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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Oct 1921, p. 1

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Last,Year a'aIr[1 "IWIITY (l;L FI&WÂS AN' fair EEN 10hT. -~ by Don't'forget to taire home h a box of-tel pi] MARY ANNE. th_ HoIme Made CIIOCOL4TES. h 75e e-b reg in *uflh.t and Optido. ne Pë*ae 184fai tai ,4-WOOD' n For Sale. te HARDWOOD SLABS w thi Firs1t claÈemechanie, whQ P han had eý.tensive oxperi- k< once will have charge of the mn repair work., Cari- taken 50 down ànd o"erhatu1ed. se. Lower Rate than umual. er W£ RAVI A LARQË MOVINO VAN. eq th MOVINS DOUE TO ANY DISTANCE. -P th nu ni or7té ey 4 th ai Yonllg and Oharl s Bts.,Torouto LI Iis a School with a Splendid Record. P( When sùperlority of training is con- T sidered this college rankas among the ci bent on the contient. Write to-day ais for catalogue. Enter a t any time. n( W. 3. ELLIOTI. PrincipaL oi el di SHEET !IETÂL WORK il Ail kti4a et ofoiýgggone-felt and ee gravel, islat. andtflle. Cheapest pos- 1t. ScrantonCo-al Dopoti, W. have the bestcoal MINED. Al I aises.: EGG, STOVE SIZE, CHESTNUT, PEA, SOEI' GOAL and SMITHING CO.AJ always in stock. Al our small ceai under cover f ree from the. wea-, ther. and and gravel. Ail coai wcll uerned at -yardsw kt Rt SLOW, Agent, WNITYIU Bell Phone 9 Home Phono 14 NORTON IL GIBMN Ontario and Dominion L and- éurveTor and Civil Engineer Succ.ssor te, late W. E. Ydrnold, Ontario Land Surreor of Port Porr Phone -1ay or night 281 Hopkins St. Whitby Vie-TORY BONDIS H§RPGSIM asUMFR SUM FIR87TMUOIAS I 1111 UIMIID. Uu&-N.e. Es?0wa,oB. e .ee VETIftINARY V GO Graduateofe the Unlemity of Toron- to Former Veterinary te Macdonadý ttenaQue. te 251] attetio an îkflueaQe. Pro Àpi èmoncBell d lndénend.t-PI.oi IloI. ~F ope Air c ,SchoolFPair Association, held at i ttended by a huge celebration, the e Town Park on Tuesdays wasë pro- brilliancy and pomp of which- have tctive of an unlimited-amount of en- neyer before been eqiua.led in the his- rtaimnt articuiarly for the pu- 1 tory., of Whitby, the eewpemnt la tbmelvea. For the youuig f 6%k pavement,« three'quarterÉ ef a mile i Is is the one occasion of -the year length of- Dundàs, Street, and a quar-1 hen thair pare s and eiders, bave -te ter ot a mile on'Brock Street, was of- tback and le~ them run *ngg te ficiatLy op ened on- Thursdgy Iast by, .ir owu liking, with,. of eeursé, týe Hon. F. C.. Ê'gsMnSte fPbi ipervision of he- Agricultural Rep- Highways. The occasion was unusual entative, »--thý Insptor and the in xnany ways,lànd unnistakably dem- ,hool Principa s. The arrangementsotrtdhttepopef Whitby connection wt the exhibits, pro-hÈve few peers li carrying out an .=n, etc. ,are argely carried out jby undertaking *hen once they'set their Le sehélars, a2id'this gives"tliei- a minda-te'it. "The fineat oetits kind Il ln the 11 day, a diviic 0000000,00-!0 OÃ",00-01 Friclay whcli rendered i mossible to, 0 "tWlùtby lias'sii asIgËdard0 later in the day. This re.qire<&an Oý for. other towTLs In tbý -Pi'ov- O'0e#çra halt day te finish the pverits-and1 0 ince.,ThL5is sti larèpst anid 0 these were.held on Monday afteriicon.il O mnost enthilsiastià gt!WriTg I 'O 'Johxi Blow was the firat te miake ai' O have had the -PiWMlffl etof new record, miaiing -16 feet 1t32 inch- O speaking tb at â4y road open- 0~ es li the running broad junup,'this, be- 0 ing., whitby ha!;clone its Peltd ig 3 nches ahead etlast y e O0 proud."=ýI-Ion. F-' C. liggs.iO m*i. Unfortunately. Blow, W~hé was] O 0 threschoos betmanin the running 000 000 00.QOO O O OO evenits last. year, and- was b)eing de- _________________pended upo t- win imany pejats for orated bicycle, m WnxlrdBradé Whitby thi ye.rat .the. Inter 111gb bury,, as a-JaPanese'girl surrounded-Sho et nueLbske uti gponiwuy ~uu a xn~vst, '.'v ver aw;was ne umm~t. r~quut. -îl _-arl r-e---pne. ian __ j evetl. anythàdher prt ie te sorts.Ie due of*which Vanot be denied. ly xmde by ,outLoftowù visitors. -anotherstrong contendier for the pnze. w GogeeanY hne at il the ort& This year th( exhibits were net Frem fist te iast the .celébration Teewr a ubW0 eugi~ti. G100 yard iidasadIlhisJoeks- arly as nux1erous as -et the. ast was- an imes stes.Pom nmeû ,and womjýen in.. tumle, who- c0ood tst*10 ad duliancod er semoo. ir here. ThisI was probably partiy1inesw e e e r presenting the EHigli- <iitelinn aal otete uce 'tim ougetandwha sedon the 'et the tact that crops ln general, WaypDepartment et the, Provincial G.goÏwozas o'h ar nt s ocd as usàIai, and bence Government; sittiug memberg for theettepad. Langevn-SèbertStainten Cup quarte iodenrie wrenet as readly oh- riding li the local and Féderal Houses -'The. procesibW, tbequrtr mile race -and -the haitle r #-l ook- inedhy ii.yeuhfu exibiors were on hand aise, and tro" the town -of a mlle lai length. w~hae ye ietesho' ~x etcoc x leewrhowever, seme splenid and surrounclink country fui ly, five the 4Sth HighuanderÉ' Band, Whse the sprints and longer rac .es. 1O ther eci«ne ofv*etables on view, a-s thousaxd people gatherecl te a eîx services fer the. afteMnoon ùiid evening records te b. macle were: eso ailas inetamie etdomsti dy oe e rei fnisudamuemet.were contrbuted by- lb. Warren Pav- and jump, M. Kennyo .85 ft. 7». in.;, lence work, "aaseft pouitry. The. Old Mani Probs alded sud abetted those ing Ce. Then came the 111gb and Pub- Bassett-Stainten. Cup race, i ileV. ies - i the ptJen and 4tsde were li charge, - ud a finer day could net ili Sèhool pupils, with a larg"alyHugn,5uxi.4se;HghJnp t as closely çrwded as iast- year, have been desired, with smiiiixg skie ho" and trucks ladexi ivlththe ýyounger M. , Kenny, 56tt.; puttiug sÏhot', D. Mc- dth dges Were'ahi. te, throw the. aud warm air. The stores anid streets chlldreii., Then tolloed the autos,, Intyre, 34 ft.; pote vault, C. Lure, 8 ft. ,nt open te t1 e publie at an early were g-aily decorated wlth fiags sud flcnatsp bicycles. etc., 1aùè a #cenipaniy et 9 i.; 1in.; quarter mile ruai, W. Gou- - bunting. BOY Sot ihBu'le Band. -To- geen., 6§ sec. lI 'the junior events,, Tiiere was ai large crowd on hand, The.tewxi exi masse tumned eut in wards'the reur, Were ille NWhithy, A n- 'Julian Beecrott macle'a uew recordfo lie weegvnago after leonhs -oliday attire, and ne, happier, jollier ateul, Atiiletic. AssociatiornzinstreI putting the siiot, bis mark'being 26ft. xtci, dthvewlAg th.ehtsaim ewdCbas-ee- beenseen in tii. town- Band, under the leadership, et' E., W.. lin. stcbng ue ~ors.A bsebli ame Comencn with the. calithunipian Evans, about twenty-flve'lu nunîber, Dunican Meîntyre, by reason 'tfw:î ~t~n i. hl ees1a fl'prdeli the. aftemxioex, througb the al li costume, whe supplled music and xing points lime.vnt than,-any wed~~~~ ,y c~fral lse adpregram e f speeches in the aternoon, other things for the eédification and other contestant won the Senior ees et «ciieiar, anxd the entries li at the evening banquet, in the open-air amusemnt tt Jred hc ined Cbampienshlp. Julau -Beecreft wonxm eses vent 're numruehtcnert at nigbt and the. dancing on the streets. the. Junior Chiampionship, with Ronlald L~ jugeha sme diffiuity ln the Pavement afterwards, there was a -.The. route of march Çovered ail theTiionmas a goedsecond. ckig ot4b wnnes. ibion ivreswing and a,"punch" te tthe entire af- paved streets, and> passed the "-Four Vie girls' cextests ee usally yen as prîzeý, and these were as f air tiiat was pîeasing lithe. extreme. CornerW" twi<ce, wbere the buge crew'd wei snesed ariiryie u - tunly sgtaslfu e idbex tNet, a hitcb etf any kind- marred the alrnost blocked the treIll. At the Con- ning high jump, ini whicb Grace Hun- uc raer value rceig, n twsthofpetclso tti procession, thie floats, ter cieared 4 feet 2 inches, only one Th'e ~ n s8le ubro nre kmnd of a crowd that broke up i the autos, etc., were paraded befere t~~~ls thntx uirby.Ti rnewhat in c, ntrast te other rural wesnl er tFla xmig ijd sfrtedcso st h inhwas asplenidheatjunior aoys.,Tsud hool fali taiý heid tihroughout the Jeso rzs l-wsasini ei.o il n iunty thiis year, whe'ien iiaîmost ev- A "Tip Top" Parade 1ese rzs Phyllis Meîntyre macle a close. second rY instance thle entries have been- For almost twelve solid bours things Public Speaking Êt Post Office with 4 et..tinmchi. -lI the ruuming qual te if flot more numerousta wr.<i time.Siolyatr>IFîîwgti.pada'reax , events aise there was a- close contest. lose et lest year. The Higii Sciiool the ten ark bInoflwtipoi'uscadsece a e~ n lithe. flght fer thé~ Senior'Girls' Cham- le classes this year, whicii, et course, nde,- and by- three o'clock, when the. Post Office at the Four Corners, Mayoi over Gertrude Hunter, whQ was ony4 eant a substantial siirinkage iu the, procession started, tiie grounds were-J Harper weicomed Hon. F. C. Bigsponsbhd,-i.eri"mkg imber t exiibitg.alniost filied witii sevemal hundred Mr. W. A. Mctean, DeptyMiite1e Points in more contests,,than ber cern- - A~~~~~~~~ tetrtti ar itbsntauts and ciudren, on fQot and Ini cars Hîgbwa3Vs; Mm. Geo. 'Hogarth, Chicharpe so n ti uireet ee iaevyailt eretfr a th atre and with decorated bicycles, flonts, and Engineer et the Deparinnt; Col RcirsnadMroi ae a atl ttrteprogram prze mon- autos. Not evèn those i charge et ar- MncKendrick, President, nid W. H. an excitiiig contest, the former win-ý Y wonl by thél pupis wns pnid te rangements had expected se large. a Legge iePeieue h arn ing eut as the champion. em. lu4 ar 'alcae, i.przes turnout. Tiiere were at least'-tiirty Paving, Go.; Hon. Wi .Smith, -M.P.; The first two wiuners li each et the er: st 40c, ?ud.- 3oc, 3rd 20e, 4th decornted cars ancEfloats, and nunier- W.E . IcaIM FM. hp vnswntergt tepestth )c Mrii En L i. ibboxis. eofOs- us bicycles, on whicli mucl imurnsd' man, memibers efthtae iwn Council, Whitby High School ' at the Inter- Mr. E.Who i er, .eve et Os..xoney.baci been spelit. Tii. Public nnd-otiier civie officiais. Sehool meetheid here between Osh- wwobsee a8sisting Mr. R. tk:e w.à BNIavil n hi jumyrh E~ Tiper, te-Ag~nltar~ - Wrks Dpartiseutand,-tax,,,F4nneto - Mayor-Harper, in ,-addressi x awomavlendWtb 11b * 1;Tfpre, ltheo hecutya sixo P' w:lw raiydspthtçiti ii s , w a t e d e t o u t y u n o ts ~ n e i n p a ti u * 1 ii ,i !i p o t n t o n W e d n e s d a y , b u t t h i iÏ ~t sock Mrs Viker, wih treeWsit1 awar dcc first prize, repre- evexit- se fer lni the hlstory et the tewn Wiiitby High Schoel, athietes, h e axer ladieg ùr»i Oshawa, jucd th sented n miniature farm-ygrd, 'with and he was proud te have been asse- pended on hini for many points. omestic 9cienco exhibits and flowers,_ calt, pig; and chiekens, in pens on1 ciated witb thie Town Council in iiav- Tii. winners et events were as fol- rtd.the etiiercasewr ugd either sideè; anotiier was by tiie Weod- ting the werk dené. H. beiieved the iows:- V. M. Livingstôn, ef Smitiis Falls, workers' Union, and sbewed excellent ' Pavement would be on.' ef the tewn's. Senior Boys ioyd P.gg, et Greènwood, 'Mr. Tfp-. sampies et woodwork turned eut for grentest assets, and as tume gees o1n -220 yards dnsh-D. Mclntyre, J er and Inspeqtor R. A. Hutchison. use intiie Hospital buildings; still an-' the citizens would. realize this te a fui- Blow, 29 4-5 secs. hesports wvere in charge et rici otiier was by tii. Electricians, and ex- lier extent, sud te the peint aise when Running Broad Jump-J. Blow, D). ai Irelanci, O e i1gb Sciiool,Pr- hibiteci several electrical devices li op- tiiey would.asir for tii. paving et other Mcîntyre, G. Jones, 16 ft. 1./2 li.- pal Sennett, of tiiepublie Schoois, eratioin; then there was a float show- roacis. He believed tii. moey put into Hop, Step and Jump-M. Kenny, D. a&' Mr. Tipper., ing mnny preduets used in construc- the 'pavement was a first-cinss busi- MeIntyre, G. Jones, 35ft. 71/2 inl. An unfortunate occurrence in con- iOn work et the. Hospital, andi anether ness i'vestment. Bassett-Stainten Cup Race, 1 mile- ,ection witiitiie, Fair was thie remfovai uck bore a cement mixer, wiiicb turn- Albert W. Jackson, wbe was recent- V. Hucigins, D. MeIntyre, F. llawes, 5 f a geed many et the vegetabiesos 1ýd 1eut pnper-wrnpped candies for the îy appointeci Town Cierk, snid' there min. 48 sec.y ýXiibit, by schlars net extitied i t kiddies alo--g thiè route etfrnrch. li neyer been a happier moment in Cntne n ae4 hiem, and tii. consumption et the Detaileci mention etftiihenxany excel- his lite. H. mad liveci in Witby for (Cntnud _nag_4 akes and otiier cooking by the chli- lent f9onts la aîmost impossible. "The hait a century, anid bac always taken- Iren betor, many et'-tth. spectators village Blncksmitii," showing n an initerest i civic matters, but neth- .;a gh>n>fJ Lad an oppertunity to view tiiem. Mr. s-ith's forge andi fire li full working ing gave i greater pleasum-e thian e '-n.aa'hed.a". 7ipper and thie Sciiool ]Principals were trim, ýby YV. H.- Ronch andi severai as- tiie present occasion, tiiougb li his J ýngage in conducting tiie sports, et sistants, was an nmusing and weli time he mad seen- local- improvements Oiial~ v . h. time, andi it would have seemed pianneci tenture. Tii. Bank et Cern- deveiep from one stage te. anotiier. HleOnT anS r ce vise thnt sorne représentative otftiie merce had n teîîer's cage in wiïich a teit the town et Whitby was te be- 3oard et Educatien or otier persoxi diminutive telier -andi a ledger keeper iienrtiiy congmatulnteci on its step lii ,houlci have liedcherge Ot tic teut te sat at e counter rendy for business; acivance, wieih be considerec te b. Tuis week several changes in tiie event an occurrence sucii as took Niciiolspn & Seldon bnci n truckr fitteci uothing but n f air andi legitirnate in- tinte tables efthte Grand Trunk andi lace. This sort o1t tiing is suci as up i unique manner as a iiunteres vcstment. The presence et se large e C.P.iR., went inte effeet; witii tiieme- vfould tend te disceurage exhibits, if cabin; the Rebeknhs, I.O.O.F., repre- crowd- was an endorsatien ef suit tint the sciiecules et trains leav- llewed every yeam1 , andi n prevention senteci a ixspital wnrci witb nurse in the policy et the Department et Public ing tiieWiiitby stations are now as te itdeurneseuc egea charge et n patient, d n number et Higbways li granting assistance in tollOws: -eed anotiier yenr.thxe officers, in fiansm costumes, fol- oad building ixi the urban andciruaGTR.(uten Howevem, tiie faim gave n great deal lowed;,the Fire Brignae md an be . nxbnicipnlities, andi in enceuraging ns Going West-4.52 a.m., 6.04 a.ni. :) satisfaction te tiose wib took part, eel gnily ciecerateci, acc'bnpanied by far as possible tii. censtmWcC'on et per- (C.N.R.), 10.33 e.rn., 2.24 pan., 7.36 cosl welas seu expemience, that n number et tiie compnny; tii. Whitby manent rondway. Whule Whitby iia( p.rn. (C.N.R.), 8.45 pa.i. any'otiier way, anci it fils n place in Lumber anci Pinning Mill mci a cv- taken the responsibility et expending Going East-12.12 a.m. (C.N.R) tiisco tirne ancitroe teen.at wel erly designeci flont dvertising the $100,000 on tii. pavement, tii. Govemu- 8.10 a.rn., 10.14 ., 12.55 pân. (CN1 whsoo ie aedtrote tw n nt firm's preducts, anci there werc many ment, througb Mr. Biggs, mad contrib- R.), 2.37 p.rn., 6.42 p.m., 9.30 pi Tii. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MlA winr ntx lassflo: hr equally excellent flonts, incluci- uteci 40 per cent. et the cest etftti. Sunday trains eastbeund steop at selacis, cakes, pe.ectitfheij tie, tti(ingitC...tan t i i . t a b l e s , g a v e i m m e n s e s a t i s f a c t i o n t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T r o t a 1 .0) ni i tetigests.' Tih.ladies mci made,____ ___ __This icavesTont 1.0pM spiendici arrangements for looking at- 9miueatendigtnsec ter th e w ants o t the crow d, and i w ere- 1, ea t bo1-. witîut stop as Pr.-b let us for churcli auditou, a po- of geing turough ito spasre tiie lest table iiad been serveci. -..z.'viousiy. grInth preside d to r y t aepro-. à.One train leaves Toronto now et Hoa, pestder t the cimciRev. .1 .to J, M, FRASER'S 5.30 p.M., Insteaci et two et 5.10 andi Hwaitb rd. iistraofnde rchW.Eas,6 q., respectively. This train ar- g iv e n b y e fin e r m y et ta e n t . T h e f r y u r6n s nr v sp t W.1b1u ct e t . 2 P leader, enderéd numemeus enjoyýable m~ i. The 7.3ý a.m. westbeund train is senetin pet- c al 4uing andI)FTy cancellec, andi a train now leaves for - Eva BellheMN' W m. HC IGdR EMiss Toronto t 10.33 a .. On Sund y the enetizet oa oo by Miss ALCaomening train from Toronto is corne- ËvaBel, Mn Wm Hed, Missand OBA COSwat later, being at 8.48 a-i.m nitead Katiieen Nicholson, Mr. C. . Par- et 8.10 as on wek ciys. The Sunday- etn en Mhg or, and Bshwer eauiey-.. sons~ and Mm C F Bue n e e nil jLarge Âssorîrent et Clean re h evening train westbound 15 t 7.31 P a p e at c . -t y B u s en 15 ea recnt -S to c k A w a y s o n H a n d. n t e u t y Li l c y u n h f voice of unusa beauty andi strengthSha ng temneen train nortiibouxid is cancelieci anci captivated! tii. audience by hiavnHitutns t@ ad h veigtai evs eea iw l eetd n m es 6.55 p-n. Going- sout, tii. menig MissVelm Oxrenwod, f Oàwatrain ie t 8.01 instead et 7.26 a.., Motiss Vedna rexwedetOha444 A the lateet electrical appliances, ti .5s..sotioun 5as uul an&i the 5.15nptary.ging soutii is caTi- the prgm. Hemchioce et numbers g r n h .5:.g was particularIy weilsuited te thie eld nature et the. progrm ansd ber un- B0ER O ntheCPR.tievin e- d t. ha r î ab lity w ell';m erited -W I I G -W I I Gbun ci train le t 8.17 instead et 7.26 . t ehevyap lue é é eng v e,.p.m., as trxerlyr. The * eteno xi Ti.-exitimé'eni w unusually N A <eestbouiid train is noW t2.8inte enoabe ai- h Ldes',Aid oethél Barber oTbafn 1 rc t.Nrh Wlb .2Temirli tanfr> o strnuois ndevon. fomToronte is et 9.24 insteaci. et ___________________________________________ mnte at 11.54 pa.. 1 unchaxiged. Now in a good timo tet look over your Cook Steve or Heaier and lot usorder any repuirs wbioh *ither maay noed. IghtIýy ,,Usod -CQoolStos W. have sYereral sligrhtly assd -Cook Stoyesi th#àý -we arteofferinga abargain. Quckervice la- whit hou made onr store se popalat'. The iiex t thue yén want anything in the Uine of hardware, phone 25. Fred . aundrel l'homo 28 -0<SsOr t11»W. W. flPr>là~. 0. Box 4M3 606818 dellvered teý ail panes of ne to.wm. SPECALSUntil WednesdaLy MýextOct. 12 I ils. Granulated, Sugar .. .$1.00 6 Tins Standard Peas ...$1.00 ]heese, p er lb. ....... ...29e. -Tornatfes, Per tmi. .... ....0..lc 5lb pails Shertening.... ..95e. % lb. tin Lobsters .35C., 3 for $1.00, Pe;gu\; 4k. Black Tea, forÈ ..35c- Crossed Fish Sardi-nes, per tin 20e. lbs, Dateq for.......... 25c- 1i. .En Rose Blakng Powder 22c. 13 Bars P.&G. anM Gold Soap 97e. 3ibs. BlueRose Rice..... ..7. 2 ls.Beafae Bacon .... ..82.. 5relis Toilet Paper........ 25c. Port Perry Creamery Butter .40c., W., -J.ePATTO N Phon 199WHITBY, 'ONT* ATe Lawler, Grocer *FRFESH, FRUITS- and VEG-ETABLE Thie Best LUneorf FRESI OkOCERIES Always «on Miand., Au T. LAWLSR Phone 47 CROIGER WHITBV New Prices On 490 Chevrolet- IN EFFEOT FRON SEPT. Oth, 1921 4 90 Tourlng, 490 Speclal, 490 Coupe, 490 3edan, $810.00' 920«00. 13 30.0D 1350,0e 490 Model G Truack Chassis, 115,5.00 490 ModelfG Truck Chassis end, Cab, 1250.00 490 Model G Truck Chassis,'complete, 1l330.00 "ZOiwth oeinopy top omp 1350.00 Cenrallot rSales L W. DUýEYW.M. DAI '-4. uene

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