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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Jun 1922, p. 8

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~. w.ucs 'i ~ t --.vW7 mwohidUhoobo& ut bow SU heiity wo at thy Us? Vw UW et mtslWe t o yS tO wo10hO. ud i 'oea r«*i, U tble quÀiM of,*Md 4 ub,,1 deaithe tI pue? R.akih -Nunm 4rm the Pv1êeh IW'ofcitis dà In »VSamen ex- Eoar& Of WeaitL . . s. I t 4lismmv ,lae.t"s6' tb. C0mrêiu#y p, wF4 Ii'stli7<1 *ê *Uda 'Of nany way. thet Oj eflutrlftu mu < ,Sl to thi* k*y's q*.timoum OviWe I butit i lonot 00 11the. ÏM r sk Ji the expe4i t oe' heeutail view of the Isy-wkw. Tt W »C s » s d attmWhkichAre sary, theref*re, to imv*h prMctkint ' Ii fâ» su480B tUd th oerfw- and autheittle iifriiia ttat lthe , ~ vMlu n ter wzykecan 's u'u» <of.i .ywSe ofthe Proeinm , Mwny of the Here are a i\.w agsuM on4 PX «InLaete.0<tii.. liStitations wouu 1b. queàLkon and awrterni rmwbich Ma edy men «MSoens to-day if ther Wep te niakee u11 imtm esaur Fpe u i " lhCt .84b.ath handîecaps 1. - Who is ti.ind tibb wSkof b" 'bu4 engis'en, %ineian sd nursing Child Wedtfare? 'Tt $8ta i. 0ntàruoý tbM1"n M inerly ide. Thea. nfor- Geiernrnent, worktng t t un*be ~ ISPffl haVo e 418011e ehroni Maternal -and Chld W.WrnDivimoe 4Jin dS a" r noa burden.-te lb. ef the Provincial Bear4 ,of' H.akh. aae ~~~~4 Wh4 ..W ~ mtsiy cblden . 'e.re born duce is ia #jod (l) T VlaltlMyearin Ontario?« 72,51L dwe tle dvM ral sioti hdnt . H&w ny of tii... died before and- Young 'thîlbfre k tla.4 pm, nece. r.acIngo»Iyear ot age? -7,M6, or (b> ogilve -d'.4ce aid InstrutUon more than. eue lwnilred eut 4of overy ta prof-pcetive Mobiora en 11.'w to <ar" hosa births. forther hslti U1¶11~thecric1~ 6. What la the infsnt death rate In ïnonths procoding chLIl>fiAbo n rder1 N'sw Zea.and, whureChuld Welfar. that the children nia>' b. wail-beo4wrn, f .. t.. si eriecion for about ani get a 1OdSW I twexty years?7 About 46 per 1,000. (C T natract moier@ unlthe upro-. ths te.,eU yI Per 'Oa l'4a and teedng 0of Rdants 501 frîendesud. neighbore. Interest *every- thug tbey may -survive the firet citi- bod>y you knowin 1.the great work thnt cal yesr etlite. à. j t euried en I -u city 5and Ci ý To powvid.maain*hereby1 commiuu.ty sud, if possible, persuade motiiers eaf 'have' tleir .olill4 ryidiffereut people to béceme enthual- we;ghu1 aid mewumtredfoe ysiomaats. Remern&zr it insa laor of love. ailmen4ie or defect.& It ài. W0Ti usât is worthy of every (e) To avioe he npàmnWto< a child Vood citizeur. Itla tii woef th hkaving phyc3ieal defeol. to ponde Master, il» raid, "Inasmnuch'as yel nie 1cal trealsient for Ow e hlId, me hiave donc it to oue of the least -of that tho defects niay b.e eaily cor- -these My brethreno ye have done it rcted and ýtin s. lb. diid *unto Me." and "uiEltte children chance to grow up bumUly, itwilht te corne unto Me and f6rbid them n:) , auuy un"eeesery hadte.cp in iLs for «,utkih 'in ti. Kingdomn-cf growtii sud develqpuiient. l*aveu" Phone Servies e su ldIi. ~AILMffI The raIusot~d elehuneserice The aliments oet cildho>d--coustl- iu the wonld <s flou giron ln Evereît, ptoldgetcclk ed- t. W~ish.. li~eabot 0,00 subuclb u nbe quicklybant!luedti Irougi tfic are piaylrug for Jupst ie ,amoeunt oft 1-i ing heydo.Thewwr ,Whchreli use et Baby'. Owu Tabletse Thcy are ing~~~~~~~~~ mhy-o i.m aé mk r ilitibut tbero «,a, laxative wilch lu- now-a-ltsi tiiunle tcJard 0< Publite Stantly regulate tIi bowecla anal ameot- Wwd'Cnto StteRQ& elpulieenuwicstocarnad. Ttey arc guaranteot Works4, are baudi on Lhe tim2 eonsu to cSntaiz-,uo iarmful druga anti oaa ed in actual aing over tetLe ob givm to lie youtgest baby mi phune. -aâ gas, eI2criclty, sud mater perfect satety. Concerni-ng them Mre. 'r atee.Untier Ibis sysl2m Lie A.le -aûýýt.B&rx __ AtrfLpae teBetr-,Que, ousi. coýWAY Dmi -srW nTableta uer.e t -t éléiéN por by M";«4be -a. box trom Tii- Dr. WII- Theze -chanrges aite made possible îlea-' Mealleine Ce., Brockvillle, Ont. tbaIeugi lthedevelopicual cf a device _____ knowu eas sa' ê4bon in r," -Whk schratêly msaasutea 1etgt é futm Te-n h tr Liane eai61i fIePone iOi*làed'ssiby tbe calllug rparty. Inomng tlsaremit lu 4be vaull.d hi..a shining star, regisbored. For more lias a y'oar tiie Brighteut .-ti-et-ubga tolehruçsueerÏhave b--Ozb tevled, Siedite radiance frein lsft, - pWocd on ail heephosnes Lau the ZEveeett syten.A humble pinte Ires ou carth bélow Amn ohg ti 4dasge.etf-ti tee- Lites ka sia'hnte tiaI t ar, that il -mii disooug. aiwd 9pabbly i Wha t i. morah' ips 1treni sfr. ediminate ")Wen*mg4aV' « psrty liffoes,.1 I1. sIt mi» ýtstth e ve»roppu«xnjý ey i.patine toqcani-net tic star etin take own mahie roiufre ena-gaLber IL stadsroote inithie Clay; ,i' n e neglrb*erioo4gOwp; 1-ncesr But wSlp i 0the orb aminettwaie aaud frirýetS*'tien Sw li boe- Tifl?*troc hýhal'pas away. ton, eight, six, 'In t n£ar~ liaeaWimd ie h ipn. ree's branches tus mli b. increaaee' be=sise litr.m $ euà,wj, - '-, -- be le". traf ic on t1se U.Bli ae IL .1111 dcl.. Teluphen. serçm ÎS-la nomivon fer Andimith lits giant finger peints the asa littleas $1 a atii, wilci, ntitilsuway th b. cribm t. o 6 ckhronos a To itis i"clin liskies. meýnti. If i. uses more han litat. ttrs-ount lhe pays eue cent s'aqechze- y seulI*ooeupwirrdtoheagiaof ri o'i gle-gw-ty lau.eu tew .-e phMues that iOnmertY c a 6 a eti As lie.fime Ire. b tii. staer, are new $6.26 a mnti, mmcii titlsuIn dreims I oeau immqrtal namne the. Subecriber to 600 téleohrone3,'or Wliere Fume', deathivas giiries -are. alanoSt 24 'miinut.. et conmersation, es-ch btueness wa>t. And.t"s uy se00I0 ok p aIlin lavain, The teklleernoetes. it.-as tile &t.- W" jrIaty f-meing t10 tit.eday?- vice locatti cbDoee te »ech teophene shouti U ecuru ielg1t Imaynt t Mid registsrm lie ime -conmeni1W ~tain -- theiti. 4l oegParty, attie "estai -l " Ant c'h....a, more humble usyT made tiche nneeîles. Regîstration-,i- atoppai the.inestnt he4n eceier EM Btter liaI mjr seul sheuki crer yeosrî iaPWlsoed on the iick. No nfuen-ef For heigists j:shaf neier kuIr Oubuliste II detinro fthle subseriber - l'an ta e o oulnt te humbly hure tani etuse registatleion, l ite aya ea ntdb. l Scuamqbl. Ath. pLn poite t- he> aMsar on higli Ifyeu'rc hIabbuloet s<aaml "'AIt uplfleever e mayi Thstogttyes e«ppale: A ai soe Maloy,È Tb. poort fruit se Mt thie game s -Malte.ahu Tiihe kom aord theIc of iew They gatihor me thcy Moi aud ïpew, Th rou a handwu- out sti*elýh ", Item amountain mises lm ig. tdxe, aeeL g aimel' WDfter. lIty wiieeled tIrahiekeeips Le the JO *1WWkaasbut te thse rigit4 .-h omsatry. weII unir Il I& t4h *paoaao et our own -poire..m '» bw t4>"dev*bp sd Ue tissatint me<aul te at"ain lw- -iami, munallutbi. cse, »f suhd us t»weitpm tLie-t 's'Oio py eastly be -mosus y ulmply idtling thei «le. wroe lu uhie l -w tat uiof, e tlvoly tirefore we gre alLeudeaver- ieg te diapetoui ignorance andTreaci- Iug eut for more exact kweemege of oui' pomers and borw te dvekap and use them. Te exprfes hLs dfi*lcmcy an& .lu-. efficien.cy lu a baief uîrnile, civiluzeai mankindi may be b.kenéd le, a troc that la enséieus c id nit riUnict deaun by il trom the tgrood,ibat lbas mo- ern- rPlctIy oVetecled -the tct tat a laffge proportîmo f il. ibstance muka b., drama <rom lie air liatI t lbas net- Ioedto pst forth leaveig. - NWe al kaew tlia uch-a tte.would very- qulakly perl ansd, àa smatter et tfact, it ls equsliy truie tha theti-very portion o! lb. humM, -ratce ubheen; aieraieu fMost higly dvuid a lu roality creaPIng along -on tic very brinik ë e einIe o ne hier rea-- son Liban the. -tact Ihat iL ha. fion uider the cvif epeli et.an -lgriorine and neglect et *ue «o! ilset vital functiens.This ignorance and negleet à,rc indeeti precisely simîlar te Ibat setr -lite -wi%,w k c dasotnced - e .bSB< niostrila. When you 'pitmraw yuw, finger sud tih . . -r et peu fflin t euveed wun dirtt khïm otherufro bave, IlA cD thelinthmoa am, lungu su POsil>ywssd tr«eul. URýEfiJA T ¶VTUZT T-»i Troubl Can Omly b. Got- -Ridof 'by'Enrichling the Blood. Ini no dleessdom e i.lod become' thua so sapfly a& in 'lueuniatam- Net onIydçS tt . me thlir, lut- It Is nme lh heniuatic porions. Wfth- out ireoffrtent lies.poisons In- dosa., the genorat health le. uider- mited. the -ifiarnd jointi suell,and are very painfu l, and alLen the. suf- ferer bemeaf.crlppled. Dr. Willame' Plnk Pill buffd up the biood amd enabie IL Leo a eutth41e rheu1male poIsonsm wi the natural Mecricmz eofthle body, fhti dTivlng eut'the pains snd beueflttlng the gen- statemeuffs la offered by Mms. 1'sge 8tapieSasOnt. who affl: .Pr ~auumber of years I waa troubled W#ti rbuui.tan ,WhICl4 t tlme au va-" 4paiMu>. ,Mr -gew.I hemit wa a!ise ~ aftd, aid 1 culdi auuroely dramyàégtarouad. t hàdi hem dec- bong s geM demi, but diii ual geL auy botter,- until one day my wgte. bmmht m -. box 0f ,Dr. Wabhianie Pinkiý i y 411. ime these more mliluOur simiie -me have aur'ilue&I ceulti nutice a -slighL Imwolvo- uteti te our Imagînary troc mmcili over- nient and I contirntd-ling Lhe pilla l»eoicaitheie& qiinsa ot air mdthe until-I hadussai about - doresboxes, ceusquet deiraulit Oftpettung by w1db.lci t1n1ctekf11 11k.nom peMen forth igavea te catch ti. air, -sud loked lki.eue.I ceuld do .my Dependent Upon Air. werk Lihe & ee o! have 2 I bave aince In ether mordis, me have everleek- reoomrnud ed Dr. WillanW Pink Pille ed the tact hhat a larg. parte o O 1te seerai othera mho receivcd the aterial bodies la .deriv'ed trenithé -saine b.e& as uryseit."1 air, and Liat .mien me negleett o rse The best lime Le begln laklng Dr. develop andi utilize ounr hmgs as ta g-et wU-.lianm' Pink Pille y hemoen f rom lie alr th. full-beneflt L mhh- eyen feet the .lesetbit eut et sorts..Tho ture intends us te receive f rom tii. air emnr yeu jdo ge lhe soonér yen m-111 we pay lie penalty flot oily -in d- regain your eld ime euergy. you- c as crenseï bod$-ly cIieicncy, but &14), geltfluese -pills thm*-robany medîcine, sud 'lu su even -greater dlegree, ini a dealer or by -ail post Pald st 50 cents certain filliug shrt <et mental alert- a*box or six boxesfor 12.50 frorm Tii. ici. andi spiitual vision Dr. WtIiIama' Medicine Ce. Brook- .The cultivatten oet Our lungas-wiiich ville, out_ means t-bs cultis-aton eft lIe art'oe _______ breahhng-_oujgit to-be tie very fpuu- .,---' datiion and commepcemeto n eu 1ôtv api caLionS-I systeni, imytcad of being s To hvýppiness! A f>&>ego pout m- l1111e understeed and ap'reclated thal îi tink vMr little '.formation about the.au-b-j Toward whici wc preoudlly eLsur, jeet is brouigil le the attentien of oui' Our salis ail1 set, our-boegstarn, cuilcren-wmile tiiey are &tiliInl the re- More pleasure la lb. reet aheaa my elir. laidiplsOf te t um as-j - 'Te;inm« oion muiiarn i cd aehiwemful e ia t e nalmty 'iui Many xdt our énildve "pY as the. natu.- M.and sudirect remît eo bif niia usajiectI on otanpat tote preperly <n.- *ruch sautn ut-hem., Fer bèlter In t"a repect us tic cuetom eýt- Le se- cafflai savage, races lu uhIch the' ni<l«tbers ment carofeuly match thr hreahliug habt e ir thâldrn4and trern aliffig, -for exan»i4eO utesucia Chief Tank of HBerns Bed. Tint tic art ci breatiinig ie in rmaily-hh.e m-'Mt-Important feoetion et thbe êuman bcty <s Shows an& e.ab- -luisieti by -hie tact tint, altheuihme .cau live.-mitieut foot fer,-veeks snd coukd -net Jure mitiut -air toi' more thas tue or, three ininuties ah mont. Deati mrusàd essetram ,laek <f oxy- gon, tie el-oment 91ich gives marmt.i and energy, o te fe body-thce lemeut mhhmakes 1h porssib1,e fo>r the foot m#--e -at te ho hranetoruned intý) _muscle anti boue and liasue-the el-e-I1 -uSa -in siert -whieh cas b. causa tihe et»M ie t lie--lie stem m wich n- parts motion aud efzectiv.ess lte tint menéerfutl madhine, -the humat body. se -perfect lunlts adaptability te al aud nuieha-ud-led,1-lirugi igniuane ViraL tir aavoragceman lives but half lih- -poseab-e-dsye astiduriag lie -4aya-Liiat ^Cidd igestion.,- uindlicestiou, zas, Souro~eme omach. acie and Inabllity Le retan food are lu pnebably an-. cases ouit cfton,' slmply ev-Ideuce 1ha1 eÏoeènre seorg>- ion cf sedti -l a laking place in the- and autt I ndgetIm.. Ouasdistendehýto e ndcm LtaI fuI!, -lppresalre, bursng tepln -sometimee kuomu as heartbuirn whes thae aciti Irrita-tes suad Inflames the i-olivaIe UlIng ot the alemach. The trouble Hes. oatire» in,'lii. excesa do- velopmcent or se&rstlonm u acld. To stop, or pr-cient i. souring of 111e foécantents f et lii sLcnei and to ueutraîize tic aciti, sud make jh blanti analharmIce, a Icaspoonrul et Blamratei magnes-ta. ageood sud effet- tire correctoa- et aod e¶ýomaci. aboulti ho taken inuàa quarter-cit agiass etf hot or colti mater aftonr ea-iing 6r.mhëù,,- ever.gas, seursesuor Wldity sIef1 Tbbsweeetens Lie sgteunaci ahd non- tralhes -'M10aeidity; lueà^-tom moments- anti i a perfeotly harmIese anti Inez- pensive r-emidy le use.', As nticii. or -s Irteim ag- dru«gist tla éiuer p~êror 'LabIl f ori ensiles- Lia sitomach to-do its lie daes -i* enejQys bi>t hIêltf is mors 'PlýCiWMn!wuvitu -poss-Cible enrgy and e -ri [la fbs~irtua.Mgei o comec>unliy-int. ns h but hat forb. certain-tu as4Ic <~iedliy sêpeedfor -i AlSiueugh, :theltre.a part et tlisa abeve ptirroee.- anal e-for, '*e. A* -mach---Me . Fe f,..am L ran;.aýte nuire centre l lu uici Lie foal 4a ne- býuce-f513-i~bnaa iii ceint ani s.-parated lan xions cn cam30, - ad a tc-eu of 54. Ber sftiLiats requireti liy *e 'bô&y--:.yet bert. ftk ete a e 2 nt-i by 5ar lie grosterffarI Ot Outi' ý -a.24,iour-day,- ticeugi h. ho TmeIer i"e. sse:"Lc-iim tta inhale - babituatfyt.hnug»ihtse n F'e ardnet '141M mmtAia by Lhe mouLu. Cihfrsu tteeb.SIIOULO I tangk t Ibis habit 1iea S2. n geruS.3m-hidi -woelA. temisoester the. tha eal aulgwu1Axe. is arted -aam reft*yý*U4 mitheIbmnasal m[cus. of ?4M B er a-- <* wigie.e Again, Dr. CWr a,.IWaçpe lin treatis. on mas I reathinè lay ~i--ss~ e,s»Baie ciresmss: Thé~ maA WeuÊ,the * *1'~-A. A- F*W Worde to DaiL P-rüm rperta un e a rein Om e et*W Our yeeag:eadem -»- are Ma t 10be %ée ,tfinta winIber -det i <D" 4so, ruait ti.Bey G&out cokumxi "d 'M the. I.b liaI -we tan malasit tm-U kfltuha3 ortê . u e 1e lme lii.peitape ni e 1m gain as*iw .o '-,mnI &ouhbni treslÏty Iyig leé gl ifor thefr -boys, ýwme re MiRIU<tli# fellcwlng extriet from àii'e apubl- ction o! the.Cania ie GenralCourt- lu the. Boy. ¶'eel nY e.wyt em abisure tint me are geing 1teseé our sens safely over lie rough"paces' Mu their lives, and-thal le by' beconi- iug- tueir diurne; -We muaIflotx'aUew our wakuig hourte bho- o0full ef busInes tiat w.ehiRlack lime 7te bep the-boys figlt those battles>every lad muat face. Tiie boy mithin thc man muet tomne eut We meet tic :mas Who. 19 mithin tie bey and they, muet 'walk, talk and play together. rChaînies.Case. Tii. ollewng anecdote, though. un- usual, centaines anotéeoe. mariung te uhicli every athar ehoud'give ed-ï A--prominent 0danadian. Judge <>ta Juvenile Court teile of -a. vWst widi li madia te a plac, etfdetienion, 'where ho -became istoestdin tue Iwight iooking boys et about elateen years ef Ino l converiatioS th "oeehoi aaid "Churlie, hoe dit -jeu citet gît- mie luis troblm? I knew your fether ewcL * Hé mas one of the bout ministors lu canada. Itl must have bro1aoî lasboart te oce you geing wmng. Wiy dids't yitjehim. jute r c~oenfidence whclý knd yeur- hedad Umbled: '«I nover Coui get witiîn t orty feet et my <lsd. Ho. wa eiways toc buey.".' ~Jim'a Case. Iere wae a monderful eimibarity r betirecu. Charlie's case end that - i ,heoether 'boy, JIM, who efatuher wmu a irriter of legal h)ookie. Jim cOmplaiu-1 cd that several timnes mien in trou-r bl ie h.a tried te havo a'taik wih hie father, but ww* alýwaye greeted with ' 'un away, Jim, my boy, I ami juet iu the middie et a veryimpor-. tant -chapter and Icannot Wthl.le time-just noirt lu> ahte you." Your Cas. -Penhepa by this time"y-U a"e sy- iug, "Yest , I iueiaut I cnly- uish -I ad *mere timeoe dvotte omy boy, but I. seem in that'respect 4té'b. lied hast and foot. My bueiuestalces.meý &aay from home s great '"ilor, X SPent Ye"ra etudyingoay-pu. t:. ifreal onuments émon~ by Baden'Po elI asys:"Scoin-te gaie lu m iderbrohe, cIir viriet o> nt Nýeur. 'te hty slid. aft s'md"30el tue tId ast Woot.e L *-.lqs1 quailties.At fi±al Il iset hto atm for: Liieso nt-oihy experience li 1ntdu ïe lu owcliart&er -io eul -iauphiet -Irem wlI-the ax. r tatshave be s, a ta ehher 'muh nifi rif«eruco Ila Be Sculevencu, hwuit mrft. -bourseSteque onto. GO~N5~ Lift Off with Fingers o, mimosa a t., Vordun, Metul Quebec. 'r ml",e jesis1naWmr kflê#'ifat . iwutebe ft rImet nmeh ty4'ab) eatgpr'ie sud filwa.. mos tho ver"eof abreak- down. -1 afal d~e or,-mesLi - Lime te saie h» kneu' ne malter how To careful I. mas about mydiet I would ho sure te suifer ateruards. - rfS round for me.. For a long trne-j huai bes *tgmtboutsny br«akfat ,alto- Eal gethoer sndnom I gtet up in their-m f-i ing so hungry Ioa ,est -bacon or moM lac i havetgon over the. nervousauatOeOutBa sud- ýarnable te sieep ail ngltlong c without waktug up onuce sad& I cet up tmrig eeling thorouNgty refrmealet. I1 amn stiR 1taklng lTanlbc u n iniutg Iir sàteadl.v. lu tact, fl Jui -seeru 111.11 every d'oe :,anreases my.vteugtla uni TIac leso"d by éigeoti drugglats. .n.rgyY NursesW r Memp riaFound. at the Capi*A l tacommeaioretloi Canadian Nurslung Sisters "wio bLos theli lives durlug Lie (IMI Werù O- Lari nurses'are roeapto S u s thleir contribuVons elir Mlvi&luay3 or, througi htheir lclascalsto~ ,the Provincial-,$ecietry-Treaeurer eti Tuecabdci a mheting, stbve wi"k ulil A-ise Wmura fOOd, am 4- t.sYig net, honIe mh çiipwoeked .oplb CB5 jumpare lb. in feature. orta 110W type <Y! lifebeat nowm being haUt. MONEV ORD.RS. The safe wsy te send mnou»y hy m -Nf-a châiti ef umes te estt' ys um egpert, "do net- try te -force lM;lu*'- stouldoleontthle.ti- it aparwt relacigncçè suad.try teu n akehm o lieve that--he -muest nul est tee nain."7 I -I - Mlnard'tmie-.i: for Duras, etto. Tii. bey aud ir club leader whoI put. "cava" juhite. dir" <1.muela tao,~- turther' tii. 4,lub movement j AU sit.s ast ,tyIn, 5.15 ma.li s2aSebv OWR Fo. 00-- ~ Kitchmr. Ont.- lÉýVaseih1.e~ CARBOLATED PETROLEUM JEUXY A VERY eficient -dressifg0for cuts, ,scratches,-,bruises, in- sect'bites, etc-. Keep a tube in -the .house for emergencies. 1880Chabot Av&.Motr- Eve~~ 1 u-pcnx lii ycur zamdn"bin, , i torme iden gire lt-sa trial 'Lydia 'B. Pl Book -- upon ' MWhmcn" W11I ixpon- requeit. Plnlabam med This bookkce f :Ç m- or lrr-kaUeno. &Bayer" -III Umm wm ýj 1

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