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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1922, p. 8

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'nr ta4JP m bo _ ýn-denits, vii. ein -.proession as assdiU wsoûn"g e-askedi tiiugli tii. flgues a t y.t aa mer teaêt~ ~ ~~~hir 1aM tribute toth 1e nremior~f tlhe,rme te> puy 1which 1 did in bhrkezi ut- Smpleteer$ asbstkel. 1- jn teraces, sheresponding te emn y"More stiite> corne" the. Wordfrn Iter, Presideut etftth. Toreurto lUBIh5W&hi i.hrefra:«CneAlant" mer; Mis. G; D"-AtWum; Mr, I >any teslUmouiats toe>ti worth of Lerd Jesusi Cerne Lord Jesus!! er Baptist Chuftch-As a resut cf the, Grassnwod; Miss Addlsmn, Prin- Ithie late lun. Hâve bave been heard 1I thbea ooues an ki nes tat 4 tkenawgçtthsevies ever 'ef ÂAuiey 7 HaiU.Tor.eita Dr. f aince.the.sad neya<of lier deýth vas j wit-ti odesadknuu bt >vlb owre éti raue Wel, an4 mraiy otiiero. annouxiced in Wbitby. Thoee wlio, welt itini, -but when lit up vith ex- of the un Iràrewell'a addresmasubolloir- were associated with her for Many PJ e e irSviu tsiu~& ohWe Anglican Churrh--About y pusyer and the. beuediction,an years, during the. time iii. ias Lady Iwtbi eavcflly effulgence that must $#12 was oîtbutd ou, Suuday, and ~. . Ahinen t he i,~au lay 'Principal, aid for over forty years have resemabled.the face <f Stephen. ,. Il e> e>ny i* 'ead March in Seuil the au whfle ah. reuided -at the. Colflg', ý I he n ta.let el es f erll < the ëurchsft ~ ~, - s ien u etapprcia-life sie-ftiquently iqioke of Èny de- -expected that additonel surna wfl be ,>-ti an. d soki go wrvn agtue s ofadpentaeeamd sister, Uns.Tios. tMcMroud, reeeîved at terices - ouneit Su.7 ~rea. ia a o PoUtrtyt>ooioli batf, lie and a.inded-sgpirt a Bimilil' exaiiple of âY,ý tSn&h- a potniyt oko e.bOuuusit ie thespîbit-fihled .lite. -They lied Olten' t 4s uoa thef aeofthetii. an;ber ii iufe »Oprayed together, -and lied vitaly lied give o iet of ler lfib the. To Dr. Rare niessa5 ff ofiodoisaice touclied and inspired ozie'another. Sh. W BSTRmp.HOJ.AE Celie, ud ecliet ave ound li Pt"' p often nid that if alie were on Tueslie <-a rn~ Webstez aum pueda white çarnation partlcularly broui formner ias bel ed that ystevol-tmeo #Jie 4Bhit. solutions of syrnpathy tr et b eu, and straige st o ld crn te> rsbl .aefhiaoki té sa duug tue. imien n t uieïr fare, Ring o - - - ~~~~~~~~~~cloing moments of ber, S.lu n L 9odWst lg.uýv fp=l uliécaiied my aier tiy -AIme, ad .WÉt . igc weOf Ol ~ asI cold jdgethigt quick eider, goo& pruces - pirva1ling vas lu tii. rom * itb lier. Ste edu- nr i htbvsaciî~e aise nullaie cf lindee ater ________ anie,aid thouglit tbaV ii. irasix <- reoin. -Once eahe called oefli'son 7Frank told heu th at I iris asitd«-gbesideualier O.(y twenty pointa apauated tAh ~*** holding lien baud, tiien she said aaam niesad the closers. in the ýWhu A S G ÎN ad ten s aild ry an' ' J' - h Gléa lUoned onNS OS Ay l RU EU EL wth me.' Eveny uiuue ortie he igoute to odyeveanff W U W U eontilued te> c=Rime, mille -l'heien « eitWeGui Club vers victors ove baud aid apoke te. lier, and tii. lait the Sons ef England. - Ie gm aiem ______________________________ faint Uttera» liattefe ren'bur ips, te losest yet pae lu tbe Leagw just l *ii.ias siakug imto aucnid i" ztewias aroused, t meounea ias'. .'W ledlve sOe eigse>os.thtthere ra $aI~ Ren wsd Untl E sto ,~yba ilyt.gthe W.had n- ceeitity as theti. miier -until t)i otiier during ail the 7strugeiand exý- Wem'-e bolows: - -ueu.ncs o ou Coleg lie.-er ro- GmUiClub- S. O.IL lou edless, due largeiy té ever lut- Geo B.obb, 149 mVaso-1 Mon s Suits in Tweeds, Worsteds &,Serges- tender sympàtliy tber and ubei Vanstne 163 leo. taikek,1 erefou'eIrêud~[y Fred Lvidêl5 - s. CoxIl * hiàdtber slebý orl e *dOsO.J.H.soX1 .BAadmes Mauy a sturuet ubo vas lielped b Fred. Siater 159-, LU Bradley 1i uytbo a btte ifé, wllî#segP té -ceJas. GM 161 -E.I ea M nsPisS 5 ý - Bdui M ~ ~ l5O to lier9 b« .sd . Geo. Anderson' 190 P L.~rebr A.R. Greenwood -165'E. Bradbury Boys' SuM $650 and-'IU OMRS OL»I ,o. J ,Wle 4 $7.00.not PET FO FUÂLS ~ Wui. »1154152 -Wm. finso ýpB" OILM.A aLlOtt 157 >Heub. Wilsou il Q...ld.- .dN.kOm bu.Aaoeae R Iau <. S.eM i flýasboutséiuauled the noeGin' .tt -161 - ."8" al.UP to datc, àtt.apr1îu,;to.suit cvy purSe RFEMEM&R TIE NAMEAND PLACE 3*1.1Sobwrti arguu Stre BELT -BLOCKC ]Phone 735. 108 OmoS S tOshawa of th V ttte.t PatteruS an* DOMlgn., FRON le*é UPWAEDS. Let us W g v uarn t ltmnatc.W"o rk eaatccd PAINTER anîd PAPERHANGER.- P. 0. 0"= 121. Telephon. 304 pippy Sta'Oetf, Whbffyl Ont., Your Sèed Grain ' TO obtain matimmY. you need tomoTe. .d Scec Grain. éopurchame good -seed you nue re tquiie iancial assisltanct I~IwaccomodaUon for such purpom is an hqonuthmo of. Standard Service. OSTA&ND][IDBAN K MATL ÂSSWI'OVER IGt.TEMILUBMONS Whitby Smn - - C. A. McClellan, M&anagm' ~ok1I.~aach, - - S. Trnmon, manajoe AuuIstnMdtheFaime Teapd"la m fmerMd saw -.miCy èser posibl, gs~tuIt~ o~ md pIste bsuIm « del Pted meavail- ahab t " td Chmi.*w Io mem s ~ -. lPîui tgdbY ii Xe -t Caet mes at heHiliSco lat FridOAy ei@.V»ryrng frorn the liht . at85pird, to thie oinehudd 1the. bouts wemt e efnan& -fait ai ide "Ai ntei»emt exhibitioný,.. Prbbythe neateit flxtue lu tii ~erooii i@Ttwagtli* 125 uouicd ut -betweeà ,Corum& and flliott i was W"- by' a veMry iliiht mar- ln by Qormack Both, boxeris.- ù iyed -considerable slladaet the. bout. werebld in arather =Ui ring before a .rowd, Iioel studeuts. . ).M herilf Paxton aid I .Glbson.act- au a judges, witli J.F. Weat, l Wo iducts the boxing at, théi Hii mIco, asid rée.:, The. featherweilit titI, wsoiby riet Gunyou, Ilwlieîlie. dfa±ed luiter ii* e8&-ound clama. A. Ut- le qa>et i heti peng two roundat I.k falCouple cf1mnutes was fait md ftuioeus, aid'both- laidled morsbne ird knocks. Guuyou, was the.taler ~th tw ad 1the oWutg f feue.nid scede narovidhag a for. tue 85-poun ýdcaroah"i, tlie Tih econd bout filou ogto gong wuasa fut M&e It = wediu a fd mdeeusin to Neely, -Brawley = 8ty a awitmargin.lu he fnt tir. rlundmaiuamley rnaimd90 mn littie supeionty, but Ne.y, uc ma rervli bistueàngtli aM&-backP tu te trounçýd ai fre;à as m tu"e ,* -vsToy even one, and Inem±ed luhdn' Vb. omk "on from liott. - Tbf bout'im - * good one, mitu pý'lemity.of, action id no Urne vaetedl sautleg Ellot mmc diiplayed minsgood- feotmenki fouid lit, t«truN'elydiiit- té e mwas tue neateiW tteatroi5 The Coneludig thue. bouta mn i inu the. 185-poufld chas. fl ey mere [betireen Blowra ":dun4ge, .Patton. Ind Poster, and Lavrenes a d- Tbf irto!tes as mon 'byBlow, mie la a isat box 1er and a lier hitton. Rie, top, bail a sflgit a * tge-n ut lun-Bunilge hZ O& adit- m t astreadyl, atcii- .edsned mmnlugtii butlate1l c"ed n ucier eU-the bed t Pattaon frin ýpëoster. Pattou' boxln g mas neat aid effectve,&Amd bis min mel deseive fie final bout ou Furiday atenae>us canil mas more < "1y d dedilmiie Hudgis von f m wramueeIt po vided -lots oIdl eciteoi, 4 u- i mlii it laste& and-the *ls round otedmucli speuIatm nas It -iie outcorne. ihuigUs, omo abee lu additio to the semi-finals on Jatdy, ou» adiltionl bout w Wdil eu )fonday aftenpoon. TMsva& l 1k te125 peunAdams between Blev ai Cormacli. The match wma a cln cie eding lu-tavr fet Mm. ,iTDYREPOND8 TO FAMIN - APPEÂL 11 mu o« t -Dominioa.n'fudy lAerlI lad. appeab wersmade. l tu St.e R"uaiifànfilue. as a ua 'ltc 1crdanffaly sitiated * in thir cm>y little borne here Rueb Draper téok out sonie beef cattie Iast week to the Brofliu-- de- pot . àýttW mere good, and a goodprice me s lize& Mu. Wmu.Bell wmareported on- the sicli it lait Sumiay. * Mr. P-R. R.mowbay intendareno-1 r laiii bouse taseagon, putting~ in_âà iUP-to-date ligltlng systeui, etc-. n Huh Mowbray, of Broohlan, bsM latély .been dlveÈng lreM fr bon Rebut Thomaois looldng fora good-zi-tuatiWufor lb. mummer aessoau. . yporionlookbîg for au teuoelaut, village. m'l er'. li iBs 14 L60 59e L52 L53 147 152 163 160 per.yWlllimwr160 .AIb Moore 152 Bon Bryau 138 ---- Jàs, Moore 153 L W.DudleY 1U9 W. Hewson 174 Tota 810 .Total -8110 Tuis Iuov ake ti hist ILoague atindin.au folo s:- LQ0.......... ...83 Gui lb........ .O 4 saeof naill oli cviaid - pringers, houas i dpure ,bred 'Yôrkàhlm hom. ýthe property etfE.-LU Chapymno o 9, con. 2, Pickemdng Tpý, 4% -mies ~west of Whitby. Salei at 130 *sharp Seea bille.W=». Mev, atiouieeu.-41 The Farnmrs'Cl*ub w eet.o Whdnemday evening cf iext meeli. Al meàüm a-s e éb. puesent, as "d, ol*uaspçed mis"Lu&,o Tnnoyitedre cetl itk-mn.ai us red Bie MLrob. Wlonbspumchateda neir Ford car. Mri nad Mus.. Baledon attend- ed -tue 201h vèddhg awalvermay et Mu. and Mus. im -*Beo3, Comum- bus, on Mouday eviern.- Tiiheelas moithiy Meeting cf the. Worne' sse>ay Scety vasbleld the Manie ou Wedneadasy, Mardi 2ML Tii. Young -PeoPleý'Society mas maIl attendedlIambiweek Missani. !eW<sstof MShiey, iras borne for -the week-end OÙ~ Midi 24thi, a very 'pleasat .tilag asheld at the. lionie of M.'Mus.RebeutPaurett, the oc- cason beiag the twenty.fiftli suai- eusuy of tWein eddiu\g. Tb* gueâs,' iunmbeuing about,-fouty-,:sat do*ù té table bountfflys.supplied mith geod thingm, at -the close of ,*iicb a toast mas, propoa.d tte> thebride, andal jo. ê iar y m miablng-t.h6 bhp coq pe mauiymore years e>-of e bilas Ti..ening as pleantly spent liIu Museid soc ia Mr..aidm lm.RoptBeo Mt. -a"d Ms. NlsènAuton, of tegethen on'-- tdaMla 5h M.Heub. Aaiitou iiput over Sun'- da iu Tonne.- fw èingto. les. oun beloved te= ;£eu MssGirven, -vbo -leaves a t Easteu to take cae o! liber deceaed- sisteu's oblduen4,-aid v. canuot- but feel tht lm tahuag u"p thilatask iss Of seMrvice. :DukiP,,,the year Miss Ginven lie beei c Mng ur neflgbonhood. Sh asideaïred br self te> tue moý negionoo not, only-lu the 8shOqlbut luthe. Young' Peopl'a Sciet dàthe chi ad the. Choir, .of mmiiû&e lihs hem ougen W for cmeyen a: d-mêrv. ie cSed iabmgP hnden«- PORT'. ITY A .bnp tiie Woows ula ci b. giveu-iu next weees-lue.- 'mus Whitney i. -home from - the. Oshama. Bospitmasd -la o valeming haowags rn ftirn lieýrîrons mm.s ~1 i i *ti -----i IThU 1là. rtuas A. . TAK ÇK~Next eo t The. new, 49"Mdels are efficient, quiet and powrful. Theuew rear axIe elitminates rear axIe trouble -and nisesand -tiiimproved tappets make the.-engintextremnely quiet. Many>the imrovmrnnts nmaketh C evrolet 490" the'best buy' d the lws'kd fûli ed c arpA.tii. Mar et L 1A~ as . iAs*fr artkMarsof aur duf rnpaymut Plimu QIIEVOLE -DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. Lhtalted IL Rn.paaa.ngoe, 50-h.vneoeoe 11R.J.a.A ..5A.. IN bying otL Cr.yue"Ithrl4 -camekeep in min/ dieee features f - - stifatimLo whyen Ld. You -eqmpemtand rememb e .priceof buy tpositive aaidae"tn wheus yen - tI1Z.SF9 LSXS$2075Lo.b.WaPcoe- see a the - $ qýkbaker - - EC LA L-9 K , vzfle,- O nt -- -H er s w hY *.' d d c o i cm h ua mbpnd. Its 5-horsepower, motor gives yu ample PeVOr ad spe.Tonuilmp it eztnýes coud. Parcin h inle«COMM of w3ila" 6t roouny bcýdyu s à_uancleorneas t is - -b *eilbuit hI-la made complete in Oae..pému puisE widdd in&i Stud"bkW» ovy eh ps-wbe fine -P * sL r u - _ _ a g ua-1 - a- g a u r ei s , k ha I119-inchiwlub sm-isres tmo coiefot for Lv. passengera baumeit provides rooni enongli for the paume- gers tonelai.uiitioutcwhig.iuidep, r«stul. perne Icaer uplotay, W. sab. e olluer importa of the SFP.cI yourself t eto ~yoi buy mm ', I ~IstIt~torsIYDtDÇIt -.4 - I-I -y a 1 1

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