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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 11

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if tmi the lm The = 6, 1fl2. If Wlitiasefforts te assure Indus- tdp arc net an outatilg auccoa, %*At la th ua ntt wlth a câmpalgn te, laumToonto hui»... mon te itI -Ba sume hoesham? whitby la more atttective than ,malnylplaces &long the Toronto-Rumilton TBgIwuy, whiehîlas oeded vlth ',tha sumer bornsofe!Torquto eltzens AU Eagllah epert dlaes thut "ton n r actvely hostie te bacterWu undt that a uingle tour drop wi*l dean a taut tube wlth millions of microbes lI It. Poaalbly gsemeomliiorne ta the front now mith tue-suggestion that te ensure a chUllêbolng healthy and free ef diseusagermsJt aholl.ho spankei fraqeently, bard ýeuough -te muke il cry. The necesstty of some arranment ef postsaut the"PuConr"1 guide traffie, la apparent. 8«vMsiase eidents have bean narrwly -avertd lataly, and mre mim neeushava oc- currad. TrafRe la baeomlng me hoavy on the Kingston rond iat preeatlonsi should le tuken, and apeadily.. Pro.4 vinclal Officer Gibbons' suggestion t the CouncIl fer an arrangement of four peste la a valuabla oua. "Dou't vorry about eal. It *w5J] be obtaiabl i August or Septeamber, md ât aressonable pr4c.,"la theu-* sage lat bya promîaunt RuSsieooa" Mmasa Who W«i tawnirlat wmeok TW eted wltb the Le- d ha veil te tube li 1for tue prouent. rrieu or net, coul ea juat nom. e oneceould have «CI- ïlnwihte ramm- towia tluanthut taken D). as.y, tu Uic or- ready for asecond march te Ottawa, 1 ord. Theroute fr oTronto u net been detarminedbti tJâýntto Jute va woumlî ugit te -Eilay that1 a diffaient ena h te d-n tmtut fol- loved On thea finit mardi.people élong -tha finit route may net ho -as ed soldiens tieemm nara e t o t every cnsdea ion tuthecountry oaa proWpe etend tei, and Uie Goverament la gI mig attention to' their demanda, .but. thonts ogee sympathy wltthUic"mrdionOt- va" Mdes, ad. the publicare inclined te objeet te being funther. Imposed upon by larg numborb iho mm.ceint think that they are entitied te hoard! and lodglng i any place tbey ses fit te stay white on tue march.--O! onue tblng thoy c eauhoaisured-when.theyl reuch Ottawa Uiey mil ho ne better off than they vero bét êore.. The Gov- i erument wMli promise nothing exeept upon due investigation, aud sudi- has hoon already promised sudd la proeéod- iug. Eeuee, the march ismeroly a MuS. W. IL. BlTEPIONEER MMEHDL3T MIINARY DMESINITORONTO. thne mission mwork of the Canadian eethodist Church lu -China suffered the loua ofet eo e its ploneers sud le in Workerï.. in.the deuth ilu To- W. B. Smith, ie et Roev. W. E Smith, MD.,b C.M. 51 Duggan Ave.. -Mourno yhonassociates *as - -oe et the ment lileable laboro«sin the mission fiûeld, Mms Smith had de- votedhersel! whole-heartedly to, the cause o! China for the pa te2 yoars. Mrs Smith iras wmoU knotuinuWhit- by, loins a former pupil of the Ou- tie Ladles'.Cstege, and hon duugh- toMisaEthe, ira a pupil.- ut the 191g' School here for somo time. .While on daty ut JungHsie n l Jauary last', she suf a -reak- down, aud o0 y a stron dtermlna-. tien enallýed eur 'to := the dfi culties oetht <journoy mmci,<ouht lherlacuk t_ da. One wreek afier r hedied. Yonotdaughter et tha lateWai-ý liamEd ansd Miaia Youngae vau loi ut Rockdale, Petenhoro Gounity, la .1869. Educated ut Nor-' vood, PeeîboMolgh School, Ottawa Normal Sébool, aud tue Outarlo Lad- mre eigit jours ugo - eunurme' an operution for canervbihh sm iously madormined, ber houIttýau ùnlm *o ide»table pernMevernmmc Pem abWedber te carry on, ler lite wrk. Sh. lu survived by her iiusband an one- soâ,:Dougls,ând Ithree dai tors Dora, -Jean andthel. The, tunerulvas held ut 2 o'cloc Thunsday uatomonlait troim 51 Daj Zani Avenue, te Mount ' Pleasa Bey. Mr. Smith mua i attendanc ut the Bgay -of. QuinteConteronceà the College hore last, veelç; ihen ]h wau calw ite Toronto te bis mite heoade. CORINERSTONE LAID FOR NEW -CASTLEMSCOMMUN1TY1HEALL. The corueratane oethte. Commnunil Hall which Mnt. Chester D. Masse lin giving te Noeastle,.iras laid c Saturduy iust. The occasion mas great gathering of résidents, neigi bons sud home-visiting. sons etftû village. With flugs sud stroamei bidding !ts visitors melcoine, the mina street iras gay- mith color. -Mai homes, too, more holiday decoratioz sud muade it plain ta the procession c tournug motorists'who slomed dov~ their carsilupussiugthat.this beai tiful place mas celebrating some nei able eveut. The ÇPMmunity Hall going: tao ea mouderful contre oftil terest. ihên it la couipleted, sud w promote and feston the iïpirit of go< feeling whichi charactorizes the peop of Newcastle l in a nlred degree. -à a place o! summner residence the vi lage is becoming ydinly mone- popi lar. .1 1Mr. Massey doesnet. noir, for t] fint'time, remnember that ho sud t] great iudustry ihich hears bii nun more piveu by NoeasUle to Toron sud Canada. He and his family ha almays had a marin place lu the heurta for the village, aud that r gard has boen reciprocated. NeXè castle lais as praud et*Mv.- Masseyi ho la fond of Newcastle, and this w abuudantly evident où Suturday. T honora o! the day more paid te hM Vincent Massey as the represeutat! o! bis tatuer and netbing could ha bren more littin ta Uie occasion thi the.wummth of Lt¶up e toward t absout dohor sud hî%,public spirit son. The corner atone ias -laid by ]Y Thomas Mentague; eue of tUie v luge's -oldest and meat respectod c Izeus, with a silver trowel, present ta hlm by Mr. Vincent Massey. - ' 1GEL'S OFFER and SA TUR'DAI Y in -RIsaiy-tWshar &Mon': F.rn'lshIgs Men's heavy kh0.ki 'work Heoavy Factory Cotton, Shirtp, regûlar $1.M5 86 in. wide, reg- 25é yd., Extra spe<ogpi 79e Extra ESpeclal 11k ydé OnIdy 5 ydg. to customer- .Mén'É brown eand, blîek - gpoks, regplat 35c, A irge isize Turkish Towels ExtaSpclal f xnmade of good quality' regulàar $.2apair, Men's heavy khtaki Pants -Exjtrpa Speclal 45c each -of haut cualitv .ir&-ls. Extra Spocla $1.89 Men's Bathing Suits, ne guanteed fast dy.e, Di DRESSES. Mt receivedaa very ýe will rwtive memiber fur Dutham in the- ia federai Wrr&met r. W. J.Brg EAST WEIUY (XUNV!LI gr- K.LP-P.;ex-Ree" Clwfex-1eeve * The Couma of EtÉat whby To>wn- p Couluon, Rev. S. G. MéCrrmack, 1ev. ahi» met ut Columbus o ûday. An f id J . E. Feimiun, and Rep. J. W. Rae, the. members 1present.- Reeve Iiua4 h- now ot Omoii< but formerly of New-, 1» the chair. Minutes m ad ad- caztie; W.S. RIoadbouse, .depuyoptod. Comimunications vere read ck miniserOf Agiculture, -and, J. E.frein: Geo. A. Scott; Police Village 7~ gý -AtIdnson. -3 ev. A. M. frwin, of Ou- -of Codar Dale; Bydro-Electric Power nt awa, who iras in charge ot -the Meth-. Commission; G.,D- Conant; Dept. Sodist-Churth of Neiraste dufing the Public ilighways; Osbaýwa Hospital;. ce year when Ïie late Mrs. Troule-Mas- Board o! Bailway Commissioiners; lu- at sey compietely 'ronovated and *bufit upctr o Pisn d Charitios; C. he for ità minster a'banüdiome. parSon- P ;DrRudandMX. M. Gibso»,' %?s ugo, ias alS Présent' and -gave, a 3Meve by Di. Farewrell, seconded belspech. Acmmoati 900 by Mr. French, that an order ho drain The ommuity uildng wen- on ,the Treasurer, for Flteen Dollars à Thecomuniy uilingih non- in favor orJos. Greentree, to pay t r-pleted, ill o a. splendid structure witness fees i action-of R. Beath t and ml greatly enhance the ap- vs.»Tp. of East Whitby. Carried. pearanceof the main'street. It wili contain a hall with a soating allot- ID» motion ,of Dr. -Farewreilland Mn. ment of -650,,,and witli accommiodation. Ormîston, the.Clenk wa* iastructed to for 900. The 'hall i111 possess thoéflotify the _Inspector ofý Prisons, 1sud toha<in uan u-Pu.icý Charitiez that George Birchai Rebilg - betireen- Toronto and -ok s o nIüRlgent, and that the ke ~»dnd llhv a i~ Township, of -East Wbitbysrepudias 'r picture hooth. The= bulding NM l i~any liabzlity for hMs -mainÎWiance at contain'a Iibrary and reuding room, the Ontario- Hospital, OrilIia. 'Carriod. "Y acouneileèhamber, a lodge réoom, a by vé by Dr.ý Farewrell,. seconded nethe a dtdess-ing Mr. Ormistont that a license -ha roonis,-and a détention ccii, for any ~ t h ar omsin U_ Th: wsmet sLb arel se nd AmgmeotËoths at Lakview surrounig the *build 9gwull le con- ~ sdCekh rnc ems v î* t - e s an bowingsionnto reduce price.o! saine if. they idgens. The village le st oiffice wl em:i dîal o os.Çrid Od a nw hom ithte communi - Dr.* Farewell moved, seconded by de daei hmetrm tstoeraitt, that an invitation bo ty builndingsand k mli titst.ther -a given ta the ratepayer s of Union -S: plentimepice o ing o thegitheof rS. No. 5 sud those interested in the "~Wellngton Poster, for rnany year SndyShohisd etn, a the village post-master. rew<ihCùela h coi lie Neyer forgetful of the brave boys onMnate1t-isat 7.30 p. !le who ment tu mar from Newcastle and in., re *-"ad in, front- of above mon- 1,the viciity, Mr. Thomas Montaguetondcho. anid It miliPlace within the'building a hand- Moved, by Mr.;Nesbitti secondeci jby I'ý some mémorial iu their ôeor Mrt Onmiston, that the Clerk be n- çir mhich Mr.- Rol, he i architect, has- structed- to'uotify Geo. . Scott & C.* re- profiised shall bho0f suitable design. Blsudiard, that -they mut pay théir W- Enjoyed Formidable, Ps<gin. dog, tax4, asý thée Assesam-ent Roll forý ail The reeve et the VRiage, Mr. Geo. the year 1922 bias been closed. Car- ras P. Rickand, mas chairnan,. and thé nied. hoe large, audience, many of whoin mere The Clerk mas instructed ta pro- gr. obliged tu stand i the sun tbrough- pare a by-law to restriet certain anous ivo out the mholè proceedhugs, enduned in Cedar Dale agamnst the erection of !Otis -formidable prograin of -speech- undesirable buildings, and to u otity la making mith heroic* fortitude sud the Police Trustees ,of Cedar Dale. th SSeoin i ac4tut enjoy it. that thoy must proceed ini-thé proper ed Aftorwarda a strawberryfstvl, ày if they wih tau drtuke the which the moruignain drovo indor iayiug of- drainsj. under the Local Im- rm theUi grounds of -the church, mas provement plan. Carried. ri- onducted by tho ladies of the Metho- Mr. Frendicoh edbyMr es- t-diat church. It mas crowded to the 'bitt, moved âta A. E. Grass ho paid bed Jast square foot et -capacity oft the the seinot six dollars- bonus-on . 40> ffr. Sunday Schôo! ot omn, mwhich a tom roda mwire fonce oýn the. Nonquoni road. yeurs ugo was agifttfrom.the.Massey Carioed. tanuly. The village looks upon Sut- On mnotionote Messrs Preuch ýand Iudy' croy, u henmcenr-Farewell, a by-law *as pased ap- 5rutycentre as niarkiug the openi- pointing Dr. Ruudle, Medical Indig-; i mg ot a notable chapter in its -lite and ont Officer for thMs Township., lustoy. ~Mr. French, seconided by Dr., Pare- meil, moved -for ýlouve ta inýc a by-law ta authonize the un ý àt Mr.Jc>bhniuIlivah, -Mr. MacDonald kn and the Miis Newsome', of Toronto, o h osruto fcrtifcmn concrete sidemalks lu the -Towhi - mre week-eç visitors at the-home Of of Eàst 'Wlthy as,,a LoclImprve-_ Mr Sllv~n Cnte sret. meut. By-liWi read thre tima and Mr. and4, rs. Edsai Harris, aud passed. E childnren, o Winnipeg, are, visiting the O)n moiWoMessNebtan latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W.; M. Frnh h olwn counts were -jVan Valkenburgh. Mr.' Harris- will, paid- retura home the latter part ýo! this pod week, Mms. larris remaining unil the . auddBridge-4rthur, Roôss,. en-o! thc month. $20; W. B. Ellins,. $77.50; Harold Ashi- end tton, $89 80; Arahur Ross, $15.15; jas: Reesonl, $62.50; J 3no. Wilson, -$71.70; C. Wlso, $6.95; -Jio.' Bray, $33.75; Mlsloar ference Fre Glsover,$3; E. Davis, $9;- ýH. L. Pascoe, $25.0O; Geo.. Hart,-5.M Zebelock, $45; TÉhos. Low, $20;..S.Vin-- te(Coitinued. froin page .1).I son, $7.50; Jos. Cochrane, -$40; 'W. th conËÏderati on o!, home mnissioniKiTk1 $22.50; SConlin, $29.25; Jas. -probleins, and these-weie elearly andJ Reeson, $22.50; Albert Short, $52-50; convincingly set forth by . evý.. W. H.1 C. Cheeséborough,, $11,25 - A. Hop-ý 5Barracloug%~ of indsay, for a number kins,. $110.00; W.. Nesbitt, '$22.50; 5 ofyear mlaiony among the Indians Jno. Glover, $1250 CoprBo. sud Orientais of Bnitishi Columbia, _$32 *00; Philip Marco, $17; Jos. Wray, ansd by Rev. Dr. Colin Young, Sept. ef E work among the nbon-EnLglish speak- =n -ngpeoples of Canada (Presbyterian 1Board). -whicli had inva&ld English spekg ___________ coumigpa witWa -AUic past 25cyear, wbkc1 oul4 1aèt 4i teedta hDidia, and it Ywaf" ia-fi=moonviction- that jun- loe Uzesé ef em ae siot tbrough P AS Who wver. n4 gnounde uCbnist' teaclîpgwer" going te suifer a sever Chiwtùi&an ônàm i nnaloa1»dia, lie de- ",d, vas te drert the -geat îtl ouiicil a 4,-t -ly e COUNTY ÇOUNaIL--COUNTY0 ONITARIO. Notice of a specWia meUing bylM .aid Council of the Corpor*tion the, Oounty of Ontarlo, to be houri the 4tb day of Augut, 1922, to aul Iini a prompt ai HOWER I Baths now ini Lbook of tickelt swing. I * W. Fraser, A. FEW SPE( Men's Browm Boots, -Bo0ys' ýMahogany Oxfords, Women's Brown 2 Strap Sho Women's Brown Oxfords, Woômen's 1 S.trap House Shoi LE. TNIK *BURN éSPECUALS I 14 lbâ.; of St. Lawrence Granuiated Si Fry's. Coooal bhait .pound tin, Fray.Bentos Cornad- Beef, No. 1 tins, Red Star-Saliion, talls, per tin, Marvel or Kissimi Flour,- per ba.g, Carnation or St. Charles Milk, 1ýrge ti 3 Tins of, Toma.toes, size?2ý, 1for Finest Peamnealed Back Bacon, per lb Edwardsburg or,,Beo Hive Corn Syrup Finest Lem ons, r dozen, W'e- pay ,the hlghe.t pricetfor' a Don'tfall to sec our Windows and1 - FOR SPECIAL PRI( Our Terms are Strictly Cash and Pbon Strictly C.O.D. You -can Save Money by spending yotu A ful1liUnsof Nut Krust Prodlit .Burns' Cash E C.u'rry's OId Sti TELEPNONE 10 -VULCAP

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