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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 9

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-1 PAGE UEI PORT WHErITB The regulai monthly meeting of the South Word Ratepayers' Ajiici* tlou>vwill bW held tis(Thuraday) eveiing, June lot. A large attend- acofmenibers la requested. The annual, garden paty of the South Word Ratepavers' -zaociation willl b. beld ln tise Bay ak-on Wed- Desday evening, June 21iz. A plen- did progrin Is ibelng preparýed.So A4vt. in thus s ie» 'fli dance heïd at thse paviliot4 Heydnshore Park, lat Friday evea- >gwavery largely attended, there bigiaypeople present-tram 0sh- awa, as well as a large aumber from towz. The orchestra provided firat- <fls music, and everyoue pient eztpr.sad approciation of the enjoy-I The menibers of the South Wa:çd t.tpayers' Àssociation,,wbich meets thila evenlpg hae beeinvfdted to at- tend in a woythe meeting in u St. John's Ohureli to-niglit, when )I. A. H. Cuttie will peakt on «Stewiad Mia Florence Woodheuse, of Nia- gara Falla, visited lait week.,wUthMr. and Mn. J. M. Wiliî, aud other rela- tives hae. Mr. and Mma.Athur WalUs, aud the Missea Kennedy, o! Toronto, vwi- ited on Tueaday with Mr. and'Mrs. Wm. Watson- Thse Athletic Association of Port Wbiltby are making plans fora Big Day on July lot. Mis Howe,. who bas been staying withý frieudsat port Wiithy, flef ti Isrviceste Avriculture la lis. West- weck for Tonontgo, whfee às bas Ier'Provinces. Tise Indian - lad taken a Position. She wMil W sncis News o! menteu« date, - oztab"e- thse maissed by thse Young People'à organ- I ollowingý write up. îzstions o! tise ciureis, sud especialiy i Whenthe 1Jniversyiy.Sétc bythe Girl Guides.j ewan held its eleventt 8uuicnfl =Vo. lira.Br#dley and cbildren, o! Port ctoin akl ea n o -?rlday Union, viaited ou -Sunday with 1Mr. tact, a great mark of cateens and ap- and lira. 1. M. Willhi.Isiccatien wus bestowed upon one Q Mmns.Wmn.Lavis sud son lDonald Ida edooda u sctbgl nsotored to Jacksou's Point sud ether resp cctizens, Mr. Angas- mat- place laitweeksud uonathirUreon lr. Mackay was confer-1 Plaes astwek, nd ponthir e- ýâ hedegree of UI)ct>r o! LawsY1." tara Mn. Donald Lavis, who liasbeels (Honoris Causa) la recognition of atteudiug College in'Toronto, left tO bs minent services te western agr-1 take charge o! a mission ut Fort culture. Tine deiee was conferred Francis, dürngtsesaniner. -by thb University Chancelor, Sfri Mins Féx left tbis week -for a few Pirederick W. G. HRiutin- week'visît wlth Misa Armour, at Tise-'con!errIug o! tbis- houorary. Oshaw&-cn-tJse-LAke.' tit~te li r. Mac-kay ces euot -fit-, Mr. andlMn;- Tise. Knmedy, o of 1- tnyideed ila a trucap icto retaet Suaday at tise home-ot ! o=hi pioneer's services te th yJO!mg ir brher, Mr. -Jéha, Kennedy. agriûultura aton. 1 ara1 er.zcdas R.«. Ulrsm Idio! Toronto,, wus the mintn whose expen~metas ad- in town ou Monday msakiug plans te vice throughout thse earli ',rso! have Improvemeuta umade te Uic resis raiie.cultivation- led Our. açrI-. Air Homnq at Beydushone bçforefts eutlurists on tise rigit iue O!fam g open ing near tis eenpd e! June. ~thse tribut. o! our Agicutural Ci- Mr. sud lMrm.Jonathsan Jackson, lege is Most be1t ,ng Mr. Mca wiso have been visitiag with Mina in. 1883 came te Indiax, Headsudas Paumie Jackson have retarned - te Superintendent o! -theEpemnt] thein home hi .St. Thomnas. Farm in 1897, cousmenced a system 7o! experimentatious whiéhs reaaltdinl suecess. Re, was equaIly ardent ini BONOR ANGUS MJAClI. disseminating 4mowIcdge te thse. The miany Wlstby friends o!fA u farusers as ise was la bis researchs Mackay, e! Indian Head, Sais., sud wo*, sud se hi. years of service very a forumrNhâfby nesident, congratu- a-PPropriately catned for him the titie late hlm on t1ib bhor ssown hlim by cf Western Cauadale Father o! Agri- the University o! Saskatchewan by clue conteh~iug upon hins -the degne. lo This officia recognition by tise Sas- Docter cf Laws, la recogniton o! lus' katcisewan University dees' honor t - Mr. Mackay, sud in turu, te the tewn of which ha- à sucis an isouored cit- Buch bargains you get only once--lu a lifetime. They are al] the very latent styles and matenials in Sergos. and Ticotines. Alto a f.w COATS to clear at $11,.0Up to $2498 Worth Double the pries. W. carry a large stock of - Dresses.Inu Sillis suad Canton. Crepes, alte a beautifil lin.-of: Sunimer Dresses lun, Ginghamis, Voilesand Organdieis. Cali anid. ace tii. W.guarante. you -satisfaction. Sam 3e' ch art B rgain-Store BELT BLOCK Pisone 725. 136-138 ý simes t. South, Oshwawa PA INTING and PAPERHANGING. We are Carrylng a, Large Stock of Wa Iî apers, of the Ver>' Latest Patterns andDeIn PROM 12e UJPWARD&. Let uàs give you an estimate.- Work guaranteed. James Brooks PAI1NTER and P 0. Box- 121. PAPERHANGER - Telephone 304. - Whltbyg,Ont. Now and Then. ~~ ~HERE will be an added zest to your en*ymn Tt"..ayif at tihe saine Urne you are establishing fancial backng ,for to-rnorrow-by gradually ac- cuulsting saving-. Youth can spare what old age wiineecL Open a Waig account with ",isBank now. TuE *STANID04LDBAN K TOTA&L ASSMTSOVER EIGKRTY-TRRlEE MILLIONS, Whltby Eranch, - - -- C. A. McClellait, Manapw Brooklin Brandi, C. . Thompson, Manager BURGLARIES IN these dayi when house robberies, hold-up. and petty, thefts are so numnerous, a Safety Depoit Box la the safest place for Bonds and other valuable Securitica, Jewelry, SilverwAare,t=. Avoid risk o! loss by rentl8g me.of ouI Bahty Deposit Boxes. Rentais moderate. 0. P. LYNMaru8 , rot IR * U Cm. sT N=, Choemwb - mte M dit .d..whisteat lper auu WILL SPEAK lIBRE TO-I(H Mr.A&. H. Cattie. Supt. o! Churcis of Epiphany S. S., Toronto, wvho will speak in St. Johns. Cisurcis at tise fiftis union service ont lehtlstàri Stcwardship," this evening. Mr. Cuttie is a splendid- speaker and well-known inyman, and should be greeted by a large'crowd. - jrn, Brk St.î- Wiitby. Sale ut 2 o'clock. TérmIs cash. Wm. Maw, autiences'. Tiursduy, June lst-Aucticn sale ef brick isouse, witis-lot, thse property of Mis. Elizabeth Sciswitzer, on Broci --street, north of. C.P.R. House lias sevea rooms, all-conveniences, oak top ynantel, finished in Goorgis pin., sun room, good ýcellar, good sized lot. Sale ut e p.n. Sold -subject te reserved bld. For furtiser particuldrs apply te JE. i >Y " Win. Maw, auc- tioneer. -> - SECONDARY EDUCATION FOR THE RURAL DISTRICTS.~ (Cantinued frein page 4), luges te know tisat they arqr te gel greater county aid, and il -will douht- less increuse tise self-repet o! tise furmers te, know that they are "1near- ly», payÏnig-lsd'i own 'way. !ut tise lmoprtntthing is tisat these scisools will probably continue te admnit rural studeuts. But a ncw slbgan hma arisen with thi. new "cru."1 Perhaps 1 should sav an eld slogan with a new meaning. Il la thls-"-!Equality fer ail, speclal prlv- ileges for noue. -People are begin- -ning te as* two questions, vis., lst, "Why shouid a boy living bri s town have a greuter opportunity for a se- oudary education that a boy living in' thse coutry?"' 2nd, "Why shoisld al secondary educational nsachinery be especially oueéd for tise boy wiso as looing forward teeune o!tise. learned professions as, a career, whilc another boy wiso wants te. attend higi s scool se that lie may become a better faran. ei or a better mocharde is debarred frons deiug se for want, of propel sehools and departments te, do tise wor'k, even thongisho lias net passed the 4Entrance" exansination. A start, however, ha becu made. Soie. few urban bigis ahools are uow gviS special -courses la agricuture sud manudl training. These schsOOls ar" aise giviug special wnter-course for rural studeuts, but they bave beca poenly steuded.- This is> doubtiesa tise case, because thèse course »sgiveu iu thc tewn bigi s seool, sd net la Uic country, where they belong. Tise Dcatetof Edacataon isueotablish- ing exellent secondary achoolsilathse ruraldistricts o! Nçrtiseris Otanio, and theis cisolaare -givig s prae- tisaI IsfgàS siol educatien te thse people at -as mailfracton o tise at- ual tost.-TÇM -tla a good wo*Xanid Mr. Orant sud Mai departinet am- to b. cougratulated. Tisefaut remins how e tisaI Uic rura-districts 0£ Old. OcýtaSn d a uew type O!* rural sefiSol be, 115e? zertsiuly tise mamîaJ arssdapicuture -for tise boysad l eWhat Éud isWsB lsdM scer ce ig is place *cn te aciool curiWuum.Tise site -aiud b. a aa teacres m aime. 'Il iiould bave s campus o! Ove acres a"m xeamntfaim o!sa lent -Ove acre&. uausIfr Stdetswoldb. xa ce te do al wo!f asetfC 5rU ini -",e.m akng, eoekng and sewing. T The modemnglischool gýirldoeM not how how te do thÏese things. She l tobusy wit.h her regular lssous and so mnother .doUes icWOrk. Sre y such- things :are o! greater value la a, gfirls 1fr tiss a kiowledge .fL-Atin~ or Germas. This new achool should have a gym- ILSIUJ1 ud t hould, have a good as-I smbyhàlL Drigthse day is~ aseby hall should b. used as- a studyroom wberhe ail pupils would W I expestéd to -spend. a portion of! cds day preparing their lessons under-»the supervision'o« a teacher. In thse ev-1, enings this »oômiVould be used for ail communityentertainments and lec- tures. -If our present high schools. have a wealkness it is that the. pupils. have not tdîne enough *for - irected- study during sehool hours. The boyj who liaslearned how te studjy is as-J tured of suçcess.mantttiee- Al this dees not matatterg ular subjects should bW neglected. Tisese schools must still éontinue tô bW preparatory, achools -for 0oUr universi- ties, but it is not,,necessary that they should be tatnd nothingel-e.Tise activities of thse sehool day miglit-W t divided.-as follo*s:-Three haif-hour periods ech wedki n thse gymnamium, one-quarter of Uic day in thse manual arts'and arclue oeqatrof tise- day in supervised study, and one- halL of thse day In -thse regmlaF clapý- room instrulction.' Sucis a,division of labour would produce a more resource- fui student and a healthier boy, and tise discipline would take care of it- self. Such, -scisools would, of -course, have special'winter courses for the adolescent pupils. I am of the opin- ion that if- suci scshoola were ýestsb- AIished and if such coursès were given, Ithse duties of thse truant-officers would ' be -very liglt. laI a modified way r smetisod of teaching la being suessfuly--carried out in thse Public Scisool at Windsor. Some such systean senis to be the only solution of the adolescent pro- lem in the. country. In enforcing tUis act the truant officers are iconfronted by two senious problems., FIrst,. there tis.e boy or ei -vho, fýomOneO- S'e r]nta-ncêErxinaun u Cnv u feels ashamed and humiliated in beaag placed in classes with the younger and brigister chidren. thse attitude of. the younger children toward their over- PROFESSIONAL CARDS Jno. E. Farewell ]LC. Barrister, -County Crown Attona.y and County Solicitor. Office, South Wing Ct. Bouse, Whltby A. E. CRISTIAN Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Publie etct. Office, Brocis St., Opp. Stiadar ,a&. Iloney to Loan. W. IEL KENNEDY WmUTBYONT. OffosDanasStreet. eue domi* ci pest Office MDK K T. McAE Reaidence ad Offmc Cor. Broek snd Mar Streets, WhtbY BA&, NOSE 4»AMI>TOT Office amdRaadmSce: JuilM"uet SUrn Sad-idlBu& T.behoee12Z mB.01 DENTAL: GrdwB. ot-t41 LA. II *~~~oé boaot . l oni Too T.OfieoKdoi' - nam -minimng *a bmg scISooL In gueh a Sce thse present rl neh" ooswuld BEA&VER tBRANO FLOORINO Before yoU Commence yeur tSpring c1êeaning_, consuit 1413 abouüt laying the, Hardwood :Floors ini your rooma. J. &J-. SCOTT CARPE*[TERS AND BIUIL DERS.- Scînton - Coal -W. have on-b datoui' uponshedse aquantity o!P ÂAU sizes at the harbor. ÂA amail quantity of.Canne' Coai on hand.- 'Phone 70 PRT',WHITýVY- Successor to lateW. E. Yarnold. Ontario, Lind _Surveyor of Fort. Ferry Phone'daýyornilet- 231 Hopinrs St. - Whitby n~fe Great Enrgtish àrtfn IM.T.Ones and- invigorates the whole pevossystein. makek new Blood ind Veins. Used foýr Nerioua Demt.Mental and &anWorry- for $5. SoId by al druggmsts r mailedinpai pkg. on çeceipt of ptivc e aplW aI4 NOTICE!. and thatý Lawn Mower of yours moeut Iikely- Needas-Attention.' Hae.v- it ground by the proper poweX procass, and bmowing then is a pleasiure. Robt. Rardlngl, WlbOnt.l Phone-271,,on Richardsôn estate -othéir-car $at 0 long eand -k Coïts ttie -BUY A FORbb -agea.',It, more satis b"si for a"s Aul Sates 18 g le 0 3TOLeO Oc" ll it i ue i VIutbutd uder Braird Uw g ureg Brantfoed Roofing Dalms. S Brantford- Roofin Co. 1 - ratford - Cn Te Go For, Sale by DEVERELL, They W whatthey reai The. standardsof, living for the. ave ada grow higlEireach year. The It are, the necesaies. of to-day. Pe towus and on-farmà want *the neiw abot -Dry Goodà Stères, Grocers, Shoe; 'Stores, in~ the mmftller towius, ail J tIhe ne.west things by carrysng Sn -and -orclering by Long Distance..' *facturer'warehouse is at thefr é departments are alert for telephS Shipnmts are oftens rade the S -nesof merchandise ila-no longer. city stores-and large suns ai stock Try it. Rave A big store in a sm Bell to Sel» - and to Bu'y. BvW7.849 eliprhone 1à lý , 'l'"

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