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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jan 1922, p. 4

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n6mxaoauW* mumpem o f 1gw t6 gain* the chief usag1state'a 11 i We better con4ion tizan chirwtiQut serving in the CounciI,~ Whlthy bos, but fad5t sway >o. maltI>gh > lie as served nisu years ild the hisi on the Water Commission. The. stren- pthwell and 11undy were Whitby'a ious cainpaigx1 carried on by botb <eau- twith Lavery siso ini the âmne- didates durtng lhe last fewo days ais. 4~ but O'Connor in goal and- the madle the resait interestint. TIi. ma- r8 al did their fair share towsrd jorîty received by Mayor statey.ý.is good start. the sunalleat in theth re jears -le ha$ ïhltby,-..Goal, O'Connor; left de- coGntestèd ithe seat.-Luit year lie gel te, 'Smith; right defence, Lavery;i the office hy acclamation 'r, Southwell; wlngs, Buntîng and! Ihe vote, was:. Stacey, 994, Wha±- ýdy; suba, .Johnston, Watson. tain, 887, asmajority of 57 for Stacey. obourg-GouI, Johns; 1,11 def Go l ;orge T. Morris waa elecled Rceve mml; right defence, A. Bulger;, by avote of 1091 te 4056, over W. H ,rJ. Bulger; wings, Flilier-and Tonkin. ginbotham; sbs., Hart and iSiee- 1J. V. IMla lolt- Deputy-Iteeve, the us i'hohToont, av sli-1y~5 fot bln:3. V. M;ll 801; W. P.- uasr.terg. rsnk L. mason hada big pdoe HAWÀA JUNIORS 5. WHITRe 4. his opponent for ;th. 2ndl)eputy--, ,t Oshiawa it night Whitby Jun- Reeveship, the 'vote being: MAs0n gave -a splendid account of tliem- }1132, Law, 874» es. With the. score 6-1 against' Council1lors.elected wer#- n at the end ofthle second period,! South-West Ward.-R. D. Prest,, roverwhlmed the Oshawa boys in A. W., Brown, 0. R. Hall.- ýlst pero, scoring thre ff a, North-W-est Ward-R. MOI13tt, 1>D- le holding their opponients uscore- ublDF.Jhïtn The game ended 5 tu 4 in faver Hbel D .Joatn :>Bbawa. , Whltby fans look for Soth-East Ward-W. J. Trick, O.ý r teai tu. win in lte returo gaMe R. Burns, W. B. Roôwe. 5 on January 3lst. , orti-Eat Ward-Thoms Haw- arnes during lhe nexl week are.aW kes, 0. m. Alger, J. A. Stanton. u*SiyJaiuay 1-Bwmaviiet RICHARDSON RE.ELECTED ors at Whitby. REEVE 0F PICKERING« huirday, J4nuury 12-Port Hope! FORG(IE ,DEFEATS PIJGH. ,un.4lèles at Whitby. F. 1H."Richardlsn wa eleete Tiree Overtime Periodu Reeve of PickeriungTonipoMo V lie OMH.A. junior gaine at.Bow- day by a substantial .majority 'over mille, op Monday, Januar* 2nd, John A., White, while John Forgie awa defetelqithc home teamiwB îo defeated Hugh Pugh for the Depuly-i 'ICré 4xtft overtime pèriods. Reechip b yas widenmargin.- Pick- IO playede*iu lhe game was de-; erng Towniship fer the iret turne ls d. to have s'2nd Deputy'Reeve, sud- th. 1liawa--Goal, Sleem;an; defencecnee o t"s oi in bew n chin n sd Smith; centre, Bouck"IG. L. Mldeton a»d-'ai pn wings, Johnston and Flinteff;îentreiglced , Mannu, Purdy anud larke. G. M -F'onsyhhxe and Lorte Puckrm viin.lville--Goal, Pierce; <de- were eet4Cuelos Vil ùusd Densein; centref Kelly sud Cressey;- ils a ite Grmup >29.-Cobourg Jus-I le, 5. _I 5Uý-Uehawa Iulermed- tauville, 3. -^ in 2-mOaiawa Juniors 8, 7. - The ývot *ass sefollowe; Foi *év- PF'. iRchren,t John A,-WVîWte SU3 -2nd Deputy leevt-,Adbm -Spears 596, G. L. Mddl.elon, 419.-. Counil-G. M. Pryh59 oi PucJITIR624 J'. L. Paumer49,', u EnoX U22. EPIAi'~AT CIRRY'8 ORGCERY STORE LWHLU ORFRIOAY AIR SATQROAY 12 Ibe. YeIlew Sugar,- 24 lb. bag Kiseini Pastry Fl'ous 5lb. Rolled Oata -~lb. pail Romp Brand Lard ,-kr Qold Soap- - p pala es etf Coarn Slarch for> 2 M'. of Ideal Mixed Biscuits F'ray Boutes Çoned'Beet, per lin, Qood Broems, each I s.- CW~RY, 01000 soc Phone Gee N4o. il 'sh. Oroceries: Sc -Roýss Smith about yê'ur New Fruit. ,,ýUÂRRANTS 'RAISINS, and NUTS.éý Att Til1S YEAR'S GOODS.." 'S flEO.T~, rend youare hungry top', irhe Taste WisiI1e11. und of 'ur Bison. I it lr'mt: ýuir ord4r. Give usa riezg Phone M0. R~OSS SMITH- t4 youw' moner wh«e'ihueathe Rzit. 000 ýad feâted. r.e, wmw le purchase eqpent coat Ilxbridge - _Mayor-W. GoùrId (seul.). Reev- Geor-ge Gerrow.. Counciflons-W.. S. Lapp, Wm. -Smit]4 C P. ýKiUg, Wm.- J. Mloor%, W.,-Barton, and Wm. 1U-.Pngh. The:Hydhoby-law waa carrîed. Claremont Police village trustees, James Un-, derhiil, Richard How auhdWidner MI Vldge TowshiP Rugve~'enDavici Deputy,-Reeve1 Wm. Qutàs Councilors, H. Roacli, ýesJh Csthiwowod and, Chas. Lee.ý - wliTo'wuhip, 'RMev--Waltèr Weiz, Deputy Reevel, '-eorgec-À. MeMillan. -Coundillors, W.I W..' Roltby, W-, T. Thomapson and lian- Beaverton ~evD. W. Walls; Cýounilrs, (el- etW1 by aclamation-J. Calder; W. ]Kiag,-J.A.- MeRae, . Woodward. SciteoUoard -(by claniàUo)-Dýr. Smith, D. A. McNabb, W. . Brun- uing, D.,Snellgrove. Bowmanville .Mayor,. H. L. Qunn; Reeve, E. C. Rehder; Deputy-Rceve, M. J. Elliett- (ail by acclamation). The only con- test was for. Coundcillot-s,,-the wiùnnes be ingo C. S. Halman, A. L. Milniinc; ]R. E. Yates, W.- H.,Thickson, Gee. W. James, and Wmn. Merrilt. .Camugto.-RevcW. IL Jewcétt; Councilors, J. A. Auderson, Adam' Dobson,, J. Oppenheimner, Herbert Qgantz. Sehool Trustees, Dr. Blanch- ardJ. Leas Ciff and A. 0. Mix. - Eut Whîtby. Tp-Reeve, Levi El- lins; Deputy.RÉeev, John A. Nesbitt; CGouncîl, Dr. A.,,A. F*rewell, F. !E. French and IrÉwin Ormiston. >Port Perry- Reeve,, Chas. -A. Rundie; Council, Wm Rew. ; Crozier, R. I?. gSallMn, il- MPIip fie 'ary. .:S~g T.-~eveGeoSweëtmnion G~ucil JaesCioziert J.:-Aldred', ~'rrukDowonCipreupe Hood. -PORT WIUt3Yý Mr. James, of Oshawa,. han- been here te - sec about the cutting eft-the' ice. On investigation, lihe found that the av erage was about cigit -juches tick. Il wil not be eut, howevcr, un- tilit illas. a thickness of eleven o tweêlve inches. Il -is expectcd thot this year probablyail of the ice used by Oshawa' will cerne froin the bay. Cuttiug. w6ill probably begin lna'aweek or two. Inspit of the -col spell, a large crowd %rm thc Hospital and around Port Wihitby werc skating on the Bay over the -holiday., Accordin g te fish- ermen. the lowest recordecl>lempera- turee $uunday sud Qeay was [twel , WIw zero. Mr'. and lIs. Harold Pla der,- who- were mazied dunag the- ummcr, .hbave renled the. apaÃŽrtments.- acrs 'frein St. John's, until receatly uscd by Rev. and Mss. Pegson. bIxs. Burbeck spent tic Christmnas ielidays with seme et her frinsina Mn. Rarris slippecl wheu rt bis wonii aI* thI Hospital, and injured hie kae quille paiutully.- He has beda éoufined te is home for over a week xrow. Mmc. Frank Goldning, is rep6rted te be siowly improving from lie "Ofu.p" On New Teurs' Eve a small p arly was-lield by lIra. Agg, ut which a few et herfriends were pirescrit. Al lia F.very ecujOyabIé lime. - -- [..At the-ýese otth. yeai,*r f. JM., 1 or sma]l -Meal. Brookli stock.1 HNEW- [na Scratch Feed, Pui Il bags,,Blachfordls1 Five Rose, Flour, P in Bread'Flour, Mat Western* Oats for Kixed Chops, Bran ai Foy MILL CECIL H, -etowe& observed làm U .é e" - Wallim cameroea-Iai aiýhj 4ý-e tdeces -and a nepe*ýfM 14 speçding the New. YJeaZ%11511 X BIW'ifLs speut -New' 1 r. Sam Tiorndihe la report Ik qiteillw.-t th- ula.*- -- - Le were ma&i r eows, w"i ~weré- helf en lS wm on the tarm lu-Oi the Old Reliable L "MELOTI Brig ii oor Tes and for repoit-make-tho Mo*st out of'yo0r aing S as tQ iýive 1biyinlr now ones throu 'hthe o wint.r-months. , This is the place to -4 Y( rtibber boots and w-tar hotties repàired.ï SATISFACTION GUARANTE EN> .- R.Frena UË&vrSal Gàrg ~ - WhtyO Like, lot 23, cn 9,Whitby Tp. -Sile et 1.30. o'clock Georg&Jachnoni, ac If $ sayJanuary12--uio 1sile eotarin stock aud in--jemei ie propeet F1 reOd Lîsk, lot: 16, Coni. es 4, Rsst Whitby. Salé et ene ol'd6ck- sharp.. Sec bila. Wxu. Maw,- auction-- ýfflurdaye-Jimury.14. -Auctiozr 8 saleofet leis,- buggies, harneas, fiùrni- turc sund many .otiïen articles .tee nu- menons teetiontic pnope dl< Our JeS. Hpard-& Sonsat Ibeir Brock St. jGarage. Sale Wund ehain.'-aricle [fêtr auction sale pleas-e notity auctien- eer lMa* 'at.-once. >- Sale aI fUo 'çOCk -Wla. 1)aw, auctionceer.- ONTARIÃ"O COUNTY'S PPTL TI0N.ISU? Additional cenus s statilstisuaded t.-'ouI aIýOttawa t-é e end -.oft1-tactweelc give fgume- showîag ie population et several couanties in Central'iOntazie. - It is of interestonte frzn thescë Sthal ei eehelas beWn& ,decrease m Population iu Norti'. Ontario, -in. rrial areasi -South Onutarîo; wÈicli includàsOshawa, there la an mnreuse. IThe' figures are-. Noth Ontario, 15,437,.,as agai- 17l',1~41 ia 1911; decrease, 1,704, orO 9 Savig Ispies onfidence Pg. H feelin of. independence and self-t-respçct7vhi j cornes to one who has money in the lank. iO th w*orth a éithe, effort inÃœvolved-in accumfflating ;r ig.It is reassurinig, to, poésess a growing bank ' whÃŽch wil enable you to Meet the enlergenci es às -v7ci l opportunities -ftorrow You are invfted to opea a svigi account at our ne arest biancb THIE WfflTBY BRAN~H; - OSHAWA BRANCH, BROWUJN BRANC~ - CQ P. LYND. Un C.N. HERY.. n - * L C. oeou. a IF~iYourself Lnforint TI ~ ~ A W4..eXU*jflt1£o maeryoldw i' - ~ Swanso, (Cam&aw, actedIo VU ~MUU7 JiSIL. sp1ynd LulerRa reA.--creaun- waster in part piy- fedn,.while 'W. H., Kennedy was --Toroato and WkaipegKmu o 'oet, tt Mr -ïd rsa. A,. RibarFoeduiMacfor lie plinIif- 'T-'or cali for perticulars. Mark Crawfort,'m, as Line- MaâIl,' GOLDEX- WIEDDIING AT The- farmer wh-6 imitais thre- Wbilby un TuesdayTHQôRt1'qtoNS CORNERM - »- Mis~ar mcGreor d ber-iàolli LISTER" Gimlet JWitb a:1 ns . 'O amU, f ernoon,1an sd lMrn er'arvisiin~ ili M. 'ucihThorno' 0i~5 jgne a. id g'ogd bye te 3&S.W. Oke itéd ovei cNeýÇl -i hem goldenydin hav- -rub y. nt - ~ eonpltc llty ycnset ia~y al ugne oub Ye4reckendhthMis M , --i lek i vetlc paeajfor spocial oiffeër on- Lise Mr. and lIns,- W.. lèm-ît home, -witli about titheof:- Gninding Oulfits. Ensilg witi Mn uMrK . Ba 'bf irndt eaivspeet uIos ikn achines, one. Duingte, pxoiedingsa apurse Yess~ Wih ii' lr . 2of gold was presejxed te lIr. and Mm. Loéal'Represent ative'- Mise Mabel Rewe and labluy CoeI Huggins, by Iheir relatives, the 1ýaîd- man, of Toronto, spenît New 'yenrs some gift bcing accompaiced by aj with Miss Lillian Rowe. suitable..addncss. Thc congregation A. liü d Mt. Milton- Baladon -visited with 'of King Street. Meliodist.chunci aie Gonw bis sister, Mrs. IL Morcombe, cf: look the opportunity of exlending te Dnda t Oee over New YcazW.'. ý-tenterbs ihsfracniui hn 2' Sonry to 'rePOrtOur teatler, M"lf fhm besshadcs ri cOnndPhn 2 Goheen, - -unable te return for ichIt h le cucsbeautiful lap- (a)L other week, owing teilinesa. and prosperity.a Mn. and Mrs. Wslter lIacCarl, Lois i.carwspeetdt imr y n.--_ Baldion sud Edael Baldon visit 1 oh . 1«Smrith, father of Ira. Ar- cf Ce ,.~ -brouglit up and cared- for Irs. Hg lIra Makeytef onWadesdy f~'gfl5dun-iiier early, years, "Was tic. Ottawa, where aie wiIi sèpend a-few IonlY guecat p-eta ieclbai ,'flelwflahP -voled, udth e suil weeks w-kib er von, lMr Arthur Ma- 1wio 0wajsLalso llresent. at lielime eof'Vas neyradeubt. tic wedding. -Olier Whilby guestsTRI ME AB key -wio wcre,>piesent, includeci Miss Mary 1Smitfi, Byron. Street;.,-Miss.- Alice NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GREENWOOD Smiith- Corbetts Point; -Mr. and Mrs. A. ew t he orn~,~ tAler~S-th, Ir.aud M. obert DIVORCE.- the 'New Year wcre: 'LLoyd lo. 'Viti big paren ts,ý; M.a4!fGatM . *hogin 'i la.abuilder 'sudVers Harmlin; of the Town of Wiitby. -suddadlitr Janwsl Rp. jý .,carpenlèr by trade, is welflknwn un u, 'n tie cîontyofOtisdPo-- Buanna .fuul~Whilby. me. h-hersSmlieuse he.ever küilt oc f .Ontario, -larnied Woinan iî-G .R n n e rn e x t S e s s i o n I li e r e of& _ i f o h l p r - I - zligitso - s;sférl 4 -b '1 Pply t t e eParlismet ef Canad an B T Y J N~ l N et ebatntaining et IION 35 sprovag ncely - ---- , theslie bé lat iauv- tiée om es H ln-t prssion treidforg' the a - inuh ff goo-umr e t ie youu-wtg.i Ibs stictomeWiof Mi1r -"any Citypoe taes ngealel oftivorae ofGOin Ea- 12 am,.04 u pee e ,bnna r - Wl' BseË e. . o rif J -. - us. ba ie d, d2.24s8.1 am.,101 YeAsdy. ~-Lerr e I'adt6 Uil« J. X L . egglis gee -o trat Û,t, sarcakby clvr $I<Ëô!,ert Sley Nk) .7 . Y.hereshe wéill lecture ut tic hAgri-uin- -l n et prp-.t ýré..d!e tra .45lp_ lreuilingticKinwce n ipë j.outt , < tAl80' sho rto he iI isrcttCuch ins-iawaewàireat nX Cived oh osrhigei n hdy- eSaeof &u as 12 1m.t*(Ç' g JaebuarrnRie iie wtits on w -théyease ago. i-on 1921. rded, at 8.10 yà.m., 10 lait week. Ms dis nvt c lef ain hi- olc o fei e a ppàdltca Nl p.m.- 1 Mm3 1. ree agn Mi s dure a te botid t -scaw erhsapi o 2Wcngt. treEat PTOWr TAIN Te regu Wlarlcturl erv te ic il b yar.- 3. on-.52 h8 an.,15 ina shie t eveuug t evne"ok e tî n dehigattul e re oflie cvd- . Sunday Jaauay tic igiti. - brafon wailie radiug t sevrad -p'- -.- -"' - C.P.R reintaditict. mfome pstrsetth KugSt JaesanOMs.RieBAWK C wihurci. - DIVORCE. Goleags Eao 1921.a.m., 2.08 fisal otin Bsmton suplemoedy satgrls ou Lugin ttneslieSITi, Ret ieTwnhiREss ?5Sndy O wass a big crMiss dams' g î5PriateScoo i .-. frn P*'* MA -LS 511 New Years nex~~~Sictose so .thef, for a i t- .0 ..,.0pm 'eaie. . renand fMWitby, aseMm. . Le. - -sh ad- rhuadivorcelfrin he-wf, sdl . oPot-7 N-ATION. aucitione.er s dis on to.he sle i en Mn. -su M n WH. Byfrnt and mt, I e on-S trpeof EastW i- - Fr E s-.0 am,82 . i Oiv, avereured b, n le oulyo ntai,-naie. Fng ortWhil-.sia.m., 65P Th eulrcurhsjvc ihb'ershm. aMnteatr pn gPrvneoGOtneou iirudni. Suh80 am,15 Su dayJa SM te i OUTh. shor t h day wh i form trfusa t prcrat orcosumat Fr haaC.45P. . a civil non-andry case heldtivefathers Mn. W.WBrent.7lie.,ar8.age. - W. . Badly 'as uin Ls chda. -DIVORCE 92 . - Pom WusEat-7J.ô .., *9 i - lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Ntc yer12,tclani eevdjvle ae-rsmdtersie uaRhUreb I. S-Mht r iTU, - P.. .1 .,6 .. Ial -of uscort nas e h t ftheo.ackr. .Xap,4 hi e-j eSih.O at o itrnSna.Oh Ya B dI '-crOeuw -i ýa god sle aI iss BIrte e--Va a, -o Toronto - 'plyt t eP zla e fC and t o W s - t 7 - 23 t th ot ofpa Iev e tte sNent eswit ear's ntlir.an th e sin tr, r o , foi1à a - *ai dý Wi a- w fWlin, asMs. . LVllaut. O,-' --. 82 P --s--- ---'---~.-~--.- A nuhiber c -fdivnoreom Raglan XS -we, .Ery lnk .Car -nidspn bl - - - - -and ..le th sae oluýMus nd -Bm W.toH. wre etr fp n nttruîtés tl or th-rïgh f.a - - --' ftanedut expeerttth hoe t M - - iesof Eveyastiau u-oac- fti a: - - - te iv.e,.a ve , f Shrn.e obi h onyo nai, n ' o;Esý78 .. .0PM Egg ~ ~ thi Mah lcfr~ a hshome in Toonto, iafte pedng amo lins Dmsjo4 COUT î.ashortholiday -with tbis g raudpa èffàlorent, -- aerosùia-« -naiilyCranofth- Wst faerMr; W.Lue. te j nae visiond on uali leurin e -- ssegglcOrmiston,-e o àon, Dtda Joti h AL ITIUX Rsle Coor uhe d, iOat - visited. hhme hret ree th- y.. O#te 3V ayof CANADA.xe E4àt730 W.'RG raleyER.su McouslL-liaiay 191. vin fr l anc de n psefo.. 8 aucion sale o. - ra deand M. istei er-'Ba" - . . o o W semoMa nagez .& and he efedart-mut-py Qe estcewrspeive -oes.- et Harrion p- à - i ;.fi. e

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