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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jan 1922, p. 3

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Y Premier Dvry am i». M.rimui à Tu".)Wt 1Co 1 tvoMbg the. Peiit-ap Wat.ro O biutn e-'-biPw la Pacity of 630,000 Horsep.>er., À idcspatth froeii quea:on says:-, quantit4.a oi, fer- r Orari ;- Nearly ftve yenra of skiU.ed ewiueer- uitry.and rtv irdfarmx h ?e3. 1,qbfett, .nighit and dey ando , ý tWhen -zi Pr tPr an I Mi ovnyiIIn ~~I Marion BeA .- Adims da1z..hte!, whIn power was oefac~i.Iy t7tued Ot' he- gist t-m e r atthe Queenst.o-Cippawa t~1p~atoi. As the -"CI~ ni ment. Sir Adm Beekon wbose t up IUs tevobWti, ýJin 'rrx~~ shtxlderu the tremendous w- ight off; spped. the firs M jIf~~af~pw reqnsibiltIy has vested duin~g the'igrauallybrvoug-h nto 4iOtI- entIre anxi6us peiid, prs.ided at the'l Iumiration a h-ge bernercth- ~tb'wal ce flnkoi ie3.an Tecetvpd ovations ioelthe power house frmi over Z2000- miiiipal TeprSe paDe~~mentThiiretf- t ht agI1~~* few Cu*S4Ji% pblieC dro-eIectyic pat~*wwr Jî n e3 ëv* V b"n 0wSr4qed. Mate' cbpaçity fO 8.Gr e ~ ~ . tIh I a ad bparklig r a aftinit g!ow dl Iiit to a;bos. marteIe VY-% ,ey-z.$IrP0 -ý,xhiite iut, nrtde vrtte glare t4e_ èletric squae grrdu- ýn the, Coe0inleltd 1êly mounted as -he wbili U "ee-~ Yýiu;i!Iy arparmet in the iri> te atot picked li>tP *0 xrT~a liydro lght waz the expreai.m of lutionspiet Minlute- eprnm a: -mSinvIt PRINCZ SCOMJ groat refetr at thte ompletioli of the, tii.-aound o! Tr=bn-.w*teraI 8 F-ld 1i-t of the Letniu f êfthe t ippawai erating mmcbiaerYgrcw iinil-Glume -to power. PIrojettb heîetest fi the a roar ,Which completely dr,ý,wnel out world and the wàbý>eiK for cbmmIit nithe enthuâia*tc fýbPer!%, ot 2'Q<> Per- nathios.. For Wppmimatèlj ten dayas Ons a&M itheblais aof, t)w iplant 11 M~e oN l the wparatus,,wili be eritt.4 te Yrem. The wIhole oftho of#ciDý. APe-i dry out tm i Y raWîfl iqg ew onis0 cupicd Jtus then f ¶ j Can__cô-nA à«PM-éh -~Imm'~e. ~tu M Suaf fe F.eum Ai .Have A .,despsteh froin Dubin rein t win et SjeiImeetings contiue wtobeTrro etban i Be O AL, es t Ëh itww>Wi lilgas.-The i The Cavan Urban OowciI haMd tàMilf heîùýV ftt fin ý! - eaublm "ado td a reslution etU»g, the fe4l*iX stricta i Pugiin as b rieasinga-loyie - 1ef .ie t - ~ -AI-isu1SOViet fr lihappreciatio21 -ofthe t he- - ait few- we,.£* t 18 p0m - _ ngroea t,>' D;ýtK*ate ý aio termes o! the treLty, anti, 1w imi r, àceordiIng to a de-iuatch te.reeogsuzIi-g hf geBt -r1_c 1- 14Mr, the r$lelcal itesta ?News Agoiiy, tlated reiid&Mdb3r the t'enibeiof~% ~4s .Dal ElreanniGký "At Rarnukcve4ky the parish pcople treaty, declain -We- u )vienklo tcYld the Cnrs i Uske eo tea t ~~ lign'set theO dai grrou,î tobut>' the faminc victim 1s - - lifgiare c s -êyei Ivixt Mme*- iii the preasfle o! the prpeI, -M éýGl , , ,rm -~-bsî ~ ~ m iuet 1be Jept over 'l j theti they rn ia tatc that niakes eati4 eitii pý t4 le." - Oxsinio taedt D 1r. X141M. 'htn i s sdue, ho bt patty espèd hi Ns~i }~9 Cmris o e Kep the N&6oWStro ig. the ?rmnoe's *xtmr~odinryperson~~ Tnerat~nC onimitte Of -'Uaiâe;n ality, sawl parti>' te the love the na-IWina ]Relief, even tiwugh ardetied el A cioee >tudy o! an' -iYo o India attvys ýdÃŽ$lýay ftLs.'-_ _ .r eturnwtit , ,o0qeC ,w .kýened rutal loSailty woul{I und*oubteiy show'ebow. . - -l-îvo1ôÙan«vi bI' tht c enes teyitnesaeà i'. tbea surising set !ci,~i.4 ~tt egtbsbej~hv-e ul atf ker n ~~ i " liT e pea ltr Si je~ tjàîï 1lU e. .given to e evt Y f &*On th at, <1m -te ' u i e s . ~ d i an o -" 'b c 3 e ~ o hte ' and ho.tfa4 CmidVïmt(Ol fr - éaiei h o At Viipre~en~ tirne entin e buiness, gtoem i ~a e4l Ovse-iko tt S vit t -ith ailt, i i l cretn ie;t aft î to maep yere tsttil nt#ofWs, in IJVerîtt$ êutskùi al reable to food only hijtQ tody tupl. - , - -- fhit tta? n hlde u -r0l Tîs means-th&t Ttal jt4us thei b# lit ls twe rletli*f tt sdtItm ithB eTr>tlQ In n rtk&e on "pet i i A w e tme iulteret Câüm aV. m tary ef t teêfor External1 . o~or wiljýy o re maiýupactuTto0! v lýfkom Ottava sy - --i~a ço"and A.,~OPPLLB., Secrtary RWN - 9 ! i, , Mluister vithiont poroii!. WbdI1hmnt, and Minlfst r. in gctht~rnetO elh KCGM ",We ust 'h-ve .roe saiy. "She)p hours andM iee ~*~ fur too eany. WDi$cers # 4 *-ïmnl f'r4it L a go are only tooen teb dltracted, on the pr1m:elp4. ttiat! û hroed si-atn wburn Joh.n Kenrkk'Baiga 'O'hhrel mn ~is the n tcest nias Qu T'hat ever 1 db! tee: 31 [le', aw.y>- q g to leave his work eSt astl C &dtalk to ime." Yetth *rh iet most work frein workWfm ve Ut merelless taili- niuteu. Ae#lng flfah and blod am' Af e. soulles nwiahnery. 1 I Wfth each duiy more c«re ia taken- for the man hi"I! as more PedQO u i tha:l any erigine niar has mnade. 1 r xasperatn itceraWle, intract- th( able " a wêrknan may be-overbear- t lng, doeninerlrr<, wreasonab!e as anln e*ik-yer miay bt-the two iiust find1 a comn-i-en derusninatur in a mutual in- teresgt, and reale tiiet tey succt j or fa.11 together. Their busi . P-aiho- bongs te ttios both àn4 e4a&hemu both, lley canot et aug each ether; k eannIt do vitheut botb Fricto ot. much when it retards the miotion cetiee" whee'i and rods; but.- th,@ friction bctw'cen ik.1tviduk,3 wbe ahlid wor'k sec thly Lgevher e<otS ts41 ioôe. Every tffo4 t ht à - pent to create itnn'an! anpong those w1hore h.:z niitted ta an enterprise, i3a-1er thet is verth wh4le. Meraieé is an Cuijtry- la as fundImenti a!l85ri!DraW for an.y ariny.- 13 sne cetet.fer on*tw fl y bus3inesfi eurated <tur niany, Oui. <w r nern l is arsqS co#iutory te n Other; there tzi'ôSùW t gas ai iýeIte Indutrial independmie i4t 9%ays 4nterdepeMpneie4. ri-nre thea-ff),e anxlijui*t !y fer the- pro",ç* tya e eié *k- aeffarsbu ýr t ilq t. t.e t to ho t hujtCý) f<i.if A See e- b g feed f - f Bal. thae rnna e t'ef 'WILLI CN MACZEN-li r S4hateh~ ç M~î~ter~ Il 1. QBBA O nmtrce-. Min~ A deffatieh froni -~Say&:-Thie.efoèrt té reduce awn h t atw 4faiad subinarine and auxilUry Daà ton- Fxruç,S, -~nage mt witli complïte f onlure o4 w*nsuS. Wédieda ii aSesiono tite Inter detr taie Armui*ait. jTbe sesSIOft s UlaTkd I d y olly.gbty v Mr faxi and M..%Srrautcoucern- tniedmsMadt MM n< the -naval eoprtin f Geatnaval buUding prograi Britan llariFace 1 tt buivfusal of the French die a!vrbetween tow two nations: tusla.nd armeanmt. France inuisted on an allowance- f Smmie$ted 90,000 tpns ofsnbmarie«.,daaount the two muions -Of e Iialto the maimnum M.Hughes Çonunitteewere. originmlly Proposed - fertt,] UWtiiît'(1) Aceptànve b>' Btutes mnd Greaàt'Britain, anid tbree ellovunce of, 176 0001 «-it 141WAJSTY -KING GEORGE imses the. prsent Frepkh tomige, and sbips contigent Mn jýýrna iy- he titeture at. the leitt uioWE .-tbe Priu-ess ln o 0Oê os-of auxiliatyto the. lengta of the ~at thêM lght as aM iof Mteen. 8eow lB her tu t . b. lit>'of beg ____________________ MIr. Baifour ini polite but gi onimu 1927 m3toad Immdiiey earedthat tbi r.e (2) Agre*oeont te i - ot 1 Iat nd usag ing subo m iarin '. , 1 _(3 f ap â s i u s.t noned:the Fren& nvid bu t g-oL-ub&rn ad u INplan almenace to Gret yian ad (41 Propoeai nwade1 deesredthat uifder thaeicuMstfOs !Cf a var -ctaft, exeq _____ ritaiui oouldagme to no liniit on the'aml searoplarp'éar ~the weding of' A reaeptim àlaplaftied i t 1 cIItribéiioR !£?itT dutro as luib&t toa dl Smn t;taaiween 1 Jàaiss'e Pam, tithW41 UIO-than a tie nt-umirii rf - wth.ginisnexee* à1te-at*Ã"ek 1 hMid ivteou~iest&. M. arraut denie tht surmar'ines iaiiire-. 9rhéyowmg eoupke viipass nattO .6.ua4lAgMecYi oj<5 oaul iude te- at *rtV'ý 44att bruietjonIngOBritani and the Unt ~~'"~' vi~'~~bS w- inte4d-t» proteFrauen trtu ioMctps »Yo5èéredlto flifflhy Lady SM1 C8tý aýo andxiresei ýsuple 4t"48 ~tooa, ý"d Yraw I ~ ~ .is~ofi vîie>wt._Laeée. ~Also F-é_hdefeneet pl*M should &roue000 tG1ns escb, Stih.y wiIItra< ei ni FrandBel- ,%ftlie f arswith l!ri- ~made etànan! posdly "hi 'witzer&4ud.. u lme cptal slip tonnage c*rteta be lhmtte4 te The moot exquisite texttr Il nto rcer4tay ' -Ilthe Prneaswedding dros%, cruze.1in<ir ehes iXiln slrjdy basben eîl LBalforrted Nwitb the a.- ggxed, opo-a1« mus ~ ~e~setf~ ~ ne-tim wa e sertion n the eep~t wr ofdto iit '11W fl - on frairn.B tin.,and.Fre, MrBt- against conetO. th ierai' -f 'the t" o, Baiteé, s,,.onu su[iiribuMingthethe cl.tia kdoaeo! ateothe e b heCIthedffsox ia and rAya oen ia «s of - hifs heulthper- Tht Pinèsiso!ten sftn owa&" î', _,d Cantenry fix u ;29.oin !thVuout.. wdin i tnSceÃŽes: shelmoto >cPPUlar. tiian raN Ifet e#« i<ler tthe ock to< -u7u ~WUtmes c s Wo the, andÂll thé ab,.e, j* àrt 4 t nd ixeand-wo&k mii- play, ' 6 r te*cIÇT om 1c fo xo'bepogeoee -With Our -Ontario 'sheat-N( iid pkuaiit wty et 4real Iutie >dv n n oBr?~N.& remider obar'd m- ' nd- 4td 11ý"týy.oft 0 6C"jer

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