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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1922, p. 1

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1-~ * -j Webber, Johin, J an., 1923 TIIE GAZEllE AND UURONICL. Wii iIrBYoxI'A-no, CANADA,. HU RSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 Vorl ~54-No41 C. A. GOODFELLOW & SoN4~u1 _____ Condl WllInsal Gymnastuin Exhibition Mleiorial Serviceb LoalCom Iie or MfyuontsyEetirie Fire'Siren' ai Ladiles' Colleti, Laie Mrs. i. »J. Hare 11ihe Famine -Fund "Fne T ans, [do Mndy igt o urh0êadan eshe anig that has ever Ladies' Collegwhei ïéfor so many terat asitance. from1htb n Finea r sre. I i ude sodbeen seen at the Ontario Ladies' Col- Years she served as Lady Principal diýtrict tio the '4Sas e the ChîldrenM that this wilI be of the compressed air,! lege was given by the students of the and wielded an infh:-eice' for untold; Fund" which-is dealing w îth the Rus- týpe ndcstnge74. The motion Colllege, under the direction 'of Mniss good, a memorial service to the late.sa aiesiutoacolnmmtee tyee rchie, tepT ..4.eco,-atMr.ý .J Hr, h ase aa in 'is been organizeu -ith the foilowxng U Tako rétjiv 6W7hh the phich waaipdirectoreld!asmbMrs. Ch. J. Hare, passedRha wihotan isusin ras sfo- Strdyevening ila the gymnasiunx Rockford, 111., on Mare.,-,lith, was yedmnbr:Chimn ev . R. Ios Ta asrnb nsaldfrThe scope of the program,* and the vesterdayt afternoon at 3 'clock». Blow;. Treasurer, G. P. ,Lynd, nîani- cuit work attempted, was at once a Gathered in the Hall were scores who tary, Rev. E. Turkington.- Other- Ligt Cmr~itte avepowr t ~ source of great surprise and pesr had known and loved the late Mr'lasr . mbers *o! the comnittee are Rev.: comuiaton tdentsrg audience of friends of 'the! Hare dtfring lte .years ,of 'fier activity 1F. L, Farewell,,Principai* of the On- Very an ofomounsceoioeswho at the College- .-From the town large tarîo Ladies' College, and G.. M. Good-, deat wth A eter romMr J.E.crowded the- gallery and snrroundedi numbers came to pay their last sad i'- fellow, Editor of the Gazette' and Lundgren with regard to a sidewalk the gymnasium fluor. - Thée way in! sPects to her memory. Thé sorrowing1 Chronicle. The conunittee bras power I th front of his residence on Bro4 St. 'which the young ladies acquitted them- husband, Rev. Dr..J. J. Hare, Principal - e The Tasty Tonte, made 'areri -< selves was a distinct triumph for Miss Emeritus o! thre- College, and hds son 1 etoadtitbd sire no doubti' tee. Two communfications werere- lus entativébody is esired d withGlycroposphtes, fered t theFin nce omitere e Murchie, and a testimony o! her abil- Frno okod iwo a - steps along that Une will be taken at Fresh 3 eef utrienu a leter frm Jame Hales ~ e. ty asinstructress, as well as a great compne h eainis, arrrvng na al ae o:f Be utintalese ommtssHoles, Cîn'rman cedit to the . perforiners themiselves. 1the afternoon G. T. I. train, were. raiainwsefce usa Exofti Cd ivetndard otelss;hoher fi Tgrm tis doubtful if. one could .find any- present, as weil as several other rei- o rt J. . t ead, Direector o!sd and tat.f.o i- theStandadan DeleWateray Asomwhere a more active or athletie group, tives; and front Tctieto camne Mr. Pb1tR o!etJ '. tIeadDoiiron G ofa theCandia Dep Wte*ay frson of girls than .are the stridents oftIe R. C. Hamilton, President of the Col- Pulct o o mrigipn and. F. ciation. A letter was als rend fO Ontario Ladies' College, and the ex-! lege Board, Mr. O. Hezzelwood, .Rev. C Donatnt wosef rIce ave. This preparation is ý H. W. Elliott, Inspector o! the Chil- hibition- of last Saturday was a fitting! E. A. Chown, Rev. Lr. F. C. Stepir- be e&.dVl ond ote eta fie-le eea-oi dren's Alid Society, in regard te a proof of thre great value of the gym- enson, and a nuniber of former sw nteîoarl one ote eta Whtycidnow in tire Shelter. nasium and the physical culturecor dents of the- College. foSa ztheoChi roe s Tin s mittoe WiII Consider Silent Policeman, ses totire College and te tire students Itý was- particularly fitting that tire for anitir iuses.whis theo tieOilamanufacturera o! "Sîlent Tire -program opened withamrirsrie thud~e s it n TreadutaGvrmn sgvn ot *hamrhbody of tire lateMr.Haolyaa work o! relie! to tire staryiug cildren' PololaiAcomnicatir o vi e laso yenrll:ted det Tis tok tIre handsorne caslcet in teHall whre o!ftire !anine-strickeu areas -o! Rus- ben hogt dvsal t scueformi of a drill, thée chie! aim.bi h often she had mingled withthe girl sia. BoT sn ome sucir traffie guide which would demo nstration o! -precision in olw students, and where tieere f be placed at the centre o! thre*"Four îng thre prescribed marching move- héaltir and strength were given .te Irle Asked as to thre purpose la !orming1 jCorners" and would prevent motor- j nents. Tis was unusually well done, young lives that came~ under her la- local committees,:Mr. Steadl said tint ists from taking too sharp turns This.tire turning and crossing being carried fluence. The students of tire College, it was in order tint the central ex- parlcisrtye efere tewoldcenl s wllasoneý could desire o e-tog o of a later generation, ecutive nùght have tIre. benefit o! ad- -. $1A0. peraed bya spingfit1 o! tire fri11 hall anid camp1 ______________ vice, and co-operation front persons in P ~' I ADI.$18.0were struck by a srntunly i- rQfd j -each district as te the steps -Whicir can1 Lu VU U-:îw s tr car pass ovr it iiiomey a "Soutirera Sweethearts," a dancej best be taken itint district, te pro-1 bu *VU~~~~ dth b Marjorie Nicol and Jean Hepburn, . mote -ierle ek iewr a regains its former position. S by of*raticllyail, - t -on DrPUÊÊI*t and tire Ceunillors 8-uggeated. the purh- was an execution of a pretty old-time ~ "<.: ~ Canada isactclyalbigdn o! ~Soutirera dance, the young ladies be- . .. voluntariiy; thre staffs are sniall and wihich would be o! a more ornamental ing in costume o! tIre colonial days. It th>."..... " j'v.re gea,, ad WHBTV, O TARO naure No efinte ctio as was a pretty dance, skilfully - and 'wh'~ ~ - ~ ierever, local assistance is obitain-ý yeIOV NARO nture.N en taeain heetrwas graefully done, and tIre applause was '- able it isnmost gratefully appreciated. j well merited. "IudrstaxidtatWibinaI - referred te the' Comxittee on Street* "Bo-Peep" was a child's dance done geeo.l, rdy contributed very gnrul, - --- -for tireir consideration. by little Betty Lawler,-one o! tire-ju- sadM.Sed,"n t Û. etwt _______________ Opposition te 'Deep Waterways venile pupils o! Miss Murcirie. It was.thloa. mite 6-rcmen' Scieme. well- done, unusually so for one so, wiether further appeals should ire The Canadian Deep Waterways and young, and littie Btty was obliged te " aade irere, and tire forai wIicir tiey F () R Power Asisociationwt ha mte eet it ia respense to an encore m"soltae. There is alIso much e<i. Every Lake Port an Ocean port, "Thre Fountain," a group dance, was ucational Work to. be donc. National in constantly keep'ng la touch Wti a particularly beautiful nuaiber. Tiree differences stil exert themselves, but L E I nîl ha y hihaevt irs rc odilrnEkart wIrerever the extent -o! the calamity ay interesteo'd affected by its and Helen Hughes, represene the ' whicIr iras befallen tIre helpless people AU O O I E work. Communications oÛtlining the centre o! .tIre fountain-a maiden 'o! thre Volga Valley is at aîl appre- prges y Acainareinwîth a water jar on lirer shoulder, tire ciated, national differences are forgot- contnualy ein reeîvd by, te ttud ofaskng hr fr wter Arundten and oniy tire great. human ireart twn. Whitly -li a member o! tire As- ttd !akn erfrwtr rudo! Chistendont responds. If the7re SERV CE ntînall recive.by thiotrereswo eeelofgtnerbyintanth sociation aid altirougir not playingtisepsnaino!irfutante could ire any tragedy greater tia the 0 SERerVctvIpCEstî rtin t girls o! tire group danced-Sue Scott, -starving o! millions o! innocent chil- Mmbership. Irene Carse, Jean Hepburn, Maroredroit it would be int civilized peeple GI Nicol,. Jean. Sutherland, Charlotte should stop their ear te tire cry fori N C ALL 290.Tira foUlowing communication read Fraelick, and Madeline Charles beîng od S wlintewQkrgnz N _____________________ to tire Councilors at Monday nigt's the The colored tints o!f od owlli8ie:okorale aieeting is a fair sampla o! tire diffi- spotlight thrown on tire scane added -The Late Mrq. Rare.ad e reaar th e olarcl.sonotsae- Pa Two Closed- Cars. culties which are. encountered by tire very arucir to its beauty, and made it _ ____________-fcteld fot-int h, av dollarswill upottP Asoiation.. The lettar is signed by one o! tire most delightfÙ umbers f cxdframnifv olr vl s Anywhere, Any TUrne. j Major Alex!' Lewis, Secrtary-Treas- tire evening. forme osalprino the larefe- n nî ethret urer o! thre Association, and welI A dance b three girls, Sue Scottcncusawrrh th.ie - erir e-y sol r one u ittr known as a speaker in, Witby. Lue -Scott, and- Jean Sutherland, en- vice, and thewr tribut the me omney subscribed- te thre, Canadian RAT Es j Talte sadesd obM>~rtte Wdwo hn, n eyo! one who ha4 contri .ubad te the¶hon- branchn o! tire Save tire Cidren Fuxid-, _ REAS "IAB E. itmeaiDers ' ithre murýmlcpi '0 rtyc.1ainoacigad iN~iIt! f h.~Mia ak '5de t e ave Canada. [t 5 spent in cil O!. Wiitby, and rends: characterinterrtaln. sincere. ' CanaaontIra pureirase -o!* Canadian Comfort aim "Gentlemen-Tire eaciosed--ae-db~-la "Gyp ytîfe,IIàight girls gave r...Iaei~Yat h cs~ ad!o a o. rdesmnfcue apress despatch cullèd front no ! clever rendering o! a gypsy -dance. L beeit borné-inietr seby'ialb a aaa, se tiati.wile _tbp starving C0urte!>. ou principal papers indicates onY gypsy costume, four represented'boys tire paîl-bearers, Messrs. Fr.e Hatch idr e thfod aain,1- PEERLESS GASOIM.U oe lina o! action adopted by tire -0: -Madeline Chrarles, Maiian Ranney, Gee. A. Ross, T. <4 Whitfied-Y. L. dustry reaps the benefit o! thase ex- MOBIL QIL position te tIre GreantLakes-St. 1.«w- Dorotiry Dicksolr,-Lue Scott; and four 014r .J .Rvndsn n r edtrs.TeCnda oen MOBI OIL>-,rance deep -waterways prjec. Tire wera gypsy girls, Irane Camse, Jean C. F. McGillivray, tire service was ment bears tire cost o! transportiiig miostbitter fight tint tis country Hepburn, Charlotte Fraelick and Mar- opened-by tire singing o! "lNearer, My tire food tetire, point o!- enginit irassee fo ainy ~5i ~ (ld te Tieen," followed by prayer by Canada te Rga. I rIAnlK~flwaged by the private interests who Tire final number was IlSpring Mora ev .H oad-TreClee Tar sn uiontn iefo J. rAIç~RI~M.are opposed.-to public developrnent ofj ing," a pretty group dance by Char Choir tien sang,"yFii ok praches tIra chilîdren for whom it was this greant ater route and tire water lotte Fraelick, Enid 'Cockanill, Velma te -Tiee," a!ter which Scripture rend intended. Tins matter ias'been tIre OÃ" I power in tire St. Lawrence River, and La France, Jean Sutherland, Grace inga wera taken by Rev. F. C. StePhr subject o! close investigation by: botir n e Bait Wdb they are, unfortunately, able to secura Moodie and Dorotiry Dickson. - enson and Rev. E. Turkingten. Mm.- BritisIr and Ainericaýn Officers, . and pl assistanca suci as la indicated la tis Intemspemsed among tire dance aura- A. W. Jacksonl and Mr. .J . tltey are unanimous'un tri rpr Dundas St., Whtb despatcir. - bers wera gymnastic exercisçs, typical nrdson the" sang "Rock o! Ages." tint tire food"- actùally .ranches tire "Tins la cailed -te your attention o! tira work done ia tha physical cul- A brie! word o! testimenY te the cildren nid la religiously distributed mneal asanindcaio o!ony ea ur clsss, rnerMiss Murcie Oaa beautiful life and fine Character Ofo!aing tirent. But witir all tire efforts lise o! qffort wicirtitis organization numbier was an exhibition o! Indian Mrs. Rare was utterad by Mr. Cirown, tint are being made, thousands are.- lias te mainatain in combatting.thre club, swinging;- another a dumir-belI o! Toronto, wiro - d known tIre de- dying, while in Canada tire is *se - arguments -o! Our oppl-onents." exercisa.; anotirar, free arm exercises. ceased for iralf a century. Mr. Ch in ci food thant-oeao! our probierris OPES ARIL18 Tia pessdepath r!eaedte jin Tiesa exhibitions werae eiceptioitally said tIre strongest testimeny Ire could is te find a miarket for. 1V. Evary cent'i EASTE TERM eatitlad,18 "Oepre os i ton frtebeinterestiag te tireaudience for- they pay Mrs; Hare was te say tint Irer -susr dt ieSv Ie Cindren - agalst Gant aterays.. Itap~illustrated -tire strenueus chai-acter ef life's purpese was embodied inthtie Fund helps te solve tirat probleml as areintreapaer as.a"Caniantiwka:É_ nd tlire uanidbte hysical 1sng, "Take my nlife and let it ire con- w-îla -t11ave t ilr nîde UN DE TAKER j Tre folowig p~rial iat e thao!- ier aeiîit andassisancebeingreco-jpliera ty: awoma uanduuassistance >""' 'ng'--'rc-- ~~ ~~~ ficers o! tire Association is a good la- nizad Itrb tr rsntîition to ereno! broad sypthies."ya' uration, Ire 'ras. accompanied I'uidication o!" its sounditess. Tirey M*i- o! a bouquet bv tire girls. "Sireloved people, and especialy by iris- wi e.î j clda . M.Geran, K.C., Henorary 1T -is Murcirie tire students pre- girls and young women - and lier n-~Ms tprno a ia iet - tPresidertt; Sir Adanm Beek, H.,norary 1j eTo Maiass m oqe frssi pa fo is-adkoldeo VicePresden; axMayo Ties, u4snteda irndsme buque 6frose influence la tire collage life was grat -sekfotfrt-adkoldeo Ciucr o oayVica-Prasident; exM y r*Th s.I. apprciatin o!irai work in inistructing M m:Hae possssed thc inppy facul: tira conditions prvailng la tiese i . tir e nt, a f~~~~~~ ittin g tr ib u t e t e irar - u n s u a l y e ! g a t gh o u i w it i t ire n e w E n t r o a r e s a n d t ire s t e s b i g lemrngLewi , rr-aseMr ability and t eri popularity. grs KndY, unselfisi, and a ven taken by tic Misslonary Sociaties e! LewmisScrtr-resojTira prograra concluded witir tire' wlllng te spend iterseif, yet witir it tire Methodist and. other churcires.'fte W ilI T Y GA RA G is ~anrn~ctio~ wasneferedNational Antiran, and witIr a bùsty als-unswerving in tie causa - o etdytrn.Ha0itr1wsbih ________ witiout dsuso O' h iac rendering o! tic Collage yell by tic rigit, was Itaywna;ittr n naeting and coloo ihl- Commîttee. -- cidents witir whicir sic is hersai! fama-. girls.hanve " liar. We have two first'clase. A motion was- passed gîing ticgrs.he______ "Mrs..Rare was interested la avery la r msinfed eaeral zn~hancs n ur arae, thée Town Hall for a rmcnt lecture. NOTED AUTHOR VIsITs WH1B girl la tie scirooL Onae!fian best-, ambarrassad by out succes," was onea who can repair any,,make* Since tins ins already ireen îeîd, tire' j.rrt C. Stand, wîo was 1ilvdde n va ebaea no- !tr senig ttmnsiaab of ca. $1 feewillbe rfund& lniment te assist' girls wio -could nltet speaker la tira course o!liri ad-, of 0arP15 fo ewill ire u . town Tuesday on organization WO-k, otirerwise conte te scirool.. But, Pen-' dressi Tic wonk carnied on 'by tira WoRi ino rtctPr Rs. l connection witi tire Save tira Ciil ihaps, aient.o! all do we reenber Mission Boards la noting siort - o!, ON CARS, AHOR dren Fund for 'relief la tic famiýnejtMrs.Raesadepypniu w-iivlus -Cars atorad by* week or A - suggestion - made iry Mayor,1srikn -trcs !Russas athe-ic o<. ma,posesasi.gabsolute fitir lo- a Twelthins !rilmrestr i- ail inte, fac i frot. wunaa ire equIt- ast trha~t oe lachrg o1tc dvntsl G an 34.By her pemsonal nlationships iter te tirasa foreiga blands. On the wdicescusd. It Suwasfîhict sona-uirlicty o! tic omiionGovarntaent, witir tic pupils aie stamped har -par- one rand, tire appallng naed o! work-,' j e vic siolve phocred wiricr oul * mncto lt i iiyirtnsonallty upon tient, and, ticy an-,i cm,,raissienaries and inadical doctors, 200 ord lxedWood ire lace ove tie r-rs copss okl oie ontis s ten-t tiioued Christ la thir ibvas. Hem' and on tire otirer tic real.ly rna-al a sree 50tin virile~coud psspornl deotig isa! t Rusia tw.as a firai, positive faitir." - trcsùlts wicir have bean and arcbcing Had ,dSi. ut ve i. itswoldaIe hminate jrelie! work at tic' direction o! tiche" arewa'notpiIrd -Delv$red at $11i.» a <oc"~. tcned-!oavgsne awatchig IHon. Charles Stewartat'gMinster M.1 . efet Aise Cedar Nbadli at $.- tire ire efor thc whola tUmeeo! a f e! ofImmaigration and Colonizatiomi. Mn.!enirediment ! itha Iinlalifa tl'Mms. Stepirenson co!nmented on tic Tire matter, afteron e discli5SiOI, Stand le, howevar, better knwn. o enunciated by tic Apostle-"He that 1 large numbar o! 'men in higi positions; 150 bS as efrrd o c o!te.findatir is hlife siral bose it, and he andi ot fteriso tiretreGlco$m.tthe. genaral pbleas teauthor arfntèn Jaan an d tnawo ae- 10bs.lstTax Rate to b. Struck Later.- sva bs-lln aai nvl.,ta oehhslffo y aesainJpnadCiawoar Seed Oats For Sale, It was rathi e pected tint tire taxSeaî rs-i1nCndieov find it. As a çvife, tender, unselfisi, 1 Christians, or at laast carry, eut Christ- wae or tebedaridonand eetay es West and as ha iras setnalyfrv-ad optîmistic, and as a motirèr, de- ian principlas. Tis number is con- rate tre yee tic yars bewecn tre RedRiver and tirë -voted, a sure and unswerving gie tnl nPi5ig BaBl Gavi. 1.0 i~, ing.. Tis cannot Ira donc, irowever,- Rockies ire ns able te write front par-1 During is address, Mi-. Farewell P Ia tic afternoon'Mi-. Stepirenson StN,5.5dlv'. -untfl a!ter tire Judge's Court -o! Re- 1sonal axrience and obser,.vation. Itred mnyexpesions of appr a d voun d- ies .o! theMissn andgil vision wiren tire asseasmant appeal., laemx' tn ri oai Tctien received froni Chaptrs o! tIre1an o! th Tabernacl e.Tis wsise Ba are te be ireard. Tire data o! tire court, lomesteaders," iras-been rend by five Tmafalgar Daugirters ail over Canada..,dcs~droc !vr I Ui~.A t couid net be lanrnad, but it la expect- illion poladIi ne ok Ail o! tirasa jeinad la praiaing tic - nissicnary adesadpoe fvr JuS. G c d thàt it wiltaka plac aPuc1r" Dni1 IHr& nl ee eptional interest. Many stores IIUWU Uace in'a -very "Tire Cow Pnhr"and Dnio name o! Mrs. Hrewhose influ nd nieteddd'etr apeit Phne 3# 4 r74 oldd hershort time. Town Cek. Jte suc-ayt ,. d o po! Mrs.nd nStnepnienns add thareti. ho s3,1or7. pointed eut, iowavar, Clarkthackserr rat»Promise tire cqundly u- irii d e pnm ee d a mouodfdtire r s tpeon ads. stl al o tin the tne -is cessful. A naw novai fri-hiis pen, îe Uiîi olae<aaand long:I t Ade'sPebva *.hrh Brc rt adeniie «N!a!ter tire a et.Àog ose In tc S'endag, Ms. rSbterasocriga-' s"N9W 'b, tiliat haryfrt-iigteraadeitcd "Neigibors," n story of homne- Yhdl!t no in h eig r.Stl)lnôi gi Brok t.N. W lty ha tredat wllne Ie ndly- e-stead life un SAskatcirewan, la te bet rn hmepeso s poete- lre ahaig n vr M ~ ~ iayed. ~~~~published tisfaîl. ( j iue ca page. 8) - efcieyhi ii aeet efetiey ed hirit-et ~EEL'S 100 $tore~ FOR SERVICE, TRY OU R >oll.d*and- Al -Leatee very .Day: Footweau irery Pair Carnles Our Guarantt to Give Satisfaction. p- Untimely Repairs Done Free. J.p PEEL &SON Retalilrs ot Good Shoes.' one 1519, Brook t. South, WhIti * MaOundrell's-Hardware OF YEN TH HEAPIEUT - AtLWAVS.TUIE BESI. Now is a*Good Tine. To BRuy. -Hardware! We ,have marked al ou.' goods down. We ai ot selwng below cost, but-hardware Is down. mI" Roduced.... ...0% ecks and- HMages redueed 30% mukta and O.ls reduced ... .4Q%/ oèves roducod . . 5 toofi ng roduced.. ..*...25% - Grniware reduced ....3 Prait Bwrsesreduced .. ... iiBr esdued......l Carpeater's Tools reducedA Bulding Paper reduced. ..à, Ve.,wiUU take orders for Moto.' Ol et e1.0 per gallon, any -we#gbt,> Everything that, Us àold' Un ou sbsolute.guarantee to-b. exactly [.money . retunded wIthout ask les -14 P. and G. Seap, '6CastiléSoap, Long bars CastileSoap 410à~. Shirriff's% Marmhaladae, Domiaon's -Macaroni, Mince Meat, par'lb.,- -Pure Fig. Jn, 4 lb. tins, 3 iba. <of Black Tea,- 'Krinkle Corn'Flakes,- 8j lbs. Chick Feed fe-r 3 lbs. large Prunes1 Red Star.Sailmon,, w.JPTTN Good Srie Prompt De1il The ERYBE~ GROCERIES A.Lawler The'Home of Good Groceries. Bell Phona 47.ý -Indepandant ir store ha y as represt g.any quest Fred D.Maundreli, h-ocie- 25 (uc soto . .PI o) P. O. Bo Ooods-dellveroed t. ail parts of the towm. 8P15C114L8 $1.00 2!$c 25c 58c 5c 19É 58C $1.00 10e 40c 55eC. Phone 191â WH ITBV,) SON, - pui)

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