iber session of the b. held on '.Tu«s- w," on the ~ ~-srecently the echools to war motor- Pr.cautlons when nearlng thé public sehools of the e excellent as an admoni- ýr car drivers, but aà s a les- matical EnglâhIa or echool can hardly b. rqconunýend7 t until December and then, Christias Fair for not'bç- eon a larger and better ind the meeting- next Mon- -,The cepi4ration last weekwlll meani rmuch adveitiing for. Whtby li iere ways than 'one. While the parade *as ln progrçam a moving picture photo- grapherwà statigned on the platform at the "F,)ur - Corners" and took pic-1 tures -of tI e processionl.- The road op- ening cele bration will thus ha shown te people lu other parts of the Prov- ýW. areý beginning to Wonder just what the rieal election issue is. Soine people say thetarif, and others dexuy it. Evidently there is, a disagreement, ,of opinion even amonig usually well- Infonmed people. At the. National Progressive Party meeting iu Brooklin on Saturday, Septeamber, 24th, Mr. IR. W. E. Buwnaby, President of the C ana-_ din Couni, of Agriculture, aud- Mr. F. M. Cliapman, the candidate for1 South Ontarlo, both emphatically de- nied that the tarif isa the real issue to be foi.ight -at the coming election, and thèy ýproceeded te state ,what the real Issues were. Now -comes the CONVENTION e -A MMss eetin g of the sulpportersof the National Liberai-Conservative Party of- South Ontarlo wIi be heid -In the MUSICI#ALLP, WlITBYo $ATIJRDAY, OCT. 1 5th, 1921 Für th# Purposo o 'f tSmietIng a* Sandidito. -List of Speakers to b. announced later. LADIES CORDIALLY INVIlTJD* Jas. MSl.ooreMD.. IErsident. Wm., I. A McIbb@u' Soretary. C. uttan Canadian Ti6nQr Choir Leader and Soloiat-of No rth Parkdale Methodia.t 0hurch,-Torontqý will give a RECwIT4%L IN THE MUSIC HALL, VWHITBY TUESDAY, OCTOBER ll1th ÂSSISTED, BY THE Aeolian Maie Quartette Admission, 25c; Reserved Seats, 3Sc. * War Tax Extra.! Plan at Wh:-tfild'a Drug Store. Tickets on aie at T. G. Whitfield'a a nd T. B. Jones'. Mr. -Ruttan has started a voc, clase in Whitby. ÂAnyone wishing to take tessons shou'Id write hlm St 58 .Marchmont'Road, Toronto, phone Hillereit 5300 W. .Whtby Studio ovér'Jones'-Flower Store. iWH1ITBY tO.LMBER 'YARD ,Ns Oonpay.Now tomber. New Prises.- We aiready have a few cars of New Lumber, Shingles and -Firewood, With More t-o Foii ow. W. are Now Ready to Suppiy Your Wants. Phone 12. Evenings 127. tiJCf -Bring -iu. yoUr tires and -tubes for i eairlng, cold-and. wet weather is here. We also reptà ii' bottles and rubb.r boots. Rubber soles and heels stay on and wear. SATISFACTION GIJARANTEIED4 before. the hot water 1put on to octic>n, and lias steadilg -»een igagedi -m in promotlng this- idea and pledglng candidates to make it the paramoumt issue, ever-since.Censequently Ilon.-t W. L. M. King may talk until he is black: n the face and he_ wili neveri, succeed in persuadlng the varioui U. F. organiatlobs of Canada that it is not the question to be fought out at týhe -polls., Nor will lie succeed lu per- suading- urban commuiiities that it 1is1 a negligible question 80, long as the farmers,- of theWelt are on the. war path against protection." With.the Saturday Niglit vehemently pwoclam- ing, that, no one wii be able te er amade the Farmers' party tliat thetar- iff is not the issue, andthe Farmers declaruig that it is not the amain ques- tion offtgti rond, it',is littie won-9 der that some of the public are at ses. A DELIBERATE MISREPRESENT- ATION. The people of Whitby strongcly re- sent the unfair and deliberate mierep- resentation of f acts in connection with the. road opening celebration here laut Thursday -as published by the Torontoe Telegrani. To judge by thà t paper's report, the, average reader would Im- agine that the people of Whitby acted as a lot of deadheads at *the ceebra- tion; that they accepted ail the- enter- tainment at the hands -of the company who laid the pavement and tliat "the explitaionwas carried on at the con- struction company's expense," te use tlhe Telegram's own words. Nothing could be farther from the truth, and- if, the Teleçram.had wished- to learn the facts, (if(indeed it did not know them,' wbich we doubt) it could have obtain- ed reliable infoAtnation from. any one o! a dozen sources. . Furthermore the Telegram- nil'~ rèsents the facts as to the bahqul and would have the public believ ta Whitby did't have enougli public spirit to tender a banquet te, the Min- ister of, Higliways without having soie person or company guarautee the cost. The facts are that the cost of the celebration Was largely borne by local merchants and citizeus iu general, ýwho contributed individually te a fund te defray the expenees. The ]Warren Psy- ing Co. asked blave te hoýpermiîtted to co-operate, and as their. ihare of the celebration contributed the s érvices of the 48th Highlanders' Band. The coat of advertising, prizes;, etc., was paid out» of the !und contrlbuted locally. Furthermore, the conmutte. in charge of tli4 prograni guarante.d 4c1 x ladies' organizations who provided the banquet, the sale-o! a certain nuniber of tickets, just as would ho guaranteed any professional caterer. The Tele- grsm's report that Tto prevent- any possible loss a cash offer te, cover the, banquet was ready"l and "the purchase of any uecessary foodstuffs hsd been seen to, by interested Ãarties"' so dis- torts aud misrepreseuts msttçrs as to put the people of Whitby ini the light of being so cheap that they could not do-anything properly theniselves with-' ont assistance. From flrst to lsst the Telegrani is out te flsy the Hon. Mr*. Biggs, and if in the doiug of it, it lias to put others, in an untrue sud unfavorable liglit, so mauch the better, accordiug to the Tel- egram's code of morals. The reporter who "co,,ýered" thea- sigument .practically admitted when ho' was here that he wss ou hand to give the af air a "yellow" write-up, but that did not prevent him from acceptiug the hospitality o! the town, iu the shape of a free ticket to the banquet, iwhile most people paid their way. 'the iToronto Telegrai has an odd sensé of courtesy and of justice. Possibly that is why it lias so little weight editorial- 'y- New Records Made (Cot inuedù from page 1) 'Highi Jump-M. Keuny, D. Mcîutyre G. Joues, 5 !t. E 100 yards dash-W. Gougeon, D. Me- nteG. Joues, il sem * uigShot-D. Melutyre, H. Col- lins, E. Howard, 84 ft.,# Langeviu-Sebert-Stainton Cup Race -W. Gougeon, G. Joues, V. Hludigius., 1 min. 5 sec. Polo Vault-C. Luke, M. Kenuy,D. iMclutyre, (aIl tied for first place) -8 9t inlu. Standing Broad Junip-D. Mclntyre,- C. Luke, O. McLaren, 8 ft. 5 in. Hait Mile REun- W. Gougeon, V. Hudgius, C. Luke, 2 min. 48 sec. Junior Boys - Ã"0 yards dash-1l, J. Beecroft; 2, R. Thomas; -3,IR. Blow.. Tme 3191 sec. Standing Broad Jump-N. Goýldriug, J. Beecroft,-RJ'Blow, 7 t. 5 in. -' Runnlng Broad'Jump --R. Thomas, l~.Goldrlng, J. Beecroft, 14!t. 5 lu.ýin IIop, StoP aud Jump-R. Blow.,-A. Coyne Neley 29 feet. HÈigli Jump-J. Beecroît, R. Thomas, N., Gotdring. 26 foot 1 lu. 100 yards- dash-,J. Beecroft, R.. Thomas, R. Blow, 18 sec.- Pote VaultB. Qunn, R. Blow, N. Goldrin. HRai mile Run-3. Beecroft, R. Thiomas, R. Blow, 2'min.. 42 sec. Senior Girls-ý 75 yards, mun-P. Mclntyre, and G. Hne,(tie.) HihJuxnp-G. Hunter, P.Mc- ,tyte, M.'Switzer, -4 ft.2 lu. Thvee-Leged. Race-P. Mclntyre anid- G. Hunter; N.' Jermyn aud N. Switzer; A. Lawher sud. M. Baker. Il Throwing Baséball-H. Jackson, P. -MeIntyre, N. JermynYl06, ft 4-'lu.. ThrowiugBakba.PMetr, B. JaçksonE . Bonneil. 50ft ,4 In. Throwing Baseball-IL RiclacI190f, M.. Baker, .Ce Lawler, 83- Ift1. Throwing Baeketbafl-C. Lawler, H. RihadsoÙ, G.j'oulthard. 40 ft. 150 yards daah.i1i. chardsOn, M.' Baker, C. Lawler. 27 8ec.- IRumiing Broad Jump-11.Richard- son, M. Baker, G. -Cculthard. 12 ft.4 biches. Sack Race-H. -Richardsoli M Bk Potato Race-M. Baker, G. Coulth- ard,- H.I Rîchardeon. Er(ndig road lJump-M. »,'aker, G.Cutad H. Richardson. *Senior 'Junior" Senior Juniori >ChampienshiPs Boys'-D. McIntYre.' Boys-J.Beecroft. Girls'..Pbyflis McIntyre. Girls'-ftefen Richardson- THE TABERNACLE <Methodist) Rev. F. H. Howdd Psor. Sunclsy, October 9, 1921. il a.m., morning worship. .3 p.m., Sunday Sehool and Bible 7 pmu., Rev. E. W. Rowland, of Brooklin, wvi1l preacb. Mondy (lOth), 8 p.m., The Br*oth- erhood.- Tueéday, 8,p.m, Epworth League. Thursday, 8 p.ni., prayer service. AUl welcome to our services. ST. AN DÉP3W'S CEHJRCH. Pastor, Rev. E. Turkjngten. SundaY services il J.m. and '7 P.u.ý SundaY Sehool and Women's Bible Glass at 3 p.. Thýursday, 8 p.m., prayer service. Meeting o! Suuday, School Teaci-, ers-and Officers at close of Prayerý meeting (this week). JT.301NS CHU1R1I <Anglican). 41 am.-Morniug Frayer and4,-ser-. mon. 9"Moses lu Midian.Y 8 i..-Sunday School-ý"Faithluli Followers»l Bible lass in church for' ladies. *7 p.m- Eveuing prayer, sermon "The Source of Ability.y" ANNUAL, THANK OFFERING 1'MEETING.' The aunusi Thank- Offering meet- ing of the St. Anf;,rew's Churcli W.M. S., is to be held Friday afternoou, Oc- tuber .l4th. 'No special speakers are to ho preseut, Mrs. D.unican MeLeod-, efFormosa, and Mrs. J. D. Wialker, o! Toronto, Ontario Provincial Presideut of the W.M.S. Keep the afternoon free. Ail ladies of tâme town are cor- dially invîted. Date, Friday, October l4th. Following the recommeudationi of the Whitb _P11>me ~ i e memoe 1lI cnia1Ti bing car-î ried on. Already a number o! new1 members have been reéeived, snd it is hoped that before the Thank-Offer- ing -meeting, every womau in St. ALU- c4rew'g Churcl wili belon.g either te the Auxiliary or the Horme Helpers, that êvery young girl will join the Girls' Auxiliary, sud--every boy aud girl the Mission Baud. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Wm.-Meeker visited friends. ln Liudsay for a few days this week. Mr. T. L. Doue, of the Hospital staff, spent the week-end in Toronto with hie f amily. Mr. sud Mrs. Walter Shaw, o! Tor- onto, apn a few days with Mrs. Jas. Shaw last week. Miss Grace Ruttan, o! Toronto, is visitiug at the home o! Mr. McKeuzie, Brock St. South. Mrs. R. E. Nelson, of Toronto, fori- ierly -o! Guelph, is the guest o! Mrs. J. M. Kenuy, Chestnut st. Mr. Wm. Thompson sud son, o! Port Hope, were lu town last week for the road-opening celebration. Mrs. L. Mose lias returned to Dunu- ville after speuding four weeks with her sou, Mr. Wm. Ashton. Mr. sud Mrs. Fred. Briggs and Mire. A. T. Harrison, o! Toronto, were luh Whltby on Thursday fast. Mrs. Frankc Thomas sud chiîdren, o! Bownianville, spent a few days witli Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Ashtou. . Mr. Lumsden sud Mrs. Oýionnor, o! Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mre. Wm. SHis ou Friday o! last week. Mr. George O'Connor sud Miss Maudie Armstrong, of Toronto, speut two weeks' vacation with Mr. sud Mrs. Win. Sills.- ýMîs. M. E. Padgett hss just returu- ed !rom a beugthy visit with hler bro- ther, Rev. A. R. Sînith, Brantford, sud friende in Orillia. Mr. Balsdou, of Bur.ford, Ont., fornn- erly a member o! thé Standard Bank staff here, was lu tewn on Monday re- uewing acquaintauces. MiissE. E. Haycraft, editress o! The Statesman, Bownianville, 1VMS a guest last week o! Mrs. J. L. Brav- ener, sund an iuterested spectator o! RÂII5COATS. *Don't get wet~ when it raîins. have- a thousand Dorhilfion wat proof raincoats, ladies' and mnen's. . worth, $25! te $80. WiUl seil for $5 eac ',~r Ne0 l WANTED. Car eta.ker1 for St. John's BaY CI Apply to E,. R. Blow or'J. F., Wardens. per lb. 25c l1Sc Sc 'ket. WHITDY pail, A chld's black straw bat, at ujp-town Park,, on Tuesday. -Finder plee ave at Gazette Office. NOTICE.. Tea.mIig and ploughlng doue. .Ap- ply to Gordon *Smith., Whitby (over Bank of C6uimerce. * -A SING;ER- 0F ABILITY. Thé Stratford Daii'y Herald had the, following to gay O! Mr. Whn.- C. Rut- tan, tenon who las te give a recitfl lin WhitbyY--oh Friday, Octeber llth. Mr. Ruttan recently was one o! the sing- ers appearng at a concert l that city and his performance wa.s thUs comn- mnentea upon. "Mr. Ruttan le a To-' routo vowalistt, being soloist of Ceu. tral Methodist Churdi o! ýthat city. He is a tenor of, wide range, his voice -, g - t'âle flffl l" Wcb lthe dreai o! ail tenors sud a source o! pleasure to au audience. Froni the opeuing notes lu the tiret numbers on the -prograi, Mr. Rut-I tan reveealed a vocal scope which en- sured a successful interpretation o! the ambîtious compositions wb.ich formed hie share o! the concert." SALE REGISTER. Monday, October 10.--Auction sale o! !arm stock ed n&iplemente, the pi'operty o! Daniel Robinson & Son, iot 28, rear con. 7, Witby Tp. Sale aone o'clock sharp. Se. bille. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. -1 -15 Tuesday, Oct. li-Aucton sale o! Dairy Cows sud ybuug cattle, the property o! Oliver Deuny, at Bandel's Hotel, Wliitby. Sale at 2 o'cbock sharp. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. SWednesday, October 12.--Extensive auction sale o! fanm stock sud impie- monts, the, property of Frank Dickie, lot 1, cou. Zroken-- Front, Pickering Tp.. Sale at 12.30 sharp., Wm. Maw, auctioneer. Wédnesday, October 12-The fanm stock and imple-mente o! the Misses Mary sud Margaret Farewell will be sold witliout reserve on lot 3 aud 4,. Baseline Est,' Oshawa, 1% miles !rom G.T.R., Junction. Sale at one o'clock. For particulars see posters. James Bishop, auctioneer. Saturday, Oct. 1 15.eAuction sale of MI Etjerybody'*VS Beechamh's Medicine Pille msy Mediinebe-taken old. Everybody needa sornething at times to belp the. digestive organe. Everybody will find benefit in Beecham's Pille. They aid the digestive orgar. ILL medki»in *0 hWeud -Q U'a 1lit y maintain, econom~ye NIo matter-ho-w much you pay "dper. galloulY for other lubrica- ting ohms you get more lubrica- tion "à perdolar" when you buy UImperlal PolariffeMotor Ois. p 1< e .1liaiutazns Bconorn~y IMPERI 'AL Polarine Motor 011s cave',many' J.thousands of doll ars everyý year for Canadian motoris.ts' becausie of reduced operating'expenses. Imperial Polarlue Motor 011e cnt dowu repair sud mainten- -ance costs, reduce fuel bis sud insuro you for ail time against excessive depreciation aud xepair expenses. Imperial' *Polarine quality maintaina econçomy allg4oug thelîne. Judged by quality-gauged by 'actual miles, of, perfect lubrî- *cation each gallon will give,. sud byreal metorlng satisfaction, Imperial Polarine le the least expeusive motor lubricant' that you can- obtain.- The more carefu4ly you check up- costs, the more thoroughly couvinced you wiil be of the advantages of using'Imperial Polarine Motor, Oils excasaively., Standardize on the correct grade of, Imperial Polarlue Motor Oiîs. Consult our Chart of Recommepidatiois iat jýour dealer's or write to, 56 Church'Street, Tôronto, for our inter-. esting booklet, "Auto-motive Lubrication."I I IMPERIAL OIL, LIMITE» iranches in» ail Cties For a C'Iean, Efficient Motor Clean out your orank-case every thousand miles or less. Imperial (iildeialers displaying the sign shows on the right, will flush your crank-case with- Imperial Flush- ing Oil. aS p e c ia-11yprepared cleansing agent for crank-oase cleaning purposes.. You save money-in longer life and more * efficieiýt service from your motor by using this service, Whltby G it'II -ýceIL ne w SH, Proprietor Thies wew have reoolved a oarload of Oate, lant sumons rop, grade No. 2, 0. Wa.._ These are a high grade oat and are quit@ frae from dirt ori w..d soedi. Âs 'Feeds are. advanoiug ln 'price these are good Rolled Oate, Chopa, Mill We&1, -Chtok Feeds , nd Baled Hay keptInl stock. In Flour we have Oream of, the Wegt PuritY and Monà roh. Marvel Pastry Flou?, 24 Ibo- for 81.19. Lawn Grass Seed, Zoo per lb. Ohoppin', doue dafly. :4 'r, I MARKAIWFAUR FRIDAY and SATVRDAY Octobor 7thand :Sth -ATRASTUVE RiN» PROGRAR B801H DAYS FR1 DAY- Two -Fiat '*Running .Race,,Ilurdie RcBroad Ilurdie Jump,-Romà n Race. and onyRace. SATUJR DAY-Two Fiat Runnlig, Races, Steeple... Chase$, Hlgh Jumping, Two Trotting IRaces -2.30 and Free.for-aii, Roman Race and Pony Race. Exta Prkng Arrangements onFeu Grounds. Ton acres of parking, grounds': and quick i(et-away aseured. TWO extra gates for autos only. REDUCIED FARES- ON RMILWAYS. I 1.