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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Oct 1921, p. 2

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1 ountry i a page 1 W. E.' KM Sinclair, M.PP., said b. - and moat en-hIlfaIfs entury, i believe hbat no [,hae hg thechane in-the twu ever equaUled tii, tee ayrodprent stop forwardt H.e ongmaL&i. Ir igti u lated tba.eopleof Wl tby on their en- " ft .wht terprize, but hoped that the. realiza- id and Icogrt--on of this mporA"t step was only- gi'et auceesa ofIaaorecast- of wliat W" to be. Natur- 10W5ly whesa-dY being onithe othor aide of ofH ferom M. Bgghooten ~ ~ ~ crltfrized the Mmniste. snd he did metu have e tn nk that the. progreasun the. Toron- t. o t4 cos ofto-Oahawa road wasnet ail It aliouid ; ofta geatodis- 1. ne was tempted to thinkrthatiýt WBS the Dominionmight b. the. next -!generation that non teo Mlnl th woud enjoy a clearý stretçh Of road mgoiot â pro-k thifrom Oshawa to Toronto. Ife believ- gmnti OtigW8l1to" .d fixnly' in good, roâids, and thouglit ai ay to,"ntthey Mnch to d o~p.ooeratîon lie work W- biuld-adIedies e tw n so we have laid COuntry. Lwe make grsats..'1 A Fine Banquet ;We h~ ave sdyou iyour imder- ,but suy otiier munLcipality mr&a .onietig Iink on a Pro- vialEl ighway wLl get exac theii aime trsatment from us.- IlWe hope in a very short trne to de- alpiat. the, route te Llndsay -rwinng not2 es a Provincial HLghway, an Yeu »U lthsiibe stutedas a ink in abo~itb Lgret ihwaý,whlèh Win fur- tba bneitth rualO«îos. w. wlOome criticlqm, but we f eci that Our plLcy la approved by the vast ma- - orMty oV'peple, for, god roads are a Doon tofâmznrs and merchata alike. - Wbitby hasnet a standard for other towns, for pou people were -iQS firet to aigu au agreement witli our Pepartment to cc-operate linlug up your twii wlth the' Provýicial igh- way by nmeana of a go"d road2" 1Mr. Bina aaid the. sentimeënt in -fa- vor of good roada was rapidly grow- ISu. Two Y«"ra ago t would not have be safg for Mim to cone, lato Whitby with bis propositions toexpend linge aunla of money on good roada, but the »ed a<wii bas born, fruit, and t dos not' matter now wlio the Minlater of Wigh*ay. may be, the. work wUl go on ist the asme, for It la -bde by pub- Usentiment. He pr.dicted that over the period of thi ext ton years it willl not coat the ratepayers ef Whltby as mizch t. retire the debentures iased for the pavement as t would- te main- toin the old roada. The. same thing, lie saad, applies ail over the Province. Tii. money wlilch pays for goods roads is ail borro*ed by the Departmeut with- in the. Province, aud -ho believed t&e people of Ontario could flot invest in snything that would -give bigger re- turus than good roads, for they in- creased ]and values, made transporta- tion esasier, and more rapid, and even benatitted people "aplritualy."1 The Minister' èongratulated the Warren Pavlug Co. ou. the. good work thêy'had done, aud tii people of the towu of Whltby on tiieir progress. Spendlng Too Mucli? While lie was a firm believer in good roads, Hou. Wm. Smith, M.P., said lie thouglit too mucli could b. spent on tiien. 'II may not, have kelit pace with the times, but 1 believe ft is possible WA A A UAa5 li"ufIJ5u VIIdU. guou One hundred and seventy-five sat downi at tue banquet tendered Hon. F. C. 'Biggs in the Music Hall at 63 pan. The banquet itself was, eue that could not fail te do credit te tthe town snd croate a -favorable -impression w1-i théu gueste. Tme lpàdies e! tue Women's lu- stitute, Ontarie -County Old Girls' As- sociation and Victorien Order e! Nurs- es, iitu Miss M. V. Powell as couven- er, co-eperated lu serving tue-aupper, sud theïr efforts were most satigfact- ory. The hall was tastefully decorat- ed, and tue tables were particularly at- tractive, to tue eye as iveIl as te tue appetite. In the servlng o! tue ban- quet, tue ladies outdid tueniselves,. and ivere warmly ceugratulated 'on thie marked auccegs e! their share iu thse celebration. Seated -at tue liead tables ivere the Mayor and tue guests o! tue day, as well as officiaIs e! the Warren FavlIng- Co., Reeve and membera o! tue Town Couicl sund Public Utility Commis- sion, Mayor Stacey, o! Oshiawa, Reeve Holgate, o! Bowmanyille, sud others. RLIsngto lutroduce -the chie! speak- or o!- the ev.ning, Bou. Mr. Biggs, Mayor Harper aaid liç iwasproud te bne a citizen o! tue tewn o! Whitby, that liad demonstrated se iveil its ability te do thiigs. Ho had no regrets abo>ut the. laying o!fIi. pavement> for lie regard- ed -the work as a fine iuvestment for future years. "If -ever tuere ivas an occasion that deserved a banquet, this iS eue," said -Mr. Biggs. "Tii. people o! the. tewn o! Whitby have proved tiienselves te b. 100 'per cent. genuine. And it is tue saine ail over tue Province. We have a wouderfully fin lot o! people in Ontario, and I believe -they ivilI -stand shoulder te shoulder in developing this Province by means of, good reads. "We get some criticlsnb, but w. have net had very mucli- yet. (Laugliter aud cries e! "ITlat's the. spirit."), My shoulders haven't drooped very mucli s0 far. We stand--four- square te every wind tuat blows (for most o! it is wiud.) W. appreciate f air criticism, for it keeps us ialert sud geing straiglit. But if we get 100 per cent. vaiue fer the money spent, it won't make mucii difference iiow much we spend on- good roads."1 roads, in tue face o! our linge national Stand for Efficiency debt That debt la se large tiiat w, Speaking o! tue policiy o! thé De- ane faced with the serions probleinio! partmnent, Mn. Biggs said tuey were how te meet it. If anyone will tel Ne endeavoring Vo lhave the utmost efRc- hiio< t cen b. doue I ivilI give him my ieuncy lu tiieir organisation. Ninety- fan, " said Mn. Smithi. seven per cent. o! tii' engineers ivere .Hok .Mn. Smltii sald h. had always -returned men, who had tIhe ight edu- belleved Wltby'é future Iay lu the di- cation, a~wiio were being developed rection of being a resideutial towu,-Iinto a woxderfu1ly efficient body for iayfle a 1 our oa MM se w things. Almost anyone can ýbuld -a road if proper draina" is pr-oi4d. t belteve this new pavemeênt m N ty ,%in do moâre to, develop the tciwi than any piece of work evr'doue lere. W. try to h.lp all-towns and treat all fair- ly anid justly on the basis laid.downt by our Departmeut. I venture te Say t.bat .Lu two or tiire year - there wiU, not b. a town lm' the Province, that forms -a connecting Jink on a Provitie- La H[ighway, that wMl not have avail-, e<l itecf of our assistance. W. ar:e go- ing te play faïr-witli every municipal- ity, and if we do, wê- feel'thèe wiI le little criticism." .Withregard to the. road between Toronto sud. OCsiiawal, .Baggs Samu that macadam was a tJiing of the past, and that the ýstandard of, road set, by his Departmen.t *as the. permanenti surf*Se- LMi districts wliere tue lhgavy trafkMade it lesa epcsie than ma- cadamn. On a road lik.e 'tue Provincial Highway macadam waa too costly for it wassalwaya requiriug, repaira. lu condu&ng, Mr. Biggs said that the people would soon realige -that. good road were not su expenditure but su investment, sud that-the, only man wlio would criticize and id fault was thie man who would- not talc. the time te use lis pend suad figure ÃŽt ouit.- Mr. W. JA. McLean, BDeputyMinisterý of Highways, sud Mr. Geo. Hogarth, Chie! Engineer of -the Departments spoke briefiy, and justiiied the DePartý. ment's good road policy by f acts sud figures. 'E. A. James, C.E., ef James, Proc- tor & Redfern, engineers lu harge of the work., daîd the. Ontario Governient was te b. congratulûted on its poffcy -of asii;ig municipalities by finsucial grants. H.R pointed out that the Prov- ince is financýing ztue building -of good iroadseout o! current revenue, for which reson, lie thouglit, tuere should* be ne complaint. £rom the taxpayer.' M L-Col. MacKeudrick, President of 'the Warren Paving Co., was glad that, the. Government of the. Province was' co-operating with the. people, lu the matter Of good roads, Just as tue boys o verseas -liad learned te ce-epierate wth escli other in figlilg the-Hunà. I was ail tue better for tue Province, and it was the farmers who liad tàken the lead lu this respect. Samruel Warren, cliairman e! the Board of Directors was among those present at the banquet. During tue evening a telegram, of regret at iability te be present was read from Mr., sud Mrs. J. B. Laidlaw, whe congratulated 'Whitby on its step fo %ad -u expressed wishes for a briglit futue Evening Concert and Dance Fully as many people, if not more than had witnessed the afternoon pro- gram, crowded thie streets for the ev- ening entertaiment. From the "Four Corners" for haif a blo;ck or more in each direction the streets wereclosely crowded, and furtlier along for a con-- siderable distance were.-dozens of Mo- tor cars parked closely tôgether. The streets presented a splendid spectacle. Ail the- stores were lighted up and open. On the "Four Corners" in front of Allin's store was a large electric Union Jack in colors. The large plat- form was brightli' lighted, and colored ow 15-Oguppl 0f C£OUNTER CHECKBOKI W.vIe are Agents for the well. known Appieford Check' - 4 Don't Leave it until You: are Right Out. LETUS ORDER YOU A SUPPLY. WIIITBV, ONT. Menuseeeralsed against me UVnM 1 t ion B'nk by e of au lcl041'% xO.j 1 abe, tote. pgrtlnluthe-o P#Di%> s that the cràwd eni)Yedit -tÃœgl was quit. evident.- The Mnsttol ýf*Z1 Boys 4lso sang, snd, a pleasimg uii'- ber woà a soi ro, "5iver Th<15s. m!iPli the. GÃ"Id," hy "Jjinnie"' Ayres, a wel Ignown WJItby old boY. The communfty dance which toflow-- ed was thecélosiug but not the lesat en-i joyal. event of tii. day. Wïtli some dlfficutY the crowdo were nioved back " HORSES PERISH IN BARN BLAZE. Six valuable hiorses penislied on Thursday night last, when fine com- pletely destroyed the barns ou tiie Thomson !arrn near Brooklilu, eased by William Marris. The fine started lu tiie honte stables, and befone tiie blaze was discovered ail chance o! r.scuing tiie animais had passed. Poweriess to do anything Vo save thse herses, neigiibors stood outside sud listened to their ternified suorts sud whinnies. Mn. and Mrs. Harris were away at the celebration iný Whitby, sud saw the. fine on their way hoe. Neigli- bers discevered thse blaze, -and before the farmer aud lis wife reached the scene, buildings sud ail contents had been reduced Vo asiies. Mn. Marris lest his wiioie season's Cropthse six herses sud a- gnanany fuil o! oats, fail wiieat aud peas. Fontunately ail the cows were eut iu tiie, fields. Several outbuilc;ings wene destroyed. The farmi is- owned by John Tiiom- son, of Wlsitby. Both buildings and contents were insured, but lu 'escl case tiie loss will be lieavy. DIVISION COURT. Judg. McGillivray presided over tii. sittiugs o! the Division Court on Tuesday at thie Court leouse here, wiien several cases wene heard. J. H. Bundy, -o! Pickerng, sued- Miss E. M. Wallace, o! WItby, for $114, on an account' for hardware, 8upplied for Miss Wallace's new resi- GlInce. Tii. defendant countenclaimed for damnages on a furuace installed by plaintiff, sud previously paid fo>r. Miss Wallaoé was alwedlier dlaim sud- judgment given :for the. difference, $74.37, lu favor o! tii, plaintiff. W.H. >Kennedy appeared for Mr., Bundy sud 'A. E. Christian for Miss-Wallace. John Burns, e! Myrtle, sued Lorne. Williams for $120 damnages caused te a horse bOrrowe&ý by tue défendaut. When Williams returned the herse te Burus' livery stable, ita leg ivas bon- ken, sud Buirns claimed damages. Judgment ivas resenved.' D. A. >.' Swanson for piaintiff, sud W. l. Ken- nedy for defendaut. 'Damages o! $120 were claimed by Wing Brown against W. 19. Bruten, as the' outcom.e! an accident last iMay,- ivien tiie defendants' auto 4col- lided wvith a herse aniû buggy driveil by Mn. Brown's son. Mn. Bruton lied endeayored te setti,, but Mn. Bown claimedý more thian lie was willing te, Evelyn Haw4lry' >L U Phiox, Dn4mmondi, table bouquet -Clara Hopper, Mary Banton, Arn-ý old Gutteridge, Eva Gurnev, Mamie Rowe. Dahlias, table bouquet-Fiera Scott Arnold Gutteridge. Mixed Flowers, table bouquet- Arnold Guttonidge, Melvin 'Kenny, Thelma Todd, Melvin Arnots, -Hazel Arnott, Mildred Vaselesky.'* Wild Flowers, table bouquetýBerty Gutteridgé, Arnold Gutteridge, May Roach, Chas. Penny, Olive Wilson. Cçocýerel, B.P.R., la"ying strain- Melvin Kenuy, -Murtel Smithi, Garnet Robertà, Gordon Smith. Pullet, B.P.R., laying strain- Geo. Field, Garnet Rloberts. Cockerel sud Pullet, B.P.1I., layiug stnain-Geo. Field, Gordon Hawes, Betty Odlum, Warren Mowat, Reggie MeArthur. Cockerel and Pullet, auy other heavy breed-Betty Odi'um, Effie Watson, Margaret Mowat, Peggie McAnthur, Grant Lynde. Cockerel sud Pullet, auy light bneed -John Matiiison, Bruce Todd, Ian Davey, Melviu Kenny, Gordoii Hawes, Oscar Moore. flggs, brown-Betty OcQum, Evelyn Bonneil, L. Wilson, Mat' Roacli. Eggs-, white- Mildren, Brown, L. Wilson, May Roacli, Birdie Thomas, Evelyn Bouneil. Pet Stock, nibbon prizes o>nly, Blau- tais- Warran Mowat, Ped(lie Sl..- mn, Betty Odiumn, Harold -Inglis, Thehua -Ogdeu, Rennetli Lomax. Pigeons-Ian Davey, Warren Mo- wat, Fred Wilson, Oscar Moore,,Ray- moiid SIeeman, Keitii Cooke. Cats--Kathleen Notter, Eanl Wil- son, John Mathiffon, Sidney Wilson. Dogs-Boyd Notter, Muriel Smithi, Marion LeBar Dànny Ogden, Kenneth Palmer. Rabbits--lewis Wilson, Sid. Wil- son, -Gordon Thenison, Grant Lynde; Kennetii Lomax, Jack Wilson. Tatting-Irene Allin. Plain Haudsewiug-Nellieý Hawley. Fancy Needlewonl.-Hazel Seldon, Irene AlIlin, Donothy Talling, Eleanon Talling, Sophia Neakel, May.Boach. Crocheting withCotton-Olive Wil-. son, ScphiaINeskel. May Reach, Irene Allin. .Pair hand-knitted socks. - a P a c i g on an o ld g arn*e t -M ay Roach, Evelyn Hawley, Olive .Wilsou,' Mary Spencer. Darnlug (with wOOI--ýMay Roach, Olive Wilson. -Plain ÏCooldes-Donis Rebénts. Gretta -Graham, Penethy Tailing,. May Reach. Bëssie Hunter, e ýçhq.l -jean i>~ lessie Hlunter, Rpie Higli Sdhýoî -ý ,Y Sonley, DorisGl Pating- Dorothy Clarke, Edith Wilson.- Irnin- Edith Wilson, Helitha Vianstone, Dorothy OGlarke. I PiasCeeues-IL; le Bascom, Doris.Gunyeu. 'Layer. ae, lit -Ruth Spail, M*nsRowle,-a=e Gray. 14yeF Cake, 4sark-Muriei Smith,ý iIelitha VaMtoneý Pickled igeets-Gladys Eaton, Ma- mie Eowe, Marjonie EewsonEdih Wilson, Margfflt Howard, 2Mary Spencer. Mixe Piles-Dolly Virgin, Edîth Je»lY_-Ma=ie Btoive, Dolly Virgi Christina Anderou. H[andwuitlng, 2nd Book sud, .under. -Evrelyn EawleIy,, Chas. Robertson, Cors HoustOn, - Mïrguerite ..Mckrthur. H andwnfaung, Jr.- - M md- uder - Birdie, Thomas, Edwvin Wilon. Nelile Hawléy, Jack -Hutchisn, Margaret Howvard, Helen 4odd.-, Haudwig, open- Dor'othy T*l-r ing, 'M.,E. Bird, lys HoWett. 1Freehand Draiwiug, in Led Pencil publIié oi-v Hwt '-Charles. Perry, ' Evelyn :HâwIéy, Ken.ueth- Southiveli, Delmar,.Buter, , Mary F«ýhand Drawig i Leâd Penàil, ope*m-Jack Blow, Muriel -Schwitzer, Erp.st Wolfeý, lys HOwetL .t UinJack lu Water Colora, Jr. iHi àaind under-.Emnme*t 0k,, lys Howett.' Union Jack lu -Water Colora, Pub- lic SClIo -Fances Snley, Emmiett 0k., Iva llowett, ._ Landscap. ,in Water Colors, ope- Ernua Brysut, Elbanor Talling,, Hel- itha Vanstone. Essay, "A- Trip tth Woods," Jr. TIL sud. under--Deris Bird. Business Letter, Public Schoi - M. E. Bird, Iva Howett, JaclCHutchi- son,- Mary Brawley, Mary Blow.. Ken- neth Seuthiveil. Business- Letter, Higli Sehool- Doris Roberts, -Lewis Wilson. Work with a Jack-Knife -Ernest G'Unyou, Theodore Brant, Edwin Wil- son, Allan Wilson, Chas. Houston.. Button-hole Contest -Doris Gun- you, MarYr Brawley, Ma mie Gray, Lena Watson, Effie Watson, Eva Gur- n'ey. Collection of Weeds-Lewis Wilson, Bernice -Whitc.1 1Weed Seeds-Theog&ore Brant, Ber- nice White, Normnan ýGoldring, Dor- 'otuy soithwell, Mamie Gray,, Effie 1"utsou. Insectw-C4has. Perry 1. Leaves of Nativeý Trees--Lewis Wil- son. Native Woods--Melvin KÇen*ny-f Mc- Clure Jones, Chas. Perry. WANTED A reliable, energetie sales agent for Whitby and Coiuity, te sJ ourý well known FRUIT and0 TAL TRPJES, etc. GOOD py X ÇLUý;IYE territory u-fe p - Ment. 600 Acres ot Nursery stock Our agency is valuable for we grow tue trecs w. seil, asud deliver ouîy high gKad stoc Write ýnow for ternis, ÃŽPELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO, ont. 600 Acres of! Nurserv EST-ABLISHED 40 YEARS. TANTIE TABLE, foitue pavement, and, to the miusse ei . .ns. 1ai.£O~A o! ta-plceorcesrasated oun eNota n, 1Ernie Cark - pl4forin Luthe centre o! tueé"FUr Tale Beets,, Detroit Dark Red, 6 Corners:' dancing was carnied- on until' sPecnen-Roy Gurney, Bob. Clark, eolock s. m. Square danices,- iu-J'ack Hutcsis<n, Màck fLssett, lirnie ivhich tue dld timerýs could renâew.t 'Clark, Frank Pl'amer. youtii, round dances, ail kinds of Table Beeta, A.O.V., 6 specineu- dlAnces,- were On the pregrani. Tii. Birdlie Thornas, Leona Spencer, Mat- ideal iveather greatly added to tii.een old 1Rice, Gordon, Wilson, Percil Rodd, jloîment o! tue hèccasion, aud permitted AllaXk Hopper. tue open-air *anin wit pfeectcomn- Table Beet, any vaiety 1 spedmues fort. etartsud ice cream par- -IêiaSpneSica ob6rtaori lors wereý sold out o! drinks sud ice, Chas. _PerrT, jack Spenceri, Gordon Cream, esrly *iù tue 'evening., me Wilsovn, Birdi, -Thomas. etreets ivere alive witii humity beut Parnip1,- 190110w- Crow ,6-- speci. On a good Urne, but thougli the. crowd mens-Go'rdoii ,Wlson, Ed. 0k., Ab- Wsa0 lÉrge tber. ivas good order,,sud, bOtt Price, Erie. Todd,, Lucille Bascem,- »0O unto*ard or boisterous conduct to Frank Clarke, fliSi tue pleasui o! -the occasion. OlU4IIiB,'.Yellow Globe Danvera, 6 .This was. one' o! tue-outstsuding sp.ciÉaw-Sincar Robertomn f acts o! the. monster celebratien. 'Whfile (10BiM A-O.V., ftoin éeed,6 sei it OCCUP1Od uearly twelve heurs, incluèr- u»"M RIobertaon, 1lmmett Oke. ed se manyvaie, e o* ets, and re- Oul nay -varîety, froin sets,, 6 quirid san mucliplanning sud efl peimes--Florenoe. Symons. arJrangemient, tue crewd at ail turne& Turi'»' amy vanietY, 3 rosBb was welU behaved sud gentlemanly, bie Clàrke.'3seies sud brouglit great credit uponth Mangels, amy vsriety, ssem» town. Chai RBobertsou, Norgrove Glemnho Uudoubtedly tue celebration has giv- Gordoni Bradley, Frank Clarke, Lewis en, Whitby a distinct boost lu the. es- Wilson. tiluation o! the~ general public, lb la Cabbage, 3 heads, Copenhagen Mar- now on tue map, (èspecially tiie road ket-}Iefbert Neal. map>, te %tay, sud ilu placing itsel f CabbAgeo A.0.Y,, heads»-Franlc tiiere has doue- se with- uulimited cred- Clarke,< Mlldred Vaselesky, Arnold. it'te its citizens. PieGmtteridge. Procssin Prze inne's Cucumibers, Long Green, 3 speci.. Poe sso inr memu-May Roac, Garet RObgrba, .hejudges, the local clergymen, jan-, Malcolm Lafete, Bruce Bluck, Boube nuuiced theln aivards as !ollows:-ý Clark.e, May Barbon.. Best decorated autemobie-st- . Squash, Hubbard, Ispeien- BJoes; 2nd-Mrs. Gee. M. Rice,, Thelma To4d, Arnold Gutteridg., Erie Best fioat-îst--Ontario Hospital, Todd,-Joseph Virgrn, Jack Virgin. f arm Yard 'âene; 2nd-Benevoleut Re- Squash, A.O.V., 1 spécimen « Burke bekali Lodge, LOG.O.F. Gale, Leslie- Wilson-, Frank Clark., Best decorated1 bicycle-lst, G. Wig- Chas. Rebertson, Jack Virgin, Chas. ston, aeroplane; 2nd-Walter Bunu, Perry. warsiiP. Gttrdg Pumpkin, Pie, 1 specimen-.Ga-rnet' Best csue txGteigRoberts,,EdiVIi Neal,']Birdie Thornas negro costume; 2nd-W. H. Buton, as iRoy Gurney, Lorne Tiiorndyke, joa. Chanlie Chaplin, Vingin. Thanka to the W.A.A.A. ' PUmpkin, ,A-O.V., 1 specimn-4ohui The embeý; o theWhity 'Harkness,' Chas. Robertson, Jeshua atour Athletic Association were gen- Cas.kerry.WtsnMakBast erous contributors te the program,. Ca.orPpCoSeca En The jazz baud in tiie parade was an- CrPpCrSeil-Enc nanged by the, W. A. A. A. Minstrels, Anderson, Carnet Robertson. sud niuch o! tiie procession was ni Corn, Golden Bautain, i ear-Mad- thei chrge Th comuniy sng-eline Roberts, Grant Lynde, Emnvett ing was entirely iu tii. hands -o! theOe W. Ar A. A. sud 9iie arrangements in ornauy- table variety, 6 eans- conecio threit wee lltalcen in Godon Bradley, Grant Lynde, Em- conretionthenewsoiai Int héwere ahett Oke, -Carnet ýRoberts, Bruce charge y ti. A scitonlu téen-Buck, Margaret Ingis. menn tiihmens ûtà=trned the, Apples, Spies, Plate Of 5-Dorotiiy singiug, sud tii 'îby the Jazz Souly, RaYmnOnd -Sleemn, Hedithg. Quatete sd ou y ndviua VanstoueRobert Mathison, Margaret Quartetteoand sn rdy i Thoias. members were h.artily enjoyed. The .oardpi' Sue 7,m servicès o! G. P. Lynd sud J. M. Short Sonle, Mhowsn plate of 5--Donotliy as sonx leaders were splendidly direc- ion viak an.Mah ed toward getting the crowd te jorin Appess, an faîl ariey laeo tiie singing. President Maundrelwas A-Gordo nyThmso, l vre ateofnei5 the necipieut ôn Thmrsday sud Friday-Grdonewhmn, ClareColley, o! nunierous messages, expressingtVeielihac-VewanneChas.renecy. e' tiinkso! ii tovu ffiias sd t~ APPles, any winter, vaiety-Meîvi keen appreciation o! the. public at large, Kenny, Evelyn Green, Craie~ Hutchi- fortii goddea, ndely ntrtan-son, Helitha Vanstone, Dorothy Son- ment put -on by the Association and îey, Bindie Thiomas, their success in tue whole affain. Hon. Pears, any i'arietY- Arnold Gmt- F. C. Biggs persoually sent a letter~ of teridge, Evelyn Hawiey, jean Mathi- appreciation te Mn. Maundrell, vo0c1ng son, Iirdie Thomas, Lucille Bascom. his pleasure on the outcome of the Tmaos fYaney.-EaGr celebration, and particularly on tue ney, Melvin Kenny, Dorothy Clarke, part played inu it by the W.A.A.A. Arnold Guttenidge, May Roacli, Chris- Mayor Harper sud officiais o! thie War- tina Anderson. ren. Paviug Co. were likewise grateful A4sters, table buut-Nra and7 delighted with the Association's NbeHae routt -evNo rmnt contribution te the prognamn. Kathe e nott, ToMelvi. D...ott Cou nter B.ook$e JiJ USERD TIRESal ïs $5, $10, $1 S_ AUTO BEDS,$5O 411 kmnd-à Of Auto A.ooesuorien. out Rate vulcaniz14t. lCXprois charges prepald both ways oun tires wo uoaî -We s*IilGw Ooodyeart Doiminion, Danlopv and Royal,.Oak Tires. W. prepay oharges onuail orders of .410-00 and upwards to &ny point lun -Ontaroq YOUR .M&IL ORDIIRS 11reieaspmomp attention and painstaking caro as if Yeu wereOr Odertng iu perçon. If you cant vîsit usyouraolf.wrît6e.your needs to FARMEé1RS' AUTO kCCESSQR1ES Lilted 477«477jYonge Street, Toronto CA. I GoodfllwC So AMMTJUCfON. Going West-452 la.m., 6.04 a.iU., (C.N.R.), 10.33a.m., 2.24 p.m., 7.36 P., (C.N.R.), 8.45 pan. Going East-12.12 a.m.- (C.N.R.), 8.10 a.m., 10.-14 aa..,--12.55 p.z. (C. N.R.), .2.37 P.ni., f.42 p-M., 9.30 '.m Sunday trains iii leave for Toron.- te -at 4.52 a.m., .6.04 a.m. CC.N.R.), afid 7.31. Prom Toronto-trains stop at Whitby Junction at 12.12 a.m. (C. N.RY, 8.48 a.m., 10.14'a.m., sud 9.30 U]P-TOWN STATION. -GigNortli-8.31 a.m., 6.55 p.m. Goiug South-8ý.01 a.m., 1.50 p.rn.. Going West-6.17 a.m., *8.50 a.mq 5.10 p.m, 8.17. Going East-9.51 a.m., 2.08p., *9.2k p.m., 11.54 p.m. *De not rua Sunday. Otbena »ar &aiy. For Wet-.At 7 ., 1M.80p.m. 7A5 p.m. 8.25p.M. For Nort-7 a.m For Estý-7.80 am &M.25p... For Port Whuty-7.8 .. 7.45 Fer Omhwa-L45 pn FrmEaat-7.30&Mm. Prom Wemt.-7.80 .mSa.,8- Prom Pirt, Whur-7.30 ait', 9.00 Prom Osbawa-.8 pi. Prom orth--l50pi..

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