fans Oshawa 4Mori. B.uutt, cf.; jubb, -Colxiug liât I , Osliwa iMoUo la urday eoelnkg ut. f Il o Socore. T g*of a two gi awtune*rof the di i t m" g a 0 day. by i soe ef lae wUbe plk uextBatardi'.-:X MoOs mt V"l d -King St. Wet van- > yasto Claremout Ir mlm ae f Clue- held on the" kil!,but à eblhm gabigpee mek was going s. rap- loi thae lu .the c ty fée t bthe . bd e W. &eeralof the ffiwed inju suite- e «Oa ttm toewki igbt hiu of the. GM. ver~prearluSton- dlta» by fa ýlocal dc- dfiselse iM trouble. te te Oaawa o 181 lui beli»oo >M liucly,8m Mc- Cx iopfl Pnom POU AM TU.1 143SimCOr NoiR? AO. IL Greeuwi> posd dfWhitbyi ars, Wma prefeni Bowling Tourntyx mSmtoun te u one game.- ud le end contens,. 'aun m~ort&l Thy Me aiterwarde were Toronto - Cq P altosmetheron tbe on Monday:tb Au.ilu îeneai 4Jubd pet u1 Greeuwood was bout the enteai talned at the. Clu Mr. Greeurood edofPr~ mud A. E fe Dravir 7rh. followig the -mutiai ýin tien for lm., 1IL I. Pixige Boothe V. P. Soi EwJ.oRaynsy., soui; J.U V. A. R. t of h ear 0 urne la Uno. w mDI blat vant t gay euie ar Slu -the s e ahead a ce= ;be vIII noI irai tramte. 4rht abouttIi AreWe auOO * poUible, t4 M' of lût,' towfto WhiI b.plaoed o« the Wa !ce- té,e b sutlttdj sboud b. on the tabi, requotd tegvet! atteftlon at Oume J le -For Ion ani Soysqt, a.recoived a large assottiblient cf Wooi Swoë (îicobiatoncolora and pUre wito dSW. A@tS.Âsp'o a ie ltiLin of New Capulfo utd Inment of 50w te D.11L J 5re.utcxu O&l $uat r.cetlv- eL îrof coe!bt.d" Jeo" W$4Oper ton. the£* re s mm Avoid lei* o W OWLER' Wsq a i 1swear Sor r .1 r tb pmos aie arlthe a et ud" e eou Eu DBN 1 1M, Otw £ r by- rqL-ntiow'me ai, Ille