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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 3

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TRU1ISDÂYI. XARCH Zth, 1i2n Newsy Letters fro. urenvsndnt IComBotla. ae pss sp. mm*s wlI gt l v l ei ilof neya »tr OLI BROOKLINJ Don't 1511 to attend the choralÉ con- 1ert, to be given lu the Township Hall Mr. Perey Maynard bas been mov- on Monday evening, April 2nd.- This ing bis bouse, which -ho reeentlY undoubtedly la the. largest, and boit bought isouth of the 'village into the local choir ever assembled ini Brook- village, drawn by two tractOra. li, ccrdiag to the opinion of -local On TuesdaY of this week when Hy- 1'ki»J dro brace wi*rem obstructed thefit' pro- On W.dnsaday evenmng of this week groas Mr. Maynard ascended a brae.aI v.ry pleasing programmne was given pole and eut the wlte. Thepolo e"- Iby a traveUfing company in the Opera lieved of its weilt snapped off, let- e.u»e wheo they presented tbe ever tiiig Percy fail to the ground. le feUl popularplay, "Tlnclo Tom'is Cabin." on a pair 0f pincerai whic kh> e i I MiniVernusMackey and -Miss Ger- hie pociiet seVerely Iijuning hlm. He! trUode funter, Who have been study- wau rushed te tho Oshawa HQaPital, PU m, are home for their and it is net yet knOwn JrSt fluo U b"Y'B oui bie injuries are. It i reported he Kmi.Grahman sd Mm. Bell -of Port sustalned a fnacturd hlP. erop h week end with their C. S. Thompson lu under tfli otc oter r.1bffde tor's este with a severe attack Of the Mis&-Patt«osen, Of -Clarmout, vis- ,u. Miss G. Mackey la sflpplYiflg iI ted over thue-wek-end at the' home the. banl. -of Mr. James Psnguly. The Sports Gonuuttee in connectofliMaxtin Eoutley haý secured a* posi- wlth the -Brooklu Spring Fair -met ln tien as s.ctliO mtiOu the railway thi, office of Mr. F. OrmhrUtOn n here Thursday evenlnç, the 22nd mat. Af- Mr. Gordoni White'is at home frès,,n ton mucb discussion it wa, decided to Oshawa foe' a few days owing te 11-I> put on a bîggen and more, attractive health.1i prograrn than eVer of al spors on Much snow- fell bore on Sunday the day of the Fair, May 24th. Watch eening lait, but did not l1ait long for the announcemfents. The inatte!' enough toemabe farinons te use the of football garnes for the silver CUP sleighO agin. Ec19tor cars are nusl- wbichB tiooklin team won lait year, nisg on most cf, the main roads in this clame ini for rnucb attention.,'We hope diud imohy eedha that liany teanua wîll challenge for Red doer ndtmtyse the aîlverware this season.. To prove taken a big risc in pruce,- but the that - we are .trys to make it trouble la that all the _ farmers have worth- while wo are planinig ho disposod'of their eed'edoyen. 1sho have a suitable souvenir te present -At a mneetingAii Spencers . 0boO ~ oe the individual players of the win- last Thursday evenisg it was the opin- ning tarn together with the cup. Let ion of the majority that consolidated us assU1re thbe varlous teaxùis that will school was an oôpportuflity te, obtain core ~eekngthecovted~-rize that a goed liberal education for sîl in- -we xiiius-;e the boys right,.and we will stead of a privileged few,astpe- sc T it that comrpettint. officiais will est. bandfle every gaine. Entries for these od r jhuend one acre of gainles InVst be in the bands cf the land for sale in Prince Albert, Ont. SecetrYE.W. Rowland, not laten T. ILMilles. than May lO0th. a»Mn.. ~--The Womons' Missionany Society of Fi- brt LawrenceanMrS.A - the Methodist Chunch wîll have charge 01 <ilil (, at tlioir respective homes for cf the Easter Sunday evenisg ser- -ii4i. \week-end. vice. Mns. Rowland, the president of 1Iloot andt shie rcpairing in the old the Society, will occupy the pulpit,! Srioliable sboe Stone. Fine work a sper and Mrs. Géo. Jones, District Super-! c ialty. l))n't take your wonk eut cf intendent, will give an address. SPe-f to-lX.- T H. Milîs. .-41 cial music will be rendered by thef Theý consirli<hted school question is Womneni' MisisayCorsdnex piroving rather cornplicated in soîne ercise by tho Mission1 Band.-, The* an- sec(tions. Sone meetings have bees nual thankolfferîng wiil be receivedî ptpiilon account (Yf amatI attend- Tne entire eviening offering will go anri, aid lack cf -interest. owr the Women's Missionary So- The Athletie Association is tender- ciety funda. i11ý a b)aniquet to sixqty on more guests Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and *tlîi:, "riday evening for the -purpose farnily, who have lived in the villaget ()f rornotinýg more interest in sport for a number cf - years, are moving te unît onga niziflg for the coniing susu- Oshawa. They wilî be grýeatly missed1 ne r. Cone prepared -te give sornO by residonts cf the village, who wish scfggvations as to hdwsprtrn eu.a A nAderson every success put on> a permanent and sound found- in Oshawa. ali<n iii a farîing cornrunity where- ti,îalr ofteîî cannot s9pare turne BROUJGHAM anîl u'rrtgy fi-cm their task cf cars- ing ulaiily hread to pilay on te follow a Miss Feasby is spendîng a few foctill ii-o baspbail tearn. Why net a d; -sf in the cîty.1 con-s-o1idated schoot whcre the young Glrant Malcolmn, cf Gat, spent the l1eH1ý1île uight promiote Omrnunity week-end witb his motheT. sport and entî'rtainrnent?- Why-netIJ*ohn Keast, cf Lindsay, vîsited bis shorter heurs, better wvork, more pay, sister, Mrs. Hocd, overi Sunday. and optiliiste compete with ail oth- Mlrs. Listes is visitinig'ber daugb- e,r vocations? ter-, Mns. Byrns Feasby, at Oshawa. Mr. Uriah Jones.bas sold bis bard- Born, os Tuesday, Marcb 2tb, to wae usiness te Mn.' George.Vick, of J. zurd Mrs. Coîbeurne, a daugbter. j Califoria, foirsierly-'of Orlla, who Oc) St. Patrick's Day in the mOxx-l taks posession immiediatoly.. ing, bnrn te Enie and :Mns. Ingles, a ý1~14t j 1, rburht e f Valentia, was hero next' 'unlay -nin*Wrg t (à HO, Woniens' MIiasiouary Society. la twek owxsg to the ilînescf bis Oti Monday evening the choir of! motiwr. thirty-five voices will give a chenalI Normas and Mfrs. Wilson, cf Grees- *conVertntl the Toxwnship Hall, assist- -wood, viaited with R. J. and M.rs. ed by local aoloists and the Whitby Cowan on Sunday. Hligh School Orchetra- 1- Witîuot Shea bas punchased froîn R. Thf ' auction- sale cof -the farni stock J. Cewan, tic residence now eccupied sud implenents cf Mr. S. Porter, by M-is. G. D. -Lisntes aud expects to, wyas'gl attendcd. Pries -w eref take possessin ~ay îst. Very gIoed, espectally for cattle. Sorne At the parsonago, Greenwood,_ on' We aire in, the market for Nons and DuckS in any quantity, also Foathe.ims. Hiîghest prices paid. Write for quotations. Prompt'ireturos. LINIES & O., ýLlmlted, St. Lawrence Market, TORONTO Lumbor, Lt Sigo PINE,- HEMLOCK and SPRUCE, BEVELED FLOORING, SiIIPLAP,. and TRIM.' SWDING, DRESSED LUMBER, ALL KINDS IN STOCK. L)OOR S, SASH, ETC., ETC. GET OUR PRICES.ý FL. BEECROFT. 'Whibtby Lumber and Wssd Ya"rd P hone l12.: Evenligs 127. "I as a "&Nothing I Could Take]à - "Up te the tino I was seventeen e- rs old, 1 betieve that 1 was thue -- 'at m - semable and ushappy gi rl that ever lived. Houestly, I was a siglit. 1 was thc most ungaisly. iooi irg crature yen even sw. 1 was tlîxn ind scrawiîy-siraigliîî np aiuIIddowI. ,My heiglitwas five tu'-t ni-oc in;.'-s 'uid I weigbed exactiy ninetv-oue and threc $u&rtcn pduads. INo nu-tter wlîat kind of "loîhes ij"ut o ii luk-d like a fright. 1 wazs dom-v auîd atakwird. I used test:ud beiore tlxe gtass a:xd study -iuîv feui-s. &I fouud I had a good nose. gou-d eyes ijid a good siouih, blt it y cheeks %wre siankexi aud my face looked like a skîil with a piece of parcluîient - tretched o - en h. But iiothilig I ould, do or t5Jke mIe ime aîîy faiten. -Mca' rarely cires glanced at tue. When- tliey'did. they inerely gave nie a casivil, aînused or pitvingtok n expression whicli tan sure mîeaî:î, Iwhy is a beinglike tlit ailowed at large?' 1 Uscd te lie awake at night for heurs at a tinie w4S.dering w.)' there were se rny bteautifil girls, ii Uic worM muind I was se hideous. I -i il j Il Sold by I.L L ODLUM, Whitby, Ont.TR I fo S C ES r.paofor a busna cet~s-t in the wee sma' hours cf the merning. looks as theugb Spring is stillinl the It is with deep. regret that wo ne- distance.- port the death of oun eldest resident, Mn. and Mrs. Rob>ert Henon spent Mrs. John Gammage, wbich took place the' week-end with theïr. daughten on Tuesdsy morning, in ber S9th year, Mrs. Nelson Ashton, of Grimnsby. aften a brief iltness, due te infinînitie's Mn. Will Day, cf Port Penny, 'was of ciii age. Her maiden naine was lin the village on Wednesday.i Charlotte Mortimen,- and she was s Mn.- John Miller has neturned frosu native cf England, she beisg the lastI thé West. survivîng member cof ber family. Bbc I i2 Sehool. in Toronto in.uu'.Individua-i emigrated te Canada about forty 1 Instruction in ail business'. subJeets. ai years ago, sud with ber bushand and KINSALE 7 ur Schoole or bi' mail. Write for pro,-- farnily cf two sons and three dsugh-; Mn. Curtis, who is in Toronto under1 P. biN.ýTOSHi Chief Prilipai tons, settling in Clar-ke Township, and! the doctor's cane, la reported quite about twenty-eight years ago moved - sick. te Brojugham, wbere she 'bas cireri Mn. Harrison Speans, cf Toronto, sinceresided.- She was a unemben cf i who worked the farn 110w occupiedl the Anglican Cbuncb, but ivas a reg-! by Mn. Hinat,. a ýouple cf yeans ago, ular attendant cf' the Methodiat is meving eut on to a farm nortb east: Sh a s snyrived by s sorrowing hua-1 life fer bun, the old fanm is good ou- eadgo baud, ose son and tbnee daugbtens: ougb. We wiah Mm succesa. i -BOILDERS and GONTRACTORS Thomas, at borne; Mrs. -*Everest, of' Miss Flonence Burton, of Cetum- -o eaisî'h Toronto, sud Sarah and Mary at bus spent cirer Suxxday witb ýKissale! ail kindsofopisnte home. The fuserai teck place on frieuda. building trade. Thunsday afternoon to Salemu Cerne- - Mi. Walter Handcock has filled bis _____nratwihRap Mowbnaythen WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW HOUSES toyf___ cotruet with. HRalpb g bckth end AE RM$200o$400 CL R M N old employer, Josephi Pankîn, for the L RNiO o$,Ol sumfmer 505S05. ' -Poe25 rwie0.O o' Rev' Chartes W. King is atteudiug su b f ohre attended the ester- Phn WH5orwitB ,O. o the Board--of Religious Educatien taisment at Greenwood last-Fridaylw im Nr meeting- at MeM aster Uiesty o igh.Ams njybeg intr ronte,FndyTh watnr bah thms Good University, To- n ht A irnort eybed îz)tr-'- - Botb James sud Mrs. Madill -are. TemldF)hr okaveysr stesdily improving fnom their severe ijeus cold ou Sunday nteckavesoi-- - attack cf flu,, their many fniends wii- would hI& to knojw where Robin red- Josepli Timmis was lu Toronto last it'certainly was a gi-est big change in weck esd1 the température. When will thej p Regret asnd sympathy is expressed weatber inudeclare sping? - i hscemmunity for Willian Fis Next Sunday w-ut be Easten Suuday. sud fasuily oven the untisuely decease Service will be conducted at 2.30 i of e'tbeir daugbter who was bu-ied .lastI the pastor. Spe ilansd' appropnuate wcek. She was a quiet but very mnuch.b musice wNill be pr',v'ided by oui- choir.- esteemed student iu the 111gb Scboct Oui- new ucightiors, Mn. Crews, cf bore. She had boen attendiug the Toi-- Highland Creek, have becs down te, osto Normal Sebool when overtaken their farîn, lateiy purcbssed froin Mn. nia. Two docters were ini attendance soI lttleti -,for rtad. al0 s nurse, without avail, lu spitel Mark Brgr.i' t alking of leaving of constant attention sud cane. Kînsate Ss! e iies T E TON IR E S W. C. Senior, 0nu .....To speakers, will delivex- the Easter mes- bace Mark. le wss bora here and sage lu the Baptist Churcli Sunday spent al bis life bore. Hielias always lu open for repaira *of aIl kinds in morning sud evening.--Ho bas aise associated hiiîxsehf with everytbisg for, Barnesa, Boots aud Shees consonted to, sing. Hear him. Special the betterme-nt cf society aud bis fol- Bréek Street North Wbitbyi music by the choir. how mon genei-ally. - . Nezt c;oor to ffewls Brou.' IFils many friends wilhl le giad te The Gneenwood Mission Baud n- f barn that reperts at this writing are tond visitiug our Baud hero about ____________ that Peter McNab, who receutiy un- the fourth of Apii They will givo derwent a critical openatien, is reov- -the prograsu, sud a gdod turne may be . ering hopefully, although sot out of booked forward to.by ýbe young folk. .4:u danger by sny means. Mn. sud Mrs. Jhhxm Rodd have i-:. .I. Mns. Josiah Evans had s painful c overed aften a struggle with the flu, .'uii accident tast-Sunday morning wben The mnyfnenaïfMn(i... she slipped ou the ice, strikiug ber Stephenson wOi-e sonry indeea te beair" ',f.;z...V head sud cutting it on the sharp ice. of ber recent illsess. Thisaisat year.... or two she bas surely sufonred frouu Y vit ...... - E5~UI~U'Li L1mawusà~ - siekuessansd operations more than holier- Wyi MYRIEZ SATION share. Mrs. Reverly.i hs liesn visiting at ber home in S"4troy. NEW "ýGET-RICH-EAgY" SCOMIME r Mn. sud Mrs. 'Jhu Birkett spent al One cf the towu's business moun e- ;few days lu Toronte last week: -- cently was the victim ef s get-ricb- The Ladies' - Aid will hotd'"their easy scbeme, wbieh is se clever and -Easter Tes lu the basemit cOf. the1 on*r*nal that it uiight easily entrap church on Wednesday evenir, ApriI1 et rs 'if they wore sot aware of it. 4th. The usual tes sud program will T re are xsauy vaieties cf confidence lie given. 9 g ses which yeaniy defraud maîiy Ose of-the lest pîsylets put on lu people cf thousanda of dx>ilans,, but tlIds part cf the country wss played by this ose is unusual because it uses the the "Just-a-mnere" Dramatic Club, cf jead as its mecduum asd enly about Myntle Station in the churcli base-. ity or sixty cents is made on eachr ment on the eveninga cf Mai-ch l4th -transaction. 1 and 151h. The aforemontioned- business man The play, "Our Wîves"' is, fuît cf1 neceived a letter addressed te a meus- fus. Ne tragedy, just eue laugh after. ber of the farnity wbo had recentty aneother until oite's troubles 'are fer- died, whic sid that the deceased getten. The dfferent characters have perses had won s pnize for as essay; mado the play famnous by their apten- the pnize was threïe pairs cf silk stock- fdid scting. Messrs. Harry7 Bal sd .inawhîch wculd be- sent on the ne- IR. Pnice convulse the audience witb: ceipt of sinety-five cents for ferward- 'thein mysterielus disappearance frosu -ing charges. The ietterbead was that f Atîautic City, which causes suspicion, cf a hosiery fiin with offices iu Chi- lin the minis cf their respective wives cage and other Amreican cities. Al- -Mrs. Walter Blair, wbe is Miss though not knomîng anythiu'g about iBlanche Ceoke. sud Mrs. Roswel the essay, the Whitly citizen sont the 1Chandler, Miss Vers Cook Their Sp- pearance in New York City is just as-- funny when fouâd lu the home of Mrs. i- Guis Deveaux, w-ho is the Star cf' the Fer-de-lis Opera and whe is nep- resen-d bv Mrcs. David Luery. Miss;__ Jossie- Gordoý makes s port lîttte French maid. i-- -' Mi-. H J. Latimer croates much arn- -i usmn yactin-g thc part cf the ec- centric musical comiposer cf the Fleur- de-lia Opera Co. Mr. David Luerv plays the difficuit -rote of a weatthv>chbronic invalid sud' the jealouir.shusband cof Gis P eueaux. Mn. James Cooper as the ictective- eO do the wateh ac t " fullY justifies Mr.poalto Hudgins_ makes a spten-t S A A R N niÎd insistant reporter. Messrs Levi sud Charles Tordiff as expre,;smen, unknowinglx- help lu -the disappearý- suce--cof Messrs. Resweli Chandler sud1W Walter Blair. The stage was furnished to repro- LI _-N1 T E bouse- sent firt the hote] apartmeuts of, dheM d rudgery- IGilda Poireaux bun.Atlantic Citf.,sd a3 e\t~ 'at o th-en the horde of the Opera Star lu. rour hm with durableii. New Yon. - - as iuxi-y Seaman - Keut The -Pisaywu. a successud well - Iaver Brand looring. acted -both nights., A sniaP investmeut will The proceeds cf both eveninga were njli itn c7'ioV tI,' dOnated te the Ladies' Aid. The iia- ine' oo r s msade--. mra wilt aise legiven at Raglan uhis! Sun îpLy nm.-ýasure the sîze-4 Thursday ovening, March 2t. tcf oui- -oma and ask usfer an estimate ou Mn.-ASHBUR Gr. -eorge West bas becnsît- jing- lu the ci:>-fer a w-Eek.je U T Mr$. ýReynelds and ittle &os es, neth, spent over Sunday with hen sis- Iter in Toronto. 4 The W. M. S. are baving a quiling ' On> Fnuda>- afternoon cf thia week att f Ithe mante. i I Winter Kng îsstl reigning, and ît1ii-i Wbitby Paint- and Wa - We hî R. R.ead) 'Varoishes .~* iOur are the 1 H' at il Mouldigi Let it es il t! Phone.3O.- PIINTEI EASTER 'SI Women'sP.Àtent i wo-Strap I regular $5 i Mcm'~ 3s~vu 'iod)-ear Weit re%u%Gr If ypu have' Cadlou ses, (Cor how to'get relieýf or a cuire. Il .k~ SrrïUUCK, BOOTS an ujmoi- WALL PAPER man everythûng ho the successft decoration o-f1 &me of having designa and cetorig that accord wmith your own udna mac and beaui6il. Sercyow r atterna freinthe great vancty prodi. BoxER Thèse ppn-ieyknown for thekr oeiginalty and cbarm---ncluclc a incas& soetzent cf the plamn. 1«aeioed paersa o You -will md the dii type c(WalI pavfer exedin width by theonew 'Dome f4=4 aby 234 incbct-whichL in*oly makes pesai dcsign, but aiso mea consequently improir - r hanging 13t anothei thèse wier papeýrs- resuit of the fewer r The naineBO la your aslitancCtof S#MSAU S. ru*s or ~-R-O-L-N-F-O-R-M-L-S mma Williamus hadn't lie married veny long, and frzmkly,- she wvas nather green inthie matter of bakng. Hen finit attempts -had only served te discounage hon, sud to-day ah. was- shedding tLe bitter, ialty tears ini which young bries find such solace, oven a batch of biscuitsý that, aàsah. told Mnm Dutton, the nudatrnet deeor, were "just as h-h -h-liard as bub-bub-bub-bickr' Mra. Duttoa, with sonie thirty-odd yeurs of matnimny behind lier, only laugt>4 symnpathetically and uuderstandingly. 4'Getasome good Marvel Fleur lntead of tht atulY, snd Ilil core oven ho- nmorrow and show yDU a tri'k or two about baking. Wlth the ight things te wonk wlth haking -li uayt, ven for a little goose liii. you," ahe concluded. - -Marvet Fleur IS a big help-.-dUd yen evor tny it? Chas. Wilson,Buoln deshred ainount and shortly afterwards J romn the only instance so far kncown iiar reived the atockings, but instead of in WhitbY the *Profit would flot ' b B. 1 FrigI,!" paionesaso te hestcttingepneswsq ,tesOcieb stockings magiabl. were of such quality that they. woud Ca The uystem is one whieh if hihysoufrpobbytre ar for 25e., ol<l M*deM Any Fatter." rv e~lcaieIadtepstage was abolft 20c.; thus as isprpits sTk inii rultthe net profit wôuld ho 50c, cui nt g onyneed as* soc ntad u-tii eedn ail overthconr r met a friend of mîneeneday, Elsie W acriptions to o large uewspaper in the profits would mount into thous- ther and 1 li;irdly knew lier. While sh%. each large citjy on the continent. The ahdà. l.d ntevcr been as tliin as 1 was, a papers -weuld be gone over daily and This notice should serve as a warn- pe ycar or vnre ago sbe ran nie a close then letters would - be sent to each ing to othiers il, town, just to steor T' 51Qh(,biit when I imet ber she lh .1 name lu the oibituary column telling cloar of threeparofslsteig An akea den fle-,>h W1 lh,-,.d dievW p d thom that they had won a -prize, and ifor ninetY-fiye cents, especially if you fun( ~ lu aîleux g . ~oa f asking for the necessary money fo are flot absolutely sure what they are arni lie prt-uî, st iiiS I WAh 1 aSC- forwarding. The lotter would natur- for.To 1[asked ber whi it ha.i c.dthe le ce ally be opened by some member of- by luing. Stie sâudt d . Siie iol the family who in honor to the dead DEATH 0F MISS COADY .n es-. mie she 1usd been tai. .1-g;t regul,;îrly would do as the letter requested. Ter paed wyon uedy for tie, last tlire-e- wizhatd tii ______________________on______________ from the fin wti ek of liii i u,____ Lad began te put on flesh. I1was se o iS enco%îîr:-ged by wliat site said thai Iey 1d xouldii't get tethue drxiggist fait - emongb. i booght a bottie and since LOL, Vi theu 1 have- been taking it reguîarly. W It has mnade, the greatest change in A s -U i h nie ycuu ever aaww. nmw weig4i 185 prn;n.ids and ail *17fieùdcls et eae Meetasat thoir léodge Room ovor the PJrm Einiterest9ansd'requrements c what a wonderfL fgire I havýe-mdl 'Standard Bank secnd'Wednqsdy of Lstood and WeIl sérved by tbis ba kuow tlîat I amn adnîired .euch moith. Visiting brethren wel- enterprise in the- fa-.,ýr an d to Cauid i yo cas oentio sly Possible, practical assistance in the fo ani s Ucn sol by o>dngst , Iroe.plete banking facili6-es,.i;pecýally iap after yen have tried it, that it hasi't mt. IlVA .. S . Csti$sui.th. ho. s«.. a bic at'cac a eLlof oEur branches. Cor loue y u avan good, retura the e pty whitby. Wlb ruitte on asd hewill refund our - 1 fil 1 id Brooklin

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