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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Jul 1923, p. 8

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K.'. THURSDAY, JIflX5, 1923 1~N.. ing t ta r-in shape,thàt h. was 1-bave. kept the tw el supplied dur- idsfist went to Peru lain i-ephsz the sixr- Shoo of!, Tou CwM 2lEigS g working early and lae4 and- a î far as:~ ta at Win e.tenth euM they found ten million ison i which ail intu.crh h. could judge, it would be ready in-A ettr as easigied, by nuimer-Wple wth a-highý degree of civilizaw- meet-for a period of study, iùi graded (Gontinued from page 1) aotwo ek. .. ous ratepayers, calling -attention to tna anoudeveiseuS groups once- a week .or -each evening itewt tesgtto ftn Severa Causes e£ De4a> the-bad condition of.the road leadngwith doors Wide open, =ad a: stick for a -number of days,"of some definite-~ nearby îeidents, protesting' against ,lMt. Conlin thouglit the d a mi :Éfoml the rear of Heydnshore Park to laid befqre the, door was sufficient Misson LPield. The Conlference couki thie Couneil lettiug the park for dan- not the QiCleks. fault. ý In the. firat 1the' Base - Lifte. Reerred to..'thiepoeto against aniy intruder. Now not get along. Without.-Mr.,*Priest for] ces. Mr. Blarden saild a chief cer- place, the asseament. toll should..bel Streets Committee. teeeole have dwindled te one mil- his spiritual influence in, the i3essions. plaint was that the rmusic continued ready, according te statute, b et Mayor Bassett,- speaking on the lin-h ymr ni n '10119,4 and for'the guidance of the last ss untt alae hur su dl~trbe te eberBOh, nseadof hih i ~ matter of -roads, urged'that if pos;. ,whom very ,littie -Christian work lone iito realm of deepest _spirituali, paepe wo lie narby Cas ar no preentd tetheCouncil -uil I sible an 'endeavor b. rmnde to6rrng las been done, are a sturdy and rath- experlenco. prednfront 'of houses, and at a February, nearly liemotelate. ! i.r dumping ground for refuse er attatv epewt ahr Tetak fteCneece areI 1ate hour they are started'up sud Then the tax rate was net struck until ohrta esd h odledn osrng nieoete', semof oes a due, te Mr. ..Fayewell and those,- con- drvnaway with mueh noise, te tthe the middle of May, snd the, Cterk.. and frore HeydnsloePrk -on-;1 1 la iwo termrabeSfst nce' wt h OtroLdis o- imnoyance of residnts whio an en- could, net do anything: with the. tan ie h' oddi is 1ùtj ot uaergrin h on ;inlge orntheir .kind-and hospitable- dsavorlng te sleep. Mrt.larden ad- tolt until h. knew what thi e weuld cniin. Most of' the Cocilors of very mission field a -strong im- tretto Conférence. - agieed with -thie, but nothlngbçtter pression remained with evory one as mite that the, ratepayers had 1atýb&1was1 suggested. tô-tho neced, and urgent neod,. of more. year " htiwoutd 1be satisfac- Mrt. Vkkerye,ýWhose fanit.W5i i.Wib otalCu was piinedtepoctonfFr- i DR. J. B. WATSON PASSES AWAY Tory tout ty FparkafoltClub purpse, tiiatmueéraaeewprmot estruc-earfiFor- btr co rnith e re not j stifyuig M ,r.aonwun-"Te ot tucil's altgranted the use of the Town Park for ieign Mission work.. The death occurred ln. Torontoon! but condions wee nCtvlcWYHolidayo MondayheAugnust 6th, Mrs. Capnowin, of :Hamiltoni pro- IJune 23rd, of Dr. James Bertrare at this 'course. Peroi y sented vr forciblythe need ofpe- son, a native of this district,, and a tuera would b. xno objection if the sttuck at t1&-propertime. Aequ est frl omhclub dyofstht lý-sonal work a"d.activé work on be- mnwo oeàer gowswidelyN i dauces were stdpped at il- p.m., but Mr.'Vîckery-"I thik your givumg, trie. wiring b. put- in the dressin g* half of the young. men and young 1 knoWn as« a Chautauqua lecturer. Dr, it was net satisfactory te thèse ho, us. lot of wind. - Don't try te blarne ersa h ak a-rfre te women. in our cities and ln tho coun-1 Watson had, been in Ii tl alth for lve close -by te have them coun tint nteConi.Wecdno onPrpry-try.- Many young people. lose 'thoir somte yearis, and later-boae sJ saUt~ ~ ~ ~ ac, an.,aste omtmsdo. s trike th rate until the Cîerk g9t lis A by-law was passe. authorizing grmp -on tebes.thngsof lif hog ebeat ecnle ehebda- Brief discussion te.ek Plac,- dthe. estiatS ray -Wiee edl the borrowing of $25,OOO te meet cur- 1 sheor lonelinese and the beliof that ac nosu, ri. Fins aelfrhn Mayr t~n ef.redtuemater i tute rate as, soon -as he gothis1rent expenditure until the receipto oicne.l Toronto duiing bis last.ilinesâ; and l thie Town Property Cemmitte figures .» - tates.Mission Study Her. the. circumistances, la connoction. withI MTxRoU eyasdy whin tiAb tau t o it rgSeey Dedin e arbor.- -Finance Committee e prt The, Conferenco Bible. Stud3ý Hour -b is âtactdays are- told in the follow- Mrtd . eyasdy H tuhet tux ro Acoluncaton- wThe.a Finance onimittee recom- was conducted by Prof. McFadyen. No! ingletter .from:afin, hc p os siiould h. in right *awyath Richard, Goldring, calling attention te1enedtu fiwng accountsi, whilioemse ts oradn ne went,î peardl - ooIG ro'Str aers eehoe away .without a deep thoughtfulness, day last. towu had. te pay interest on money tBefalltatThieétepGvene.entCo., ..15.41; Hatcîndagetaprcaiho Jsu s Sr-h ik- and aged -ftünister bortoed t mee outent xpeni- îd proinised'to'>drede the harbor, MÉg.Co,$.9WakrBs.$55 the Great Teachèr., Only now-ae' e for, whose -spPort the pôpte so kind- tures. noth inast e doue an d ith Watker Bros., $1.75;, H. R. B'urd begining to fippreciate the fact that ly sent assistance. to make: hiÉ, lonely "I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wl wot 1. e is, ad w orl etoe t an ry udatit 58 -C .Parsons, $5.11; J. F. FireJsewste raetWecorteIlf apy duing the iast.three yea.is, Mrt. Kenny, "1when we are going th do ilb.teatte. fn>usths $20.60; L. F. Richardson, $25.00; W' worl.d las ever knwn. Apply- to Hi asdaay onStryJe23d seietiig t gt ue ffce ofClrkyear, for brlngiug ceai into -Whtby by j H.Rcadsn 140; W Iteaching al the principles -of teach- 192. Iuderstandthat howas bora ~au Trasuer u sapete eepthewatr.H geitnteatrbe King $42.0.;> C. F. -Lavery, $7.00; H' *iflg.acthey have beon worked out and near Oshawa,.Otno 68 years ago, work up te date. If we, are goiug te ae n tone . Burdge, $5.85; ýJ. -Heard & , ans, ooby he i.Jesus fulflled the! andworked.at blacksm*ibi'n tili ho- getmoe ffce et, ets d i a Ti. lek asinstructed.te write $158.00; -ýRobt. 'Hall, $80.5e; Public rOquiemadi4ts- of a'good teah r rHoe was in bis tWenties. Song ability once, but we shoutd net altow mat- te. the reember-fdr Southi Ontario, and Utility Commnission, $213i69;Hthasdquton;oecured is saspkrowssrolyave1 ters te drag ntong. Que utember ofalso t6 tue Department of Marine and Mfg, Co.,, $10.62; C.,~A. Goodfellow & pupils tb bning their probleme to Hlm; to, go on the platform. ; Ho wals tue Couneit (Mrt. Uuderwood) les ab- Fisheries, urgiugthat early attention Son,'$47.97; A. W. Jackson, $11.25. H tre ptogi n icsinbodmldd adlti tèto o- mater 'amiongothers; Ho discouraged. fool-!creede, and'cdd not'affiliate wth any- sent to-n.tglt, sud I ýdo net wish té be given te this imprtant atrC take ay unfar advntagebut'I iVe M. 1 Go 1 drig sta'eàýîothé,Houpreached. utotiasd Hepchurchto td.ough h, sthparents - parenswerr thi Concl I lilintodue aresiu-t fr acoa'.ldenvesethe oul lae a Coternc on a mail group;, He iaspired porsoi- .Ho, wns wiliiag to preach, the gospel 1 ai devotion te Himseif among Hic dis-; f Crst ia any'uli, ele ing at tien te take etepe in thé direction cf h4d '1000 tous' of ,ceai heralrendy yH leulpiupts t soîe vi j f Cri settling thue ratterY j this _year. Last« year, because of the'- (Continued frois page 1) olve heio-very man, regardless of colon, creed - (Continued:fromown probioms;- Ho was fond of say- I- or natlonality, wvasbis- brother. -Be-, Cierk Jackson stated thnt h. was i tack, of a deep channel, lie was obllged.ji engaged at the preseut tire. lu gett- 9 te forego eiilpme fca itw dAnd' the cornespondeats word scatter- iflg startling thiags to catch a lag- ing sympathetic ýwith àllla in'Ustros, - - c thougoutth tons nd ilages ging attention; Ho, discouragèdý the. ho nover acçumulated ney We of the whole'province. - use of* convontional phrases;,Hoeran-the ree trncam t' lmfie,> - . I I - - India. ed His hearers' emotioins, and le used-hé fourld hlinauperom n j Te laiege f ads o to hn~-language that His hearers' couid, un- Yoage Street, and ia a very- sad'con- Iii! I tinaChuroi w'n presatod y Dr.aad drctaa. - jdition. Ho lad.been.sick for over-si À. oivrt~ ad Mes tt Jess' lc'get caneto dicouso years. From 22.0. pouade hie had ro- L. ~ JU U L L . . Vlvrc nndM shle ratt ad a hae Ia- duced phyicli to a weight cf onfly 1 fdProf. J., F. McFadyen, of Queon's f ,abies we Éla the pnincip1.s aht'Vc all 138 pounde, yet: hoM'as. evpr rejoi Cin General Insurance àLUniversty, who settwenty -years. 1 fulfilled. 11e went toeovery day ife ain eprmissof God.--phl inIdi. 'ni a , aio yhe fÉhilusratlns hms.eesof Teap;peals -made î' the- ule gnappliig with hon - prbl 1e OHis, pamables wene 'workers, people prose met with generous rosponse,-and F IR I# hit v O t. IFE Christian Churches in India are alec -ý who wer e busy; Ho coademned mn e no ug mthe É gecyof the Brotber- qj rppigwihter rbem fsif- juncortain way the idienescf 'thé Rich - hood- Federation,-. and the gifts of kind support, seif-govennaint, seIf-propa-,, Foot. friend s,ý I wasable te p.lace hmi DISRIII RPREENATVEgatien; they are trying te solve'Otheir Study: cf Methods. - cs oeat. 32 'Shirley Sf-ieot, wvhore DISTRIC REPRESNTATIVEdifficulties. Individual Christians arecoyhm Ste grpplngwît tI poblme G o n e Mission Studyand a hoéwas happy for many nioaths., Lator whîh ac teniasinivduas ndasstudy of the tfnethods cf interestiag it became aecessary te have hlmi:e- The Mutual, LiTeA ssûrance Co'y of Can ada cucimmes A ntne~a othere la the work cf Home and For- moved «-te the, hospital, on. Queon 4Èuot- ed r'.Ain sdtaacew.o eign - Missionary work were' coadiLicted Street, where hoe was made vory coin- PURELY MUTUAL. NO'-STOCKHOLDER. could neithor rond non write-couldt yD.D omn Dr. J. Lovoîl Mur-- otbeutlte n ae hog Profits Alloted to PolicyholdersAnnal not even write hie. owa anme, asked cfm-iotre h anda colteknnssc h rteho n -' Al LtestFeaures - ota DisailiyBni. mssoayfeaio lMtiokad scions. Miss E., Jarieson, .Sec- th gilfts0cf -epeople wo -have- en pisary a-alary., Hi o Nowaned J retury cf the Congregàtioaal W. M. 1 abied te iay hie body- la a p i-va teplotý 'Dobl Fce f olcyif ccdetaly iled Ithat ou account cf s- lack- cf educa-, S., Mrn;. F. C. Stephenson, Rev. C. J. inl Prospect. Cemotery. ; Dr-A D.ý Wat-j Double Fac of ýPùlîtien -le ceuidly notlb. . > a&reguarCamenon, of the Baptiet Homo Mi--, son, though a.perfect -stranger to-1hlm; j- IF IF NSEJRANCE SEE DUODLEY. worker; but that ho mght dp, wînt le ien' orRv . .PisSce- i gave -his> professional services fei-eely couid and lho wouid ho paid fifty contes'tay c h tsinr Euain'hog0alteoyas pet meti.Ho 'ot t wok, ork IMovoment, and- Dr.' H.' A. Wolverton, ____________ i c wateer f India. Miss A. E. Cantiey, Editor- - --Yus t. S-mn a 'ietrdbu dngg htvr âatereayc teie Cuci -W. J. Shean. Christian. work hé could. lu a nean- ilS etr -te Uie pn by. village ho gatlered cornie nativescfMsin uatnfoGrt and taught them a nuinber cf ver ses Brtaima and visiofter he oner-oý III ~ ~ ~ ~ ,...~~~~ i '~from the Bible. Ho taugmtthmea-neadtodc the deeomeat f arn ~~~~~~~~~ing fteTnCn'nnmns othe wonderfut mhissionary educational i~ wJ-~ bI aught soinethiag cf the bivth and life' li'terature in GreatBEntaina:bocksà, pic- à '. ~ ~ / -WI etlm and deei.nesurrection cf Christ.1 bures and stonies have - beon prepared .iI' e _____________________ IHo hea te fct cfsaia~for persons cf every age.. Miss Cant- H ten.taug t ae e luguhe actsmofsal jiey b ronenthueiastic interest iim j ~ utm sfr47 parAndo- ava unigfinally this oid illiteraemnle 'tc th4 Conferezeie life con- eusom @ or47-p'ir-o Bow Cnvs unAndrae anl î ued,,>ne small, part to- the hapi Saturday onty at 81.09f thehens etee hri pe . oe ad uces f he-Cofeene Boots, il, 12, *3 ,'14, 5", special purohase, tu e b. il cf hes oveneeh peitst e gives- adsc- -f hCnfrn Saturay ony at 1.09 'Rev. Mn. Kim, a nativ e Korea; Dr. Gir'. row Stap hoe, szesil o 2 spcia ~Work-With Wemen and Chidren. J. M* Waters, cf Central India; Mn. Giris Brwn trap1ýhes, 3izs'ilto 2 spciai -$-99 Mis Pratt.,-aad Mrs. Wolverton W. C. Senior, cf Toronto, who led theo1 Brewn Sa.mdals, sizes'il te 13, - peciat *1.19 spoke cf wonk. amcng womeuû and ýentiiusiastic singing cf the Confer- B wnSandais, gizes 8. te 10, :pcal10 children.- The former toid cf a . vo- once, and Dr. F. S. Stephonson,,a Sec- mankabie. woinan who firet gave lier rotary cf tne Methodiet, Foreign Mis-Ctt Brown __ _______ _______ ______ acte BonOfrs izes ]1 te-2. specint 1.99 jeesadvaiigtateLr e sien Board, who wlns the heipfui chair-evlsadrlingtt.hLd - - qui-ted moneocf ber thantînt, cie I man c-f.the piatfonm meetings, als o - 1 -- I a, .Po.MoayuSeks h ofrec,-u or yproa Tii potutusla~raChn-fe Confe nce, directed the energies i were oxcellentiy pcrtrayed -by 11ev. cfaltwrs I u igest aimj EverY Tuesday John Griffith, cf Honan, who caid that cf alI, the truest-relation cof selft e icelsdu tr the- background c f- tue-- picture is a Chisit and His Kiagdom. Ho gave - very sombre euoe., A very serious, con-,'largoîy cf hic oxpenience in thé.study Si mcoe:St. N., - Oshawag- dition cf ecnic tresoppresses cf imetiede cof preseatig -missicon 's the -peopte cehtnuatly,- even those who study ina duri and Sunday ScolN L 0 are ladustrieus. The 1tad lefertile dcl. 'j- - su~~ad producos tw#o crope, eue cf thiem ---- j- - ~~wheat, every year. The wheat yielde __________________________________ forty te sixty busiels per acre. The cultivators know low te keep the -land - fertile and enricled and, dean 'of weede; they are exceedingly indus--~ trious and are nef deterierat-lng inla' physique Thon-wy -o vert-y? One reason is thi. congestion cf pop- - Advertsenr n , Oshawa Papier~ sta"à that McLaughlin' ulaiion. There *would be eighty te Improved Patent Szde-,Spbring Buggy ua Gaung one hundved aand fifty people te every - Poputaruty Epery Day. Canadian farm-house., Laborers a- In 184 Te Cntra Caada oan nd avins -not- ea'ra 25c. "pet day. Jligiit-y te I184TeCnr Cndlaan aig-ninety per cent,. cf tue people are luinr Compoany had -eteven Direct-ors of whom onlytw such .etrits tînt they cannat do: more - - ' aro living to-ýday. Mr. E.. Wood,1 now 'presi- - t-han barety live. Anot-her tesson Ï9 deht of the. Company, was at that tUrne - startingtl lierc fti. people.Tereare hi aera unior cleérk in.the Peterboro office:.*o roenscicswl- ptedt> bocksand methods for about four -N B W hi crer s > lion eut f the eiglty million cl- M üL U H dron i China. Chines. ohidrea are AIG L N -DV >I ne st-upid., Only-5 per cent.,of Cn daesStandard Ca -- when we-remnember tint '85 pet cent. -a ens nn.iPoe o f our -knowtedge comnes te -us No single season lu receut years lis s e;and resn mve- a - t-hrougi t-ho ~u'~ realj what- -mento in McLaughlia-Buick Cars as the. present oe nd oe a tMe Une been secorepiete. probtem we hbave ia reaching 'se many IJ*lgnBu1k lis long steod, apnrt among motet cars. T or. ýMultitudes.-tfrough thcest,.en ýaaa1'lain xoâ -' - - ~- - --But- in spiteocf -this. somnbre ba<qc. flftéen.years lInugbliu-Buick bas bee aaaslaigepn ground tii werk las growft woader-- onttcf the Valve-du Head prineiple e àeeinsdteecr - - uliy la25 yare 500coav4s hye have be vrywhere reispected fôr their- marked Powet, endur- been baptized,, and reany mo e.re ce, long ti.e, economy and .b.auty. -~askÎng for baptism oin Xi. mGreffith-sFor thi s eason the MceLamjghÏn-1Bùick five passenger Touriug (~ê A - dstrict- The Chinese CÇhrietians are ree. the highest, pinnacte et value-. tint, it han vo attsai. - j Paid on S'avings Accounts spotn muci cf tbeir owa work Always mecbanicntty fine, -aiwnys. positive iu power, and action, tins eut ftei oety o hespot a a aseb.asfnged eut forlt-s b.autY, convenience sud-lt-s th.prea.eofi~ingcheque*)of forty scools last year elliit- $50 ' -- Onue dollar opens an account, and d its,- was . required - froîe the c amdinRdng i-n this Touring.Car, yexu wiltb. consoos et-f n ew sense j 1, ~. ~Churol. During'a senicus famhine thé t «fea.Us senting- lis bem re-alraned sud làwered, se that or ithlraals~«YY Crstinswere7organized and -broughf I yelut -more. meurely.within tue .bodywlt-MOre leg -roore and t n and dletributed grain te as manyI more support at backsud aides. The -new gpiriags have tes te- dNAhYa~~A as 8,000 people pet day,,itnvestigat-ing bound sud more tesiec o tp boive obstx5ct your vision, ne c't / I every indlvidtiat case before gmving A idernmy disturba your-pels. NTRAL CAN ~~~help. lIn à very.eris n epn * IÀNÀNDSAINS'CMPNYsuibe v they t-lus holped te 'distrib- LIET US DEIWONSTRATE. 23 241J'COÏ ST.Y'«>w14. OSHAWA '---- - "£$T^bLMED MM 1ev. A. !4dflow,' present-ed Bolivia D v d o -- - -asd Sout-h America as a neglected coui- DFORRIBWHI1YAI> O EING g elical <histianity. When t-ho Span- Two Registered Optometrists ahi Ail Lenses Grour-d On Th PHONE F0R APPOINTMENT 398- T. J. BARNÉTT, 14 SIMCOE NORTH.- Assisting th, THE iaterests and roquiremeuts, stood-and well seryed by.this b2 enterpnîse ia the farmcr and te 'IPossible, 'practicai assistance la thec f -plet.' haaking facililties, speciaif'y adaï able at each one of our br-anches. Co, TH~ mHTB'i BRAiNCH-1 oeiL'WA BRANCH, BmUOKLi!L% lsANCI Ferendf - 4' n TO fi" Smenti man of1 ~wbich OF ; idcoý W'hitM Piihad U $5 DU/ i,00, 54m4F better Stock ORthe. sain: éxpenditure of tir than on scrub stock.* Ifycu redf i ikprove your stock, cornsult the Io thsBank. STANDARD SER-VICE b: essentiall, Pr TrHE STADA 1 B TOTAL- ASSETS O)VER EIGHTY-THREI Whitby Brauch,. C. A, Brookiin Branch, , Il ~i#i "I I E - toW Panlama and Straw Hats to size flne-Underwear. Pyjamas, ci Coats in black or grey. V Flannels. Silk-Caps in assi -- -Poplin Colored Shirts. - 'i Ties and -Handkerc -~ o - O FO' Whitby's mens -Oppos5ite Burn. WHITBY SASH 1) DUN DAS Agi kinds of Li Sash, 000 and Pricas.qcoted if deàsired. Give a gooci factory. Delivery John Noble& AT TuE G UTLI ti yy fili ..IN STO( Bran, shorts, whito e mdtîngs and Wýe. wlole -grain -and choe seed buckwheaf. hjeu anýd chlck feeds, Funina chick scnatcl Blat-cford's Egg Mach; tankage, boue ai -su d Carlo al; pastry and bread fleurs; Grahani Fleur, Whote Wieat Floun, Wl.- Corn Meal, Hlerbageuni, Btatclferd's Caif It..MI PHONE S Prompt e w We Exa

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