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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 1

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3 - -t EEAND -v 4 'ci wi{iVBY, ONTARIOAD, THURSDAY, MARCH ODLUM'Sý COIJON- SYRtJP ter of some of the. athietie and gymï.' shame the oratory beard-atCue 's nasitin work- undertaken at the Col-1 Park. Que W hes. uho,~ Gives Poor Children a Fighting - w hidi teama representing varios eusM- J "The grcatest woulc' of the Boys' iff tioris of the 'girls residence competed j Council,"' said Uic speaker, "Iîs that, itI against catch other, afforded aU tke d-!I *Igves thousands of bidren in Toron- ME- enet fa qýtest tonbf iTrho .81 anSex- to, who bad their bigi odton- f . he IT w nE t îhich prevent them rm -ai ng;a 'for participants and spectators,. fighting chance lalilfe, an opjcoîtunity' -jThe lengthy and varied prograrn 0f I o lettçeî tbemselves. People ttay that' eer two bours wa', clo.zed by the Na 4~~pox'eIty in Toronto can't be helpeil. tionab, Anthern, after an evening ofi that relief would cost too mucb, but if unsupas cdenjymctA be p3netIIIy"s a gox crament can afford a bathing pa- rviion costing $100,000 at Sunnv--irte_. c GOT Hi.H PRICE FOR CATTLFI- a anti a huge Live Stock Arena, it could FE!) ON SOV-BEANS - '0E AnTdn - - 1 1i sure1y afford to -sPend a like am»urlt Tw-enty cattle out of a lot that hâve - o e.-ig ovrt. beenwintnedon Boadtelt stok 'During the pa-ýt yecar theBe Fin.wMslac-t -e(-k to a TonrU-T Lf VT A T flU C OCt Wil 'lonateti î;(î in aid r' t' buyet'. at price. t at were nuch .*FgIj ~ ~JO ,;250 of this w-cnt ta the Rotary hibrthan those prtvailing on the S iUT AN E TRhIOUEla'IUIa! bhto ttai-t an Imd :>niai '"t T,'recto i 1arkeÉ. The imisbrougbt 4e,,boyt- who ether.' ie voui'. lar'te c- prpont iv wirbat the farm. FO in Mýimietj anti St. Jôh n's: Intduý-trial 'ticc [- luivalent "te about $100 Schacol and from. there gaiaet more than the top To-onto price at Kýingtrt-oa Penitehtiar:- The t -»- uci' tht', present time. Dr. R-1obt F. Camnp- Ls i) oeîind the B'tg Brothierhood ove t rsfmnied tr -C-azette and Chron- $9 5 boys we have been caught c nntt- icle that thie high price was paid be-" - pett-y crimes, and sax-e tne rrr cWate.ofthe seanimaIs hdtbenofd-he This otier bolds good for; one more Nveek. itw~iIl fluture 'risdcmneanons. The cw-seý arc catte. hes ani,-,s bd ben a-. i'rcn over ta olcier boy- w1ho loork af- vertised in th e Zder"S' Gazette and be to 'Vour advantage to ie a journey to our crte.n epte tagt Paniers' Advocate asý being fed en str' n oo vrtelag a-t of on There arc somiL- five hundnc-d Big Bro)- soy bean and corn ensl age, dunring thetr adloko"r1h lre1aieyogood ~ csi ootaiceyme-e winten., and lopped off on pea mcal. j dQlv t~ilmandlassvdO or 'Â t he Coýuncil including 3Mn. Eumf-ren Thus t-iley w-ere made ini reality Arn- j -gsi.hs ialrca t ephse' enzi ctl, n he M.Rog I Getting Far-Reaching Results ernz ,f Toronto, who purrhased them Éji MEM' BER~ The Boys' Uoutîcil is eaacting legis- ftr e- pIort Io Great Britairi, recog- i up 1a' forte-vs that is at, act- nizedi their higb value.' T'iàt ol suit sbould 1.)e ûleaned upfor Easter. îi o-drbeatnin o n a-,ýi ha-ve mnore tb.an justified the ton- ________ dn Sun'a, -,h- n c h itc-oth>e proprieto r.;that tliis wa no iced i clx Ïron Pa- a np Idbe grown satisfac-tnrily. In eti e~o at Ottawa ýanc -f_, or- -obîi ori ta bein g a firgtt ias er ofr gr inghey have preven their high i aaaRo ~c~ tt ~r'Te - 'oiv'efor cattle, in the priceýs oh-. -kich. r-...XueCrci t fo-the animals seld la. tt \,Ec(k. - ' - T ar Th c W in queîstion ver-e hipped Poe~tweSi 1 bC-aapl hei racie on u 'ayfroni Whitby sain and '"wcct&.eii- ne'taoiy4 iii! 0te fir t lot of taul tedin . ~-- -- -- _ _ _ _ _ t3,;n- nn te leave Cana*da, ~ ____-__________ Q .4. G Tour We tend you an invitai at Our 8hOe -store and t, of the smartest new E*.terý and -the Spring w REPAIRIN(G AS JSU [Atfactîe Speche ,IToronto's ByMayor Program ai Splendid SpeaksaiTerae A splendid #"-cnonstration of the The Tam blyn ConlesNiUlýSELIS work doue lu physica1 culture course,_____FN ADRS ON UNEFS awell as of thie folk dancing, at the Cnuusf Wn CznIu mm IaIaSIoflialunnu IOntario Ladies' College, was seen last Aic ahaI 80&>~iJ EEu.@~ iet â Ie ., iEideAI Mr. J.- Alex Edmidson, May or -of the Saturday Pevening at the annual gym- Boys** Municipal Counicil of T t nasumexhbiion wùchwa wines- The Tanblyn Contest held last go"of grain froni Maitoba to a sea gave an address ln the hieth noita-2 the oun laies.Theprorampre-~r he uspces f te Hgh Shop fie tes bfor re~hig seboad. he asDies f te Eport Legue ed by a large, concourse of friends of Thursday night in the Town Hall un-i port., stiae the grain imust be handled bernacle, on. Tuesday e-Vening, under; paed asmundoubetdly the Cbesee, ieaySoitwsproductive of 1 The deep waterway wouid insure only before a large and appreciaie td see atsiula eent a th CIleesomie very interesting orations, con- one handling ef the cargo, and this îence. Mr. Edmison is onîy a young and the girls, under Miss -IMurchie, ann aubeifrain nd would m>n reit sving in trans- fellow, flot more than nintebti servnes..res suase tem showing that the contestants were weîî portation charges. Thus the grain dehling with his subject, "Unselfiali sales. be tc t aquante wih sme f te geatgroers ~ 'he projeet The Citienship"' he. e-xhi-bitej such elo- gyminastic txercises and folk (lances. pc fnainl'teett-ay. The present coal shortage is also anotherqeceanmdescaslnida- Allof he rils ad dnce onth first two parts of the contest, consist- argument in favor of it. Canada is at dress that he heldj the interest of i Aplorathe, rill midcs the ingpio of eoutin nd sight-reading, .present iniportlng great quantities ofj audience throughout, and at the con- progre rame, ith the xceptioMof <>e, had already been held at the 111gh coal from the United States, and thé-iclusion was grcetcd with a.greatgburst ha ee rrnedb Ms Mrffe-School, and only the final section,-the signs Point tO n OxàusionOfth f applause. 'Mr. Edmiison's address 1 the physical director, who bas reet orat!ons, eegvnattep 2a s oda n edly proven hcr outstanding ability i ..Wer gvenattheOpn Lit- supply before--long. There is plenty of «a sgoda aylear(l in Wib this department ne brisru-eay Meeting. icoal in Canada w c would become for ,;omne timea al whohar t, tion, the College students àgve reach- The Junior Tamblyn Contest inavailable by the fleepening of the predict for the spea-,ker a very bril- cd a high .iegree of skîll, and the pro- which there were onîy two contest- great waterways. liant future. His case in spaigld grams preparcd by Miss Murchie Pre ants, was won by Miss Jessie Priest,, Miss Correil also said that the water s natual ann lerwas Von the aia invariably mors than ordinarily inter- s,ýpe-aking on the subject "4The Royal: power developed b,, f le new-sý,ystenx't Ionol iadle a lal erd esting. ICanadian Mounted Police," and in the would be tremnendous, an~d this would ruhotte whole church. Mu ,ic for the whole- prograni waý, Senior Contest, in which there was, be a great benefit linewcuty Mr. Edniison dleait cbiefiy Nwith th 1 a ew ounty.!organization an(] x ork of the toe,' arran red by Miss Jane Merchant, A.1 much keener competition, Miss Alice! Canada must prepa-,. for a great in- BMs T.C .I, whQ for over two hours ren- ý Correll carried off -the laurelà, speak- flux of, immigrante and increase in 1unicipal Cou dil in Toronto, tclling (lered beau tiful accompaniment to aIl Ing on'a subject that is mnuch discus- buiesiihtepisn rnpr, of its achievements in advancing ora- < thee~rcsesan dnee. pdattheprset tme " Dep buasainesstwe h isttasoto theexeciFs ad dncs.- ý-d a th peset tme,"A ee Wa'atortsysemcould -î,ýv han " e. try, clean sportland citizensbip among Oneenud nt hlpbutbe mprsse trwa frm te Hadof he aketothe boys, filling a great edn gft 1 Pcu-nthlpbtb mrse tra rmtella fteaet In spit-e of the filet that Lhey were d lned.l by the gplfendid health which aiplica- the Atlantic," nto h rz < h nucsfl-e cd a hiîc n te acsofaltegrs Jessie -Pricst, the winaer of the Ju,. contestants are to te congratulated i Boy's Couneil Organized Thet frcl,.idus physical exercîses- and nior Prize, in dealing with ber subjcct on teroain~a een hi' pt ihenm±tsa~ ht 'st~t" 'ichthy ccaîpised jtold of the organization of the Royal and the winners"le" a ltet was no ental oyf or theŽ hundreas inaity ofthecm with apparent case, Canjadian North West Mounted Police, choose.- of boys' Clubs ini Torahntaý;-then the wauid he dîff icult anti in nîost. cases4 -nAtheoduct of AncientheCivilizaiion Rotary Club, the central hodies and Y.! or theaverage IMt5O", Yet:er days we h n as ervdo'go oehlýtý( Ie Ib the fart that these young ladies mrade I a means of livelliood *by the loss of , "he reat Wall ch-4ie nr," d gaetboyas if ora oen electe thean thev" filit f the performance demfonstrat- 1the bufeloradtthedlsapearanenofî ed tiiît the physical culture course of ~ae okt~hreselnadma1ty interestingL detils about its ex-t Council. The organiz-ltit o an Il] jthe. Offl no- Ladies' College gives to! drinking firewater smuggled over tbe i tent and( const,,uctiot. He Icaît witb lai- to that of tbe Taranoite(i ct, Colin-- ail tut v îýwbo follaw it a fôuatlation oif boder bv American traders. Thefirst -he suJbject at ýoùài, ejable Iength andi cil, their being cight wart-ds, t ,1rc-.1 - finie phiysical energy that wiil be of post was establisbed at Fort Garry, grie at completebes.and :sbowed- ne-- dermeix elected from each wrl fouir ang2markable familiariut 'uith bis subjeet,cntolradth yo, ietd utilttlftI ùeueft- in comýing vears. -Some 2 where Winnipeg now stands, havable to expreol'ais ideasheule .from the wno]e 1 'for .4h'perfornances w-ci-c1little short of 150 mn The e yre- jbeing al o_ 'ýý-hsida ute fr'th hoecity. The* f a irt lctiofl a ganrison men.- ear~y fluently and with cr,..siderable wealth tn-a(~a .',- r tf rmiai. (mie cruits wereial bigli class mca who had o a aeHitrs-Mn e~eoJauht ;i ,v jut a- G race and Beauty Cmie to measure up-to stringcst standards ggheodlaughcî.rt Itt, t. Tlhe fo1k (lances wct a ýdemonstia- and when the Indians and wbiskcv ories n Ign fthrratjk-antd prophesicd that it waau1i ,;Ooaa St ion off the cxquisite grace nai( beauty, runners Iearnfçd that the daring ridelrs cvlzto wiht-a hsfî houb u o t potent *th1al t t be expre. - d by lte rhythm; 1 in the blue breeches and(- red coatsi uscd ical ly v anih" b aeil atr12L\YWo-k. At the lirst el-, Of -~a movcmcxteit. Ail the partie- 2 ere to be feaî-cd, lawlcssness was at ifi ntewl a: extensive that'ectio, V,;00'.t--els otia PS frai-e of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi wcre to run teuthe world it i>y s l i i le 'k n tIeIs int2 -, "t-ctained witli ,,iiizaking! an end. Miss Priest told the story of olfrmawleýht;thi n'j heI.t ca antd their dance cý wtt. hatming tule daning and endlurance of the wudfr 'alch e ihaaee tio htetl r" t; thus ; it bas litii' -4ree.The fir, t auttîler %vas, Mountedl Police, of their kindncss to, thîce feet thick, ar.ý, more brick anid rv-- 'tuirî - v.11't~ya j l îue"by Mojnl illanti ýzfe sttiers, how they acted as i aw- soewsue î,i cntuton, oa n <t fi- "-nvnn Wash\', ttit ihal ioye~,toctors anad nurses in lbnci-thni Iltebo:yt GetBit- mnht traai--,fu'Rmi ana Itý is one of tbct s-"vcn wondcrs Ctnoc a tti 2 -4tnn »y M Iierchantrt, nmakiîtg a iitting in- posts-how they pursuied crîinal5 s wrdad,~tyon owt-"(,,~tt jtck[ t2",j ' trtrinto a >s,,riý-zOf 1daître.sof'litto the far noi-tb uever stopping tili -tafthe cprd ahUýno ne af ti aiLdr (12u tt t!Qtt el': -l ~ Deroche, BtistWndithe themselve«forîtheir cm ades, ant le'au ty - -"A t thé ' oct f Day", capture r (lath- I-ow t bcy sacrific cd \lie ieas the ot ber ,;-ix , o d r e e ~ n I j i ii e -î ç i m a Gî1 ' E lliett, Floten et Enstniand, aàlw ayNs id the r duty. A s a result of o îy tu c ( us tr t : -s f no p a - ti. \s f i al t',îwI*ss;-ion of the' -Jrit of the their efforts we 'have the west of t - tcl s teGra WOnvscesi-c j ' among the îwiiai~~s ted to prevent the >ý"c.)î i-ans of the Oetotakt~ t1Can 'cftile il awn. -riday, wîth . - noth îromove thein "hna il >'>'COMtAflj -~tthe fo, ltttlg ('f a f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n A sti:' mpp vsapplrai-ecurivand prospenîty the hbci-l huilt between the yen' ;ý219 and 204 b>'<ntt'ttt otef - f its j - This w-as di ne by Evelyn 1 tage o te ettlers. In concluding B C. was restored a1ls, enlarged in the Jt0pe foiboy.'ni1 clijto ti bv "F-ac'c Eiliott, Flotrence East-'Miss Priest stated that the Mounted -~"etrAD., "c h; the Min üa .ec'îeî lteai-y' sty nOngte -,cStacey, Madeline :Charles, Police, wlio have kept law and order Period was encased, ric "gad a delMdltr 131g Betty Wrighît, Louise against such odds forý so rnany yea-s - wacn towers adl& t » it ~by.Ti-ce profits (leniývet'ft-r the ad- "'ilcl ~ loyd BaIdw;ýn,,aIl in sai will always be naeded, partiru1iiv ï.~"' -Verti'. nkg f 'nsh a gi-e t sýource of àe44 - lngas the wr+,irstl rn Ottf- a. j 4~e~-ithe " ~ .30realizerî iast "Pk~ ek, w~g t taXou Mss'riet' OIgivn~i a n md. -ar ,Every fell'on he paper lias -, alove 0-,txpesiv! M-S ress atioii s-ivWi aaS j Istrct and goes euS and, gets adds,; -~î*~ iharm.The very înteresting inanner, and the sub- ThRiwaQusonsi hghrsure if.rnsb. characters "1elre Picî'ette, Jean Hep-t jeet is one, always a favorite with a Mzry Howard -Spoke on "Govern- Many cities in Catadit, Utnited States, itrî; l"avtt'--d VIicrrot, Marjorie Nic- Canadien audience.- ment Ownersbhip a nd Operatio of i and ex-en Gict 7rtain have foîîowed' ci;Fia leuit, stelle Bagitbaw; Pier- ASbctoIrace- Rail' cv in C "nad-c" witb an easy the example set.* by Tor-,onto. t --t uaeiine Cýhies, 'A'vis Stacey . pIatfoiî, manner an clear* voice thit t Cucl "oof By'Wr Vot ogocy NnaE ads Alice Correil, 'who won the Senior CuelrrmtrS os o Maude Gii'vin, L1ouise Fîfieîdl, May îr'ý Prize, was particularly fortunate . Hwa d asea-heard favrthhalDrMinsrT win, Lloydi Baldwin. l chosfing a subject which soneof howraea E'fvr ble m h o'00Y sagen atr npo j ' kei to Da ce " e ecu ed by s- gre t p ob e ms of the age - n t is pression, and she pe ented ber u - motin a- )os' w ork. R ece îtly a B oysl' su ek'Nas field. -A h b-ewr t' ele Bagsane,"wasiaugebalc -' nd'cotn bentado e whicb-la th ject niost attractivel' and conviincing- A h- - hr wr g lanearalyeclothing itt twcaty t'touand boys ina nparade, all- ' veî-y uiqiue. The dance w-as perfori- t'future, governments wili rise and faltrà~ïtowrN 1à Miss Correli bad embodied in ber dis- empbatic phrases. Miss Howard gave gaizitcoons of ie rviiuso- cd iin a din light, the costume being ofSI-n aruet nfvo fGvr-asa tlt- blacl<wtk h seltnbns ncourse an abundance o pendid nia- m1 ruet n ao fGvm-gaiain.Teew a nAhei wit e i f, dthe b a , a k l . T e t r i nd w t e e h d o a d ent n rs i ; m an y criticism s of M eet in w hi cb f fte e hu t -e bo s dan e. m o e m nt w re in ke pi g, n t he su bjecd w t le rban ethd ofy a p e s g v r ni n n r bpmr ea d a d p a iticip ated , th e la rg cst meet of it s whouersef, itb thesuped charac.Te- platform mariner, areundoubtanddy stics o temel eo n and geotf 1 mitethe juges' nhndcision. .Th ae lysnuerovîncîKn ee e.di aal. lote FOR THE, FOLLO Contains no_- opiates, -and dloo!i iot dligturb digestion. It im a favorite preparation with chii-dren, fo r -coughs, CoUds, Ko0arseness and Whoopfing cough., 25c a Btottie. E.: LODLUM. flrugglst and opticlan WHITugOV, TARIO NICHOLSON & SELOODN UNDERTAPKERS ?hom. 85 WHIT»tY COAL A udntity of Soft &and Ciinin'('èl Coai Qn-hand. Also Egg and Nut siuc COKE Phone 70 PORT WHITBY wu, ie PATTON, L- oue HOME 0F 0000 GI Special for [ CauitioerGreen and.Rhubarb fJST ARRIVED-Fresh PNew $3«00-- per Imperlal As tIOME 0F 6000 Promp.: Deiivery., - îS- Vol.r69-No 40 PEEL'S SHOF Retallers of Good SI Our Eve -y Day Foutwear carr-y io Fc-r Every- Memibe-r of 'lr'hc Phone 151 -W -Brock St. Soi Maunldre«irs 'Rai Buck-Eye ehtr naD,(I5 New Perfection Stoves Detroit Vv,)or Cil St.)ve, Ptb'ts ->and G: W11 Thermometers for Ouflatf Ok*l Bui1derý' Ifa.rd*'are of alJr We d0n't dlaim out. goo s are the best the world, 'as good ëaD ~Y ard better than Phone 25 (Suicesor to-W. M. Priogle) Goo0de dellvereid to ail pi'ts or the Patton's Spe(. C ranberries............... Strictly New Laid Egg. .............. Potatoes, per bag... . . . . E. D. Smith's Pure Orange Marmalade 4s .... GrirnsbY Igrand Peach Jami, 4 lb. tins .ý.. . Lombard Pluma, in heevy sYrup, 2 tins. Sea Pride Choice Cohoe Salmon, 1 lb. tins. Solvene Shredded Soap for washing ilks, etc. Cooking Apples, per peck .... ...... Pettîjohns Breakist -Food, per package Head Lettuce, CeIery, etc., for the week-end. Our store will be ope.- until 10.30 p.xn. TIIURSD Don't forget this isz Canadian Canned Foods n' fering canned -goods at speciaI prices by the do Cet OUT prices -and le~t us explain how thim sale gw ÇALL 2ý90 . PARKER. AUTO Comfortable Cars, Reasonable Rates, "'IAY OR'NIOIT.ý Gasoline, Oils, Tires. 1 DOOR,-EAST.0F WHIlTBY'HOUSE9 THE OLO BUS -LUNE: Juos. Hbard &Sons have Reduced T heir Prices' to' 25c return for ail trains*,- Calil at hotU, hotels. Meet 'ail trains between8a.. and j P. M. Baggage Tiansfer. 1r r pilr t ite nd t.d Car, Hire, $1.50 ai Itour. Jos. Hoard & Sons JPlioneéb 3, 14 00-74. Btrock St. N,., WhItby . j 211) 1923 li Celery, Head Lettuce, LýA

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