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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 6

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*~ FlO "~.te1' 1m af fertte "*"e i ë%b %ve oubn yo L JxZ N 1)lnRs()t'.)[.I I $1.5. 80M Inn.. 14.6. s heM aée.. 'b neid e U N D 3Sastft.. $5.00. aimze 8t <lc1O& Frmnk Penflld'a hav. E RWe pay .opree B.nd for omatalog-. iga wi'ad b. 'wnts us tc corne." Sanitar -R gWorks.11,T00 la tO ho"ie&6laeL 'S g ~g~ro.* Too a1 a .ol 10 9c4!lock" _______________________ too Jlat for a sick mua!' BY MARY SYNON- -Don - -y VIL .ore t lie tol'd lier, "I*mostly beoeuse nothin MLyn ic.Creuot ITm au 1 Ido matters Vo any coie." -ra~adw' vraethem." ~ PT~ ~~ ~0e~thnc we ever do, rlght or wrog, hitet"h very vvl4l er~ th< 1 trough c> huret 5 W o ~~~* h b~gd pheroevraîigrly 'f g f B i'e i'v 'Ill"1e hould fitay bre." Dr. KaToay envrdncayhn o~ and ho panaed -witii sud hegret at i fte4 vw4 D.si,"but lh.a hed_, anyone else," lie.- sought tojusifybi n o< cgthe rtaton.. He wae Ly frnel ' t r.r-str&agyOflg hn Mra w11 . considering camâiliee back,, f0é Amie t1d hitfretm. nwll 1t 1 .i. anci le glowed at lher firut approbation. when he oeugit aigU 0t Agnes WJ-se t4h i* h !i r'eh.w, th t lou cn- uke liim h w Ml '&Tc a % 1c>t! "1-wonder, tioug'h," ehe went o, b n un ver bis de* ut-work on bhm ~-}:<-bu :~ 't~' ' r' y rdee.you 'wi1 wetay wit'h hîim a ~aisnt rPpOiblfW.»r.nort.. Âfter -a)1, lhe hongt ttws r rr.~~f. M g, heIf ho e WVL ,"nzrpatienther t th na fo'td~a ~l . »rly Vo go to a doctor aStbenfu pfJ r., OfwI 1b., ,er h ,S. .l.i thinge, w. do.- Sometimes I think thettuyot bàs rdem «Weblthil hfeý1. ýI oh~~s~oudn't ho doing private nu""mg i rd>anh tl e.idct 1-ong crawdacngcalalarce ovrtheC I.IT 111," n of' hi g ve, 'a i'f $ý ftl rcio I lne Qa2 » Ioal o te iy.1y> rdôinm, o ul le.teie t 1' 1'~ -owi.b" h S d C -h te &>ctCT gave- ber. itB oh i e t~ ng thIe living moi, ad~ f erV 1ý 1 r0 ,vti l'tli rlesen Vo the pooi! chi'idren oftect. Swork. 'î~ 4it'h a 10119 KfOw nBlairrJhovBaway his Plate. "Let's Hf~ itle âd i Is i ab y.d >v " tOlir &dâ m& e 1 1 H f Srader g, lie said.t 'aï~. inh itgfae Wsuctngtiirpofsins tti "That'sa aýlowed," abs Voici hlm. t net oing he woai rIkTh il t of the ity's pow r wu e of isn ihes. Karol "a ',And only t.hree cigarettes," s tJ1lB brdongt .'w"rk "lsi t o t',- itvs"if ho wiïI4 not do %mt," Dr. KalwarTpOd tiim as she obeareci off th e WipatIl euk. the i bt,"s l nI bavé a% If thý sol , II . Ile dte e his i T>ieussurprise lie forgot hirnueif fo y th~i. e csukig tIirwazel , u1pnn a b4hpwr anera fron t e Von#it.L"Bes e lls bistiigo lseAzWlsfiatWCOur glt hebrwitre ,leun.han~d tO Blair, adAg& W wrÂngV Pmeage.Wle ht Wc hnf th keday but ng ond r *f4? , wi h lnf rceah1scimi<d<io fie door. 1"Bbc iill help y'ou t1.rdsovrc nuno h VO thateit wit eno"1 bt leV r tore wui.lL let be, h«, tile doctor saïd forgotten pleamre in being able VohsthattAiWI-.» te nopatv rof Wl ' e~Ut no!DrKa'- n h-hall ouWýle the girl turned P' irsieh~mi n ~io« au well s e poo vicà h a hxe1>4 n i(m rrfo lh tW sgcp,^ »Wae.ViécedhmSîu, to ls ,and h',M w that tfor awaber "Ohe bftI j ~ ~ ~ ~ rose of ueg '~j- îeeey manner, lier eyes Weret Oh bt tiit1 gnd, Mm p to a diVu). oeUad hlm %=or a171-1V ee ei'ioeist tenia<df lifting lier face tteisky. "'veinLtgHm Vo a dinnh te u aîner vor ýý-Rof .living.,:yur tai-friendltily brigbL t"Dé Yeu w been for 1ve weeks on a hopelescase., e'r.H eue lhtee~' i 1 hah I f ollowyuu" hl, and I'd almtoutforgotten te.lok f.Ame.1.i l'fo' ul&sew Mt ài" the.igauWJ "or ___ nt«d o "Wha't' h.,w~l~<' irogl Wd ler " o ien. h v'en tre I rglad lt's parit(Yf my lNew giraWhat'1 mieat y"'m1 en a'mutI-Iltealoet ." ffe'i rtmù ýo t.Sy o1tdS0," h.ieaird Heewondered a Itie wit~A r~swhicÈeh Clmml. ,,a wtthiout reaization tIifor."waa his w4mAd 857 lVhflen d dovereci Agnes. nlvnt tl hi~hi'~ii "h yu'e nV O 'hlk ~"'firt definite ecceptance of thie pe- H W VofiM et slhwftthle ~~~~o slietnt ~ ~ b tc; im i. and again , h fet a lexBe w u. wH eb -s di rip 1y'e rliTedor'or,g?7 mic fie 9 li ile is- SCt Oherefusorihi. Invitation to go Into one lu blihe foAmie tfu (oMU)d tou l d gdby to t h O erd of if . qwn...gnep a geY couintriy ", ho lioWetaecs- else wb.à.n lian opened 4t t~rthn h i oWfl the k now e% rn B2ome& Bore wthat lie had *.nured encugh ex- d>r osd1k rm n itlil ~ L i ilfilfI lt1an si 114 litackwe nedÈ@axawnnw'o bu rut citemnnt-ifor one day andti tklng Vthebi, 1. t~ ~ ~~~o "Y S Wi4eLenir n rad V or eaW utoorreng Cf au-thority in lier handi. lie wkth an ,amazeéntUthat flareci into _~Ut t n TI' whhore In-; UTd b, bvsno foruplesgue. but<~griia cetanforfbe n~d amullen.resentmnent but whic~h sheti 0 '. Y ee ni lthm tnt c acdedl ti."hae . t.ed liomeward witb a regret which SouI0'IiV to cC>ICail be.fore aile POkie. re y~~~,uî" i~~,e won1ciereéne to acute annoyance es thy ' intkowyubdaster"sb IIy beMi candr«eotid, e odle ntered hbis apoitrnent andi heard the. S8dý trying to makie 1wtore liglit. eoluw is e-"éhlH1o w in ren?" t , sebeIl.H. knew 1V was a ea.11froniWe; ,my nurse." f~ thr de'd elgt years go. 'prrn4aed.Amie, but h.e took it gruding4y. 11r' T ococue rn.mlnr uy mober" - As ho paaeedTracey'a -t the turn itî, orn but yeursoif of the boulevard ie Saw Vale and iPeniield, and lied a swift tliought of _________________________________ *oinlug p thein ~ i knowledge thut _ CIr m 4e. eri*ht have tô explaan AgnonWelqsM t"-V. o thelni diterred fim. "Wliere du you A - x'uhave corne to Mf inmrat ~teaot?" h. .Èked lier. "Yoti se,Co Ii~ duty to fulfllt that Iyev.alvu, and I have Vo go out for_________________t CldbtWunt.-di bn.ck of bis geiimMy.tueasti" A-laiA Gl-c asgo mrhat ranty fi ea ý1ch n egeS *oftefld a "U gVdner"a.told h lm.APliTak k~11 ,, I -invened fo -'T ikp aid '1 g0lng t "Y u'xe e adiet, a 'ýhow, and I sLabor Savers I eetes, etc.. Miusic is the best antîdýte tany pe l eeutcticlecslesa oe ti e h peprt !inn ' s'n om jmenf:fo<Yfr te- taed a itenttcnur Hslad n h Irm o 1o1 '! n t' dleîsi on l U Y " iy ob , VI'> u fod pr oi,"tl . Fistcrns î tchei cabinetif or waywardîiess thet I know. An-;ta ucs onsI sm y- Sots al n eieioal a rnc. u iwoa o Iir îp.ay ,xdlgfvefetfon n n rhftethrtin bih eig a ohr, trou-ayrht hycant o le a .o ig nl ataIttlC oîv etanding in~~~~stve fand corieainin rnlov-' hn hc, en "W ir tii a aii iotoh ing ' :o<i'lt st ve? of ie yud"fIr,.,,g C f 1 a peals te me is the f a t that mu ie yery mu h 'in the way of brlng- ver bis new h m , a i x c ure e k Vu. Vhing Vof t ren e b eohe best ndgrounnin evs lMng It about that it ilà IargixlY Rn :me they a irv d 1»te n tb i. t'I his dý!-k, "'oUurltakle "1'bei'weIl #to'p at a iicateg»cn prepare arything for the oveli Wit'hou't uI xibaneh nibrsnc ng tuetin hek o!Jut plapcent 'T In i -i,~st~1re a Rh Y'~'. . , an ge thetliîgs ~*" . . taking a step iii the, cak re nkee n ochwthechohe. Ienteg tb iieofhe igplel, or queL hdaInSotad tnsa n -ô ae us.le obcyed lber. with Iisgi igSbiscuit ae ' fdytrwlp ite ven layofteVI<hr pu t.hnt voiiL;ieronCY.Imugt dis- angoîci ,1again lueegse lier remiiinder ar eayoapii o. Mn o henthr pby îte tlirlhttni.o!hvigpul o unrd u egut ue;Votne. ni myeffo o~Of h'r pueeonlsrice ê'baciNext reies niY but-m woodhoxli Piano-t, y aThylttebt nle rce.orut ldaital. fse leaueand hnfoi'.fevnt )w liiI aOp inurse 1n1 lilY hrotiglit hpk Vohiin the lowledge of; that can lhe f(1ud f rom the shed and ahceèta nnbrwsrquire peehaventuthe l tato tetYaenfrl men ? Dnhde-u I'tl 4iiW i.col'tion. What w'ouldl Ienfield1 forilis a sent in ny kitchen beside the te purch.ase the piari parts ýo ai epl avnthTti t r i~tt4awaý4 'romni-seof the aîid Vaiele i tbe-rest of the crowdý JreL,0x end of the stove. orchc:itra Mugie and Vo practice hi tI~hy are cursed wthe renet ia; he EeealCate thhîk of hfin if tbey knew N'Jîit le ýWitb mv ytive babies, à.11 under live parts with t-he piax:eoutsi e of sehooltbe ae z; they are not will- 'wha'temttrbl03 gr? ýJVen1fioxns art-f.-r Itho well b.d pernlitlod .doewor even a sur- anti one-th;i-1t years oif age, the bath- bouira, thus' beaoning f amiiear witb n 0bsi;te r o ll- -w oSwr lhl m e geo>l'ni attas frigtgtent--"amieon Vae Krst foo is ixe genersÀ lorchestra score. Manv of Ing te pay the price for success. .truck by a tn. '~~iO1,L i.. chu1di~ -sl, l o rg ten o r iun t pâe ed intto i a cnrt h by e "nenl n anal iues go pncblng along "That's it te in o t hytadr CIA E IV WILS '114-e;le rlcousb n.rz 1ill vc u dinoacocet;th os e -f MDail tleeir lives a mediocrity, always gets hr. A ri'ol i ecr tU ry op îxd the a'a b ti n lb ni? ie a eervoir supply the bouse and bari»- groups-perbla's t, or our-at a p i tlg e vo sfn e sa h s , u d kàïe0nd SI Miss Wy ei ied theld ber a y<>rgu o e p.inie?" i ed T eb twse a k is Cnneted witbh. trune f sorne motiher ho playe-d thie p htig evoi ig r ttoo" u d ntlnw a n p n îf he' nut n d ty " h - W01 f y ,,. go t -i n ie?" n1 ker o an e ia o. W ih n u sed te ch r o who ,y industry and effort have cent by taud r a hnî te a %_ i z , lie 1 m rane. isno Wit anite. setVe cr oî won dran cernent and cYln ght b I hI>5'~"~ W~"~ utr.d hl,%e h A ndj Aid îîîlabud-Irv Vht St- bckI latheeacou fghl aou. *1114~~~lu Slat ys . i - "héty~UI' nbe to bé te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ± "'bstfl"si D.Krl u ~h.!iugal.NO, I wvnt," ache atndti tne aon as they are. piano wssa ôiprt born luch-y than riehr hbb d t b l,, an ,xr. abtiol 'î ih o t iKI13>jdtntwa t M ni r1u i ich n n d oeed a u prcs.j sn't lucli, but grit that co- 0 -M -Ao V lits praq Lti. wt m n a rb e i în t e t fi and e o w a s P uç. W h 'e th s ho- -c h s tr1de s n o I-t- a riGt ait"jr " he toi I-htr. c-ar eperai.ethon as woI ai' I. f)an'<, c aE" iid the king xaw etrli t--a I R w<rk or ~Wh-r s dua'?" absquoied. - Ibit of-v #loil uworiz, sw:a for LFýYt>$t4flY %Galent le-x.'a!Gorihaiyth - p ay t ve A esi"r, .li a-lnheea:ý', f u vnî t mkîg oft ie e' or Olcffirapery gil ih ein Led l t ie Tsi t%;-a-'ai, - gthe n h"e ~ !Voaed ttj î'dit-f's centbs, nIsut plan'«,-, es-. nDaio d e ie 'worixoitrn"xrr-toneorwfn tiref- thepolSe and' iritr.1 S ettor iantheir ifred." - - t-ittth el mnute it1 s aC-o,'a'e st s lu s t a ' < lw;'htrbi t(P sa - -letiîî%M-eofasidîfs aid C(:-ca-SSL1 n aý,t. l- mesi pue ess.Th!î001ught i'f er set it t tr 1-aua xl tiý u D'ti î I e an i foiw Ille Podjltir]1oî t ,4 i!untit-lhy ai -~ ~ -.~nnis.nd him. au.] ~ 4 -- 1. eo. t;- f ,t d ixect ions t i, vfý-ypackage. :e(ie,-ur'a lîe G'ri1. It belpe digestion. iitit;tt xvitht it psFp >O ita- Byttin ný r-;iî;'c-r ' t. l iIo tBy'île ilxth iixla. ly- r tt tnu, y ht U"a Iu-tiî5Àu alla.%s tbirst. keep. i o i Vale w.ui'M try Vo flirt Wiitt sc'!i nii nxxutt-s .4) lt(M iit il r j-ux-.fî'.i" t--p rthîe the Di>ýn ( n:'k n bx îrr, - ant SU the. outb coot ir1. o di vth-euy ri- iX halyC O it.deing is g11arar:x"'-I Wittiïariond -ltKa!u;îc-l:- ' i, e- th ast - and nmotet, thé tbarol Pîf&dwîuu!d xali4t-o tel l her tht- imu!-t asju- I I f LiW '- > tvni lih i îe'rs'.d îjt. O -i'r- e'e! tr- - 'muscleo.vrwlaxcO ýtzrv o i i. At îîe-li r ~- ipo.iVe; .rr en if oiel- ! rrý, --- ieL.- n f - >aitIhiU-a-- m u ai e a ..Lx 'saun y l qiî. cie'- i..' nursv' 'i- , ii- n arnd-pilant wulI't beie'e tlat OeaY 4r <' of . "fY ' fi"- tr. xt- o. ioug1- " urvl g. 1. in .ey Co- - n . oý; -'i h~' --v»etc s JtLh iamatset hi Tn!e1b .e-r t k hach i, Aile tulii' ebr e aUle o e RR.'O Y ss~ o - - - ttîe .WeXrl e s; î' W !~~rI'P. lie)Cui tt-i. tht' niehýi s-netw îousI eat ars ngo ' .i - uu;gtiiGihave ter a e 1texh gphnu, ît.rr hase - tm tanirh o- iee 1j,'ll ryie. t -ïl d cuLi %ijir !, cani son e, nayitif-'-; -tr Far .s'.px:uext h.e nrea BlaW wtche(jher ef v- o rhie- e î' tgr sn tg have fol owe'i -ý ih qn s.é their ..... -t Catorh n <î tr;- Kr' , '0if urir PrD-S S1easr b p--c u' lao er e te f-bthgo Th C n dinPa IIcRihio ,ay<ay1,enptpI v. uca sW- a. sti -.hI -. rtd ,o riai wa u~ t.t ux~ i-int du gav t-rfIs-'-e~u iuhu"-orrt-.eî rri .,Là.lHospitals wUse t u -t > s e x e s o n w i-e .t'ry a b o li e . hao se e n , la n d i,,,u t s - r ' f - i cN o n e t w h i k a o m ftf i;dr- o " en 1lce rO O Ye.ar ks h .uc .!îi.-isltrcti wfeiw ve arne vtf udnsc Vere'a'îoitforawu-xri irrr' prz!t% havei ' i thekhxd y n aas ~ bîrluand Tbe roiead r!ýtlrcf 11M) sexe. Nlene%#eu. I -utt I ie î4t.eiPHoipiiels U se l7ay ba-uhi ail r re..x.rea~~~~fo h t e sk uiitce ! te ritg". r uc. 'c>"- - l"-'I~r'l l'exxari.grcr'-a..I ii rva7artail a Farm sene ,w asnve -trex ri, 4h 10tchc. leKtax Cr e- '--i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ok r a -1 ':lfnC. >tW i I? h -:nç rw rd ot it u iae m '-. - ~relag-d fota i iîs.i:r- b. t-ai Or ___ VOan e de &ai4-nled VIand te - -71 T' trs'.tdw and letpIo weay. tbon .lr tiîr, - n fibod.w.u- tJFW. of-t- ah uma es t roi r-deo-dyL - ay! A:ofLGrse puis tpyatwie~ ecî>- . 4 Il aS4.e s . Bet A ntidot -. zo w olesoi eCI7 v'u terd ks- "a . xlise g e% teoryun ' rDuntigm4 . a1ttýeer t gocrie v' , JbEUX fo Wne us.' Taer. ou r ws unituTa',!"T aan eprlsnds 1 ï Seem tead of forceg.o ' u 5 a"t Isreh bdo aha'leireu's nK thci th Jcirenrs whetb'a-ris u-e eer": le',trtm tgo grapli 1.ii bysshsP% fore n:retd hueSs's _1-.b A iepcpa,., n l _________________One__package.____serves_______htherpurgn" or a pol, ciar- i- tn>Lt epse" -- A cr serve i >u knoxw fore, o'm ipin frD k.d I w

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