N j- .à - 7 à -. <$ACY -f SEE DISPLAY IN OUR *INDOWS- J M H'ICKS ~IEWËLM »TY, N.OPTICIÂN, UIIOE O T@' . g t WU M bd ck4 ' UbIdamd afeiruousfr l V-olS ym rouAd, &bOsP90gth ~te m*et Dumâ AR babhr ah.»& FREB~NCHURCRE Suuday seies, -I a.M, sud 7 . Suudai ScixoolMd Wemeu's Blm 6f ~ ~ - BPrcteaSbjc It a erastl ioped ho arg tedane. ALL. SAJTWCRURC (ngic f 8a.u-HlyCeumuden. ml da.m.Morms, sd Ser- 3p.n.. S. la ParaiBom di Bible lasà msinuchurcl. 4»80BrookUlu aervime Be«. Dr. BINL Eis ST. JH"fuc<Prt whlib7> ilam.-à irnulug ryer sud ser- mon.-1.-- - . 3 p.MSundny* Sehool 7 pi.-Zveig service Wedseady, 8 pm.-Mi-we s 'vice. "Studfies lu tue Praye' .Bock. Geed Friay,8.m.Service Lat&te ,The pfflPeCts -for bi h e--tract w-ursocnsdr;te am. are bgh -Ti ' ~iIkeo b. aU ayôur» _it appeurs, voiel-a vez hèter x'anhato.~aftii 7r;u Le- streng protest. against Oux'gtr r~ 8cnSquqt sulsdins te ttheit, nmaterwateu'tede igi Bael pyesw _à re urgete mx'-lWouid you =Hlitia-faix' play?,la .anie or tue Toms Lengue thualooking alter the inter"staof tue as soon as Pm e, itte.m<i' ratepwyfrseSnomicà uly? beé ne deiay lu -gtj*iag -th sciiedul oustri, drawnu- sd P ct'vtisstax'ted. J o.ui r.! & Suis.n Ainlicatonr-.-wllib aimAsfôr-mdl 'cnurea.. jes-l ne O'.J!A -BAPTIST CEUkCR -- have > a fem newasuits which -WRTBY CITIZti3 BAND NEWS r.meteod sdte epl Rev.J. T PristB.A. PB5Ox' Anýy p-j or.. iersns found. tres- neyer ctled for tuem. They e i an hA Bo abnutWho m adeGo-tepa ute4Whjtby. Town HRel Fr1- bIue serges, and should. you fisc! your sudhea ao u a thte Sumday .day evenîng; April 28tu, 192g, miii be suze-U., u miget the- benefit of tue 0cholat 0Ln. fLned 25e, 35e, or'40e accox'dxng te ee. deposits -which wex'e paid on theni. 'Worship ed Ged t 1il sm. sud- 7 Everybody zome aud*pay afu.TeeDpsit.aus froin $8-te $1*on eà èh pm. Sermon subjeets- "TMe Divine fins 111'g ýo"r<ds quîpping tue 'suit. 'Yeu Ra- aise order yeur suit Eqation;" ASud uCay.» - Whitby th.ze massip éan ésu quali tyCil at J. ong servie 1 i nutte7 PDm. i an -fenm u ~ uee etnwx Ro sig singing..Everybedy el- bysarEpaeiengâihfil sdi Rdneripanaller shep, ua i.Io COule. Thursday <tenqt)Union Pr aper is roundiug up, s- ass d oe.Poo18.- - -41 service> lu tue Pres IThcneraddioanoedn Next Thraday, iwil ~ Ihe Toms n, Whitby, Âpx'I!2I,Ml_ - ESNA obîtw inth:-The Worldiy illCo - hf aid cf Wlutby Citizens' Be&i8--, . . ~ of n tue~~~~~~~~~ tpefrdsuso.Lttsha Manager Fred. D JMaun*èbel ala- rh oie Lszd ryx evi e au rady aecux'ed'an e~gnient freinr<>i1w5XLtrila - eé 9suin r«I full n at-tip. hurlai.ÃŽ of-toi inte lira.uriÃwelô: -~. ., .-.. v.- '-Ù"' BrolIîmuIn attho foar a h can héTn h li; nrâ t VAm rooiu o)fy24- t tri 1itel è. tElJrngsomosé.Do' forget tuadat,,Friday even-, I " --. ing, April -28tii. ef TEETABINAfR-METHODIST EFWEAR, IY 1. Maundreli, '~ oncert and danec under t&i.ausplées Tuesday, 8 P.m.-woth Lnge. efithr Keep -mâ 2ndfor the t alc altoel uidr tue aus- I Warren Pavlu o., are In-vuwork-,Dr. R. N Bons,oitthe Ce -. oCM6 ý plees of the V.O.M. lu the. Town Rail. ig on the eqtupm et oUhe cmay Toronto. zs mn e op P. J. BlIIva, lloesed f geber lu ...terG.gLtndpeu w4i os' w rizethe tiumtlh, Erock atfft northWhb.j, ok d »e i.' seu. sftfttvREARSFO aler cold et- 'Pi ete Be son o iLi e T.IWI- <' At Eb ! atern CONCEiT 7 '7-"' Nor Be sri e hu ter -Monday for Star todp wQQF. iilbh .d là tUmmijp an E. the big FiremnnaDance. Particulari ý"1 et *znsBadly vingeLoWbat el -M.won h ob Apr-l-fMOddfellows a ly invS*sj4tq attend? -1 e .- The. annual neeting of the Cova y, -uiade te givo a cemscet u be-toked elqg, two - 8ieu u ,-,t naê o >il tw b'-dae péopelm 00 lied À *d<iyApd iii th, at 4 p.n., uha?>p M " ofief u en niiaUv# the opç,ortn e ryec paein W. ed r' adS!* i, 01O- IYos'lt-leit te opportunt ab of dng hh C nt EI~BI tee ne onrWes ofoit.EDseatofto Bobst <themii lp 0e. o. <ser vmi e ros Ofh, trtting some 6f tlie4>gbisa rornigfrtn oýr ~~ in one gL DuadaiS8treet, Wbltby. -f eln i aeo eOtioB ~ i~dc*enev otw lnb h ly-utsaa ocoksap l.wling aùt operaoftoe,0ltir o Ba ec tiiei arry on thirtveîto th t x' PROTESTf Mrs, R. M. Deverel, who lu ben Houa.. DunidasSt.,next MOua . -pay-us in Oshiawa Hospital aeriouslyIl, foi- tS1ula ahlo' biè=ýC ad ù,téir P6rdate lu an encouraglsg oo.otien, 7erCub i.5O Wdted p ure4~ Ã"I~ strong hopes are entertalned frhrmeet l Cunil coaohow tbDt te.gitiiig ippIrç te oxi conipfete recovery. Mns. Frank Un. ay>ev Apnil 10th ats8o'é1 d atst fpt ftcjebri r dewod s ls srQulyil i Oh safP.e , t rlrmshdmet' a, zig.FusIlparticulars about -the. C~LÇb tt cira Hoaputal, butS er ar1 e punie.mli e &~klil ~s! @tywr ie~o hopé!ul f or berrecovery cao. bas- d à &bee Agaoe û' 0__ 'rthe e éln1 eCt@ dh1ih%-io Ù, L Concert and dance undert th. anp- vide tfii.music at- tho epulrSpRumn lx Besure to attend tii. Bazaaà in theO lees ,cf the Whithy Band. on Friday,. Faix' at BÃookllu On 1May 24tb,, -nd ,itwouhld thdïe Iih 9 t -Inc tetoWn Counili Chamber, on Fnlday, April 7.Arl2t.Ln-» upr;ba,î Kete ,t-oh# Ë n iwre z pl e undei? auspices cf Ladies' Aid of! et Àpril 28t. S fll d oùesuot at- i exedhtl - n uikoher. _iMs.?t~ ur aw oud ad odist cliurcii. See advt. ou front page. tntnh Se ui prteuar lte.mnfolo li juekoror èm Mr'. Walter Borin, wlio lba been ,-- seems; lho ws thatâtoivn ra Mr. E. J. Curry, ubo ha4,j ia dis- teivntrat iiho;ue -lu REPRINF(R BASE"AL -are not being Lnd1ed uM* a w posed of hli Grocery buwlness t6 Mr. inglsru«arr vived l toù oWednes- eei*7fh Witi k & to give one l çtuetope'eis 'Bturna, left with i iter on <jy mconng, aftêx' atr 2ps'fu 1aitRh ,,QMIO-oet Frida*y last for their home in Ban- e MAthietle5Sea wias J. -où tn- nxent , ,W ,dfl0 ofieto f t. Mr. Curry intenda t t eite o a 'ny wii intea has ben a most a vmgwe aeai p i. aboutlie~tttai general store business iun hs home e ybe ose lu England, thêeateher tople cf general wu OW reeeontly oneteén th *es t. Itmas deelded -te -have a Toà M In4>W11114 Ouac0e t â n:1e - terni. l'~~~Ubeen unuaually god. -dringtue. cmin- -Inofstsac adoIeaf Thelu regular meeting ci tue Wom- Êcor, carda for Whist andr Euchresur and to draw up tue a.iieduk o - fractstbôuToi ens ehistian Taisperanco Union wmlf om'tuts uuay ho obtaned à t tuse(Gaz- April lOtii. Entries of tea mai h f v 4cso,- o ho hoid ait ti. honte of Mra. F. Mens- êulnd Chime OIT",et tue usual made with tue Seerétary, .&'L~lap diell, Glbert Street, on Wednéada cfjle. y piI!tIi, and Musthea'i; an1 ~ wtenooii, ApriiI5l , at hail-pait thres o'clock. A apetlal Eastei, programme lu belng prepared, and it lu hoped that every meinher wiii ho proeut. An Invitation la extended to .411 ladies ' i- terested ln temperance work., Be jure to attend the. Banar lu the CoueillChamber, on Frlday, Apfi7 under ausic.of Ladies, Aid of Meh odlst 91Weli * ubatantial reduetion ln tlw fidée -Dodue carsnov ln u .1u1. * Bru., of Omhawý are tdei l tbis kôcafty. ï lifr butat. catalogue or phaSe 10 bor omo- Misa HlenJolwatU>u, of tbe Outarlo 18SOUR #OT1O Outr 4.lvey service viii pleute. Whath.r :ou have *!êT l.#.t wlIth va or uot, we waat your trade, and effet you prompt dellvery serrioe as au lud*oee.t for you tb give us your ptronage. COMF If rosu t ta nleaft iOfl MMIi.CC.. FamnsonudlMra. Leay' vii ho at home on IThursdafter- nosu, Apnil 18th, sud sot agazu. lti Outailo Bualu B- oue sehlng ont maie stait-«s 'turday, April Stu. S, Mil for uÃœheard-of bargUs -Gien Mary Varlety, medinni tansd lu big* ed berrlvblîch ahadu te a itgiwer celer e hol. u-Yoe -l. plants for sale- at le eeli lu, quan-- titie« eft-100 or -mom .Ais e ueood dulvlug heefor mis. -G.IL Pnatt Plekerug, R.l.;,lsd. Phono Plekex- 0:iL ce>or ahna. etadv*tsI et SIbla uh.Gztte clam rnli nsia>'afbsuomemid toepyoultvedusi wanuot ho uarat.ed to Ruecoui »e ac"aVer-! tiuijow-bas houa d"eaymatil W.<lmudy " tua hmii..been a tb- yEihe hWm - la future advoe tie' cuaked tW kusglamdithotIt la Impaiulbe te gwaniahauge advt.luaop =leu reoulmved by u day -e'vng. CARD 0ForALmS Mr. sud mme J. Rêe vu t i pre u kr o mina bte i- nêghrb And ote Poueeet Whu e r kuhmmtothuu ithutb ied by a $6 -depfflt *wmcn Win Dere - funded if -the.te=m complotesthe O M ril 1 atthe o u0o t sôns sehedule.t OlbO4 < detBfotn- .,YoiÃŽmwxiation la te be.md ih«~4U~4 ussw~ the Secrétary cf the. ScaboroZav thréNM a e o - antd with the «san ieiwnwo aftoe we we- for t thr eceln t oganzoa age o? iSa00B01 tue 1lakeshoie towna. . pailçOde tt d se isayti of ue. agus.1 tht etthe patty_ýWwet-the, am-, u JEAL Mn-. Show 4X4-aaUghter, of ilwaukee, were héis dfig tW iua' jher-ialster'the 1 ýà té 1IM& i Me lbf waaý at hie. torier. home dp, waà -:üre.cent 'iie n~4b r.aléew daÉs. - LSJN STOCK FOR -Everyone ŽTèw.. B uy your lEa#ier Oýrds and Nôvolties oaAy Phon. Brock -St. S.I »Y LUy er m~~-...~ aalter, âsame # oomed.hiuse, lard a-su aaft FOR watnstcing, nice ç,adenansd -FSORtoi teie ,PP- -., :* U , , " old, x'efume<k$700 FOR' amN took lat prlze.i Qune.acre, lots-eently fertllsed, fBrookhsn. .pioqghed, sud rea4r for gardon. A> HOBSE1 pfr Gzett offie. - -Wauted, a ound WAMD APIY , Jaea Goal rat tervier, at eues Apply utli Gazette offm.- P OR SALEMi Two herses for seal cia thiè pork Smoo'<' m ti barrels. MBoxH A7. frei réar -f1car *-Ovuer- mw hm WAMTE-property sud psyi A -sroung girl te, asgat with housse pl tG4e work lu amail famly. Couid go -home FOR. 4i PC at-nlgbt if preferx'ed. Appiy Blia.,S T. .Kemptiiorne.- 1 -tauIu 'WANTED man at ouar if wagn Young lady seeks Iposition as.iild- prompt attention. Thon. ren's nurse, or domestie helpý. Âpply Gardenu Street »ymmi oBox 30, Ggsott& ~ --W NE WANTEI Soerepairing. -Chiu A iucususekeèper, village of ýBrookfluahie., Wox'k cailed for. three adultsi a l axil. Apply usper' J. White, Brook St. North, SOn Or write te WM-..Arnold, Broçklin- FRSL ~ 3.0yliuder -sto-knittiu - Announceinont - - A~phe Ia :0 e pened-up a'clening, press- ing deis. ailnig.establishment Viollns lu ýtue store .folr 'eriocpied hj'-Mx uP; Vieil ëLbr n flundô' Street meit..Ailos é ~wo* Aef l dne rtifatl guax'auteed. uUlie open fonbusi- ,w'asson Monday. Give -ns a $lujob . * . ATTIE -Y LOR -- Bock BSÙ re-oI$e~ ? hn~a eof * - ri11be OpeningD,P .Tuesday., Br-own Il ~at OE8 h. -PUIT Strot Gaéen ami WMI$ WE AVIE IN STO( LUMBER9,LATK H, INOLES, fOSTrStWOOD, PINE, HtEMLOCUC, SPRUCEt EA~ILP FLOORINO, V MATCHEI>SMEETINO, N* oed*r < brieM.odr WVhna wut1Ld", ad< mi Ws9 !h..e 1. EY*S 01 me Wkýltby WaIIPlîk .3 ibe, Black Teaà for -Brèakfast ýBacéoper lb. Casino Bock Bacon, per Ibo, -.Ctoked IRame per lb. Se.edless Raisins, pet lb. Acume Staircb, 2* Ibo pkg. *Brunswick Sardines, ^4.for -temnp.pei -dot. Prn- U.Ni -~ 58I~ perIbt 4e rIbo - .2 lb.. for. H We bave arrangea lenten season. Va" tes.-MR everytte. Speciais and a 1$eei & -j UEl_* i.1 r" Oct~urpr~ea~ -il W. have juat i ida.larg assortment of theeiiilorst match a fiyclorsmeo.- Tp a Lac YarmskStaia ean-- applied by a. ohîldc, ii4 id aeq4 j-_iruiture look new. fus1alst- for &rnood Job. Sà kà es-the old car 1»ok oe* ry- EecrRaes ct*j V.cusm Ciesiiero. mmdteuat& oofogof ail k"ad -b IE.*"A.-ICor . .ââNt" V1ry Moceratl Priced $1.50to $3000 1