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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 Mar 1923, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Col. Farewel Iome-liad Flnc Voyage * Col. J. L. Farewell, K.c., County Crw Atto)rne-, returned te Whitby laat week af ter a six weeks' trip t the Wvest Indies, South America and other troPical points. Col. Farewell 1'wtj hrd arrive<l !n Whitbly befôre his serves- were required in Oshawa, -and the Gazette ani Chronicle was un- able to see him hi Urnme to get an ac. count of hËs trnp for last week's issue. The Colonel lefi Whitby on Febru.« ary l8th. andsailed with about 460 pa~eîeson one of the large C.P.R. lhoatF f rom New -York, two days later. The fi rst stop made- was at Hamnilton, * Permnuda, which the Col. states was a prde.The passengers disembark. e,-,l and too)k in the town. The people were ery hospitable, but they found thîu stre(ets narrow, and -without an- automobile in siglit. It'was fourni eut later, that ïiotor cars are banned oh ,he whole Island. The Col. said the riext stop Wàs- Havana, Cuba.. The weterwas ideal, and a veny pleas- atrtnp about the place was made., Thv Col. (lidn't hesitate te say that th!; fine gjrade.s ef wines as served ther'e' loked very tenmpting. Front tlierç, thf boat proceeded. te Panama andsope at colon. A side trip ffor orit was made while the boat wva- coaling, many making a journey inito the -Repýlublie and Canal Zone. A Iii p vas then made up the coast alo1g t11whre of Columbia. The ('çri. cdaims m any i-arks were seen, hti u ' wouldn't even attempt te tell ho1w 1h4ge they réally were. Rie was i-frtain, however, that they could eas- il1'v di ~ or-. of a mariin one gulp if the oçe io prset& tsef.With-four iiJ t1e-gcntlomeiu 4n the ship, ail of f hot f " oveYr eighty, many delight- fui v< i %v ere spent in chatting,' pi, 'viiw ap and watching the 'Fh< boi <_d,< at several ifferent 'JJf 4hwh a the Triid io sif ;land.z, Froish. Fruits Ws h ave the Veteu Quse*en's Block GIwc'us la calte Tobago and Port On Spain. A cern- great Canada, the answer is te train le ntfict» for coflstructing the e lw siOWodinate lodge, Eastern Star, No. 72, plete tour of the islands was made, unselfish citizens fer publice ffioe.Mr. sand filter at the lakeshore, har, cer- ow teReeahoi he ydg oon 1which wa~s taken advantage of by mest Edmis<rn gave a few examples of real, menéed werk on the contract and biS ond thu Rea> eveing as the a socialo of the touits. Even though rnest of concrete, unselfish citizenship; men men have te carry on the activities gasataocl the tourists could flot fluently talk who did real-good for boys, being theïr which wilI be ruzhed with-all possible gathering. Progressive cuchre filled li Spanish, they eiwountened ne trouble guides, philosophera and fniends, and si3ekd. Excavation is being started, ýip the early part of ..the evening eind ~in gefting about. Trhe British Indies, men who gave their lives »helping teo and when the' weather becomes1 more the progressivgeit-s s A ni Danish West Indies, French Indies, ail make the foreigners in the country auspicious, napid PthProgre~ inb x osadMsivewstGulierAied o were delightful places te visit. good Canadians. In conluding Mr. pected. thrsé"ma e ex-T lsade s o.Glivr o Panticular ernphasis was made by Edmison quoted the poen, "Th th lades'first prize, nesulting in £The ýlss Toms winning the eut for the- the Col. on his tour 'about llayti. AI- Hbuse b>' the Side of the Read" which1 WHIST PLAyERS VISIT WHITBY prize thegns rzva wn.y though this is an island of frequent expresses'. the ideals of the mnan who Sevra nebrsoeteSot OheJh ngen.T prgressiwen > révolutions and goyernrnentaî tnoub- wanted te, help his fellow man, which aaea ebr fteSuhOh-Jh udrn Teporsieeu- lesCol Faewel sid venyhin wa isflu set e Whist Club visited Whitby last chre prizes were awarded as follows: ein aol Ftaew el ace uetn a ha h r-t o spirit the Boys' Ceuncil Wednesday evening, and were enter- lady's pnize, Mns. AI. Butler;- gents',- in asat f eae qitns adba-is trying te instil into the beys of To- tained at he home et Mrs. C. Wilkin- Jas. Mewat ersiet eesr- bColonel Farewell rettîrned te, Whit- Llndoubtedly, the work car]ed on venv y hpy Uney Whist Club.- A ýved after the gaines, and the levening bfeeling fine and, heant>', in spite et b>' the Boys' Council is of iinmeasui- -er apth e was the resuIt Pniz- was "concluded witb an enjoyable esirteWhist'gaines were won* as7Qdance, te -musc upleb>Ja s bis advanced. years. lie was glad te able value te Canada, a fact which î sic ase-stur. .Thm. anneatte piano. f ame get borne and was feeling better than being rapidi>' realized everywhere, and so Osawa 2n, Ms. HeLe>, hm-Rit. -+--e pano 1 ever, and anxious te, get back in the rnany such ceuncils are being fenmed.. b>'; 3rd, Miss Will esawayGents-' -hanness once again.i The Rotary' Club in Oshawa is en- ,ît W .Wilkinx s htba; 'ndtsR'ITE -- . deavoring te, foniÏ a Boys' Councfilini Wm Meculloughi Whitby; 3rd, J.! Tuesdav, April 3rd-Auetîon sale J orn sBo ayrthat town at the présent trne. . WhenShrdn Whitby. eolwîng lunhto two cows, buggy, fofuitue S p e k s a i a b r n a l e ~ d ~ ~ d R ~ t e M n E d n i o n' f n e th e P a r ty a d jo u n e d t e, th e b la c k s m ith ' e tc ., th e p r o p e r ty o t T e d D e s mn o n d , Ta e ae e In a diin o M r dm s ns fne s oP f W r. Roach, where dancing W elligtoS. , htb . S l at 1 0 _ _ a ddes, heewas an excellent pro- iwas enjoyed until the "Wee 9sna! nc okShar., 'hTern S alcash: .3oaw _____:gram of musical numbers and read- heurs."l auctieneer. * (Conta ued from page 1) ings, which rounded ut a rost plea s rd y Mac 0 A cto ae e ant evening. Mayor R. W. Bassett o aeo Per cent, et the total eligible veters presided in bis usual pîcasig ane, .O.N.SOWRfasokad'peettepo- in Toronto voted at the Iast Municipal and Rev. F. H. Howard intneduced the IO odyatroon the ladies etf rt etJo. Bryant, lot 33, rear con.' election. speaker. The assisting antists were: 1 the Victenian Order of Nurses gather-2,Wtbtenip Sale at one e' The activities et the Council are. Misses Richardson and Joncs and the ed at the V.O.N. Home on Euclid St.,;- dock sharp. WmÙ. Maw, auctioneen. maini>' along lines cf training boys Misses Dryden, in piano duetts; -miss and gave a surprise "shower" ton Mrs.i Thursday., Apnil 5tb.-Auction sale' for uns elfish public lite. "There is as, Laura Fraser, readen; Miss Klombies, Wilkinson, who for sor'me years bas et farmn stock and implements, the niuch need to-day for unselfisb citizen-'oet the O.L.C., soprano soloist; Mr. Ju- been the ver> efficient and pepularpoet fJcbByk o , ei ship as ever before"l said Mr. Edrni-'lhan Beecrott,- pianistý Mrn, H. B. J. 'housekeeper at the Home. Man>' va]- con. 4, Whitby Tewnshýip. S ale at 1.30 son, "for mnen and- wemen wbo will Richardson, tenon soloist; and Messrs, uable and useful gifts were made te! o'clock sharp. Sce bis. Wmi. Maw, belp their teilow men." Mr. Edmison Willis, Bnawley and Kenny, compos- Mrs. Willd n 7t'on, and expréssions et auctieneer, * -aid that aWltbe beadlines in the papen -ing the Royal Hawaiian Trio.' - Miss appreciation cf ber able and cheenful i udaMri î-ut1nsj that one secs, how the beys and girls Dorothy Tarr ot O.L.C.., and Mn. Roy' service and nishes for a -happy, future of hesehîday fuMrniture, t preper cf to-day ate geing te the dogs, and Pirie were the accornpanists. wene extcncled te ber. In resignlng et0 f Misýs A. Hisiep, at the preimises St. that ail High Scbool students think et The National Anthein closed this ber position at the Home, the Execu-, John Street, Whitbv. Sale at- 1.30 is pleas-ure, made bim sick. "Higb 'eiy pleasing evening. tive feel that the>' are.parting with e'clock sharp. Sec bulis, W a~ School students arc net tee fond et one whoe place it will be rnost- diffi- 1auctieneer. n.MV, pleasure," said the speaker, and the MN cuit to--fil an<l whose contribution te! girls et to-day are just as charmingi - ORIAL FUND GROWS the successful operation et the institu- or- Wednesday, Apnil 4.-Atiction sale and appreciative et the best tbings et The Whitby War-Veteran's Memer- tien bas3 been ver>' valuabie. Ropefr, Burooi, epOnt o Thats.3 life ,as wenc their beop-skinted sîsters ial Fund is grewing fast and the Vet- oeBoki Ot Sla 10 Of the Victenlan &ga."1 (applause. rans announce that thei' campaiga 4o dlock sharp. See bilis. Ternis cash. lnselfish Citizenship Need of Future will soôn be cornpleted. Their tag day HS EGE m aAcine If Canadiens. want te know what and entertainments have brougbt the The -OddfeIllews sustained their sec- Saturda>', Apnil 7.-,%,Ictioa sale cfY the>' as Canadians can do te make a suin uP te quite a lange total. Mn. ond reverse of the season on MUonda>'tniunteprprvnfBi hep -Thos. Newman, who is quite a well- evening w'hc the Sens et England, i perd, Penny St., W'hitîby. Sale at 1.30 __ kaown artist, bas (lenated te thé club thein nearcs-t rivais, defeated them hy! p.m>. sharp. Se hubis.. Ternscash. art cil paintig donc >b imscîf, wbicb 1.88 peints. T 1e sanie teams ineet ag.ain Win. Maw, auctioneer.,-1 is te be sold and the proceeds given teon WedIne:sîIay evening whien a g-anie, the Memroial Fuad. Man>' ter."ers.4pspee o'nen V iettsc-aston,f P have been received ton the picture, but'~-l be pla, cd off.'1hegaine be- GIthe purchaser is net yet known. tween the 'Gun Club and -Ihe War W .D y e th m at - ches bv eighteen in -size and portrays J . c.._ J. Gdllow Stdo..DfdaS>ee r ~~~an~W Stoe to-md.Am .1ina5 bl-t a-. Hopper 137 !sored- w Amls, "The andbof the G arnis .Loteax,. .161 B. Bnyan .. . 151 "TeLsto heGriofl F. 7Mat tii - - - 55 W. H e . 1,57 ra-n tore1 a-big faithfui, dog, lies dead, afteri j Adam:;.1.5 2 H. ison 160 CO ha-i ng, stay'ed at its post until the last . ikiil 5 W R ~d;ily t ,ýt oot. Tepcue o iiio n j'i.Arnt- 155 H rghcx 17!Bo Maunrel's ardare Store window c rrij- 156J.Bok 15 FILTER SAD L. Bradlc .,*..- - 1 62 ', . Bannustet 4i l ____________________ The John W, Bowseî-Cc., 'of ToironA- r-5 I2, F "H1T8Y te, %vhic-<w-as recent3* warded -o-the'10 W.Ha _____________________te J. C c, - - -..16 'P E. Gurney 149' _____150. Ife R. *-W jilsoin 162 ____-A. Moore-156 J. L.7ndgrea 1 - R. Bradit,-\-,..ifl A. T. Lwrî Tenders wiIl be ree&,ved uît the * W. Ban ..15312 TO n Clerpk'S-Office 'WHO FIRST FELT k'Fro.-19F.Mtic penono 2852 2764 LIKE Gun Clb Veteraan *nlsA rl ~I k î ~ - G. Andersonu. 162 R atr 0IIiuu~ W.V) soe 17J. Sheridan 15r G. Robi. 155 N. Joyat . 1571 19231' for the remdlngo F. Lynde ..166 H-. lPellow 146 mode ligo Fi-R - J. Gra>' )$8- J. McC!urg ..144 j FR o G. liuntlëef-.. 162 A. -Bruce 150!lNo çaR S. Vickery.. . l;8 R. Spencer .1441Lotdfrtbidn ot ro K ? F. Slaten. 171 T. -Richardsn141' o Town Hall. J. Gimblett. Q î; F. Furniss n.1501 J.WÀ i .6 . F g n . a h e n C o ks ofc IN R i l U 1 d . A ak r. .7 16 R. C alo- sin n s e îi aio s m y b I MdCLAIJGHLI Canada's Ste~ No sîntgle -sea i recent yc Inents ii Ml.llauighlin-Puiek Cars au tt0lhle been ,sô-omplete. Mclaughblin-Buick lias ?tng stea ffteell Years McLaughlnBujck- ha, cnt Of the-Valve-in flead principle have been' everywhene respected ft ziare, long ifte, ecenoin> and beaut) -Fer this sceason the McLaughîit reacbes'the bighest firuuacle et va AlwaYs iunecia'nicailly fine, always PC can ïina>'aise be aslngled eut for i lliding in ttus Touning Car, yeu'N ofcase. The -eating bas been ne, You sÎt more 'securel>' withîn the - More support at baek and sides.1 bound and more resiliency. No top side sway distunbs your poise. LET us DENG Beechan1s Pii first began cor- The canvass et the town on behaîf _N TR 1 recting disoî-dered !sto ahs anci ef the Yieterian Onder et Nurses, _________________________stirring slugglsb lh iverb and oowels imade b>' the lades et the local branch ' f~J te natural activit>' - and IeIn ast week, resulted in seuigsb scripuons of a mum almost reaching $700. The euxrent needs of the Or- der are assured of being well cared for by-this generous response. Re-f Pairs are required for the Home, how- ever,' and wiIl have to b. arranged for' duningý the present year. SCOUT NIEWS. Field Officer E. Darrson, of Pno'y. PLI., paid -a visit te, the Boy Scout troop here a short Urne ago, anid waa very well pleased with the way things -were Pnogressing.j Those who did -not know any-thIng about scouting missed a Splendid op- 1 pontunity when they did not hear the! Troop No. 2, Whitby), on Thursday 1 evening at the Hfigh School Open Lit. Hie expiained scouting fnom its inoep-, tjçon up to the present day. He! ce-i tainly did his "good turn" for sýout- ing, and is te be congratu1ated. Scout meetings are held in .the Scout Club room every Wednes4a4y: from 7.30 to 9.30 o'clock. CROWDED BOUSE AT ORAàNG'E. MEYS EUCRRE 1 On Tuesday evening, Vimny- idge, L. O. L held a euchne and dance which was con.. idered the most suc- cesaful h-eld ficre this inter. There' wene about one h'ndred and twenty- five present and twentyý-tw o card' tables- in operation ail the trne,' crowded the lodgeroom to the doors The winriers of the pnizes, which have been on exhibition -in the wind>w ef F. D_.IMaundrelI's EHardware Store, and which' were donated by Whitby merchants, were:-Ladîes first, MnM C. Greenield; lades second, -Miss Mary Mitchell; genes first, George Whiteiaw; gents, second,, W. Mc-Dow- ell. A radio concert was aise schedu:ed te b* Put on by 31n. Fred Landon, but Lh6e weather was most unsuitable and, censequently thýe concert was flot the success a.-ticip-ated. Dancing, held sway until 1 e'clock, te mnusic provided by Mn. McBride on 'the piano. ENCAMPMENT IIELD SOCLA4Lt The mernbers et. Whitby £iicm- ý ment, LO.O.F.I ententained the sub- I- uaVusson sMotop -Co. II. as inseparabiy with Beecham's Pis, as the pills are withgoed health. At Ail D Lagimt-26c aid 50c Jarnifeson sProduet 4'eautiftyfug Piotectorp for Everytlulng tJnder. the Sun Crown and Anchor Stàlina - Iars h han and Varn.sh in one operation, giving a finish uneetable frotn the natura1 wood, used to re- decor&te furuiture, doors, etc. CMown and A ncho, Decoratops' White Enaimel A higli grade White Enam~el for interior use, to be used over a< primed white surface. The ideal -pro- duct where a White Enamel finish is desired. Ggadeclcadfo C. A Bàwde, WîbyOqt Two SEEF OUÀpo T. J.-B 4 SIMCo~ NORTR VIXr - 1 TOTAXL ASSETS CiVER EftG îtby Br., nc.h, - cOklîi 13rÏ,i!uh,- THE Secir'11ists rnay develo b,ped.;. 'but the sfandaird pends 0on the efi uts of tlie iVRE YCU DOING'( We are glad to assý,ist yr1ao requires fi incing. THE CANAIM 0OF iCOk Capital Paid ur $134 -WhJtby Branch. i nI 1jo. INr1t IF YOU'CONTE MPLATE PURC HASE 0F-A FORD THIS SPRING, -ORDER1 We have orders in bhaud already tL take Up our entire stock on ban dta. of Our shipments for the month Of' We have mnade app)licatioin to the to-C iofori adnltnc stroingly advise that you place your without délay, so that you mav be a an early deiivery of yourcar.' THE c UNI VRSALq rpdtr .TUoe. L. 9 B ONPorT,- PHONE 10 WIIITJIY, ONT. 4' c a- TUUUDAY.. ILUCH 29*, 1923 1,go ESP is Y 1 we wc Our NIf THE UNIVERSAL PHONE 10

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