wiu nbe ziveu Iby li. - *ai,Dof To- M- X»9>Is movag ithe house route, Uev, Colin G. toul, BD. 0 #yýOt» hy M b ~r. Meérig. $agkatoon, Siwk., and othors. "d Mi~Ys. N. White attended the There will be ne service in St. Th ox- :itinal Convention held at Ux- as' chnrch next Sunday* as service will re lut~ wek.- -b.held in St.. Pul's, Colunibus.- ,ra;g nuimber frein ber. attended A large congregaion attended the iuty D>ance inu Whitby ou Harveat Thanksgiving Festival i St. mai lt - Thomas' hrcw4 on Sunday afteruoouî. Le ti sale oni Monday was The church was beautifully decorated AY attended. The prices were fair, with flowers and the rich foliage of '0 W d.à en biddiug on the. Prop,-auturan. Nea, the door was a large Whl hghest price offered was bank of fruit$ and vegetables whkch 6t a reserved bld'beiug held were eent to, t4e down town Workeis' roperty was not sold. -,Wzn. Mw, Association iLu' Toronto, to . b. dlstrib- rhtby, waa auctioneer. uted among the poor. The preacher and Mrs. Uriah Jones spent the was the Rev. C H. Shortt, of Vaucou-, end ut Cedar Creek,-near Hamil- ver. He tookifor his subject the Four fJewish Festivaà ls, which were held la. .e mlgsion band will mreet in. the thespirit of thanksgiving.--The. choir iodist basexient ou Saturday nextI of--Ail Saints!, Whitby, helped very, 30.1 much to make the service bright and Convention of' the .Presbyterian devOticual. thes in the vicinity of Brfoklin t ils years since a fire cf such pro- be held in- the Preshyteriani portions has lýeen seen lu or near the, reh ou Thursday. afteérnoon and! village as'that which destroyed the 13ROOKLIN FLOUFR MILLS J We .ke.p the BEST, BREAD. FLOUII on haud Five-fkoses,.PurltyReindeerI -ALSO- MARVEL PASTRY, IFLOUR ON-TARIO ORAN AND MID0-LINGS.' OAT CiIOP AND CRUSHÉD OAijSe - Get your supply uew whilo the prioe.li ow. * CEREALS 0F AIL KE40SO FeIU Wheat Wanted. Hlgkest rIce Paide Cýa',Wlson, - Brooklln -, - d ~ROOERY SPUJIALS A 6000 BUY foR 1H18 WEEÉi< 3 Ilise Good Dates, 3 bs. Good Black Tea, - 35c-Salmon, 1I L.tin, r Gunn's Maple- Leaf Pork Sai. -~ -25c - - - 25C sage,, per tin, 35c Chrlstle!sAssorted Biscuits, per lb., G'od« Sardinesý, 2 tins for -25C m ; - .c Laundry and Jollet Soap, 7 bars for 25c M. --LAWRENCE - GENEII4L MERCHANT, BROOKLIN, ONT. R:edeemed Hr *Your K. & S., Coupon à s good as- cash to you, here, on the purchase of a K. & s. Tire. Take advantagze of this oppor- tunity to get K & S.-Canada's Iéading quality tire-we recom- m end.theme complete. Our stock is 00-» agei ,tby, nt of the - place, will negin at - on ce to~ ereet a steel structure.. ,è- -Tlie railway time tâble changed on Sunday, toe irelconv<jiieuce cf the, pupils -goiug te Whftby Higir &iioo) The train leaves at 7.45 lu the morn-t igretutning at 7.'00luntire eyening.' Ths raises the. question again, '"Why could'tire not b. a jitney service he. t*,een Brookliluand-htb-u This. Avethia couid be doue with -profit AtareCent meeting cf tire Llbary. Board Mn. D. Holllday, who Iras acte as libranian for the, last,24 yeans, pre-- sent.d bis resignation. - Mn. Helli4,y iras 'given,- almost gratuitous service ail tires. years und iras been te a large - extent thc buder, of tir. Libtry. H is klnd, ceunteous niauner-in serving tire public will be leng nemà embered. At a meeting cf the- Board on Saturday cv- euing Mârs. George Joues_ waý tIre unnious choice-as IÀbrarian, witi M rs.Gigg as assistant. Tire follew- iiig'- ommÉittee will ielp ciassify and catalogue thé. bocks which have -been moved te better quarters lu tIre Tôwu- ship Hall':Mrs. F. Hîolliday, Mrs. N. WIrite, Mrs. Loosmore, Mrs. Walker, Mrs, A. Nesbitt,- Mrs. F. Luke, Mrs. Batty, Mns. Hunter. On Weduesday eveniug, September 21st, thre members of tire W.M.S. with ticir iusbands gave Rv. E. W. and Mns. Rowland a."Surrse Party"-i célebration cf tire '.elevèpeutiranniven- sary of theiîr wedding. A programme was given, witii Mrs. W. Draperlu the. chrair, who called on diffeenu members te sinig, necit., give instru- mental'selections, on tell a stery. TIre' final nurubers were given byVMrs. NA Wite and Mns. G. Brown in tn when1 they wove a nemantie stery cf the- eariy life 9f Mn. and Mrs. Rowland and- tIreir manniage lun-Brantford, up te tire present time wIren Mns. Rowland is acting president cf tir. W.M.S. Tuis' last .story ended by Mrs. Browu pre- seuting tIre president wti a uugget* of gobd iuthre form cof a W.M.S. hif. mem- bership pin. A ceutcst conducted by Mns. Gee. Jonès tien fehlowcd in wlrich aIl jeined. Mn. A. Coek and Mns. U. Joncs had tire higIrest number cf cor- rect- answens. TIre weddiug supper was theu served lu tie diuing noin when 'about forty partoek of tue good things previded by the. ladies, includ- ing a beauÃœtifully, deconated wedding cake. Chorus singing brougit a most enjoyable evening te a close. A numben cf tIre yeung people cf Brooklu gathered- ut thre home cf Mn. and IM'Is. Samuel Nancekiveli, on Sut- urday evening last,-te wehcome Ironme Mn. and Mrs. Blake Debrt., After a luneheon was served tic evcnîug was spent in gaines, etc. A vcny enjoy- able time was speut by ail.1 We arc lu receipt of a letter ciiti- èizing tIre Board cf IleaitIr for net irur- ing the wcl ut tIre school house dlean- cd. As certain stutements arc madie in this letter as te conditions now ex- ,writer send Iris'or her naine to tIre ed- iten of thre Gazette and Chronicle, net for publication but for proof as te thej authenticity cf tIre coimnunicution aild as te thre identity of the writen. This being doue, publication can re nmade. J. E. Disney's sale cf f arff s-tock mqd impleinents on Tuesday- aftcrnoon didi net dnuw a lange crowd, but everyonc who was present seemed te be a biti- der, -witlr the resuit tInt everything sold well, uuder tIre skilful direction of Auctioneer Wm. Maw, cf Whitby. - Dehart-Nancekivell - TIheuroe cf Mn. and Mrs. Sanmuel JNancekiveli, Breeklu, w as tIre sceae of a very pnetty wedding on Weduesday, ISeptember 28th, whéi( their youugest daugiter, Maude Helena, was united in 'manniuge te Oliver Blake Dehant, of Brookilu, Rev. E. W. Rowland officiat- ing. Thre bride entere-d tIre. drawing no n outIre arm cf hIr fatIrer, to the strains of tIr. weddiug manch piayed by Mns. Hareld Joues, sister of tIr. grom. -The bride were a gown cof white satin, with evenskint -cf w]rite net tnimmed witIr silver, and caTred a bouquet cf OpIrelia Roses. 'Her sis- ter, Miss Ruby, acted asý brides- muid, and wene white silk aud carried Russel roses. Mn. Theedere Bligit, ef -Whitby, suppcrted thre groom. After a dainty buncheon Mn. and Mrs. Deirt Brookiln Farmors' Club MESTS FIRSTand TIIIRD WEDNESIDÂY OIF EACH -MONTH. KEEP UT UN MINDI1 OSHIAWA phone 1082. New Motop Equlpm.mt MÂPLEHUSST FA"MTIIL-LuSp.Q "I arn -in my 78th, year. About 25 Ye= 09o, i began te -have trouble wj&h miex-Stomach. One doct9r said- r had Cancer; anothersaid, U-1eer -of the Stomach; another, GallStones; others, Ulcers cof the Liver and Inflamrna. tion of the Gall Bladder. Three yeaýs ago, 1 Coflsuited one of the best specialists in Nkont real. ne said-I must go te the. hospi. tai, have an Ulcer out out cf mn sto mach and gair stones removed. I,- was fheni74 years old. I saidi"NO." Then, I began to tke >"Fruit-a.tives,". I found thcy helped me a lot, and I still'take them occaslonally, and 1 a so mucli better that zMy old friendË often ask me what I have doue te myseif te look s0 well.. I amn ÃŽaining in welght and enjoying life ver)much11 H. W. EDWARDS. 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-4ives Limited, Ottawa. left for their honeym~oon by-motor to Whitby, where they teck the 5.10 O.p. R. train foi Toronto. Relatives were present from Toronto, Pickering,- Whitby, Oshawa, Columbus, 'Enfieïd, Myrtie, and Brookiu. On their retu:rn they will reside. on Mr. Dehartes f ari, jiist north cf Brookiu. Fellows where are -you going on the l2th? To the Diekie Saine. Whitby, the only sale cf the seas--on. MYRTLE» Messrs. Henry -Derby and - John *Shand are still confiîked te the house.- It is hoped they niay' soon be restored te their formier activities again. Mr. James Cook lias bought the' Hartie property just ea(st cof the vil- lage. .Mr. H. R~. Bright spent the wveek-- end with friends at Gueili ý and Bur-ý lington.. M,\rs. MIurrax- Tarves and chiîdren ha 've 1),een visiting in Linidsay. Mr. James Cook4 who hias bought the Har'tle property, 1iad a bee last we&k raising the hoase. Mr. Cook purpos3es miaking it a modern dwell- .,,,orne along everya-odv la i this sec- tion, te the Diekie sale on the town, #ne, Whiitby, on October l2th. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brya-rit spent Sundav 7with "-,r. anid Mrs. A. Law- rence, Brookiin. CLAREMONT Claretuont Baptist- Chuirch celebra- tes its One I-urldr(eGth Anniversary wvitb special Centenary Sunday ser-. vices, 10.30 a.m.-and 7 pan., on- -Octo-1 ber 9th. Dr. E. M. Kierstead, of Me- Master Univer-sity, Toronto, a prince cf platformni -en and pronminent cdu- cationist, urill deliver the sermons. Thanksgiving offenings will be reoeiv- ed towards the re-decoration and ira- provernents of the place'- f-. worship. Thre choir will render a ser-vice of song appropriate te the occasion. Monday ! evexting, thre lOth, there will be a-ban- quet ami social, beginning at 7 and followed at 8 by a musical and plat- foim program of brief addresses by Rcs.A R. pPar'k, J. A.-Grntnd H. ten minutes over time each way, but lest ou a toss. Neyer n-dnd, boys, you're cf thie kind that can come back. Abtogether, Claremont kickers have won eut spbendidly this season, hay- ing captured thre league cup as-welb. Clifford Pillcey returned on. Fnday froni the West, where he lias been since-bast spring. - - - 'Il uayes. - Mr. sud - Mrs. T. lMcrombe, Mirs. Wma Oke, sud- Mn. Lloyd Monçombe, nrotored te TQonto-sud'apeut-Suuday1 Ãvith Mi. n.ud Mrs. B. Snbw. --Mrs. S. Suritir, cf Elonai, is visitlug Mms M. Atkinson.9 Everybody is goingte tth. Dickie Sale-at-Whitby.on tire.12th. Mr-.and Mrs. Annan, cf Pickering, visîid wil Mr. -and Mrsp. Osborue on -Sunday. . Gimi te report Mrs. John Hallett, who undenwent ,an operation iu Oshr- awa Hospital last weekç, is imnpnoviug rapidly aïnd> l* l',be. able te return homeshortly._ 1Mr.' and Mrs. 'Wm.,Hilton, of. ,Mil-ý brook,, spenit the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.-XK KIe. Mn. Sam. >and 'Miss Edith Kemnp- thorne arme, spending a, few days at1 tIreur.hoer Iere. TU-ORNTON19S CORNER The. Sciiooi Fair at-Thorntonls -Corn-i ers is beîngheId to-dýay. jProfesser Dales, cf Drayton, gave a very interesting and -beneficial 'add ress te the Sunday School last Sunday. Miss L. Francis and Miss Julia Mur- shaîl, cf Tero-nte, spent a few days this1 wreek with Miss O. Fiencir.1-I 1 1Tire Ladlies' Aid, lad. -Wedncsday.,af- ter noon, preseuted Mrs. W. Forsytire, Vice President cf the society,-,wlth a beautiful. cut glass bowl and au ac-Iý compauying address. She made a'suit- able, reply and tiranked the ladies. Mns. Forsythe is leaving soon fer- her home - . TÃ"ronto.,, -, A Bazaar is -'being planed for tis f ah. Don't miss it., .Tii. Chiken Pie social October 13t1r wili'be an enjoyable one- Tis is au- nual eveut, do netf£ail teà attend it. RAGLAN Miss Bertie Luke, Toronf'o,, is spend- ing týWo weeks' vacation with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor and children, gunketon, spent Sunday at Mr. Wm. nt'*1 Dr. and Mrs. Garfett, cf Kitcheper, are visitlng tIre later's metlrer., Mr-, S. Weatherhogg. Mr, and Mrs. W. Lambe, of Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. C. Luk'e,,cf Myrtle, ivere ut Mr. Wm. Squelch's en Sunday Mr. T. -McDermett, and daughté, -Eva, cf Caesarea, Mn. Di. McDermott andl daughter, Ethel, of Port Perry, -visited at Mrs. L. Stainton's over Sun- day. Mr. F. Valant visited Iris brother, Mn.*J. Vaibant, Port Whitby, r'ecently. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Evanswere ývith relatives la Manchester Iast week.' -Mm. andi Mrs. W. Stainton *and'son Gof-doa, motored frora Fenelon Falls and visited with the former's mother, Mrs. b. Stainton, over Sunday. A nun-ber from hIere attended Black- stock Fair lasý week. -Al'report a, gQpd tume. 1 - f.1-Çh,.-ir as xvel ttended here Sunday afternooni. "lient. Col. ýil- lianrscof Toronto, teck charge of t'le service. Air. J. Ormiiston is stibi convalescent.- Miss V. llvland and Miss M. Sein-' er-ville spent thre week-end at their re- spectivebromes. BAGGOTS VILLE. Miss L. Stutt visited over th,4e week- î nd at her home in Orono. BASE UINE WEST P. C. Button, cf Torento, spent, Sun- day with Wlritby frieuds.- Mns. Boyd and chirudren, cf Toronto, spent Suniday at E. Steny's.. W. are pleased te learntirat M._ F. J. Yourex is gradually gettiug beï- ter after five weks' illness. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Reynelc& and family, Torento, spent Sunday at H. Reynolds'. Don't fenget T. Dickie's sal, cf farm stock aud implemeuts ou October 12tIr. TIre lake ehIre.is tii. place te get bar- gains.- - We are ]Qleased to learu that tire brick and tiie,iudustry Iras cemuienc.d work Tis will fill a long- needed - waut and should meet tire support cf tire community ini having thec supply s0 near home.1 GRIEENWOOD Last Suuday was Itally Day lu tire Suuday Seheel. Mrs. Noruman White, of, Breokli, gave an interestng talk to tire cilidren. It was aise appreCýiated' bïy thre eider members. Next Sunday. tiere will be a special missienary Pro- gramin luthe Sunday SchSol. The. or- chestra willlead iu tire siugln.g. Every- oeebe ou iaud at 10.30,a.m. The reg- ular chunch service wiil b. at 7,pn Quite a nuniben atteuded the anni- versary services at Kinsale on Sunday sud aise the suppen sud concert ou Mouday nigirt. - Tire teacher., Miss Webster, and her, pupiLs are te b. congrat;lated ou agalu winniug the finstpnize lu piry- sical culture contest at thée Seheol Fair at Brougiain là st Fniday afternon. Mrs. F. L. Greeuwood, sud Miss K. Green are ou a visit té tire latten's uncle in ýIndiana. 'A number' of the younag people teck iu tic field day at,,Green River st Saturday-Stenoon. EAST WHTY COUNCIL 1The. Ccuxcil- met at. Columbus , ou Monday. -AUl tiremembers 1'rent. Reevei>ascoe lu - tirechair. Minutes zed -and adopted. -Coum==icatien road from -Alger Fres; G. D., douant; W. G. Garnett; C.,,IL Bungess à îÇo.; Toronto Genenal Hospital-, Hydre FMl- ed. Carried. On motion of Messrs; Nesbitt and Frenchi, the. Bonid presetd by the ,Co1lector, Mr. Hiram Gifford, was ac- cepted. _ ýMoved by Mr. Nesbitt, secouded by Mr. Ellins, that Géorge- Hepbuin lW paid7 15é. pèr rod for 40 rods wire fence, and George Scott be paid 15c. per rod for 10 rods wire fencç. Car-.; Dr. Farewell moved, seconded by Mr. Frencli, 'that John Lamnbert be paid the sum >of'.->Fifty-Four Dbollars for- sheep kfiled and worried by n- kown dogs,, and that -Wm. Riateliffeý b. paid the ýsum cf Three Dollars a.s Valuator. Carried. On motion of Messrs.. Farewell and Neshitt, a by-law to appoint an en-i gineer under th.e Ditches ami Water-~ courses Act, was given a flrst and se-C Moved by. Mr. Frcnch, seconded by Mr. Ellins, that a -byrlaw to raise nioney by way of temporary b lan toý provide. money for - ordinary expendi-, ture before the receipt cof taxes for the year 1921, b. introduced. B3y-Law, was read three times and passedi and WMAO*MAW LICKNORD AU*TI@NEER AND Ail kinds of sales promptly-ttueid to. Arrng.nian-ta fori.l.. cen b. n ad et tiiùGaztte Office.Ternis reasouble. Bell and, md.Phones. WHITBY. 'ONT.' SEE-ME ABOUT -YWUR'EYES' at >Au Ile AIIn's Orugtore - Tus sdaysOctober 4 F. E.* Luka, in-Otca 167 -Vouge St., (upotairs) TORO (Opposite Slmpsoups) -4 This tmde tod n 'hrooded Rubber Battur. ReadThese A B CRu1es- About Batteiries. Adjustm.ntand oifng irlake your bearings last longer- proper inflation- and çare-ful driving- make your tires last longer--cleaning makes your- spark plugs sorve longer and better. It i-8 worýth re- - membering. that there aýre rules just as simple for mak&- ing -your battery last longer and serve more faitbfully. Rer. amethreeruleslnA B C' 1-Pnt ln water regularlyai keep Up the chute. 3--on h very two weeks fer battery service. 8--And when your present blat- tcry waSm out, buy a Wlllard Threadcd Rubber Eattery- the onlyý battery with Threaded Rubbcr Insulation. between the plates. There la only one battcry good =nougli for us - to back by. our unqualified, r*ommendation - that's the Willard Thread4ed Rubber Battery. Corne în-ýýed we'show you sorno recordeait bua ma4. nlght hem. ONTARIO BATTERY SERVICE -STATION> Il Cherch Stieet Plie .925 Oshawa WhUtby Rp..t*vs Novemiber Tire Double - MONr - and CHICAGO Unexeelled diniiig car sei'vee.. ' Sepg cars on night trains Sud parjorcr on principal day trains. Full information fromn any Grand 'Trunk Ticket Agent or C. &. Hon- ing, DWsrict Passenger Agent, To- ronto. Be tational Patrouize the Caiiadian. National J. D. FLUItER, Agent Whitby. Phone 36 WhnYeu Are Irnrng WATSH YOGI CAR "FOR WEARK:POINTB SERVICE Conisuit us about knocks sudgninds, the steening- and brakes, the. electrie systein and power plant. in gen eral. ,Have.,Skilled Mechanics repir Y-Our/ car. Our accessories and parts are the, best a nd""re caip- fully-inspected before beiÀg assembled-in your car.- *We' have thern. Caîl and see.. Guaraniteed Tires of the best makes, Ros.e Tire Puinps,' Johnston Clear Ray Reflece- jtors, Gasoline-and OH. f Try. our Varocity Truc Greaec facr Tran smi.sionn WU. DAVIngON,, Puop PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jno. E.Farewefl, KC. .Barrister, County Crown Attorney aud County Solicitor. OffîieSouti Wmg Ct. House, Whitby A. ýE. CHRISTIAN Barnister, Soicitor, Notary PffbUc, etc. Office, Brock St.,. Opp. Stand&ad Bank Mouey te Loan. W. R. KENNEDY' Barrister, Soicitor intii. Supreme Court, Notary CeaLveyance, etc. »ENTAL - B B. Beton, LD.S., DJD.S Gaduate cf the Royal College -eo Denta Surgeona and Univeruty of Toronto.ý Office over Murdoch'a Cor. feinery Sftore. Office hou,~ 9 te 1I te -8&M Belkloe 220. 1 e - IL J. Hudgon, D.D.S, ILUS. 182 Carlton StyesI -TORONTO ,Plione North "le E.W. Sinson, Nel Phua. 294. Office over AlH HOUrs-9 te 2 Pringle's Broolo For Everything in.Patent Medicines. -We have. a full lino of Devilbias Âtomizers and Nebu- lizers lu stock at right piýicés. Wo carry the best in Toilet Articles, viz:-Tooth Bnp shes, Tooth Pestes sud'Powders, Shaviug* Soapa, Sticks,/ and Creain, Talcum aud'ace -powdera', Satchet Powder, Meroolized- Wax aud Tiuto, Toilet Soaps, Hair* Tonica, Dresing Comba, Shà ving Brushe,. Iu fact everything you ueed. W. carry Ohunical Thermomete, which every hiomo -should have. .Prln l' toII "EverytaUg n atent ýMedicine."9 9-1 1.1 Il 7ý 1 1 The DisnaLtodoëtà klng les kHn