h* e' Cd4ý M .. T$* iEt 11*ç c"ré for iai>thend a<t*i* w e*U-o pa'rmt&FUne e ..mq~hteep ee; 7eodz *Uuéui c *,poêiti~a~ à kb~dWlfwein..d M 4.t "em iWta feV.I ofi »rtaétm At hw htà t a - E I,4 -te-w luiin a8ima., p ýa~'f ,M g. -.bue lot" <and t8.eëb!p4. G-ed faqor. eu eokbemeie n. ettutt. tb'e ad"MseM*<f1Sitl tT ~ I:b.t Wkfl Povrty ooutAnues, i t l1 -um Etue;o~~u id1 sinua41. eu utluth usocec'l t'=it 1>1iar bOt PVBCtw"l 4 t~1ke W resaize Mat uor* - m M be ezl» audwlnh.4<te8ubeoe he.of I -Kn wtede iIii its te rd Overl a d ut U#, lit~ 0W9uat ow RGTor am~y uot pve th- babies*à é4*wmtf8.4o iutce ith On. i~t ~.wa cnu.~ ~~Iw"ut loeowladge: they wi!fl eoe- 'puIDIt bW.PSS!tbe cbh3d i. (ut oterppyfi ' Pehfp thxe odd'est questin witib s - ,bLtb ÎWt Mq I lie oof ertt '. lpA -4 *et of sffl a. . - - - t ««. y ýohk tuee upwtimak u A bMay i teY. abail l.Iii temghmet~tvoùxo .mnthit ", dur L Y "the 2. ~~W 3.ttortoe!-h csB.ir ! rs ovoea »sth ypla lodù OyLeti <*ad 'tleh 'W ve wua e:w tIi. >qverty-4i À kwie. lxt r téfisth v at ineaetdt i iIl:~ ~wgta iVo ~pa@ hue. - sytiipotis o! .umt iMuembySr.Rde o a-. h 1.Te m!Ara S 0 h'ï n l OU.ndothe itt udwace i h s4I uéit bvsfud Olwk mtsun, li u S mm&about an&tlMY 'tise mummebedr o! a kuii< WhO -sis je 2. me eltoentormtweuthepaffe.iorâ of 09914 rutlubi,4uo uics rpea-acu Ù, aino tr o!nd rrs MARKALE RCE. 'lPe&tfl<te tt bet. cfm~ ILhilAk tu ihn a iiiy- tewite T. - hen an AuneDr. 'an lenit'u on. he vas a tut!. uelr aix feet - mano e Ho h. ntred te ursptua s siivuttacadpB - bibvegi, Le tl@ »ery- ahmoat*stark n ake utt ittr ttcieo natn lr.. -i-tcd lmttaWaate Livngartdt icj*retsîuuwulage fomiabe auds 1spud re tbe.tiy. or ypit W" iï- io-t's ax WiR tend to "H'.rem act Quee auopieut te ivi to ir idgh C '" â 'n 'wI ýMe ori eg ion o itiubtn igugllybai, n crieLrdAleb. a e!wciimsi!-s iIcçIut sdli ay in4im deeu htr ommt 1,eî thy ore Isen0e 1dd te'gtt .,ao me.at thst o i. u"IêC Iot;" niouoxhe id ffaproavr edn contat w~'1i re m*r ot~ enuclvtited her - udirt hed hlma fertsemù.,t a mse U ie bO&Y u of m n g fe- OMr~ lqi btttchDie us,~~~~~ Buitei PtagniSl, ficnt * ' wabh1ge ln uà ad ave uoè meran1n thons, lu e.4ve7u<saptet e ---'c". f hebar- me. __1tic îi rigikfe4p*t MI 1iBunti l %.tis at Ii L~Uou T~q~tPrank.4.fti sctbýy ai(de fgg Owe a rècetDoOcasion 8.iIkc-M"13 et NU Ola 517 w im e..n<ed tgFaiti> quatou. ft otgk ebthe. glft,ý IiixUÉhthederk tthe ii.un*mi4ws L~~~~ut~~l 'su Ac B ti . ~ 1qu n. ~ -ÉeIlîtt, Iýftt_cIty. B On m i&ix~opie oom love tr, or mlu t e" pâ"w. a cf td4lax*Oe- ytro andSh4cvk thd. rtfr0111out fth. 4 err of he4)oy scout-, oa~~a~etWIUt tcc nj-fr Inyt#w ieêbituett:It'u P9Ie untroubled oye. -Cuà Quoth the inountap. lit ilu volt MÇenlw o tia cty, tiifII*I 1ke that £aitherp*C eitiwch _'tbý,pak luebeým grie M x1à der. way iarly wth n=" .ypaxuts- sud erimideeuof h&i~.U~Uole i a~4 ubiKalt o-euePa~, of d:1Mtv. oýn4 'i Cib bu ~l reali if5eçsc t eQT~~wt~ l wZkyV it, .uo.~ ua rkble 4hranannyof tbont. -. ý7. WP % Agreat Geai or' rny'tery *'ml sur i relxds thre "Ab>ominable Sn'awmin.," Unelad Amidat the Snew. 4mi thia, Lt i. belleired, -W111 net b Me'tW vWha t ix vlenet -indieutes cleared xsp uit!the. exPlerati1nOf'o!tiret tiiecréatur.s seinon ý.î-x Meunt LPfoemst l8linally rcomPleted. -t _Ererunt von oally Men-.. %tht unli tir hle unt Everest exPedition, e'tes dure thaeçcld u ' ci elht. -d i tiret at an elevaten exeeding *'the <eeG, la iniuwng. but not a1together - limite of pousîble pabitutionq" b. oh- beYond 4*à enage o!reabily aered trackhe ref embllng thSa et0f ExPlorera bare feuni that there la bareleetmn ieadhusg ep the glacier. a certainuioli 0 e! anmal ife- ubare 'He 414 at t iraiý report tii- a fuel e. 'the. perpetual à a nu. on iMount- aonée à 4 "Wv1ne man,end -ha thioght Ereat tiers aie.À ced many b rd* that t he ierskalmigit b. tho*i of Rmsensd afeu -mammals, 'Inohxding thet * gu4t viM bad buen i ateretl bY 4i0"vbustling emou bire." somxeof ti*ee -ie-tirerSinte human t shape. - reau ru Ilire Y 4evontli cher ui-fl. "Abominabie Sn.wMon" jS~i~MSemeIi, 51.4vauêtatim sln lit- lithe nunneneuS etaaéfPitm et ftherde ad onerîvces Just below Ce, coollea vie .ei.a>auild tire eixpedi SnOuol *6Novmen vitii tiroir ierty tem> ,and et eany'rieta" and amser- apiieut te ould -te&t on .tin&s cantlf a( whit exporers, about the Sbmi lepéply « foed- la bard te anderstani. abIe Saomn,"l have led Colonel Bury kc report vbat bte ssw. Çie.9fOo EIhrCsow The ocellée e ,accemPaned the e J- DlUFY expeditian atate -tirt tbeY not~ tuyr r~g uamnetc uniy saw the tootprluts, but mné théi viii mon airtxgaround lu th wi ahi.Ie Ouolmetnk lu. and , uIre3dy te attuck -theé tiplor- lii~eîe *rUepeu-s ers if riey eau «U OpportuivIy. Tire ragîttsiewt'ate. cooliei rspor ltirathe st ie-5- min lire twilea reporth tfl, mei'are r-1WstcWuUl vte 1 1o t ~sepn-yj tected îrom the ln ffle O -r o ly ys>aibaeyin!l i h o ther ent trtv ioir --#yai ma ~ila e t oyfa anh tutrailalle .u 'ut -"le'- ~bêta t"ulc fer tire t hie ey*tqeif ib-th '*" e çW» ktowe te 1411$ ' lii.he ýÉ 1uad Sésard of ulK $»» Mfal ,-e à st the béée c'" u' n the,-shOfl fli theé'w bes ties a The liiaet en ramper a vlan! am I t> du?" "eawty-!" Aid ae'DOMifté, liuVe er>-een 'eyeu f«,I!o anil -W'olfCub (Jnio Seut) tia ag'ttdificby u'~ovd. ' ýrantilg lilyýroi hi 'e.m be bad l inal~t * - * afdfclLrvme * ise ! Î.br ule p~asU e eUoy Sout~*qqrsn Io Torem beet!a c';vllag e -ulc, even bettar e- h paeed ymi -- hla, comparative -poverty 'os no of clnhised-ceastr=1.1 obetae te ois studounaue sdt-jie trn t ua e--'e o"trAU. OntcaDsnkOMM Gôveriene G<ýy hseau ee4iet~nn~r4Si îii !~ st~si~ ~ pr a ru inrctMi arî 8=9ee lnohsding Engl-h*. He vs ai t 'uéuam6m f tror~binpeaistottet-t ulbe. -produe-., tnmoly Lbraruar Uh Ytioan, a4.4 ciieeka q. d ifiey Se~O ins - nsedds'rd'frma-co>grv u vms. miade a Ca&rdiziai ontly a yea r ae I near teid.-î r à a éi d~ t eAlberta, nee In uixty-otw r oaau ' ugoo , ~ ah~ u !Cagary. j -yuegst c!tiesltr pines ! ir tn loaa t ,maanga, r $S te1rodýq-egd froin anuge ç e ~thnieblc ol a ce oft a t er-mou M.1- - fhiiîe4à lofiIý=.azudt-- 41xt1rnnL van.-anode-andoulm' ted, After, hie electien tte-n new oo êrrl asxiinbuel~ llsof tise flax bls"edt1 tir peopie frnf thie bs-1-eoy- btti ± !tl nuý- lWstp aaf n ti Attis si - e18a 'fiutat Poe- O-tt Ue IY.ts ediouelpualr. ba appeste"in. pâliei. j50.Tietcsgorau4teaTise0Oesraumsntreport on thse b ~u jpatni-a tne 'oWtbla ch eckeï. bin% ga -lu è- ,ôrz *zna- Amerlos waa <iled nht after -Cohuns. fotl ail 1h ctln ~sbio-- iïùà ""î rabottir. h-ughe.t cvsrugo cbuter, tire 1km wmY. Tiers arc Ferne livIng peo-4 lts to'a iwub i -mpl~i W) e hirané taGti.compliment b, !-'d te - 4z , j>I t he, e ul xie i httol'1Iibîe tirai îre !~~b!moqt 'ad the -ilict, tb4aeprodueo n Wtr hiet ep termmry~ rpu fruitîeno -nwasore.bsm 'bd-hb rfrdt Vtei r-. ibegr'a»b vli do-ti'ent tit service. . - - k : - t-le continent naued MSurt Aequltbr, Tt ra- ~tm ,î>n îi&orleTie.,' samie st,0W -ÙMeut -n&;c to mear Sud,1~eurk!'v~t t tie t~VS.f. ate £f~Ittlani~, na t -e 1V ýpSut a-t Itoa~nmtep% r"mdts1mt gai. Sep nrwweae milar t ao!i ~tQd 'nte - 'w'hau p d h -Oflbe feu-ils vn atui' iraiuajma 'tiie ýiîa- 3n i tifnoI ent b! tire Roy al u î î . a tiu, 7T Zpil. "1t flr .ile futthýht1 O ô*t ý cbrie. 19or ls- s Um eirbd irasou ai,1 i 'W. -, r ur&th ed ns -and t! Pu3h a is lvkte il or- u sin.M utj.W- -1 -- M tfflaiEm lyee r l a i exp!ever'-oSû i ed b-r ~ ' in ios- h ' a 4 YM s l vi-g ai- a -nir , ie Patabis, res lu to{ A êJr'int ~WARN1NGi box of & hep' - Trulyl1 Van--d-r rnoeaintsil meii aura IrL and~ la Ciç T....