50 81S1.I8 86. 1187.91 - - THURSDÂY, NQVKM 3, 192 ibur C.rrespoidentS ,etea Wini gladly welt-in e m» tbielr f OUâLA I Womens_- »Ltuteflpuhel&-luat week. 'T%'ïo -~Uitppewr en onP vicnmty during gratiid on obtixu the highest number Qg, point ucncuawlth cf Duluth, 13 the achool, fefraCetflcate o! Honer, bier for a short and a- pnize Of $3.00 lias been giron. Tihe Iatt« a donation from Mr.%. E. 'in heme attend- N. Sinclair. rvatlye meeting - ia.onea and',Mmer. Walker wero appointed delegates te -the Wonrens services of tht- Instituto. conyvention te ho held in Tom- wil, be ht-Id on onte in Norember. ad cf la the af-, Hailowe'en was celebrated in tht-, in the- nature "of usual way b h-yugte elenient -la ;ervicee for whlch he llenage,. Soue cf fthe ricks played' red by the- choir. caused a gmtat incqnrenleace te saine :en wp willî be for and those -1lta st able te rt-store the- nary Society. A property nved o, broken.-seemetd te sermn will be ho tht- victiais. or'. Service will be hbai at -7 ocloclc on ssion Band'wll Suiiday.ereniag i 9the p, resbyteriai- iternoon at 2.30 churci. lecture mwill ho Me. and Mrs.'McDonald, 1fr. St-versv .who is home on and Miss Terinà linson, o! -Toronto, inot- ored te Brooklia on SundaY - last and dren are staying Uests o! Mis. TenlinÃsan. lunter. ' The passing tf bogu.s checks ls not maeeting o! tht- j eofint-d ta thet bow n d citiet-. Ont- ;OOKLIN FLOUR -Mil op the BEST BIREÂD FLOUR ou haud sePMrity, ende ALSO- YEL PASTRY' FLOIJR ARIO BRAN ANID MUDDLUNS CHOU' ANU i)CRUSHiED.-OATS1. lion. Halli Osha tht -i 1T] geai expc ur supply now while, the prios is 1low. tEkREALS 0F ALL KiN'1DS.« *t MantSd. Uikhet PrIce Paid.' Vilso, - rookllfl, YFOR, THE EAu AND 1ER REQUIREMENTS. V ALL WOOL SWEATERS, amen, -women and children., erwear, Hosiïery, Shaker and W ool Blanà ketse.- Prlces The Best Possible. See our New Shipmeflt of AND PAINTED CHINAWARE.ý W.LAWRENCEý RCHÂNT, *OKLUN9 -ONT., r': Sale of « Land For Taxes waxrant lander thOi. ado! the .Warden and the. SWeu f the,-Corpar. Ontark d&ted t Sh dasy of Septeniber, 1921, cominanding -0e ta * o ntlnd l ii ollowing'list-for arreara of taesthereon and th' 1 1 bieby give notice that unie.. enuch arrm and casta are wonianS tli thg Ausemament Act, proceed ta nill by pubia me * s< muc theeof s ay be JI0cessa"for the taxas. at.the Court Wlitby, a IUAYt DECEMBER 28rd. 1921, et the hour af, twa TOWWSW OPICKERING ConesaOn -Acres '.Taxes, Brokeni Fronit. airnga Broken Front. SeS rania Broken YFrant, 8fta e'mi- Braoken Front, arang Broken Front. 8rd -Broi9. Fçgit. lad rang' Bme -Ba*i ront, 8r4 ran4 TOWffSHIP Or Lt' Plan Acre a 170 8 170O M S- 17% - . 4,140 172 p- 07l' TOwNSUM -con. - Acres 14 93 Street Acres plan Acre Etbel )Prk 14-8 con. Acre 12 - 4 88 10 18 YOWNSU con. ' AceW B 109 1 00 * Il lu Cocu Total 225i~ 1187.68 4.94 122.62 Patd. 1i - 0 4.78 % 1.0 EAYwUIbY 2425 lis5 Total 6.98 Pmtd. Pat'd. or UwwtVd 18.03 $2.2U $10-28 -pavS.- 8.06 2M25 10.31 - P*t'V& 11.8§ 2.28 11.67 Pim. 7.3 .U --9.88 Ptd 2.1 - 2U 4.42 -Pstd. 2m 2811 188 15 Pat'd. 4.18 2.26 6.48 paM Z2.97 2m 21 5.54 11.18 .54 24.18 patd. OF ERACR - TerSa Comte Total Pat'd. or Unpa'd. 114.817'- 12.31 $17.24 Pat'd* 6 4.655 &86 57.91 Pat'd. CANNMlGTON . Ptd Taxes Casta o Pa . or Untmt' OF TROIA.H Taxe. « - cota TotalPat'd.. or, Unpmt'd 819.&7 1.48 $21.85 Ptd op lXA' Taxes Cat-q l'otai.- Pat'd. or UnpmtV4 $8.07 $2.26 88.32 Patd. 17.06 2.45 20.41 -Pa'. 30.1.4n 2.71 33.67 Pat'd. Ta« Casta Total Pat'd.or1UY $2U.0 $2.40 126.40 Umpatti. 14.08 2.85 16.49 Pat'd. 18.78 2-47 21.25£ *Jng.it4 18.62 2.41 21.09 Unpatd. 1&.48 3.46 - 20.94 Unpat'd. 16.14' 1.88 1.02 Unpmtd. 84.29 - 1SM 978.16 Unpat'd. -18.70 2.41 19.11 Unpat.L 18.70 IL2. 19.12 - 2niat*d. 20.90 - SM1.5 2&84g Unpard. -16.10 2'41 19.12 Unpa'd. MOI LU 1 lUS -lnatd.- 14t» &» ,4.48 Wmt!Pid. Cnnu Tte COLUMBS - 1- ou 1anythiifid-> rspark plugs - -serve onrj Quite a large nunîbêr 0frore home at-a fw evt-nings ago, and and better.I swo~ht- emseSle *mnwi* rBEL endtd bie Lm era~ost-mtin ht-av mc ejye rarma emberiflg that:there arê IM B wUWinGhw nTt-dyi eaf orNt AfteHon. Win. Smi'th'. - atwhich Bespt-iaLY mu iseliet b - ýle foÈr nak- -Office--Dundas - ~~~~~~~~Premier, Meiglien. spoke.BrsOrLeut ivietattuuI jt MEUT* Th Tanksgiving siso int beisaotthe 6ho ~vmbr n or batte last long«t-ci Tht- ~~~~~~~ and git- tht- peagrani. - dsev mo fatuly FJRSand HIR WEDESDÂIM~ Chueli it-t- Ol~..'-j Mission Band met in tht- -Hall-lst ~- an Manay The y6ung peoplt-'s choir Smray aît-rnoon. Tht - Banid coin- . &e. tht.. ruleaIn A B C DR. R. T. OF? LÂCH MONTH. ge-ry Way. -ecios dprs e acampany o! -about . 20Yon %splendid selections aud folk s and ets regularly ech w ek.: fo1lola lKEEP fUT N M ND 1 S ea m fc om -ap reia ned Mr. Os- lowteT rn ks ere udulged in 1 - Pt- in watU rogul&rli 11 R-ade car Downey's sale et Myrtge îsst by saine e! tht- sialler boys'and a few7 tee> ùpithe.char.. C r eaoir n week. o! tht- noisy. girls ro! - ur coxnmunitYCr.,ok n Me. John -Neabitt is cf on lis an- bt othing was ixidulg-d ':in S-oh veytoweks for warth special mention. -Tom Sadier iÃœ,-huuting brp this week. - nsviite nd at eete lîe cti-DR D Hgm OMr. usutklgI. PercyýMantie move ett-ilrae lk ct-DR . ~ 1Staly Iaai t Booklalat ee. e resor-! zen o! lis ydars and gaood staitding 8-And when your- presezit bat- . lHYSICLI ryt-os . .a "lcsmtiisds*vs k sai iht, but. don't tery weans out, buya llr oe Qeut Mm. Ceh. sta backs t-rtct-is ausread.Ruise. At ho lays Uriouiy attery wt hor Gau OSHAWA mul ttddhtr- lag b ricks -on mexi tht- age ofiThomas Ifhreadled ]Rubbei Batte.. - PQýt Graduate LÀ PhelS! Ne Vte quiPMuîigM.Rd' twr-ar ahsdtl- Thrcaded,]Rubber Insulation Offise and Resld bewei h lae.Stan ____________ ____ -- -- - - - ng house art- now completed -and itj .WCltt-pae. --Telephone 122. --prt-senIis a rery nice appearane - in1 j There le only crne battery good St-ern frxuht-t- enttoOshWal.Iou<1hfor Us to back by our D 1 -deed, . leIi Ie oTusdyast ta ht-ar Hon. Arthur' unqualfied recozi=endatin -DI____ - ~ ~ NUU.7~~FUokli Meighén,'Premier o aaa n-adthat' thé 'Willard Thre'aded 66 7,1 -aIl seët-rt agmet- that hie is an. ablt- Rubber Battiry. Cornein-and B. B. Beato LEVersekrythlnd e Ptent Medicine: pck-and nodispmace ta tht- partY. we'll shoW you morne recordlb it Graduntýe of hé represents. umd ena ugo L t~¶ n~ n~ ~t~Toronito. &ffinE Brooklin over Sundai'. - . - PÂ7r'I'Jor ONTARIO fectiontla L w -FOR, SLTATION k- (iLJN SONLA TAKUNOMACUIrEq R .SCHOOL MOVIES SERVIC TTO MACHNE.Foe.Lt-nf Progress Club o hu--StetOshawa Th-MostMusical Instrument On iEarth. -Spncr eholhdver r eduy cata and t-ntertainiiigevixgFiaOt Phe92 lu ;Oak, WalInutand Mahogany. This machine has.rnanY abe th- tent-aighohrt pupils 1whth presemntatvs - ut-w fetures. -An inspect .ion is innited. - -o! the- school ae -whr porme, htb R new atduh.aniertcttonuseby JohnIqETALGR THE PRICIE LB RIGHT, TOO. coditind o!-chtorlseS alwt'-Y ENRLGR aaid 011ie Kircîll.j RCRSdcubU Sided,-10 lnch-65C.6 -Mr. Tipper, Distrit ep1e1.nta-i: 1 WiliPla onAil.Mahin. ijntrt-sting films,- îllustrating tht- mak- Iing o! cut glass, tht- Clay BeIt o!f ~ I Nortiema Ontario as an agrit-ultumal I* LQ- -. rejion, tht- killin-, andi picking o! poul- I~ m f1 I~ _______ Brook ~, by. andl be-tds o-rù ~WFUKjFEn During intermissiofl-tht- girl officers ai- tht*- club soId candy. -Tht-n caine -- Agents foi Tanlac. i I "hà nieè Chaplin" wlicht~hilytT téèW tht- ehuktet - A sîlver colléec- - tien was tek-en at tic dace. mmïý fs tad weeks The 1* î«L Uamec *hip -i to the cloth. untilt was *tt The m Myrtie with i recelv larger Their ed, an, ente. Trent l'ho Tut-si dem b sionei Ohurc in tir i; o'ci coac« onder Osha, and I Xlin M~ 50c; SA ENT, the- R us an( .e avr re. O1 H. J. Hudson, Il -132 Garlta 1 TORON Phono Nerth 5316 Opposil E. -W. Sisson, 1 Bell Phono 294. - Offlice over Allin Hours-9 to 12 amn llndertaker and F Bell and Indepenc or ntght tROOKLIN - m~drin m~taonaIl fi V GEEWOO PRT W}IIBY night of Hallowe'en, w ba woman tWO f 211 The, G.G.M.C., h eld a Hîllowe'en The, "Faà ithful Foilewers,'BbeaeacLaywr h £101£ 00 f iirlocl sors. IlI~hI isocal ndmasuerdeat -the home -of ls o t on~cuc eda sur- turnes "made-up" by the 03D8fl vlintêd the s-o b&i .W n r.Gisnis odytrspryin honér o! Miss Wales, On 6.30 tili 9 o'clock, school yad o ltan reF.W.nndted a mii-nIat ir d pis- Prt for$47oO ~ t e ,nk oant-e&L night, Evexybody lhad a good tie Tes. yeening, cf last week, in the'rhins hc h fo .09 on-fthefl amapprecitednthekindness of Mr. baseinent of the' chlréh. Aspeddtheinselves, were eajoye i WSS Bgaed by a frniliar 11W IL [InMs Gibson iaopening their turne was repore,-aleoynte________ and whICh hapPenid to- be the homie for the eveninÉ. - music and -the, gaineS. ,-Later ia the cf a customer ~nIf.eigtw-Miss Afinà ièDay cf Ternoset.eeingrefreshiÃœnfts were served. w 0o PIuospI Lt as ccpt£d, ancsgv igli oxso »RWKAIES ve h -ek- it Mispenthian acount cf the'death-cf Mr. Wil- Te Qreag Enj9 Le ainO1nt iilSte rc f CDIt1 awi le. Middleèms liain Marshal's f ather early Suaday Z5 oes andi vil Sundav wa afluarterltorfiioegr and Mrs. Marshal kit nadVi. Noi Bank, it Nex -naown Qater .ingin Idreo s stm th oini ore aktho ghtcf it ~ ~ :i Meeting at. Broughan-, there will be town the saimie day, fer Barrie. Do~unino. hccu Dof lty, Mentu rnd-iifound it wsnegod n hlservice at Grenwood. Sun- MissGetOUilntrOof rokh îaeparty tried the a day Schoo1 will be in the afternoon as *gfr h aloee arya or1 od yalargit le station but could net gt aw~usual. +- wal aisitor teat Mr: Jo n Kearaey'S ocit fýrie ~t. oing ot Port Perry théy :*ý".îýk Mrs. K. Belyla een iii, but is thelHigli Sehool.freUWOPMD NC 00<15 fi ble ta b e~t agan. * - * Mr., Henry Lawrence is on tê'ik _________ car ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à nuue a ae n rc r.Jh rw svsiting with Eist this week. sn btsuspicion was aroused. ~insl oot.Fseue'epc oh hog o n' ttOl~ id the partie were foua~l a 'Y ... ~.'The farmers are alvrybusy thsyer i s epred n rbai A heariag+ will 'hoe givea ia ishing Up the PlOughaing. about another ten. days. 50011. This is supposed te be *-* The stone4iooker "Arthur Hanna," J -of +the thieves working betWeea Of Theronter, als, kêteantîmo lW o THECl'yCa tand Torente. CONRSo Trntor, aisxted yto pull ôutfor , Od~a anksgiving Ton nd Concert on ~Haiiowe'en wvas, not overlooked a-- theéups fudrgigrpis i ch, roivin . Tea wnd Cobeseedpnecleedth gs .Adfr* uit a few u ters hgçae been T ry~Sh, Sout fte rsyeinRa blter h oersbytl e r ar ou s n Podringith week on te 0: da e nig No thechrchferouse d e niyay.tne. h loot ooucsb t for abreote'il *j i *baSoc enetya elleis' Aprili8th- 121 younrpeoper.turne* b the S.S. to havehbe neseen. foc utihalae rser l-LII netc.Grand 1e d d trat of tif an1t T ~~rte will fla. Ms e~eAe 1 s yuv teie sa dpblsh hai a aarl oesb hfr eeYMr t1iogo wscale oTi- * TeDni rc rci, Br ok oeve qri HEta . . P rtBetw- vee , eat een seured or th Mus. ~ ~ ~~ - lvely u e vuwl oete. __Thie i scko fo!r mo bte W r e \rs. Dgga. - MOT slc îtinsbyi l esre.Grhonr was aeop le ai returne t t e d S. r. ae end Mse. M clsoe fTr ~Is.E.O. CJe MssieurI uferd -ih hemaii hfr allont.anta, andfMaster - Bob Iis+teheat Mis. - TrONT X,. Rev. J.ni R.tu phisicana The i ng finirshes+ arôunis ' d Pua entètiir è d here th i . la t ek bri i,), o rouse childecre fr he2véc.g. us, e pl ace nbdun ulrnte ld eIfiirebaaart h -'e lst e eke rn pn ah npaer. i H i ps- Sepîi aso snumberorfrokin here lerattendldONthe séletios b hir W.io.n-ilIty isr vnotlteet knoal rnurbd iTGa- pro aso rn Mr. eighn'smeetng n Qs- ~eumaismw~a~Sa ~d. th nîoth.Theyareantiipaing ete anrC.oniced s toWhe tht . uil-infrmaton âasntdteI fèyrted in Tht- rcent rainsri-l help'heoadmre. s xece t Mecm ee . Tuk TetAgNTO nor, , Miss reurengnFou nd aastere-Blgooditime. A delghtful littie party was held at ing, Distri Passe me» re r'd n h-'yfr £ dy cfs yongpopreaote-ded the and s;cotiud the reatrw- n erèu- fo pou.ig.th.PrW hitby sieo llo s aon therontoIT- awa~~~lÉ onoModnforeninhe Satronz th Ga tw~ n aqe, r d n dace m a d vas mIfoundme iie tin e. 1trer- hi__e i rati iss-,ýo Lorie Facs ad wiss Aierl uhsi in htbs a ruta-A~ ILT'C s Resnboh fshaa set ie" nle o t ,Y$) I n ftIjE1ULnLFxi L KE week-endc atMi s. Wm.kMyn.rdhs-.cgraete. wel ,)thsuteatracegof. ji-Iihomenddetcooking al.so aft up in this vicirty. bue.people ile. ad '1e . R heR. Tneon t es aehid. i h e Mie to is Ir NSidy AIJogr IO eER AN.Osi oulyalhoghitisth tir d- 0ea ox 6fo $.5, rsI azn2s.SudaaSveloot n.Sauray cral re tn g thir5c.tes'èryNoveberSth at hre oarock unern n -uiterfirst). he essons nd ex Sam it o p ice y Flruin t-éa r-t éls .w fJtiisclasil.lm nd.I t . A ir ngem- elt 1)o , sal e Gc az-p rober n rni e r.ces i th e grat o d cn-té R ed, ttwa. Mr.hé C. L. Moey r e, fO eee m. tteGeé f ie te ose th peplo tpbic g eadsetth ekedwih.Bldn, ee ondb- Belnl end ad. o nea.ifonitonf e ispre ten t soetinTbt-Mr Mrcoeni and dauhlthretula-dj ng, DjITBV ONT. . . Olao pub lie This inded th fnly in h ithhi atr pedigA d-"-' WAIUfl YU 1 Mr. and Mrs. J.he+ Draperntof-lPicker-lit- e - -hoodonn Sunday. DONT NEaL.Be rtiof [isý§ Lorraede upncearand *nisslttnr where el PtIonUREth. tanL ,a.Reeson, boh-Mrf ashaMrs. Wm.t'Kempeand Miwhic[fcst ohay the amighfeNtStr+.uJ. FLSER V week-edean Msdaompete-y withw yeur atraceofdaletf runy any -W MMna.' aDn d Mette s iceladfniy ikb ,lecigt aettm dnutu grwitýhome.madeMs.J Alty *-____-rksth-t-t upi ti vcniy Te epl n MrmJRIHR.notand Mrs. Laeden th Mr. ndtand owî i:ONRAN ,ealar: aTngtrirante;svey hM!r. Edg n- st e! Con- -UA 1 Ous ox 6 for$2.50rtrpalrsiyou20,cSu ly lthughitis he hid d- 5e b'NoSt r . ,. atddthe faerao ! . uny< inun.y.fis).Th eson ndex ofriý-vs Cand ford Bonsont Thursdaye ef-foassale Ma i - . - oweekra wrl cnlit M . C.'Li sympathofyieritee d e (poi thpo' r hebi Ià mwiNedteOtt-wa.reahed fnmiAi iors. McPhpeople!to publie gage, andTarnth,-eespendt-it-k.M. Bas-n t w-ah asBellandbled in y« re inspired themting at Mr. 0>ewnt-v'- - - ' LllnwRcOmb n u4. è eutý W ITB .O mpossibleto-rub te Alad Missr.F.n Mas; J.Draper, f Pecoer usher *iindtreceniylentlimierbststr Mrs. vi55 Bnyrlft is intd w ihb reltives1-WE il *iDonneley. in lablTarante.o d-aer the oneeknend ;e and curerttheitwir at teshomeeo! D. . npand fris. ro hlyhv lante.> r. Hant lon-' ee Soial, Johnaton- ClY . ass ona pSundnyn Mrrn r.R.S e c r ! a t- t e. ndMis. Fanni e mp -la nd k M iss- f y u avG re- 1 h e t t o b En s oriiVr wer a J E.Becok's fo t tB rHeftKemr. JoseeinAsTborneovng' u n ol, hon~~~W--iisar o ts dsuss A odpo f-Gren uvsRive, aiite whîcli ay ocia ie y ri ,te The M. Zie- peole itead a r.ng andiiMJLL uturend MrAn invitationh, is.eatdndpoxYtarTpt- 11, a cae an eajy th- soial reat, ida be heMr an dec er s t, is be of orwhchaneiceltntprgoroha nto;reMrEdgor oA tustions of onuHaved Sk, tsm-lec~ yen on tht- te fue buIs.r. Mis yrî- ilol avt HllWam ir)nORNT 'tn ~ ~ Tta r.wn ni. Sdr's home. 098se,(U de, forht-r scoQl !ri-nds ad youngMira. Fed HlalidayOur tue oRead s eopl it Rh S'-t- ii Ity. Ab t otyth in Jail .ful n. E. F Mr r es en t and var4i str i .>T o n0dtot.Y ws presnt andtooki hmswr a b-s-eschald h-discusion. th wek fl T ith lowns .-tramps, nddri-. Th . oba'sîs abt. -adCu ing Offie-R0S WuthaWin jMih is va rkit Flougl ing rett y o st; tht-nss ailh GparadedTôa round1i sheaw , and oM mt-nctdev tht -rne a e mpandvaniednd ail th- rootcrops hIdila.vsited atil ate houeor G. T- h e op-riyhs ed, a etc. lla 9 "1' hns-A ." e en wO rserda latowr tt c heon üd -of ht ilge bmke o rberslait longer-,Btorsee alit-i tht-.evan gr..Tht-uew as r apposo- h s w -agl ated , pratl dcoat- isth pmpknsad qt-anmroet-t. - asaton, aïisbie poerifltonan aflwt. Gffice roc V onmsas ret- kowng o! snexgbo t ,nh rvn aeyu ie at - . otyt Jrrmi. -Pepaatioi mdt- fortht-Ban rm f in n-nlý nedhv n etin Ke ttIN g odsat~ o grcenfgraey ir-s of tbi Tire 1) ),rRan I and 011 raraoity. n smissi k ri -anG PI havý te]ý is il -and deà ,.nos OSON Il