-~~ Bektojoiuthe tardç-the Do- Mimses margrot McMab, ~Toron- VO.M ueI ore te*winud et the_ hone of1 WuI. Lawrence. Mie Dor<itlW Vipoûd'18 a ,pendlng boie. aywith lier parents Tb& jm*lr f*Otba1I t«m journeyed to Cp> !xi a ois tom Brookilu by asceof 1-4. mm a.W&UCer, whba been ini To- ronto for s..m.9Unie, la nt ber barne Mir.'and Mmra.Wrn White motored to Ba"Iea1d Oflla-for à : feu day. last ;;Lk At >8astfter muclijuggling, mes- WMý. MAW UOEMSD AVCTIO«EES AND AU h nd WHItTDY.ON. Pusêh or Pull tned yucomel8o e .j f tontb sunconuebett'; t. sau Wewta hto orpabn1.on$ a eeroos fomr.r4looôkkng bou 'ia . - Dm t .mu' rs& Bore zerbee vntt. C&armontt 98 Satuzda7 venhigt temes Ciarnoat bem»play for Uie gueIsslp Owato anedeuto D* oClerowa t wlthtlfrtuk "ud t. smre of the Oshewa laý r t.li garn vag aa.exblMUîongare - sultlng in a whn for sba by the: store 0f 4-3. - W. A Dryden vas ln Chîcalp laet week on a humines i. MIgs Ls mIs «tWPrediSes d Rochester, N.Y, are gueste et the honiý of Unr.Thomas Shortrldge. ILL Everett Shortrdge và »aage et Bigwln Inn, Lobe of!-BeyfoM week recently. Mmra.W.. fDom 4m nd so I"eaft - spemfndza eweek et Gravenhuu'et Howard McNab in ho"idyng fera week et bis bomne in Onu.;- . 1 W" a Helen Haycraft spent thé week-end wlth ber mother, Mms W. J Raeraf. 2BrowGeoge an4UJoe UMmdon » on a fil-tdp Mmre-W=. Draper -t' qut. lii- vltl au attack of eryçlpe"a Cont«mt1uufl.nto lirsMd lima. Wblppeëy, on the arrivai or a dugi-3 ter. Grduat. Royal Coulg Unlverslty of Toronto wiIIleD S'ooU ~oawwt th efr a-ft e N. J Deaitvislted. for a uni et Locrt NY. W.F* BR am auIL Ouf lt* Tuesdr *Mt*Itheir jCIes fo Torot IbitSdm.' M eu .eid entrm sof at.ck frome tusrieS tboa weol-eud *tIdabs~tee i" sBorain Md =,Hr*ua are VldaîgfrieunluTà %mte.. lir a kzey amU M IL..MeNely apetfe* day. là Toxrotba 1Mn. GimlbhBouisb u eare froin la es'vato aMko. Mir. Wza. C»Rox Mbd *0e miafol'- tune to eemy ont bis baudwb.i oslateta ndotbievek4 NwYork, vwu tb 94 tbe borne Of bw r botbeIÎ »dJohn Moore, & lir. o ugni~f Tt>Sm.s peu 1 *e week-end iet4 ho= ae oM. Miss J. Wd*er _ oaiid be Oka o emnr4e t. SPEC-irwL bStUTen e [ ~1 ~ ~ v i t 't <t l'y S. I. .8. IL 151