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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 12

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Simkt I k Weddïng Gîfte im an ideal utenuhl for the- jiropur .ooking of different food». Plaoed lu a iliver trame it eau bi set outhé- table direct from the oven and beome not ouly an crtible of service, but -a, docoration s vol. Iucl'd- ed in u oeciotiart and Duep Styles, varyiug in pries Irom- $5, to $13 W. veleome comparison et Our prices wiih goodu pf oqual quallty. j. M.e Hicks I Jèwtlir»aid Optouittrlst, CARI> 0F THANIS. Mesar. Wm. and George' Uevls aiul MI$s S. Hewis wi"iito bu their trkeius and- elqbo!i for klad- ,ne"a d su Ympa±hy smthem dur- lng ther recet bereaYemmut i'tho death of terfather. RSUAMl CAMP ?NOME Tii. Liraiparty Of chlldren, consiat- lng ëf aboa utvntY lhttlo irls, ex. nved et the geudIst Doscouesa' F'rosb Air HSRoui, e dnsboeiPar* lot Thuraday Mud will romain until the, aud etft"swek. The db=re attended the e rnin servic e ai tiiMetbedist Tabernalo ou Suai, sund sang a dellghtful ac- red chorus, whlcbproved eue e moa pbslD totures etthe serice iXdisiBUoiialTthe Toronto, uSdor viSe control the. Freh Abr Homo la operated, vas lu, Whlty -over uudsy, sud vWsted- *0 UNION CeflJ1CI SERVICES As bas b«el~ istomary iu past momr,.the cougregatiens of theii. ro- yai-sud Methodist churciies Wini agaluJeinllnion srvices duriu&uiie meonthe et juIy sud August- Cm mndug wltbnexi S= lsJuIy th, the. twe congregains vIC imenl th M hoi abernacle eaeh Sndîy in, Juy lhRer.,P. I Howard asetbe mliutr, vile -Rev. E. Turkugteu, et the. Prebyterisu cburéb, 1.8on is va- cation.:Union pray* meetu ihii b. iield lu the. Tabernacleeh Thursday evemnu. Inlu rgust, the servicesvii b. beld lu St Audro's cburc iit)i Rer.. lir. Tunkuugtou as uthesber, sud durlug that menuh Mr. Howard viii have bis vacation. TOWN Mr.,sud lMma.Geo. IL Thompacu, sdtmly, of Alamoda, Cal., former LOCAL HPPEINGS j'sd'eu e Whltby, are lu tovu tutu wek vutlng. tniendusuad relativesý. Th" mad e ientre trip by motor, coverlug 8800 midles lu olgbteeu daju. Tho H..P.U.et tu le...tisi e inceM. andlire,. The .Y..U. f te BPti8 Ch"à hompon eftWhîtby te tike up reàlý held a pieute tô Shoul Point ou Wod- denço lu CaMitrnIa, and this le tueir aisday afehrnoen. irst riait hers ince.tuai tlie. Mr. Th ii lctorlsu Ordor of Nurses willThOmpsOii qvas greatlyr Uriti4asu iiold a Tee on Frlday, July, 7th, from pleaeed vitu the large numiber oft nov 3 te ocI'ck, et their nev home, Eu- risidences erected lu' tovn ince he oldSt. Âdmiissoll26c.- DonationsO lti vth tue imimense improvemnt fruit sud grocenles for tue nov Home lin% business sction, tue new pars- vill iii very mueh appreclied. meut, ée tc.hm bUeeii vel vorti P. J. Sullfiii. Ilcàuasod fa sud vilecoming back, he uays, if for eednotiu ,ee tuan te 5su the great ~fort lgmm p> T e MW te tou are camping, and greatiy euJey- Ing tii. simple ite. CALL AND DE1 The ippeil etiithe Tovu et Whuuby m again t the decisin ef Magistrats J.ý E. Willis, under the Pediars' Lcense souk, John, dled By-Lw, vas te have corne befOre The. late _1fr. Judg Mcilivra m ii.Division cf: st- John' Court ou Tucsday, but'ate tue requeut' Port- Wblty, w etfithe tovwil eatpened. ýA charge vice was beld - «f violation cf tâkeiefi. dl'z Liense conducted by. R By-LÂa s gréeeently broûght aantter.ent vaà ma the Apex VacUum Clesuer Co, vein tery iTe psul Ambrose Bradley male a om f soet isMers h<use te bouse mcala rnut the Apex IRevis; two -gr, Cleaner. .The ýtowu clalmod be'bbuld Wiia lewisp. bave hsd a licous., but -Bradley cou- George Tasker« teuded that ho was repre#eutiug il s briother, Addlseu,.who- la the. local dealer. fer iii. ApCx Cleauer, sud ubat' h erefere i trecpre a license. are luvited loi magiotrate wus dsmtmsd tihe sadpi th charge, and tbe town appealed. W suppM- by1 -.4---tracter wili aie TUE TABERNACL.E (Meithodtst rUeted Or Pitte< ing. Consau 1e.F. H. Howarde Poster pi wfoi Sukay July 9, 1922 peafrmabers Ualion Services aithiePýreabyterin Tende~r to be- sud MetiioleS cngrgatiens. G. W. iP. iy 10.80 ajn.-mOrniug (las. bjijune il a.m.Merulug v-orship; &"Týe are ndr ,w the. body etfChSt. Reçoption mer- cepteçtL -Vice. > Thé Publice 3 pfL- iS~ch0o1 the, Tevu t f'. 17 .m.Evnln. oiruhp. Orang sermont by Rer. LJ. S. liellonet EIT Oshaw& E Lro Thuvrsday, m.Ulu ry r 1v. E.X A service' hbo as been éme àà woà1p.editors ef the Cornesud orsiup.!l succeâseln tc arn leavei-kue ST. JOIINS-CHURCH. metrécr o fe (Port Whitby)Wbby re y0 a..S~ ySehoo. . of e tue late iPr.A Il ÃŽaÃŽ.-Meriîg Psayer sud ser?- Whitby. fl.të. mon. 011 ti.stff oi p.M.-Eveniuz Prayer sud studies rector* cf St Ai 1' iniEpisie e ït. tJames. and is anable AIL SAWST' OHUECU (Augisu) PORM 8 a.m-R. o i on. misses marli i m-ornilig Prayer aud Ber- of Teroute, vh a p.m.-Adult Bible -Glas-inlu tii. Mleà Ka1 (JhureL 1.. cý.ý f Teroâto, sp S. S. me ets ai 9.45 lu Par".u R. Mrs.Wm. <ira 41 =p..-Broeldiservice. 1r.sd'Un '7 #mii F~~~Rv~bo rayer -aud .Ser-> w is Hevisw W jmei Angicn "Nh s .Ou SuÛday 0 er. J. H.E Potsi 1-bearers -vere the Wilam ad G e muadéoà, Iiarry ai su ad - vto -nepbo' and W J. Stirtevau r. patig inside Ltwo çoatsefoZpint~ the müunUc>t. o zo serape snd chip i d surfaces before paim tor will supply ailtool ng, etc., ueceusary work. in, the ieuds of SÙ ryby noepJuly8tM; Déd ut t% .lovest I net neeessarily be M 0F' CRURCHI mIelztyre f Toron Lappelnied, esott SCanian ýChurehml to lBey. Dr.-W. T. Ha St Johnu's Churcb-, Port MclXntyro is a daugiiter sud lire. W. AMarne,etof Mn. lictudtyrs bas been w >f Wycllffe College sud kidaW 'Chiureh, Torontb, epeake".nd vnlter. I enssd lrne .Trotter,- std'l Mies Anna ýýýholidy wt ay. c.D i.,e Torentey- ' ieF.akonover l irEA LowaSiT PMIE&- BULL PSM20, ' I #I Ir Mss ets Palmer.laspei XL Rft E J. Gimbleti, oft'Tor, bonie over the 'holiday. Mr.,and Mm W. H. Kenu i- . the liday i.Brcebridge. Mise Goldie Jenninga iz I aiS"ro L*e, Muskoka, «,Z 1 s..Palmer -and ton f N~ew la . . T. Prii and ý-son,à A cbolce 1b"0e acrfnot id yiug Baleem, à % miles east -t ofC D>nuo n 'on Gorenment roadi, ne,- - zÏQi station. Sciiooi,'store routo, le Office -near. MAievel dcay L A. Good- ln'asxbigh state..cf cultivatior - acresot orchard. A eprim >cqi.te4 le crO uàse i farm. 9od tsi j rs. M. extra good large brkkchosi titul laws and shade ire O)Wàwa, large batik bm aru u arge, i Iduliher,, must be1sêeeute b. appreciatc rossons.. Aplyto Wm.ý i Moiday Garemot. th.y vii o~er f THEMII TIONEIY -i ,mma k Mot kugog,LeS&i orUL e III I T. Uànt For süek Etc Lot us bell W. have LOST. trom six. n-i - LOST. - stamped fi A browu Cocker Spaiel dog,ý lis- stitches m a rdfo r returu cf saine. T eo. ) Klu g, A*, n, ,, l The I,.w 1 be tbe ppreachen. Enenycue lu sym- ~tiy iii tue Onderi taasked te ai- ~Whiby .Lumbor snd Wood Ta- sali berr-y boxes sud een qua baskets ilbquantitlss. The. Wllliaine Piano, won by Mir. Jams H. Palmer, in the reet Osi- ave Telegram Coniesi la ou dhupiay lu tué wlndow et Mr. J. M. Rcice Jeweler. This le eue o et set landseme pianos ener sievu ln Whit- by.. Tiie case la3 a beautiful Buri Wal- nut snd the toue ail that could b. de- slred. Mir, Palmer should- hé cougnat- ulated on vlnnlug ibisvodnu prize. Buy your tee creem bricks et Bol- tou'a restaurant- Alvays a lag varlety. -f 'On Fnlday, July 'tub a Igarden party viilbe.:heid Aitiie home Of Mir. Charles A. llarclaye Brougiaun, sith.programme consiting et sports, baseball and tootbail at 4 p.m.. "Star" radie concert ai 6.80 p.m., sudý mter 8 p.nu Oniario - Gonernint mong ic~Ptuir show sud enitertain- men byJoeWilliams' Jazz BaÊd. lietreebuients. A«mrission 35c+, cil- dren 20e. ptD onTuesday, an î e c da the. new Home viii h. lu oraer. The houseequlpped vitb al conrVemen- d~e dIL ladies 0ethte Commlitiea 'r onfident tuatit vii he squally aceortseble as tii. needence justl rseatcd. Being th e propertY'oftuhe1 OMre, impreveflents sud conforte eau ho sadded tram tine te urne as op- portuiiity offere. Thie bouse on Dun- dam -Street, in which the H ome bas been for sereral yeae rs ii ýO ceeu- pied hy Mrs. H. 'W. Michael, et Han- mony, Who is te take up residece ilu Whtby!5hontly. CONSTATINOPLE HOSPITAL HONORS FORMER W1UTlByIT Mises1ElseoLawlera u".nitendenti et nurses lIn te. Johue Hopkine Rs- piailu Baltimoe, bas heen elecedan' h ouonry directer 0ethteCa*adian hou- pliai for tuhercular cilidren-i Con- sisutinople, Tunhey. Misw Lavier is by irth s canadian, sud a heen lu- tereeted lu ils hospital sunesits i:- cepin. H.1 r ýcousin, lilas EnUna Wood, et S8rula, Ont., le director et the hosp ta, wvi eh le o e ated.b y the Arkan Near Eset Relief fude naised Ilu -Caýnada. 'Mise Le.len lea a native et Whitby, ansuaisten et A. T oi aon iiid W.bad) awler, of tMs Wfiv. the best, udgive-qulck Èorvle. O- 0> dera may bhi loft ithe bUse, BYMq> IPlÈESENATION TOMS.LA- Street, phono 182. Jaznms Sawdcu, Goa ILW. sud ~ ~ IMrs.j. B. WadWlw, of Toronto, ferý- W. H. Kennedy, Éarrlster, ptc. Of- m cf -Wbl'tby, m5c00nie~d by ber ice one door west of Post Office, 'daughteri Miss niedI, leaveu e Dundas Street, Whlitby. *_tj* weelc for Eurpe, viiere àh. viiispepd I WRTB (NOWINQ A Tea User bought a pain store, thon tried 'à pôundof 'a peice. Whst W..s Thé C4& Re 1aughed, thon si:- oompanrsofl, re&lly none; yoiw mi muoh." W.êre's no question, for you'Il fin4 our store a goo&p b W. dlon't pu!pose otin tes, at .joliher at about SaMe The read undér the C. P. IL. subway l on D)uudgrs Street -Easst leundergoiug r"Pairu; the' railvay eornpany baving 1 siarted a gang of men lasti wek ai tuheworldng of ucarifying, gradfiug sud ierelling. Wheu ihe -werk bas beeu completcd, snd ithe drainagLpe properly- laid, ibis portion eft1tel, road, ,Whieh for mentli bas been. the bugber etfmotorists and othertiral- fie , houldb as good as.tii. road en WHITBY BOY WON VALUABLE PRIZE. Iu the recent subseiptien coutest cenducted by the Oshayva.Telegram, James Palmer, returned soldier, of Wbitby, vas a7 winner of the second prize for District Ne. 2, in the shape, et a fine $600 New Seule1 Williaus- Plne )ne rzes vwere preented ai the Regent Theatre, Oshawa, ou Mon- day nighi, vien "Jîi» sppeared- on Uic stage te 'receive the award. ýH. thanked ils -mauy triends for their support and assistance during thc camipaîgu. "Jim»l madle-a geod run for, the grand prize, a C hevrolet Sedan, but was 6utdistanced on the lass. day by Miss Marian Dixen, et Oione, who wen it. His triends -la Witby are pleas.ed te know that1 L, <Jlm!,' on tÙs raluable prize. WOIUL-DURGE HOME- FOR ÂGE!). ce Ecitor Gazette. sud Chronicle. Deàr -Smr- Knowing. ibai youp Si tbroug your rvaluabie paper, are ai- Wa ys willing ta heip s wonthy cause I.weuld ask as a fanon tuai you would use your influence wiih the ladies,!m who are trinmg-ta do se many klud ihng fr humanity, ta try sud esiab- liah a hontefr thelcb ie sor earyma lsh a hoe for ihe agd o n uecom-.a M0 mauy eldenly ladies especia&y are net nilte lirhe alone sud veuild be vilhinig to psy -a modest Em for. a- énfortable raom suad board. Let it be a memoniat. home or suy othen suitable unie. Yours respeetf ully, Oneho ii ueesdit DRATH 0FP(GIORGFIREIS. On Thuraday Iet Witylest oe ef ia ldesi relussde bauses Souil.1r elvovsl i R01 oth mfrdbsthr toee zfums rAi w D 'e p 'eus a nam Ke M ibis animal ouilng th ' i et yet.- Mr. sd M.- Jcl:i. 'VcAdam 4 da f iretToronie- overewcek su'ic rsoratihe home of M. James MC- Adam. Mies Gray, etTorento' visited lier aunt, Mnr. McLaren, ove the, veek- end. Mr. sud Mns. T. Allin, et Tarante, wenc visiting fiends e e son Satun- day. M. Ernet Golding,, et Dundas, l holidaying vitu hie parents, Mr. sud1 Mrm Rich. Goldring. .,1 1> Mn.Aibeni Goldinug.sud MissEthel Goldrng, et Tenonte, vers witbhtheir parents for thc holiday. Mr. sud lMre Kennedy ad family meiered to Huron, Ont., viene they- speni uthe week end.'- Mise. lillian Ailman, f Teronto, speut the week-end viii Mn. ând Mm-. V. M. Smiih.> .Rer. A. M. L. Durnford, Recter'et Chisi's Churci,, Scarboro, sud Rural Dean ot Est Yonk,opcupied the pul-1 pit la St. John's dbrch on Suuday ev'- ening lat. H. was greeed by a tain congrégation, vie thorugIuly enjeyed is interesting sud instruictive d- dress. PERSONALS: Mms. LUGimblettvas in the'city ne- -etly. Mn. F . B., Mesure vas- home orer, 3unday., Mrs. Lester Doan is holidaytng lun Kincandine. We have recsîved our steak cfi besi .qualiiy Geym Jars', Thick1 BRubber Rings, *Extra Gla8s and Zrine Tops, Parevax, etc., fer-the pnesprrinig seasen. Jipays te buy the bs.. Afew Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers Ieft at $3.04ozen.. 6 h.i Chover LeafPlates, $2.00 dozen. Fresh Fish Arrlvln Thursday. PHROIfE34- Hleadquanters for Choite rcr WWITBY, ONTARIO LOOKT r,> ni w z "J iloi British, C Whltby Li Xrinkle Wax Wni Pure Lai Red sain Red BaiD e-vas GIRLSWANIED Experienced- and to learn, - onÃ"w-er sewing mac!àhines.

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