À Wise Rurchase.TeDcaoh, a Npighu is the Best Eoen iudrto * BY BERTRAM LEIGH. 398P HAVING A JOB PARTII. Slone.Your proposition.,is very lk M ak tishteu, o lain:tively sob; yo-u oughtt e Sm "II hate the obsequiousness of..that,blaekntail."alrepndthohr grateful that'you hv o Yuogtt b hn fellow -Hayrward," said tedwn y pdaarie,,ç. rightýcalmly. "Ii is a "question, of strateg adyarvsul ae age 1 am'dain l s'Joyce. "N >sef-respectng»iman WOy a- point of view that should appeal . Wood I amsawing là s tootuhteen h ag1oleshv 0h , bo an scrpe o aner- to the sucecessful general," e aded - f what I eearn,; the lax and the w e-gsm ,Iýthe FiSO" Plurchaße yOttca .aePa ldtnl s a t mnîarelesswt a touch of insolence.isatcia aed; no wonder man hedÉes when abr sname.I'nhet PureFreshand o DelciousJusttrkt. iiependent than wom ý t' a lndrMyfrie .wl glad i cease splitting ad sawing.the 1 mliig o'r er h 6 Jon.Bu Isupoe ou hadso muenowknow how I stÃ¥nd with regadt o fsrvng andsran ad digg ingthso.Btw 7 do . ithoin oatha owyu a you. We are enemies. ermit e to ' the. honest .oldsweat, you ride i orfivr n do wihout t " remind you, Mr. Sloane,- that my ene-- You eie ne a lid that isnen - "I c~terbtaihny head a lotofi d mesuually have'a rotten time. As you're cut of debt. yourwife has-a m u isaealfos thrbu hntey areficaflorit.0for your resolution-pass it and be! payday your aunt'11 h*e wNear11gone, too. Besides I had a certmofiia.dim damned to yu"i ostdadslyouour brndledcow, ossyis furnishingm to keep up,. and*,a certamn amu q ltl vr a mile further-on he hae-hr yumy'epswycroaklie e disciphne to mainam. But, upon my cme up with Joyce, returning homec>- Your homne,ïs a Js oeteepomn htwr soul I hin yo wrog por ld ay-wardfrom a tennis party at the Heul- raven and catalogue woest l lfewil eprtYo ward; he genuely lovt es e, you' u é ou e n ings'. Once more dismounting, h u syuheart adIllthe enjoymnt d kno-andloveis at tobe hper-his arm within hers, letting the train- ogtt eginn ic o aeajb ev mlsta r T AK AROE AR ea gfneran' ue for bale bolical.".in 1 don't be-- ed, docile animal-his battle horse, -in en ut out, the.sob. . -beans ,for baked macaromi, fr ean "Digmity! Dsiln.ICid aodti ieflo ths w n Gtheý the petalsearly in the morn SOUP, for miing with grun d beef fori lieve in either. T ey aely oher Chiels p--hs-tm flo wnigad th isn ai1p e u loaf for seasoning string 1beanamsa o c eitao da o, hieu ,Ddhetlsn a," sdr last of teptl aebeen put in, to many fosw zs •sad leson wih a sne.l--e , ell* pssinabot.thé,Moda's-WaeKidsFr. Tht h e aillow, them to stand in the. jar for ten Al yrny simoal"yo.esng t M' - - - ive Again T-moncrry. Wthan whed Ravaystrrngce as oe ad ay."Rmaiocertainly is rather con- Ys IkowaLaot(ht,'hn;f trust Imay exclaiim, giznet tc fwGygsl Pave ca une eac of clovdtes adal- gservative," said Malleson, dubiously ,and I-thoroughly agree th iý t, 1 fear. sddaltl a nai n ne trandor te trngeriet spice, oarselykground, and the same h srbbngis- c h'n Bti i h o-squear sh onyour be'halfan wsooViho igimy yardhad. been at play tures to which one issoems u-ea h Pmutofsikcnnon b jrkensinto oseratis- of hthe youngs,:nation te What do You mean?" In an exciting game. jctfrom retiring toosonaf, linyliee. iPaek si a nhr asaoerrvaisn f hghsprfitthe con""He initimated." replied Malleson Sald he. on leaving me: large -piece of 1h ot mncepe e tTe' eP teringte mixhtedspices ayrta. sra itht 'utWore fai th m awith a whimsic nFneryCvrgnasf n eal smile, "that, in order "To quit. this fun msrr; , canihappen; .The e rietèa ternatey with he floers. Coer n arnahnW da "'ldefo t n n osaeyu maraset tte 'ehad alovely'time,.1dman, actually perflormied intewodr1Sm tr tihtyan sad n ark plce for wthatikein his eyes, "your meeting, the 1esolution nee d no1.An i ,yu.etme"Ishal-la ' Vale'o te enThusn m1: i v11l three- weeks; .MIakçe another'mixture fiends, thie rvltoits reteput if I tactfully procIaim bef'orehand To come agint -rr. - 1 s ,ofthen A1ask,7n r nnr -ontiiining one-quarter ounce each- of -biggest conservatives of all. Their nethnx etn t notg edrtet xioainla i maqce, allspice and cloves coarsely conservatism was positÃvely ab- ecue1f" eheiatdihen I shall cometn i,;n eeyina or u l i grounid, half a niutmecg (grated), half original!" "Quilaxo? 'MaIhvecetsay cal Society a-fter the Nmnosmn hto ani ounce oif cinnamnon (broken'fine), h anrn wisadteH.l "That, too?" said. Malleson. quietly. 1To Himn Who is the Host of Life, tion of Mvt.Katmnai in191 one ounce f powdere orrisroo, and . i crowd brke mto Phlian "l am afraidSloane is a poor di'plo- Who superintends each nobles'trife, Teol eesr ulfetoeo a qqarter of a pound of dried lavendrnuI s all very well forý you to matist! He gives away t" much to Adpasorwr n la:.ti soihn taeet nhi w . flowers. Miat all together in a bowl laugh," said'Joce ihose cheeks were win his own hadee.Opras"'ela oeytm;md nte recenitly ulse o w Setitw andic fill the rose jar~ with alternate1' flushed with an- inward anger scarcely h e.olytouh of your publie embar Sme days.were rne ihgoy eaigthe *severaleplrtin, 3judprr layers of the stock and this other mnix- repressible, "but wit is a self-con- sset kom atpiat o And very pleaâsant plaýymates, too, th.at tesid0t1 h nI they obi ture. A few drops of one or more ofdemned, argument against truth. And all. Yes,'he'll beýe failure in. Con- IhmIwud.ett-or.e the essential a)ils-rose, gera mnim or the truth, isý John," she flashed out, ges fh vrgts hr.1edd water in the liquwd state o c.a bitter almond--may be dropped upon %okghmsedl ewe h ys better on a tub."- hen1Ishall omerto, die, Th alley of Ten Thosnmo"Mnn the layers. Over the whole pourone g htwhl o er oaioyu "ht do you mean by my not be- Oh,maIgrtflb sitemoehnahgeidhdor ounence or cloge.ihinissufi-ogrnth u Thicaidel Iososugfebarased riatey. ma a Fo evryday boh wrs an bet,0 ayimens rd-1otthirow.t oa ciet o flltwoqurtjar ad wll r te g nd pise adasI do'tcare wh- well tell you that imboth astomished For every test anid every zest canic fires lyling at thiefu ltK- keep ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t foaer.Rs-ean~m we nw si, n dntcaewoand, deeply troubled over that awful That Heaven sent -toam.imithe ocn hc lwisha Izepfo yar. oe-ernimswe Quilaxo affair. So far. as that is eonl- And.may I say with hopeful heart: off in the teririficert:no11:Th , clôver, lemon verb)ena or other fra9c "Joyce." protested Mrs. Falloden. cre meceinl marse rantleavs my beadde frm tie "ow can you speak like that? The John-embarrassed eyery hour -1 am To qit-0 thgaer 'l geI'msor; alen1 -saed hutnemie to time. It is not at all important ~~whole- world is ringing with. John's with you." AdiOFteyulare ogadfc nt wantswd that all of th- ingredients should be •praises."-"Ithugt oethingý was betwe Please give altl a iem h lo ftevie,æihat used. One or more may, be omitted "sThen' it'is aifto h od hth s smtigmr hnamere i hne olv omorry.' lid-of the caldron. has enputac i d. dsould learn, that the world 1sn't un- vergence in plticlves hr' oD.BrnSafe.b h mrsndfre -tate esire ' . , animous. We Socialists just hate all ýtime like the present. Let us have it -thousands of places tiu uhwih'o hJ3 le has d one,.don't we, Mr. Sloane?" out, here and now. What is it?". steami and other gssaee nos AWINDOW COOLING DOX.ý Sloane nodded. . "Need you ask? You know what lyecpinig, givinig-the i sds A for-m of iceless reýfrigtirator' con- "ýYes, Mr. Malleson," said he. '"I am happened at Quilaxo as well as I do" c riptive-rnam.ie. Iti smtiglk sists of a box a. foot deep, as wide asAPET ESNBEF-C.sorry, but I am afraid we do." "Apparently'not halfs well, sine aeei r uc ne ta the indw ad th heghtof te . - |When Malleson, mi his impertur. you areahmedofm-and I am not lowe sas. Te bak'ofthebox nd1 4363. Quaint and altogether charmn-1 able -coolness,-the coolness whichi had ashamed of myself." tbe naggni cl 1 ing is the "period" style. Embroidere>d;been wont to judge the psychological Possibly it was the 'singular glo Doctor Griggs and copon a~~~~~~~~~~~ pato ahedaermv nviewt iig nacnrsigmoments of battles to a nicety-cn f htevening's sunset which gave ade se of this gigaictemetl th pnng'cvrdwt cenwr"color, and with organdy for sleeve sidered that the tension had been suf- his face so unnatural a color. as a couok-stove duirtiinýxloa The entire box, with the exception ofipufts'and kerchief wo Udbë nice for'ficiently prolonge'd, he drew his cigar- (To be conitinued.) tions of the va1lley,h.thefon terotsdnettewdwisthis model. The puffs and kerchwIdettecase from his pocket. .4 ., .some of tebohlswr loehrTreo eovered with' burlap, and i ste may- be omiîtted. ý This style is also . "These are your favorites, Joyee," too hot. They"won1dcorethco- trcace set on a shelf eor supported by brackets go o aft n rp.I sahsiadlae vrhis chairhsFortitude -Neither Safe Nor Sane5. ing utensis.athghnhngws Crce ju, outside the window. Shelves are verynyoutfuldesig. it4 hi ca thutlnet d le f Though the Omnipotent decree Both---"'We'11 still1 be needied!" comIng out, of them in o1caeiui.u .il o put n a conemet ditanes aartThe Pattern is cut in 7 Sizes: 34, ipgly in his hanid.Pt That 1 descend into the -mire,: puedysamItourdtoDco- andthebo seurd mplce ndmade* 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches busât, Without hesitation she took one and YeI wln Hshadreel omeTe Horse and His Oats. Griggs. to*see ìit twerentpibe° Kow1 te fit snugly inside the window eam easue.A as4nch sz1eure %h aeflylgtd tfrhrina-I mking flax, the. ukquenched fire.- set -fire te a stick,ý ofwodbputn, ps hatwhenthesashis aise thi rdi of 36-inch material. To make 1ence. -Then .he ,handed 'his case, For in'-the darkness 1- shall fnuansoamnkow orefdit-in the steamy, whinofersis *9I insjeca -e eahe fomth kt-under yar ipund. Finalyt-. ame to Sloane. Brave comradea, nukured not.to-.yield o ev ito ashsa nu-notling but.pr'wtri asosprneto te 1 K/I yrsr eurr ka e n oka gif nfranchised -fromn the shifting z d do riecne iiehidsae k t k tt1r gotinthwte.Teshudtermination, -or flinal 1destination. The "Who asI athat zinc Is ann essential and permüan.- being on edge adfull of ert . 1Teti natnldorsalsue.-n growin umme whn th stong esttermnalto a garden path In my Congresssasamgig osan o ent constitutent-of-the humant body. It ean'imalytht: n eg exets itslfex t i nthe case ofthclkudr Jsasab light will make the fronds dense and opinion la the summer, house, ad "It is common knowledge, Mr. Mal- appe ast ttemtleit nalo-cssvl ihu rig u tio'thewoi-ks. 1In a(day rtoi iltepeett fiey iidd Tenee tps rm hn ht etue i onxstn, nleo, ht o aetob kd oansal 4tthghin ahe sms,allren-a healthy behavior.-- -haetrcedllheuswhchsdantogd theBotonfeos hvever fnefolag aroveor smeothr recinn, holdstad.aag',abot .001 y eigt.Arsticed ie ofony oe oo' ipeed hemovmetafnte." k god.Lode fgrown in a good light and the soil seeteprps.Fiig ht h And that I shall accep the invi- hwvrgo htfo a e ek is rich. Potted in a fresh soil n the path might terminate-In a square« ex- tationi?" omoftencsaylmnts for. spring and given good,care -for th~e panslin, inwhich a seat, -sun-dial or, "Thait is the general belief," -- complete. nutrition anrd lacks mnany o~ suinimier months will make a hand- éther approprlate object might b, Wlwa o t n owdetemi poe rprto.Ti e soespcme ro pnplnedpacd this meeting aff'ect the matter?" · suits in a condition of mnalnutrition wvith a half-dozen small plants, such 4"It wouldbe better to end, It at a. ent 1.ass m'eddF lloden isa resolution atedniyntb eiosb. . n as you can buy at any greenhoduse for tool house or. garage, or even at a pot- would be one she would be embarrasso ý ici )ui1C ahueoto a ew cents each. The shallow pan-is ting-shed, than to allow 'It to stop sud.. ed to hear put."Yocantbidahue utf better than the pot for the ferns do& denly nowhere " "Well?"brcsaoeaitseuaytueht not root deep,and all the soil 4eeper à "It need not be put, Mr. Malleson." o antbidahreoto as .tantw o tre ncesisnt cc-l. Idon't understand-v y.-Vrious foods are supplementary to piedn by eventhelarges et nsandi Ã…ia hooh1 - Te tpe si nmta codHis Services Needed. ione another and must b-le mixed in pro-. maks aheay eigt to h andimal lrphy , and stood facmngone another. Malle- wli lslesy< Tm mnsprpopri sfran optimium diet Taeghe tting sol o e n hold e. Thgeencoorngaterconaiedtossed his greathead and' everythin'g." frethrnnor antmal. well iled with' humus. If a gardeni n. leaves and other, parts of. planta, - "If I havgdpe antly. , ,Hubby-I. wisMyou'aLunt hivup 1 soil is used, lèaf mold or the loosel-and known asý cholorophyl, serves as a* the,,chai inyouriatelrit o and gthmtog owrkokhssKe!utrdCvrd blaek, rotted straw, and manurefroi light screen tîrough whichb only cer- that; you would in a,ny caserefuse suchsck.Ifamutr-cpbe Vftoe1 h around an old straw stack where-ca:tti peta clr aealet hee aninvitatio0n you may be assured th a'Thed. mci'estard sopon leses1 its orTe fle have fed, should formn a third of trate and to affect the Internal organ.:terslio would not-be put," ans h dsrcin of a. forest -s, a rao oulrysuIppose, t be the whole, and bonemneal should be isma of the,-plant. A somewhat puz- wered Sloane. 'direct. loss -to the.- public. A ispark from tha t,týhe streugth. is, ev.aporated in the, mixd it i. o otmae heyongzling'fact is that some insects, suh Why should 1 give you an uhrapsm ngmne, or the dropn fibta. French scet 8 a hw plants too thick In the 'pan' . Three'as the green grasshopper, possess a " ti9 ouwoldb . . a disd ulighed tch may cad f user oorhttecanei u oto1nso ieuo a esfl for en eight-inch pani, or six1 for -a isimilar coloring Ma tter, and the in- to *doteMkyo. wllavieapbhls hs epiedonlmbrfo acilli inihabiting >thie mustard. For- o h edrs kn twelve-inch, will be right. A table.d vestigations of several scientists have "ýWhy? uli~ o osrcinpupss ttnteyte r eobc htite spoonful of ammoia in a gallon of showni this to be Identical In.physical "I1 presume,,you -have not forgotfen tksfo svnyfv t ude ms aeaicneuntytejr water makes a good liquid fertilizer to properties, with the chlorophyl of .what 'happened at Quilaxo,", said yar.o.mrcfo fee ma .orsttono ,cive.f hemutad u..skep i- W ndrfl- eea be applied frequently all sumamer, Ni-ý plants. Th-at its chemical constituinSoane, -his.eyes glittering., rwtomtrtycosd.f oir ltl adfcs trate of soda 'may be used instead isla the same, remains t be demon. l No, I haea eygodmeoy andmaybe prikle on urac' strated. It is also a yet unsettled-M r. Sloane. Well?" DG1S question 'whether "anirnal chlbrophyr" I a ee enmd uh serves like that of plants -as a" color theaSaesIbeee I oudg It lae adlghflf screen to éhield the Inner organism O o an yu eptton r Mle USES FOR HA1M FAT. the insect, protecting it from the In- htuddpnd ho ; etss n otes Many Peuple, particularly children, finence of certain colors. facts-were put" o dislike >the fat of ham, so pediaps a ' "They would be put at Monilay's Lfbo'aishv eui few sulnple ways of disposing of it meeting, in a very bdlgt, I think.- will not ectne amiss in lamge families. 'Private and- unpublished revela 'La atysis Wefry the fat with the leaan are in the hands of -thechimn ut then e't off-à generous rim, leavinsI aeidiae, o-eernet the lean pi for the table. The fat you at all need-.1a made on Xmnday " which is eut away is fried à a iîtle - "elmM.Sohwyd o longers than for the table, then tmkhspooito om? s Iato dice and used when haking bean. Prtl b useel MissFloden- , The childr94 who say they "hate fat wh6m 1 so greatly respect and whom meat" will est the cris' 1de it wish to spaïe- any annoyance--and with the beans and never know It. We partly becaueyorpesna influence also upe the ham fat for flaoring wudundoubted1j Win Yeu the -salt, apu. s†th se m (ftr utbut, -wit you out of the running, we3' Nogrior.adthat man to bepeetl A R1 È Oa OY iti e ad h udge hishbotlegMeaoughto --s mywBe M -idley College Memoriaf-*hapel, the gifti of Ridley Old Boys, ded:.cated, li to e = $ srn otlya uBeofe an ons' n-SnaJn ' tS.Ctaie.Tehnsm tutr om thtïo«phe Attehe b Shte. pour h-onor, sroin bs strkn dition to the- college buildings and repregýents an outlay of $125,L000ï juùiïîo.î:ýr-,, iiere are no su vvoms - bring :i an, to the greun4 ]f. entirely centributed by former Ridley College students.