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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 2

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THUIRSDÂY, MA' CH 29th, 1923 eeches ai the i conIesI ro011 1p.Lg (Ille) adu4iýe to gfaft aro t:îu.Iii ail th*, Ii ùv-I the fw h \\011ha"-i 4aîly BIî,x -alungon i te îîoenîntandi 4eîn f trawng.It i.*, nd wlo, rzven q t ie i-tScout i fuu il hmif t. i - lu1Inutil gE * , f Y'iïFo t>wt! te t Iii il id f xt fi t i iltifi îtf liii - I tXttt'illî~. - 'an N~t. 2 uit I ti tii-t iv i-if fi ittit '0 fi tii illîfi t -t;i iti titi * ' i - t , t t - î"îx-î?îtîlt-' - lit t , . fIl- îtît i-r~ t i - iii ittiji t-t, i i lit. t tilt If" ".iit i fi * i i iii' t' tii~ 't, i tIi i liii tii il I 'i ilitti * 'lu 4" \ -1'~ * i "h i f t il t itti itti Il. t il t t il ~t1ltt i il lui i I i i h r> il' - t tIlt ittilli' iii t i t~i t - uit ut tii tilt i t iii t-t' lit if tii I t it * 'utit iii ' t 'tel t \I L I lu 1' ýii. fuit lil-ft of-Pli i i ', ( 1 i îtf" w- 1 al it t'Il îî b\ 1t' o t a lii t Mi - îf itue - .luf, 1iigi' huîîi it u (lit iî 1 lu& I l<"m itîf ii lumfl ii - f lthidii lu<i ýlI>îî' tîî tck l i', 1t yi ar 't ilv lhit " tft l - lfivIealZtîhîîtSajilsoîn -10 't iîîîîî l îilî-. ii -i \lt li Nid ai titiltij tic yîAr lit Ch wta ifd L Il>. lý11ett ,Ric îti lsityi t ii ýl1 Whf li't -fori ll f new Xaidetiî bîitly 11ow pîuiU- for the lî<îîutý J there- weie other inter- 's OU tho valied Pro. iligli Sch cvul Orchestra, fiss T. Priest, and Mes-1 ', Tr. lriest, NV. Tiaîîîp- dgins, rendered the op- iwhicb \%as weii ré- 'folk dances 't'ere îîi'e, girls of secomnd firtist ,%Ii their pretbily celer- reatedl a pieasing ettect. ý L.awler .,tng, and ',I. ,ve a vlolin solo. The reMis Doris RoberiS Iv croft, and 'Mi s G aëe- yed for the îate.A Juliaui 'Jeecroft 'Nas Li usual skil and- brîl-î i-ring h-t itf tiI i it' tii ti 'f il tilla 0 ;m ' 'tld l Il i t ni aOl tuinie-r on the piograui iig of the Schoo(l paper, ir by Miss- Grace V 'ul- wa- reaz'tiy aliîmreteiiýil .udîLet ILS il m'ci-e-i lto ieFi 1 tdiaii I- i h k"tul lb tale cf the th-" n>-iii "liteftue ciiîgcrcul-. metj!izg olti vevamuing- "L.'lhe Et- tr î i uliad NuitiM. e-,aetibe congzratulat- cix res-;thp pupîs aend R ES 1 E. tiI io' ;,'rd S ay t1. g'- Si ax rsc 'tîvf'A UNI,îil. 27tiiMaLrxi ~'u I. ~c. tt-a - - r g Ifit - flilti i lt-ll t1 - t t uuilli t t h f i titi. t -ti-ilfit t tii\\ i fi. 'I - xi. t ti~1,lnrt \l,,i. Il ha tri" l"t, -n,, i~"O - îîf ii~ mer, church services have been held Leader i the Proôvincial Legisiature, Iire to have a proper inventory of p 1inl the Sunday Schýol %om, and the gave a straightfoirward businessluike, the Icnown assets of the, Province, - I pulpit of the church has not been oc- talk on thinga political which was re- I which of its resources are foir sale,! cupiedbyJ the, minister. chosen by, the freshing compared with methods s50 and .their worth.. There has. been nol 'Conference Stationt ng -Committee. i often used *by prominent politicians't such stock-taking since. 1890. Liberals - L ~~Trinity Churcli is liow making an-î witli their c'arping 'criticism of oppon-! strýnd behin uli weshp1n other effort to secure Mr. Tanton a ns.. hv lasbce up the Hydro-- Z. its pastor, and the reýzolution referred Mr. Hay, at the outset, said Poli- ectrie, aithougli at times they have in- to spblished in tb "Beaver" was tics s not i business, but hehad quired into its operations. 0 i assaedP'th that end in view. The a responsibilitv he oNved bis fellow- "What is needed is mo.re adminis-- resolutien is a olw citizens, and it was that duty whichtainadlesegsten IfL- * "Moved by, W. F. Hall, seconded by brought hirn here this afternoon. He erals are returned to power we feel M. . ~gar, tatwetheQuatery ongratlte h Liberals of this rid-, the Province needs that application, Officiai Board of Trinity Church, ,ing on their selection of Mr. Bragg which one gives to his n-n affairs et~ ýEf_4Napanee, at the regular -February as their caididate. As the Chairmian when he feels the- are getn e i quarterly meeting . eld in Trinityt of the Fruit Investigating, Committee yn oto. etn e --Z. Church, on the eveningiý of the l3th 1J Mr. Bragg and his celleagues had The officers of the West Durham E=-zzz IFebruary; 1923,rededvlae service, their re- Liberal Association elected are: Pei Do place ourselves on record- as1 port having met with general *approi- dent, J. A. ilgate, Bo\wmanville; fellews:, That wh eieas 'when we un-1 val, in which the Conservative Leader Vice-President, Mrs. W. R. Courtice,1 -_-Z~Ç!i arîirously., invited lev. W. R. Tanton took occasion to jein. Courtice; Secretary-ITieasurer, W. R. - -- ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ,t bet înterestsfte ork Gd i i TheLibra art ha al Ay reinHmtso nisistanitie - ar- did sa. believing that it w- as in thel PrgesieStn.Mrs. R. J. MeKessock, Se 'ina; Vice- z==our communîty in wich we m-ere stl o rgesvns.W r e ington, A. L. Pascoe, Mrs. -James -deeply interested ard in which w-e had opposed te free and open discussion! Moorey; C1arke, O. A. Gansby, Mrs. *petfreely of oui' strength and. Of al! problemis, but it is net necessary iobrt Cooper; CartNNri2,ichr iZi i iýI_ lime and money in building up an or- to recasl the aims and objectives of l Philip. Mrs. Ed. M1ýontga e.ery; Bow'- - -ganization thal -as in splendid shape the party. 1 manville, Jas. McDougall. Mrs. H. W s - te d effijcient kvork, and our only "hoew-ho left the Liberal 'Party i àrk;» Newcastle, W. F. 11, hard, Mrs.J thoght~va tesecre eedandsue- with honesty of purpese in 1919 are' .R ihr arriirîe m e oeam s - -kooesfd ladnshpwelcome te return, aind we would co -_____ _____ ________________________________"And whereas we- did net at any operale wilh lhem te' w'ork out the). lime have an idea that we w'ere doing prebleis of inlerest te Ibis Prevince."' Wrii IVAW Iî erèeniga ygr e tor ifl anything Ibat w-as wreng, w-e were The speaker note ha fer the Con- er éleansing ~~~ garment certainly surprîsed. after having_ fol- servlvshd, been in pow'er fer fif. LCN D JTIO[F AO :: low'ed -stIca!teua e f cour teen years dissatisfaction had arîsen,! VALIJATOR eralwih UR RI-;:-~~ Church, rt iy ai!the ug' es oppesed Iheres1t À Thi AVkds of sles promptly nttended ____________actein ore and "'conte i a191 'fo iianyp J ne the Seamsý, You will find t::s t u'~te;as cone n11 e ayp o.- . Arrangements for sales cin bej "And whereas we belieje a serious ple' leaving the Liberal party. Poi-made ttGzte Off i e. Ternis SURPR SE bs d' its ezé m-iistake hasgbeeri made, and we sim- cies a nnitdh h rr at reasonable. Phones 177 and 288. J S R R S ba ofl ps'can* O4a weire fad in 1919 were practicaUlv the policies i W*!! I s on t ak mttrs.avcated by the Liberals. This con-WI TB .O . 'k thorou ghly:. and the a-,rticle riht 'e feel sire ait the interesîs dition thus accounts for the Liberais :~~-- iof the C hurch w-c love will sufer nMa- giving their support te manv mea-s- - and he esuts wll e ds- res now brougbt up by thé Dru-t' "uy~~Z. ~Andr ;stili believing 'htRev. Mr. ufi SEE Mhae-Ere-crerd - - ef~~~Tntn a bs serve the interesîs cenîests in the cenîing electon, Tatnciitunotnaetav he -cornre'A BOUT YOU R-.EYESI, ofTrinit Church in Napanee, and W'ouId split the Progressive vote ànd ïlrn .1 1. t an secure the best results; eetaCenservative.aiAuu Il"Be il thereforý- reselved, That w-e Mi'. Hay said he preferred te spe'tk --.now extend lu hir'i a hearty nia as a Man engaged in businesýzas he WHITBV, ONT. J tio tobecni ou miistrand - COUl4 net accept the position a reptl-h l V0 - inced4 b ringing biu-i near thelwould respee+f-'ilî' -I and strouîgly' politician, and only as a busines mani '<t i tIti. -b zore an.(sIait of (langer. Hi-, actions1 urge the 19'2'ý -ning Cen)ii-itlee C-ould he hope te be of service te the'_____ ni ' - at-j-îtiii ci hocucasions are flezerving Of to accede to oui- i -que-st and appoint Province.- ,,ý:ýýrîf.When lie mu-lt q1cotiienîlat ion'.lie -,\as for 1w-e him le Trinity; I-e did net prelend te c rtti(i/e the > ptoflO!8 fîtiit lnl ~~-anIa at'x'a. xitb the British I"And acccrdingI:, w-e hercby.'invite Goernens' eadpoicx inwhch Li 1eýt iecuil àv- l ti't wai-. and bas a cred- Mr. Taaf~i t> h-yna pnt0000. elîhPe5 N a-zl17Ynean piin ttvcr~ l" ei-<r'<. igive- him our he-ai:y support, and we schemes, as they were coslly. ln his(Oppste(pti-îTRN <141 . i~ iltiti >11 i wll endeavor w-it liail that is in opinion hie Ihought the 4iian onthiOpoi Sms .t tii il ut icIo' PE(1LIAR SI'tUAT-ION IN NAI>. oui'. power te miale Trinily Chtîrch1, sdra is the one wvho knowste îotti-/-i av,' NN EE CHi 'R('H. I Napanee, a vital force for geed." exaict requiremnents and need- (cf that iiit<î.ig te b~ Tf,î- Najanee "'jB.e"'flatwk Note-The ex,:îi-itives of the foiiox-- Pariualcaty iFeil I falihng anhui - c(ltaiils a î'îipyý of a resfeiutiorî passed ing organizations a-f the Ci-ch-the Speaking of the$OOOO( iî t l\etbciliit 'h ur-h, Nap- Sunday Sehool, ,ichies' AMd, Womien',- on eiltcation, lte speaker asked: "Arp The Double Trae-!- ute- anceii -xluh ev.A.H.Fosteî', for-; i Missionary Soci' .- anîl e jn'O(,-te .xebetter off to-day, and are -NBvIeee i *i ntiii iiiti Whi() f- i atlSlI ji. I ple's Union, havi ail ntwssed unî- _building bette-r and sîronger nmca - -EA i oiti iii eiii evt Iif1'l'îîU <u itîit1m îtusy eouti itîsrt u c- '.%-r.Haý' saut i-e \xas, net tIispiî TR4 lieljli .1îvîtii. itilttur'î i r 1~ tion cf the Quiart crIylvOfficial Board to say Ibat w-11n Mr. Ferguson gave TRýT t t ii-vaI i ctodth-1)14t ta. n-issuîng the inx, atio. outWedlaawày timber concessions wtiloulttcad-TOI I i M * iifaiIjiftti -îhi-igIe~1t> the above resoitlicai. veî'tising for tenders he dicl wrong. and CIIiC.\(t' 'le 1ilIxlYi, iiii-ibut 'tîri'ch iîri li li' i tli )2lmeagtgtva i-ail to RcvNr. al n ET-bu twa a- uinsUnecxcelied diniiig i -te-vi\ýce. 1 titnLofl tM lIBER iS ' ;>Make Inventory. Sleepigcrso iitrnsaI IT cid1h% 'i a î i nfLbeas frtredt ee' e1parjoi'cars on îtrinrifi-i ilay trains-. t * id, til i )îas-tii' tt.ccefitetand-ie- LE ,E-I)R HAY. ieasifrtndtopw-,eý t i . '-' - ~~-- W. J. Bragg is-Again Candidate. _________________ Full tnfot'inaion fMiti any Grand 0Vi 1,ic--aii-îi s i-. I tic' staticitg Attea'lîieln f~tng, District 1Passcna-,i Agent, Ti- 1! *~ ~ :e(anhirr oi1ttat ;Vlîurha(ni titwraI - solation hli~~-- TukTce gtI* i .lea ii-i , -tf atl ~ i LI, 1 - t ib i ltJai-t- i4 1-~'afternooî'A H GHRADE SCHOOL! rno. - e ui1t;k le i î îî ii ~" u-FîtrW .Brag9. prIi4z1illni niber in Ite Platrnize the ('aiîî i National îîdiP itk roil;"-xîleli l lc'0f4ii ' Legisiature -foit- Wesl Durham, xvas z LJ. 11 FLIt î:a i t týîi1 .aIoane- fî IIrc-t ithe- unaaimot'-n.- îcpal'the Liberali..FlIlÎ 1R t.ttii f ftt ~ Thitei-tîrsî- ivs nt tacceputable candidate in lic, forlîcoaîîng Pro- -rityPoneR ni-.îi\Ximi' f tf' it Ii ii'- ' 'rîîtv i îîch. aniuîvinciai electiîîn. We oiain tii' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '1 - itwot'tiiylii 'tiiiesenal objection 1v'ee calle-d for. 'Ni..BraR'g's.naiii w wa., Yonge'and Charles Streets, Toronto t . ,i ni- tîtIe.Î, J -etie dsed Ibose teo! it ffO-oe--t-.0r -'n a",ye-ar. Demand for oui' grad- Be l'ev Mr. te, tIiý, j. Brvi f,11 *t I -t tietsuin autb rity ' * i1t ±hc'y woll i,- m-t ai-la large nt ý<~c~iîs re r t -ates during the iast sixteen months Be i IV lii 'iri t t j tii i ucini 'i te t îj-nt ~~~~t'~~~e dent f.l moreth Iî' t har % an double oui' supply. Enter' EOOMVF i - ' Generdu Tinsm;the-' il now. Writ forDfulNi,;arST.laWEST, Sprrng is Just A round .the Corner TO 1FULY ENJOY IT YOU NEED -AN OVERLAND (r.de Mark Ral1at«»U-. Nature wil soon be putting on her cloak of green--the bushes wil soon be buddini end t.he early Spring fiowe,-rs peeping forth. The time for the week-end jaunts to the country. Heýe's the car that will take you on those mind-dearing. body-refreshing tuips ii oemfoirt and with speed. The Blue Bii;d represents the greatest of ail Coverland achievements-'brings an entirely new conception of snotoring satisfaction at a 4iht-ca.r Prime TôrigCar Only $985 Taxà Extra It retains Triplex Spring Suspension that has made Overiand world.famnous. Theý saine high-quaiity alioy steel construction; ensurig durabfity. It has the alvantages of more leg room and more arm roorn, of beautifil blue body and upholstervy-- with equipracrt in perfect keeping with its style. The longe-r wheel base-fuli 106 inchz iong--greatly enhances appearance. t F.O.B. Toronto'- DAVIDSON MOTOR CO. Limitedg, WHITBY WILL YS- 0OVERL AND LIMI TED, TORONTO.* ..-rANADA PROFESSIONAL CA Jn0. E. FareweLK Barrister, Columty Crown Att 1and County Solicitor )ffice, South Wing Ct. flouse, A. E. CHRISTTMI Barrister, S,1olicitbr, Not ary te. Offi'ce Brock St.. Opp. SI Bank. Monèy to Loan. W. H. KENNED' Ba>-rister, Solicitor in the Sii Court, Notary. Convevan -ei WHITBY, ONT. )ffice-Du-ndas Street, one dIo of Post Office. MORTONM. GIIBSI Ontario and Dom'inion Land .and Civil Engineer Successor te late W. E. Ya' Ontario Land Surve-yor of Po! -1Phone day or night 231 Hopkins-'t. DR. R. T. MacLAR] Physicite and Surgei -ResiêdEnce and Office Cor. Brock and Mary Sres D R. GRA~NT L'Bt Physician and Surtgeor Office awd resideuce, Dunda - -at f Standard Bnn PiON 12V OR.- D. B. Nul Ear, Nose and I 308 jarvis si. (Juit belom TeI.Main 1716, TO )WNTAL B. B. Bêaton, LD.S. Graduitte Pif th(, Royal Det:al :ittî nd Uni Toronto. tY eover Mure. PIONJE Oflhui, Adamsff' Tl ByIhu't.N-, PhuO E. W. Sisson, DAIS, Ilotirs--9 tb12 ae;Ito Phine 294 Office over A tisDrui A. A. RCBINSi Undertiaker an4 Furnitui i-Bell and Indeperdent Ph - or Lgkt OANN-ED' 00008 -WEE GET YOUR SUPPLY THIS WEFI{. J ~TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE PRI(ES Corn, ehoice quality.......... .....2 .i.... Aylmer or Riverside ea................Per f Aylmer or Riverside Tonxmtoes..........Per tI Special Mt. Crest Pea.. ........... ........ 2 tins fû Kippered Herring ...... ...............e Salmon.......... .l....... ....... .... from 10c. to .1, Sardines in pure olivi, roh ..... ........ ........ 2 tif Pork and Beans, ClarN-',.................... pe r ti Cherries, pitted ...... ..............prti Pears, choiice ,quality . . . . . . . pri Peaches, choice qualty ....... .......pert i Greengage Plums...............2 tins f4 Ràýýpberries. ...... .. «..... ............Per i Bludjberries, try thern for pies...... ....... .. .... Per tI Strawberry Jam, prte . ................4 Ibs. fI Borden's and Carnation Milk, t.ali can .... Shrixnps -1. . . ..>. .. . . . . . ._ pert BUTTfER, CREAM-JRY ....... ....Per1 ORANGES, REGULtR-60 . ..... -..............50 BROOMS, THE $i.00- QUALITY, for......... * Brook St., South of Town Hall WIIITBY, ONT. Sayit wilh'Doflarsuà ROSS_ SMITII GrCape Fruit, 3. for 25c, Fancy Naval Granges, 5Oc &êG0c Head Lettuce, 15c Choice Spy Apples. Gîve us a ring-, 208. ve ant y cdolar (ï iick delîvery to ai1 p-irts (if !the v, x. R0S S MI TH GRtOCERI Elll»tt' Ol P'St nS 2 OO"S al DUNDAS ST. WEST, WHITBY BROý)KLIN 1 -

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