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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 7

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The'àat a Time.- J jy Jc.5 W cLi D CA ON~W[F,. aEB b Ch~K A sportsmapwth a wonderMulpoW: '1' $ OO ' 25 orth tI.m£uvzs r» t e my>c minat ,wselngo t E i(O 'f jr ý ~rIdgesand a rabblt. Rit explanationTo noLay aleTnic r DY tDR . . MIDDLETON aDtuAa peso au o r » oneshmmhe i4baggd t onrt prvloil 110M f isatt. UUIO etrtlet r.- W«=&yba 8=0was ttbtough, e hbit only ony ecan I n Dr. d Prov~eIa Boar 0f Bealt, Oste'i.Our Canati'un IMarch wf'tther--one 1lS 10 wottry »ertmmet 48 1ziooýpartridge,. the bird in -fallng had StmalTru e-an D.ýMdltnwlll b. &lad te ans't questions oU Public UOlIhmu day bright, but slopjj,.the neit blus- W., Oot.luhe atnthrprrde ndT 'l ters thronqh this columa. Âddréàà h1m fat BP&du lieu. 8 aAtm tery and ol-setecyhard on _______________bogtta oerhetnldl 1 t b.u nu Cresç.bkt, Toroato., chlldren. Conditions. make It neces- ~cas Iwud' aeétosn ci s____ sary fer tà.e mothers to keep tl. u1nle j- ad Don. His Sbire. "But how about tte rabb:t'?** e wasSfrtegodanelasoe efo t AEU Gnes indoors. They are often con-. A certain solm-trI-as the habit asked. *-woudhv io ta uhbfr A heêL'ýh I(oS«fc.e e* i ued y publie and privaite - WAt aiell-fned- to overheated, badiy ventilated, of talking to his bocys in the first per- "Oh," Wr's Une calm repy. "rny gun îookti odri raueLt e~ ti»w Md-' -pToHtan Life hins neCota- Th"y ere waooklig *M :YD IKMn b~rts, romîand cath<r j~whI<h rack sen plural: *"W(- wii truslate th s kîckedand kr.>cked me <ve'rand 1~ bfl s Wrhwù ee"g ta h l &oa ieswT e thet r 1etatementheadr theothasday r aira.. t n f*th i..x~r~i au s fono:- hmure a rowd tbut nove e hi whole syttemn. To guard against passage now," or "WVe will have Latin f1onîerb L shsatps. On an&ri baImted,-I nd of .jÉM lndv-'Y--e roued tt # cZSec 'ý hs od n o e b aywl cmo!to <e hpl"ads Minar-d'a Liniment for Cor-npand Warta'Mtlt eiI tag tTrn 4 U>t South Seu w.tretii Ii5lngwatoePitfattýe of 314 e eidt leetili the- better, brfghteý days corne Thle other dayLe Lad occasion to____1.nt U4I' i neWcýtamnýf along, a box <of Bb Own Tablets pun1stha meniber oif bis forni. IIob ru t'h. A« ,coA.ofa,1 tte 10ed o to Dimmtebieild be kept lu the bouse and an oc-'Helie ad to him: "We&wlII write tive Evus as a xor, r. Na:n ert- " ufrdwth tmei*~rjt td~.L~v'~r< eurta Red etGra The' R<.d of HIt filme oniy rv&td caalonal- dose given th,- baby to keep hundred linos for thls, if you pleae!" msPlrepoewaanxp'tgeairndncodin.ad.nydeî>. w'upon *}m ndîe £UsS. Lt is tht hie stomabadbweswrigre-' The next day the bgy'appeared witb f h ueo nwhos ewud ire ee ofctTthywi '1hleruad a ii:t b the. Samon only rçaid f d i ýMcàthe ? >e gulàrlY.,, The. Tablets are a mild but' a nicermil of Manus1criptz. 'g o '>rîy f it ousb l- dovem fd t oreyeohtvuhw >. tiesef lit e~i b. eon. t i. ~he rondtborough laxative whiclî nrever fai! to Il"HIow't. this?" asked the' master. ef- self, teking i ither fond nn'r equî-An flnLdt iv f)q l,;1> igmpo'ud wh apeff_3 d urregulate the -stomach and bowels and ter cou-ntIng. *"Didni't 1 tel] youî toi ment im ith hini. hîswr oîodabedw.O' ti~eb1oedeteve (W, tu they reïlieve colds a.nd simple wrt iehnie ioTêeaehotdm iiIc~t ~g< ~~ ~~ foyers and keep the baby fIt. The Tàb- only t wo i-ndrd and fifty herel" MNVRES 111 thaunkIi lit e oh.! duefl* , jenttaemnoo o'? env lets are sold by imediclne daesor b;1 *'WIten you eald we'd write tie Lun- Y z ot4-týf-town accOunts byha-lyrete.ibd.ouh to j wliroe ut25 ent iboxfrooDrtdrd Ine--and î've tdouemy uliare- hDomini on Kipr.eseMcsl.y Order. Five Wno o i.a< slo o ~o buttit>thliaid as an expresaon ffvioe g»uip or d". And *0 e mail Dollar.ntsacboxts thheeDr cents. 1 1.~Use» Ve miltud!e for hiw never b.Jhig kirI- <of Hea)th je a rr'et Pub)Ic igIiwbY Williams' Medicine Co>., B3rocliville, 1 Ihouglit you meajît themn te Dllrs be hre ets 1rr-, F, -tevoews* eitl-Wdia i"md open to.ai-tê ,02 b>ke.p tieta- ont. divided between s e &lygir" re-"f[IYil ~ahnrdya ;>îebtit, «very yea*it gmS on, seivus M& yfito taveil fidt.eby Ii iwere asked wi BMosti: ila~~ ls i.dyai uspea aefin e Fr ee gotia~aiab «itV>t1 1l1ertnî...Po perhaps eyen thx& hoer f r'efrm ndangers, wrecd3 IA lTe Heart Bmossom. chareristic cf t he oô sd e <i te eTatteonen.ihaegie 1rOsdf 1oil;IllY bo-UlMefor bu.n- yaê'b. avoded utOuS thi e "" ff t apple, big snd red and round: moerr: ItwordI aou le tnp'd 'fn oud.a orfo ndgsI ,4rcàadl,,i,ïel f yruT. Andi it tkahM 7~5tt* ,Md, l in gS<d c0TI- No orthard munarch eerfound A Georgia politiclan watts j n frBiishop of Drhm ï#4 iî) ihe t4îixt' o 1ir fa r awy dec- dîi>.A u*asnlocmter a train. One heur, two hours, three, ________________sui rn. cq4i syrîîer» nib emd- tihose m And u e«$no ut, e ve orh Suxpassed in beauty, taete or enî.-hti'ra l o>sceb II oddu ~Ub' who kabof r ed f"'î' liflJ t'c - Y' thone c r, o,% * &M ut e n on th VIs, t hat fro m perfe t rpenem ~ fe Ul. I (AI& pa sed, but no train. Jugt a s he l tt v > 31 u il o o t e <id v t l Ste% eqmii', Road-PftVoé w'*t lve! nkmtftio, pu>thse humain od-lbeMidway 'twlxt stem n sd bloasomn drives aoute"twth1> a e -Spalf?------ s-'a-feLa I~nd ~ p'otK npd4iizi.i tbM wc>rI.-mnuut My blade 1,imade al] haette b eend- dietth extonteagtsa:jf-me lý- huiLijtlis WwarI qumut for be ltborouglily exm*d iy your dDç- 1 hal*ed IL. lu bluat avfple"s heart. That train wt1lib. al<>g Sou n ow." - ehIi.The 1î-oad stU!â elmbe Up Vhn te r l and teguuIai¶W vei'hatikd, ff 1 aw the bloRsom's cotinterrarî Wt a. o hikm? .îelteiof îaCt, rar nei.Si ibeiSde to VZUUmaand is 1eiÎdod.ecksalrng eaRbipof alt iretnI ", mid the agent, "'nipretty l1»ÎdI ett )ie- fullun~e of iimntfr the Go life aun-i wriiting's. . ,%,DuIre to have the compdex hmaan 1 B a0tfingreater roitl is boeir'biit ii.s1chîinn exanmd egnikWly meam1l That. once Lïad lightene March*Qs _; Minard'atnFrer Ufj t4-dal!y-sa ,don which y~e'alteir' thet yetu are-aver indanger o et ir lo.. t'i ye' m ai uh m lre grateful people s:detcked tc>The. Rosit of _ane-' Through aIl the fortnIglo'iî taha I uniment ~~ta F ahilwal'At uoad whiiikuh shh flota rt over which mniaiiy tîhour.l. t oLiuv> ThJ e san S4WO titiiy endulr(e for h'uîsàý irelf ywna, but.'ne)ndIeiscïly .rngg. Upon lt are the The wlile Ihat fruitagc fille ailgrown.The Famlliy Medicine Chest ýr iil -ti'n:o. A roari for w.hieh fur 1H7àf D'Lfficufty. It à i Ski-OS(dThe« oe<nsimage liad em Pnd t_______________~î ugî, uiway eseen ints Ireme'.rliëer ani wt¾ l' aheand Fat!turesas fd iT.o lb ai great app!e«b Iheartenhtî'.. t isi'çe whae t"soiing frr thei eG&idý to P'overty, to Broken Homes!ItLf trefrhld iî. i 8l th e R-7a"iof1'-I-Tes: lu. Ifte a ndto teIl e VaXEey of t he Shadow 1ong Lieftwu~îinea'h'traî o Off wîth Fingers tZhrareft conghysjrieanud before on'e's tune.hreor rar' îuepr tIik agriin Wrîfr The God-thought outifwt ' we canuet;odllnly&Mtr(o.LJ W'HY NIANY WOMEN k Gamalmennasamsati. Stililine. ver mozre the saine. eu't: t»îod n W YM U W M Na wordl! Translated it meanie S>r'land C.11111n.-- SJTF -RIN SILENCEth t! lHow Are tho MigFty Falien? 13 nias Ili the 11111e fishing îown ouf Isaf- I Jerd, iu Iceland. The part y. wlilçhles Not long agi) a 'womnaTî wlio was play- - Ing a bugie In> the Boullevard Mnt__________________________________ Po> No# leafile Thit Their Trou- giveil ty a union of<>iet oi g e- gP oi 'y Prevents chapped-banda, cracked pie.,la' lie one big event In the- lires martr-e, In Parlez. and collectingoe. hie itl>ue bImpureBlood. O!t old people of the pl-YTe ar, recognizei. just as the police were .II lpchbans ae oî ka' o utDcd t hegliti uo 'dlk about il IlitMarüh, aind bkn Siroithtttins L Pi> - ~wite, Whthr yîa'ar andg e b st itie ".wolnî utei ahouidbtîlinirg "s 'lcîeloa fou-nier' lady Ili t neirqwir-rwrte <uaei. t'e-iiu egtili Iy jiim et bes tlw- l l" .à beftp > îrra ivaiti ng lu the ezarlrua. She w"______Al rgisssl!eaheYcli" SqriiOait- il~ ~~~~~~~~~ifi t'i151.Fui>mlîîi t uiîîelis-ober. Early inuthue .-ar tÙ00:<- êîî~îh.Hg GaeSU-GI etl tire ilie healil of every wouîeiî lit îieyneie- tbt tio begn;ofgettiig food.1 A ~iplii, - etn. 11110n > uht-r blotni. If lher bloti 1ISJ nake pi'eparaiions, for', as thîeîe aie lut eans o rfiicUftýdtl iA Duoiraif joîtsu> a'w ~.iaigidfon>blie helween thî'ee Ihtinuared nrlfotir! a Hte sîtoi'twÙ te'Asud -aP:e.'rev-euuifrîn5 liofp!ie1A aéi w( whthagulwi hale affiin' jn eec -ilier feleise o1tn e ld people, îîiu h pi'elluuiiau'y 'irxees.fJ'1d"Lveryedadche ai' ii" l t ebooi îppy eir-e -rk l'ig it-veSSRtry'.Foi- exatlple, the " ,Biliousness itiN yacrîiaiv fc 1i'a'-k;ët-i1jti ittd soti e 4a-m ienti haver 3 t>intiluIl >atdoir i ti-teu îust seet- lat D ei' Mut- i D o it' D cosivr gis.rmd ~' t"n i epei lîl sîferhg udo'go'od "a-tclotiît'sare pt-nv'deà for'~11VI -1iecz , uia>hiî,g (ou>,-». ntl cnanu oeficrg m reyuSîr(anfr, lite~ ~~~~~~ it 'itir. "eyd n te * ail t ls odpoople whia ne*d iithîcît il yit ci-lsiolA hli-;'rg. Iluen shortliy alcohol. 6"The Et'c tRos v O 11h4 if t'outi supply la keliL rI<'b >îî ýý y»~~ > i » ~~ou-411t it igi off witl> fDot gers.oTru!y! [1-longiknownIabb M>thU inger:nAuîî otr Ag.'aut orswratc t'iljur- Iui-t'i -ua îeswil ] ttjper.i ~~>~'Tîu<'pari-' fluest bave wn i'i <lJIl CY t 1> r iigglçel sells a tijny hotle (,fI>Curative Syrup, bas no dope or i Iclici î t l l lite ea t'it etverv 'woîuan s-8 CHIL'rD'a'swlias'-fgo ii eOWDEVfLS Fr-ne foi- a few (étstîfficient to : lognrdet;icaeaa f h'fetitival -startsa' tire o'î iockIli .remov't'erery liard ct> 't>soft corn, or [ uietin î 3uatsadcn i~mdcn t>ti! Jt" i ~ ~ î"teîu uittt îtco'atn l<u oaaiieî,taî u atss stipation. Cen be had ai *uy il o , l .lîps 1011lg .... cfIo ijgmonng -riOirdrug stopre." Getthe genuine. 'a ilalhtttî mt-ias, Dr. XVil- 1- R igteu, 'i'ieta wiueuail irt- e1California Fig Syrup" I sflÈo c. ad$.0Bt1r i --iia"'I' li2~,whIi>utct dlri-etly on n,,i an(,ti îlgs Iar scl tt-I . i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aha t"Ci"Mioiu-k lre tn uriine~rv e; f lue> hit- a iio- Est- Ws Mr. J Wnta.llgrOu.,getst tvht#î <iî - Chiid's Best LaxativeEB? lil t N 'Ilirt iexlerleié.'i*with t-î-r ia n u munaîd s tu-ii I UV lai titii - -ta'Ou t i ona. nie a -'îi' is-t abotttî-îî i - V i ' t. S it-ait a polisoîf l itil > o'ui l u' -:i- t:' - erolt i tîlt' 11I llte <t'-t tliil '1- Ci'.;an.tî' hîtEvidence. S -t t~>I1 n,'ni~'s ' i j ---k î'-~'h i -' ttiaî -t tai 't ifit .4 l ' t i ta'-' %mfa Afi i lt, ;id que, 0 < h-41 .' L fistamed orGraaiulated, luunor 'Adt:!1 At al Druggsts. Write - *1Il( >y PUT STOMACH. IN' ORDER AT ONCE ~ pae's l3î.p î' for G0st ànc 119" o îi4N;- l i -; SE. a-t - t i ' S a A t i.of " if "tr hý . -l'Ii . - T nie;"am --tà M -ia ' t Lu.z~-' a- i -t- l - . s" z'>i'tî-. t» rsh 'ada D,- e's- ' , tf:11. î' a% fil' q l uaa..it le- a it !*ýt"w i h t 'z:sz:' - P.educing the Prt~it. t-a-r w tw " --u .iîu l e ih-'l',.1 - t L - - >.t t - i t i 14 ',. .- '. z t- - . - '~- z L- e XX ut 'Ia - .' '10C. i B c'i 's - t-4 I 'f E h a x t ' î.*e -'-- . f '-- t > - ,.. Constaati -te rubobefr s To em.t tyour iosiwéaî.t t!~~~~~ toetts a' PP' o rauupti gor osati.take Ca.c.ar- sea'rued - &teik besda,±, bta!14oantaa. 5a.ari - - - ialg~îton.ouar. up6*t t xs.lu Jd Ménird*e Uniment uiid b pheaieon&* sch d*treas or. by =nsuzluu x1cest plîyai-lu .,i41eor grGanupsu - *~ ~ t-~ ~ and aitdrehUtU.lbc a box. Ta.e l A "f ur Utz fo a «dy. du-rttbîasi oild only m"#> s ' ait-at ts tri, . 8 «ai'q IS en,*lj Grt*nsn.1ttditi'arg*st ia> iri or#çm A tu u r the1 11-ect : thie word, il@aar e 'inqw i >)r;~s - ~ &'j Minonr<sLinimentî for sse v.rywiter-s Xepîthandy f or bruises-strarns 'l il44 t . th V t îf r' ep ' M"" fa'Hea 't and iy -nd a.-dnngrs *' wt r tos.I t sle'fftth EGffMA 1H F-Teroubleraed. Lhres=rt leep. edcCutiura Las.u e Ontr and ar>dtero uaïng t ph-e2 ahad ms of : a O1> re ntu w,r eer th ezrptîozs h os eàep wtht bathe cfCuzta cur& 5 .zà Oainatenzdeafiel lain<coud. SakU o otcura Sapmd woa& 26 hafboxe o Ct 00- b Nra > t rNooiter fooid ist;'-qired for th - fît'; I "Prdits"Conta lis e-eyhrgrse 5 hont-. mnuscle a if-der.I tI the' dazdY whiît- Ti.,, 1oe> -11i ir' str-nugtliay.d wvt.-1? ssabt for 6 witl-ks' 'lit ;>g. - Ytaur Munet a ~.If YOU Art Ni-t mn Civnada. îIi Ja irFve E.--RAFg Ti)) CQi4hA,-',()f- AN AI) A, i'mc Lat aIei A rn Ur. - ytr BEFORE MY BABY CAME iWVas Greatly Ben*efiteci hy Taking Lydia E. Piî-kham's Vegetahie Compound S-- m.Ont. - aot o- medîrue 1ef'.îa- v b>:,ry wa io'- 'r< lu t-va!- a g -'h-î -, a~a the- 7':u1e ai-'- y-- - k.ue s--: a - vp zy 7tr r ec-Wl' 4 .1-' utr-Er 1Iwas t-.di, a r.r.'i ta...a-.vdiaEÈ on]vto- a fa-'.>. t i1 >-7-S tn a'rv w4elaa.i ; ,4 .,ý'r Wlîaý . - - an t)i lent tha'i " " r'atî trie e;tiùsatiy or." -nk -'v. t-anrW.'th thze iret- eet'fpez" .t te; aie 1in r.-1r'ito the- îea.-s '.pt.n f it wl;ll heip GA'jrSen ar , Ont i t e-ur- ai«» t-tuiz-r.,r;y a s v weti al e c" ht -rsrer:gth be Lydia E. Piruý-.am'a \'egetb't-e-n pund is an ',XCLý*-i t - 'nie for 'ne motha-r at 1ts trn. RjepftD~Ar 4 taken lu aafeiy l.y tht îUoréirtg iuhr ISSUE No. 12--~2Z UNI ESS 'çî~ 1kîm 1t Acarpî nnlv ~ t'fri4c~iî pa~-k.îu'>:" z A '.pi- iii." w-hic';> '.. -'îuitîs '.ii"sxii'" ph> CjaîîS duîirw 22 w î:'. ,î; J pritved CoulJs Ttothache Fache 1 i :_.J;îý- c Haadv"Barer' tai-t'.-- ,af~i- .'- ,Aipi'f .V i10 tiî'h' i -~ E - ' a ~"' a .4.aIcr ,I Sa>' - s - ga~kLt-ta'tiit, i-o- ts1 -i-fy - -' ' br ,taaspad wti~ 'nt-~: g~ - a r'.s~- -- - . - - t e TUZ VIMY UUPPLY 00., LT»). Dp- la'MO..> se'?Oon.< lut.. 'rzal" Irrlgated r ll 111 I'vw U.ier Ru-igs s m o II . ~ -the I% a' >MIYI** kt w*j.,, *'.-mat, op' '

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