fa iSufficient. ux>- piy of pu .re hlood. This aOflaemic state May have fo-lowed some preyious îî1.. neà #., or an atthck b! influenza; or it may hMavinen f rômoverwork, wor- t'y or. too, littie fresit air. To Mtain -ood&hee.fh the gl#iple and Droper Tîrse l to build up the W1ood, but to 'do titis yWi must 6e1ét a rellabie i'emedy'wIth a reèputation sncb as Dr. Willlams> à ýPink iPilis., The IE p en- ri .ch1 the blood whie~ carrnes nourlali- mient to ail lte organfo!lte body and enabie them te' do the work natur, expete o! titem. Thousands of men and women have proved this for them- selà ves. en. of these là . Mrs. T.- Flynn, R.R. No. 1, ErlnsviI!P, Ont., sito gaY'a: "I aét--pink I got Ilit a badly mun down condition. .I1had no energy; work left me exhausted, and te least exexiti*n would make my h-sarI palpi- tateBYlQl.Sfltly. 1 h84 otten read otDr. Willams' Pink Pille, and decided te give them a trial and got a hall dozen boxe. 1 had lot been taking thte pillé leng when I feit -a-decided Improve- ment In my condition and bY thte tume I had used the six boxe& I could do my housework with ease. I can s.trong ly recommend-D)r. Williams,' Pink Pill te ail wbak people." Yon can get these pis titrougit any denIer in medicine. or by mail posî- paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockvilie, Ont. The Eagle Eye, of the Forest Airpiane..'. The use of airpianes.-lu forest pro- -I Waraing! Take ne- ch an substitut-es tor genaino "Bayer Tait- lets e! Asplrin." Unies-- yensse lte nie"Bayer» en package or ou tait- 'lets yen are pot gcttini!g A4piin aIahi.1 Iu evpr>, Bayer package arc directions fer Colde, Heâdtehe> NWarulgia, Rh-su- matis-rn, Es-rachis, Teeltache4 Luin- bà goà â-id fdîr Pâii. HfMtndin- boie-1 eft 1w-siie ttbletï4cea,2t t e- nIe. Jomg-, glats aise sehil -largen packages. Ms-de la Canada. Asprn i l te traite mark (regts-tered ln Canada)> o!Bay,>r lWâhigfacitîîl--e of Meues-ceteattidester ot Shlyhial Why the Prairies Treetessa.o Are ie deepenet w-tisa' lte men réalize - et beforelte train puileci eut an-1 ti n l usoacssîl-h ta' Say ahtat titse ( taI they -andti ti-lr camp have been ctrlneqa--îywsbuiî exact eauses are whicit cperatîng for'4f s-cen Inon lte atrpiane. of titis tey Tii mni un akt ted>cenarLes, have predxuced this resait are certain, w-ben they se-e message te Metammedan festival -aI Mecca. 1 ac of trocs ou the prairie), but it tutterng dow-n le Item tiirougithlie air. "Bat I ai-p ceming bnck,>' te salai, "andi~gu-al lagitb ia--ewh Tty atraiywatt -treliepapereeo!Iittng uiceng ae have glisan sorne attcablt t te sub- fails anti f possible, gel il Titey fntfor'le t ecnjoy a tiay>s iuntiag lanEag- et iL a message re'ndn limlia -e îdan -j 't hat a large part cf i-vitlL o cîtîens-cf anad> ley seuli asielpi-air2e wuascfl originahiy se;i,~ Let citiens ofCanaa, heyshoudasistthere -1,;direct evidencis te show- taI lte Fcrestry n-ranit andtihie Air ajfhIjjtDIL'T'leas~t soi-ne district.; which are n ow Fr fleurai in protectlngtheir0w-n proper- USJILUII8I ALA trreeles vre oniginilixweib thmberedl.f- ty---tbe torcst--by being cars-fui wiit nna u Uudoubtcdiy tiie chief agency whielC1a or fire. As Preentin g fir-es is muet mocre HARjONBABj4 lttl by littie, has- causedth ie praliies tu tc fics hsfiaueo irln arlleaA Nthe fefluentaCh curigprii i nt cf gre-at inipc-rtance. Ne scasen cf titisyear is se danýger- lbI is wcui known te thc>se f-irtniliar witit catel: oue le lite life oe itttle cnes as, is tiie 1!tiie oount-ry tit;t, V' fines are kapt D'ut jculi - Hcalth frcm Sand. suimr TiiexsivitaIh o fe a d-stric-t'L'or a numbrer of yeers-,j gi-" lte littie stoinacit eut cf order >- nalbaff's et poffar sj-rig Up ail h0 suicoheli twasofrcuêat uth1ytatules- m Quecfbbchet wyse!-reupnat qmciy iiat niseprompt aid i.c aI -aroundthie sleaighq siiffl10w places, W Ilng jà deai nervi-s 1-, te walk barefooliti itani titisbaby ni-y ho bey6nd ahi whict if net dîcturbM ui-aduai>, ex- L ovýen a long strebcit cf santi. Titisi iunian itelp befonslte- motion reahizs Itend tiil eventually a formuerhy breeles aèrVýes e!ftteet-sel arc sihlbY iri- I-I e is ill. Summer is lte se-ason wheu - district becemnes welii limberei. Froin battiby it cni grins,1 nt'tits iai-nhoea, c!-,?iera lnfenturn. dysentery ithis Ilb wouid seent thaI bad Rires noL> lj b1o.,bln its1-hi-ited, cini-sates anti- colle aie mosl prenaient. Any 1been se prenaient lUte paat, itetIbm- ti-lene tiresly. f one o!ftese troubles ni-sy prove deai-! bereti arisas weuld ho mach niore ex-j Bedns a>,tba# aantIroi lte Iy if net prcperly Ircateti. During the tsasive ltai' ît-ey aire at pres-et. Tihe, physical effeets. Iis nuental pow-ers suaimer ltse mter's best Inient is fI act ;ctli saai-.however, tii-at i. er-e are gieatiy lavigenateai by lte exer- Baby's 0w-a Table-bs. Theyregulats are immuense tracts ef ]andi abselutel>, cise. Titeir expiaailn is tat t-be te bowe.l-s, sweeten tte stomacit anti! Ineeless wl-jet ïaun eny be utilizedti ta long sîretcices cf sanai, bogethen w-tIi ke-cp baby tcalty. Titi Tablets. are t-hein tule-taaîaettnaeba- - tt asne cf noirý,-e ai-id 6ter ds- by me-aida-e deni ers or by mail ut maîr tpoeto turbane>, haive a Èoothing effe,ý,t on 25cents a box from Thte Dr. Wilim ttspeec t el- rpefain !ILy ttc ~ t m(,~he duCskiy re3poadca te Mredjine Ce.>'Bnockviiiis, Ont. Inee.-Ncmnîan M. Ross- Doi»ua j lte trteatiliûil. ýFoiesI-Nursery Station, IncdiaBad - - --o----- an&~ianForsta ubIcIy Saak. Saya&ni-: i'éÉSon>.feliows eaiu think ~"- - Wa n o utwcmt'y tir-tý!: ?Èr---ainent ouMht leT hei-itheiOne 'â n trctof thp- èM inow do tor Iheni, before ti- y can think of TrvUt nCr-as a inlethn tcem u~h l d frlanâs la Canada diffen nadIcailly trom -Taeie'i Cn Sy. bhese-ves. - ltoso - castbemary ln semise tier, sean- >1Now I ni goîng te give you an un-- trieS ta C--utaa golcîteci! testimonial as they sp.y t-nlte- trie3 In C-Iid h.i different go-Ten- ltent medlile advertlsing. I*eretotore 1.t~Ž--,-. ments scidai, s liisoul, lte limber te I hi-iae bad a proinund contenupt frrpa- Witnrd4tlimet f>.,rmansFr,,nd lent medicines, parIlculanly. so-,sailed - -th lt iniberm nin nilessetem lte tlinients., ýerbaps Ibis la dûe to the,, landi on wtichthbit imber grew-s. Iu reuson fht l' have beer, blesseil w1th a Gode chiîdren. wçre n-oic mate t3 somis counînies a large pereceubage cf stcui-dy constitullpn. anti have nee beies- gntWl -'utte ci- eri liite lani l ewîi-d ennigtî Y a day la my lIte. ,One day- Itai toicikup n lihete e a4i wndotih Yatter a tarddays Irai-p ln-lte sush of d~*, h~yWt5ibo -id t-pmhprvIsiteeîs n aad 3 pen Mo0ntrisal. I developecL-a seere pat inin -fli but for lurgnà Îeiý ieh r, cetet lteslter ICauda 9 re b, iiy legs Sand et course 11ke a ma-n vite-- lpoog«É >e'êty, -u frlier et f h ibrln * wld b as never bull anything wnong with isi -*éi~ t l i Nthlhg la tee goôod lte provinces or lb-e Deo o -The Physicahir. 1I cemplaineti- va-ter osir - ~ ~ ~ ~ ý f-- t, htrnd li- rnec provincial anti feceral -ý0verMnÃŽents rub thei wth soesinnient1 have.> - Peace; notleîngIo beatiieùl"forr"ha- coliecî in, stumpage -dues anti grount 'Gô aha . sd I said, Just la humi hei'.< ~y Well; lW asecamnes with hWlottle c! of maa, be4ý ROtn&iui-ig -cgrafndÊ, 100 rents a revenue o! between niae is l-M «- T Lnient an-d gels bun. lb.- ~ ms-gn~fiecnt ferus te lien andti eu million dollars Ver year. ieem b ané-apae e enjoyt _No'-nialler wtetiter lte tercts are 1 a4 e" fc't ewned b>, lte eate or by pnival,ýe con- , gFRN EJON.Mi-lîi. I ~ tti~AL Ã" 1&poraliens every citizen i3 inbeeStl f-PrSn ereute n atti I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~lu Ilîin rconservation becu-se of lte testifgeogphcjk oitcI-.n i - q i' moue>, them utibizatien cinculabes, but w-hi- vWt it l. Thédirectbion of thé e' n ~~"~%-'1NCMGN Canadans 'ha-ve titis a4dtiional incen- î<a à ~ê ~sa, a.îîeit ~'u'e~~cc, ine1i cne on lte oness ~ canal from bbé Atiunlie ta tii-oPElcifice5 ~ !ew.~ii+<a i-"~k-'tr tes ul t eei-y len-irei cl slafmm nomhhwesî te seutheast, and if - w wieSlt.0.brlng soeisrevenue dlnectiy 1intou4 pro-,~ A:-tced1--cuhyfr1~ -~'j< ~-~$~~ ~~- -incsi Ieasr>, r L-e U-mht e-w-est. thjan h-lie Pcifit en-d. Anotli.n [î~ ~ k -uîy.gfcgrap-ncpuzieî la-ttfrop Ppont- w-ore Mî~1c~t Wd, î7- à - i.ui4, Mx4ne, you,-nust uall- -south: o- tt rtV't Kesi Min2rii's Liniment in the house. eat te gEt bythie tip o Novà S(ot4t.j - been ii I ceui nïmmy Bata mbieu êr -asilE tu>, -d utI cgi>t so tifn pWë*»I6 to* I lookèd 111w JIAraà ÉUdlib,-lI. I f vsmy weak and my nerres werebi>-iI atrung ltaII coi-i-d gel but v-ery lW.l 81,60P Itnigitt.- -"Titat w-asnmy coÃ"îlitoui wiubu 1 çu huolt et Taulac, but ire botlles o! & mifedinie have simply frarsfor1idU *L Wiiy, I have actuà ily !âiuè ýà a iu weght and am feeling slmpIy fiâtb. "I have aa sleflidti appetile slnd c.a eut witatever 1 w-unI aunov-er sI a parbîcle lnom lndlgfeaIioq. MY ni-us are steà dyý'I seeex>w-ell t »lgb't -am se mucit strpngertêLtI1 eau do imy itensework wiit euà e. - -I "lalenotig -lesa il.ýtas mamveib.a itow TanMe c as buit me ux> andi I tà ke pheasure- lu ma>hlng Ibis satement f(W lte ben-efit o! otiter.>' - Tan-lac le solti by Ieadin& druggiub everywitere. Mv Beggars> Hotel 1i China. Iii ail large cîies 14 bWna are ba- tels pabrontzeti exclus-iv0ly by begganw. Mina,-d's Liniment u*sedý-by PhyslIciaiu. A swarm ôf bocusta- - hure 1éeea knuwn tbu landIfona ship lu IâL IAtlatic, 1,200 miles from- lan&I -lu ie i&ne acla we T-à 1, but In te momnclng ft w-as Juas l Iiýà d behu b-ave triefi lu dia-cvir lnluwaîer. W'ýe tnied com-binatons. o! dîfereul acIds, but sliblt-e goI remaitefl uruaffected. Fnaiby -se told t-e pmoteEsor lta w-e titougi go-bd eould not be dlesel-ted. H-e'smiled. "I Ikn-6w you eould nôct dissolve te golsi,'> ie said. "Noue of thte' acide ltaI yen-hâVe lflere- -*Al at- tack il; but try tis,,and ho itauded us a bottle rah-èied, »Niti-o-murialic J Âcld (Aquâ laReglà )." - Wé peured some et lite coIintn to biebti-Uto lte tube ltat hebd te> plece o! gold. And tégolsilitat -h.adI resisted s- eeily al liteýo-ter acide- Tfii -Ëold u-t hast bhail f hn-d Ilsa afrr. The nexl dà y ln t*- lasarÃ"bnt itel pr~é~e~m ~Trl,'dDô yiÀx kUOw *hli l la daà iled royal water?> dites,» We Ãrephied;--"Il iW beýcause Il lÉe i tbr o!fgotd, -wltlcfh caà ne -,là t almoat everything else that can be poured ou it.» "B3oya,» said. he the%, "lb *fil net hurt lte lescon tu-day if 1 take tlime to tell Yüaontt t itae a-one Ã"them gUb-, stance ltatI la jhlt ès lm, ,vous a 4oId; t camnà ât bei touoitedor clit-ged touü-ia - iundmi attlênlPts ,are macle upon il. Tii-hI Êuutahe 19 'tie sýilful horI.> Titai ed ai-~ftlltiÃ"n w i À - break- lb dowt; riches- an-d bei-ion i net soften lb; lmprisonmenb and pun- laliment wll-l not master IL. Even edu-' cation and. culture wi1.1flot dissolve lte inful heart anc purlty It o! ils dross. There is but en-e elemnetit tli7at tas puwer ever Il--thc bfood et Jésus Christ lte Baveur, lte agi-ia regia of 11e seul. Your soulà are preclous, ln-. fiulbely more precieus- titan te go-bd yon have been working wit h. ]Do net trust you r seuls te lte action- cof t!iseý otUter influences. They cannot boeh or change tem. But brin-g Iem un- der the'blood cf Jesus Christ and lte sin et your seul will bis d-Lsslved away lnthe bieprecieus biood cf te Son et parture trom lte' ot-or edeant thlîe ar- riva~l on tiia ide,,-aI-w5aI lit te -same« hetur; s-o Ihà tI 13 tÉavelier pMay -abso- lùitly irety iv~on kèetlig hie dutesaia.- tetite heià ufËaý-*tnul Incd w-saber makciÙ9 ýû - bdltièi toê -eras ite bas aule! pb4m 'and saxeed always lu reserve renderlng -ber as'dependable tbe l 1h -rot-dues express î transo landi. 'rite ôiympic, as eveï rne -kInows, dld -sncb wonder!nb service-lIn'te Worbd Wam, luntetransport o! broope, carrying ovar 90,00 wlitoôullithébosa of a single ile, onrte sligitéteat !eba titrougit derangemeut tfmahinry-, a record o! whidi - Commander Sir [Berlram F.ý Hayes, K.C.M.G., D.S.O., R.D., R.N.R., and Citief. Engineer A. Ferguson, O.B.E., have every reasà n 10 be proud.- Prevnons le ber belng baken over bylte Admlrally lu April,' 1917, site itat carried many ltousande o! passengeresafely trough ,lite -euh> marine infsetw-abers, andi per!ormed some gallanb - Iouaso! rescue- work, nolabhy ltat, o!flte enlire crew o! H.M.S. "Audaclous,>' andite altempl- ed salvage o!flte six> ersel! off te' ceast of Ireland. It was--bardiy possible lu imagine you were ut sou, w-hon spated lunltaI greal dinlng saloon,, capable o! acconi- modallng 500 persons, and-dining- as as il le only possible be dol ite very fluest andi meel lamons restaurants lu London, »Paris or Xew' York. The citeerlul, - wiihing service leaves positiveîy nobblng 10 be - de- sired by lte most exacbing - Iravellers. Thte Witite Star Line, evýidenbiy ln- tends le leeep aiiead tbu, for net oniy le te Olymplo, of 46,439 tons,-lte largesb steansitip afloal s inte werid, bat lhey are nowv bullding au eren langer vezsel, lte "Majestic,> uf 56,090 bons. whi-cb- wiii shorlly take t em plade' ou te cicean ferry.-TÈoronto Truà ti. AS-PIRI'N i nIy "Bayer?' is Genuinie tCuticiara-Be Your' -tThoughtAlway9 m thec first signa of pmieredncis. iu'ghns aper mer ty wiIth :ura nt:'Mn t sote8aand béai. tbathe with Cuncura Soap and bot er to cleanse aM i uify. Fenabl dust fe icI reshing rýul acawa 'Faicum. a de&i lymnedicated qsistely wentel Isaw- .Ituseclforf v7y-êytoiiet pOsxR z. obtm.4 SaAB.TEamzs. sou ighouttheD)onintn. %CdieurDt n, Lbduedd344êtVad S4 -Omw IrcntcunS3mpa"V» widbfotn 'INTERESI is, a ShottItLt B4* a rdiaE. Piuikhà W&'Veg-. table Compound. kurohl bn "i f. -w M&nid q - MO-'JEYORE& Senti -a Domnfalou .Express 1 Mfoue7 Qed-en. -Fin-o Dollars oass ttre ceute. Fraà neee ~at& hsdees, 2,500.;000 since 11911, witheut r~o ing Alsace Lorraine 2n4 A-%Igeria. Ask for Minarcl's anid talcs no oth--r. Aniong th--toesini a gte-e-:t AtIse- tic liner for Ohé voyagoe-will be 170,00 pounis of nmeat, &0 to= lfCrptatoes, and 5,000 pomfd.s o bLer. Man1d Fr'eWto ap Âê I. Clay Glovier Co., ImL New york-.'U.S.A. OARSEOSATOO s Y -t- - ~1 -i - $»~ Hâtff A - 'à , A