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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1924, p. 2

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à Protestse iduid-iebotoc- ef; wing iN.thGsecondgtledd Body;a and tearnlyandsloee ub., Wilson of herharbot woud accmplish thisusualaggousîvthrougMié'uWelsMMesediaCopGo beleve a apeultoOn-cuidaveg rhadmdebis moehe rt e rd in hWattsogol, n Iljct neé,rOteSii Pckrngw.e etuldbetfo Ohaarn.aiaad h ae %ai 2Cedvto onm o e rfl1c5lof prthenScOe. Rlog eer adle P.g Blow andprid1EntO le u.Lya ndEitkae of hr faborowo pagesu agre lIg eho hitby at tbis crisis iu regard to the addition tg scoring the ouiy goal for scoring.colun. Tetas belW Schoeltell is:-uRhBIOWIdasucceedkthe, Sons. Steemaed abootbyefenal, M.aRoacli; mximnum resuits oh- brerwouldaced.teSns atews playeda o~ Crescents - Goal1 Clarke-,de1,ceMis&s G. Rogers and L. Sanith.O'C ~~ ~~ <>f ý,there wretwo other defensive gaine and was grven a haRicean Snith; ceiiiHl;n fue issFiradCpln en-ineeuqtaaWnRpae al i~,b anE husofeveriaa eason or xeciigta asecaipsae iRngitsecaeY b anad Forretr; e, Tucknsýer 1-eMissWes; ir ndMies Morgan n Ba itaWngh tE Batt nd sw-GlcMln tdefence, plaalopathage tie gaineeaTpy lu ly eyrWattsMardn;olrfteHa explained that. Mr. Wil- session of the County Councli might at Mayne,. who was inchned te, be alto- and Watts.- Ref«ee._ Q'Connor. jnd Harper; subs., Misses Bowers and nMna g a ff n s p c t i )P ro fst ey t eroc e enc m e t t o i g l i t o t a e a i r a n d C o p e l a n ; c e u t aiispCir1o heodonet da it hsegtertorog.li rw onters. These were taking advant- few penalties, but a few more would Red Minortus Beet I>iekeri& iF "y ofWilcox. - ýc toNvers. He convened <estsPavey-Of . any harin. o Ro1ý- htygers, M.th; ch;tren Hll easo wich euded -,adteLv oes icx rhr rie o1(l Voer be rernlod- agè of Col. Iarewells bqes to not hGednhl RWotyger, m.RcnrR Hl;i;aow keytifrefor r(nved wards a County Chîldrei's, Shelter and For the first two pe id hr a h hmpo-<dMnra xdwings, E. Mayne and L. 'Mayne; subs., îe er eune h ine542 metjCunty Hoptal,- bth in the. Coun- 'no score, althougli both goals had sev- Pickering? wbo occupy second pl5acin L. Warnock. making sure of secnplceuth tytwn. Çhne of thue Colonel's proper- eral narrow escapes. Moore's Minor- the ladder met. on soft ice ' T rileTi Fr elar ie, wu.Inh ade-p-caryfgvr t fo r z 50, M r. ickoery ies te be sold this -, xnonth was bis re- cas broke the ice first, M ayne bulging n ght in te first gaine t o determine T i l î orlla .eag e.lwsht.ofth waeromteadeee- a k mi1 tul fo the l vcasst sidence. t was admirably suitcd by the net on a pasa eut froin behind by the winner of the Town League this A triple tie for the cellar positon difficult, the gaine wsa doe po, u ibly1' ý h g est location ai-4 ampler spaçe for a Chil Seighthoim. It looked like the R d year, and the Reds won 6-1. In spite inx the Junior Town League exist, 0W- and the teains evenli ac~ Buo O î i), . 11% et4)tof the dren's Shelter than the one lu -Oshawa Minomas gaine riglut there, but Maun- of the puer ice the gaine slinped up 1 ng te bekéring's 4-2 vuctery over and Co-nnack stoodotfr h m e iýrLIYI Va. r tod. ardsrd whlhch e the tyhcountyàel hadkebeeneabdroke a pusepreandellataspeedy ppaceettye owelllinonakesay ntstPplacen, ass.uawestof tii the Finaànce Commnit- mkn rn~ fti rprywsrs anhdatrrifie shot in Feg- the best of the seasoTi. "Red". Moore Brooklin and the Blackfeet being .on on the defeuce for:h utirla adotedan th Ito ho acquired for the purpose, theé an's direction, which the goalkeelper had Bert Smithi aud "Pud" Watson in even teris for the rather doubtful place between the ieten ae ii- theniý,n incorporated County Counçil would need to convefle waws unable te handle.. This goal tied uniforin, and the two old wat horses- honor. The game -on Tuesday niglut by John Brawley. Gno u o- 1-1to bu paid. The Chief before the sale. Siniiliarly, the Coun-1 the score sud the gaine went ite played in great style. Mayne travel- was a regular old-fashoflOd "shinny"' bray were the lestothfrars te1( . isirst report, ty hospital bequest wns ripe for ac- l overtime. led at whirlwind speed all eveniug aud -game, everybody followitig the puck. The teais:- Deevgv'ntice of- Warden McM!Ilan and other memberS remained unchanged, and it was not Bundy played bis usual tireless gaine, came back strong to win. f ence, Hawes andBan;cetRo l1 ,iji tthe nlàX of the County Council were, lucre on until the first haif of the second period bearuing the brunt of the work for The teans:- rto;wus. GunyuadMwrY j, rn*t folution etrd Saturday t'ô ottend the birthday celc- that Dick I aU slapped in a pass fronu his tean- Pickering- Goal, Baker; defence, subs., ThinsOg n cuy r,ùc out.-id(e closets- bration of Oshawai as a city, they Rie, inning the game. This gaine ipiceriu crdt' is ol u TetnadPter; centre, McGuire; pts-GaM rturefn1 b prah( yte Mor, puth possessin CotmackedandoSturgepsandsubs.e; ASuprbBrow I. * pas*mmiht o ppracedby ou upus hetehe i unisutd pisnsifith Res oo vvue th cuntsuewngs See sn Pacnd ub.,inon Butn nd arotancntePoaey ~wtn lti un ad Council, to arrangefrsc of the top rung. They now. play Off came back str ug overwheIning the sud Meir. igComc tr1sston hi baenpecial meetingr of the County .Cu-1wth Pickering, who are in econd Blue Shirts lun le final period. Pick- Brookln- Goal, Cooper ; defeuce, S. Parrott sud Thas lthalt thQ hedIge arun place. ering had a stréngtluened teanu but the Long and Cooper; centre, Johns; R~eferee-C. Lavey W I CiI*Mr John Thmo, h a*as Minorcas were oig too strong te be wings, Armstrong and Innis; subs.,HCE TNIG eBsaTud ~ ~. * re. I T hows nison whMor as also The teans:- Bume n Bse.Wti gesArsJI tjlililit w:ri wre0Of t presri ResdviedbyMao Bssttinorcas-Gosi, >Fegan; de- 1 stopped. B CIIURCand eAGEuo taLi a b fwi't. rUe-t dr.-teConibtsi htfneMayne and Rice;,centre, Bail; lThe tea- i )1r1t :t tihat n --t1ing, lie %vould (lef .ý to a later meeting dis- i, wingsý Watsonu and Sleighlthohn. Mitioreas 4 Brown; defeiice,, Methodists 2, St. John's I.J csîgte cpîtal question, S. 0, E.-Goal, O'Connor; deforice, Smith and Mayn;cntre, Rice; rowt JlnsChrlnoas sn nso.L o t -oliýIP-yomi1tn igHl n elw u. n ea uthrëw abdscare into-te eadig Cet>ns Manrel iceik-Gat oan eene dit n Friday niglut wlueutheY Cecns... 4O 2 nr. Cilni hudcn UBaifd sud Gordon; centre, ud;fre them- to exterid thenuselves to Mde5.... 2 1 rdyStraM ,1a~- t Npainedthatef Mortlue imit o w1u2-1. The ice was a Blackfeet ... ...i3-9 1 "heMaetanlt rely it w i g s a s o e adnil î ; stb .,MO- -t e m o t h w e hr oko - . ; ýrioit eTOWN LEAGUE. Nfidgets Elininste Brooklin Juniors. 1rish, Purdy and Barclay. lgrtetpavndet. Jhes MethdistPickering....~ 3 8 1 raVWsb scoPted inn the fiorsteperiong thbut étheeentermediate *t iFponueiGeo. M.eMColuan's Migets, 1. -, ut the Br oOklînd Junselawsi Wlitby Ladies 2, Oshawa 0. Beavers eveneci the count at the start onLsFrAgt ~>tî e -i-. eThe big attraction at Burs' Arena ~,bttuyhdt ,edtenevso 1 1 TeiugtA big11peo tqîe.onThur.ýday night -was the replayed to the lirnit to do it. BrookilT started1 The second game brought together of tlue third ýperioci. There uvas no 1 Red Minorcas . 3 O 1 od~TedY a game lîetweefl the Red Minorcas ndotiharuhndbfethMi-teWib n shawa girls' hockey score until just two minutes before1 Pickerinig.... -or 'I larron thue former the Sîrs0 Egand, 'which the gets kuew wlat had happened they, teams who have already pflayed two time wheu "Jess" Hall was given a S. -O. E ...... .. O2 7 WtlPneMrot, PV' ~ted: fiwiil;s of nglt, nal cr o a atogolladt1veem.hygaines this inter. The County Town pass aud walked lu on "Jeif" Martin Blackfeet -2 8 1 back spite ofNthe bncthice.iShowicoreore haamsa Woo gLostlFor Agst. ZaneeGreyes g n work (lwardtoweV, andi by thg endi girls carried off tle honors 2-0, in to score the winning. goal.,hu 1iî 1~itetw t~a -.Tes fteseconu period hzad , got aksit fteba c. own oe The em- o li 1, Pli othlrese tw o tew o o eem s h ebacail diebeene athe n -firs atiin P ren e sb yd tr a .. . 0 2N a u e r u id ~ ~ ~ ~ w onri îno I.Udr ieite ame or enthe fwu Loag fthe-wogolsecwreout in front spectelcllde sae rud S.-h'-GSMri;dfne ethod ist. .. O 12 4ThHeiaef l -me(St. John's.of-te.Tow2 L2uueCoiniang-erePois Neliri lu Conall 1Lavery's narnie sasnani t3-2-ahudier- Ino l the third period Cormack. and theil' opponents, sud the forwards kept Blow aud Mel. Arnott; centre,, Stev Bapists..... l 9 WtuBb ail,-r t\w rty inuýtes' overtinie toa three- Bruton eachpckdoft.outr ad___________________________....__________ A_ a greý i il il'if <discussion tlree tic. 1The two tennis deeided to t1e final score was 5-2. lion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ý.a11 I v. 1iîtd o t alit a night and playeci<d -ohe taf-fW ity G rs e tOs a a G oioSnuon l B k~~ ~~~~ Brooklin Goal, Cooper; dfelice, The Whitby laishokytnalWfe' Kthat it xa n oýner-esary Thursday ight. Ln udCoerdete us Inhibe liiitiw la h heRdwihtei ieup r-wings, Armistrong and Innes; subs., ietii-i(it w(re ctary :-ntasniootl working tean but the' Besse and BrummeVI a ~~S n kept thin on t e ,ump all evcounty la tow nbakeeh O l a a ld th iugt b tiîng. M e - R iM idget s - o l H w s ef n e R EO - ace by tw o goals '10; m it h ould beV, q Mayt- t oRce, Hall ad Seh-; S leg olin and Ioustoni; centre,y . 1( r:i tn. ke thoellm totsbtues streo wan o- oe1,1weiit at top speed nlnigh '1 Sleightholm i; vgs, MawsdCr-Sm f the pyswralttetoanerndec t fast for theopders to folcurasud an ac- a f n that Kn-w hiî ihîts bttt s stre o ak Subs., Moore sd Bruton.fa t or hepc f lRt-l1 iio, n eiZgl Nloore's players, sf n areac- ÉRefere curay.teacutothcoet nt- Etmtsfunse sti ttlîd iîîîIOI1, uni hertitit fter'Vuesday night, failed te ap * - * *tac Tni talalmost wit hi oeo t, \th î1uei i îii I r. t ft oe r - ar W h en th e g a mn e w a s ca le ci th e v sc ut15 ic er n g O otn-tîf.MrUnl--w:-re wîthout a goal keeper, su Eddie The Crescents made sure of the Jun-asNto ly deie em lot 1î~t 1 1 îiatlc- in bis stute-- Fi-gan, wlo useci to )Iay goal for the ior Clampifluship by beating the Pick- iei a ,tke thea Juniiî- voluntŽOre la services. Hie ering Juniors 5-O in what proved Vo be odb ber which wasfiedanototh 1litt aoth oi plaved a gooci game and turned a sade a very good gaine. cPi.ckeing wasenofteW 1 wol'iae- oW gii.et one v bard *shots. "Piafl" W atson play- short two or three men sud had to à oddugs ,iWU I wl rd f' a - me (1 aréat left wing àanti.haci use sone wluo were not quite as gooci lisetyhacite sotfoifnoto1 Sui-ixdsS -1 tv watt'-rhil adthe at-. le1voft me to get aîei up. Be as.the regulars, while the Crescents .ietg a clu adl ion occasion aînost Forrester andi Watts with th1e rest of*- -pll-box. The(owrshdays t --1'*,t 1 k ll1 ho 11 - &Peu-' V llow riglt th i oug b 1 the team all playeci gooci -hockey andcin o o ithe ti sq-- eiei oVwe\vass h tueinability and aftrnusthgoled- 1I, !; F't . <f tji- ri nk. subs. Tucker sud F. Watts were ue V 7.*-* .oswr isso h br ~F O A dit i tet 5 "ury"PeJoCharlton adO ýa great da, o , eakningthe_ o r et leisiosteMyesses do-,bi igaott onnor hl;i. goti were 'tlue players wbo at aIl whon they Were on.ý Forrester F A 11' EP o h i codition througb the co-roremotofheeaEtae-Isl -of the opstofij o redtefrtgath ny01 uC ADIN N TO A AI ly p eteohrpio 1f rthI l- on the si-it -k I The ER> - IT pronunciation.Taywr Iega Apituft tM.I e r y b w ~i fo i e o -t i u O s a - w a n eu t FQ ~ j i K t i h, teL r-ehiieyth at -ONTARid. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT 0F COLONIZATION io discr.dit eubc lcd nMs c repi - i that he haci #II~~~~~~4LLAAIN AUIST FARMEUS IN SECURINQ FARI4 I4ELp- iîuwi ~ th urls tte-______ 10f5uleihplyDeeupseltieat te ftin hirtought that it NHE'Ewil e njrgntJjnad llÇjr and ,lit p' la G e »a riti_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E E I MVou e y. The Canadiari aIl rightioî. Hetog'-0 % £ RSj Ifoune aihl>tDpr- -i Jk o er à %wf aii C olon u S nduiavian - o o r d a e e t h o u g h ts r ez to ua,- > i n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __+ n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 an rt Xl~ - t~ounL4e, erti-s Gt 7.Ich y wl ~i~<~j k . VerX 'f - t wa 5 ~<>~ ~uit ~<>,~ an i hclp as eari as possible l rerinel l1 eii~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r Ài-Ide 'à ~aniwfrpîn.i~~ o of (101. Farewell's iii!qUests1 eilli rî,duc.ing tî--î,ho first ..quickly pays for itsell in more MilK ort1 i the Toroitt Eastern - ehcilaîî.-i f it froini and. hea1thier cattie. Natinal ohit iýs in the cit"lorcnto' Silos are made of double tongued lthe djay. 11lo, 1n;id bho n l- ht the agitation sted lan and grooed staves uf selected spruce. treated e, undi nia-i use of the dis-wîhceet.Sle juices do net affect rur1i*er:a otng the fort.N-miles I ta iiat Nortbern Eailway- treatcd n'ood. You* get 1 5%, extra capacity, liipe throu oninud due te the special **Toronto HiP Roof tii - r orUo,involviiig the -* - . construction.- iti ili i>1 Uxa route iri plat e of I r ir gtblsitwla frnuit coin1- Il be «giad te. ialk àb« these splendid i 4 I bc(inn - si)etrectivi- Pu- - djvidend-payers at any time. prtevir-eit fuirthî<r -action ollOontoverninltami1 SirW . m ron Box 425 WhitbY, Ont. hîîîtîiCatiWiR. l ti I u in 90a 0:l gîngo with -J. Geo. Jones- Brooklifl, Ont. tit- l tfinrougin the -tbrec i-i vi ~ îî îhrlake, front (>olll, nt'i t h Ile 1MIt by-tht. 1-1 rto 1q, it n 1h heai hbt 1w a tlbl&nig biit als îîig- (t1, Iho urgediltnt' ouleil tu E M ~ -K N -ý ifl mun r i1,en I<Iinterk- t$s la: - ~~th but t i r. tîi kuti n l 1111g u ththe rt- i RD OOD FLOOR1~ING, % . % Uêmit:. institutions aà d a X"ew Ilarbor. At i - ti - tu p theîthree i, f tb -inao the Clnilîren'S - There can be r-and the 41111v Hospîtal. In t v t1icelharbî,r h-t ouit n-u1rtsd I greg. in- unryti i tu- 5you ente &-ho=fl, the, fit of a lîrbor t1lt-e thu-t uw(ýîId1 iehtiao rt odtbfWN\t11 baior, h NO ise Of-decoekOC4 .Do ~e-amc.our lut\- ti et out arti-fike CRU atwle fer the lck of - al -ut the geographi(c&l adt- mwo &:som . iri!Y smu \\'U,. en>oyed oVt'r Our rival teautY adcha ffin ý inrltiin to this, whieh nearit. u1.1t2 erai Way sti bharbor bore 0 à oIumme I ogs to thokpeOPideotaf naa1 No>moterWbftt cpUâet týa \N11%th le paving of the roacis MAMAN -KENr lID- e he i t~.u luesraioldho dooe..--s-UMaplei »Irch ý- than three ile ri haul «- Ew"i tia liorirtg over liard surfs.ced -roads ,k.» V hb- factories iu Oshuawa if a harbor - C Metsdbo provideci ti ete, it was propoesed-l ad recured froni plans lu the citytuS g the day dtata that ghoved we n Wluthy Bay aud harbor more available for develepuacut than J CT (.1nake three of Ashbridge's e ýtrial chauuei-antd turning basin-. i Bidr it far flut a Mat bli werk aen ndBüi Nhlitby barbor should C bandon-. i favor of a far lu! crier location LC. 'wmt t u &hawa when Wliith couid at so ý lu cst e mdeto serve the r.ments e! botb towns? WhItbyu been fouauded on its barber. The - iilû)way uorthwards through centr'o 9tTl4o Gounty bad en L and s for.rs te reach It i he-podcé rÏ ntri -County - mtuies.. Wbitby lingeuod fi es beUared-herseif te build the - way' nortii froin the harber, main- - 0> malntain ber statue as the. coun- pTh.e ouanty eould,1Aow more n ev« be In eew prpe ain- I J- 'I sud Everyman that of successful business and finsancial hou..es- the formation of a Reserve Fund. A reservo is net onlyr invaluable when' reverses or emergeficies prise, but it la a guaxafltee of strengtJi ad prouiotes selfconfidence. THE SfTANDL&?. BAN K WHITOY SCRANTON COAL DEPOT.. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Office in sou"h I E R SLW.Aget.WHIBY oiuse. Money to oa c,.p.a. oail and Ocean riCkBts. W. IH. KE1N I Barriter, Solicitor il I Covrt, Notary, Cor M . -TollOfsI<y Officeý--~Dud8s Street JNISCRAP MRON and POIJLTRYofoa PAPERI BOUTLES and RAGS BOUGOII. A l.C WhibyBrnd, - - C A MClil'f~ an g~ I Phone 23ChWnuuuy arrser, ________ ____________C.___ A,___ _______________-____________Office, mai Brookllfl Branclu, - - C. S.,-Thonupson. Manaer - --1 ____ ~ - I Start Now! 1Get Ready for a Busines Caree.r byMO . atteudiug omtario at TIE ESONSIBILITY - trets Trot Hon IS YOURS-t toHpi& SpecaXita ay eveop nd >l*V IOur former Graduates have ded.e bre lste 8& d ofaendrY>S attiede- eu ie eadmit studenta at DR b re & ,b u t e i a d a d frZUa flth is d e U 0 any i mo. W rite f r particu l r pend onthe efforts of the fYO r uR LbOl, incipaLPh MR Yeu DOING SHÂRE? w. j. W. are glad to assiat aMY ..n8ib1 Cor.e _______________ berequirea fi incing. g j DO'Y NIEGLEET 11ECANADIAN -ANKV0U15EESD Ifyo have the slîghtest trouble eStof - *th your eyos, don't rua any' i%" oeW FDâ oeoOoi sk by negiecting t aete - - S . Sez m anagerauexarnned by F. E Luk, *jO~tiIUGraue __________l11Yin ê*IL. (qptalft) TUT foctor 12; 1 t 0 ~PIONI BritialiEmire Exhiiion-- Carnadm i vistaiS t tii. B ritIah Eug !i m hbto « m1uq e111 , ar Iait.dto mabe ofnu efagli e 1 TeDob1 r.kMe * = U l t » t b e S ff T U EL E S'C EQ U a fe l i s *CM M a ýe Tb« U M:IuiuDig W 187 etleb»MU m a a db, carVL uN-EI CHM IM lupm ui'» Md3 ~Of -wWBan and Ciav'E~ îerqe day or St. RT.M, ysiclan ai Reuideuce )k an. Mai bysicias au ence and 1 & %ff «jý ý

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