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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 4

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lAtters from -sur Goerepodeuts abe la MI "'M *ntai viiafi IrM hsim au 41 - em Ibf» Munir g-b 1. =mber et B - Ilin people 1 ufida eMOI Couves- wa n ed"y attor- aidersoga -sud ebildicu O! tai heu moulhebel ast 0. Sobait bas bSn conlnn.d to Ous during the paat week th 111eess, but in mWahi. lbe d l. a Olive Thonipson spethle enid of May 2M h ith relatives fonte. and Uis. -'Wm.. Hrd and tmn «WuaSburg, vUiit.d her £lubKtcen, recntly. ý. orr'is, on ber retuis froni icia, whée .she bas spent the ry'vgstd ber mother, lirs. A. en e route for ber home. In Ot- axlo Cap Semi 'Final football Oshawa United-vs. brooblin, et Uni, on Satuiday, lune $rd, âtj ý.i. sharp. This game wlll b. iest of the seaca. Oshawa J keown lest year as Thoitons alng thie 2nd division o! Toi- lsiclt. C«»n and cheer your u te vlctory. QA.dmluon- a 25c; eildien, 15c. on Communion Service. wlll bo i ColumbssPrembytçein Churdli nday morning at Il ,o'clock. Soi. vie l Buo*in Pmebytniian Qiureh wM fl th e evunig et 7 opelock. Mr. W. F. Ketcben, L anm. Bond a"d omn d is Craforth, of Toroto, "pet Sundey.et Mr. lot- iu regardte to enmdaue. Scaitrl bien pool" aviWi"" > ds the exeellit adffires glime by 1mis Ui-mm-Duro n& atin teacbeu, Of Torinto. Beursujeet vas "Km- dergarten Work iu tuh. ScboolO. Heu% ideas ver.excellent and exprésscd a loug felt vaut la theécoutuy-school, and vblebcoum ld o .-) hoMM-6 TyhOevingWmutofE»M A large ntumber o! viitors caa ruit orchr IdsBare a maass o! bioom bo Brooklin te apend the 241h. in Most places nov. A good crop. o! Mr. adm IsUa&dei, Mis. Balla,j fruit in expectod. Mis. Bell and Mr. L. Anoldiein Miss Ireue Luao is spending a few visitors *et Mr, C. Cuais. 1iweeks vith friends la tie -eity. Mr. BilIy snd lin MeBrien,, ol Mr Mu.and Mis Chas. Ellott, cf Cc- icaidents of Ibis -place, but- nov cf 4 bourg, visi oveu Sundey vith Mr. Toronto wveslooking Up od ftiends.1and Mis J. ElliotI .Mr. ?. Scott and the vMe Scottt,1 Mins J. Calder- speut the week-end cf Oshawa, voue visitorsamaong. ther witl relatives in Toronto. old. frieudi. fMr. _W. PFloonvWsted vitb friends Thee la general urejoIcn the fin Smmcc.oveu Spmday. village. The Brooklin FootballTeam Mr. 'sud Mis. L Huggins visited von lie cup Ibis yeei at the Fair-thevili relatives over Suuday i Port4 One o! lie-chie! attuactico!1O e Hope.. Pair vas tb. demiontrations of the - Mr. sud Mis. A. Dean spent lhi covboy, Mu-."Campbel.The trlcks hldy isu.edsi obug am'dwlilae etteiding vlld herdsin hodandlifenda a CàWobg t lb.i South Westen. States ver. von-l ïmfeu nygmoefobaket dorfüI, sud affordod leapa of!-= fr vili ieyouGroopeunnles. the Younig. an sd Mis. H. S. Smih sud fam- is. George Jono. left os Saturday'lly, spet lie holiday et. Mr. G. H. -for King, vjwre she viii tewu mtl obinons. the end >o! tbo tern. Miss Minnie Ker, vlo bas beon in home. fu NWI'LE WAT TIe.1aie meing cf the Broebin TIe Ladies' Aid -are arrsnging for biancl o!fthe Bible Society vii b. a lavnsocial to hldonthe church lield on Mondey evening, Jneé 51, lam about -hie 131h o! lune. et 8 o'clock In the Pebtra A numbei O! tle members o! tIe ChurcI. An illutiated adesvi Women's Misslouary Society attcnded ho given by Bgey. Mi. iaero! To- the annual meeting lest TIursday, ronto. Everyone inteestd ltIis wbicl vas leld hi Port Ferry. greal vork la asked to attend. . Victoria. Day,,.pase off quietly The meeting on TIuisday on lhe 1ere, most ocg1the people attending lie __________________jBrookihi Sprlng Pair. B3ROOKL.IN FLOU R MILLS -W. always keep on hand- 1Biodkl l Bread Flour, Marvel Pastry Fleur, RoIUed Oats, Roled Wheat, Wheetlets, Corni Meai, Graham Flour, Bran, Pure Mddllngs Mlxcd Chop, Crushed Oats, Wheat Screenlngsi 011 Cake Meale Corne and get oui prie«, or phono, and we will use. you> ight. Our Cholpplnig Days are Mondayu, Wednesdays and Fridays only.. __ Mr. and Mifs. R.. Studholm, of Bol- Iton, spent tbe week-end at Mr. . Br- kett's. Mayor Douglity and family, o! Min- ico, and Miss Price, o! Toirnto, spent Sunday witli Mr.. and Mis. T. Prime Mi.- Scurrali, of Oshawa, and Mis.. C. Hohmn, cf Ashbura, are visitois at Mi. J. Diekions. Mr. and.Mis. Hall, of' Starliville, were at Mi. R. Chisholm's for Sunday. 9 Mr. land Mis. Geo. H1ueston, of Toi- o nto, were recent visitors at J. E.- -Beacock's. TIe residence o! Mi. Reynolds, a couple cf miles west cf lieue wes de- stioyed by flue- early Ia Monday morning. - .Broolktin 1,1Show You A.Silo, th at wllbooSt your farm çarng. PSC oSSt*S" Wviiipot dollarsin you Dr M oio t h*me y= i. la toiiad .us 1.1k Itod ar. e4 bavo othoi liuaca o! Toroto P&M i qulpnMsîton. 'Lot me show ySu thair dq.ndaàbily id URIAR ONT. 'PI Trmde Your Oki Furniture, for.New M It for avq, but 1kup tesld.Thon- are dolag hi svoey doIt bydotag ovS Old fumtuvl *ly Md Siesiy ap- ht at4e-ac"iVanuihe vWiti "aegatoke of the broali.Maies ad disearded farnlturelookb lie w. Âuybody cmdo it. Mo matter vhelier jeu pifermahogauy,-valut or eaIiý thèe la a Vernieol stain for' «eL Aid laecaàiàt bac Sm& bousastmues ils A. fer bis OomstuaSMam *a aanIpan pels an& Mfor lautexetlfo tmeture' W. have a fui lins, of IL, ETC. Should you b. contem- plating a replacement of your: pentequipme!kt, give Us el If interested aiajyou vii b.,wèll >bd- vise leook over oui lins. '-w; > is City. absence the Iýoliday-M-iss _fo Vaicce, Barbareý Mille John Miller. .Mu. James Milleu sud-daiÙghter Bar- bais, cf Carin, Manitoba, oie visit- ing lier brother, Mi. John Milleu. Mu. sud Mus. Miuty, cf Toronto, made a brie! visit at -Mr. E. T. Flsl- e's o& -£atuirday. TIe W: M. S. met in the lasenent on TIuusday, May 25th. Qiute e number from lieue attended the Pairs eat Uxbuidge sud Buooklin on May 2411. - A ýmeetiu« cf the congregation vas hld on Monday eveming to arrange fou Buins' Chuidli suniversary to le hld onlJune 251h. Fual parliculais hlter. A misclsunecus shover vas given bo Mr. sud Mus. Wna. Taris on TIurs- day evoning vhen aveiy enjoyalle ev- enlng vas spent. About tvenly-five voie puesent to extend lhiu Pod v'ishes bthe nevly-vedded- couple.. b -t The S. S. picmc bt Oshavad-cn-the- fg Lake viR be on lune l6th. A. good li ime vil be spent if the weather is -, favorable. 'a -Miss Witeliead is woring bard a wili Entrauce pupils.W. hope thoy b may be as-,nuceoadful as -*hers sIe prepared Ioý exems. No Meeiângsi Being Held," At Present. BRooklnft a m s aI.b1 Tb.-DIsnsy dmietakles F" s TH1E 10010 OUI RELIARLE lMELOTTE MMEPRTOS I iur Im lng 'ornem s l am ei as iss d uit, spoen t u 2atua Ni. W . rthurWhte rrsm ing ieipIf iS tired "'flt Young Countr ScoolMa.'m" et wit hersdse- M i . Lbon,cfMd:tiem 1 ài. andmMiè os Hodgso pnt the sonsî MElisnd ýBob, istedwti prenmnta .Wr. ld "The on nday. mé1t. Ais nubelfomlir attenwoded the Mr.-nd m. and Mis. Russeil Dison , ovll ndBobs ay, May 2th hia dargti.--W. eMt-nd cograul ton s.may 1iA ndews, frPi eri ttn, vasha Fren-gutBcf i. ad Thompen th 2.HaodPatnsette2h Mir. nd M. and Msque Rusotsedl from Bufflo and. send cgatul a- Mr. Areivs, of Pe.Onghirreu, n mi.end Mies. WfMr. qslhaompn- iedan thm or a eBray.-hs' visit R.li A. eb ison, relt.s. ,pid Tois Mrprin ii o MatCel mdcl ltet Mi. and Ms. on Knapp suord_ Mi.m sufal as. sle Xa.p, f eur-a keostdwith relatives b nter. on M. and Ms. W. SeCio Trno senthe foliay ewlmth rsistMis. Miss. Vehsnora . .I., pnt the week-edwihlerp1etMi 1u Ms. Tnd s.Land, of appusd MissanVeMmaWsaey, jof T ofnto, Spendin irhody t e oe Mir. d-i. Wodgson, f Toronto, s iptcdoe the 24th ifiith bsisprentM, Mhitpe an is Hosoei. M Misss. J. 1 Hyaýesn Cohm busksenth herdarentsMi. . ns Ms. J. GIyano, vi is.be n dissed'fi aa whi, is abrento, be sputting i hir oiasý hrhm MÉ.- an"'d s Sso, o Toronto,s sen vthe da2wtl ;i hiparentli Mand Ms C. MLaoîýrs Mi. sad -Mis. . TIC. H Ogsolud- fbus, MinSs Liytti a4Ms. Singsn a-Mr. AWm. GHos os b ew dans lipest f aweek.sabetob Mi. and Mis. SM)Oienappf -ro reent guesa ts iparentst Mrke Mi. and Mis. Jh. S1odgton ando Gordo, asMiss li illemtor- e6oýd fro FneOra n Fi d seS ay-r Win . dSan 's otli eî Mis. to. Stntn Miss 1.Moon and .W. Kien, of Seagrave, visited at im L. Stantoms recently. .for Wi- "I vaso Wkth 1 Iiadloit iùiâréd -M Bonus. Mrs & goe law bu%. soi beèwm- ra 'dova, ruai-vbai .happenod .aLke a epoi mnz other peole v t'he l. a t.éw yer so"se 5M ff ne -in aekndru~pucni nay od.str n ith ai nWrgy. i as tîirdaiâ lhetune-1Ibailno - 1 bad.duil pain ailovnwrnf'My . I muffoeed agony vlth oaalis 1 vas dospondont a"d bo no M- toroat in anytbing. -I vasnervous. I vas irritabl endam vas alwsys IookiÛg foru lhiu. I 'vas-u "i ,weiglit. I vasu, u ianoeyous weakened, run dcvi condition, that lest apringi1tt emoi. faily didi thinli vould v . the dotold me Wiattr&udbta il vas only bocauso *1 had astrong heaut that I anagdtopllhxu-.' was so oak and tiredMt-at lie lost Interest i evryi g. I ir"Ed sevenùl-preparations tIo me up but none of them i dm ~d. One day , î"ad h veyin Wall-d la t.o ihe, 10o0 ¶ 1e pie5ure -cf hosith.' I sar i, rwbat aIe- had boon doing with hersel tb look-ao voil and fat. Sie naid îlot- Carnol had done von- -ders for hei and ad'visod -me to try it. As the- evidence. ofwba- Ou-nol lad doneo-foi-my fiuià eould ut, ho denied, 1I décidod th follov ber edviee. TodayU think -Carl tho Most vondèrful pieparation ln the venld.*It' bas made ame --àappy, healthy, eontentod vman Carnol is -80ld by yens drogisi. a"d if yoen o cnîentiously mvy, af toi you bave tlied Iltha--t t hasn't don. you any good, rlmui the e upybttlo t. him and h. vil Zeund youi monoy. 12 Soid by E.1L. ODLUMX Whitby Rev. Ino. W. Bunuer attended Dist- rict meeting aI Whitby on -Tuesday of LLZ.. 'r- f T Li...---------'ha. unls weeia.. J . OLdvenso wu me ~ GLNMA0 délegate frein-lIe-Circuit. asG-NM O Mr. Geo. West vii lave charge. cf It vas ChildieWsý Day in; tIe Church the service next Sunday. lier. leist Sunday vlwen George West, *Miss Lyla Mcflef is nov living in o! Asîhbun, congucted a sei'vic cf Toronto. practical -sud.pleasing interest -te the We er.vei soy t lers ! Ms.youugfol14ks, as veil as- theSeniors. We .er vry oiT t. laruofMrs Net unday- Mi. West*.viii tale for -J. W, Stevenson's.ilucess. Wc hope his service subjeet "TheIeLoa-Bible." for a speedy uecoveuy. New Ciclemn u gasline Ilanps lave MI-s. C. J. Stevenson sud heu aunt, 1een installed.- Mis Grham pid viit oToronto Mi. Curtis lest a valuable hoise-lest for, lie annual Glen Major Picnic. «A weck. He is nov spendiug a f cv days fflier enuouncement next veci. « in Toronto with relatives. Priay, une 918p.m. R-Clr- after bie 'operationin u.lie -Osawa popar cionilsr±daddiess Hospital. W. are pleased tb report-he in li hdr e. 4n "7je Supermnan, is doiug veil. ï- Who la lHe?" Reserve the date... Ev- Several frein houe at tended the Dis- erybddy nvited. à- trict Conventicn cf the, W..S. et Port Messrs. Ne,,vton caudelanc,, of ,interestiuguundprofitable tlme. t pùii te voirk-on- fan f ox ail conceneýd. San -49 UV asmeL, iJs4urmu . £.zD.V 1.8 mémbers of 1h.IAssociaton ver. re- elected. l b. !olloving executivo ,fou M.Fougie, kM I. M.Fosytb, Mrs& F. l., Green, MiWr..m Dositt, Mur. Bernes, Mi. Mikar, Mi. Jaàs. l audson. Lcal memesare epc to fom thle nucleus fou localcmmt Mr.. andMMs. -H. e"sn sddnh Wen. Bladera Mr.eantly. Mi. RobertHolad eft butlveek for a Ivo'montha' trp t. ugan&. Mi.Merinof. North BeMis. Phiip ,!Toueontb; i id Mis. Sovel1e, o! T-ýoonto, apen îlIte holiday vith Mu. sund *Mis. T.C.'.Osborne. Miss Madeline Drper vited vili relatives iu oshavla over Sunday. Mr. sud Mis.- Johni Favcett, o! aniMan., are visitiug bbc Jttera resMr. sud Mus. Stanley, of Mi. and Mmis.l. L. Moucombe and daughter; Mr. sud -Mis. W. Hender- soh, aud Mus., Wn.MouomIe1,- o! Omemne,ý spent Sunday witl M. suad MmWn. Baladon. Mia., Remmer, o!. Pikering, la Vus- itiug vili Mrs. Coakvell at Mn. Mgd- dafoud's. ' .Mu. and Mis. Creuser. o! SCU"og, viaited with Mu.- sud -Mra. Rove on Tuesday wbiIe in Wbitby attendiug thec District Meeting.. .Mu. and Mis, W.' Hall and, family and Mus.-Mackey, visited vith rela- -%ives i Toentorecently..j lTh. Double Track Route MONTARAL TORONT" DETROIT é1 su CRIdAGO ýUnerued dlnlng, car servims Sleeping car on night trala. au parlor âar on pincipa day tzaius. Pull information. fiom nv GÏau [Trunk Ticket Agent or C.1 Escm i ng, DWiit Paastenger -gAei4 T. I mu*i. I le again alisfaetory ,umprovemens ru ecout - iluoaa- -He is fer, freinveil Nen.t Sunday -divinte service vil b. gldin he Ieurci instead o! lie Hall, lihas been the, case -for. several Lnlis pat Mis. Normai Gilson sud child are. mIlh doiig. voL ' 'Msuy frein here.,attended lie 2411 Ilebration -aI -Broo.kinand report a !neltine sud large- crovd. A big celebralion Field- Day yulh Draina Concert ini lie eveng is -ai- auged fou Saturday, lune 3rd, lie Kxng's Birtiday. A morumug sud ai- ternoon progusin o! sports -vil lu, cudo football tournaments, r aces, girils lasebail conte sta, sud. tug o! va7 belveen Uxbzidge sud Pickerng tesma vili Walter Simim -a scaptain for the :former sud.-John ScolI for -the latter. Thc Claremoul Citiens' Band Wil provide the m"se. A full a ittractve list cf prim ses. provided aud *anail-round gcod lime. for every- body is being srrange& fou. Harold S. King, vho mâtuiculated itic MeMaster University fror. thc Claremont CntnutinSçbocl, Ih keoping- up bis record cf top noteb wouk in bis Arts course, having taken ist clasastanàdinginu ail bis -subjedti for exainaticu sud caturedý a prise iu Latin. A stiff, voll contestai -footbail gain' was played 1ee.lest -Saturday even. iug leleen the Oshawa sud Cl.aie mont teains vili-a score cf one tx nothingin'favor o! lie visitors. Mis. McLeod sud lier daugîter, Misi McLeod, also Mis. A. Anderson, ail ci Toronto, ver. hi. Claremout over Sun, day, visiting old frieds. EducationalMeeting Q àtealargenmner ettended ti meeting bld hï the. Masonmc -Hall Claremout, on satuiy evening, Ma,, 2M11 aider lIe-'ausPiceS cf-lie Sont] OntanloEdclolAsoatn.M G.. Forsyth occupied the, clania opened the meeting vili communiV- suuguqg. A. piano duet vas given b, theMisses Vela sud Merle- Stephensi sud vas mu&liapprucited. 111The speakers fou lie evening ver Mu.ý Segsvorli,. field secetary cf lI Ontarlo Trustees' sud- Ratepayers' >As sociation. sud Mi. Samuù&pFàtmer, th pvrcident cf thc South 0Ohtazio Edu matonai Association.-W __"dFariner, an, uceilent, address,,spocf lb aims of the -Association 'wlch -vas: ci ganized tb stimulate su interestii educational .affaira.He said lIaI lb tràstces' ratepayers -ovuçd -11he scoold s and Wa iîht tbdemiaird Üi lest for lhiu childien., He' touche -upon consolidation o! schools as a sd lution for many cf!-the prollexus vit 1vhich lie people musI deal. ln clo ing le spoke o! lie scope of lie voi n f the îmsoiafon o£ vhic b heCa me Going West-.5 a &.554sm, (C.N.R.),7.u5a.m., 10.26 m. .2 pxm., 7.86 p.m., <C.NIR.>, 8.54 p.m.: G"oing-EAut-8.10 a.m., 10.14 sam-, 140.m,(C.N.B.>,2.1pm,69 >.. .5pm., 9.30 Ip m.t1128pan. bo at -4Z52 a.m., 5.54 à.m. tC.N.R.) a i 8.5p m rm Toronto-traln stope bt y Junetion et 810a-Mo, 10.14 a.m., 9.80 p.m. sud 11.28.m, (CN.R.). Ail-C.N.E. tr"ain i i tuabo. Usp-TOWN WATION. Soing Nortà-8.81 a.m., 340m , sud &40 sud 5.15 pan. . c P. 'IL Gemg Eaat-.51 a.m, *LUpin.,' *D-p. I y Su& . .. ý MQiUA CLOU PmWostz-&t qaur 1.8>Pm@. p.m., 880 pan FZo me M W14 a..9 a.m., Firs nPort WbItby-;7.90am. )Aw Protect Tour From Cold and rMep aira rcse your arell Nov s hei. ime. Ami yenr -decer te moud up a 1ev shoots of Gyproc to-day. Gypaun Board, made by 1thesa finsc4, usd for plasterlng in -place hll, aisecanried. * real Cornent sud Lime, Hard Wall Fiatter T.6. DEVERELL WNITSV - - Chas. Wlson, CR"EAN SEPARATORS. GREENWOOD, M-ILS ESTABLISHED 1838 TPhe Sterling Mark for Quality- of flour for Pastry and 'cake baking X FeL ATTENTION, FARU wi. ,uu<iet.., Harsas Raruas, Bootsahid Sb (m« tdeor te Revis Bm e ýl 1 , -- l'ý

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