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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 4

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THIJ8D ~[Ac~À2sth4 1928= the war.. The memorial wil take the 7 p.m.-Ee àreae ads rmnaid to lte i*atioii, of'players teu1 p ocgM A J. Luke,- lagi form of a monument, and wifl be' Good FiaMarchi Sth.-11 Ï a.m. I 8flfroxi the -United t8atesa a!i<Cefa I and little di buit on the lake front, near tie sai- -Morni*g prayer and sermon. 8 pi..d(a. Il is a wél l kowil faet that mny îM.E . bot tTrot, S" .ce f.w tien. Il will be. of striking design, -Evening prayer adsro.olec.. et the Canadian amateur hockey stars itýd a iehmee Mr. anC..W Ba -chF. and wil bear a tblet on which will tin for Jewish missions. are gjuat h, play ohockey; in ta the rta s M r. .-E-- - --of --- o-v - be engravedthe, names of teapayIhothosine:at t____i who served in the war, in addition te' enly on-e team in the Unite~i States those who paid the supreme sacrifice.. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Rockey Association which is noet cern-- - CHURCH. posed entirely of Canadian players. W EASTER HYMN BRey. Edward Turkington, Minister Sherif fPaxton was aise a speaker. r îîqJ~qif~ WSTE icdTotHns laely, la atr na at the banquet tendered to the Gran- -d'sf >~~I!li 1 'IyedTeetak, 0Hael .'ie a.-Morni'ng srvce Sbjct te o tei rtunto TrotoTus For the -giorious Eastertide, series on "The Mnd and Ministry eof- î1I~js~$ ~ll"11li Happy reurrectio morningJesus Christ" according te Luke. Ifjili¼jIljf 1 x i 11 r +k an wh ..e-P .1Q ificui. . C1,1,qi ,,- îuh nl and W o 14'i' M'I i ..,, E MAETTE AID CHROUICLE Zmbllalud evury Thuredaj' rornlag. Tb* «Wrltbw )nprie@.'là $2.00 a arlu-advano; ~a yar to ..ub.erib.rs* ln the U ,t« or ,other foreign eouatrlee. T1%. date whilnh the uubcrljt*orà inpald In 1ndicated the addr» label LDVERTISING RATES - Translent. loal 1lexal adv.rtlseinenta. 10c. pur lins firu artion. l. pâr lin aubfflquent -insertion. ate for contrart space advertlaemnenta, de known on appli cation. AIvotlu.iiiiits wthout upeille directions 1 bu lnftrt.d Wl fonbid, and cbarge &a.- ýLL 23 Riteaece-Bl 209 aiMber of C4aadenWeek> r Newmaioe A. SOODFELLOW 80SONPublisheu'I rHURSDAY, MARCE 29th, 1923 FINE!) $1M00FOR B..T.A. Found guilty of selling liquor, XÉarl ozuk was fined $1000 aî>d coats and ree mont'hs or six mnths, la Omi- va Police Court, on Monday morn- g. Wozuk pleaded notguilty to e charge, but on the évidence of two ticerï and a man, who claimed to ve obtained liqquor from the ac- sed, a conviction w-,as registered. iis was Wozuk's second offence. IF. kes, aiso an Oshawa man, appear-1 on a charge of intoxication and was. ed $10 and rosta.. This offence con-1 tuted his eighth breach of the 0O. T.' ui meLunetJ ~wUU At-Ilusn uv(. 1le, the noblest ef the noble, Rie, the. Lord, tie Ring ef Kings, Bore, for us, the cruel torture Gjown et thoras anid bitter stings. Thanii we give Tice, God our Father, For Thy Son, te Crucified, An atonement for lest sinners, May Re ever ho our Guide! When we here have cares and sorrows 1 He will gjv e Mn tre*.gth te bear. For He suffered deeper trials Than can e'ssr be our share Give us- grade, O HoIy Spirit, Te ive closély te lte Soin, Aided, by our Heavenly Father, God of migit, the Three in.On.. On this glorious Easter momning, rniybe neafr ead usase TiPmay, we now tom wn te eas e Send us averlasting peace. Kate M. Gimblett; Ail Saints' Churcit, Wititby. ALL 'SA INTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH- Easter Day, April 1st 8 a. m -HeIy Commînunion. -il .m.- Memnin-g prayer, Holy Communion and sermon. -3p.m.-Bible Class and Sun-day School. 1 4.30 p.m.-llrooklin Easter Cern. mn-inion and serm-on-. PREEWith Our BeetWihs ABOTLE- 0F CLAR1FIEO MII.K n'a ze(rving ..iivbh a mtperio.r grade of mîlk that we are aiesfor all ir'" riends 't', try it. If you will drop us a 111e .'i' 0' .rvolr's le!iv<'ry mene s hall be glad to leave .at your t'euissnrroNv'r-a mpie hottie of our 0w-n CLARIFIED MILK ,0 wli ch 'e are soutjrts, voti l ind ar.i uperior bo th in flavor and in t., anv muik .',L, have ever used before. Clat'jie ii lk s first of ail fresd., rich rnilk, produced under ;tnt:. y 'rutlsîsns, mthen passc'd through the clarifier, a rn-a- fîdif ah iii hi'S utevrypossible iiuiy as well as dan- (lriidmulk is tî.îepuirest, clete",ýt5, n.st whoesome of food.s, _ -1i kovps sm-(-et s,.zî liýlitc ioger hecause 'of its purity. Netire lx, ta ir agreCable sweet, lasting flavor it has; and (.uP i Ils'.C'P e-ify ilk, .r write ias for free sample te ho ieft at ycr s "t'tborrow. Prlcc-1Oc per qt. bottie, 20 tickets for $1.00 Athl ad Peter Sts. HILLO ESI OBRY x 4499 Whltby La W. ý-DUDLEIY General lànsurance, FIRE Whitby, Ont. LIFE D1STRICT REPRESENTATIVE Th. Mutual LiT* Assurance Co'y of Canada PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKOLDER. Profits Alloted to'Poîlcyholders Annually." Alil Latest Features. Total Disabifity Benefit., Double Face of PoIIcy If Accldentally Killed. SF- INSIURANÇE SEE. DIJDLEVU S140P AT THE SPECIALTY SHOP Thei a r i a speciaitv Short for Ladies., We seli only Ladies' lkadyto-W andam spe-.t'ialize entirdly on Ladies' Wearing Apparel. nro pr .roud teo invite, you to'our store te inspect the many newi s}sL -r <.4~prMnýr .ïl-~that'w e have received. 'iîhowk fear et~ t'fI--id', w' 'u n thilatw-e have the larfrest and best 'et eftvasprinýg W eaîng Apparel for Ladies' outside tsith' trt- <rnos~rs tn for your inspection is a ~- ', '- -s-~'~r. ~ S i*. Sds C,, t-z and I resez that include v. ri'î s:n ~r' ". sanar-ters Byspejaiizig ec:u- s-v ~ - 'sj '~'Wtii ngAppai'e. wei are alwavs striving to se' :' t, vey st~ ~ ai f~ssîr~ %%-liwen you pur- s. ~ ii'n-t~ be',y'ou are assureti agarInst the o' ('aIe Vc ýr.a inivite Nyour inspection. NEMI STYLES ARRiVING DAILV I-t'r ":shi'nsHêa.Iuarer, Nw Yrkand Toronto, w-e are ro,,. ivi19 d]vnw'Shji r-nts of s,!airt Spring Cents, Suits and 1)rs,--',. r im c off 1as. 1011 b' show-n in their srnart lunes-and \\j:i',s Ve 1widh. e' ihesl -wit!îlte wonderful l'ange oe. ty's S I coX.swehave t-e show you. OUR PRICES AND GIJARANTEE our prices art thé surprise etofOur' customers, anid every day addf t the 1l'argt uu>ro -lde h are purchasing their wear- ing apparel in iour ztiýrû. WNe have prices to suit everyone and unilpsb yeu aret, peti aîse.yeur money wili be -retunded., May ,,.e htehOe privilego ef a visit frein you this w.ek? THE FAIR, lelepheme 1113 OSHA WA i Sime. t. ou en's Bible Class. -TOWN OF uumWu>V I7 p.m.-Evening Easter service con-,0 tinued. Special Eastier music at both servic- flf es by the choir. Strangers cordially lE ehrsayèening, (titis week), the O 8 8 , JAO S prayer service aI 8- pan. Thursday ev- ening, April 5th. Union prayer service 1923 - in Baptist - Sunday Scieel. room. Keep Ai weso aboese oen titis date. l weso abrrodg i - the Town oi Whithy-are itereby noti- I ied -Ihat ' iýe Dog License fer lte ST. JOIN'S CHURCH <Anglicon) ITown'of Whitby is due and payable at PORT WHITBY, the office ci-the Town Treasurer flot -oo 10.30 inlter thanlteifrst day of April, 1.0a.m. 7-Morning Fjrayer and Tags may be prourdfrom lte Sermon. Treasurer on payaient ofthlie License Easter Day. Fee. t"Christ the Lord îs. risen te-day. lAlleluia!" ALBERT W. JACKSON, 8 a.mw.-Holy Communion. Treasurer Town ef Whitby. il a.m.-Easter service and sermon. "The Witn-ess.et Prophecy te the Res- Î urrection." 7 p.m.-"-ýThe Power oft uls Resur- 1rection." Hely Commun-ion at both' services. 3 p.m.-Easteir service tbr the Sun- day, Scheel. Monday, 8 p.m., Monthly meeting et - S. S. workers. Wedn-esday, 7.30 p.m. - Teacher- Training Class; 8.15,- mid-week ser-, ,vice and Bible study:, "Raisin-g oet Jairus' Daughter." Wednesday, April 111h, 8 p.m. Confirmation service. Poetsrii GieBÂPTIST CIIURCU en GieGod a chance here, andi avoid - eaI taking a chance hereatter.-Come to cl1urch. Sunday, April lst, 1923 FuuliSfer g - "An Easter Sunday walk andi whati came -of it." You- will fînti the answer iii Suîîdav Sehool at 10 a.m. Speciai Easter services at il a.m. andi 7 p.nx At the momning service-the If your eyes are flot just choir will sing "Why seek ye the lv- ihcWtR ksewly0 ing" (Cooke); andi "Hailelujah," (Sim- rgteuaHcsjeer peî'). The PastoîÉ wilI preach on "Be- store on Tuesday of every I usui'ctoxu Power". At the evening week. j -er1vice the follo-ving antheffis wilI be rendereti: Unison Chorus, "Christ is We exaïnine eyes free risen" (BarnbN'); Anthem, "Why seek of charge and: recommend ye the livinig," (Cooke); "As it began- glasses otly wiiere abso- to dw, (Sykes); "l-lallelujah", ltl 'nf il peu.-,t The Pastor's evening subjecti (simper). The Pasto"cý evening sub- Stsato urned ject will be "Two tesurrtections." Stsato urned Everyone welcome. Monday, 8 p.m.- B.Y.P.U. invite ----- y'ou.- Topic,' "The Enster Psaim." j _Thursdlay, April 5th.-Union Mis- ï -onary imeting. .Subject, "China". W A i r 'Speaker, Rev. IDr. G. E. Hartwell, al W $1 , ar mîssionary rlich in experience. *This is e-rerybody's meeting so don't fnîss it. vptometrist To-night.---Prayer and Praise ser- N. vice. Topic "Calvary." You are invit- Siflcoe St. N, shaw'a ie(l. Quaiterly business at the close. To-morrow night.--Come andi heari ________________ j 1ev. L. F. Kipp at the Young People's! .... iRally at 4. p.m. (See item in this' paper). THE TABER«NACLE (MNethodist) 1. F. H. Howard, Pastor. Easter Sun-day, April 1, 1923. 10.30 a .ii.-MNorning Class.. il a.ni.-Annual W. M. S. servîre.' Speaker, -Miss B. G. Chase, et Alber- Musi.-j Anthem: "The Besurrection Morn,"- ple" (Knapp)-M-lr. E. Bowman. Antem:"Go SoLoved the Wrd (Stamn-er).Wol 3 p.dii-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-Evening Son-g Service. Mc Music:- -Anthem: "We Declare Unto You B. Y. P. Ul. RALLY IN WHITBY On- GeQd Friday, Marcit 30th, thé Baptist Young People ef Wliitby will entertain al lith B.Y.P. Unions ef lte Whitby-Lindsay Association. ap- tist Young People will .-Rally " from Uxbridge, Claremont, Lindsay, Fene- Ion Falts, Oshawa, Green River, Sun- derlandj and possibly other places... At the atterneen- business session, Mr. Joseph Timms, Association-al B.Y. P.U. représentative, will address lhe, gathering on "Why Organize" I -At the evening banquet te tie visit- in-g'Unions brief reports ef progress wiIt ha given by each union. Mfter supper lte guests wil l e trealeti te an- observation tour et Wiitby anti icin- ity by auto.- Particular attention is ir vitedt t the address ofzV evening by Rev. ýL. F. IKipp B.A.. -"!itor cf the "Canadiaiiis Baptist.," and forrnerly- City di ro t heMtîr: Star. a daily having tic' ,-ge: ',-ition in Catiadia. Tierel- j aill airlý'ble a rnusical programmie by j I lca t'e:tw inn up with- Radie, tru1-the knic- s u F. Lan-î ditii. 1- t'5I'5L cico\tnu-ie. -N1c K EN Z ,- S YND E R A\t Christ Chux'ch, Detroit. '- 1i ch., ý on' larch 12, 1.9213, by the Rev. G. Smith, Mrs. M. Snyder.*(nee Marcguer- ite- Alluway) daughîer et Mr. anti rFank .Xlloway. Whitby. te Mr. Joh n McKenzie, eft Detroit, Mich., son ef Mrs. J. MeKenzie, of. California. SHERIFF PAXTON Ï.NWINN-\.IPEG' Siecrîif J. F. Paxton in hr.s otf'icia1' capacity as treasurer of the Ontarie Hockey-Ass>zociation, was en-eetof te paty wich aecompanied tie Toron-to Granites, victor ever lte Soo, and the; Ottawa St. Fats. and hoîders efthOe Allan Cup, in their pilgrimage te W-in- nipeg td def end lte trophy agansî lte University of Saskatchewan_ - The annWImeeting et the Canadian Amn-' ateur Hockrey Asesciation was held at' te smre tîme, te whic thlie Shezff wa-s a delegate. -Re an-d W. A. Hew-! Itt,, lie s=ereary efthlie O.H.JA.. were t appointed a conmittee teo, nvene i wit United States officiais wilt re-* I hese are' t 9j~I~ IJ~ 'Ouï BUY >JOW AN!) FMAKE CER~TAIN YOU GETA CAR 1,T THESE PRICES - Ruîwout $405 Tourrng -$445 coupe $695 S&iý-.n $785 Chassns $345 gT"4,j U j -ïsss 4 Y5 W HEN wairn sunshin blossom.- scen fed breïu vite you to view1 garbed in lier Springattire wonderful roads coax you on over hili -and through thie valleys wçhere the silvery str vîtes you to stop â*nd try yc wi th the big-mouth b ass o rS] trout -then you will waî Ford Car. 1 -Every spring the Ford-Car millions of folks into th.e gr( doors, addî'ng years and hea] nation's people.- Join this great, happy, loving throng of out-dloor as LS. 'The extremely low price Cars this Spritig offers.ye-îi. , indue-e~nt. - Buy now whi le the p rizî You can secure terns trc dei»ý'.r. - (JnveralGa,ýrage, Whi 'N OT0R (TMPANY 0F CANADàA,,LTi.ITEI), FORIt>, 1923k dels anci Prices- 4DSMOBI he .Lowest Prices at whch Oldsrnobile has sold- in Eighteen Years. FOUR CYLINDER Model 43.»A. - 11511 Wheelbase '"T/te -Most Car for t/te Money"ýj 3 Pass. Roadster 5 Pass. Touring 4 Pass., Semi-Sport 5.Pass. Brougham -4 Pass. Coupe k5 Pass. -Sedan ~.$1375 -1375 .1545 ,LIGHT EIGHT Model 47 115W "T/ne Only Eight of its Kind or Price." 5 Pass. Touring . 3 Pass. Sport Roadster - 1895 4 Pass. Super-Sport Touring -2065 .4 Pass.-Coupe e . - 224 5S Pass. Sedan AIl Prices F.O.L. O Cwa iovcrnment Tax- Extra. - * u OLDS OO -S OF CANADA. LIMITE'D Sui' 5 z - n ' "nda. Ln~' Mloliatt NMotor Sales Lirnited OSHAWA, and BOWMAN VILLE APRtODLCT CF GENERAL iMROS ~ -~ ~ ti ,îî.îîîllhîîî ~ q I ~i'd~j; t ¶VAR MEORIAL ,FOR PORT I>ERRY. A. '11011 Perry dispatch says -thatt miu-rg tier in,îrr.veiuant:s conterr-ý latril this SUMIsme:, the village in-- nnds t> undertake lih' rrestim of a- -air ns1nierial in honor ofthOe umen of 'r.l'rry ' 'lt gave thr'ir lives in 111EFAIR 7 Slme st. S,, Oshbawa iphl-ý

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