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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 3

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I - - Iaets -ver WY ii4kb IUud but bw cS h i y ii>*ubt tiOy ý1TP19«usp id .s.iee t o te>rm?" jît-VRthée oie ~~out et a'( iIdj Heath Nurwmoe hm th* PxovunehifWe tâ i le nomau.ex- B"dOf uIet eava)» «am Lt ta molvuw ui' ~ ~e-,m<g~~ ~ç4 4tȎMumi Of h" >h d<*.e et"Ulcm. oeasy wayâ h ,niitdwy. Tus twlIing ont et usai e.otlenmneu as h.lp t âýmmewtel omàyx* ,b« but it ig iot no *»M pqe j idnt e iat"la the. exisediW. fer, iepâtab. wew ofthe ay-orkr.ît b noetbaylumn a4 nsti ite*tienu u'hk ar wary, theretuRre, tlie Wpurh.rqeioM JUDWnaayCas isa t O vrl- andi autheit-kie l m" afemu t t)»1 6" #»d ftIOP.Ited by the tex- vol u itoer wii!ker osa MM o. ipaYm O. et i.province. Many ofthue Hecre are a 1,w sumuetionsput inlaats. 01 tihe nStitutions 1woul- qiuesâticeandi ansirer tern i iuMay heautbymen la" vomea today ifthiri heêp to niche tbe in etsar. ,fipreaobadelsets amd hIsalth handicaps 1.- Wholue >ia4 tiis vuket h"atbeen «resu médical and inursing Ghilti Wel'tsre? It i i. heÃ"naro ateUe iniieajqy lite.-hmeunfor- Ge'ýoNrnnmeutwoe-ldug tl'bouit h.'ýlim te mP5OlsiêhAV*abéesoin. chrOiui- Maternai «Ad Chld lWevt,&s Diuwisi nvalidaé MdLare new au-tin 1te e of the Pro'vincial B*of t lh. '2. Wàt à ite bjee4, HjwMv any chldren -v-ers iocn ~~~~.~~ Wla aIso~sê ) te '- lau* year in Ontar ie? 72,511, dores tic <de"U'raes aio<iit ante1 & IHw s nify at h...ie w beter and yeun'g chiuhben lnui s province. r.êchueg ose y4ar et -e«e' 7,804, or (b) To e~ve ad'y4ee es instruction more han oee hantredo ut Of evee-y tu prosp2ective mitebs on ilugw te tare tiiejaW dbirtis. for th4Lr hoalth du-'igti'« ti ItWi, 6. What la the infant d"th rate ln inoeths predtng chtldbiwU',ilu rder, NeZeslant, imie.Cild Wolfsr (hat the chldren meDuy t. l4M%) ofl,'k 1105 been ScrrieSiofr about enl get s gOoeeta hrt l in àfe. îetw>y «a?. Abeust 46 per 1,000. f ci To inotruct mothers in thbe pro-. - 0ngteatattatyu per Oaro andi feedin< f ofantîs sef îien<ieandi ne4g»o. .Interest evee-y- that t'boy may burvive tie iret criti-1 body yeu kmou' latube reat work ttuat cal yar ot tifse. Mse be8reerieti ci -i your city andi (dl Te prme- vie nsan ierby coimmuWlty antiIf ,pWeile, .persuade miotlwrî oaa bave their oltiren indUie-ont pebple to become. enthusi- we'CigbheJ :sd tueasur6d'IfOoe py$dMoats Remember it le a labor et love. odmpnýaûr defocta. lIt i.ýwork thut se vorthy o -et e (e>)'Ti) adsiie theparents et a chit «ced citizeni. Lt la the 'w'ok. e i having phy>'4cal dOeetOtePrOvide Master, v*ho Mid, "Inasmuch nes ye mi-1oa1 treaoient fer lthe chât, me 'have dons it toe O f t he len ,t Get 'ai lieth dtfc,,ts mnay be early cor- tisse My ibrethren ye hïave dons Iît rected and thuast e <i child a unto Me." aOnti "Sufer lth- chuljTien chance te grow Up normaly, 'wietuhot t orne unte Me anti ferbidtlhem n njt, any unossaary- hanïieap lu italtee-ouf cd cii la the Krtgdern cf crowb' anti devebepuiert. Leve Phone SorvîC, MmsuecIUk TKh 6 tmetew d ephmunaserice Theailrneints o fldodcnt in tiiEý world 'àa izm giveii in Everett, pat . ton, oelds, etc.- wliâ abw &,0e uiuWrleYsbanti#hed throtlh u in gdtey de. Tihe Sw rates ,whieh a nu.btLeorr~lxtv hc u iiow on trial 'uuier, crders of the t'~yrzît h eessduet StteIl <' e Pù 'îeenan 4wtomoxacb. 1Tfey are guaraqted Wcorksm, are baaei on the tia,2 o '-'nb.. ffan-io avau, usand eau ecl iniactubal taLnover the téle-F.,, ,le phone, 'as g Mlel,, k« . tZ )Wrs. cetugua p~~e-uib4i to uud cent, ouf 4<5 et èht it i3j1 t te 85 pe- et-:In,reate velte:-'Baby>s Oua Tablet., verse t 9«esOihfeIp te My baby. b'flh'sy -- lateti ber bevels adsoiý n ilt &Ws*Md tir uelkine derniers or by ViW~. ~mati t 15 a box from Tuhe Dr. Wil- Tise changes are mate pOSSble' 1imW. s' ediline Co., Bteckvliie, Ont. thrugih te de4ebopmnsut ot a device known oas a 'wi iom*,"iuk ucSCC1WOISy ueasiites t'te Ilgth 1 e Iu.Pi Tree. aitheStar. limie -wh teepbeos la used by the I calliisg paty. Ioomuuning miii. are nut lu lAie valtel bi sa.hining sitar,, - rsgiutuered. Fer more than a year ths Beigitet .f,'lMe hotte on higl, tolithu u ,duavs rsee mntem*sd;Sheda is.Tadianee fe-em ut ne, estem. ý A humble pvine ree ou earth beoir A4meeg oth lm of -. th-lekI- Llft-s s 'tinte last ar, dwonmmu, **ew"" nbm Likea iat in4îex ittielushow liaI il v"* dimram uobab1y Wkat'il. mersilpa tra star. ellimaue «Iltsi*ugwos Party 1 ua, Us I l I eSIt b.w asb'doppoe Moneý' I*i pastreseMun t the star a in, l.ta a b is reeaI Oud'gatlier It stiadsrooted th le dur; 'nusuhborbood gouip; u emàyBut vordip ofthtce rlu shaH Unelýane sud fji~ee~. ien viibe ïre.f "Tiil ',*a. be-*all"4paasaway. lui, eigiht, ai, do& fcir-party hlies Windo the pine trees branches toms w411 b. inerea, leos ie-ewill s "%wY, b. les. lafi nfl <bulîne& . . But the gale il aMill defles . Telphoesevie -la»wnov e-n tfe-Anti with its «Iant finger >peints lbe as litt1e as $1 a nienti., wmiéb outitles va> the suiscriber te -.60 4aeeehrmne >*a To ita blei.t4tiskes. mionth. It he usesmore lthtet amoup hoe pays eone esat a te4aeewo. My àmluul bks. upwit4,* lueîhet.or xne fer i1 Singhe-psry b"sies tel. faine, pliOâ Stint ufo'emeriy ceaI s$6sammoï-Ah As the bile .tee t. liestar, are nov $5.26 a imenti, v]bicb* itik andresaI *se. an, lniqeli Ume thue sulaae-eibetho 600 telechurone, our W esFume'dalesgerss-. *khacal 24 min4s et ofcorbwerestieuu,- en-elhbUsinps lay. Anti dosm My seul t. P al lunvain,ý The leÀibraeet, i.. 1111.de- WAuie niy feph ding,,te thée ay?- 'Vice lecated lfloe toessci telepmotiel Shoult I scoru heigit. Isuay net at- ad ieglaktenuuthe tUis con8umauueby I tain -- lthe oalng Party, '&tbe "ceul'" basI -Asti cisoose a more huù%ble vsy!? mades thbseon.t Regitraint- Motêge e i tan«tlte- rectelver la RelIer thet niy "W lubosgd e-or ycew Yi)sled o thelb look. No influen-e È~or htigbta 1rmIsu ie-se- 1mev, outelde lthe coauri o ttisesubeeçber Iimst» t e mntt»t- tilyIumu cm caUsIe reglntatseioo iiteu M" obsee a t 1ev. If ïeu're tiebull ý-of t aqanalaml Th. tieugiri te ypueappesl n'Ue pmeer<uit i tm e iu gme Oa On 'ib*saps e Au' lhir moeals ThO MWKI»'Ouspd, the "U 0( MWW, The> vatlieras they Mi lanti piwý Th MW sahundf*outupo, sau-etwt, It'sa aaeOmUtIWP misb l]» 'ir A&4lss pisp pouyt te t tar su hlg And:upk t<td eger- noasmay. I AllalaMme arn.» «be-y, les. lai 141lY mieeled tle-slokeepe teOî4se -1*4. leal ova, 3but te tie riglut-dan -*e oOWitry. wel us at h0 t 1tv f< atin lum -pus, atilu i ase et Dur ("M lieê ud.gree i w* l -etaiIshot Imm$ '«d -iy, mips»-Pr. Gofa ofeus Ing b -le 'dsu cré igo.-useni remé- un la é euhfo more -exact lSotOf e j usa ,w theni.t4 d »Uc Toex«press tuls doeiey antInt- efficiency lu a brets smile, civilizet manknin na> yb. ikezedt tea. tees-laI ia censaieus o! lii.nuriment de-msbly ttIr- troshe <roundtImt hie80c er- pleety woveioketi liee tact- liaI ,s lai<e-prbpetio* ttls subulice must be-driva(rom t*seMnr-e-tt -t as net- léeettee î»pût ferlAileav'. 'we ail know Ihat« awhia tres vouMitver> quelcdy perll, sud, 'as aàmater det taet, it le equal-ly te-ne that ite very portion et tise mamàante-sos elecon- eides its&i mont hlgly cWlvilied i la Iu reality ceilg slong-on the veîÈy' brick et.eexlnclion-tfourno etiier e-n son tha tAie tact ht it Ilhm-a telleui antice- tihe-il Oflietan ignaes ant negleel M oes of ils most vital tunctions Thia ignorance aunogleet are tndeed preecî&seilmilar to- liaI ffic la ue sile vs have -ebte-i-_ uled le cuir lmaginiry Ires vici- ver- leokodth le. ugefulness -et air meid thie cossequent tesirability Of' putting foteehi'auves 'ote nthle -air. Depeadent (Iposu Air. f n otier mords, v have everleelc- ed'tic tactt laIa a &qe part -et cuir ninteriboie a derlved oth-nule air,ý and liaI vies vs negleel ho 'me develep and Uitilize eue- lue-cgauns ogel freinthie nie- hie fusl le-eneusit ire-cinu- t uire itn-de us to recela. tonu tii ait me pay tic .penalty net oniy lunude- c-e-ieed heddIy etticiency, -but a14>, andI 'lu an even -ge-caer derse, lu a certain tailing shortoet -mental a1ertý usas sud spiritual visio. ,7%e 'cultivat1on etr, ulungws-w-hîch nisans the culivation et thue art Of beeathing-'ougit to-be thie ve-y tptun- dation amu mnenemteliem du- cinel <sygteun. iluvesd wetbeug -%0 littie undiestoi-anti appreciatedti tat -jeetta brougit te lis atl-entie cf eue- cidren vsi-le tlxey are iet-ii4 In the re-- Septive :anti plaetsti ls< of hamins t-7 '- - tue se-ses byisui iw yeur uie qg-coie Otherwtse have paa.cd lt. 11w thçe 1 sud luogu andi possbywââsd troubký qbTrouleCan Ouly-tut Got Rid of by Enrîchig the'Blood. In no diease dosm the blood beoome thin soimpfldy as in rheumatism.L Not oaly dees ft t -mne thiln -but- It le loaded wM, rheumatlc poisons. Wlth- eut -lwuper tvemtment diee poimons-In- croe, . e guerail healtk launuder- -mmcdl. the -lnflsmed jointes aieR, and are very palful. and oten thi.e, m- ferer becomes crlppled_ Dr. WiHmim.' Pink Pilla buth up the blood and embe It to totte 1 rhumnatlc posons witti the natural Mecretions o! thqe body, thii. dt-ivln but -the. pains andi beneflttlng the <on- ernd health. SouudpVo of "tAe. statements la o«sred by Me-s..Ge 5tpeSpart&. ont., vie maya- <'Jpr umumber of yeam 1 I us troublet wïtii rlsunrntsm, wbIc et tues.wu vy p;Vaill-My gesse-ai headi vu - aisoaffeteti, sad I ooul aearogly drat myâeit aroiu. rhadý1 bom doc- btlng i good demi, but diti ot getamy bet>teru411 oesday my daite bronght me a box ôtf Dr. .WilkamnW Pink Pila By-tAi tinie tisss er. ~usef 1 -euld - futklesa sllght uove. ment acf I contlnitsa ing luwtii. Pille untit 1 haf used -about--a- domen-boxes, by uihjch tinse I tf&t 11k. a-nuisI on -sud Ieeoked Ilîe one. I eeld *di> my work >with ease, ýaUdhave uime enjoy-ý ed the best of héîaItJ21Ihave ame reoomnaued Dr. WîlàUamW Pink Pilla te seversi ethera vho received the saebeneét, my"ei." The bert tue te begin taking Dr. -Wtllia<rn Pink PHil' ate smoineui Yeu feel the least bit out et sort&. Tue ooner -you de se the seener ydu utS regain Mor old Urne euergy. Yen: can get- tics., pills through any medicine deuier of by mail pe a ld at 60 cents a -box or six boxes- for $2.50- frein The Dr. WtlIiaù?a' Medicine -Co.# Brock- ville, Ont. To -happiness! .A fïregnport we think Troward wbich we ptoudly ateo, Our salis a&H $et, Our -D>-e oam, Mers pleasure*is, tii, resuahea4, my lunusnes of actieo nndbat*enneas I out achievemStte i penalty 'lui maur ef cmrtehiltren puy«asthe -natu- rai ant idirect remIt oet tua eriinzal a n.g4ect' »on ete-part te pe-eperiy l- JI fl *-tuMmantint -4e-m. Fer better ln ILU LlU A Ii tis respect la the elstmof-'et b.se- caltf svagre-es. lnumInci lie uqhhemMost esreue-ly mateh t-,s le tfe, Cetatf,pSidy Relie foFr iivsaling abit et t~ir cildeeiuuCiddAIdndigestion. takeeeeetw* emes surs to prveut hem 8-~~5 ttid ruls aia ,ft-m -lhuf«r-êxaunpký, i-aime snc h <elX,55,5eL-~Sios -ainev -cur"e- , aeea- lsia]ng Ilie-ugi achie and tnabllty te rebtu fôdare lu probabir aine cass»oUof eton, th..eol tussatcf tt'cu«liiiesos.ampir evidence tint eÃŽxc&e sesears- Chiet Tuis t Hurnan Body. lieuof acfl t 'e taking P"ln tl»hi. Tihat tic art of hieeatin 1inu lu 051811 iqgte ftdmmu t- t reltty-ltlue mot-tauportat lucutton of ant -d d t«e.tloe Glaz distende the-etanuansd cems tise human bodY le;aseuwn at& - thMt fl pressive, burning -f.lln -lialuetibythie tact liaI, altieuglu vsometimýes knom as. beartburumAille ecau lire, ihheut footi for-vuteki meflue aci I leritaes sud Inflames the -vit w t ater fetdyhOi-besI e us foélet lng oet1he atonaci. Thée cou.ld '- net hue milliei-air for nMore trouble;luise eatteein the excesa ddo- t-han tirsor, tire. minutes at zmeat. vsl»Ipmcat or seretiturutacld. Deatu msuii eusuereula ofetoxy- Te*to5p - or pi"veiit "htaouring et, <su, tuie element vhich <ives varmtb *W'- ftisdCGu1Itent lisrthe tMj4 sud aM ýn«M, t îh- boy-.ee lem te neultraIIze thé acid, andtimais Ilt antienery. e t-e bllY-ube eleet bland aid harmiesi,a- teaspeentui of vluchmikee il <e-essuie for 'the. toed Bisurated - = eiggod -sud alec- ,wi~ eie -rat te o l ufe-e aetive cerreclorof et tld i s4each, shouif 'mscle apti bons -andt*rtisue-the ee*- be takena in aàr,eeof boise tt . tn shr whe au be e afl the or coif mater a! 1er eating or mien. pare 'etbuandt eiect*vmmee -te that jThis seetens lhe stomaci and peu- WvoiMerfl lmachine, tie human tr sud lu n perfeelîr hie-ms uf ex se perreet lanls adaptabilîlîrte al tv emyh ue Opurpnesm t-lit 4ud yt7 80 Mketed An antlacl, -scii -ssBi&aÉ-ted- Mag- -n antssd-led t4rougli igwruanee »ss i:helbehandfenaY t-bat'tie-savero-ge 'nman ies but'h-ait' Iii d]ruggIstlu eliser pevder or tabet' - o-ebdsye aidduriag lie durs-liat foras, sablea-tha atoniach to-do its h~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~i des--ieeuqsbtht fs'work irc*OflY -milleut IhJead cf attdl- 'tenta- M4guesia cornes- possible -éeigy andi effIilewy, mW aL eLri &aese b. certain- 't asi9 oon:'equeutly <ttains te but -haitlusfra4tf ny-mutfiansa tIuiqtW- fabaédrsr fier Ahohthettige. a part oet bvepurvese. tile-q ubuath Ae;fsl-bndn u 'Jtumens f5 lllure 0- iafiuui "'ii.larnitsc.zugsiip aficat is a sud qu fwer . Iem u-u ai.Fe ' - r<&"iF-aee'.te 'vante centre la vilch the fooet se-.-fmsnù.e ë uýMus î-lD buie &-u, q Wuio c-siveti and separalet inluvmiousa con- '- ma& ena creir et 54.Br stitiUntsroquînd i'Wbyte,:boy-.-yet be-.ttemefair juste-run,.i' 322 mots- ini b> ;ar . he g<eeter pae-t of eue ù- lue- Lt2ýîow ur-"Y, ticugiu ih-e ht Igt udeatand ,and s:oper te Im al luasiuaiyttrogi Ue n 5e -lm, &net k~_ «W-AMU. by the menth. Chi!du's s1z tte tue SIOULO <VIE« taeg1ht tkile habit ivien '.Zy >n-ê flube- for.,tie lMl#~l.Aaritiat- nutpierle lmpue-tisx dlsqsss g5eii3 ihi&l sudetkuquissenter th&e Use-ct aàatIJWgs be-tisgsa arrewt and iare lnity ieàlied wu the .nasal Evril. . )of kehhNg Again »e-. O(X»u ýwaper i"h 7_ treatle en znmuet*à,breshimagby 1.. cou&ý- eSa4 u Ja __ tul"- ~un A- Fow Wird. teo D& -om report*v e rremmmorn of 0« youne zeadem i ae tuad te b. ivetuat a -ni ýe he i.«>â' aýIse rmsi the. BOY &et, coluuil," tatehe .tbt'eeau maiàe It moe lnte..tug-fe teinand a st ta-4anie tie*feth.1; mke t4em igain a -eir cation ëo! tii. Oausti ese. coun- cil. 1>s ]"Y. in e 1 M eets thse Man Tisere le oly oneýway te Ils reuas- aliIy sure thât v. ame elâg te ses our sens sa! ely over li rbe-places ln their lives, andi that is -Y bem ing tuidràr. W. Most ot illow our wakmg hourq, ote b- Se flil Of business tint vs "shu 'le' k ,turne te help -the boys, figit these batties every] lad muet face. -Tus boy vithin the ma muet corne out temet -the rnias viho -le vithin thi. boy and they mue .t walk, talk. andi play tegether. Ch"rWBs'Case. 'The' fiowInIn anecdote, thougli un- usuai, entaine a note eof warning ,te lhk every father ehould <iv. heedi. A preminent anadan jûdge oft sý Juvenils Court t"ofl e a visit vwiné lue madîe Io a pisce-et deteniti, 'uhere h. beceme -Intecostin. tire brighit lookirig boys of about; wxteen yesrs et age. laneoiiveraatiou with eue'.lis nid, "Clmrlie, hou' tii yen coiedtete <e to "eil trûel 1 Iknev ýyour tather .weU 'Ho ras one ofttte lest miaters ln canada. It mUSt have] bIohmEUIS hesrt to e eeyou gtoing wrcng-. Why dide't yen _ hlm inte your enidente wiei beund your- sef .liping? 'The boyihuag ihi* heati and munilei: ',I -nover coulit get witliu foety lest eof my dad. He vwe always tee buey." jim'u Case., Thome ias a vonderful mlrirty' belveen, Chariie'e case and that of the ether boy, Jim, whose fatherwa a vriter eut legal booke. -Jin cmplain-. ed tint- several times wien . in trou- ble hoe haut tried te bave a a .k, vith hieý,tether, <ut vas alvays greeted with "Run away, Jim, my. bey*, I am juet in the midde of a very impor. tantchapter and -1I cannet taie lthe tÃŽrne mat nov te t&ak te-,yoe. Yeur Case. -Perbas aJiy <bis -lime ouors m-y- ing, "Yes, IImnoir sud I only mi Il lidmore tume'te doe t t ry boy, buý I seern in that -respet t'. te e hanti and foot. My businesstaesme âay from -home a C«st tesor I M"t attend netlg mtat ut, or 1 9W#I !he &OetW'Moverneù'?.wasdavài- air __e- Rert ~e-PoveM,, whe apent ut yar udying every-plusse -of *0s dioerent mevemme noaw boy., Wlust Seutag La. BqdeibzlPdwill asys 1 Scoutlng*la 3a <gamni lu hheker brotheri cas «ive hem ~ ~ ~ ~ Wm te,,ipCIIRNEP tues Sudy ani Wood-ra't. L aq wut the mindmauiMadi Mt -wlhi t quaiities.At iai l UMat te atm, for themeýeandeM-nby ezpee-iencej i-tm 'morathaýt, whea.prprl a&~e, FatIereet ey.an toher pereomi interestet An -boy -veVar. riweulWod liii <a.iav a epy twleco mplet. -Panuplwote-id"ulul ho ab«* e eex- tracts have been ,taken,, s -.w*1 a other1t@ia1 ý ehruttreice te 'Scouts -AssociatioSieur ani Shi.r ,boure t.~rno ru. -itIl zées. 81, Veris, Mon<t lQuebe. fl 0 ~'Forlue emr i e -t»nsw at .. j~ 't-'wus e .freelren eto&M sstrouble 5«t Peices la cans andutuy' 'etuivogeoalui.C0 15YORK 5 Iw. stuawly demi- -ifor'ea tluu te ,cae I-knYev se alter heu' OO 'Vw* h oerefül -I, m s about sny.tei« ivuiui app«dw b. sure te suiffer atermards. reliis <t iim* *'Txniao-haa meut changef thimuaiat round for me. - for a long'Urne j haf Sir Astl.w RI beeng ggitieut sny ,breaMata4to- <gUie- aundDowm-1 <et UV an thie nier- of ùWIM ing se, hungry I1cn et bcom i met l anylhln& else 1I.vant îsud saoI Ily ft u.wite havre guotten orne- the uervôUeueoe, toe, â ! s_,eý Mmd arn able o teié"e al igAit long of buithin t.W vithent vakine up once aud I <et u - .morngs feeling th«Oou bly mreuled. l arn alibi taicng t *Md t pe-gg~I5r"éfi eteadlly. lu tactit JuÈ*-weem dtha evsry dese buteena.my atre»4gQbu ac !Tdùiac 14."dsel ÏU «-Wd duggists.D by"AVvf 14" at ltée CapitalInlu commessorstios Vo Canadian Nuruing SWsers, stue lest their lires durlùgthe Giqut- Wue. On-A tarie rmussare requeeted te'asm i tieir conitnbutions -ker ndlvtdualy jI i/ < or through their locélam soclatlou t tiie Provincial ýSecretsoey-Tryeaaueer et! the FunLd, Mi»es Ho.Iauf, 410 Sher. boumue Bt.,Torento x L Tve enhne aheuting .livw mhd wii aUne serin todý sula e-V net, iste -ilci h àipwrçeikedipat a jump, are the main tenturwet fai MeW typffl bfeboat »>w beIngbum. The sae uay te send mener by uneS la by DomninionExpress Mcey Order. -'"If-ea chulu efes<-t" mye uj expert, «"do net te-y te foa4e taM; ir>-j 8testf, dole -out the thoti siti aparen rd1uetan-ce andti e- te maie hlm b- lieve -utmlie -must no t est tee mtuch.Y The boy su il oib 'eaervi Put ,"eanu" ute"iern= tii melutoj tierther ihie club mnovement. V ma&J insa - mça. ýbe b.lh ONu'-IU isP. CO.1 Kitchener. Out.J A VERY. efficient' lxýantisptic whenA uss"d asa ýfirst.,aid. scratches, bruises, hi- sect-biltes,-etc. Keep a tube ini the house fremergencies. 1880 Chabot Avé. Ietm <egoé,healh saud 1 reemmend1 -yen 'pveflit*à la yourr 11111e N pipersasa t CA»eI)U, ReX ' Thlts mmdtb ceaue. -If isuci aliments gire it a trial ,Lydia 'B. Ph Irosi en il PU~ VIDE -- M& -*eUý UE %"- '»- t r a feu' cents, .a*mutent r> iard eora, 3softlcors,4 eun thse oand "the-ta soremen -or trritaum WARNING!- Say &"E - nles .yeu see-the name 'î wjg Aspirin «t all. -Acc "Bayêr Tablets of Asjpirin wotked out by physicians miillio-ns for S Colds.

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