ss Meeting of the. supporters of the 1Lib.rai.Comsenviativc Perty -of South wv'Il be hçid ln the MUSIC HALL, WBi1TBiÇ IftDAY, OCT. i 5ý,tb, 1921 * Ptipi s f 1SpItiDg a Sdmiat#. of speaker* to b. a.n*uiîcêd Inter* GQD BAVE'_TliE.KING. '%SD. ruiet 4. A. MoSIb~Ia, SeoretsrV. Whltby- Lu mber -Standard Touring,-Car Hu8 every:reflnenuent you would cemand ia bigh-priced. car: One-man top with snap-on curtain f asteners, windows in, back. Sloping, double .ventilating windshield.' Demountable rims. Tire -carrier. Non-skid rear tires. Leather door grîps. glaS\. Horn button mounted'on top of steering column. Seatir-g space re-arran ged to give maximum riding comfort. Head lights equipped with approved non-rglare lens. Eleetric starting and tighti'ngequiprn.nt furnished, if' desired, a-t addiltionctl cost Z4 Ford Motor. Company of C'anada, Limited Ford, Ontario Co* 3a quautity of the above on harnd, and a few -arloads expeotêd short1y. havè bought right and are prepared. to quote - rockbottom pricesr. on antielpate doing any building or repairing, give us an opportunity tûo quoto prices. J. M. KENNY NUINE BARGAINS THMEM One Cushion Rubber-Tlre Top Bùu%9y, Otie Fleury PIow, single furrow, 1 Bstema'n-WiIhu< son îPiow, single!furrow, Two Quebeeà t.Haters, aliost new, 1 Cockshutt 10-locth:Orinder, good as new, -Sold by- H., -A. -LeBar Farmi Emtplement Store Box 889 Wh Itbyg $100 $15. III anid CaD,'W ns and Bullbh Le sanie thing of i.d;uatry" U D",r cent on thetr producta. 10Wonder few f4rmffl iare paying an mofiome tax.?' . Mr. Bumnabe laimed thia-tthe Smi- ste teùids to ~te-growth of autoeracy. JMen who&have beezi. appoinWe by a SGovrnment- long bout of ,power . ave $eauthority to t* aiy lawpissed, bytepeople.<"la tbis demeracy?" he aéked. Ooncluding, Mir. Burnaby urgedthe, Progressive Party o! South Ontarlo te og~nie througlyand victory' Prominent Farmers Fresent. The meeting was attended by sonieA o! the Most, pronunent , farmers of! South Onts4rio. In the, absence o! J.f Forgie,- President, o! the South On- tario -'Natiýnal Progressive Party, the 1: chair -was taken by Vice-President George Sndthé .W." C. -Ashenhurat, President of the United Fa rmers. of South Ontario, spoke briefly, -urging the supporters of the party to eliminate ail personal feeling or* references i. the cern- paign. "We -are accuÈed o! opposing another farmer," se said.- "As far as Iarn aware no one ei ,se lias yet nom- inated a candidate but ourselves. So if some one else- is nominated, they Sare'opposing us.' That is the way it looks to be."I *Hugli P'ugh, of. Pickering, Secretaryý of the party, spoke briefly, mainly. in conneetion with-the.raising of funds for 'the emmpaign. BARN ROOF CATCHE9 FIRE The Fire Brigade had a liglit work- out on Monday morning about il o'- ýlock when an alarm wvas rung in for BASEIALIL $15 J,*ILLCRESTS -$15 (Sr. City Champions) $25va, OSHAWA (Central League Chaps ALEXANDIRA PARR, OSIIAWA Wsdnssdays Ostobor 5th ont. Game Caled ali 3.15. - ADMISSION, 50e. wèek-ed witih relatives fi JifCiBy. Mrs Bei jBrysu le Ou a twÃ" weeWe. notor'trip te New yozk witli friends. gMrs. Reiss, o! Buffal, 9V-Midla'le week with ber :father, Mur.-Bon. Bry- <Miss Kathleen O'Çoflfor, of Whltbyt viitd witl rrenshere ýlest in sJeniéRose, Of Toronto, was a guet- t 1Mr. Chas. Bart0W'8, Sr.gre- cenitly. Mr5 J 3.~'onor and grandsoni Jack, have been vusiting çwith friends in Detroit.f Mfr. Will Ayers spent7 a couple' b days laÈt week wit:i his sisterý mn,Lind- say and à ttended the fair- . 11 Master Harold Beamishi Of (Oshawa, spent the -week-end with his grand- mother, Mrq. Lewis GiMblett. -Mr. and Mrs. Thoin, o! Montreal, amr; on a two weeks' visit with' Mr- andt Mrs. Thos. Jubb, Brock Street, north., 'rT F.G leth f Hamilton, was ini town last week atteiidinlg the fu- neral of lier father, the-laVe- Sylvester! Mackey, of Kinsaje. Mr.. and Mrs. David Baîlingail, of Jamestown - near Brusýsels, Ont., and,, 1Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Breckenrique, of the same place, miotored to Whitby; to visit Mr. W. P. Or-vis, M1&s. Litîtner and M~r. and Ml-s. H. Burdge. COMING TO WHITflY. MUSIC ADDS. TO "SIIEPH]!RD 0F THE HILLS" - lHarold Bel Wrighit clings-*to-otunes o! yesterâay in- arranging musical accompalu- 1 ments. The Shepherd of the Huis is ai strikig film drama.. Mr'. Wright lias i defied ail standards o! motion picture production. Hie has transferred to 1the screen the- pages of his famous .novel, chapter by cbapter, exactly as they are in story torrn. It. is more- than a- masterpiece. It is an inspir - ation. This production~ played Massey HaîIiToronto, Christmas and' New Year's week which will be shown ini -Whitby Music Hall for one ni-ght only, Mondà ,y, October 3rd. In the Shep- herd of the Hisg Harold Bell Wright has producwbat is probabiy an uni-, que production within the> memory of even the most anéient play goers. In" this passior~e. draina the scenes of Swhich, are laid mu the Ozark Moun- tains, the -performars, istead o being limite« tÃ" the traditional spaces o! the tlîree-waýI¶ed stage, are seen t;é wouderful advantage in numerous stunts while iu perilous -positionis on a mountain side, an element that tends to make the production highly attrac- 1 7~HEFordson- Tractor is buit with Sove-strength ,in. everypato witbstand the,,strains of- constant heavy "wôrk.1 It was tested under- every possible conidition offarm.'work before it w-as put. on, the markeE It bas ,ee n tried out by thQusands of far mers in-the past two years: and b as n'eyer fallen down on its d-cai mýs. The' Fordson is'-simfple in'design, flexible in controf and operation Lét us demonstraté this tractor on your farm. When we *se l you -a Fordson we are here to keep it running, every. -day. in' the year. We -have, Fordson parts^and, Fordson. mechaics. The nonîversal Garage THOSO LeROWE. ProDorietori Ford Dealers Whietby, ont Wednesday, October 12-The farfhi 2 sets doubletrees; ~ hay rack,650 lbs.! 6 months' credfit te parties furnisliing stock, and implèments of the Misses binder twine; forks, hoes aMd other a ýproved- joint' notes. -six per. cent.,- Mary and Margaret'Farewell. will be aftieies. itpeaým of-osh soid without'reserve on lot 3 and 4, The implements in tihe above ls e nu f o ah Baselbie East,, Oshawa, 1 %,, miles were bouglitnew. last spriug. WM. MÂWP; Aucti'oneer. from G.T.R. -Junction. Sale at 'one As Mr. DisnLey has disposed* of --s o'clock.' For particulars see postes. farm, everything, will be soldj without James Bishop, auctioiieer. the slightest reserve. *Mouday, October 17.-Auction sale Sale -ât ONE o'elock sharp. o!fristoc1c, the property of Jobu ITerme:-Ray, tran, corn, turnips, eS SI Bic-kle, lot 18e con. 6, ýWbitby Towu-zpy fwl,.app esn, u laneo __________ sbip, one mile east o! -Brookliu ta $20 and under,,casjh; over that amounmt tion. Sale at one clo*1 sharp. . We have on han, Maw, auctioneer. iaiTm FrPaNu~ EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE UI *u d 511i lit à UUUUU Tî *wuFa'vP'" 0 l - ýof Cf ydesdale Horses, Durham Cattie, - CHANGE 0F TIME CANADIAN Pigs, Sheep, Implements; Hay, NATIONAL RAILWAYS. Grain, Corn, Turnips, etc., Effective October 2nd, 1921. The undersigned lias received in- Canadian. Nati6nal Railways an-1 structioxis fromn Mr. nounce the foliowing changes, in train. 1* J E. DISNEY service, effective, 4ftober 2. Lot 32, rear 7th Concession, Whitby Train No. 5 "Queen City" day 'ex-j Township, te seil by pubie auction on. press !rom Ottawa, will arrive Whit- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th. by Jet. 7.36 p.m. ilaily exoept Sunday. the foliowing valuable property, viz.: Tra .in. No. .6 "Capital City" day' ex- HORSES-1l gelding, 6 yrs. old, h. press for Ottawa, will arrive Wliitby d.; 1 gelding, 7 yrs. old, h.d.; 1 geid- Jet. 12.55 p.m. daily except Sunday. ing, 7 yrs. old, h.d.; 1 geiding, 7 yrs. Equipinent on trains Nos. 5 an.& 6 old, light horse., as at present; parlor aud dining cars1 CATTLE-1 milch cow, 1 cal!, 4 and coaches. steers, 2 years old. Train No. 7 Niglit express froin Ot- I RARNESS-i double set harness. tawa, will arrive Whitby Jet. 6.04 à ., 1 double'set o! harn'ess, uew; 2 sets i. daily. single harness. nearly n.ew. Train,~ No. 8 Night Express forOr ti FEED AND GRAIN-A quautity, tawa -wiil leave Wliitby Junction. 12.12-1o! !odder corn; 1.% acres turn*pS; 200 a.m. daily.t bushels cats; 100 buaheis- barley; 50 Equipment as et present: Club- buehels mixed grain, 50 busirels buck- Comnpartmeut and Standard Sleeping wheat; 8 busheis timothy seed; 20 Cars an.d Coaches.00 tons liay; a quantity o! apples, to'be Fuil information. obtainable froin sold by tree. nearest Canadian National Railway Iý SHEEP, PTGSAND POULTRY_ Agent. 1 2 breeding ewes, 1 » reg. Costwold v j shearling ram, 1 pig, about '75 ibs.; 27 MARRiAGES. hens,- 8 roosters. EVANS-N IARI aGES. on*on- IMPLEMENTS.-i 5 1t. mower, EVAS-NILLIn hity, u Mn. new; 1 5 St. mower, Deering; 1 10 ft. day, September 26t1i, 1921, Caro-. rake, new; 1 luniber wagon, new;'l Une Adeiside, daugliter o! Mrs. set harrows-, 4 sections, new; 1 scuif- John »Neill, to George Hen.ry Evans, l er, new; 1 cultivator; 1 set liglit bob of Oshawa. sleighs; 1 Kid Kangeroo plow, new; 1 VIP0ND-POUND - Ou Saturday, two-furrow plow; 4 single. plows;,,i September 24th, et 443 Dovercourt grmnding stone; 2 wheelbarrows;,l Road, IToronto, Elizabeth, daugliter top buggy; 1 open buggy, rubber o! H. W. Pound, to Frank C. Vi- tires; 1 horse fork, rope and puleys; Pond, son. of Mr. aud Mrs. John. Vipond, Brooklin, Ont. SALE REGISTER. Saturday, October lst, 1921.-Auc-I tion sale of the property known as the Whitby Fruit and Vineger Co., the I property o! A. 'M. Ross ý Whitby. Sale 1 on t4e premises, Brock Street south, Whitby, et two o'clock. On-the prem- ises are a brick building 42x54, two storeys, with 12 ft.. basement, twoI story frame buà ildling. Full up-to-dateI equipment for making cider, vinegar, end. evaporated apples. Two steair engines one 50 h.p. boiler. For full particulars apply to proprieter or Wm'Maw mutiner., Octpber 3rd.--AuctioIi. sale oi the resideuce and fumniture o! the propry !th estate o! the late Mrs., ElizaCm rookhin. Sale et oe o'clock hap ebis. Wm. -Maw, *Weclaesday,- October 5th. -Exten- ive auction iale. Clydesdale Herses, Hligli-Grade DurhAâniCattie, Berk- shire aud Yorkshire hogs, implIetneutrs,. hayI sud grain,- the property o! W111 White, lot 83,91, o.7, Whitby Town- slip. Sale at -12.30 o'ciock sharp. See, bile. WS. £faw, efftiouei. -14 T hurday, , Octeber 6th.- Auction sale o! housé'and lot and a numnber o! buildin lots i u the Village o! Picker-, mIg, the prope$ty e! Milto, Scott. Sale at .1 o'clock. Sèe bjllaj* Wm. Ma-w, auctioneer. - Mnday, October 1.-Anction sale, o! fan stockan& eimleinientsth . péetOf Daniel Rbnon & son, l'et8, oh. 7», Whitby lP. Sae at11. b'ck 4map. Sée, blle. -Win. Wedn*&Ak- fiehar.%.- ..ii.dtofl eatd învio, ratp 'the ho .O~neos systin. moakes nhe w Boo nerIvMousd Ve ns. Us frner Bous Ir mMrital and Brai&Worry, Orqio.dawv, Lors of Energv, PaJpiiaion of 1*0 HeerW Fing Memor;t.PriSc$2perbox,3. for $5. SIid by ait druggists, or nI)ed in plain pkg. on reoopt of prce New pamphlî* sailed lm ¶ Imm OP EDICINE O,Ç ITOOT Cooks CottM Root Coimpoun& rnedicane. Socid in three de- gresof siiength--ýNo. 1, $1; No. 2, 43; Xi. 3, $5,per box. Sold bc al druegista, or sent peadon receipt of price. Fr.. -pamphlet. Add, ess:, THEt COOK MEDICINE CO.; TORONTO. ONT. (Fr..dÃŽ.Wl"s.) Ha y- -F'ver SUMMER iCOLDS, eASTHMA, Zpolmm yA hlHa eost"v* top h..troubles >s DuOal youfh .bs4ht ai Tou' AL L 1.I1 vît- LOCAL' Intorior Doorating Beat Work Gwrarantecd., Get Our Estimates. JAMES -BROO-KS, 'PAIN-TVL md PAPEIHANGER PKRRY ST.* (P-0. Box 121) WHITBY Telephone No. 304 40 I MuuS1 8luanda vm b-ibgua 8.1.e Agents D. L. & W. teranten bl. >WhoIeaaleand Retail. phione 70 PORT WKITBY oýurteous Service- THiLiE ourteous attention extended by members - of the bank's 'staff where you keep your ac-> Scount adds mateially to, your satisfactiçn in con- ducting your bankng bush"c. Standard Service is essentiAly courteous service as rendered by every branch of tisBank,iro-MW the Manager to the latest recruxit on the sà taff. TH' STANDRDJ3N Whitby Brai, Brooklin Brti TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINBM ILLIONS ich: - e C. A. McCleUlan, manager. anch: - H. H. Loosemore, Manage. -Every Do1Var Saved To-Day Iwilf help1 <chasing p increas9 Inctiese y WHIM DAM% OSHAWA,:DRANcH. '1il to- brin-Xdow p-es, and the pur- power of oney paved RQWw dl* as the cost of living cornes down. ocur S,»avings Account. Ã"MIIONBANK, LCRO ES& Mauna. VKTORY LOAN --COUPONS -*,0 win caa - your'TVictoryIL omn u -rnia e 1 i hem t nvtiuw _ j 1 N"\/ I FORD DOFALERS, w 1%09. L,. Sowe, F Pp WN Shigle, Odur Poss L. BEECROFI GRAB Dandas. St., ~î1~1~1Y4 _______________________________ ~ j 1 ooqLý*MWM ý 1 l' 1